c3355156-blog · 2 years
Brown, T., & Katz, B. (2019). The New Blueprint. Fortune, 179(3), 92–95.
Solomon, A., & Kelley, D. (2012, September 22). Design Thinking for Social Good: An Interview with David Kelley. BoingBoing. other, Jason Weisberger. Retrieved February 23, 2022, from https://boingboing.net/2012/09/22/design-thinking-for-social-goo.html.   
Liedtka, J., & Chin, M. (2018). Innovation. Harvard Business Review, 72–79.
Rowe, P 2017, Design thinking in the digital age, , p. 101, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Brown, T & Wyatt, J 2003, ‘Design Thinking for Social Innovation’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, vol. Winter, pp. 30–35
Brown, T 2008, ‘Design thinking’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 86, no.6, pp. 84–92
Thomas, P. (2018, March 23). "what's the difference between design thinking and making?". Medium. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from https://medium.com/@parkerthomas/what-s-the-difference-between-design-thinking-and-making-614cb089bc5e
The Rules of Brainstorming Change When Artificial Intelligence Gets Involved.pdf
Stolzoff, S. (2020, June 30). How would you reimagine learning? 5 visions for our post-COVID future. IDEO Blog. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from https://www.ideo.com/blog/how-would-you-reimagine-learning-5-visions-for-our-post-covid-future
Syverson, B. (2020, October 19). The rules of brainstorming change when artificial intelligence gets involved. here's how. IDEO Blog. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from https://www.ideo.com/blog/the-rules-of-brainstorming-change-when-ai-gets-involved-heres-how
Esposito, E. (2018, October 22). 4 types of research methods all designers should know. Inside Design Blog. Retrieved March 30, 2022, from https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/research-methods-designers/
Entrepreneurship.org. (2011). Field Observations with Fresh Eyes - Tom Kelley (Ideo). YouTube. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://youtu.be/tvkivmyKgEA.
Thomas, P. (2018, March 23). "what's the difference between design thinking and making?". Medium. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from https://medium.com/@parkerthomas/what-s-the-difference-between-design-thinking-and-making-614cb089bc5e
Pozzi, N., & Zimmerman, E. (2016). Donʼt follow these rules! A Primer for Playtesting. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://static1.squarespace.com/static/579b8aa26b8f5b8f49605c96/t/5962a494bebafbc89ca001b6/1499636884792/A+Primer+for+Playtesting.pdf
WEEK 10:
Flaherty, C. (2022, May). DESN2002 A2: Research to prototype. SurveyMonkey Dashboard. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-BBnOCSCtwwB9k3ECP13bsQ_3D_3D/
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 13/14: Reflection
And we’re done! Overall, the concept for this course was super fun, and there were a lot of moments of triumph, trouble solving, group bonding, and fun stuff that I loved. But I am leaving with a lot of regret with how my overall group dynamic went. I had to take on a micromanaging role to get everyone to contribute and do their work on time, and it ended up being extremely exhausting. For context, it led to me doing the presentation designing and the supporting documentation PDF entirely by myself, start to finish. I was hounding people up to the last minute to send me links, files, and it really made it stressful. Don’t get me wrong, I love this project, I just wish I didn’t have to manage it this way. But, in the end, I’m happy with the final product, so I’ll be staying positive about it for now.
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Thank you so much for reading!
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 11/12: Homestretch
For the class work this week, we made a quick presentation order to organise ourselves and ensure we had chosen the right layout for our presentation. After reviewing our google slides and the content, we feel that this is the right layout for optimal flow and cohesion in our presentation.
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Majed has done an amazing job of jumping into our project right at the end, he’s got a great work ethic and is super engaged each lesson. I’m confident in him and I think with him added, we’re going to be great next week presenting. Right now, we are just finalising all our work and getting ready to practice presenting it! Homestretch!
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 10: New Member!
This week we focused on working on the prototype as well as organising our content into the PowerPoint. Our focus was interviews and surveys this week, and then collating the information into the PowerPoint. Otherwise, we are just chipping away at our own jobs. Majed has been added to our group under the advice of Helena, as he has been interacting with us in class, and was on his own prior. With us finally deciding to lose Alex from the group, we can definitely use the extra person.
