L- Lost: /Losing their S/O in a crowd/
A/N: nothing much to say- besides I think I wrote to much for 2d's
Request: open
Edited: no
Pairing: The band x GN!reader
This is apart of my crack alphabet
Tw: Panic, Murdoc acts a bit toxic(and it's not ok don't let people treat you like that), idk if i missed something
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-Bold of you to assume 2D wasn't the one getting lost
-It take's 2D a hot minute to realize S/O wasn't even there anymore
-At first he wouldn't realize it, so he would go about walking around doing whatever you two were doing- when he realized you two aren't holding hands anymore, so he looks back to go grab your hand when he realized S/O wasn't there
-Like Murdoc he comes to a freeze- as the info that his S/O is now gone sets it
-2D snaps back to reality when someone accidently bumps into him
-"oh- sorry didn't mean to-" the stranger was cut off by 2D's unintelligible panic talk before 2D scrambled away leaving the stranger confused
-2D would scramble all over the place looking for S/O panicked, to anyone who was looking from an outside perspective would be sincerely confused- I mean he doesn't look crazy or anything but he looks very lost
-And especially if you guys are on tour in a unfamiliar country or place for the first time
-Because if so- he's panicking get's worse
-Eventually he sees someone with a phone- and the realization that he should check his phone
-2D sighs in relief thinking that you probably sent him a text- in which you didn't and panic sets back in
-He spends the next half an hour looking for his S/O when 2D see's his S/O too busy looking at something to notice 2D
-2D stumbles over to S/O a bit winded and babbling about you being gone
-"Luv- where have you been-?" 2D said pulling you into a bone crushing embrace, "Why didn't you answer da' phone?"
-"oh sorry Stu... I got distracted, and my phone is dead so I couldn't answer any text-" you say as 2D still didn't let go
-After some reassuring hugs and a kiss and you two go back to whatever your doing- as 2D basically forgetting what just happened
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-He panics a bit but stays in place
-At first he just waits their hopeing S/O wanders back but when two minutes has passed and no sign of you
-Murdocs next checks his messages, and he had zero from you
-So now he's stressed as hell, but he tries to keep calm
-And walks around casually like nothings wrong, while he's sweating bullets and his eyes are darting all over the place looking for you
-every few minutes Mudz takes out his phone checking for a message
-He eventually find you and jogs over to you and grabs S/O by the arm and starts to grumble out frustrated nags
-"The hell- have' ya been, I've been looking all over the fucking place-" Murdoc would snap at S/O, as he drags S/O back to the car
-"Jeez sorry- just got distracted..." S/O would respond
-"Well why didn't you answer yer fuck'en phone?"
"Uh... I left it at home..."
-Murdoc would face palm
- you two didn't get to finish the outing because murdoc was stressed and just wanted to go home and relax
-But the next day you two went back out but this time Murdoc kept his arms around S/O's waist or shoulders
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-She looks around for a second before checking her phone to see if you texted her, and when she see's you didn't she would immediately start searching the area for you
-And Noodle finds you immediately- no joke, she take like a minute and then finds you
-"Hay S/O- where did you go?" Noodle said as she placed a hand on your shoulder as she walks up behind you
-"oh hey sorry Noods, I didn't realize I lost you..."
-Noodle accepted the apology and you two went about your outing but this time Noodle walked behind you to make sure you don't wander off
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-The most rational out of all of them
-Like Noodle, Russel immediately checked his phone and sighed when he saw no texts
- He would calmly look around for you- it took like ten to thirty minutes to find S/O
-And when he found S/O he didn't ask any question, he just walks up to S/O puts a hand on their shoulder and says "Hey baby- come on we have things to do"
-"Oh- hey Rus look what i found.." S/O would point at the thing that distracted them
-"yeah yeah- lets go hon" Rus would hold your hand as you two go about your day- and he would look over his shoulder every once in a while to make sure you're still there
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Please we need more murdoc with a chuddy s/o
Murdoc with a Chubby S/O
AN: I completely agree anon there is simply not enough Chubby S/O stuff, so I love this. Anyways have a lovely day anon!♡
Also requests are open
Edited: nah
Pairing: Murdoc x GN!reader
(phase unspecified)
TW: Cussing, insecurities, Murdoc's a perv, aggression
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Murdoc just loves how squishy S/O is
Like seriously
When walking around in public Murdoc would sling an arm around S/o and his hand would land around on the bottom of their chub
In which he would massage/rub that area subconsciously when about and out- as he finds it soothing but there's no way in hell he'd admit that
And this isn't just about the stomach, as generally any body part with a bit more body fat on it will generally be something Murdoc will most likely touch
Like thighs for example, if you sit down with him anywhere his hand will automatically move to your thigh
These are habits are correlated to the fact that Murdoc with a chubby partner makes him more handsy/touchy feely
So Mudz is gonna be a bit more grope happy with a larger sized partner no matter whether their a man women or the in-between, what matters in this situation is that their thicc- and yes I mean grope he is a sleazy greasy perverted man and we love him for it
And that doesn't mean that he's more likely to be attracted to a chubby person rather than skinny- no, it's just he get my handsy with chubby S/O's
I would say it's just with a chubby S/O there's more skin- more fat- more to love- more to touch- more to be a pervert about, which just inclines Murdoc to be more touchy
To Murdoc, you are basically a personal pillow- again he would never say it
Whenever Murdoc is in a shaky emotional state he'll just cry and press himself into your stomach or chest as continues to break down
Murdoc can get quite rather passive aggressive about S/O's insecurities
He loves you and you not seeing that you hot and amazing frustrates him
Murdoc's no master of feelings, so helping S/O with their insecurities when he can barely help himself is a hard task
"Baby... I don't understand what yer talkin' about-?"
"I don't know Mudz- it's just..."
"Dove- you are the most fucking gorgeous and handsome person I've ever damn seen- ya got that!"
Even if he struggles with giving moral support he doesn't let no one disrespect his S/O
Which is inevitable- people have nasty opinions and Murdoc is famous so it's impossible to avoid the eyes of nasty people
But thankfully S/O has a handsome green man to snap back at the shitty people
Murdoc would just insult them till some might start crying, want to fight him, or run away
And then just acts all smug when they go away- like he's the hero
then swiftly drops that once he realizes that you might need comfort, and then awkwardly comforts you
"Fuck what those people think, you're the hottest thing ever!"
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"Murdoc are the rumors true?"
AN: Alright so this is my first one-shot so if it's shit sorry. This was apart of the poll I did some time back- and Murdy won, though I had to edit my original prompt a bit. I decided to do this primarily first person- but if you guys think I should try something else than I'm open to suggestions.
Summery: Murdoc goes into a interview and announces his relationship in it. Meanwhile S/O is watching the interview from their couch. And it's stupidly wholesome
Pairing: Murdoc x GN!reader
(phase unspecified)
Edited: haha no
WC: 1,170
TW: Cussing, S/O's a insomniac, Murdoc exposes the relationship without addressing S/O about it first, Murdoc's a bit of an ass
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  S/O sat on their couch, mindlessly flicking through the channels on your TV. You just couldn’t sleep, but that's nothing new- sleepless nights are nothing uncommon. But usually you're accompanied by a green-skinned-Satanist, but your home lacks that factor tonight. S/O sigh’s as they place down their remote next to them, leaning back- curling into themselves and their hand coming up to rub their tired eyes. You reach for your phone- turning it on as your hand moves and your eyes flutter open to check the time.
2:57 AM
  “Ugh” was the only thing that left your mouth as you slouch back in your seat. Grabbing your remote you resume your channel surfing. You don’t know how much time passed when you remember your boyfriend was gonna have a live interview late today. Your boyfriend of 1 and maybe a half-ish years(you're not too sure, your boyfriend was never too keen on anniversaries, so you kinda lost track) was on a live tour in America with his band, they've been gone for half a month. Oh your dear boyfriend Murdoc Niccals, and his band Gorillaz. You check back at the time on your phone hoping maybe you can make it.
3:12 AM
  S/O cocks their head back and forth doing the math in their head before thinking out loud “sooo… it should be about 11 to 10-ish there…. so I should be about to catch it..”. Murdoc told you on a call a few days before the time of the interview and what channel it’ll be on, so you quickly find the channel and put it on. As soon as you get on the channel you’re met with the face of Noodle, and you can’t help but smile as you see the familiar face. It seems you missed a bit of the interview but you don’t care. Eventually they finish asking Noodle her question and they zoom out showing the whole band sitting on one couch, but you're drawn to the figure of your boyfriend on the screen- Murdoc sits slouched on the couch with a smug grin on his face. Your ears perk up and you focus on what they’re saying when you hear them getting ready to ask the next question.
“So Murdoc, are the rumors true?”
 Rumors. What rumors?
“Are you actually in a committed relationship-... you’ve been seen with the same person multiple times- and frankly you’ve been less of your frisky self as said by your fans?”
