calliedion-dungeon · 2 days
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IM SORRY. WHAT? How had I never seen these before today? Are these for real?!
Dead. I am dead.
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calliedion-dungeon · 11 days
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had some fun drawing more stylized versions of my favorite satanic old men. as one does.
(terzo came back wrong, secondo needs to be better about removing his glittery eye makeup, copia is judging you in a sexy way, and primo has never done anything wrong in his life ever.)
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calliedion-dungeon · 14 days
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Emotional Support Papa
Remember to reblog & tip your artists!// More Art
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calliedion-dungeon · 15 days
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!!1000 Followers Celebration Copia Post!! 🥹
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calliedion-dungeon · 24 days
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my version of @hystericmuse DTIYS challenge
[Prints] | [Commissions]
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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Aether shitghosting!
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
Been thinking some thoughts
About a Ghost AU....where Sister Imperator basically gives Copia to the ministry after he was born, instead of raising him herself until the point where he's old enough to start mentoring him into becoming Papa.
Of course she's lying about it, saying she "found him outside the gates". So he's raised by the sisters and brothers of sin.
Primo, Secondo and Terzo all knew what Sister did(it was quite obvious, one day she's very pregnant and the next day she's not but coincidentally she finds an abandoned baby who's also part of the bloodline? Not sus at all.) and they give her the side eye whenever they see her.
At this time Nihil is still in his prime, touring as Papa and Kiss The Go-Goating women so he could give two fucks about his sons or the fact that he has a new one.
The brothers don't meet him until he's around 5 because even though they're aware of his existence, there are a lot of children in the ministry and Sister made sure to keep him(and his identity) hidden, so one fateful day they bump into him with a sister and realize who he really is.
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They decide from that point on to take his parenting upon themselves(well mostly Primo does, it's not his first time raising a brother of his afterall) and try to give him a better life than what he had so far.
The other brothers are all cardinals at this point, with Primo waiting to become Papa.
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(It's really just me wanting to draw some emeritus brothers bonding and loving eachother so don't mind this post and the upcoming ones if that's not your cup of tea.)
It also needs a name or a tag I guess? So I can keep track of them and put them all in one #
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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Happy Valentine's Day! (I'm a little late, sorry)
or briefly about how I found a pretty picture on the Internet and tried to figure out how to beat it. for C3 fans, I will post an addition to the drawing later, I hope it will be just as charming!
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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“I am the one who preys on weak. I offer everything they seek.”
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
I plan to write for all of the ghouls and ghoulettes more. I just want to know what people want the most in case I get any ideas that aren’t requested.
(Will make a separate poll for ghoulettes)
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calliedion-dungeon · 1 month
Here is a little multi chapter fic I’m currently working on.
Basically Dewdrop is not dealing so good with the soon arrival of the new water ghoul. It brings him back to times before his transition. Will Rain and Dew ever be able to be friends, or even more?
Sunshine is a total badass and has to knock sense into literally everybody.
(Dewdrop is a trans man and uses he/him pronouns. Sunshine is transfem and uses she/they pronouns.)
I’m at chapter 6 right now, so you can read it up to there on AO3:
And I will do my best to post all chapter here on tumblr too, it will take a bit of time though.
Echos of Transcendence
Chapter 1
cw: gender dysphoria and a bit of depression because of it
Read it below the cut!
He looks at his reflection in the mirror. The long white hair Dewdrop normally cherishes is unkempt and greasyly hanging into his face, desperately needing a wash.
But for a week now he hasn’t really been in the mood for that. Copia had let him know about the summoning happening today at full moon a week prior. It wasn’t just any other summoning, it’s the summoning of the new water ghoul for the band project.
Something about the idea of a new water ghoul in their quarters makes his skin crawl. It reminds him of the time Dew himself was water, oh, and also important, a water ghoulette. He doesn’t hate who he was, but he more feels completely disconnected to who he was before his transition. It’s like his life finally began for real when he told his pack that he is transgender.
Since then he made adjustments to his body, taking hormones and getting top surgery. And even though that all helped him pass, the dysphoria never really goes away.
In front of the mirror he feels like his hips are too wide, he is too short with delicate hands and thin tail and he hates it.
And now he has to see somebody every day of the week, that reminds him of a time he was completely miserable and someone he could have been. Dew knew that this day had to come, the band needs to continue and is missing a bass player, but that doesn’t stop him from sulking.
He get‘s ripped from his thoughts when he hears knocking on his door.
“Dew! We have to leave for the chapel in an hour, are you nearly ready?“ Sunshine calls.
