captainswanbookclub · 5 years
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Season 1 Captain Swan FanFiction
Multi Chapters Dark Hook Comes To Storybrooke- @hollyethecurious and @winterbaby89 Moments before the Evil Queen’s Dark Curse whisks our beloved fairytale characters to Storybrooke, Captain Hook finally gets his revenge on the Crocodile. 30/30 Complete
Peace I Leave With You- @mediumsizedfountain When Emma needs a friend in Storybrooke, she finds one in the sinfully attractive priest Killian Jones. AU covering seasons 1 and 2, featuring cursed-Hook. 30/30 Complete
Until The Fog Lifts- @thejeweloftherealm Cursed!Killian AU: Emma Swan has more than enough to deal with. For one, her son believes the entire town of Storybrooke is cursed. She definitely doesn’t have time for the mysterious pawnbroker, Killian Jones, even if Henry insists that he’s the prince she’s meant to be with. 50/?
Polished Stones- @athenascarlet When a boy claiming to be his son knocks on the door, Killian Jones is forced to face a woman who broke his heart and a past he can't remember. But can he really be a man who can love again and help save a town in the process? Captain Swan AU with Cursed!Killian. 15/15 Complete
The Librarian- @mryddinwilt New to Storybrooke Emma clashes with the straight-laced librarian of the local library. But the longer she is there the closer they become and the more the librarian starts to question everything he thought he knew. 13/?
What If-@thearumhavethetardis What if Killian had never met Milah? What if he fell for someone completely different and came to this world, cursed, with the others? 12/12 Complete
An Open Heart Is An Open Wound-@thegladelf Captain Swan AU: What if Emma met Killian before she met Neal? How would that change things? If it changed things at all. Cursed!Killian AU. Sort of. 12/?
Ships in The Night-@thetimeladyswan Killian Jones and Wendy Darling met in Neverland, and formed a close alliance and friendship. Little did they know that that would lead to spending twenty-eight years living as father and daughter in a town called Storybrooke, Maine.
From The Sea- @swanslieutenant When Emma becomes sheriff, the pressure of running a department with a dwindling budget becomes nothing but an exercise in frustration. That is, until she finds an unlikely ally in the town treasurer, a man who her kid Henry is convinced is not an ally at all, but rather a villainous enemy.
Someone to Watch Over Me- @searchingwardrobes Emma Swan is ten years old when she first sees the pair of bright blue eyes watching her through the cracked door of the wardrobe. She thinks it’s just an imaginary friend until she sees those eyes again at 16 and 23. That’s when her life changes forever.
Tokens of Good Will- @athenascarlet Emma thought the cute waiter at Granny's Diner may finally be the man she could open her heart to, but what happens when the person she's falling in love with turns out to be someone completely different? Captain Swan AU with Cursed!Killian. 13/13
Like Whiskey (Somewhere a Clock is Ticking)-  @prettybrilliantfunny AU - Hook came along with the curse and has been living in Storybrooke all this time. (As a bartender.) The Crow’s Nest is the best kept secret in all of Storybrooke, but the appeal of its owner, Killian Jones, is no secret to anyone—least of all Emma.
Dark And Stormy- @phiralovesloki Emma befriends Storybrooke's handyman and only pub owner. An alternative Season One featuring cursed!Killian.
If there are anymore suggestions or you would like a fic added to this list send us a message and it will get added ASAP! Thanks!
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
This is a really great idea, thanks so much for doing this. I was wondering about what sort of stories would be ok to rec? Unfortunately a lot of my favourites were never finished, personally I still think they're worth a read but I know that can be really frustrating. So abandoned fics/wips yay or nay?
Def yay!
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
To Break the Curse
Summary:  Killian Jones has been cursed for hundreds of years, needing to take the lives of innocent women that happen upon his extravagant parties by accident until he is finally saved by the one woman who is destined to free his soul forever. Emma Swan is lost, leaving the life she had behind her in the city and searching for something new. Will they be the answers to the questions the other is asking?