  Oh FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFu- you tune out what the lady says past ‘relationship’. You two never really talked about the seriousness of your relationship enough to ever hear the word ‘committed’, knowing Murdoc's history you were worried he would be put off by the ‘commitment’ part, so you two never talked about it. You turned away from the screen in worry of the reaction of your boyfriend. But it’s silence, you finally look up to see that Murdoc actually looked rather giddy, as you can obviously see the thoughts running through his head of him actually contemplating admitting to having serious relationship on live TV- well it’s obvious to you, as you stared wide eyed at the TV waiting for Murdoc to say something.
“Yes- yes I am actually- with’ a lovely little dove….”
   Your mind goes blank as you process what just happened- you tune out whatever the interviewer says next. Till you hear Murdoc's voice once more “‘Sorry luv but can’t tell ya who my dove is but… all ya need’ ta know is it’s all true….”, Murdoc would wink and wave at the camera- at you, “hey baby, know’ yer watch’in…”. After that the interviewer just continues to spue a bunch of questions at Murdoc, and Murdoc answers relatively truthfully- “yeah the band knows, how long have we been together- eh awhile, will you meet them- nah, uh, ugh- all these questions are irrelevant…” he waves them off. And Murdoc continues to side step the questions they throw at him, but you can help but see how proud he looks, how proud he looks to be in a relationship, to be in a relationship with you. S/O sits there just taking in the fact Murdoc just solidified your two’s relationship as committed and monogamous- LIVE no less. 
  Suddenly you're pulled back to reality by the sounds of the interviewers asking the band members about Murdoc's relationship- as Murdoc did say they were aware, in which they were. The lady asked “So how do you guys feel about Mudoc's relationship- more specifically how do you like Murdoc's partner?”. Noodles the first one to answer “They're nice.”, heh Noodle was never really one for words. Russels next “Their good company, I don’ have no problem them… in fact when their around Mudz seems like less of an ass..”, Russels remark didn’t go unnoticed by Murdoc as he responded with a “HEY!”. 2D remarked “Yeah- Murdoc yells a lot less when’der around…”, Murdoc only glares daggers at 2D while mumbling ‘damn face ache’ under his breath, which you roll your eyes at. Then suddenly-
“Well that's all for today my lovely viewer- Good Day!”
  -And suddenly the program is over… seems like you missed most of the interview. You turn off the TV and just just go limp in your spot, you stare at a wall as you bask in the glory of your new found ‘committed’ relationship statues. You hear you phone buzz, who the hell is texting you at the fucking witching hour, you go to grab your phone and check the time.
3:34 AM
  The notification was from Murdoc, he had texted you already, that was fast the live ended barely a minute ago, you open your text and it reads- “Did you watch it”, “well that was quick” you think out loud. You text back confirming you did, and immediately you get a call from Murdoc, and you answer it immediately. “Hey dove, whaddya think?” the sound of Murdoc rings in your ears, “it was great hon… missed most of it though…” you replied groggily, suddenly Murdoc goes quiet for a moment. “You ok baby..?” Murdoc sounds mildly concerned, “yeah just *yawn* tired…” you say as Murdoc has a realization- “oh fuck yeah- the time differences… why aren't you asleep?” Murdoc says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Can’t sleep…” you shrugged laying down on your couch, putting your call on speaker, and placing it on your stomach, it was silent for a few seconds after that.
  Suddenly Murdoc speaks up and awkwardly mumbles “you said you missed most of it right…. Well how about I fill you in… and you try to sleep…”, you just reply with a “mhm”. And from there Murdoc smugly recounted the events of the interview to you till he heard soft snoring on the other end of the phone and hung up. And that was some of the best sleep you got in the past half a month.
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Requests are open:
Also I am starting to write for Ace now to so yeah!
Tree: side note my blogs gonna be under construction which means my rules, post structure, and shit's is gonna change- tho it's nothing big- so just a heads up
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I have a request!
Dad Murdoc x child reader like A father and daughter relationship if it’s okay with you? 😁💚
Dadoc with a Daughter
WRITERS NOTES: Hi❤️. I had a huge Dadoc obsession at one point in time. Sorry this is super late. Hope you have a lovely day anon! 🙂
Edited: Nope
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Mudz hate 2D, fighting
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Murdoc never expected to be dad, never thought about it, nor ever want to be a dad
But here he is...
But that doesn't matter because after some initial hesitation he was determined to do better than his dad did
Thank satan for Noodle
Noodle gave Mudz some experience rasing a girl
Without her Murdoc would be a bit all over the place with raising y/n
Noodle was y/n's big sis to little y/n and essentially a mentor, and Murdoc approves 100%
Murdoc hates the idea 2D being anywhere near his kid
Mudz would death glare 2D everytime Mudz daughter would innocently ask 2D to play with her
Murdoc is still a fairly insecure person so he tends to be very protective of his kid out of fear the kid would leave them
So he can be a bit defensive about things like relationships, things happening and he doesn't know about it(it could be something really small and doesn't matter but to him it matters), Mudz kid being far away for to long, ect...
But it's funny because Murdoc's also like really chill. He'd let his kid do a lot of things- and get away with a lot of things. Like in school for example he doesn't give much of a shit about how you do.
For two reasons, one he doesn't want to be a stick in mud dad, and second his daughter is his angel who he has a hard time saying 'no' to
Mudz may not be the most attentive as he struggels with geting along with children- but good satan is this kid quite spoiled-
Like I said he had a hard time saying no, but mostly to certain things becuase while he's may be a bit weak hearted when it comes to his kid Murdoc is still strong headed
So Mudz would put his foot down and would eventually learn how to somewhat discipline his kid with the help of the band
Growing up Murdoc and his daughter would have little petty fight, it's hilarious to watch A full grown man debate a 5 year old on whether her bed time should be 11pm or 10pm
Like I previously mentioned he hates being long distance and a big contributer to this is when y/n was really young like 3 or 4 Murdoc had to leave his kid for the first time- it was for a concert tour so he was gone for a good while and he was anxious the longer he was away from home and the thing that set his hatred for being long distance in stone is when Murdoc came back his daughter complained and gave him puppy dog eyes and that was all Murdoc needed to start bring his kid on tour with him
So from every tour on he takes his kid with him and it doesn't matter if his daughter doesn't want to, up until the age 16-18 the kid will be coming with him
Murdoc is very conflicted when it comes to his daughter dating
Like I said Murdoc doesn't want to be a stink in the mud but he hates the idea of losing his kid to someone else- which causes him to become defensive and conflicted when it comes to his daughters love life and relationships
Murdoc doesn't really care on whether his daughter dates men, women, or the in-between but rather he cares about if their good enough, and to Murdoc no one's ever damn good enough for his precious daughter
"The Fuck is this piece of crap doing in my house!?"
"Pops that's my partner...."
"Why would a Niccals date this piece of shit! You're a Niccals y/n you're better than this.."
But if y/n gets more defensive about their partner Murdoc will back off a bit- in fear of that this might hurt the relationship with his daughter
"Who the fuck is that- and why are they hear!?"
"That my partner Dad! The person I care about... jeez..."
But if their two defensive and get angry, well then Murdoc gets angry too- and well then a fight might start
Speaking of fighting, the whole cute petty fighting thing continues into adulthood because if Murdocs daughter is anything like Murdoc that their heard headed and this caused petty fighting
As a kid Murdoc tried to give his daughter every opportunity he could give them- any progran, schooling, extracurricular activities, all of it- he wants his kid to live her dream like he did
"Heh, 'Course we can get some ice cream, only the best for my kid."
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Shit man, so I finaly decided to try fanfic writing
But anyways this poll is gonna run for about a week, and whichever one yall like the most because I'm terrible at making decision- so It's up to ya'll
I will expand upon the fic a little more below. WC means word count, because I want to set a standard for myself, but they arn't 100% their just the minimum amount of words.
Russel (S/O's a cluts in the kitchen and Rus wanted to teach S/O to bake and spend time together.)
Noodle (S/O wants to bond with Noodle, and what better way than to learn another language- specifically Noodle's first language. Also any Japanese will be from google translation)
2D (2D roller skating with his S/O on date)
Murdoc (Murdoc goes into a interview and announces his relationship in it, and just keeps blabbering about his S/O. Meanwhile S/O is watching the interview from their couch)
Tree: I also wanna say thank you lovely people for the love my singer hc has gotten, considering it's only the second hc I ever posted ❤️
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Hiya! If your still doing requests Could you do Murdoc x Fem girly reader headcannons
Reader is the complete opposite of Murdoc she is sweet to everyone, wears dresses likes pastel colours stuff like that. If that’s okay with you <3
Murdoc x Very fem pastel F! S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Hi! I honestly really like this request, I personally find any pastel style to be realy cool! But I do apologize I'm not good at gendered things- but I will try my very best! I hope you like the hc and that you have a wonderful day!
