caitieofcups · 3 years
Quick and Subtle Grounding.
Feel the through bottoms of your feet. Really focus on what they touch. Every fiber you can discern in the carpet. Have you ever focused on the texture of the inside of your shoes? If you’re outside, feel the subtle bumps in the concrete as you walk, or feel the grass bending underneath you. You can feel a lot even through your shoes if you direct your focus that way.
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caitieofcups · 3 years
Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice
Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.
✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.
✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.
✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.
✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.
✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.
✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.
✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”
✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)
✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!
✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.
✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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caitieofcups · 3 years
Witch Tip: Cleansing with no supplies
Sometimes we just don’t have the time to do in depth cleansing of your home and other spaces, and not everyone can do smoke cleansing or have access to complicated ingredients.  This is why your best friend is sound ! There are countless ways to use sound to cleanse a space.
Bells, wind chimes, pots and pans: All of these can be used to cleanse a room by shaking, tapping, or banging them together depending on how loud you want to be. 
Music: This can be anything from soothing mediation sounds to your favorite punk rock band. I personally choose based on what kind of energy I want to expel or put into my space.  You can play the music in your space and then stay and relax, physically clean, or just walk away and let the music do its work for however long you want.  Here is a tag full of posts about music in magic and the different meanings of different notes.
Metal or glass singing bowls: Now this is one that you’d have to buy, but it is a one time purchase. Singing bowls are made to let out one specific tone when you tap them or rub them with a hard object.  The vibrations are awesome for cleansing, and you can pick the tone that feels the most soothing for you.  
Singing: Pick your favorite song and then sing it, belt it out, serenade yourself, however feels right. Not to be lame but personally I love “love like you” from Steven Universe and other SU songs because the notes are really soothing and simple to sing while physically cleaning. 
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caitieofcups · 3 years
Witchcraft & Music!
Many witches use music to aid in their craft; music can help boost your energy, put an edge to your spell, get you in the right mood, help connect you to your deity/energies/elements/etc, and just create a good atmosphere!
Remember, you don’t have to use just whimsical spiritual music with lots of flute and wind noises. Any music can be used for magic, from pop to rock to classical to jazz. Use music that you connect with and works well with what your doing! When doing a spell for strength, and the song Boss Ass Bitch makes you laugh and feel ridiculous, don’t use it. But if it makes you feel empowered and confident, perfect! You don’t have to be a pop culture pagan to use songs like that, just use whatever feels right. 
There are an infinite number of ways you can use music. 
while reading tarot, to put you in ‘the zone’
while dancing, to heighten your energies and unify your body
while performing curses, to sharpen and manifest your rage
to make your will more specific when doing luck spells
to cover up the sound of your verbal spells or chanting (if you’re not out as a witch)
to feel more connected to your deity 
while meditating to drown out the world
Music is an invaluable resource, and for people whose music is a big part of their life, it can be a perfect asset for their witchcraft!
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caitieofcups · 3 years
🎶Incorporating Music into Witchcraft 🎶
Music is the strongest form magic. - Marilyn Manson
Love him or hate him, the Antichrist Superstar is actually on to something with this well-known quote. What other artistic medium do you know of brings thousands of people together for one cause and a massive exchange of energy? Concerts are sometimes exhausting to go to because of that energy exchange. It doesn’t just happen between the audience and the artist, but amongst audience members as well.
Everyone has their favorite song or artist for when they’re feeling a certain way. Did you know that emotion you invoke while listening to music can be used in witchcraft and magick work? Of course it can! The purpose of this post is to give ideas as to how go about doing this rather beautiful practice.
Let’s begin, shall we? 🎵
There have been some posts floating around listing music genres and their correspondences for witchcraft and magick work. That’s all well and good, but these posts are essentially pigeonholing the many subgenres and songs one can use for any given intention in magick work and witchcraft. Why is it pigeonholing? Music, as an art form, is up to the listener to interpret. What one person feels while listening to a song may be completely different from what their neighbors or friends feel. No one genre or song is definitively assigned a correspondence. To pretend they are is rather misleading. Even love songs are not always exclusively about romantic love. They could be about friendship, protection, and self- love. Bottom line: The message of a song or piece is up for interpretation by the listener. No one has a right or wrong way of comprehending or corresponding the message of a song or piece.
What you’re about to read is my own technique I’ve developed through both personal and professional practice.
How do I even begin figuring out my emotional connection to a song?
It would seem as though this is a simplistic thing to do. Not necessarily. Think of every song you listen to as being personal and emotional journey. The way I recommend approaching this, even to work Clients, is to begin by listening to a classical instrumental piece. I usually have Clients start with Debussy’s Clair de Lune. Obviously, there are thousands of well-known classical instrumental pieces available. No matter which one you choose, the goal of the exercise is the same: Truly listening to the piece and connecting to it on some emotional level.
