bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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boba after class
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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vroom vroom
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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// phew, I think I didn’t forget anyone! I will play some WoW now, trying to get my char to lvl 110. Send me some memes if you guys want to!
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
@liindholm continued from here
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Hana sighed, trying to keep it cool. Yeah, she was upset that Brigitte just went total crazy with her, but...she couldn’t be mad for that long. It has been three days already since the swedish woman yelled at her in the middle of their mission in Dorado. Since that day, when the two of them arrived at Gilbatrar, Hana avoided Brigitte. But now... ❛ Look Brigitte...I don’t like being mad at someone for so long. It’s fine. But...can you tell me why you were so out of your mind? Like, something is bothering you? You said yourself, I’m your friend, friends can count on eachother for anything. ❜ Hana gently put her hand on Brigitte’s shoulder. She was worried, of course.
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
Hana was just spacing out, thinking about what in the world she was gonna do with her meka. She managed to, somehow, get the fusion cannons to get stucked. She almost got blown up the last time she tried to do something about it. She knew about mechanics, of course, but she was not the most expert person ever about this. When she realized that someone was speaking with her, she looked at the new girl, Brigitte. She was Torb daughter, right? Yes. She seemed a nice person.
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❛ Of course! Here you go. ❜ Hana gave the swedish woman the hex wrench. Wow, she was impressed, the girl knew a lot about mechanics. Reinhardt was right. Well, since she got the chance to talk to her... ❛ By the way, we never spoked, right? My name’s Hana! You’re Brigitte, right? Nice work you got there!  ❜ The little woman smiled at Brigitte.
♚ @bunnymekapilot liked
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“Hej, could you pass that hex wrench?” Brigitte had only been a part of Overwatch for a few weeks now, but she had spent most of her time in the armory. She was currently making tweaks to her shield, holding some pieces together with a hand and the arm connected to it. Of course, she forgot to grab the hex wrench from her tool chest, leaving her in a bind. Brig had mostly kept to herself. It was hard to really get to know anyone who she didn’t already know or know of. And of course she knew of D.Va. She was super popular and a skilled pilot. Which is why when she realized how she was talking, she tensed, up, stammering a bit. “Um…please?”
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
Brigitte blushed embarrassed at her confession that she thought she was cute and strong. “I like you and you like me” she smiled looking at Hana holding her lion “why don’t we stop messing around we have dangerous jobs, would you like to be my girlfriend?” She asked shyly praying she wouldn’t turn her down.
Hana went into shock. She never thought that Brigitte would ask her to be her girlfriend. Yeah, they had this chemistry for a long time. Actually, the first time Hana put her eyes on the swedish woman, she felt something inside her chest. But of course she never said anything to Brigitte, she was too shy for that and the fear to be rejected was pretty big. But now? Hana snaped out of her inicial shock and her smile just grew bigger and bigger. ❛ Y-Yes...YES! OF COURSE YES! ❜ The little woman jumped on Brigitte and without thinking twice, kissed her. Jeez, she was so happy she could yell to the world. That arcade area was to be her favorite spot for the rest of her life.