[ANOTHER NOTE: This is late again, life threw a wrench in my posting schedule again. Anyways have a lovely day, sorry for the delay!]
Edited: Nope
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Murdoc drinking, Murdocs childhood, Murdoc being a grouch, implied abuse?, spoilers for cracker Island, jealousy, insecurity, probably more but can't figure it right now- so just tell me any out standing ones I missed.
(Side thing: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, it's toxic, I am not trying to indorse the shit he does!)
Murdoc(yay better murdoc drawing)
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Sorry HuH???
Just how???
You are the embodiment of a kind person... and Murdocs..... a satanic piece of shit gremlin with anger issues
So to say everyone- including Murdoc himself was quite surprised
The band won't let him live down the fact you two are so different
They tease him a lot, but other then that that band absolutely adores S/O
2D has straight up asked you why would you 'date 'an asshole like Murdoc', it was very blut though there was no ill will behind it
Murdoc will Call you the normal nick names such a 'dove, babe, love, ect..' but he will most likly call you a bit more sweet things- in private obviously, but this often happens if he's ih a more sensitive state-
Whether that be when he's drunk, high, hung over, ect... he'll just tend to be a bit loving- his voice is almost tender
And he'll use pet names like 'babydoll, sugar, cutie, my star, sweetie, the occasional babycake's', but Murdoc could use those in a very teasing way too if S/O is the kind of person who tends to get flustered
"*hic* ya'know, I'ma start... *hic* call'en ya cavity..." Murdoc said sluring his words
"What, why?"
"*drunken giggle* Cuz' yer so cute *hic* dat'cha rot my teeth... heh.."
S/O looks so different when standing next to Murdoc that some people find it concerning
When out in public with each other at night(ie. Murdoc draged you to a bar with him), there has been at least one case of someone coming up to you in concern for S/O's wellbeing, thinking Murdoc was some creep following S/O, or the every so often waitress or waitor asking if you are ok, when you and Mudz are out on a date
Murdoc gets really pissed when this happens, so S/O will have to call him down
With pastel and bright clothes you gonna want to not leave them around Murdocs room/Winnebago because that shit will be stained to high hell(even if you need a black light to see the stains), and those stains will never come out, so be reaaally careful
He doesn't really understand why you like pastel & bright clothes or makeup- but he definitely thinks you look good in it so he won't complain- as long as you don't try and put any of that on him(at least in public)-
Listen hun, Murdoc has a reputation to uphold!- Murdoc would often repeat variants of that
"SSSZZ-SSTOOWWWPPHhhu- *hmph* I have a reputation- and YOU-" Murdocs points an accusatory finger at S/O "-Fuck'in... leav'en damn stupid... neon fuk'en PINK lipstick marks.. on MY damn FACE... BEFORE A DAMN SHOW..isn't help'in..."
"Why'dya got'a go'in be so damn cute... yer stupid 'KinDNeSs' making me look... ugh nice..."
S/O when their in the later phases and later in the relationship- S/O definitely made Murdoc more nice but only really around S/O- don't get me wrong when S/O's gone Mudz still a complete ass
But he tends to be more chilled out, Murdy once he got close to S/O, he really wanted her to like him- but this isn't uncommon with Murdoc getting scared his shitty behavior is gonna scare a person he genuinely cares about away
He's in complete denial about going any for of soft, and he just ends up acting like a piss baby-
"Wha'dya mean I'm go'in soft!?!" Murdoc said pulling away from S/O
"Babe. You're wearing the *insert random pastel themed character* shirt I got you..."
"...I-...I had nut'en else to wear.." Murdoc tutned away with a huff
"You walk around shirtless and in your underwear all the time- what changed?"
"..Damn face ache..." Mudz slammed the door with a a groan, clearly agitated
"You ok dear?"
Murdoc turned to you and pouted like a bitter old man "Face Ache said I was going soft!!! Can ya believe that fuck'en nob!"
He's overall very bitter and sour about going soft, so don't tease him to much unless you want his grumpy-ness to turn into full blown anger
Murdoc like to send S/O pictures of things that remind him of her/her style
This is most often pictures of clothes, but it can maybe be a pic of a stuffy or somthing, these items are often pointed out by Noodle or even 2D
But when 2D talks about/points out things that remained him of S/O Mudz will most likely get jealous... and I think we can geuss how it usually goes from there..
Speaking of jealousy
Due to how nice and kind of a person S/O is to everyone, and how insecure Murdoc can be- he can get jealous pretty easy depending on the situation
And no it's not a 'ohh ahh, he's protective and loving' jealousy- no he's an insecure angry goblin man- only getting petty and aggressive, just sit him down and have a talk, he just needs some reassurance
To add to S/O dressing up Murdy. Murdoc refuses to match outfits, he refuses to let you do his makeup... or take pictures of it to show it to people at least..
Like my last statement implies Murdoc has let her do his makeup before, S/O just can't take pictures to show it around to people- tho this doesn't mean you can't take pictures at all
Because you can and you do, S/O has so many pictures of Murdoc in a skirt, or a full face of makeup, etc... and there all adorable even if Murdoc is pissed in all of them
Murdoc refuses to match your style or do any of the dressing up thing in public, or let any of it go out into public. He is stubborn and this is a big boundary for him, so please respect this.
This doesn't just apply to appearances, but just his stuff in general, so no cute neon stickers on things, or cutesy decorations without his permission. Murdoc stands firm on his decision so don't push to much he will get really agitated, and it might lead to a fight- like I said his stubbornness is off the chart.
Murdoc teases S/O quite a bit especially at the beginning of the relationship, and especially if its in earlier phases-
It's how he copes with nice people, Murdy isn't use to people being nice
Murdoc grew up with assholes, he was raised to be an asshole, and he was raised in a way to basically see kindness to be a form of weakness.
So him being shown kindness from this goddess, in response he freaks out a bit and just get really teasy out of defense at first
And knowing him, he might say some upseting things. So S/O has to walk very carefully around early phase Mudz or just a bit early in the relationship
Murdocs sweetheart of a girlfriend is gonna have to break down some walls, and honestly this applys to all and any relationship with Mudz- theres always a few walls to get through
But with any initial kindness there will be some extra defense put up by Murdoc
(I wanna talk about phaze 7 Mudz specifically for a second, so like spoiler warning I guess? )
Murdoc is firm on the fact what he is wearing isn't a dress- we all know what I'm referring to!
That thing he wears in the Cracker Island music video.
He referres to it by whatever it's actually name is(again I don't know, I'll edit it when I figure it out) or he calls them PJ's. He has referred to it dress like but never a girly dress like somthing S/O would wear- and he gets pissy if anyone goes around calling it that. Though in the passed Murdoc has probably worn a dress before.
(Ok weird tangent over, back to just general Murdoc)
Despite hating it when S/O does his makeup or dressing him up- Murdoc does love picking her clothes out and has more then once done S/O's makeup- and he isn't the greatest at first but he does eventually learn how to apply eyeliner without impaling your eyes
Murdoc while is proud of his work- will not stop laughing at how she looks after he's done S/O's makeup
Murdoc 100% underestimates S/O, he thinks S/O is one of the most pure things ever and he wants to mess that up ;)
JK- I'm just joking... particularly...
He just kinda sees S/O as a bit of a childish innocent person who's oblivious to the world- like how else could you be so happy?
If S/O really is that innocent than good luck, becuase that sure as hell isn't gonna 100% last if she wants to stay with this Satanist
But if you arn't as innocent well then it's quite a pleasant surprise to Murdoc
It's up to you to determine how you want Murdoc to figure out S/O's lack of innocence but here are some examples
1. Murdoc used a horribly raunchy and crapy pickup line on S/O and she retorted back with her own, this left Murdoc flustered and stunned before he played it off pretty well. Mudz jokes about this later on because he finds this situation funny
2. Murdoc whilst pissed said some unsavory things, and S/O responds in a way that shows she understood what he just said, and Murdoc depending on how bad what he said was would either laugh it off or he would immediately choke on his own spit, then awkwardly defend himself
3. Very similar 1 but Murdoc made a dirty or just inappropriate joke and S/O expressed they understood and Murdoc would just burst out laughing
Just a few ideas- but it's up to you
But once Murdy finds out, him being the dirty little man he is- he's gonna tease you about it. Mudz sometimes mockingly treats you like a kid- with all good intentions of course
Either way innocent or not S/O is just as appealing- just in different ways
"Dove... your cuteness juz made me throw up'en my mouth.."