Author’s note: This story is based on a weird-ass fever dream I had when I was sick over the summer, then forgotten about for a few months and rediscovered when the muse wasn’t helping with my actual works in progress. So, I hope you all enjoy this weird, cursed story that has literally haunted my dreams.
Every day for as long as the locals can remember, there has been a party at the castle at the top of the hill, a spectacular engagement that brings everyone together no matter who they are or what they do. No one has ever been quite sure why these parties were held, and many of them went simply out of curiosity, or to try to get a glimpse of the dashingly handsome Mister Jones, or any of the sons of the same name that inhabited the castle for centuries. None knew if they succeeded, however; even after hundreds of years, none have been able to say for sure whether they’ve seen the mysterious Jones man of their time, though some claim to have done so.
Little did they know, the secret of the Jones parties was far more mysterious than they could have ever guessed, though some many have speculated. The parties themselves are just a cover, a way for Killian Jones to bring people to his home - people from whom he then must choose his next victim, damned to take the lives of others for as long as he lives.
There is, however, one who can save him, one woman that will be the end of his curse, who will learn his secrets and stay with him, break his curse and spend eternity at his side, no longer needing to take victims. He has been waiting for this woman to come through his doors for hundreds of years, to learn the truth about him and choose to stay.
He is starting to run out of patience.
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
(some shopping-themed cs au fluff for black friday)
Emma and Killian met while both were camped out overnight in a Target parking lot for Black Friday. Henry wants the ginormous Star Wars May the Force Be With You Ultimate Playset for Christmas, which would normally be way out of Emma’s single mom budget, but they’ve got 3 guaranteed to be in stock at each store as a doorcasher deal. She’s 8th in line, but Killian assures her he’s just after a discounted laptop, so she’s only got 7 potential shoppers to outrun to the toy section and she feels her odds are pretty good to snag one for her son.
They share the hot chocolate and pie Mary Margaret packed for Emma, with Killian adding a dash of rum from a flask he produces from inside his coat, and quote Star Wars lines to each other pass the time, their folding chairs pushed together as the line grows longer across the parking lot and everyone is forced to jostle close.
Emma wakes to discover she dozed off at some point in the night with her head on Killian’s shoulder. She doesn’t have time for a man in her life aside from her six year old son, but he’s cute, and it was nice to have someone to talk to.
He wishes her luck just before the doors open at dawn, as everyone prepares to rush into the store, and gives her gloved hand a squeeze that makes her stomach flip.
She’s scoped out the store ahead of time and makes straight for the toys, only to come skidding to a halt when she discovers the playsets aren’t there. Hot tears of disappointment burn behind her eyes when an employee tells her they were put with a special Star Wars display over by electronics, but she blinks them back and heads over, hoping against hope that maybe, maybe, there might be one left.
There isn’t.
But then Killian appears from around the DVDs with one cradled in his arms, telling her he saw them on his way to the laptops and grabbed one for her. Emma’s not normally the touchy-feely type, but she ends up hugging Killian in thanks after he drops the box in a cart, feeling his arms go around her while she shakes and tries even harder not to cry. Being a single mom is tough, money is always tight, but for Henry she was willing to spend all night out in the cold again just for the chance to give him what she never had growing up.
When she asks Killian where his laptop is, he reddens a bit and scratches behind his ear and tells her that it didn’t have the right specs, before wishing her and her son a Happy Christmas and turning to leave.
She grabs the sleeve of his coat before he disappears into the crowd and says the least she can do is buy him a coffee to say thanks.  
Henry’s face absolutely lights up on Christmas morning when he unwraps the playset, running over to fling his small arms around her waist and it was worth it, it was so worth it to make him smile like that.
Months later, after they’ve been dating for a while and David has even grudgingly given his seal of approval to his sister’s new boyfriend, Killian confesses that he actually traded the laptop to another shopper for the playset, even though he barely knew her at the time, it was the right thing to do.
Emma kisses him until they’re both breathless, foreheads pressed together and his fingers tangled in her hair..
“I love you.” 
“I know.”  
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
Stupid [1/1]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @laschatzi!! 
