butcherdom · 2 months
Hear me out....Karl Urban as Chris Redfield in a live action RE film
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butcherdom · 2 months
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butcherdom · 2 months
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Thinking about how boyfriend!billy would definitely be super handsy, like he’d always have you tucked against his chest.
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butcherdom · 2 months
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butcherdom · 4 months
Something New (The Boys Drabble)
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Billy Butcher x Fem!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open
Summary: Slapping Billy doesn't go the way you think it would.
CW: slapping, rough sex, name calling
The Boys: (send an ask to be added to an ask list!)
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It wasn't necessarily an accident, but it wasn't on purpose either. Billy had been up in your face for the last twenty minutes telling you what a filthy whore you were for him with his dick buried balls-deep in your cunt. He was that mean kind of dominant that you lived for deep down— your best well-kept secret. 
But he was getting a little too mean, a little too cocky, and you'd slapped him. Not hard, mind you. Just a little wake-up call to snap him out of it. And the look he'd given you? Sent chills of pleasure down your spine. He stopped thrusting to look at you, a wide, massive predatory grin spreading over his features. 
"That's how you want to play, eh, love?" Punctuated with a brutal thrust right into your g-spot. "You slap like a girl. Do it again. Harder."
Your hitched breath had given way to a yelp at that hard thrust, and that cocky glint in his eye had you clenching around him tight. You slapped him again, a little harder this time. Billy shook his head and tutted comically with his tongue. 
“You call tha’ a slap, do y’ah? Pathetic.” 
You grunted with frustration, but the harsh slap to your clit that he gave you stopped that right in its tracks. You slapped him once more, hard. He groaned, eyelids fluttering with pleasure.
“That’s more fucking like it, love,” he growled, gripping you by the hips and slamming inside you over and over, not caring about the way your entire body began to shake with the pleasure of your oncoming orgasm. 
“Once more love, eh? One more and you can fucking cum like the pathetic little whore you are,” he grunted, panting and fucking himself into you so harshly you were worried about bruising on your lips. Not that you could really think about the ramifications of that behind the fuckdumb haze clouding your thoughts. 
Between your pants and mewls of pleasure, you managed to land one more hard slap to his cheek and Billy snapped, surging forward to bite down on the join between your neck and shoulder almost hard enough to draw blood. 
His hips jack-hammered against your cunt and between the relentless stimulation of your g-spot and the bite on your shoulder, you came. Roiling waves of pleasure made you scream out his name, your body jerking like a pornstar possessed. 
You couldn’t control the way you moaned and jerked against him, and when he finally pulled his teeth off your shoulder, his eyes were practically black with desire. 
“My little fuckslut, eh? Yeah, tha’s right. You know what you are,” he grunted, pressing a hand down on your chest as he got closer to his own orgasm. “Been fucked absolutely fucking dumb, haven’t you?” 
You nodded mindlessly, overstimulation starting to set in. 
And then he finally came, his chest rumbling as he fucked his cum into you. His head rolled back with pleasure as he finally let go, and the way his fingers squeezed against your chest had you grunting too. 
Fuck, you think you’ve discovered something new about yourself today. 
And possibly something new about Billy, too.
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butcherdom · 4 months
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butcherdom · 4 months
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my GF!!!!
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butcherdom · 5 months
I’m OBSESSED with whoever made this ELEVEN HOUR LONG Billy Butcher playlist because they’re literally right on every single song. If this was you please let me say thank you oh my GOD
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Also worth noting the playlists for Queen Maeve(15hrs), Hughie Campbell(16hrs), and Starlight(12hrs) ALL SLAP AS WELL. No notes.
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butcherdom · 5 months
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Can we just stop dancing around this? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left.
The Boys S03E01: Payback
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butcherdom · 6 months
Luck (part 1)
Éomer x Female! Reader
Summary: Reader is a maid at Edoras who has a crush on Éomer, What happens when she accidentaly pours wine on him?
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Everyone was celebrating the victory in the Great Hall of Edoras. She was hearing the sounds of laughter and dancing, faintly from the outside. Her duty for tonight was waiting here, Serving wine or water if anyone ever comes for getting fresh air.
Maybe it was weird that she volunteered for this, no one seemed to come here anyway. Waiting alone in the balcony. While everyone else is having fun.
But she always liked this kind of duties.
Like grooming horses, picking herbs, cleaning after everyone left. The ones where she didnt need the communicate with the other.
She liked silence,
Sure music was beautiful, and people laughing, dancing, celebrating. It was all beautiful.
But this,
this is something else, Watching the white mountains, the way moonlight reflects on them. It is prettiest shade she ever seen, The dark blue, that she never gets tired of.
And the gentle night breeze on her hair.
Its almost magical to her.
As moon gets lower on the sky "It must be close to end of celebration" y/n thinks. She can tell it from the way sounds from inside quietens slowly.
She smiles to herself thinking this was a beautiful night,
she feels calm. Her mind feels calm.
But like everything beautiful in life her peace is short lived because suddenly footsteps alerts her, someone is coming towards here unfortunately, i hope they leave quickly she thinks as stands up, taking the wine jug on her hand.
To her luck (unluck) owner of the footsteps is may be the last person she wants here. A very tall person with broad body, and long blonde hair that she knows very well. She stared it many times when no one was looking.
Éomer, the kings son.
The powerful Éomer,
The one everyone adores.
The fearless, and strong
And kind.
Her heart beat starts to quicken. Just like whenever she sees him, (from 20 meters apart at most close and more than 20 people around) sneaking galances from window while cleaning. Or when he passes by corridor she is standing.
She takes a deep breath, as he goes to opposite side, his back towards her, he is not drunk she can say, she never seen him drunk anyway, he is always standing on his legs strongly. Like a great warrior he is.