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Hey again 😼 maybe another idea for you? Maybe Gorillaz members w a trans ftm s/o who’s insecure about being trans; like they don’t like that they still have feminine bits ig lol
Hope you’re having a slaytastic day
FTM S/O dealing with dysphoria from their appearance
WRITERS NOTES: Hey great to hear from ya again 🍜Anon. And Y E S i love this idea, i think your talking about body baised gender dysphoria, which i can relate to hugely- that shit sucks ass. I think I got outa had with Murdoc's hc, and I had more ideas for some then others. And with that I hope you slaytastic day yourself. And honestly no to sure how I would go about writing this, so if this isn't exactly what you wanted sorry. And sorry if they aren't as long as usual, but like I said I lacked Ideas for this sadly
[ANOTHER NOTE: eh... sorry this took awhile I won't be posting at my previous pase due to the fact a lot of life stuff has been happening recently, and I just don't have as much time as I would like, though I hopefully won't be this slow at writing but just working at a more comfortable pase.]
Edited: fuck no
All art in this post is mine
TW:Curssing, gender dysphoria, transphobia, Implied drug uses, Murdoc being drunk, T, Murdocs dad, Murdocs childhood, ahhh- theres probably more but I can't think of it- so tell me if ya think of anything
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What do you mean you don't like you body?
What is there to not like?
Huh- specific parts you say?
He still doesn't understand- I mean he understands that the fact that you are trans which means your body is not exactly your favorite part of yourself due to the lack of matching you identified gender but he does not understand the depth of upset-ness his boyfriend feels- but like I said he tries his best
So S/O would have to try and explain it 2D
And in the end 2D does understand more but he still doesn't fully grasp everything so 2D turns to google for answers
When 2D woke up at night again from his migraines and couldn't go back to sleep he decides this is the best time to do his research... at 2:00 AM, so 2D goes on insomnia fulled google spree
And my dear fucking lord satan does he go down a rabbit hole
2D can hardly process half the shit he reads
And by the end of it his head is spinning and he's so fucking exhausted
But at least he grasped some stuff and understands even more now, and he knows what he should do!
But first he needs a little nap he earned it
When he wakes up the the first thing he can remember it binders- so his scowers the internet and orders everyone he sees- good and bad quality, I mean its not like 2D's reading the reviews he's just ordering ever single one he stumbles upon
Then he goes to the store and buys even more
It's moments like this he's glad he remembers he's got a shit ton of money
And one day when S/O comes over to vist 2D- 2D tells his boyfriend to stand there for a second
"Hun- do'ya mind stand'en dere fer sec"
He giggles to himself as he runs in the other room, leaving S/O concerned and confused
Next thing you know- your on the floor after what feels like who knows how many binders have been flug/dumped on you
It takes a silent minute for 2D to process that you may be stuck
In which 2D freaks and digs S/O and explains to him that he was trying to my S/O feel better- which touched S/O that 2D cared this much about him
And then S/O had to explain that he didn't need this many binders
So the two of you spent the next two hours picking out what binders work best
S/O was modeling each one- and figured out which one fit best(because 2D didn't really check sizes either), and were as comfortable as possible
And the whole time 2D was praiseing and tell S/O he looked amazing
After S/O picked thw ones he liked, both decided to donate the remaining binders
Its was really sweet of of him
But either way 2D will in any way possible try and make S/O feel better about himself
2D is just as physically affectionate with his S/O in this as as he would be in any other
Though he can get a bit anxious about touching S/O since his dysphoria was body baised- and was scared of triggering a bad reaction
2D has a big thing for words of affirmation, but due to S/O's body baised gender dysphoria- he tends to praise his boyfriends body spisificly, and it's very obvious what he's trying to do when he says it
"Ya' know I' didn't tink I could be attracted to someones frame... iz... broad.... and manly..."
"Your face is soooo handsome-- oh!.... an' guy-ish..."
It's not like he's lieing he's just kinda shit at subtly tell his boyfriend about it
Either way- while he can be a bit ignorant at first he tried his damn best
"Why trans people need'a binder? Are they going to school?"
*S/O facepalming*
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Ok before we can start we need talk about transgender stuff in general and Murdoc did that make sense?
In the 2D x Male S/O x Murdoc, 2D x Male S/O, and Murdoc x Male S/O I had briefly mentioned Murdocs dad being homophobic- well that doesn't even scratch the surface of Sebastian's asshole-lery
Sebastian was a dick queer/LGBTQIA+ people, not like "FUCK THE GAYS- THEIR DELUSIONAL" more like "I talk a bit of shit about queer people behind peoples back, don't be like them son" -ish way
In which he instilled those trashy views on Murdoc as a kid, as when I said 'talk shit behind people I meant he "talked" about it to Hannibal and Murdoc, and randos he hung out with at the bar(I might do a separate thing in the future on how I think murdocs childhood went down, and what kind of person Sebastion was, cuz theres A LOT I could say)
And due to his fathers ways being imprinted in his head as a kid, Kid/Teen Mudz was not exactly found of queer/LGBTQIA+ people in general either
Well it's not like society liked them at that time either: Murdocs year of birth 1966, The year Britain legalized gay marriage 2014
So at that time no one was exactly fond of them
But either way Kid/Teen Murdoc fond of them either
And because of his wasn't fond of them- Murdoc Bullied/teased any one of the queer/LGBTQIA+ community... like a lot... yeah lets just say his sense of humor wasn't exactly nice..
These actions and old views still haunt him to this day
Russel's the only one who knows the full extent of his behavior as a kid because while drunk Murdoc confessed this to him, and 2D over heard a bit- but was swiftly bunbarded by Murdoc once he noticed 2D, Mudz begged them to not tell Noodle
And most of this shit is internalized so if you can't rip open Mudz chest with your love and affection- then good luck getting a straight answer from him
This guilt didn't bother him as much in earlier phases(before plastuc beach).... though thats not saying much
But when the later phases arrived he started drinking tiny bit less, which made memories resurface.... and my god he felt guilty
Ok Fuck- on to the actual hc now...
Wether its phase 1 or phase 7, Murdocs anxious as hell around his S/O, because of the fact they are trans- and this is true before they even started dating- if learned that info before dating
I mean it's nothing to do with his S/O and the fact he's trans- in the sence of his S/O's physically body he does not care you bits you have man- he can work with either...
But... he can't stop thinking about the way he treat trans people in the past- he feels soooo guilty(which he should, he acted like a dickwad)
And what worries Murdoc the most is... he's scared his new boyfriend that accepted him for his flaws and failures, and never looked at him like was worthless.... was gonna leave him because of how he acted when he was ignorant and young
One day when he's drinking alone in the Winnebago he's hit with a overwhelmed wave of guilt, that almost felt suffocating
*Phone call from ❤️Mudzy❤️*
You pick up the phone
All you hear is Murdocs indisputable sobs of apologies- while simultaneously saying something about his dad, Trans, he was young and dumb- wait did he say something about you breaking up with him?!? What the hell is he on about?
It was obvious to you he was absolutely fucked up... like even worse the usual?
You told him to sit tight and you'll be there as fast as he can
You arive and he is absolutely fucking all over the place
The Winnebago is more trashed then then usual and he's in the center of it alllll messed up
H looks like he wants to hug you but he pulls back like if he did you would hate him
To sum it up- you two spent the next 3 hours talking about his past and how you still love him, and he could not control how he was raised
Holy fuck uhhh nevermind... NOW on to the ACTUAL hc :b
He has a hard time understanding your insecurities about you body but he tries- he just thinks you too hot
So you have to like sit him down and try and make him understand- cuz otherwise he clueless- which would make worry cuz he doesn't like not knowing whats going on
So google this shit he will
Google leeds him to some interesting things... like he learns about T(testosterone hormones for transitioning)
And after siting on the idea for a bit, when he got drunk Murdy kept trying to order T, but he couldn't cuz you need a note from a doctor/therapist/psychologist to get that shit
And you found him throwing a tantrum- screaming at his computer. Fun fact this happens pretty often, because he's really bad with computers...well except for when it come to the sketchy part of the internet, Mudz knows a lot about that stuff. I swear he's on a FBI watch list
When S/O asks whats wrong murdoc spouts on about how he FUCKING can't get T for his wonderful boyfriend- *sniff* to make him feel better- *sob* make him feel better
Yes Murdoc starts to have another drunken break down
And again you have to sit him down and explain the complex process of getting stuff like that
"Well thats stupid... I've always been able to get prescription drugs without a a prescription- I used to know a guy actually, you could get anything for the right price-..." Murdoc mumbled to himself
But in then he understands a little more, and this time please explain what he can do to make you feel better about your dysphoria, cuz he will continue to do weird shit
Murdoc's no Shakespeare, he isn't great with words or with expressing shutters feeling, so he isn't the best at comforting but he tries his best
But something nice is, when Murdoc gets really high or reallyyyyyyy drunk he tends to be more touchy and more truthful, so he'll just randomly start praising S/O, even if its a the worst time- Like:
"...dove- your the most beautiful, handsome, and stunning thing ever... no one can say otherwise- your perfect from head to toe...."
"Thats nice and all but hun this really ain't the time..."
*Murdoc looks at S/O very confused then looks at the toilet he just was hurling his guts up into*
But don't worry he doesn't always dish out his best compliments in the loo
At the end of the day Murdoc really love his boyfriend no matter what they look like.