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I’m so so happy to know you!! I wish you a year full of joy and laughter and inspiration and lots and lots of love!!
So I wanted to write a little baby piece of some birthday Killian love for you, I don’t know why it turned into a kind of angsty birthday Killian love but I hope you like it anyway. Have a glorious day, hun!! :*
Stupid; ~ 2.2k words; FF.net || AO3
His traitorous gaze slips away from the lightly swirling liquid in his glass and lands on the phone in the corner of his coffee table. The little green light is mocking him, he is sure of it.
His phone started ringing and pinging and vibrating right after midnight the night before. Not constantly, not all that frequently even – Killian doesn’t have that many acquaintance anymore and even fewer friends – but enough to make him turn off the sound and toss the thing as far away as possible. He hasn’t checked a single one of the messages or missed calls he has received in the last twenty hours.
Four more and everybody will forget about him just as suddenly as they remembered. He is not bitter about it. He understands.
Truthfully, he is being kind of unfair. Will in particular has been especially present and vocal in the last month or so (the “so” being 1 month, 2 weeks, 2 days and about 3 hours). During Killian’s “mopolympics”. Will’s phrase. Which Ruby has been all too willing to adopt. And Belle has accidentally used at work twice already.
He tears his gaze away from the blinking light and leans his head back on the couch. His arse has gone 90% numb by this point so he doesn’t have a sufficient incentive to leave his position on the floor. His book, his glass of rum, the coconut cookies he dug out from his deserted cupboards and the phone he does not intend to answer are all within his reach. He is set for the night.
That’s when the knock on his door comes. It’s 8.24 pm. It’s his 30th birthday. He is shocked Will waited that long.
The sound comes again. If he had a movie or some music on he wouldn’t hear it. Not the kind of sound that Will or Ruby would produce. Belle perhaps?
He hears bone hitting wood again. Soft but resolute. Belle it is then. Probably the only person who can make him get up right now.
“Bloody— Fuck.”
His leg is numb as well. He semi-drags it to the front door.
It’s not Belle. And he was wrong – she is not the only person he will get up for. He just never thought this person was an option. Consequently, his brain is helplessly blank.
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
“When You Can’t Walk, I’ll Help You Stand”
By: @snowbellewells for Ouat Winter Whump
(This one shot takes place during 5B, but diverges in the episode where Emma finds Killian in Hades’ lair and gives them the time to piece Killian back together from his wounds and try to deal with what he’s been through.  This may veer more toward hurt/comfort, but I’ve never written a piece that sets out to specifically focus on the whump before, so it was a new challenge.  I hope you will - enjoy? That may not be the right word? - but at least find it worth reading.
I think this is probably still T-rated, but there are some descriptions of Hades’ tortures - a whipping, burning/branding, mental/emotional abuse and taunting - so do be aware of that.)
** Also: Thanks a million to @spartanguard who as my beta reader really shined this up and made it better, as well as being really encouraging and giving me further confidence about this one!! :)
“When You Can’t Walk, I’ll Help You Stand”
Emma couldn’t bring herself to dwell on what could happen to Milah as she waited with the boat, or where Gold had gotten off to and what sort of underhanded trickery he might even then be planning. She had taken a genuine liking to Killian’s first love as they’d trekked together into this deepest level of Hades’ nightmarish abode. Not only did they have the common purpose of rescuing the man they both loved, but there was a similar tough tenacity to the dark-haired woman, a hardened shell of armour formed from scars and a haunted look in her eyes that Emma understood all too well. Maybe it should have been awkward to be walking side-by-side with the woman Killian had given his heart to before her, or she could have felt threatened or possessive that Milah might endanger what she and Killian had when he saw her again, but that had not been the case at all. If anything, she had felt invigorated in her mission; if she could have anyone who would care as desperately about her goal as she did, she couldn’t have suggested anyone better. At the moment, that was really all she had room to worry over.
