do ppl still use tumblr?
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how does everyone have enough energy to do stuff
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i cured my depression by getting exactly what i wanted. so simple
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mitski-i don’t smoke is so good
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i hate the pressure of speaking performatively to people i don’t know very well. i’m bad at that
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mitski singing the lines from a chapter of manga
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i never have to buy paper towels bc i have so many of those napkins they give you when you go to fast food places. and i convinced myself that’s a good thing
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Mitski plays I Don’t Smoke + Class of 2013 for Audiotree
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i really like when i’m talking to somebody online and they say goodbye? like, they need to do something, so they offer closure to the conversation?
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things girls do that I love:
offer their friends sips of their coffee drinks without being asked
scratch each others back
say things like “smell this lotion I bought this weekend”
compliment each other’s eyebrows 
that thing when they agree with you and their eyes get really wide and they nod their head solemnly 
throw out each others gum wrappers or chip bags when they get up 
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how to enjoy things better w 2 ppl
here are some of my secret tricks
@ starbux/coffee shops: - get a “chai" - get a straight black tea - ask for an extra cup or use the doubled cup they give you sometimes - pour half the sweet drink and half the unsweetened drink into the extra cup - make the second half-drink concoction for the other person - have a nice chat w a probably more balanced and tolerable version of the sweet drink together! - also applicable to whatever-spice-lattes + coffee etc
@ anywhere - ginger ale - seltzer - half a lemon - do the same thing! get glasses / extra cups, half ginger ale, half seltzer, squeeze a bunch of lemon for that vitamin C, enjoy refreshing drinks w less sugar!
@ NYC - go to one of those posh cupcake shops w 50 tiny tiny cupcakes on display - get like a dozen or more - sit w your companion and split each tiny cupcake into 2 bites so you get to taste like 12 instead of 6 - recommended w nice hot unsweetened caffeinated drink as palate cleanser
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i just listened to Be the Cowboy by Mitski and every song on it’s great
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are there any bad mitski songs? i haven’t found one
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last night like 4am I still couldn’t sleep so I wrote a song while tired as death. will probably take this down tomorrow when better judgement sets in.
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