"....I Love you..."
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Probably understands the most out of the 4
Noodle is the youngest meaning- she's 'more with the times' I fucking cringed so hard writing that for some reason-
She will try to distract you in any way to get her boyfriend to feel better, and stop thinking about it
Noodle doesn't exactly a big fan of talking that much if she doesn't find the conversation meaningful, but if needed she will spend as long as her S/O needs siting there tell him how much she loves him- and his body doesn't make him any less of a man
"Don't let anyone else tell you- who you are, ok?"
"I don't know about what you think, but what I do know is that your my lovely boyfriend!"
Noodle LOVES clothes shopping- scratch that just shopping in general
So she loves takeing her S/O to shops that can get that clothing that can make him feel more comfortable in his body
She does a bit of googleing but not like a deep dive as the guys
Noodle will round house kick anyone who dares to be transphobic to S/O
Along with Noodle screaming every curse word she knows at them in every language she know
No one fucks with Noodle's boyfriend- or I swear to satan when Noodles done with that knob- they won't even be able to look you in the eyes in fear of evoking Noodles rage once more
If Noods notices her boyfriend going through a bout of of depression due to his body based gender dysphoria(fucking hell- I'm tired of typing this out if I will now refur to that as BBGD) and she will decide to plan a date for her and S/O
She does this often- but the kind of date varies based on S/O's preference
When Nood complements S/O and his body she's very blunt, abd it's very obvious what she's doing- and knows that just doesn't give a shit
"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are?"
I can't think of any more quotes sorry
She makes sure everyone gets S/O pro-nouns right, incase that makes S/O more inscure she back handed murdoc once become he misgender S/O once- on accident and 2D told you she lecturerd him later when you left, whether it was an accident or not he never did it again and Mudz shutters at the memory-
If S/O has a melt down/panic attack due to BBGD if S/O is ok with it, Noodle will hold him and juat let him get it all out, till he's ready to talk, and if S/O just wants to sit there then thats fine to
She once teasingly called you baby boy, take that for what you will
"Noodle- please calm down-!"
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Ok... he's probably the second best at understanding your sercumstance
But that does not make it any less awkward
Russel isn't exactly a conventionalist but he tries to priase/give words of affection/affirmation to his S/O to make him feel better
I wanna say S/O is the first transgender person Rus has dated- but thats not saying much as Russel was never that big in the dating world, so his knowledge on dating in general is not that vast
So like the other guy's he does research-
And was very thorough, and comes out pretty successful in his endeavor
And before Rus decides to make and drastic decisions like a shopping spree or or almost buying T *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
He communicates with his S/O about what they want
And the root of his insecurities, as Rus wan't S/O to know that your body does not define you and just a bunch of really sappy love crap
"Honey, your body is not what makes you- you, it's whats on the inside, you get what I mean?"
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's natural to feel this way, in this kind of situation."
"I would love no matter how you looked"
And then after talking about how S/O feels on this situation
Rus then will get really serious and ask S/O if he wan't to get medical procedures done and if he did Rus would him pay for the surgerys and crap
Or he may suggest seeking professional help with you BBGD
But if S/O says no- Rus is completely fine with that he just wants his S/O to know that he loves him
If S/O is going through a especially bad bout of dysphoria, Russel will make him their favorite comfort food
Like Rus isn't great with words and depending on where you are in the relationship physically affection can be a bit stiff with him- But one thing is he's a Great Fucking Cook
Ask for any comfort food it's yours
He's a big thing for acts of service- like Noodle oftenvdoes things to distract S/O from his unpleasant feelings
Russel's a big boi with major RBF so when he's around there is less likely someones gonna say/talk transphoic shit to/about S/O
And if they do... well I hope they like confrontation, becuase Rus will not yell at them but, his words will make just about anyone shit their pants
Like 2D, Rus complements S/O that could makes S/O feel better about his BBGD- but un-like 2D he's really good at being subtle about it.
"I made you your favorite, *insert fav food*."
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Could you please tag 2D of if your going to post it? Not everyone wants to see your romantising of abuse
TW:Abuse, currsing
Tree- Hi, I think you are talking about the murdoc x male S/O x 2D hc- at least I think so as I'm not to sure what your asking bit I still want to adress this- I stated in the it was not a 2doc ship 2doc ships are shity and fucked up. And I am in no way trying to romanticize Mrudocs abusive behavior. Murdoc is a piece of shit and we all know it- and I know Murdoc was abused by his father but Murdoc had no right to continue the cycle of abuse. I tend to see Murdoc written as a less abusive or a nicer person(and if you like that no judgment do whatever you want)but he isn't and I'm not going to pretend he isn't, I put it up in my writing because I'm not going to lie about his behavior, and I'm not trying to say his behavior is ok in any way- he should not act like that. Murdoc is abusive, and it is most intense in the early phases- and I am in no way trying to romanticize that- and I apologize if anyone is interpreting it that way. Abuse is not fun it is miserable, I have been in abusive situations before so I should know. I want people to know when I say murdoc is doing something trashy that I not indorsing that, and I am not going to stop writing him that way because if i start writing him as if he weren't an abusive prick, then I would be ignoring his cannon abusive behavior, and to me that feels wrong, like I can't over look this disgusting flaw of murdoc because when I do to me I feel like I'm indorsing it, and I feel like I can't do that. But you did bring to my attention that I do need to make that more clear, so thank you for that, for all the posts with murdoc being a trashy person(both already posted and those who which will be posted in the future) I will leace a note about murdocs behavior and how I am not indorsing it, when he acts like a piece of shit, as It slightly terrifies me that people might think that his behavior is ok- because its NOT and will never be ok. Sorry if you(or anyone) thought I was romanticizeing Murdocs behavior, I will take responsibility for that.
Holy shit so sorry this turned out to be a rant, I just this is a very important thing to adress this- because ABUSE IS NOT OK, and agian it scares me that people might think that I think it's ok and that they might start to think that its ok, so I need the people who read my shit to see this. Have a great day.
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also yes you were right w not making it a 2doc thing I’m not really into that teehee 🤓
AHHH- You being giddy MAKES ME GIDDY! And thank you so much with the compliments- I was not sure where to go with the hc- so the fact they made you happy is making my heart die- I'm so happy you liked it- thank you once again 🍜anon, have a amazing day 😁
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Heyhey, do you do polyamorous relationships? If you do could you do hcs/scenarios with 2D x male reader x Murdoc? If not then maybe both of them separate w male reader. Please and thank you🤓
2D x Male S/O x Murdoc and 2D x Male S/O, Murdoc x Male S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Heyhey 🍜Anon hope your having a good day, I'm not the most knowledgeable on polyamory but I will try my best, so to make up for it I also addes a few separate hc as well. Also I'm not good a gender specific hc, but again I did my best
Also disclaimer this is mot a 2doc ship, I do not ship them whatsoever, and they should not be shiped- its too toxic, these hc's are more like Mudz and 2D both have the hots for the reader, sorry if this is not what you wanted
Edited: uh... no
All art in this post is mine, including the GIF
TW: Curssing, internalized homophobia, homophobia, Murdoc's dad, paula cracker, uhhhh idk if thats it but if not tell me plz
(Update: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, its's abuse, I am nto tryingto indorse it!)
2D x Male S/O x Murdoc
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Ok first of all this relationship should be only pursued in later phases like phase 6 or later because Murdoc and 2D became on some what of better term after Murdoc got out of jail even if 2D was kinda salty because if it was before that it would be purely toxic because Murdoc treats 2D like shit in earlier phases and we all know it
It probably started out with 2D getting a boyfriend during phase 5 and getting really close with his S/O
Fun little headcanon Ace introduced 2D and 2D new S/O to each other
When murdoc got released, 2D would be a bit iffy about letting Murdoc be around his boyfriend but he thought Murdoc wouldn't make a move on his boyfriend, he trusted Murdoc not to have have another Paula Cracker bitch of the year incident
Low and behold Murdoc flirted with 2D's S/O, but in his 'defense' 2D only brought up that he had a significant other once and thats it he never brought it up agian
But to Murdoc's surprise he gets a a firm rejection
But due to him being hard headed, he keeps flirting with S/O and ends up actually spending time with S/O because S/O often had sleep overs with 2D 2D loves sleep overs
And well- Murdoc actually develops actual romantic feelings for 2D BOYFRIEND, shit was about to go down
So Murdoc became extra competitive for S/O's who is 2D'S FUCKING BOYFRIEND may I remind you attention
How were they gonna fix this problem?