Instead, Emma vowed to get back to the other woman with their pirate as soon as possible, and she gathered Killian’s battered form toward herself gingerly, knowing as much as it pained her that any contact she made was only going to hurt him further. The sight of her love, the man she had given herself over to the Darkness trying to save, suspended in chains over the frighteningly roiling greenish pit of water, broken, bloodied and nearly insensate was a sight that wouldn’t fade away easily - in fact, she feared it might be permanently seared upon her mind’s eyes in horrific detail.
Her heart, still crammed up in her throat despite having reached him and managing to lower him to the strange metal dias where he slumped in her embrace, nearly choked her, blocking her airway with the not-yet-dissipated panic she’d felt for him being lowered into the seething river. Even as she tried to chuckle at his weakened, “You never listen to me, do you Swan?” she was still struggling to hold back her nausea at the state he was in, even as she tried to chuckle bravely for his sake and banter back, “And you love me for it.”
Her hands ached to brush along his cheek and trace over the beloved long-healed scar beneath his right eye. However, it wasn’t even visible to her through the dried blood caking large sections of his face and neck and the mottled array of yellowing, greenish and purple bruises that covered the rest. His dark leather beneath her trembling fingers was shredded in places across his back and shoulders and charred roughly in others. Where the material remained intact, she felt the stickiness of blood still wet over much of the surface and the roughly melted edges where the jacket seemed to have been burned - and she feared the same of his skin beneath.
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
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captainswanbookclub · 5 years
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
Cinnamon (Fall For CS)
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Summary: What starts out as a simple apple picking trip for Emma Swan takes an unexpected twist when she discovers that the nice connection she’s finding between herself and the farm’s owner Killian Jones might be something more profound and, for Emma, terrifying than she bargained for. Emma then finds herself on a journey that pulls her between her own insecurities, her growing feelings for Killian, and the very will of Mother Nature itself. Can Killian truly be the apple of her eye or will the worms of Emma’s past keep her from taking that first bite?
Rating: G (Nothing of an equivalence to a trigger)
AO3      Fanfiction.net
A/N: Aha!!! Raventherambunctious is actually me!!! Were you surprised?! This is actually my first Modern AU ever! Normally, I prefer canon compliant material, but the theme of this project allowed for me to challenge myself and put this together!
Anyway, before we get to my @fallforcs fic, let me give out some very deserving shoutouts!
First, to my beta, @lassluna. I can’t even begin to tell you what your tireless work on this story meant to me. Whenever I needed you, you were on our Google Doc ready to work. You’re an amazing beta – catching things before I could all the time. You were incredibly supportive and I felt that you were always working with me because you believed in my story and my writing. And your help with the story itself can’t be overstated. Honestly, there were times where I didn’t think I could finish this story, but knowing that I was doing it for you kept me going. Working with you was a privilege and I hope it was even a tenth of that for you.
Second, to my artist, @jell-obeans. Not only did you take on making me a piece at the last second, but you completely captured the tone I was going for. Your artwork presents a relaxed and casual sense of intimacy between Emma and Killian, and that’s exactly what I wanted my piece to offer for my readers. There’s a nice use of earthy autumn colors and the setting of the artwork gives off a nice sense of closeness. Finally, that Monopoly board and the tea box give a great sense of detail that I just love. It’s freakin’ gorgeous and I can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work. <3
Finally, a note to my readers. Thank you for taking the time to read this piece. When someone puts together a work and takes the time to painstakingly make sure that it delivers an experience that’s in its own way original, entertaining, and personal, it’s such a cool thing when that work is actually seen. So trust when I express my appreciation to you for giving me that, and I hope that “Cinnamon” can delight and warm your soul in return.
Tagging @hollyethecurious because she asked and is the sweetest piece of Hollye-dew in the world!
Upstate New York was truly something to see.
Around every corner Emma turned, she saw acres and acres of trees that cascaded along the landscape like snow piled onto a mountain. Every single one of those trees had the warm colors of autumn, and on their own, they’d be beautiful enough – Emma had certainly seen plenty of them on their own – but together, they melded and practically terraformed the steep inclines they rested on into a place she wouldn’t have minded getting lost in one day.
