calypso2511 · 8 hours
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tearing apart
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
One day the world will be a softer place
You will find a place that is yours, with people and things that love you, that dont judge or haze you for your mistakes.
Where you can look up at the star filled sky and feel hopeful for the future
And feel alive
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-despite everything, there is still love
@arthoesunshine/ @artsheila/ @daisies-on-a-cup/ @gayarsonist / @hjarta/ @yunawinter on twitter/ @bakwaaas/ @death-born-aphrodite/ anon on gentleearth/ @classicnymph on twitter
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
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the ache of nostalgia
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
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-despite everything, there is still love
@arthoesunshine/ @artsheila/ @daisies-on-a-cup/ @gayarsonist / @hjarta/ @yunawinter on twitter/ @bakwaaas/ @death-born-aphrodite/ anon on gentleearth/ @classicnymph on twitter
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
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calypso2511 · 8 hours
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the original post by @aweega is no more as the blog appears to have been nuked😔 rip
this was posted on Patreon @/magpiecrown a month ago and is now coming to tumblr - and made available to all patrons, including free members, if having everything in one place works better for you 💗
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calypso2511 · 9 hours
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It has been months, and I keep forgetting to show off my big cross stitch projects, but NO MORE! Ruler for scale~ Temporal tower took about ten months of constant work, and nap time took about four or five.
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calypso2511 · 9 hours
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calypso2511 · 1 day
if people aren't people, are there any beings that are?
Probably not. At risk of getting to "real" on here, I often suspect that consciousness is a mirage and that even if it is real it is so fleeting that it is not our default sate of being. So in a lot of ways the idea of a person is kinda meaningless philosophically speaking. That said I am not one of those hardliners who thinks this justifies not treating everyone like people. In fact I am sort of the opposite, if it quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, I act like it's a duck because generally speaking you're on the wrong side of history when you decide something doesn't deserve kindness. [Braces himself for the 100s of comments explaining how wrong and ignorant his half-baked take on existentialism is]
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calypso2511 · 2 days
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Elsewhere AU - 4.15
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calypso2511 · 2 days
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calypso2511 · 2 days
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Project Dawn Light by Evan Cheng
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calypso2511 · 2 days
most trans people who people like to call "non transitioning" actually do transition, but people don't want to acknowledge that not all transition is medical
changing your hair is transition
deciding to shave or grow your body hair is transition
doing something different with make up is transition
changing your new wardrobe is transition
changing your name is transition
changing your pronouns is transition
coming out to people is transition
even just accepting your own transness without telling anyone else is transition, as it changes how you see yourself
it's almost impossible to be trans and truly non transitioning, even if that transition might be non medical, non visible or entirely self contained
all kinds of transition are valid.
there are also things that aren't necessarily associated with transition that an individual may consider to be part of their transition, like working out to make their body look different, getting piercings and tattoos and so much more
there are so many ways of transitioning besides surgery and hormones
"non transitioning nonbinary/trans person" is just code for "i don't consider your transition to be real because it doesn't fully fit into what cis people expect"
"some parents would rather have a non transitioning trans child than one who does" like yeah no shit. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who doesn't come out, doesn't change anything about themself. not their name, not their pronouns, not their hair or wardrobe. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who never talks about being trans so their parents can pass them off as cis. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child that is in the closet. of course a lot of parents would rather have a trans child who stays in the closet so they don't have to deal with their transness. but you all mean "non transitioning" as in "not medically transitioning" and that's not true either. trans people get kicked out of their house for doing as little as changing their pronouns. and if you say you're doing literally anything as part of your transition/because you're trans, people will absolutely give you shit for it, while a cis person can do the same thing and it's no biggie. social transition is not accepted at all.
there are some weird trans people out there who will completely dismiss people's life saving transition steps as "non transitioning" because they don't fit cis ideas of transness, it's disgusting
when i say "transition" i'm always including medical transition and social transition, as well as anything else an individual may consider part of their transition that doesn't necessarily fit into the two boxes
also can we stop acting like social transition isn't also constantly under attack
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calypso2511 · 2 days
what is something you think more people should know about?
So much.
First thing that comes to mind though is the hierarchy of information. I think the world would be a better places if we prioritised wisdom over intelligence.
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calypso2511 · 4 days
🐾 Beaver Busy Boopin’! 🐾
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He’ll boop you back with his webby paws!
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calypso2511 · 5 days
i am weak, my little sister made a nest in the corridor outside me and my siblings rooms and sat there writing a story i love her so much
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