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Flaherty, C. (2022, May). DESN2002 A2: Research to prototype. SurveyMonkey Dashboard. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-BBnOCSCtwwB9k3ECP13bsQ_3D_3D/
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 9: Roses, Buds, Thorns
This week felt like a week where I got a lot off my chest. We did the roses, buds, and thorns exercise. It’s about our group, and it’s simply, good things, new things, and bad things. Through this format, we were able to express our gripes easily, and I was finally able to broach the topic of me being forced to manage all group activity. I’m feeling a bit better about it now, and hopefully my group members will take it into consideration moving forward. We also got to work with Majed again this week, and brought up the situation with Alex to Helena, so now we have a plan in place moving forward regarding his contributions.
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 8: Getting Started (...Again)
In Week 8, we started organising ourselves for the next assessment. We went over the assessment brief in a zoom meeting and broke it down into dot points to analyse. Like the last assignment, we are just going to follow this sort of to-do list, and we are going to start organising weekly jobs. Unfortunately, Alex did not come to this group meeting either, so we only assigned him the user journey. We discussed it briefly, and if he continues to not show up or pitch in, we are going to talk to Helena about removing him from the group. My assigned jobs include the 2D paper designs of a mock-up of the recycling point, doing and introduction, doing mock-ups and social media post designs, as well as helping design/set up the survey.
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The Primer for Playtesting reading was basically like a shopping list for our interviews. We’ve all been a bit nervous about the concept of interviewing people, but I’ve realised because of this reading we’re just going to have to put it aside, buckle up, and really engage with people to get the results we need.
Pozzi, N., & Zimmerman, E. (2016). Donʼt follow these rules! A Primer for Playtesting. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://static1.squarespace.com/static/579b8aa26b8f5b8f49605c96/t/5962a494bebafbc89ca001b6/1499636884792/A+Primer+for+Playtesting.pdf
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 7: Presentation 1
We presented our project this week! Content-wise, I was super happy with what we were able to achieve, as I feel like even though we had a setback in the first couple of weeks because we had to change our project, I feel like we ended up having a lot of progress, perhaps even more than we needed for this assessment.  For the presentation, I did the overview of our project and the logo design, the empathy map, and the user journey (with some input from group members, as I made them during class time). I also formatted the google slides as well as the working document. In the future, I would like us to have a bit more presenting practice time, as we only got to do one session of practice the day off due to the presentation not being completed yet. Hopefully if we try to set a stricter timeline next time, we will have more practice time, as I think we just need to sound a bit more cohesive, as well as help those who aren’t as confident public speaking to feel more comfortable the day of.
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The reading I looked at this week also made me really think about how certain aspects of design thinking happen without my knowledge. I’m hoping that by using the google docs, the transcripts, our slides, and writing things down in my notepad during meetings, I’ll be able to catch those iterative ideas and stages and use them for our design thinking.
Thomas, P. (2018, March 23). "what's the difference between design thinking and making?". Medium. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from https://medium.com/@parkerthomas/what-s-the-difference-between-design-thinking-and-making-614cb089bc5e
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 6: Getting Ready
This week we are finalising our presentation and work for Assessment 1. I am finding that I am having to make most decisions in the group, which I’m not particularly enjoying. We’re having problems with Alex, as he usually doesn’t turn up to classes now and he is yet to join our group meetings over zoom. I’m a bit worried about his work, as he’s yet to deliver his part, which is the project timeline; however, I’m going to let it go for now and just play it by ear. Otherwise, I feel like we’re on track for our presentation next week. We’ve been working off both the google slides and the google document leading up to it, putting drafts of our jobs into the doc, and once we’re finished with a part of the presentation, popping it into the google slides.
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This week’s course readings solidified the design thinking process when it came to research methods. Reading ahead for a2, I’m aware we need interviews later on, so I am thinking of referring back to readings like this to act as a guide. The kid’s toothbrush story from Tom Kelley was super enlightening as well, I feel like story examples like that really help me understand the weight and importance of field work.
Esposito, E. (2018, October 22). 4 types of research methods all designers should know. Inside Design Blog. Retrieved March 30, 2022, from https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/research-methods-designers/
Entrepreneurship.org. (2011). Field Observations with Fresh Eyes - Tom Kelley (Ideo). YouTube. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://youtu.be/tvkivmyKgEA.
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 5: User Journey
It was user journey time this week! This took a while to make, and it was very daunting, but I do think it’s going to be a very useful tool for us as we keep working on our project, especially for the app concept that Cecilia is starting work on. One of the drawbacks is that I feel that I am having to become a group leader a lot. It’s hard for me to get the other group members to speak up and contribute, which is starting to lead to me having to do a lot of work. I’m worried for further ahead, but I’m just trying to keep us going right now, even if that means being the only one talking during our weekly zoom meetings.