It was her first time to this part of the country. She’d been to New York, but it was always to the city on a job. This may has well have been a different state. Whereas New York City was an urban jungle – not without its greenery, but mostly sectioned-off greenery – Hudson was a dense forest with towns and road in the spaces between it. It moved alongside the land, and that made for a more difficult, but also more beautiful drive.
But among all the beautiful aspects of the countryside, again, none stood out more that those trees.
That’s actually what had brought her up here today.
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
@flslp87 thanks so much! We will do. We have been talking about making a Library of Fics for a while now so they will be easier to access. Thanks so much!
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                            Captain Swan Through The Seasons
Calling all Captain Swan Fans! We over here at Captain Swan Book Club are excited to open another chapter of CS Fanfic with you all. So, everyone has done a complete show re-watch we’re sure, but have you done a Fanfiction re-read?
Our goal over the next few months is to make a season by season, and episode by episode guide of Canon or Canon Compliant fanfic. Multi-Chapters, One-Shots, Drabbles and Prompts, and yes, even fanart. Anything and everything. This will also give authors a second chance to write for each episode again.
Each season and each episode will be broken down into a complete guide for you to spend countless hours (that you probably don’t have) Jumping back into the stories that we all love. 
But. We need your help.
As much as we read, we don’t think we have even skimmed the surface of all the CS fanfiction out there. Drop by our Inbox or Ask box if you have a something to add to the list. It can be your favorite fic, a fic you wrote, or just something you feels needs to be seen. 
To start this off, we are asking for recs of Season 1- Captain Swan fanfics. This can include Cursed!Killian, No Curse, Or any other Pre Season 1 fics. All we ask for is an Author Name, Title, and a link if you can provide one.
Thank you all for going on this ride with us, we are excited to start this new adventure with you all.
@eala-captian @walkerfairytales
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
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Welcome to the Captain Swan S1 Fanfiction Library. This season is all being added to one list at the moment because of the lack half of our ship in S1. As more are added we will be adjusting accordingly.
-If you are seeing this and have no clue what we are going on about, please see this post.
-If you are wanting to add to the list please send us an Ask or a Message and we will add your rec ASAP.
Opening for S1 recs starts Dec 1, 2018 and will end Dec 31, 2018.
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
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                            Captain Swan Through The Seasons
Calling all Captain Swan Fans! We over here at Captain Swan Book Club are excited to open another chapter of CS Fanfic with you all. So, everyone has done a complete show re-watch we’re sure, but have you done a Fanfiction re-read?
Our goal over the next few months is to make a season by season, and episode by episode guide of Canon or Canon Compliant fanfic. Multi-Chapters, One-Shots, Drabbles and Prompts, and yes, even fanart. Anything and everything. This will also give authors a second chance to write for each episode again.
Each season and each episode will be broken down into a complete guide for you to spend countless hours (that you probably don’t have) Jumping back into the stories that we all love. 
But. We need your help.
As much as we read, we don’t think we have even skimmed the surface of all the CS fanfiction out there. Drop by our Inbox or Ask box if you have a something to add to the list. It can be your favorite fic, a fic you wrote, or just something you feels needs to be seen. 
To start this off, we are asking for recs of Season 1- Captain Swan fanfics. This can include Cursed!Killian, No Curse, Or any other Pre Season 1 fics. All we ask for is an Author Name, Title, and a link if you can provide one.
Thank you all for going on this ride with us, we are excited to start this new adventure with you all.
@eala-captian @walkerfairytales
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
Hi!! I absolutely love all your work! Just curious. Are you planning to write anymore Captain Swan fics involving other sports like football, soccer, basketball, boxing, etc?!
