cake-and-spades · 1 month
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cake-and-spades · 4 months
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cake-and-spades · 8 months
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cake-and-spades · 8 months
i hate you "pair the spares"/"everyone must be paired" tropes, i hate you forced last minute romances, i hate you implication that a happy ending means a romantic partner, i hate you amatonormativity
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cake-and-spades · 11 months
reblog for larger sample size and so on
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
[ID: a google search for aromantic visibility day. It is June 5, 2023. It is internationally recognized and started this year. A gif of an aromantic pride flag waving and spinning around is below it. End ID.]
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
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The moon belongs to the gays >:)
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
A doctor: why you want top surgery
Me, a trans: you know those really douchey tank tops? The ones with the comically open arm holes?
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
[ID: the long slouchy worm guys from men in black. One is sitting on the countertop, drinking coffee and leaning on a microwave. The other is leaning on the countertop. Their torsos have no chest but have a long protruding belly. End ID.]
so i got top surgery. super great. but it turns out im built like the worms from Men in Black. decidedly not so great.
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Transmasc swag unlimited true form
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
gender non-compliant
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
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been sitting on this one for a WHILE
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
[The video shows two people, Divinity (left) and Nik (right). Text above their head says "Happy Aromantic Awareness Week". Their socials are also above their heads, with "@/officiallydivinity" and "@/nikhampshire (ig)". Divinity has the label "Aromantic/GreyAce" under her and Nik has "AlloAromantic".
Divinity: "What's up potatoes, it's Divinity."
Nik: "I'm Nik Hampshire."
Divinity: "Some of you may know it's Aromantic Awareness Week and we're both aromantic. We wanted to do a fun little video of some things we may find repulsive or that we may be into as romantic repulsed aromantics."
Nik: "True."
Divinity: "So we just wrote down a couple of things and we actually don't even know each other's answers yet, so this is gonna be fun. Hand holding. One, two, three."
Both of the hold up a thumbs down.
Divinity: Same! Cuddling. One, two, three.
Both hold up a thumbs up.
Divinity: (laughing) Yes!
Nik: Non-holiday gift giving. One, two, three.
Divinity holds a thumbs up. Nik holds a thumbs down. He switches to a thumbs up.
Nik: Nah. Like it depends who it is though. Like if its somebody that I-
Divinity: It depends what it is as well.
Nik: That too, yeah. So really there's like a lot of context that comes into that.
Divinity: If it's a funko pop, I- I want it. If it's flowers for no reason...
Nik: And it's like if we don't know each other, if we're just hanging out as like we're hooking up or it's just something casual and you start giving me gifts. I'm like... nah.
Divinity: That's suspicious. Nicknames. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs down.
Divinity: No! Do not call me babe!
Nik: Pop Ins. One, two, three.
Both of them give a thumbs down.
Nik: Don't come by my house.
Divinity: You better text, call, send a smoke signal.
Nik: Don't call, don't call either- Good morning/good night text. One, two, three.
Divinity keeps her thumb sideways while Nik gives a thumbs down.
Divinity: I'm indifferent! (laughing) It just depends on who it is.
Nik: True.
Divinity: PDA. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs down. Nik moves himself out of frame completely.
Nik: Uh, playing with a partner's hair. One. two, three.
Divinity gives a thumbs up and Nik gives a thumbs down. He switches it up and down a few times.
Nik: Eh, kinda depending on context.
Divinity: I mean it's a wig, you wanna wear it. You know. Cooking for someone. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs up.
Divinity: I love cooking!
Nik: I love to eat.
Divinity: I love cooking!
Nik: Covering the bill. One, two, three.
Divinity gives a thumbs up. Nik hesitates before giving a thumbs up.
Nik: Uh yeah it depends.
Divinity: I like to go dutch though because if someone is paying for everything I start to feel like-
Nik: Yeah that's kinda how I feel.
Divinity: It just feels so much like a date.
Nik: So I go halves.
Divinity: Yeah, I'm a halfsies...
Nik: Again, until there's like a repertoire and we know we're friends then I'll cover-
Divinity: Yeah.
Nik: That being said, obviously what is and isn't romantic is subjective per person and even per incident. Like sometimes with the same person something might feel romantic at one point, it might not feel romantic at the next. So it's up to you guys.
Divinity: Never let what the appearance of what something looks like stop you from enjoying the activity with someone because you're afraid of being "perceived" as something.
The text "Bloopers" appears on screen, showing parts they messed up on.
Divinity: All that being said, I forgot what I was about to say (laughing). That's what she said, I'm sorry. That being said I hope that you all know romantic gestures- what are they?
Nik: Gestures.
Divinity: Yeah.
End Transcript]
Note: This video is at least a year old (maybe 2??) but it's been in my drafts forever so better late than never! Also happy aromantic spectrum awareness week (I'm so late I'm sorry)!!!
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
One advantage of not really having a strong sense of gender identity is that you’re very [shrug emoji] about how people gender you. Sometimes people call me by she/her pronouns and sometimes they go with he/him pronouns and on the internet people often default to they/them, and neither option is entirely right but also, fuck if I know what would be right, and I don’t particularly care. Therefore I’m perfectly happy to outsource my gender identity to the people around me who actually need to figure out which box to put me in. I don’t need to talk about myself in third person, so really my pronouns sound like a you problem.
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
my best friend: I just don't know if I have any chances with her you know? what should I do?
my aromantic ass:
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cake-and-spades · 1 year
not romantic nor sexual nor platonic but a secret fourth thing (drawn on the same layer)
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