He gives no response. Dew doesn’t want to be seen by anybody. He is ashamed that he still isn’t over this. Why does he always have to be a problem?
“If you are in there and ignoring me, I will kick your ass!”
“Just leave me alone Sunny!”
Dewdrop yells back.
But she is not so easyly dismissed and knocks again just to signal her stubbornness.
“Come on,let me in! I know it’s hard for you right now, I just want to help. I’m your friend and I care for you!”
But why is it so hard for Dew? He transitioned years ago, he should have himself in check by now and not fall into a depressive phases as soon as a new water ghoul is only mentioned.
Sunny outed herself as transfem only this year and they don’t have the same problem it seems.
She is so much stronger than him. He is just pathetic. Everybody always has to help and comfort him, and he feels like he doesn’t deserve their kindness. He’s just weak.
“I don’t want your help! I will be fine!” Dewdrop says harshly.
He always reverts back to anger when he doesn’t know how to deal with his dark thoughts. He doesn’t want Sunny’s help, he will just drag her down.
“Nope, this is not happening! You are not shutting me out like this. I will come in now!”
Sunshine pushes the door open, determined to break through Dew's isolation.
When she sees his slumped posture in front of the mirror, they rush over to him. He registers their approach, but doesn’t try to move. Shame is rolling of him in waves. Her soft voice somehow breaks through to him.
“Come on firefly, can you look at me please?”
He slowly lifts his eyes. He doesn’t know why he expected to see disgust or anger in her eyes, but there is nothing but kindness and concern.
“Listen to me right now. I know what you are thinking, you are not weak and you are not a disappointment. We all like caring for you, you are our pack, our family and we love you. There is no such thing as needing to much help Dew. When you are not okay, you are not okay. And I am here to help. You care for all of as so deeply, let us return the favour please.”
He breaks down in sobs relived, shoulders shaking. Dew really needed to hear that to break him out of his downwards spiral.
“Can you maybe hug me?”
Before he can even finish his question, Sunshine has him wrapped tightly in her arms. He snivels a bit more, while they stroke his hair calmingly. Dew slowly stops his crying.
“Here we go. Do you want to talk?”
“I just feel so stupid you know? Dysphoria hit me last week so hard I couldn’t even shower, and all just because they will summon a new water ghoul. I shouldn’t feel this way anymore, especially because of such a stupid reason!”
“Don’t invalidate your feelings like that! I know it must be hard for you to always be reminded of the time you didn’t live as your true self. I will support you, I understand you and I will be there for you if you need anything. And if the new ghoul or anybody else gives you problems we will drag them back into the pit!”
Dewdrop has to smile and nods. “Same applies for you too of course. I will fuck them up if they say transphobic shit to you.”
“I know, thank you.” She smiles. “Now what do we do about this?” Sunshine vaguely gestures at his hair and overall state. Dew lets his head hang.
“‘m sorry for you having to see me like this…” he says shyly, tears rising to his eyes.
“Oh don’t worry about that, I have seen nearly every member of the pack in states worse than yours. And do you remember when I was first summoned and was afraid of the water from the shower for a long time? I must have been disgusting, but you still helped me get over it and even washed my messy hair. So really, you don’t have to worry.”
Dew then sniffles one last time and says: “I think I’m ready to shower now.”
“That’s good Dew! Do you want me to distract you?”
They ask.
Dew is really glad Sunshine offered a distraction or he knows he would spiral again as soon as he takes off his clothes. So he nods enthusiastically.
“Yes, that would really help me a lot.”
The shower wasn’t too bad, they turned off the light and Sunny let her hands glow just enough for Dew not to fall over in the shower. When they ran out of dad jokes to tell, she started singing the ingredients of different products lying around the bathroom. She wasn’t able to pronounce most of them correctly, but it obviously made Dew laugh, so they just continued until Dew was finished.
After he was dressed in the usual black uniform, Sunny and Dew both used their element to dry his hair and he let her brush it. It definitely calmed him down.
“Are you ready?”
Sunshine asks after glancing at her watch.
“As ready as I will ever be.”
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calliedion-dungeon · 2 months
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Might I offer a Secondo?
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calliedion-dungeon · 2 months
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calliedion-dungeon · 3 months
“the x reader girlies”, “I don’t like when writers do–“, “how can people be into this kink–“, “I don’t get why people find this character attractive”, “this type of story is so cringe”, “actually this character would NEVER be into (insert gender)”, “he could never top–“, “this is wrong because in canon–“, “xyz trope/AU is so overdone” —— AHGHGHGHGHHHHGHSHSHJSJHHHHH
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