carrottyside · 7 days
hihi carrotty!! would you infodump to me about loveit? because I don't know anything about it and it looks so interesting from the stuff you reblogged??? im very curious about this project and I feel a little lost 👀👀👀 only if you want to though no pressure!! 💜
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First off I'm incredibly sorry for the person I have become (especially after the summary below) because after doing a ton load of typing about both songs and then finishing did it occur to me to check again and see if that's what was even asked, instead of typing stuff that's true to source first, but instead my brain immediately translated "infodump" as "INCLUDE THE THEORIES INCLUDE THE THOUGHTS INCLUDE THE ANALYSIS EVERYTHING I HAVE IN MIND!!! (bangs on bulletin board)" ...
So to answer your question! Loveit? and Love Eat are both songs that revolve around the characters Maia and Kujima respectively, but there is a third character mentioned in both songs called Abbie, and it's more than likely she plays/will play a huge role in their story.
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I will say though, aside from both their songs, there isn't much else to go with (of course that won't stop me from rambling) so I can only infodump so much, and the rest as more on my own thoughts. I'm hoping Biz and Panda collaborate again and make it a trilogy with Abbie, or even better, an entire series!
So the best way I can summarize Maia and Kujima's story is "the weak eat the strong" (pretty literally) with a genius twist Panda and Biz adds in; WHO is ACTUALLY the one getting eaten, and what will happen ahead? Since Maia in Loveit? was shown to have complete power over Kujima until he shocks the viewers in the end and turns things around, and now with the release of Love Eat shows how Kujima has had the capacity to do so all along(? and possibly continue this (which if so introduces Abbie into the picture pretty nicely.) Also add in "love" to the mix and we get an overall messed up story that for some reason I eat up so much, no pun intended.
Their story is most likely open ended and something Panda might not go far into though, considering I only found a few stuff on their Twitter related to the two after scrolling until the very beginning (╥﹏╥) Either that, or they're relatively new for the specific purpose of retaining the mystery of their story. The stuff I found related to them are posted over here, since Beans asked as well!
With that out of the way, I'd like to share my very in-depth thoughts about them! (Which I'll only be cutting from Docs, because I fear if I paste the entire thing on here my computer will lose it.)
It'll contain Cannibalism, Killing, Abuse, Toxic Relationships and Gore, stay safe!
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So, I wanted to copy and paste at least some portion of stuff on here for easier reading and the full on Google Docs, but without reaching even a quarter of stuff from the drafts, I already hit the limit... Looks like I overestimated Tumblr... Ah....
As so, I decided to just drop the Google Docs File itself for the full and hopefully not any different experience, here: Google Docs It's in PC format though so a little reminder on that.
Also, all the references I used are Panda's art! They're amazing so if you haven't, do check them out, here:
Tumblr: https://panda23577667.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Panda23577667
And the songs here in case you haven't seen them! (Which I doubt but I ought to drop as well too)
Have a mini trio art of them too!
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carrottyside · 7 days
Carrottyshark + side = Carrottyside!
I was getting pretty tired of the Tumblr tag search function not working so well (for me at least) and I wanted to compile my stuff neater elsewhere and also make it a place for other things I like, so comes this blog!
Main is @carrottyshark
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