Oh wait S/O also developed feelings for Murdoc- but also still has feeling for 2D and doesn't want to break up with him
And one day the three of them sit down and try and work this out. An hour passes and they have figured jack shit out yet- till Noodle pops in and suggests a polyamorous relationship between the three of you
And at first the two of them aren't exactly thrilled with the idea, 2D doesn't like the idea of sharing with Murdoc- while Murdoc doesn't want to share in general
Though the three of you do start a poly relationship despite previous qualms with the idea, but in the end it works out pretty well
You guys are 100% gonna be asked about your relationship, and depending on the questions asked- 2D can either be bashful or frustrated and Murdoc can be either cocky or pissy/obnoxious
S/O usually has to pick the date, because these two can hardly ever agree on a date idea
Due to the fact S/O os also a man, makes relating to each other much easier
2D tends to barrow steel clothes- I mean your clothes could looks like a damn crop top or a dress(it depends on hight and size) and he will still wear it
Murdoc got pretty upset at first when 2D started steeling clothes including his, but when Murdoc see's his S/O in his clothes he suddenly more ok with the idea of sharing his clothes, as long as they are washed when returned if not...
Frankly it is not very often that you three share a bed- as i talked anout in my nap/sleep hc, 2D can and will move in his sleep- which irritates the FUCK outa Murdoc and he will push 2D outa bed- leading to some problems as it wakes up S/O(but not 2D despite him being the one being pushed off the bed) and S/O sees that Murdoc pushed 2D off the bed- leading to a slite fight
And now S/o take turns sleeping in the beds of Mrudoc and 2D
Also Murdoc has a thing with you liking he better- like he asks S/O every other day
"Ya know, dis wasn't half bad of'a idea"
"Hey luv... you like me better right?"
2D x Male S/O
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2D's parents knew he was fruity before 2D knew himself
When he was in middle school he talked about a guy in his class like he had attraction to the guy- but if you asked him if he liked men he would be 'no I don't like men, I just think their hot just like girls are hot'
So he's an absolute dumb ass when it come the fact he likes men
I see him being a bit more bashful or shy when it comes to dating guys as he has less experience in that area it's adorable plz give this boi hugs
Did I mention he'll steal all your clothes
At first in the relationship he called you bro because he didn't wanna look weak, but once he realized his S/O isn't gonna think he's weak, he uses all the pet names- like if it weren't for the fact you two are dating people would think he didn't remember your name with the amount of pet names he uses
He does not stand homophobia, if someone says some homophobic shit he will stare at them like they're the most crazy person in the world, like they just admitted they like to eat cat shit
I mean its amazing how much judgment he can have in his eyes- when he doesn't have eyes
Then he striaght up calls the person stupid... like "why ain't you a stupid sod, com'on babe we have tea to get"
"I'm not' to sure that I'm that gay?"
Murdoc x Male S/O
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Murdoc didn't realize he was bi till he was an adult/teen cuz I totally see his dad being a homophobic prick
So he's a bit flustered awkward at first as this man is trying to fight his internalized homophobia- turns out talking about yanking it with a dude or just yanking with a dude in general is harder then dating one- because FEELINGS LOVE??!?!? GASP! this applies to almost all serious relationships because he ain't good with his feelings
Side rant over sorry
My god satan sorry, I feel bad for the poor person who decides to make a homophobic remark cuz he will light the up like he did Kong Studios-
Like he says some reaaaall shit to that person, many many threats are said and most of them Murdoc would not be able to keep but thats not what he's thinking of- he's thinking of what this shit head just said
Guys are able to fluster him way easier then girls- this only applies if he is some what sober
Let him pick the date location it makes him feel better about himself
He likes being little spoon but you didn't hear that from me someone just hold this poor sad man
"Hey babe... can we.. cuddle?"
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Y- Year: /Do they remember anniversarys or important things like that/
WRITERS NOTES: Requests are open so feel free to put in a request- This is a bit short cuz my head is being weird.
Edited: nooooot yet
All art on this post is mine
This is apart of my Crack alphabet
TW: Curssing, drinking, alcoholism, gaslighting, implied trama, Murdoc's hc get's weirdly angsty, I think it's toxic, mean voices in head, smoking, neglect, uhhh I think thats it if not tell me and I'll add it
(Update: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, its's abuse, I am nto tryingto indorse it!)
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- y e s
-It's not like Russel's over the top, its just he has it marked on a calendar, which he did that from the beginning unlike the others
-There's usually a lot on his mind so he will forget- but like I said Russel uses a calendar as a reminder
-And the day of the anniversary/special occasion so the day of he will remember
-And he usually clears out his schedule and tell the others before hand, so the others won't bother him and his S/O nor will his work get in the way
-But if Russel forgets something every once in a while cut this poor boi some slack he has a lot on his plate
-And due to his work or just him not haveing the energy to go out- anniversarys are often more chill, less fancy
-But they are more sentimental as Rus is just that kind of person, he values memories and all that sappy crap despite him not showing it often
-All of this applies to all phases but phase 7 Russel, because he becomes to atched to that TV and the idea of the promise land that he neglects his relationship with his S/O a loooot.... he doesn't even mean to do it on purpose half the time
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- s o m e t i m e s ?
-It's complicated ok...
-Noodle has an impeccable memory, but if she gets distracted by somthing- it's easy for things to slip her mind
-Noodle is the kind of person to have a anniversary for everything
-And she tries to remember them and did the first couple of times
-But over time she just forgets
-Also older Noodle(phase 7) doesn't try to remember the other anniversaries anymore, just the main one, lifes just too all over the place for that
-But when she was a young adult she was all over that shit
-But much like Russel, work and the others in the band can get in the way
-So she does tend to start preparations/plans for it but gets wraped up in something else
-And from there its a 25% - 75% chance of remembering, and the percentage in which she remembers and forgets switchs almost every time
-If/When she forgets, and when she eventually remembers the anniversary she gets very disappointed in herself
-But you two still enjoy a lovely together- because Noodle is a queen who knows how to organize the best dates
-But if its not a anniversary or something relevant to her- she will most likely forget them-
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- n o . . . k i n d a
-In earlier phases Murdoc just drank way to much to remember and really didn't care for sentimental things he just wasn't raised like that
-And if you don't say anything, he'll just go about his day like any other till Noodle says "Hey- Murdoc I'm surprised to see you still in the house... considering its yours and S/O's anniversary"... he spat out his his drink so fast he almost choked as he yells "FUCK" poor 2D was started so bad
-He ran to his S/O so fast
-If his S/O is fine with him forgetting or his S/O forgot too- he'll sigh in relief- and you two decide to just chill in Murdoc's love shack on wheels Winnebago and chill cuddle with each other and watch movies
-Buuuuut if his S/O is genuinely not happy Murdoc will get pissy for a while then start drinking- because he can't stand when his S/O is genuinely upset with him- then he druckenly begs for forgiveness
-And he may even try and gaslight his S/O saying it's all their fault- and he's innocent because his S/O didn't tell him or remind him(even if they did remind him a coupleof days prior) , so it's all on them- but if that hurts his S/O, he just kind walks away hoping it will all go away
-And if you sit him down and tell Murdoc that he upset you but still love him it's really awkward... then the night can go on relatively well
-But if not ah... it will either lead to a fight or you two pretend it didn't happen
-In later phases and earlier in the relationship he'll forget because he's not as invested in that kind of stuff
-But the longer he's with his S/O the more he is likely to remember AKA he gets a alarm or something to remind him
-He can do something fancy- but he's not gonna have any manners so its best if you stick to something simple
-Murdoc always remembered his and his S/O's anniversary when he was on plastic beach, and would even talk/mention it on pirate radio
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- y e s - i s h
-Listen- as much as I love 2D... he couldn't find his way out of a paper bag
-But he is also very determined
-Determind to remember his and his S/O's anniversary
-This counts in any phase
-He really wants to remember soooo bad
-He has reminders every where- and I mean EVERY WHERE
-But in the end he still forgot
-And 2D gets really depressed when he does, especially if he's been in a relationship with his S/O for a while
-Even if his S/O says its ok and comforts him, in the back of his head, a little voice is lampooning him
-The day before the anniversary he gets really giddy, like he can't stop smiling, I mean he even smokes a bit less
-Though before the couple of days before the anniversary he smokes more because he's anxious he's gonna forget
-And the day of and a few day's after the anniversary he smokes more due to his feeling like shit for forgetting
-He's also upset because he had a whole day pland and now his plans ruined because he only remembered/got reminded of the anniversary half way through the day
-With any other special event 2D will try to remember it- emphasis on the try
-He's not as determined as he is with anniversaries but he tries his best
Tree- I spent 30 minutes trying to confirm that Russel was looking for that promise land and not some other shit- and i ended up goinng down a fucking rabbit hole and got completely distracted, and in the end all I had to do is watch that fucking murdoc talks about some crap and recaps lore and shit which took me like 2 minutes- Fucking ADHD how you pain my writing flow
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Nap/sleep? headcanons- with and without a S/O:
WRITER NOTES: Why? Because why the fuck not. Sorry if this feels more like a unhinged rant- but what'evs. Also I had thought I had deleted this for a hot sec and almost died. Its currently 11:56 PM so I did post four days in a fucking row despite what my head said
Edited: no
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Pain killers, alcohol, alcoholism, abuse/hitting, insomnia, sleeping meds, migraines, passing out, being high, nightmares, trama, cigarettes, weed
(Update: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, its's abuse, I am nto tryingto indorse it!)
