candyland-ask-blog · 8 months
It's time to confess something that you did but the other didn't know 🍭🍩🍰
🍭: well they know a bunch of uhm.. bad stuff already.. gee what do they don’t know…. uhm… oh! i may or may not take some of their sweaters or jumpers sometimes… maybe!… and also i can’t sleep in complete darkess so i use a small lantern… that i guess! (;⊕﹏⊕;)
🍩: I don't like this question... who are you to ask us this? But... I may have been the one to break Queen Mary's stained glass while I was practicing cricket... She can't see this, right? (⊗`ʖ´⊗) 🍰: Don't tell them this... But I don't go outside for very prolonged periods of time. I'll still tend to farming but otherwise I won't see anyone... Especially don't tell Emma!! They'll make me get out more, with them most likely... Maybe Ganji can come too?
ξξ _⊗`
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candyland-ask-blog · 8 months
Have you three ever go on a picnic?
🍰: Yes... I do remember a time. I think it was shortly after everything... To kinda celebrate. The weather was nice but the scenery wasn't great... Emma made food and Ganji kept conversation lively. I do miss that energy a bit... Why don't we go again?
🍭: oh i love picnics yes! like andrew said.. we had one after everything that happened… place was still kinda uhm.. messed up, but it was nice to have something to clear our minds!… i agree with drew, we should do it again! what do you think gan? lets plan a day and place!! (ノ⊕▽⊕)ノ🧺
🍩: That last picnic was a lot of fun, actually. It would be nice to have another one under... better circumstances. So yes, and yes. I'll make some of the food, as long as Lollipop does most of the baking! (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
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candyland-ask-blog · 9 months
Have you three ever have a sleepover together?
🍩: We used to sleep in shifts together when we were hiding from Oven if that counts...
Just kidding! Well... that did really happen. But yes, we have sleepovers sometimes. (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
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candyland-ask-blog · 9 months
Does river made from chocolate in Candyland or from soda or juice?
🍭: juice! aren’t all the rivers the same?… what are your rivers made of? the ocean is made of juice of course… though theres some lakes and ponds with actual water, one of the things left from humans! (`⊕▽⊕)⍦
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candyland-ask-blog · 9 months
Have you guys ever dressed something else?
(The Trio in Chess clothes *^* )
🍭: of course we have more clothes!… and chess you say? ♟️ o(⊗ᗜ⊗,,) how about this!
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(edit by mod emma!)
(original art and button eyes version under the cut!)
dolls version and original art!
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
What happened to "Oven" now?
🍩: Oven... he was shut down after everything that happened. Emma and Andrew and I lured him into the catacombs under the kingdom, and queen Mary used a spell to shut him off. (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Does weather exist in Candyland?
🍭: well.. yes, of course it does! we.. we all live here.. on this planet.. right?… uhm, but, yeah! you know, the same as always, juice rain, sherbet snow… sweet wind… changes with the stations and places you are in of course… is there no weather in.. your kingdom? (how curious…) (-`ε´-;)
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
What your favorite flower?
🍭: oh gee.. working with flowers every day.. that’s a hard choice! uhm… if i had to choose… i’d say thistles and camelias! but all flowers are quite lovely! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ🌷💐🪷🌺🌸🌼🌹
🍩: Campsis. You may know them as trumpet vine... I guess I got used to their "official" name working with Emma so much. (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
🍰: I do quite like lilacs... I enjoy the purple and the way the flower is shaped resonates with me a bit. Even in dreams I think about them... Ah! Don't think about what that means too hard... ξξ _⊗`
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
How is your cooking skill?
To all
🍰: I cook for myself a lot! Not particularly creative things but still food... I don't really like things too flavourful and I don't want to make something others wouldn't like... But I am confident in my cooking yes! Sorry that was a long answer... ξξ _⊗`
🍭: i enjoy cooking, and specially baking! i love making lil snacks and desserts for me and my loved ones! i’d say that i’m a better baker than cook… but yeah! good skills, i’d say ‎٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
🍩: I'm pretty good at cooking, it's one of the skills I'd say I'm best at. Baking though... I'm not nearly as good at that.
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Hey Mr. Cheese, do you melt if you stay under the sun for too long?
🍰: Ah... Well, yes I do start to melt sometimes... But that's only if I forget! Forget what? Oh... To drink a special brew... They're common and used to prevent stuff like melting. Have you never seen them? What kind of candy would never need them and not know about them either... ξξ _⊗`
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Hey Mister Lava Cake, since your name have "Lava " in it, do you have lava inside your body (。’▽’。) ?
🍩: ...No? Material lava cake is called that because of the warm chocolate inside. So someone whos candy type is lava cake would also have chocolate... the only beings with actual lava in them would be the ovens. (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Who's the sweet that stay up late and who's the sweet that sleep early?
(( Instead of saying " person " , I say " sweet "😅
“i generally TRY to sleep early but i sometimes end up staying up by accident… so i guess i’m both! ganji seems to sleep and wake up pretty early! as for andrew… i often see him online when i stay up, so i’d assume he tends to go to sleep late!
( ¦3 [▓▓]”
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
How does you three met?
🍩: I believe Cheese and Lollipop knew each other already, but I met Emma on the way into the palace Andrew was working for Oven at the time and we met him inside... he's a lot friendlier now than when we met it. (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
🍭: i already knew andrew before we became a group… i used to help him in his farm! i still do whenever i have the chance… as for ganji, i met him when we got sent to find out oven’s plans and how to recover candyland from him… we didn’t really know eachother before! (⊕▽⊕)
🍰: Emma came and helped on my farm a couple times. I still feel indebted in a way... I don't really remember Ganji well but I have mixed feelings after the whole... thing with Oven. ξξ _⊗`
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Example : If Emma eat a Lolipop, does that make her a cannibal? The same question for Ganji and Andrew.
🍩: No... if one of us were to eat material candy made of our candy type it would be the samw as any other material candy. Emma could eat a lollipop and be fine, but if any of us ate organic candy... we get sick.
...I have to wonder who it is asking us these things? Where are you from that you don't know about organic candy? (⊗`ʖ´⊗)
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
To all :
Have you guys ever thinking or trying to eat/taste yourself to see if your body made of candy?
🍩: No? Considering what happens when someone eats candy from another person... I've never thought about doing that willingly.
🍭: wh— why would you ask that?! of course i’m made of candy.. everyone here is! plus, that’s just.. extremely dangerous! we all know that… 🍰: O-of course not! I'm not an idiot, I already know I'm candy! And you won't be able to trick me... I know what happens when you eat another candy person, w-we all do...
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
* Gives Lolipop a pink sword * GO AND MAKE CHAOS 🍭(。’▽’。)
“huh?! am i allowed to have this… outside knight training…?!
uh— cool! thank you! i’ll use it if needed! (hopefully it isn’t needed soon…)
[lollipop obtained a pink sword!]
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candyland-ask-blog · 10 months
Did you guys ever tried to eat Candyland?
(( I bet Emma would do it 🍭
“aha… maybe! i can’t deny… this is a very very sweet world! but i don’t think i have tried to actually eat candyland! well… except from the bracelets i wear sometimes… those are easy to chew… (−_−;)”
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