My Launch Party
Ta-Dah!!  It’s here… it’s finally here… the launch of my new website that I have been working on with some fine people over the past few months. http://www.janatzinberg.com I loved my old site, it was my baby, but I needed to step it up and bring in some things that will allow me to grow and share even more with all of you who have been supporting me over the years, plus any newbies who just…
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You Just Never Know...
You Just Never Know…
Yesterday morning I got up at 5 am to hike my mountain because I knew the weather was going to be scorching for the next few days. As I stood on top of the mountain looking at the view, it didn’t occur to me that the view East was going to change dramatically in the next few hours. ~ At 11:30, as I was walking out my door to meet a friend for her birthday lunch, she called to tell me that there…
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Try New Things
Yesterday, after one of the most hectic days ever, I came home to the greatest email. It was from my Canadian friends who had made homemade pizza and they had used a couple drops of our Lemon and Oregano essential oils in the dough they made for the crust. They sent me a photo attachment and said how amazing the flavor was, even better than the actual ingredients from the fruit and herb. I…
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I Love Petitgrain
Petitgrain is not one of the most popular essential oils that doTERRA produces, but lots of people consider it one that they want on hand always. These people have figured out that having it in their home when they need respiratory support, skin support, cardiovascular support, emotional support and some digestive support, can be a real positive for them and their families. And some of these…
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Independence Day 2018
Today is the USA’s Independence Day and people were out and about very early this morning. I have never seen the mountain i climb so busy. It was pretty cool though because every hiker had on some article of clothing with red, white or blue on it, including myself. We all felt very patriotic and the love for our country was evident. ~ One of the things I wanted to share on here today was a topic…
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Go With The Flow... I Don't Think So
Go With The Flow… I Don’t Think So
I have heard the term, Go With The Flow, my entire life and I have even said it myself in the past. Going with the flow can mean different things but when a friend of mine started talking about her life and how she has hit a wall when it comes to being happy and content in her draining, going-nowhere-job, and then said to me, ‘well, I guess I’ll just go with the flow because that’s all I can do’,…
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Frankincense And Helichrysum
The first thing I think about when I have a personal experience with a doTERRA oil or product is to share it on here with all of you. I spend a lot of time outdoors and because of that I have to protect my skin from the sun. I see a lot of people who hike and exercise with long sleeved shirts on, hats, and long pants. They are totally protected from the elements but unfortunately I am unable to…
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Things That Make Us Happy
Things That Make Us Happy
Today is the last day of June and I am looking forward to the month of July because there are so many great things happening right now. People from all over are discovering so many ways that natural products can enhance their lives in more than just one way. As an essential oil user and lover I decided to ask a few of my readers how doTERRA has made them ‘happy’ since they’ve started using the…
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It's That Time Of Year
It’s That Time Of Year
The other morning I took advantage of the overcast skies and went hiking so I could get my cardio in early. The trail I hike is semi-wide and it’s never busy with a lot of hikers. As I came hauling down on my descent, looking at the ground right below my feet so I wouldn’t trip on any of the rocks, my eye caught something ahead and my body reacted without me even being aware of it. Dead ahead,…
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Nightly Struggles With Sleep
Nightly Struggles With Sleep
The other day I filmed a new YouTube video that talked about sleep struggles and how doTERRA might help. I highlighted our Serenity Restful Complex which are softgels that you swallow before bed to help you drift into a soothing sleep. They work for people who are open to them and they are all natural, including a few essential oil extracts, so that is good news for those of you who don’t want…
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Sharing More Ways To Do-Terra
Sharing More Ways To Do-Terra
When you share doTERRA with others by having a wholesale account with the company, you get to receive the quarterly magazine that they publish. There are always articles on how to use the oils and products in new ways and I always find it so informative. In the newest edition of our Living magazine some readers sent in their own ways that they like to use the doTERRA oils. I’ll be sharing a few…
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How Ya Doing, Kiddo?
How Ya Doing, Kiddo?
There are a lot of people who start using doTERRA’s essential oils and products for themselves, but then realize how helpful they can be for the entire family. Recently I received an email from a mom who was turned onto our oils by a friend and now she can’t believe how she got along without them. Basically everything she needed to manage her families needs was available to her in a natural form.…
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Roasted Veggies, Brie, And doTERRA
Roasted Veggies, Brie, And doTERRA
About two years ago I wrote a blog about one of my favorite appetizer recipes and how I incorporated some of my essential oils into it. Instead of using dried herbs I put a couple of drops of our Basil, Rosemary, and Lemon oils right in the mixture of veggies as I stirred it around the pan before I roasted them in the oven. ( If you’d like the full recipe for this, go to the Search window at the…
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The Universe Is Listening
The Universe Is Listening
If any of you reading this right now are going to roll your eyes when I start talking about the power of the universe and how it hears what we ask for, you’ll want to stop reading this now. ~ June is coming to a close and this month has been a game changer for me. It started because a friend introduced me to a book she had just read, a motivational book about how the author had manifested her…
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Two Oils That Blend Together
Two Oils That Blend Together
One of my girlfriends called me the other day to tell me I had to try diffusing two essential oils together. The oils are Lavender and Peppermint, not a blend I would have thought to diffuse. Lavender is soothing and calming, it has been used for years as an assistant for uneasy sleep targets. And Peppermint is wonderful at helping us to ‘wake up’, cool down, and clear out. Because I’m a curious…
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Wholesale Vs Retail
Why would you ever pay retail for something when you can get products for a discount when you choose to buy them wholesale? I personally am always looking for the cheapest way to buy anything because saving money makes me happy. In doTERRA you can buy essential oils and products both ways but I rarely have people sign up for retail anymore. They sometimes do through my website but if I get them…
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Outdoor Life With doTERRA
Outdoor Life With doTERRA
There are a lot of people spending a lot of time outdoors right now, myself included. I have been hearing from a lot of you who wanted to share how you are incorporating some of doTERRA’s essential oils into your camping and hiking activities so this blog will be focusing on that. ~ Outdoor life shouldn’t cause concern about what is in the products we choose to use on our bodies to keep pests…
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