cannotescape · 6 months
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♛ favorite unpopular characters meme: a character you were indifferent to until you started defending them Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)
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cannotescape · 6 months
Hunger Games didn’t really eat holes in my brain the way that it did for some other people but god the opening lines. The opening lines. Katniss wakes up in bed and immediately, instinctively reaches beside her, only to find the bed empty and cold. Before we even know her name – before we know literally anything about her or this world or her place in that world – we know that she loves someone. We know that she is reaching for where Prim should be, sleeping safe and warm beside her, but Prim is not there. She is not there, and her half of the bed is cold and empty. People talk about characters being “doomed by the narrative” when most of the time the character was literally just a well-foreshadowed death, but Prim WAS doomed by the narrative. It’s the very first thing we learned. It’s the most key, integral, important piece of information we’re given about everything that is about to happen: Every single choice Katniss makes is to protect her little sister, and it isn’t enough. In the end, Prim still dies. Prim was dead before the story even started. Katniss, reaching. Prim’s side of the bed was cold and empty. There is no version of this story where Prim could have been saved. Katniss, reaching. The very first thing she does in the series. She wakes, and she reaches, but Prim is already gone. THAT is how you do Doomed By The Narrative. Edit: Also it is key that there was literally nothing Katniss could have done differently. If she had not acted to save Prim, Prim would not have survived the Hunger Games. But by acting to save Prim, Katniss accidentally kicked off an entire rebellion and ultimately massively increased the amount of danger Prim was actually in. The key is that this is irrelevant. If Katniss had done literally anything differently, Prim still would have died. If Katniss had faltered or changed course at any point, Prim still would have died. There was never a point where Katniss could have changed Prim’s fate. There’s no version of this story where Prim lives to see the end of it. She’s dead before the story begins. That’s doomed by the narrative.
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cannotescape · 6 months
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Legend of the Seeker | 2.11 “Torn”
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cannotescape · 6 months
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ARCANE - SEASON 1 ↳ Episode 8, “Oil and Water”
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cannotescape · 6 months
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Françaises, Français, mes chers compatriotes.... Sujet de tension et de controverse, on se retrouve cette semaine afin de déterminer où commence le Sud de la France hexagonale.
J'ai donc placé 7 lignes sur cette carte à des endroits où potentiellement faire commencer le Sud. Votez ce qui s'en approche le plus pour vous et n'hésitez pas à préciser dans les tags si mes découpages ne vous conviennent pas.
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cannotescape · 7 months
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abby gets her dot campbell seal of approval ✅
the last of us x the wilds
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cannotescape · 7 months
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cara quotes - 2x5 “wizard”
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cannotescape · 7 months
I just read a detailed account of the Bal des Ifs and I’d never realised how funny this event was when you don’t focus on Madame de Pompadour. All I was taught at school is that it was the masquerade ball in 1745 where Louis XV first took (public) notice of la Pompadour, but what I didn’t know was that the former royal mistress had recently died so there was a vacancy so to speak, and a lot of noblewomen showed up specifically hoping to catch the King’s attention. 
But he came dressed up as a shrub (a yew tree similar to the ones in the royal topiary gardens) along with seven other men in identical costumes, so no one knew for sure which one was the King. People always focus on how Madame de Pompadour recognised the royal shrub and talked to him, but what about the women who didn’t!! History is written by the winners but I want to hear about the women who doggedly danced the minuet with random shrubs hoping this one was the one. My book mentions that a determined noble lady followed a yew tree outside the room on a hunch, only to find that she had bet on the wrong shrub. This is what the shrub costumes looked like by the way, imagine stalking one all over the park of Versailles at night because you think his gait looks kingly and you are an ambitious noblewoman
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cannotescape · 7 months
Forgive me for making yet another post about the French Revolution but one small detail that makes me laugh is when, as things started to go seriously wrong, one of Louis XVI's advisers tried to persuade him & Marie-Antoinette to get away from Paris and wait for things to calm down (the idea was "if you lay low and wait, the newly-created National Assembly will vote something stupid and lose popular support" which was a solid plan honestly.) But he was also like "whatever you do, DO NOT go East or South or people will think you'll get help from other monarchies to restore your power and that won't calm things down"
So the King was advised to flee to Normandy, which... is just a short ferry ride away from another monarchy. But that's completely different since it's England. To be fair to the English, the French monarchy had basically bankrupted itself a few years back to send millions in support of the American revolutionaries because it would be a shame not to take advantage of "perhaps the best opportunity for centuries to come to put England in its place" (actual quote by France's minister of Foreign Affairs in 1777)
—still I love the realistic approach of the King's adviser telling him, Sire you can't go near any of our borders rn, it'll escalate the situation, Parisians will know you're trying to get another country to help. Obviously you can go set up camp right across the sea from England though, that's fine since everyone knows the English wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire¹
¹ Perfidious Albion was like "aw no France is in turmoil and possibly weakened :) a shame :)" exactly like France re: them at the start of the US independence war ² they also thought well these backward french are finally following our glorious example and entering civilisation (parliamentary monarchy) ³ and only when the Girondins started being like "let's spread the French Revolution to the whole universe!!! or at least Belgium" did England finally decide "it's been a while since we last declared war on France actually" (but it was too late for Louis XVI) ⁴ That's not how footnotes work sorry. Trying to make my post look fancier
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cannotescape · 7 months
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chell portal from hit game portal
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cannotescape · 7 months
Whenever I buy something heavy from the farm supply store, the cashier carries it all the way to my car, which is very nice of him and I don't mind since he's a strapping young man, but sometimes he's busy with other customers and the co-owner of the store will come out to carry the thing for me. And she's an incredibly petite fifty-something woman so it just feels wrong. I'm a short person but I'm significantly taller than her and also younger, and every time I'll desperately trot behind her insisting that she let me carry, say, the 20kg bag of chicken feed I just bought and she adamantly refuses and just goes "no problem"
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I'm in awe of her. I once bought a pile of 2-metre solid chestnut fence posts that are so heavy and cumbersome I can only carry 2 or 3 at a time and she just scooped up the whole lot, threw it over her shoulder and strode away. I was fully expecting her to fall backwards on account of the laws of physics but no...?? And the tall quince tree I bought last year was no problem either
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This week I saw a flyer in town advertising a cattle fair to be held in the field behind the farm store and I am reasonably certain of what would happen if I went and bought one of these animals
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cannotescape · 7 months
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I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens and seeds. I slept as never before, a stone on the riverbed, nothing between me and the white fire of the stars but my thoughts, and they floated light as moths among the branches of the perfect trees. All night I heard the small kingdoms breathing around me, the insects, and the birds who do their work in the darkness. All night I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling with a luminous doom. By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times into something better.
(mary oliver, sleeping in the forest)
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cannotescape · 7 months
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A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019)
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cannotescape · 7 months
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I like how in certain lights the roof of my house looks like it’s part of a living thing… if you stare at it for too long you will see it moving up and down in deep, slow breaths.
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cannotescape · 7 months
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A Short Hike + Scenery
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cannotescape · 7 months
sci fi is when women in tank tops are covered in grease and sweat and are shouting at people and racing against time to save lives
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cannotescape · 7 months
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Breaking the Ice (2022) dir. Clara Stern
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