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Ah, thank you, non! So I am always down for any sport, really. (I just finished covering field hockey for, like, two straight weeks, who want some field hockey fic???) I have done some of the sports on your list, already:
BaseballYou Play Ball Like a Girl (Killian’s a former baseball player and Henry’s trying to get back on the field to play for his high school)Start Spreading the NewsBatting a Thousand Sliding Down the HillBack in the Swing of Things (which is the sequel to the above)
SoccerIt’s a Funny Old Game (part of Out of the Frying Pan, but Killian plays in a charity soccer game)From Just Outside the Box (they’re not playing soccer, but the World Cup plays a pretty big role)
BasketballA Touch of (March) Madness  (also not playing, but it’s literally all about the NCAA Tournament)
Other sports, you didn’t mention, but I did write aboutHockey, obvs: Tripping Over the Blue LineLacrosse: Playing Man Down (two parts)Speed skating: Holding the Edge Ice dancing: Almost Believing This One’s Not Pretend (two parts)
I think that’s it. I’ve been pondering some football fic recently, mostly because the Giants are really bad and I’ve decided I appreciate the Rams and their success and that their young coach likes to call ridiculous plays that anyone else probably wouldn’t and they usually work. So, like…Killian Jones, brash young coach who climbed the NFL ladder impossibly quick and Emma is…someone I haven’t figured out yet. Probably someone on the team. They will probably kiss at some point. 
And, really, I promise someday I’ll finish (read: start) that baseball multi-chapter I have been talking about for more than a year. I will. And if you guys have any sport you’re like this deserves fic, send ‘em my way. I’m down for all your athletic thoughts and feelings. 
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
Score One for the Coach
This is the story that I wrote for the @fallforcs event. I live in Northeast Florida, and we don’t often see many of the traditional markers of fall, like cooler weather and turning leaves, until much later in the year. But one fall tradition that is universal to the south is football. I grew up on football, and I knew it was fall when the regular season games started. 
When I had to pick a fall topic to write a story about, football was one of the first things that came to mind. I must send a HUGE thank you to my beta @jonirobinson64. She not only helped me focus and fine-tune the story but also helped me pick the title. She was such a joy to work with, and I am really glad the mods assigned her to be my beta.
I also want to thank the mods of Fall for CS. This was a fun event. I loved the blind date with a fanfic concept. I hope it will be repeated in the future.
Thanks also goes to my artist, @nicole-nikla who created the lovely banner for this story.
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Score One for the Coach
Summary: When her son takes up football, Emma Swan starts attending games to support him. She just wants to cheer on her kid, but all the other moms want to set her up with the team’s coach, Killian Jones. No matter how good looking he is, she hates set-ups. But can she really resist his charms once she starts getting to know him better?
Rating: T for mild language and some light petting (nothing explicit)
Trigger Warning: brief mention of deaths of minor characters in the past (this is an AU, but Killian still lived through some of same tragedies that he does in canon)
AO3 Fanfiction
Emma cringed as she watched Henry get tackled for the third time that day. He had insisted on playing football this year, and it was the first extracurricular activity his dad Neal supported and was willing to pay for. So, despite her concerns about injury, she hadn’t tried very hard to talk her son out of playing. She was just happy there was finally something that allowed her ex to connect with his son.
Henry was good at the sport when he paid attention, but today was not one of those days. He kept looking to the bleachers to see when his dad was going to show up, and the defensive players were taking advantage of his distraction. Luckily he hadn’t given up any points… yet. Being one of the fastest runners at his school, he’d been given the position of Running Back. His slight stature and ability to weave through obstacles had dubbed him the team’s secret weapon. The other team wouldn’t see him coming until it was too late. But he had to avoid getting tackled to make that work, and today he was doing a very poor job of it.
The coach blew his whistle. “Swan! Get your head in the game! Our first real matchup is Thursday. We need you focused!”
Emma couldn’t help but swoon just a little at the football coach’s accented speech. His elegant tone made even the most mundane platitudes sound exciting. And, even if she thought he might be granting a little too much importance to a game played by middle school kids, she appreciated his motivation tactics. He never lashed out in anger or tried to embarrass the kids. Instead he reminded them how dependent they were on each other.
“Sorry Coach Jones,” Henry called back.
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to your teammates.” He blew his whistle again. “Everyone bring it in. Let’s do a water break. The weather hasn’t caught up with the date yet.”