As with much of magick work, there is a great deal of visualization, meditation, and self-awareness that can go into listening to a piece of music.
*Begin by finding a quiet and calming place to listen to the piece. *Get comfortable and relax your body. *Start playing the piece. *As you listen, let your mind wander and become lost in the piece. Let images form and memories be recalled. *Try to notice where you feel the music within and throughout your body. *If you don’t like the piece, do your best to identify why.
It’s usually best to document your experiences and the piece you listen to as you may listen to the same piece several months later and feel something completely different, which is perfectly fine!
REMINDER: Should anything traumatic or unpleasant come up while listening to a piece, make note of it and stop listening to the piece. Walk away, take deep breaths, get a drink of water and do what you feel is comfortable to ground yourself again. There is no competition or timer keeping track of how quickly you are able to connect with a piece. Move at your own pace and always stop what you’re doing if things suddenly feel uncomfortable or overwhelming.
Ok, I got that down…So how can I incorporate the actual pieces into my practice?
Once you get the hang of truly connecting with a piece, you can try connecting with songs that have vocals. Try the exercise discussed above with your favorite song. Do your best to identify why you enjoy the song. What emotions do you feel? Where do you feel the energy? During what part(s) of the song do you feel the most emotion and energy? What memories (if any) do you recall? No matter the artist, genre, era, and/or title, there is always a correspondence one can use for magick work. For example, I love using the song The Nameless by metal band Slipknot for curses. The raw anger and hatred this song invokes is perfect for giving me that extra dose of FUCK YOU to my target.
When wanting to conduct magick, playing the song/piece in the background is helpful. As you begin playing the piece, ground yourself and let the emotion(s) you feel grow. You can also use the lyrics from the chosen song as your incantation (they can be tweaked for any reason such as changing the tense or pronouns).
Creating a playlist (whether it’s on iTunes or YouTube) of songs that you know are effective in channeling energy for magick and spellwork is also a wonderful idea. Here is my sample playlist of songs I use all the time. I break it down according to correspondence. You can break your playlist down however you want. You can even have multiple playlists dedicated to each correspondence. Do whatever feels right for you.
Something else you can do to Incorporate music into your practice is to use song lyrics to create sigils. Try to find one sentence or phrase that captures the intention of the sigils and use your favorite sigils craft method. Here is an example of how I use lyrics to create a sigil. I also know @violetwitchcraft has this post explaining how to use lyrics to create sigils.
I truly hope this post has been helpful in learning how to incorporate music into your practice. If anyone has any additional suggestions, feel free to reblog and add them!
- Marisol
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caitieofcups · 3 years
There’s a thing  called a “ME” candle. A Me candle is dedicated to yourself, usually burned when your personal energy is low.
Usually a pillar candle, it can be any color but my personal preference is white. You can dedicate the candle any way you like, but a simple way is to just hold it and focus on your intention of infusing the candle with your energy. It helps to do this on a good day when your energy is high!  You can dress the candle with essential oils that boost energy - like eucalyptus, lemon, grapefruit, cedarwood, peppermint.  Any citrus oils are great for boosting energy. Of course, it’s ok to NOT use eo’s if you don’t have them or can’t afford them.
You can also carve sigils and/or bind runes in the candle pertaining to boosting your energy. (this is actually my preferred method - it kind of makes it more personal)
You can burn your candle on low energy days, when you’re doing a spell/ritual to boost the energy of said spell. Or even whenever you feel the need.
Happy Witching , lovelies ❤
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caitieofcups · 3 years
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Applying Lenormand techniques in Tarot can be quite fun and useful. The above spread is a way I have of getting to the bottom of a situation while also practicing my knighting paths. It’s called the “Knight’s Path,” because it’s a riff on the Lenormand technique of the same name, that follows the path of a knight on the chess board.
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caitieofcups · 4 years
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The “Pure Light” Ritual, by S.M (la-petitefille ♡)
Level: Easy!
Purpose: To gradually build back up a heart of love; for those who feel drained and wish to gently nurse themselves back to a clean, fresh state of mind.
- White salt (to encourage purification and cleansing) + a dish to put it in
- 1 white candle (to encourage awakening your light + purity, and can be of any size — just use what’s available to you!) + a safe candle holder
- 2 rose quartz stones (to encourage love) and 1-3 Citrine or Tiger’s Eye stone(s) (to encourage strength and courage)
- A small slip of paper + a pen
The Ritual: 
1). Firstly, make sure to find a safe and clear space where you can practice in peace. Be sure to turn off anything which may be of distraction to you - your phone, the television, etc. (Your main goal is to cleanse your mind of any built-up influences, and to do so through the beauty of peace and solitude and the cleansing state which those things inspire.♡ However, if there happen to be some soft nature sounds outside, feel free to open the window if you’d like)! 