I never seen him this close, he is beautiful.
he will get inside back soon, Calm down. He wont even notice you.
Minutes passes with her battling with herself and her poor attemps to calm herself and he is still looking at mountains motionlessly as if he was a statue.
After few more agonizing moments he finally starts to move, Drinking his wine at one go.
Thanks Eru, he is leaving.
But to her horror instead of leaving he extends his hand that holding the goblet, which is a sign for more wine.
Her mind races.
But, I never served him before! Eru please please help me.
After a few seconds She burts towards him as he starts to turn his head questioningly towards her way, hand still extended.
Dont be a coward this is the simplest duty.
As she starts pouring the wine she relizes her hands are shaking.
Very badly.
Its okay he is not looking, he is looking at mountains.
How long pouring wine can take It? 5 seconds at most maybe, but this time it feels like years to her, years spend with war and agony,
it almost over, You got this. You can do this.
But her body has different plans from her brain. Her hands stafts shaking more as the wine level gets higher on the goblet.
and before she knows it the goblet is full and its overflowing
To his hand.
Oh Eru, please no, this might be a nightmare
She doesnt know how much time passed her eyes are closed and she cabr dare look at him.
But when she notices unbereable feeling of his eyes on her.
She has no choice but open them.
Yes, He is looking down at her with unreadable expression,
"F-forgive me s-sire." She says immadietly bowing her head.
But she can see wine is dripping from his hand to floor.
Not knowing what to do, her panicked mind decides it for her, She pulls out her handkerchief , and takes his wine soaked hand in her hand wiping the vine quickly. and gently as possible,
You are touching a royal you fool! This crime is punishible by Death.
she pulls her hand quickly as if she burned by a fire. Éomer's hand falling to his side absurdly and her handkerchief falling to floor.
Eomer opens his mouth but she beats him to it.
"S-sire please dont k-kill me, im too young to d-die" she half yells and runs to inside.
Notes: i love how y/n has almost every mental disease.
Also This is Éomer looking down at her
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butcherdom · 6 months
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You. Fuck off. | The Boys S02E02
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butcherdom · 6 months
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butcherdom · 6 months
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butcherdom · 6 months
Hi, may I request something with Butcher? Prompts #5 and #15. Maybe the electricity goes out in the place where the boys are crushing for the night, and it's cold and windy so they're all freezing. Reader had to share a room with butcher, and when he sees her shivering he offers her his coat. It's still freezing though so they end up having to cuddle for warmth which makes reader anxious since they have a massive crush on butcher. Maybe butcher thinks he's making them uncomfortable, which leads to an unexpected confession and then to them falling asleep entangled in each other's arms :)
thank you in advance and feel free to change anything you want on my request 🙏💕
Pairing: Billy Butcher x F!Reader.
Summary: You've had a crush on Butcher for a long time and one powerless and cold night pushed you two closer together and made confessions come out.
Warning: Swearing. That's it, I think?
Prompt: Fluff - 5. "I can hear your heart beating, relax."
15. "Your jacket smells like you." - "Is that a good a good thing?" - "It’s… It’s comforting."
Thank you for this request!! I enjoyed writing it so much!! I hope I did your request justice and you like it!!
It had been weeks since you, along with the boys, had to go into hiding. All your covers had been blown and you were all burned. Grace Mallory had been kind enough to help you with a hideout. The place was shitty and falling apart and the neighborhood was sketchy.
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It was only three bedrooms between the six of you and everyone had to room up together. Frenchy had insisted that Kimiko and him share, and before you could intervene, Hughie had already claimed MM as his roommate.
Hughie was one of the only people who knew about the crush you have on Butcher. The second he joined the boys, you and Hughie grew close and one night after sharing a bottle of wine, you confessed to Hughie that you liked Butcher. And since that very fucking day, Hughie has done everything in his power to push you and Butcher closer together.
Butcher didn’t mind sharing a room with you, but for you, it was a living hell. You were extremely aware and self-conscious of everything you did around Butcher. You two had a close relationship and that only made it harder for you. Because you couldn’t pull away from him without him getting suspicious but pretending to only want to be close friends with him was torture.
One night you were in the living room, sitting on a crappy couch with Butcher and Frenchy. While they watched a movie, your attention was running around the dimly lit room. You always tried to keep noise and lights to a minimum in the house, so as to not draw any attention. Right now, the room was only illuminated by the small TV screen.
Suddenly the TV went off and the place felt ten times darker and colder in the absence of power. MM came out of the room he shared with Hughie, who was already sleeping. “Is the power out?” He asked as he glanced around.
Butcher stared at the turned off tv for a second before tilting his head to look over at MM.“No, can’t ya see the TV is on? Look, they’re showing those fuckin’ rich sisters with the ginormous asses.” He snarkily replied as he pointed towards the TV and Frenchy let out a chuckle.
MM rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You gotta be a dick all the time?” He questioned as he raised his eyebrows at Butcher.
Butcher offered him a lopsided smirk as he spread out his arms by his sides. “It’s my trademark.” He replied and MM rolled his eyes again as he shook his head.
You got up from the couch, patting your feet through the dark. You made your way over towards one of the windows that had been plastered over one of the many busted windows in the place. You shivered at the cold breeze blowing over your face as you peeled a piece of the newspaper back and glanced outside at the pitch-black streets. “Look’s like the whole street is out.” You informed them as you pulled away from the window and Frenchy turned on the flashlight of his phone, lighting the room up a little.  “Fuck, it’s freezing in here.” You muttered as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Maybe we can start a fire, no?” Frenchy asked as he looked between you, Butcher, and MM with raised eyebrows.
