byp4sser · 3 months
Ayo life's check
It's definitely been awhile but growing up mean drifting further away from social media sites, but as known, I do not have any mutual up here so I kinda left Tumblr on its own device.
I came back today and man, I was down bad months before and after. I gotta say, staying away from Tumblr has indeed made me a lot happier.
I had since then taking up new hobbies like stargazing and binging on old Hollywood movies, reading old magazines on Internet Archived, playing video games.
Compare to the last months I've been up here, I am less anxious about things to come, i don't know why I was so scared of anything at all. My self-doubts, it seemed so miniscule now.
anyways, I only here for a life update before going away again
Mar 15th, 2024
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byp4sser · 6 months
I always ponder about whether I should delete my Tumblr account but since I've spent my entire teenage years and early college days on this hellsite, I think it should resides here so I can cringe and celebrate whenever I need.
I only ever visit Tumblr on occasions, that doesn't mean that I have a life though, I just stop my visitation to this place. This site is my blog where I cast my thoughts on certain topics and to look back to see how much of a moron I used to be, cringe at myself and my awful takes and ravish in the fact that I am indeed alone, with no one to inhibit my thought process.
I will never delete this account. It's my very own echo chamber
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byp4sser · 6 months
What upsets me the most about the whole James Somerton scandal, of course aside from the actually terrible shit he did and what that lead to, is that people are calling others "idiots" for being "fooled".
I'm sorry to say, but the human mind can be fooled, no matter how hard you train it. Maybe not by James ofc, but anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can be fooled into believing ANYTHING when talked to by someone who seems legit. Especially since James stole from other actually good creators and writers, hid credits around, lied, showed SOME credit at times but sometimes not, his words seemed genuinely legit.
What sucks too is that this also belittles those who may be disabled. As someone who has severe ADHD and autism, it fucking sucks to hear "you shouldve been able to tell" or "how did you fall for it, his videos are garbage".
I never went on witchhunts, I didn't even know he got accused of stealing until a friend told me to watch the hbomber video (which I'm slowly working through).
I, a queer person, watched the videos on queer issues to learn more, the easy way (I have a hard time just reading things and like having the background noise of someone telling about incidents and events). It's a fucking accessibility thing for me. So God forbid I watched some of his videos and thought he was legit.
Insulting anyone isn't going to get you anywhere. Especially those that just watched his videos and didn't attack people. I hate that I easily fell for the ruse, I don't need people calling me stupid on top of it. I shouldn't feel ashamed for watching some godamned videos.
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byp4sser · 6 months
I need to get this out of my system.
so that was all this about.
ngl James this is disheartening. As a long-time watcher of your content, I am disgust of myself, thanks for that. My fragile trust issue is even worsen now. I feel like a fool for watching most of your content (Ofc not many know of this youtuber since his subscribers are in the 200k but I guess now everything is in the light now)
I am fucking disappointed in you, James.
Congrats, I trust no one ever again. I don't have time to do my own research so I lay the power in thee and that's the whole point of why I was watching all those video essayists, I look up to you people and your career choice. I trusted you. Yet, time and time again there's always certain individuals damped my trust when an expose of them was out and about. Hardly had I ever feel this disappointed at an internet personality, maybe the fact that I cared. Those time watching videos feel like a betrayal now.
To be frank though, I could careless whatever is happening because I have other hobbies but this one hurts like a motherfucker. Lesson learned, I should have never cared enough to like anybody. ever.
P/S: I mostly watch his takes on cinema and movies, I felt like learning a lot, although now looking back, he hardly ever give credits and often the pace was kinda disjointing.
TLDR: a rant from an ex-fan of the titular youtuber who plagiarizes and share unhealthy worldviews and takes that sugarcoated in "genuine" intentions.
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byp4sser · 7 months
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Taylor Swift en La Petite Sirène
Project: Across The Taylorverse
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byp4sser · 7 months
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the classic curls
Project: Across The Taylorverse
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byp4sser · 7 months
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Project: Across The Taylorverse
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byp4sser · 7 months
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Project: Across The Taylorverse
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byp4sser · 7 months
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- 1989 -
Project: Across The Taylorverse
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byp4sser · 7 months
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Imagined Taylor Swift as Carrie White in "Carrie" movie in 1976.
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I was honestly quite surprised but the prompt sure wasn't easy to come up with, with various tweaking I finally get it to work. I used StableDiffusionXL for the reimagining.
My stance on AI bots as someone who draw and post stuff online is a mess. I usually won't accept the result if the AI given me drawing or painting, I only used celebs, realistic photo. Yes, I know even mediums such as movies and photography is a creative profession and that there are talented, hard-working people behind it, I appreciate their efforts and spirits in their craft. The AI images I prompted are for entertainment purpose only, they are the lowest of "art" but it satisfied my curious mind & that's more than enough for me.
I also realized that many of AI limitations and its environmental impact. I know everything I do is not justified for the use of AI for entertainment. This is a rambling post. I just feel I need to voice my reasons to start posting these AI-generated photos project as I named it:
A c r o s s T h e T a y l o r v e r s e
Alas, no one is seeing this anyways.
No, I won't use tags, I have no intention to spread the words except for my own curious mind. If you see this, I applaud your patience, stick around if you want to see more of my project.
TLDR: This is a rambling post. I just feel I need to voice my reasons to start posting these AI-generated photos .
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byp4sser · 11 months
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"Your father is seduced by the one with the forked tongue. It's no use hoping."
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byp4sser · 11 months
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Good god, I love this game.
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byp4sser · 11 months
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A sims in NYC
I'm playing Sims 3 again 'cause Sims 4 ruined me
NYC is a custom world. Saw James Turner playing it 2 years ago and I'm obsessed.
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byp4sser · 11 months
My first vent art
She's a mess, in distress, and best dressed. I love her.
The ban is homophobic. periodt.
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byp4sser · 11 months
thing that ruin my summer plans
A fucking dash line
what can i say, old men in my country get to decide whatever the fuck they want. jk, unless.
It's a headache, enjoy your movie, folk.
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byp4sser · 11 months
This is hatecrime lmao
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"The Barbie movie ban" articles that ran in my country with thumbnails blazing looking like this
girl, help.
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byp4sser · 11 months
About movies
Another sore and tiring subject in my country recently is about The Little Mermaid's skin color. How exciting. Now I don't like Disney remakes, rarely do I defend them these days, but my country people see the skin color and they flipped tf out. Got one article even out right titled "She looks like a pirate, a sl*ave standing next to prince Eric."
Adding oil to the flame, they think the Vanessa girl should be the main character, just because of her paler complexion, therefore she's prettier. There's even a trend where people said "if I were to be prince Eric, I choose Vanessa"
Hailey Bailey, girl, you don't deserve that kind of hatred for your first movie. Needless to say, it's a flop in my country. My only criticism of the movie is that they lack of vibrant colors and proper lightning on most underwater scene.
I'm sadden not only for movies but of my people's comprehension and heavy bias of colorism.
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