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-Noodle the best sleep schedule out of all of them, and gets the most good sleep out of all of them though thats not saying much
-Even if she has a good sleep schedule she likes naps
-Though as a kid it was almost impossible to get her to nap if she wasn't exhausted, though this is not to say she didn't like to nap
-Noodle just had too much energy as a kid, but she was a kid and being in a band is exhausting so she did take naps usually after performances, recording, ect.. (In a interview they had talked about something like this but I can't remember witch one)
-But as she got older she found appreciation for them way more then when she was a kid
-Noodle is one of those people who can fall asleep almost on command lucky :'[
-Noodle tends to nap to movies
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Like I said she likes to nap to movies- and even better she likes to cuddle with her S/O and to fall asleep to a movie
-Noodle also loves falling asleep on her S/O or having her S/O falling asleep on her, because she finds having her S/O play with her hair makes it 100% easier to fall asleep, and she finds it comforting to have her S/O lay on her
-Noodle has no shame she will fall asleep anywhere with her S/O- cuz no one's gonna say shit
-She loves cuddling but if its like time to go to bed- she will cuddle till she falls asleep then in her sleep she will most likely drift to her side of bed kicking you plenty of times in the process
-She shifts a lot in her sleep with has caused a lot of problems- especially if she has an overactive dream- cuz she will karate chop you in the head or kick you in your stomach
-This doesn't really happen when you two nap together
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-While 2D gets the second most amount of sleep- he arguably has one of the worst schedules
-He is a heavy sleeper but he has a hard time sleeping in consecutive amounts of time
-This is mostly due to his migraines, he will wake up at the ass crack of dawn with the worst migraines- migraines that make it nearly impossible to fall back asleep no matter how many pain killers he takes
-So he does some some shit, like writing music, playing a videogame, or watching a zombie movie
-2D at one point in time he used to play instruments when this happens but Mudroc was drunk and near by and so happened to hear 2D playing a bit to loud for his liking- which resulted in Murdoc getting pissed and hitting 2D in the head making his migraine 10x worse (This was when they lived in the original Kong Studios)
-So instead of sleeping continously throughout the night- he tries to sleeps a bit during the night, and then just naps continously throughout the day
-Though eventually he tells his mom and he gets put on sleeping meds in the later phases (sometime after plastic beach) which makes him more peppy
-He still takes naps every once in a while, and he is still an incredibly heavy sleeper
-He smokes a Iot more before going to bed, both weed and cigarettes
<With a S/O headcanons>
-This lanky boi becomes strangely strong in his sleep occasionally
-His arms firmly hold his S/O to his body or he's just sprawled on top of his S/O
-Either way he wants to be touching his S/O in his sleep- but he does role away sometimes but will role back eventually
-He's incredibly unpredictable in his sleep- one night he may stay stil as a bored and another he may be rolling himself off the bed... so be careful, 2D's S/O has woken up with 2D's foot in their face many of times
-2D feels incredibly guilty if he wakes up his S/O when he wakes up in the middle of the night because he has a migraine
-But having a S/O that could comfort him when he has one of his mibble of the night migrains, makes him feel better
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-Russel hardly ever naps
-Russel tries to have a consistent sleep schedule- which he achieves some what
-He tends to wake up in the middle of the night- not as often as 2D, but ever once in a while he'll wake up but won't be able to fall back asleep, so he'll will just sit in bed disgruntled
-Also he's not one of those people who can fall asleep on command
-He takes sleeping meds, he has been taking sleeping meds- like before he joind Gorillaz but he did start taking stronger meds when he joined
-When Russel does get sleep he gets pretty shitty sleep but he pushes through the day
-Even if he wanted to nap- no one IN THIS DAMN HOUSE WILL LET HIM SLEEP(this is when they lived in the original Kong Studios)
-He's either making beats, taking care of Noodle, chores, ect.. all you need to know is that he's busy
-But if we're talking phase 7 Russel- OMG he is a total fucking insomniac- he's to busy with the static, he has to hit his own leg to keep himself from passing out sometimes
-Also Noodle crawled into bed with him whenever she had a nightmare when she was a kid- she also did this with 2D but it didn't work out as much due to 2D's sleeping problems
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Russel is way more likely to take naps if he has a S/O that takes naps
For many of reasons- if his S/O is naping and he naps with them it doesn't feel like he's being as unproductive because he will be spending time with his S/O
-Russel likes to cuddle but prefers to not cuddle in when sleeping at night due to the fact he sweats a lot- and just has a higher body temperature, so cuddle can make his already high body temperature higher and make him feel uncomfortable
-Though having his S/O in bed with him does improve his sleep due to the fact having his S/O around him in most cases makes him feel more relaxed
-When Russel and His S/O cuddle he will sometimes pass out sheerly because he is just so tired
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-My fucking god... this man- this fucking gremlin of a man has one of the most janky ass fucking sleep schedule- at this point can you even call it a 'schedule' with how inconsistent it is
-But that mostly only applies to pre-plastic beach
-When Murdoc becomes the old man he now is, his sleep schedule mellows out
-But before that he tends to go out and drink most of the night- come home absolutely crunked or tripping balls and would pass out somewhere random- often in the middle of the house what a great role modle
-And much like 2D he will take naps throughout the day- all various in lengths- but he usually gets pissed at 2D when 2D does the weird nap schedule thing
-But like I said, in later phases he fixes his sleep up a bit- but that doesn't mean he doesn't take naps anymore-
-Now Murdoc doesn't just take naps because he's drunk or high- but also because he's an old man now
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Murdoc's definition of nap before his S/O was just passing out because he was fucked up, but when he got a S/O who forced helped him to fix his sleep schedule- he realized he was not exactly right
-Now he passes out on his bed or the couch and not the kitchen floor
-If you are able to get this man to go to bed at night with out any form fo alcohol or medicine I commend you, for you have done the impossible
-But on a more serious note Murdoc will do a lot to avoid going to bed at night- especially when he's sober
-He hates the nightmares, the nightmares that remind him of his past- and what made him.... he hates it
-So it takes a lot of comforting on his S/O's side to get him into bed
-And Murdoc's S/O has to be ready to wake up and comfort him when he wakes up from a shitty dream- cuz its either that or he goes back to the bottle
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W- WAX: /They let their S/O wax them, what's their reaction?/
WRITERS NOTES: I'm bored as shit and want to write more but I ain't got to much motivation left, so this should satisfy my boredom and my rid myself of my little remaining motivation. This is nothing long. Sorry no murdoc, I'll d him another time, my motivation ran out before I could do him, I will do him eventually though.
Entire crack alphabet
All art on this post is mine
Edited: Nooo, mid is not currently active
Tw: Curssing, Hot wax, Pain, Panic attack
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-Noodle's waxed before, and still does every once in a while
-So getting waxed is nothing new, and neither is the pain of getting waxed
-Noodle infact herself has one of those machines for melting wax, which her and her S/O can use for this situation
-She was a bit confused when her S/O asked to wax her, but agreed none the less
-But she did it on the one condition that she got to wax her S/O in return
-She didn't have much of a reaction when her S/O applied the wax or when they riped it off, she just kinda sat there
-But when it came time for S/O turn to be waxed- Noodle turns to them with a wicked smile
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-Russel felt something was off when his S/O walked up to him
-Then they asked- and he was hit by a memory
-Noodle had asked all the guys when she was a teen to wax them, and Russel was the only one who didn't give in and let Noodle wax him
-His face scrunches up remembering how pained 2D sounded when Noodle riped the wax off his leg
-Russel said no, but S/O would not give up that easily
-And for the next 2 weeks S/O would not shut up about waxing him
-After that he finally gives in, and after an hour of preparation he Russel was ready to be waxed
-Russel shifted in the spot he was sitting in and his face distortion in discomfort when S/O applied the wax but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle
-But when it came time to rip the wax off is when he felt it
-He grunted a loud "FUCK", when S/O riped the wax off
-If his S/O started laughing at him he would scowl at them
-He was not happy about what juat happend, and would be grumpy the rest of the day
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-Like I previously mentioned in the past 2D let Noodle wax him in the past
-And it didn't go over well for him
-So when his S/O asks him he starts profusely sweating
-2D manages to say no and scurries off before his S/O can say anything else
-2D would very easily give in if his S/O tracked him down after he ran away and just begged a little bit, and give him puppy dog eyes- and he's melting like that wax
-But on a more serious note 2D has very sensitive skin so his S/O has to be incredibly careful when applying and removing wax because if the pain is to overwhelming for 2D it could cause him to slip into a panic attack
-So get 2D some blankets/ pillows, a cold pack, grab some snacks for him, and hold his hand the entire time
-And make sure the wax isn't too hot
-When you appy the wax he squirms, but eventually stays still, with a look oh his face that say 'I just saw a man died', and he doesn't make much sound- just little wimpers
-While he squeezed his S/O hand pretty hard when they applied the wax- 2D may as well cut off circulation in his S/O's had when removed it
-He squealed, and jumped up from where was sitting before his S/O could even remove all of the wax
-S/O had to hold 2D close when removing the rest of the wax
-If S/O felt bad and offered to let him wax them- he would decline the offer because he doesn't want his S/O to go through the pain he just want through
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Thank you so much for doing my request!! i love your writing, and your art is amazing too!! much love to you!!♥️♥️
Thank you so much for the request, by doing so you are letting me pursue my passion. And thank you for the compliments. Much love to you too ❤️
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Hiii! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request Gorillaz x Singer!S/O? Like, they have a solo career, and occasionally collab with the band? I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your time whether you write this or not!<3
Gorillaz with soloist Singer S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Thank you so much, i hope you have a great day as well. Sorry about the bad grammar, my mod at the time is not active and sorry if I got to off track with the headcanons. Either way- I am so excited for my first request!