MM slowly turned around to face Frenchy, raising his eyebrows. “On the fucking floor?” He asked as he pointed his hands down at the floor before shrugging his shoulders. “Where the fuck are you going to make a fire, Frenchy?” He asked, seeing as the shitty place didn’t have a fireplace.
“It was just a suggestion,” Frenchy muttered softly as his lips slightly pouted out and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah well, it was a dumb fucking suggestion.” MM huffed as he shook his head at Frenchy, a frown tugging at his lips that nearly made him look disappointed and it made you smile.
“I’m going to bed.” You muttered with a soft sigh as you stretched your back and the three men said their goodnights as you sauntered off to your room. Two mattresses lay on the floor, both on opposite sides of the room. You sighed as you glanced at your mattress with only one blanket lying across it.
You pulled on a sweater to warm yourself up a little in the cold. The only window in the room was busted as well and it allowed for a cold breeze. You kicked off your shoes, keeping your socks and even your jeans on. You all had grown used to keeping your day clothes on for when you had to leave through the night in a hurry.
You climbed underneath your blanket and pulled your knees up to your chest as you lay on your side. Your body trembled every time you shivered and your teeth began to clatter. Your muscles quickly grew sore as your shivers grew more frequent.
The door to the room opened and Butcher looked down at you, eyebrows deeply furrowing. “Jesus, I can hear ya fucking teeth clatter all the way down the hall.” He grunted with a huff as he made his way through the room, kicking a bag of clothes out of his way.
You scoffed as you sat up on your mattress, lips pouting as you rested your chin on your knees, wrapping your arms around your legs. “As if this place wasn’t cold  enough to begin with.” You muttered softly. “Why don’t we have more blankets?” You asked with a sigh.
Butcher turned to you, quirking an eyebrow. “Sorry luv, wasn’t on the fuckin ‘running from every law in this country’, bucket list.” He replied as he shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms out by his sides.
You stared up at him, pursing your lips. “You know, MM is right.” You muttered softly, but there was a lighthearted tone to your voice.
Butcher hummed as his head cocked to the side. “About?” He questioned as he raised his eyebrows.
“You being a dick.” You replied softly as a teasing smile tugged at your lips. A shiver ran down your back and you wrapped your arms tighter around your legs.
Butcher scoffed in amusement at your words and he nodded in agreement. "Thank you, luv.” He muttered with a grin. He stared at you as you shivered again and he pursed his lips and pulled off his long black trench coat. “Here, take my coat.” He insisted.
Your eyes slightly widened in the dark room and your lips parted. Your heart began to beat with loud thuds in your chest. “No, I can’t do that.” You replied softly as you shook your head. You couldn’t have Butcher be cold just for you. Even though you were sure the temp V warmed him right up.
“Take it.” He insisted as he dropped the coat down on your mattress. “Can’t listen to your teeth chattering the whole bloody night.” He muttered as he climbed down on his mattress, pulling a blanket over his legs and resting with his back against the wall.
“Thank you.” You spoke up softly as you sat up on your knees and grabbed his coat. You shrugged it on and tensed up when you smelled his lingering scent on the fabric. You softly cleared your throat as you sat back.
Butcher watched you, his eyebrows furrowing. “What is it?” He questioned as his head tilted to the side.
You pursed your lips as you shrugged your shoulders. “Your coat smells like you." You muttered softly as you wrapped your arms around your waist, leaning into the warmth of his coat.
Butcher was silent for a few seconds as he stared at you, admiring the way you looked completely engulfed in his coat that was a little just too big for you. "Is that a good thing?" He asked after a while as he raised his eyebrows.
Now it was your turn to be silent for a few seconds. You stared into the darkness in front of you as you pursed your lips again. Butcher hummed questionally and that snapped your attention back to him. You turned your head to face him. “It’s… It’s comforting." You whispered and your whole body grew so warm that you almost stopped shivering.
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice oddly soft as his eyes remained on you. “And why is that?” He asked curiously as he shifted on his mattress so that most of his focus could be on you.
Again you remained silent for a second before shrugging your shoulders again. “I don’t know…it just is.” You muttered softly as you shifted to lie down, pulling your blanket tightly over yourself as you curled up. You began shivering again and your teeth clattered.
Butcher watched you for a while, sighing when all that filled the silence, was your teeth clattering together. “Bloody hell, I can still hear your teeth, Y/n.” He muttered.
“I can’t help it.” You replied with a sigh as you curled up even more, trying to stop your teeth from clattering but failing completely. “It’s a normal bodily function.” You huffed at him.
Butcher stared at you for a while again before he flipped back his blanket. “Come over here.” He softly called out to you as his lips pulled into a thin line.
Your heart nearly skipped a beat right there. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at  Butcher through the darkness surrounding you. “What?” You asked in confusion.
“Bring ya blanket and come here.” He insisted as he patted the spot directly next to him on his mattress.
This time, you could have sworn your heart did skip a beat. Your lips parted as you stared at Butcher, your stomach knotting. “You…you mean-” You muttered softly, letting your sentence drift into nothingness.
“Yes,” Butcher replied as he patted the spot again. “Body heat will warm ya up faster than that flimsy fuckin’ blanket.” He said as he nodded his head at the blanket that covered you.
“O-okay.” You muttered, hesitantly getting up from your mattress and patting your way toward Butcher’s. your heartbeat picked up with every step you took. You hesitantly lay down next to Butcher as he shifted, pulling his blanket over your body before wrapping an arm around you.
You ever so slightly tensed as you were pulled against his chest, your head naturally coming to rest on his shoulder. Butcher was warm, extremely warm. The lasting effects of the last of the temp V in his system. You were one of the few that was aware he had been shooting the shit up into his veins. What you didn’t know was, that your crying when you found out about it, was what made Butcher stop taking it. He swore to find another way to kill Homelander. He couldn’t be the cause of your heartache or tears.