2). After gathering and setting up your supplies in a manner similar to the pictures above, being sure to emphasize symmetry and balance, sit comfortably before your little shrine. Take a few deep breaths… In, out… In, out… And light your candle. 
3). Whilst lighting the candle, visualize your pent-up hurtings as pouring gently through your hand and into the lighter/match, and; ultimately, into the growing flame itself. Picture any hurt or anxieties which plague you as softly being burnt away and out of your life, leaving behind only feelings of cleanliness and new possibilities. 
4). Meditate upon the flame for a few moments, and then write the following words on your small slip of paper: 
“A peaceful soul,
A peaceful mind, 
A heart made whole,
A heart made kind.”
5). Closing your eyes, bring the paper to your heart. Press it gently against your chest, repeating the mantra. If you feel so inclined, repeat the prayer as many times as you’d like. Let yourself become filled with only light; the glow of love in its purest form. Accept the release of past influences which no longer have any power over you. You are unpolluted, you are clear, you are wholesome. 
6). When you feel ready, bow down to the small altar, thanking yourself and the universe. Let the candle burn out as it will. Allow the crystals to become charged with your loving intent, and keep them somewhere special once the spell is closed. Place them under your pillow, in your bag, anywhere you feel drawn to or where you spend a lot of time. Hold the belief that you can grow into yourself once more and you can become free of your inner demons, and do remember that the very best things often take time. Blessed be! )O( ♡
Bonus: Remember that you can absolutely substitute candle colours or crystals as you see fit! For example, if you wish to obtain more creativity or drive in your life, use an orange or yellow candle. If you’d like to feel more protected, try Obsidian stones. Feel free to curate this ritual to your own taste and personal necessities! Magick is all about intention. 😌🙏 ~ L-PF (photos from my magickal IG ♡)
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caitieofcups · 4 years
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caitieofcups · 4 years
Reblog if you’re an adult in witchcraft. (20+)
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caitieofcups · 4 years
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ℨ𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔞𝔠 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔥𝔞𝔱
So happy to have completed this series! I will be making these designs into stickers and acrylic charms. They will be available at my new etsy store!
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caitieofcups · 5 years
Mabon Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Mabon needs! What is Mabon? [X] Mabon is celebrated between September 21st to September 29th (March 21st to March 29th in the S. Hemisphere) and is also called: the Autumn Equinox or the Second Harvest Festival.
The Basics:
Ways to celebrate Mabon
What is Mabon?
Autumn Equinox/Mabon
Mabon: A small guide
The Autumnal Equinox: Finding balance as the cycle ends
Solitary Autumn Equinox
Low spoon Mabon ideas
Mabon ideas for celebration
Mabon colors, altar decorations, and more.
Mabon decoration ideas
Mabon ideas!
Mabon Crafts:
Floating acorn cap candle
Mabon burlap wreath
Mabon Recipes:
Mabon stew
Mabon veggie chili
Grandma’s pumpkin bread
Fresh apple autumn cake w/ honey cinnamon glaze
Cinnamon apples recipe
Mabon Reverse Candied Apple Recipe
Cinnamon chai mocha spell
Mabon magic hot apple cider / Mabon cider
Mabon Spells:
Mabon spell
Mabon charm sachet
New fall ritual
An autumn ritual
Autumn blessings
Mabon bath
Mabon Tarot Spreads:
Mabon spread (3 card)
Mabon spread (3 card)
Mabon leaf spread (5 card)
The Mabon blessing tarot spread (5 card)
Mabon/Fall Equinox tarot spread (5 card)
Balancing autumn tarot spread (6 card)
Mabon delicate balance spread (9 card)
Mabon altar tips
Mabon sigil
Mabon/Autumn Equinox playlist
Crystals for the Autumn Equinox
Mabon masterpost
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caitieofcups · 5 years
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Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog.
Witch’s Brew series. These animal parts actually refer to plants! <<Buy prints and merch @ straungewunder shop>>
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caitieofcups · 5 years
Sweet Sleep Spray
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Hi 🖤 I'm back again with another sleep-oriented spell. I made a sleep sachet here 🖤 Sleep is the most important part of my day because I'm anemic, so I spend a lot of time sleeping. However, I also suffer from severe anxiety and major depressive disorder, so despite my body screaming for sleep, sometimes it just won't come. I made this spray to use on my pillows as I go to sleep, and while I've only used it four or so times, it has gotten me to sleep every time,ususlly within minutes.