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
today was like any other day, the mexican woke up. got dressed. wearing a purple loose jacket, and a white shirt underneath.dark blue pants, and a pair of white and blue sneakers. today was going to be the usual, her classes were already finished, since she didn’t need to do any afternoon classes while making her way to the destination. her usual hangout where she’d either browse the net, or play video games. speaking of which, a certain girl was on her mind lately. she didn’t know her name perse, but her friends tended to call her D’Va when she served them when she was around the Korean has certainly been buzzing in her mind, wanting to get to know her, to talk to her. no use hiding it, she has a crush on the brunette. her cheeks turning a light shade of pink, while taking her sweet time with her walking, while she took a roundabout way to get to Drink ‘N’ Games it also didn’t help that her friends also kind of keep nudging her to ask her out. not like she didn’t want too, but it would be awkward. once the Hacker arrived at the front door however, she stopped in her tracks. shutting her eyes, while taking a deep breath “stop being nervous, Sombra. no reason to get your panties in a twist” she mumbled to herself, while composing her emotions. her laptop was around her arm, while she was getting ready to go inside. she opened the door, sounding off the bell. she was greeted by the girl that’s been stuck on her mind. however, she played it cool, giving the Gamer a playful smile while speaking in a friendly tone “Hey Chica. glad you decided to come to me, nothing makes me happy then a cute girl saying hi to mebeing the first thing that happens when coming here~” the mexican flirted lightly, while giving a small grin. hoping to get a reaction from you with her words, it would be so worth it to see you blush and flustered. while she stood at the door, though stepping to the side so she wasn’t blocking anyone
Hana stood there, not knowing what to do. She reallt heard it right? That Sombra girl really spoke to her in the first time ever and called her cute? When finally she realized what happened, her face turned pink, with the pop of the gum she’s was chewing. Hana laughed shyly, Sombra had a different accent and she thought it was pretty beautiful, actually. ❛ Oh...well, I’m happy that at least someone appreciate me being around. So...Sombra, right? Or you have another name? ❜ Hana had this big smile on her face, yes, she occasionally received some pick up lines, but...well, Sombra was a pretty girl and at least, the coffee was pretty empty, so why not give it a shoot? The gamer girl hoped that she not sounded like a stalker for knowing her nickname, but c’mon, she had this misterious air around her. Hana NEEDED to know who was she.
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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im in hell ❤️
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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Commission for @starsleeps
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
When the scene isn’t turning out like it’s supposed to but at least you’re writing
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
// Hey pretty people, I need to answer some threads and I’ll do it after my therapy. Last night I just died in my bed because I was SO tired, but I came back from the dead like a pretty butterfly o w o
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
Do everything in your power, hug them, compliment them, flirt with them. Anything goes!
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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game on >:)
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
Watching her hug the lion toy Brigitte blushed as she began too hug her tightly, she was so happy to please her. “You can definitely cook something for me, but be warned I eat a lot and don’t share food” she smiled already excited about a second date.
“What are you going to name him?” She asked looking at the lion he needed a name, definitely a cute name she wanted to say as cute as her but knew she’d embarrass herself.
Hana moved away a little, trying to think of a name. It had to be a cute name, but at the same time, a strong one. She looked at the lion in her arms, when finally a ideia got in her mind. ❛ How about...Mr. Pumpkin Lindholm? I think long names are cute. And he is cute, but at the same time really brave and strong. Like you! ❜ When the korean girl realized what she said, her face went pink again. Jeez, why she had to be like that? Of course she was telling the truth, but maybe Brigitte would think she was just strange to say that out loud. 
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
starter for @heiressofstories , college AU.
Yeah, one more day on the job. Hana worked on a cyber coffee, but only to pay the bills for the college. Design and Development of Digital Games, was the best choice for the korean woman. She was the best student, of course, she was good at everything she did, at least Hana thought so.The cyber coffee was near the college campus, so everyone could just pass by, eat something, play something on the laptops and leave. The clients were always well diversified, every kind of people showed there. And she was used to. Actually, Hana liked, she got to meet new people everyday. It was a calm day, tho. Few people showed up, it was pretty early tho. Not everyone had classes in this hour. Hana was just sitting behind the balcony, chewing a gum and messing with her phone. When she heard the bell on the door, she just looked in the corner of the eye.
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Oh...that girl. She didn’t know her, but from time to time she showed up, asked for something to drink and went straight to the laptops. Hana thought her hair looked pretty cool. Her friend once told her she was from the college too and her nickname was...Sombra. Never saw her in the corridors. Hana got up and smiled. ❛ Heeey! Welcome to the Drink ‘n’ Games, what can I get you today? ❜ Hana always was pretty nice with her costumers, otherwise her manager would kill her.
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bunnymekapilot-blog · 6 years
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