Another lasting effect that still lingered was his enhanced senses. He could so clearly smell the mixture of both your scent and his scent combined on you. He could also hear how loud and fast your heart beated. The thudding nearly hurt his ears.
“Bloody hell, I can hear your heart beating, relax, will ya?” He spoke up in a grumbling voice as he gave your arm a gentle but firm squeeze. It was an attempt to calm you but his touch only made your heart beat so much faster.
“I can’t help it.” You whispered as you squeezed your eyes shut, feeling embarrassed of the fact that he could so vividly hear your heart. You were surprised he didn’t notice the way your heartbeat always picked up when he was around.
“Yeah?” He hummed softly as he raised his eyebrows.  “Is sounding like ya heart’s about to fuckin’ give out, a normal bodily function as well?” He questioned sarcastically, with a hint of teasing in his gruff voice.
“In this situation, yeah.” You muttered underneath your breath but the temporary supe next to you heard every single word.
“This situation?” He questioned as his eyebrows furrowed and you sighed softly at the knowladge that he had heard your words.
“Can we just sleep, please?” You pleaded softly with him as your eyes remained closed and you almost let out a breath of relief when the room went silent. Butcher didn’t say a word for a few seconds and you started to wonder if he had fallen asleep.
But he didn’t, and he spoke up once again. “You know…we’ll warm up faster naked.” He commented as a smirk tugged at his lips. He always enjoyed making comments like that. Especially when he was on temp V because then he could hear the way your heartbeat picked up and he could feel the heat of embarrassment and shyness radiate off you.
Your eyes widened and you tensed for a second. “What?” You questioned softly as your heartbeat thudded so loud, it pounded in your eardrum.
“Skin on skin, they say it warms ya right up.” He explained, and while you couldn’t look up at him in the darkness, you could nearly hear the smirk in his voice.
“Yeah, when you’re wet.” You muttered softly as you sighed, slowly shaking your head.
“Well, I bet ya are.” He commented playfully as he chuckled softly.
Your eyes shot open and you gasped. “Butcher.” You scolded him as you slapped his chest and he could hear your heartbeat picking up once again.
He cleared his throat, shifting in his spot. “Sorry luv, didn’t mean to make ya uncomfortable.” he apologized softly as he gave your arm another squeeze. “Just kiddin’ with ya.” He assured. Usually, you weren’t this affected by his filthy mouth. Other times you would have laughed.
“You can’t say things like that when you’re this close.” You muttered softly as your lips slightly pouted out and your eyebrows furrowed.
Butcher was silent for a second, his eyebrows knitting together. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked softly as he looked down at you.
Your eyes slightly widened and you gulped down the lump forming in the back of your throat. “Nothing.” You whispered as you shook your head.
Butcher shifted, sitting up and forcing you to sit up as well. “No luv, you can’t say things like that with ya heart fuckin beatin’ like this.” He said as he reached out to place a hand against your chest, feeling the thuds of your heart beneath his palm. His eyebrows furrowed as your heartbeat picked up at his touch. He moved his hand from your chest and cupped your cheek. “Tell me what’s goin’ on in that head of yours.” He insisted.
You stared at him through the darkness, taking a deep breath before you spoke up. It was no or fucking never. “It’s you…it’s you that makes my heart beat like this.” You admitted softly and his head tilted to the side.  “It’s like I can’t fucking think straight with you around and I get this warm feeling in my chest, and my heart beats like crazy, and it feels like…I don’t know how to explain it.” You sighed as you lowered your head.
Butcher stared at you as a look of realization crossed his face. He lifted your head so that you could face him. “Ya don’t have to luv.” He replied softly as he shook his head. “I know the feelin’.” He admitted as his thumb brushed over your skin.
Your eyes widened and your lips parted. “You do?” You asked softly as your eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Yes.” He admitted with a nod of his head before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and then he moved down to kiss the tip of your nose and then down to press a feather-light kiss to your lips. You inhaled softly at the touch of his lips against yours. He smiled when your heartbeat picked up for a second again. “Get some sleep.” He insisted.
He shifted to lie down again and pulled you with him. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you snuggly against his chest. His warmth engulfed you completely. Your head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck and his head rested against yours. That’s how you fell asleep that night and every other night that followed. Sometimes with fewer clothes or no clothes, but always in each other’s arms.
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butcherdom · 8 months
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butcherdom · 8 months
Helios - Chapter 2
Billy Butcher x reader
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Summary: A fatherless girl finally meets with him after her mother's death. Little does she know that from this point on, her life will fall apart. She'd meet a lot of new, interesting and disgusting people and experience a lot of traumatizing events. Will she be able to choose the right side and take control of her own fate?
Tags/Warnings: 18+, Fem!reader, violence, fluff, mention of rape/sex, big age gap, explicit language
A/N: I decided that I don't want to end this series so quickly cause I still have some ideas. So there'll be more! And that's also why this chapter is a little short, I hope you don't mind :))
Wordcount: 3759 (around)
Previous Chapter
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Chapter 2 - High Noon
After the events of past few months and a couple failed attempts to put your life back together, you finally managed to find a job - which included a small but nice apartment. The only downside was a fact that you were going to work at a fucking supe club. As much as you wanted to get away from all the superhero shit it seemed like it would hunt you forever. You didn’t know what was worse – working at that bar or death, both equally horrible if you had to be honest. In those few months you’ve changed beyong recignition. From a blonde angel to a bratty, dark haired demon. You had enough of your light, long hair and decided to dye them dark and cut them short. You found your wolf cut more fitting, but the hair wasn’t the only thing that changed – it was also your wardrobe and demeanor. Instead of clean girl garments, now the only things you wore were oversized – sometimes men’s - grungy clothes and the politeness faded into bitchiness. It could be seen that you had enough of life even though you were only 21.