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 4: Group Meeting
This week we had a group meeting to finalise our choices and delegate jobs. Our meeting consisted of setting up our working google doc, where we can work together and show our drafts, logs, and job list. We also set up our google slides document, which is a cleaner version on which we will put finished content only. We worked together on picking jobs, making sure we were all happy and got to choose our proficiencies. We held our meeting over zoom and saved the auto-generated transcript for future reference.
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For this week’s readings, I found an excerpt from one that really intrigued me. It spoke about how learning from home can limit or even cut off students access to education because of internet connection. The solution was sharing lessons on television, not over the internet, and highlighted and important point about how “innovation doesn’t necessarily mean leveraging the latest technology.”
Stolzoff, S. (2020, June 30). How would you reimagine learning? 5 visions for our post-COVID future. IDEO Blog. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from https://www.ideo.com/blog/how-would-you-reimagine-learning-5-visions-for-our-post-covid-future
Syverson, B. (2020, October 19). The rules of brainstorming change when artificial intelligence gets involved. here's how. IDEO Blog. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from https://www.ideo.com/blog/the-rules-of-brainstorming-change-when-ai-gets-involved-heres-how
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 3: Personas
Personas! We did this persona exercise in class this week which I found interesting and helpful. As a group, I feel as though this helped us actualise our new project, especially since the perception of fellow students is so important to this concept. We tried our best to see a couple of different perspectives and make sure we weren’t just being overly positive about it.
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I would like to share and excerpt from this week’s reading as well that I really loved.
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Thomas, P. (2018, March 23). "what's the difference between design thinking and making?". Medium. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from https://medium.com/@parkerthomas/what-s-the-difference-between-design-thinking-and-making-614cb089bc5e
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 2: Collaboration
This week, our agenda for the class was the contract for collaboration document. We decided to keep our minds fresh on this course and to motivate and encourage us to keep up a work ethic/routine. We also decided that we would try to work as a democracy to ensure all of us have a say and that we all contribute equally to our concept. We set up a Facebook messenger chat as well to have an easy way to talk to each other outside of meetings. To work together at the same time, we are going to set up a google doc so we can use it as a touchpoint, and so we can see each other’s work easily with little-to-no file transferring issues. If we can’t make it to class, we will notify each other, and we all agree that we want to aim for a D-HD mark for this course. Overall, I’m happy with the group I’m in. We’re all a bit shy, but we all seem to have the same view on this course, and I feel like it should be easy to work together as time goes on.
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I had a quick look over the course readings this week. My favourite part was the design thinker’s personality profile from Brown (2008). I think, as an illustrator, I am quite removed from a large target audience as I usually would just work with one client. But seeing this list helped me see what kind of perspective I need to adapt to for a project such as this, especially on with such a reliance on user interaction. I will be referring to it as a touchpoint further on.
Rowe, P 2017, Design thinking in the digital age, , p. 101, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Brown, T & Wyatt, J 2003, ‘Design Thinking for Social Innovation’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, vol. Winter, pp. 30–35
Brown, T 2008, ‘Design thinking’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 86, no.6, pp. 84–92
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c3355156-blog · 2 years
Week 1: Introductions
First week! We jumped straight into organising our groups in the tutorial. I ended up with Jack, Cecilia, Kazuki, and Alexander. We come from a couple of different disciplines, namely, music, communications, journalism, graphic design, and illustration/animation. We felt, that with the selection of skills, we would be able to come together to create an interesting project. We went through the United Nations goals and started workshopping some ideas based on the sustainable communities initiative. We did a mind-map on paper in class and then put it into Stormboard to clean it up a bit.
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After class, I went through the required readings for this week. Theory’s not my strong suit, so although some of these readings were a bit longer than I’m used to, I found these easy to sit down in read. Namely, I printed out ‘Design Thinking’ and the interview with David Kelley really enjoyed going through both. I found Kelley’s design thinking process and explanation super intriguing, plus his emphasis on the observation of people reminded me of that immersion concept I’ve employed in other courses. I felt that these concepts were re-iterated in ‘Design Thinking’, especially the part about challenges in innovation and the discussion of the situation at Monash Health.
Brown, T., & Katz, B. (2019). The New Blueprint. Fortune, 179(3), 92–95.
Solomon, A., & Kelley, D. (2012, September 22). Design Thinking for Social Good: An Interview with David Kelley. BoingBoing. other, Jason Weisberger. Retrieved February 23, 2022, from https://boingboing.net/2012/09/22/design-thinking-for-social-goo.html
Liedtka, J., & Chin, M. (2018). Innovation. Harvard Business Review, 72–79.
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