All art on this post is mine
Edited: At this time no, but will hopefully will be later
TW: Curssing, Drinking, Trama, Voilence, if I missed any tell me please and I will add it
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Murdoc straight up jokes about you replacing 2D(often right in front of 2D). And sometimes it doesn't feel like hes jokeing even if he is
He likes to chill back stage with you- which he expects automatically that he gets to be in the back because he's his S/O's boyfriend and because he's the leader of the greatest band ever- his words not mine
If/When you collab he was iffy on wether he wanted you to duet with 2D at first because he's a bit jealous
But he can't argue with what sounds good, and the voice of his amazing S/O, and the voice of the singer in HIS BAND is something that is he needs for his next album
Murdoc will always talk about how he could go solo too if he wanted to, once he learned his S/O was a solo act
If he drinks too much when you guys are hanging out he will start singing himself, and encouraging his S/O to sing with him
When recording he will give you as nice of criticism as he can if your not hitting the right notes or arn't in the right pitch- but satan forbit one of the others try to give you constructive criticism, especially 2D
Whenever he has nightmares about his childhood and his dad, and his S/O's around he finds it comforting if his S/O hummed to him but he won't ask you to hum to him though because he's scared that you'ed think he's weak
And if your not around when he's haveing a nightmare, he'll listen to one of your songs to calm himself down
If his S/O's a smaller and less well known singer- he will often tells his S/O how he can hook them up with good produser(even if S/O already has one) and anything that you as a smaller creator may not have access to, and will promote you sometimes like on an interview
And even if you are just as popular he can be a bit stuck up and will be like 'Yeah but, Gorillaz is little bit more popular'
Murdoc has mentioned before that he's glad that your a soloist, because he would feel bad for your band mates because of how bad you would out shine them
He wants to lay his head on you, and let you sing to him but he's to nervous
"Dove you have quite the voice, I'd love to have you on my next album."
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Noodle is can be quite the extrovert, so she would love to go out and do karaoke with her S/O
Noodle was so excited when it was decided that her S/O and Gorillaz was going to collab, cuz it means being with her adopted family and her lover at the same time- she was just so happy to have the people she loved most in the same room
She almost tears up duing a live performance collab because everthing feels so perfect and amazing at that point in time she can't help be a bit emotional
Noodle will travel the world to see her S/O preform at concerts
She would be absolutely in love if her S/O could sing in different languages
She has all your albums, murch- everything
Noodle would be delited to help write your songs
ANY ONE WHO CRITICIZES HER S/O'S MUSIC WILL FACE HER WRATH, it doesn't matter if she likes the kind of music her S/O makes she will beat the shit out of anyone who is rude
She is your personal body guard, like why would you need a body guard when you have a Noodle
She introduced you to 2D and Russel before the collab because her S/O and 2D are both singers and she thought 2D needed a singer friend that wasn't connected through work, and Russel is her dad who did the most parenting so it was like a meet the parent situation Sorry Mudoc :/
She will ask her S/O to sing to her somtimes, most often when you two are alone
Noodle has a LOT of respect for her S/O because managing a music career by yourself can be quite hard, especially to her because she grew up in a band with other people so she could never imagine doing it alone
She like catching her S/O singing to themself when they are alone, because she loves to see her S/O flustered, and if you don't get flustered she still likes to see them surprised to see her
"Hey S/O, about our date- I was thinking.... karaoke!"
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2D is ecstatic to have a S/O that is also a singer
He is just so happy to have someone to relate to
Before 2D even starts dating his S/O(like in crush faze) he would have already asked S/O to do a collab as a way to get closer with them
Like Noodle, 2D owns a lot of his S/O's merchandise not as much as her but still a lot
He likes to atend his S/O's concerts but prefers to watch back stage because while he loves his fans and fan interactions he also hates the idea of taking attention away from his S/O at his S/O's concert, and due to his very recognizable appearance he is likely going to draw attention to himself in a crowd of people
2D will blab to anyone who will listen about his S/O and their solo career as a singer, this is the case often in interviews where the interviewers ask about y'alls relationship
When talking with his S/O and his S/O's career as a singer he has forgoten he was a singer himself
2D tends subconsciously sing or hum to himself, and if his S/O joined him in his little tune he would melt into putty- though it would take him a hot second to realize that they where singing with them
He's fascinated by the fact that his S/O's are a solo singer, and often asks you about it, though he often gets off track with his questions
PLEASE write a love song about him, if you do his heart will die of happiness
When it comes time for the collaboration 2D gets distracted constantly, by his S/O, and their voice specifically
While 2D getting distracted in the studio isn't new, but him getting distracted while recording is, as he tends to hyperfixate on singing when recording- but now half way through the lyrics he just slowly stops and stares at his S/O like nothing else in the world exists- with a goofy euphoric grin on his face, and when S/O stops cuz he stoped he'll mutter out praise about S/O's voice/singing Much to the others dissmay
"Wow... ya have such'a pretty voice luv"
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Russel is a very supportive boyfriend
Out of all of the band mates he's the one that doesn't mind watching from the crowd the most- but much like 2D he doesn't like taking attention away from his S/O
If you show him the lyrics to a song you are working on he likes to suggest beats that might sound good with it
While Russel was happy to collaborate with his S/O, he's the least thrilled about it in the group- as he likes to balance his work life and home life as much as he can even though its really hard to so bring his love life into work life isn't exactly thrilling for him I mean did you see how it worked out for 2D
Russel is also the most professional when it comes time to collaborate with his S/O, like I said he tries to separate home life and work life and he does this by acting professional and trying to ignore the fact he is dating the person he is working with
Whenever the bands on tour and he misses his S/O he likes to listen to S/O's music even if it's not his type of music, but he usually won't really listen to the collab music at that time because it only makes him think of work(also no one but Noodle knows he does this)
And to add on to him and his S/O's music, Russel likes to suggest his S/O's music but he's very sublet about it
Besides actually collaborating as a work thing, he likes to help his S/O with their songs, whether it be helping with lyrics, what instruments to use, or with beats- though he rarely does this as he is usually he is exhausted with making music from work
He's overall just really chill about it in general, he's doesn't mind that your a soloist, and out of everyone he's the most neutral in that category
Though Russel sometimes jokes about how he's jealous that you don't have to deal with band mates and that he wishes he was a solo act or that he was in a band with his S/O instead
I mean Russel loves his band mates but sometimes they can be down right obnoxious *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
Also Russel likes helping his S/O pick out their stage outfit/make up for live performances and/or music videos
"Look'in and sound'en great hun."
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Master list:
Dealing with a spider for their GN!S/O[Gorillaz: Noodle, 2D]
Gorillaz with a Soloist singer GN!S/O[Gorillaz: Noodle, 2D, Murdoc, Russel]
W- WAX: /They let their S/O wax them, what's their reaction?/ [Gorillaz: Noodle, 2D, Russel]
Nap/sleep? headcanons- with and without a GN!S/O[Gorillaz: Noodle, 2D, Russel, Murdoc]
Y- Year: /Do they remember anniversarys or important things like that/ [Russel, Noodle, Murdoc, 2D]
2D x Male S/O x Murdoc and 2D x Male S/O, Murdoc x Male S/O
FTM S/O dealing with dysphoria from their appearance[Gorillaz: Noodle, 2D, Murdoc, Russel]
Murdoc x Very fem pastel F! S/O[Murdoc]
Father daughter relationship with Murdoc
"Murdoc are the rumors true?" one-shot [Murdoc x GN!reader]
Murdoc with a Chubby GN!S/O[Murdoc]
L- Lost: /Losing their S/O in a crowd/[Russel, Noodle, Murdoc, 2D]
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