As you quickly found out, the supes weren’t the worst thing at the club. It was actually them being able to fuck there. The moans and groans drove you crazy until you got used to them. Mainly because they were annoying but also because your sexlife was a disaster. Every since you slept with your prom date – which was your first and last time – you didn’t manage to pick any guy nor girl up. You had no idea what was wrong but soon were about to find out. You worked behind the bar - making drinks and bringing them to the customers – and of course you had to clean the whole place after closing, in order to live in the flat above. You could never think that supes were that piggish. Used condoms, their fluids along with spilled alcohol and empty glassware layed everywhere after every your shift. The club was also where you met him – William fucking Butcher, another nightmare of a person in your life. Even though a part of you hated him, the other craved for him. He was handsome and charming. The way his brown orbs lingered on your face and body every time you met... The way he smiled at you... The way he called you Doll, Buttercup, Moonie... All those things caused weakness to your knees.
It was a chilly summer night when you first met. He visited your club, your eyes falling to him the moment he entered. Tall, broad shoulders, dark eyes full of anger and lust and... He was older, way older, and you liked it. You never realized you had daddy issues, although looking at your past it was quite obvious. You guessed that that was a problem of your inabillity of finding a date. All the people you tried to flirt with were either your age or a bit younger. You observed the man as he talked with your coworkers and supes until he came up to you.
„Whiskey "
Butcher said before you could open your mouth. After quickly pouring a glass of dark liquid, the drink made it's way to your customer. The man took a sip, the only thing you heard was ice tapping the glass as you prepared drinks and tried to ignore his aroma. He smelled like alcohol and cigarettes but you also caught a glimpse of wood, cinnamon and vanilla.
„Like the smell Buttercup? "
He asked soon when he noticed you give in and inhale his scent, pretendig to have a runny nose and sniffing. Looking up you saw a devilish smirk painted on his face and felt your cheeks burn. In spite of your embarrassment you decided to try flirting with him. Maybe something good would come out of this.
„Not only the smell but also the face. Hope I'd be able to like something else too later”
You winked and left the bar with a tray full of drinks, your hand brushed against his cheek as you did so. Butcher watched you walk away, swaying your hips teasingly. You knew how to seduce a man, it wasn't your first time after all and you also learned some tricks from Queen Maeve back in Vought. Speaking of Vought. They didn't send anybody after you, at least you thought so. Maybe it was you being great at covering up your tracks or they were just too stupid to find you, despite having one of the best equipments and people in America. You didn't mind that of course. It was good for you. Bending down to your customer you felt Billy's eye linger on your bottom.
„Liked the view? "
Your voiced sounded as you found your way back behind the bar. It was your turn to take control of the flirting and you led it the best way possible. You conversed your whole shift before leaving to your apartment. Lips on lips, body to body, as you strolled to your bedroom. One of his hands was tangled in your hair while the other roamed your curves. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close as it was possible. Soon you run your palms down his chest, unbuttoning his shirt slolwy, button after button. Unhurriedly you dropped to your knees, lustful eyes looking up at him and small hands palming his member through his jeans. You could feel he was big and your mouth started to water at the single thought. But something snapped in the man. As if he got out of trance. You were just to unbuckle his belt when his hands met yours. You looked up at him askingly, brow raised in confusion as Butcher sighed and picked you up gently.
„...We shouldn’t... "
Those were the last words you heard that night before he left you in your cold apartment. Were you not enough? Or too much? Maybe he was just playing with you earlier? Maybe he didn’t expect you to actually want this? Maybe it was just a sick bet with a friend to pick you up and leave not even in the middle of the act? You didn’t know and you tried not to care but the weird feeling in your stomach didn’t let you sleep. You couldn’t remeber the last time you were so lonely as that night.
The next night Butcher came back. He couldn’t sleep either, feeling bad for abandoning you. It wasn’t like he didn’t want it. It was just that he didn’t feel worth of you. He was older after all. His glory days were far behind and he was worried he wouldn’t be able to please you properly. Also the fact that he still wasn’t over Becca made him step back. As for you, you were so young and you deserved someone with just as much vigor as yourself even for a one night stand.
He broke into your apartment, holding a small box and scaring the shit out of you when you came from work. You almost cut him in half with your lasers, but managed to stop yourself. He couldn’t find out you were a supe.
„What the fuck?“
You hissed and slowly walked up to Billy. You were so mad at him, fists clenched so hard making your knuckles go white. An apology look was painted on the man’s face as he stretched his hand with the box out to you and pointed his free one at the calendar hanging in the kitchen. At first you looked pretty confused but after looking at the calendar pleasant warmth spread through your body. Your eyes averted from it to the box as you opened it and revealed a small birthday cake.
„Thought I could repay ya' for yesterday. That was a shitty move’’
‘’That sure was... And don’t think I’ll forgive you just because you bought me a cake’’
The frown on your face hid the happiness that bubbled inside you. You were glad that someone ‘remembered’, even though that someone was an unsuccessful hook up. Although you tried to hate the man, the small gesture made you feel butterflies in your stomach just as the night before.
‘’But... I guess we could share a piece and a drink?’’
You asked with a sigh then looked up at Butcher with a soft smile. The man reciprocated it and nooded.