What you need
Spray bottle (preferably glass, but if you can't then use a bpa free plastic as this does contain essential oils)
Rubbing alcohol or high proof vodka (I used rubbing alcohol)
Full moon water // dreams
Lavender essential oil // sleep, calm
Patchouli // grounding, calming
Lavender flowers // calming, sleep
Vanilla (I used fragrance oil) // sweetness, sweet dreams
Valerian root // ease into sleep
I added maybe 40 drops of vanilla into my jar
I followed this with 20 drops of lavender
I put 4 pinches of lavender, patchouli and Valerian root
I finally filled half the bottle with moon water, then added alcohol to fill the rest of the bottle.
Tada! Because I added so much EO, I have a strong smelling spray (which is exactly how I like it). Just a few spritzes across your pillows, and a few minutes for it to settle in and relax you
Sweet dreams🖤
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caitieofcups · 5 years
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caitieofcups · 5 years
witchy tips for the adhd student
School is starting up again and I know that it’s a hard time for a lot of ADHD students like myself! So here’s some tips, mundane combines with otherworldly, to help get you through the term! ***But please do not use these instead of taking your medication. It’s there to do it’s job, these are there to help it along the way.***
use blue for focus, light purple/lavender for knowledge, and yellow for memory in your highlighters for your notes. not only are these witchy correspondences but using different coloured highlighters will help organize your notes, and help you remember them better.
drink black tea while you’re studying or in class. caffeine is said to help us ADHDers focus since it’s a stimulant, but it’s also said to banish boredom.
keep azurite, fluorite, sapphire, or smoky quartz in your pocket to fidget with in class. these are all stones that help with focus and learning so their correspondences will help you while you have something to fidget with.
burn incense associated with focus and learning while you study, if you can. the scent will also help you remember and associate with what you’re studying.
spell jars for focus and memory are great to keep in your pocket/bag
@orriculum had this fabulous idea for charmed pens which would be great for studying and give you something to fidget with in class
write sigils for focus/memory in the back of your notebooks
lastly and most importantly and not very witchy, STUDY IN INTERVALS. the BIGGEST AND MOST HELPFUL TIP my psychologist ever gave me was study in intervals, study for 10-15 minutes, take a break for 10-15 minutes. executive dysfunction and the adhd mind does not like the idea of sitting down for hours and doing one thing. so don’t even try. it won’t work. you’ll be much more successful with studying in intervals.
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caitieofcups · 5 years
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I speak a lot with my hands. Maybe because of my culture, maybe because of my career, or maybe because I love communicating, I always try to convey as much meaning as I can through my words and my non-verbal language. This is possibly the reason why I am so attracted to the Greater Hand Oracle by Zoe Cope at Yes Thanks. Described as a “high-five to your cosmic health”, this colourful 25 card oracle deck is here to help you recenter, refocus, and recharge
On the site, we find this description: “each card has a theme word that is represented with illustrated hands set against a colorful background that undulates throughout the deck. Every deck comes with an accordion folded Guidebook that gives further definitions to each thematic word, provides info on Oracle card spreads, and shares the originally created Greater Hand Spread”. This spread is one of my favourites ever because it’s simply clever, a completely aha moment. Colour is important, especially when you draw multiple cards and find patterns, repetitions and hints at what is connected - and how.
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Combining the hands, the keywords and the colours, this petite deck really packs a lot of information in a very quick, highly visual way. The messages are impactful because they are simple - there’s no way of getting around a truth once you have it in front of your face, stripped of any distraction. It can feel like a slap, or like a tight warm hug. In this sense, I feel that this explosive energy is great for the moments when we are feeling low, tired or need a boost. These were also designed to be more of a casual practice to be done when you’re waiting for your tea, or on a bus ride, or taking a study break. It’s self-care at its finest, one that takes into account common life setbacks and breakthroughs.
Some of my favourite cards are Chaos, Desire, Journey and Serenity (does this say something about me? probably). There are some extra goodies I’d like to mention! First, the deck came with a cute custom tuckbox and a bag - for double protection or to choose the best storage option for you. I also got a rainbow plated enamel pin and vinyl sticker which say “cosmic creature”. Very fitting indeed.
The Greater Hand Oracle is an explosion of energy, a visual pathway to the things we need to know - even if we are very low on energy or time. It is simple and knows how to combine few design elements to produce loud and clear messages. Though it is a small deck, it is powerful. Maybe the expression I’m going to use is not the clearest for all, but I am sure it is the one: this deck unburdens. If you want to know more details about it, head over Yes Thanks - and maybe take a look at their other goodies, like their Beam Me Up Space Spray!
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