Emma fanned herself as she silently agreed with him. The weather in their North Georgia town was still hot, despite the September date. She was ready for fall and cooler temperatures.
“Oh my god, I know. He’s so hot, right?” came a voice from her left. Emma looked over to see Ariel Seafarer, whose daughter Melody was the team’s Kicker. Ariel was a beautiful woman with thick red hair, creamy smooth skin, and bright green eyes. She had a personality to match, being one of the kindest people Emma had ever met, outside of her sister-in-law Mary Margaret. She was also very happily married to her husband Eric for fifteen years, so why was she ogling the coach?
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
Whumptober- Bruises
The moment after the fist made connection with Emma’s face she could feel it beginning to swell, which would eventually bruise. When faced with fear people’s fight or flight response is activated. Most of the people who skip out on bail run. They don’t usually hit and if they do it’s marked in their file that they’re violent, so she at least has a clue what she is up against. Not this skip apparently, no mention that this guy favors a right hook in his file. He punches her then runs off, it caught her by surprise, but sure enough she’s off and running after him. The bruise is worth it if she gets the money for bringing him in.
About twelve blocks later she catches the guy and tackles him to the ground. She slaps the cuffs on him and takes him down to the station. The fucker hit her right across her jaw. She knows it will bruise. Killian’s going to be pissed it’s the third time this week she’s been hurt on the job, which is a little high so won’t deny that, but the guy currently in cuffs in her backseat is worth a lot of money. Enough money to justify getting hit. Enough money to cover her rent for the month. Emma knows that Killian only get mad cause he’s worried about her safety, but for fuck’s sake she can take care of herself.
It’s Wednesday night and Killian and David are on night shift duties at the sheriff’s station. In Portland there isn’t a whole lot of nightlife or crime unless the deputies get called they stay at the station. On night shift they usually just file paperwork until they get called. Tonight it is particularly slow so they pulled out a deck of cards once they ran out of paper work. A little before midnight however they hear someone pull up in front of the station. Both their heads perk up in interest and Killian smiles when he sees Emma’s familiar mane of golden locks flying out behind her. She is currently pushing through a rather irate man through their doors. David jumps up and helps Emma get the perp into the holding cell for the night. Killian joins them when he notices the man getting rowdy.
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captainswanbookclub · 6 years
Prompt: Modern AU where Detective David finds out that the girl his partner, previously an irremediable single, has been seeing for some time (and mooning over like a fool) is his sister, by accidentally walking in on them.
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Okay, okay, okay. This is apparently a SUPER popular prompt. I’ve got four different versions of it sitting in my inbox, so when this one came in this morning, I figured I’d just upload the beginnings of the one I’d started on. The first one of these was actually my first prompt when this whole thing started, but it gives away some spoilers, so I’m going to use this one to start this off. And just so you guys know, yes, I’ll add MORE PARTS. If so many people want to see this, who am I to keep them away from it?
If he has to work one more night shift this month he thinks he might go delusional from sleep deprivation. That’s not normal, and it’s definitely not healthy for a detective. If he’s tired, he can’t do his job correctly. And if can’t do his job correctly, people get hurt, and that’s not okay. He became a cop (and then now a detective) to protect people, and while he realizes not everyone is like that, he is. He wants to be someone who people can rely on. Someone who Liam could have relied on when he was still alive. Someone who would make Liam proud.
He knows that his brother had his faults, that he could be a pompous arsehole who thought he knew best when he didn’t, but he was still the man who raised him, still his hero, still the man who he wants to make proud. So he strives for that every damn day, even on the days where he doesn’t feel like it. Maybe especially on the days that he doesn’t feel like it. His world was dark for years after his brother’s death, like a hole had been dug that could never be filled, and it was just now starting to brighten up again, the sun shining a little brighter and the skies seeming to be a little less gray. He can’t pinpoint why exactly that is, or maybe he can. He’s not entirely sure, but if there’s anything he’s learned, it’s that you can’t question why things happen or you might drive yourself mad looking for the answers for the rest of your life.
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