‘’With pleasure’’
Despite not finishing pervious day’s activity, the night was still satisfying leaving you cheerful for another day. You’ve spent the night in each other’s embraces talking, drinking and eating the cake. You told him about your fucked childhood and ‘amazing’ father, making the stories seem as if you were normal humans. And after too much alcohol he unintentionally told you about his wife and hatred to you father. You couldn’t blame him though. New knowledge about your father, the fact the he was able to rape a woman made you hate him even more yourself. You figured it was a tough topic for him and decided to not bring it up the next time you meet. Billy was the first person that you opened up to since running away from Vought, the first person that seemed to care about you even though you were strangers. In the morning he was gone. Well, almost. The only things that he left behind were his delicious smell, mouth watering breakfast and... His hawaiian shirt. You had no idea why he left it, but he must have done that intentionally as it was neatly put together on your couch. Maybe he left it so you would be sure he would come back? Or maybe he wanted you to have a little reminder of him? You didn’t know but still kept it, just as neatly as it was before in your closet.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
One time Butcher called you in the middle of the night, he seemed angry making you jump out of bed immediately and dress up. He needed your help in something he didn’t mention through the phone. You reluctantly agreed and met him at the agreed place. What you saw inside made your heart stop for a brief moment. A big, black garbage bag laid in the middle of a room, instruments of torture were scattered around like toys and blood was splattered everywhere.
A knot formed in your throat at the terrifying sight. It looked like a scene from a horror movie but in real life, staring Butcher and you.
‘’What have you done...’’
You’ve managed to say, your body trembling like a jelly as your eyes observed the horror.
‘’Just a fucking supe, Buttercup. Ain’t nothin to worry bout’’
Butcher grinned down at you and patted your back. In that moment you’ve realized how dangerous the man was, why you met him at the pub and what he could do to you if he found out you were a supe too. But you still had no idea why he asked you for help.
It was because he thought you were like him. A vigilante working undercover in a supe bar to get rid of one of them. But you weren’t.
‘’We need to get rid of this stinky asshole’’
You were too shocked to object when he called your name and obediently did what he ordered you to. You helped him pick the body up and take it to his car. Good thing it was parked in a dark alley where no one could see you. You shoved it into the trunk, hopped inside the car and drove away to the forest. While the body burned you watched the flames – your brain still not able to wrap around what was just happening – and Billy warmed his hands above it. He looked like a psycho in the fire light. A fucking hot psycho. Soon he got too warm and handed you one of the spades to start digging a hole. You did it quite swiftly which surprised you. You always thought digging graves took hours. Butcher helped you out of the hole and chuckled at your dirty attire.
‘’Hope princess won’t get mad I ruined her clothes’’
You just rolled your eyes annoyed then you burried the ashes. After that Butcher drove you to your apartment. There was complete silence between you, only the faint noises of the radio could be heard as you drove through the town.
‘’M’sorry Moonie... Promise I’ll never ask ya bout such shit again...’’
Billy soon broke the silence, he just couldn’t stand it anymore. His hand made it’s way to your thigh and was about to rub it when you suddenly snapped.
You screamed into his face and pushed his hand away. You still couldn’t believe you helped him with such a thing. Your body was trembling the whole ride as your brain repeated the scenes from few minutes ago on and on. Butcher parked the car in front of your building and didn’t manage to say anything when you jumped out of it.
‘’You’re just like them!’’
Your scream echoed through the street and you could bet everyone heard it. The man tried to grip your wrist and pull back inside but you were faster. You slammed the door almost breaking it and crushing his hand then run to your flat, tears falling down your cheeks. Butcher wanted to follow you so badly, to explain everything, to comfort you. But he decided otherwise, instead giving you time to think about whether you still want to know him or not. He didn’t expect you to though. Not after that.
To his surprise the next time you saw each other it was you who came up to him. You placed the drink he ordered in front of him and sat down beside.
‘’Care to explain?’’
Your eyebrow was raised as you awaited his response. Of course he had to drag it out... Billy slowly picked the glass up and raised it to his lips. He took small sips, taking his time, and when the glass was finally empty he just then deigned to answer. It was all you expected. The person he killed wasn’t first nor the last, he was just a mere puzzle in the jigsaw.
‘’It wasn’t much Moonie. Just needed information. If I’d let him go, he’d later tell someone and then it would’ve been me burried 8 feet under ground. I assume you wouldn’t like that’’
The last sentence was rather a question than a statement and you had to admit that you would in fact not like that. You grew quite attached to Butcher in those few days of your familiarity, but it was just the beginning. You forgave him with great remorse and he pinky sweared he wouldn’t get you in his shit again.
He lied.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
After two years of your acquaintance you started to wonder why do you even help him? He caused an immense damage to your mental health – not that it wasn’t fucked before – yet you still did it. Maybe because working with him was your way to get back at your father, even though he didn’t know about Bucther’s existance yet. Or maybe because you cared about him. You cared about that beast of a man. When you were with him you were sure nothing would happen, and if it did you would have averted the crisis with your powers. Just like that night when Butcher got almost killed due to his stupidity. And who had to save him? You.
You shielded Billy’s hurt body with yours from the fire beams a supe threw at you. You predicted his next move and before he threw another beam you lasered his legs knocking him down. You didn’t hurt him much though, it was Billy’s job after all. After checking if the supe fainted you turned to face a dissapointed and sad face of Butcher. It was the first time you saw him so dejected and it made your heart break.
‘’You’re one of ‘em...’’
‘’Billy I-… I-I'm sorry I didn’t tell you, I was-… I was scared you would hurt me too...’’
Butcher stiffened under your touch when you brushed your hand against his. He fought the urge to cage you in a warm hug and say that it’s alright. But he couldn’t do that, no... He didn't hang out with superheroes, let alone work with them. But you were different... He dramatically pulled away from you and kicked the pillar next to him furiously.
‘’FUCK! I could’ve fucking predicted it! And tell me ya work for Vought! Cause ya sure do! Why would ya help me otherwise-”
‘’Because I fucking care about you! Not like you! Just use me for some dirty work regardless of how I feel! You’ve promised me thousand times you won’t ask me for help anymore, yet you still do! Every time you can’t deal with something by yourself you come running to me with your tail between your legs! If you think you're greater than every supe on earth then why do you even need my help?!’’
Butcher didn’t say anything, just looked at you like a hurt dog would and even though your heart ached you knew it was time to leave. You shook your head disappointedly with a heavy sigh and left the building, abandoning Billy for good. You tried not to cry, but the minute you were sure he didn’t see you anymore, the tears started to fall down your cheeks themselves.
Just then did Butcher understood the feelings for you he has kept hidden deep inside himself. It was adoration, derise and infatuation he felt every since he met you. He felt so helpless in that moment but knew you would never forgive him. That night he lost another woman he loved... The man didn’t appear in your pub the next day as he usually would, making you feel weird and uneasy at first, but you quickly forgot about him and went on with your life.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You didn’t miss Butcher. Not at all. Through the year you’ve got so many hook ups and potential boyfriends that you lost memory of him in the proces. Although neither of the men made you feel the same way you felt with Billy, you didn’t complain. But all of them were just like him. Older, well built with dark hair and beards. And his shirt? You still got it but now it was squished in the back of your closet, long forgotten and unwanted. Well... Maybe not completely unwanted. Your life was weirdly calm every since you left and you fell into a routine. Get up, go to work, come back home. On and on with occassional parties or grocery shopping. You even managed to befriend one of your coworkers, Brittany, who took you to said parties. The new life you lived wasn’t perfect but it was enough and it made you finally happy.
That was untill you saw that motherfucker again. He walked into the club as if nothing with some random, scared guy. You figured he was his next poor sidekick. You locked eyes with Butcher as the two passed you. He seemed unfased by your furious glare. Soon you lost them in the crowd but not for too long, as after about 20 minutes they came walking your way.
‘’Whiskey. And an apple juice for the kid’’
You didn’t respond just gave the younger guy a sad look. You poured them their drinks then handed them over, all without a word.
‘’Come on Moonie. You gonna be pissed at me foreva’?’’
You completely ignored Butcher and turned to face his new friend, blood boiling in your vains and the nickname.
‘’Listen buddy. I advise you to run as far away from him as possible while you still can, or he’ll ruin your life or get you killed’’
‘’Oh come on! I’m not that bad!”
‘’Myabe if you didn’t turn your back on me I wouldn’t think so!”
“Now that’s the Y/N that I know! All hot an rowdy’’
Butcher smirked at you after you snapped. You wanted to tear that smile from his face, shove it up his ass then kill him. And if wasn’t for the fact that you were at work, full of piggish supes, and that some feelings kept you at bay you would have done that right there and then. It was also because of Hughie, he seemed too pure for looking at that masacre. You wondered what such fragile guy even did with Butcher? Did he blackmail him or something?
‘’What do you even want, huh? You show up in here as if nothing and expect me to be all over you like some slut. Need me to do your dirty work again? Or did you remembered about that night and wanted to try again huh? Never. Now finish those up and leave just like you left last time’’
You hissed and went back to work, leaving Butcher surpirsed by your bluntness and Hughie impressed with your straightforwardness and ability to tell Butcher to fuck off. Even though the boy didn’t know Billy for long, he felt like he was a person that no one would say ‘no’ to. But there you were, proud of yourself for not falling for him again and telling him to fuck off.
But your happiness didn’t last long as few days later you found Hughie all beat up with a few cuts on your porch. He was too cute to refuse to help him and soon the two of you found yourselves sitted by the kitchen counter, sipping hot cocoa while you took care of his wounds.
‘’Told you it’s gonna happen...’’
You sighed after finishing and sat in front of him.
‘’About that...’’
Hughie’s words made you comprehend why he even came to you. Up to that moment you didn’t even realize you never told him where you lived, you haven’t even talk to each other! Butcher must have sent him to persuade you. That sick motherfucker knew too well how to handle you.
‘’What is it?...’’
You asked giving in. You decided that if you had to help them, you’d do it just for that poor dumplin Hughie, who’s girlfirend got run into and killed by fucking A-Train. And that’s how it started, another adwenture with Butcher. God... Why did you always had to get yourself in some shit...
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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butcherdom · 10 months
Fixing Bad Dreams
summary: without even realizing, you’ve been using your powers to turn butcher’s bad dreams into good ones.
pairing: billy butcher x female supe!reader
rating: r for language
word count: 1.4k
warnings: language, talk of sex
timeline: set after season 3
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When Butcher had realized you were a Supe, obviously his first thought was that he had to kill you. But he soon realized you weren’t like the others. Not in a “oh she’s still a good person” way, but in a “wow she’s fucking weak, she’s basically still human” way. It was true. Essentially all you could do was send telepathic messages to people. That was it. (You also had a slight healing factor, but even that wasn’t very strong.) You couldn’t read minds, you couldn’t move things with your mind, you were barely a Supe.
Or, maybe he was just trying to justify sleeping with you. Whether he’d admit it or not, he really liked sleeping with you. Not just the sex, he liked physically sleeping next to you. With you. He’d sleep best when it was next to you. He wouldn’t wake up in a cold sweat, he wouldn’t have nightmares about watching his wife die bloody.
Most of the time, you woke up before him. You’d find his shirt from the night before and put it on, along with your panties if you could find them. Although, Butcher tended to rip your more delicate ones.
As you tiptoed around the room looking for where he had thrown your underwear you heard him mumble something in his sleep. You hurried next to him, his brows furrowed as he clenched the sheets in tight fists.
You held his cheek, bent down, and kissed his forehead. That always calmed him right down, you didn’t know why. And it did just that; he unclenched his fists, unfurrowed his brows, and let out a soft breath of air.
You smiled at the thought. The great William Butcher like forehead kisses in his sleep. That’s what calmed him down.
He stirred awake shortly after, seeing you looking around the room still.
“Mornin’ love,” He yawned. “What’re you lookin’ for?”
“Good morning,” You smiled and walked over to him, taking a seat on the bed. “You sleep okay?” You ran a hand through his hair then down his cheek, stopping to bend down and kiss him sweetly.
“Great, love,” He smiled. “Was havin’ a bit of a nightmare but it turned into us making out in the office the other day.”
“Really?” You furrowed your brows a little.
“Yeah, why?”
“Uh…no reason,” You shook your head a little.
“So, what were you looking for?” He asked, intentionally changing the subject.
“Where the hell did you throw my panties last night?” You asked, turning to glance around the room. He reached under his pillow and pulled out what you’d been looking for.
“I may have hid ‘em so you’d make me breakfast without wearin’ ‘em,” He smirked.
“All you had to do was ask,” You smiled. You leaned down and kissed him again before you stood up. “Bacon and eggs ‘ll be ready in a few minutes, come meet me in the kitchen?”
“I’ll be right there.”
“You seem to be in a good mood this morning,” Butcher chuckled a few days later. You walked up to him cooking pancakes, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Smells amazing,” You hummed. You got on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
As you sat down at the table you let out a soft laugh.
“Okay, seriously, why’re you in such a good mood?”
“Why shouldn’t I be?” You shrugged.
“Cause the A/C stopped working halfway through the night and we both lost a good two hours of sleep?” He raised a brow.
“Remember last summer? We went to that water park with Hughie and the others after the tests came back negative and you were cancer free?”
“Yeah, what about it?” He turned to look at you fully, suddenly very interested in each word you said.
“After the A/C went out I had the best, most intense dream about it! I mean, the smell of the chlorine in the wave pool, the sound of those birds that kept trying to take your fries, everything!”
“Huh…I’ll be fuckin’ damned,” Butcher mumbled, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Nothin’ love, I remember that day too.”
Grass so green it looked fake, the sky so blue and clouds so perfect it all looked like a Bob Ross painting. Birds chirped in the trees as Butcher dipped down and kissed you again.
“Fuckin’ beautiful,” He smiled. He rubbed his hand up and down your thigh, under your floral dress.
A picnic in the park with William Butcher. A fucking dream come true.
The cruel sound of the alarm jolted you awake. Butcher stretched his arm out and over you, hitting the snooze button.
“Perfect fucking timing,” He grumbled. “I think I was about to get lucky.”
“Me too, actually,” You laughed a little. “Guess we’ll have to make it up to each other.”
“Hey, let’s eat breakfast outside,” Butcher suggested.
“You hate eating outside?” You laughed a little. You took a sip of your coffee as you watched Butcher cook breakfast.
“Don’t be silly! On occasion, picnics can be fun!”
“P-Picnics?” You furrowed your brows. “What gave you that idea?”
“Just a dream I had.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Were you putting thoughts in his head? Messing with his dreams enough that it influenced his life when he was awake? How else were you messing with his head?
“Earth to Y/n!” Butcher pulled you out of your head.
“I said food’s ready. Now, c’mon, get off your ass and eat outside with me.”
“Okay,” You smiled, hiding how worried you actually were.
You followed him out to the balcony overlooking the busy city.
“So what was your dream?” He asked when you both sat down at the outside table.
“Wh-What dream?” You asked.
“Remember? We both woke up to the alarm, both said we were about to get lucky in our dreams, and then we had earth-shattering morning sex. So, what was your dream?”
“I- I don’t really remember it…now all I’m thinking about is the earth-shattering morning sex,” You smirked a little.
“Ah ha!” He matched your expression, but added a sense of pride. “That’s my job, love.”
“Butcher, we need to talk,” You said later that night. He was ready for bed and already under the covers.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, brows knitted with concern.
“I- I don’t think I sh-should sleep with you anymore,” You replied, tears in your eyes.
“You’re breaking up with me? Why?”
“No! I- I fucking love you and that why I need to get as far away from you as fucking possible!”
“Y/n, you’re not makin’ any sense,” He got out of bed and walked up to you. You backed away from him, shaking your head.
“I- I’ve been- I think I’ve been messing with your h-head somehow,” You let the tears fall. “Not on purpose, I swear! But I- I’ve been controlling your dreams, so who knows how else I’ve been controlling you!”
“I know about the dreams.”
“I figured it out a couple weeks ago. You were going into detail about a dream you had the night before, and it was the same dream I had.”
“Why didn’t you say something! Butcher I could be completely controlling you! You probably don’t even really want to fucking be here! Fuck!” You put your hands on your head.
“I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you to act how you’re acting right now. I knew you weren’t doing it on purpose, otherwise you wouldn’t have told me your dream.”
“B-But what if…”
“What if what, Y/n? You really think you could accidentally force me to love you?” He took a few steps closer to you, this time you didn’t back away. You nodded. “Alright, how ‘bout this. Right now, try your absolute hardest to make me do something.” He put his hands on your shoulders and touched his forehead to yours. “Go on, use your powers on me.”
“I’m trying!” You exclaimed. You really were, but he was right; you weren’t nearly strong enough to mind-control someone. You let out a breath of relief. “Fuck, that would’ve been a fucking nightmare!”
“Well, good thing that’s your specialty then, love. Turning nightmares into the best fuckin’ dreams I could ask for.”
“I love you, Butcher,” You smiled and he did the same.
“I love ya, too,” He mumbled as he kissed your lips.
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