cassandrasimplex · 19 days
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me when i have definitely played dnd before
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cassandrasimplex · 19 days
btw if you haven't commented on it yet, the fda is taking comments on their proposed rule banning shock devices for autistic people at the judge rotenburg center. they are taking comments until may 28th.
asan wrote a good plain language guide on how to submit a comment if you are not sure what to do!
even just a few sentences saying this is a good rule will be enormously helpful. thank you!
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
I am callde Fae
And I cavort
With man and beaste
Of evry sorte
I play goode triks
Like pulling tales
And steeling coin
And ringin bells
But wen I want
To cos reel fuss
I do not goe
I send walruus
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
Re: What would be more confusing to find knocking at your door, The Walrus or The Fairy
The obvious answer is
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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i feel like we're missing a possibility here
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
If anyone's looking for really gentle or disability friendly exercise...
Doctor Jo on YouTube is a physical therapist who offers lots of therapeutic stretching and exercise videos for specific conditions and pain relief. [x]
Leap Services is a Canadian physical therapy group that has a YouTube playlist of gentle exercise routines. All of these exercises are done in a chair (except for one which is done on the floor) and are intentionally adaptable to different bodies and needs. [x]
Yoga with Zelinda on YouTube has yoga that's adapted to a large number of conditions, for instance, providing a playlist of routines that don't require kneeling and another of chair yoga. She also offers yoga for specific health challenges, like fibromyalgia and mobility issues. There's a playlist of yoga routines for people with bigger bodies as well. [x]
Santosha Spirit on YouTube has yoga routines for people with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, POTS, and EDS. [x]
Yoga with Shaunneka on YouTube has a playlist of slow seated yoga, including chair yoga, as well as a playlist of gentle yoga. [x]
Qinergy on YouTube has tai chi sets broken down into easy tutorials. There is a seated version of her shibashi set. [x]
Perth Tai Chi Academy on YouTube is similar to Qinergy. It provides a seated version of daoyin yangshen qigong. [x]
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
no option for i dont listen to white noise. you wouldnt get it.
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
whenever i click the cc button on a youtube video that clearly has a high budget and is made by a fucking studio and i see “english - auto generated” i spit daggers from my eyes and mouth at whoever decided to not pay someone to make actual captions
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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Doctor Who | 1.13 - "The Parting of the Ways"
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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How I imagine the downtime camp activities being like
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cassandrasimplex · 3 months
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So yes, there's this; Kurosawa was hardcore. But then Mifune did seven more Kurosawa films after this and said he never did anything he was really proud of that wasn't directed by Kurosawa; he was hardcore to match. Forget Burton/Depp or Lynch/MacLachlan; these two are the director/actor duo of all time.
method actor this method actor that. toshiro mifune played a guy getting shot at by arrows by getting shot at by arrows
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and yeah i believe it. ^ this is the face of a guy getting shot at by arrows
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cassandrasimplex · 4 months
In fact, printers -- or at least, some printers -- are cats. I discovered this when a particularly difficult printer-diagnosing job ended with mostly disassembling it to perform the extraction of one and a half catnip mice from its guts beneath the print head.
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a router is a type of beast. thumbs up
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cassandrasimplex · 4 months
And here's me needing to redecorate a whole house.
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Today I learned that in early 20th century Austria, bronze & glass bat lamps were a thing (sources in captions)
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cassandrasimplex · 4 months
Catching floats I
In stranded knitting, depending on the pattern, you sometimes get very long floats. This is not very practical: It makes it harder to keep an even tension and the floats tend to get caught in fingers and toes and other objects when wearing or using the item. So, it’s a good idea to catch these floats onto the back side of the work.
Here I am catching the contrast colour (the dark colour on the left) onto a stitch of the main colour (the pink one).
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cassandrasimplex · 4 months
My Father in law who is 65 loves Baldurs Gate but doesn't really catch all the things. This is the conversation he had with me today
"I did an evil thing, but I didn't like it so I had to re load."
"I was gonna make Ariel, the vampire, into a God, because it makes him all powerful and stuff, after you kill that other guy. Who was a really easy fight, they really hyped him up for no reason."
"Yeah that white haired vampire. I made him all powerful but then it killed like, 1000 people"
Yes, 7000 actually
"Yeah! And did you know some of those were kids? Kids! I was gonna be evil but I got all guilty about it, I don't wanna hurt kids. So I reloaded and Ariel can just stay at camp, I dunno, doing whatever he does. I can't do it. I'm not evil I guess, I tried."
He tried to Ascend Astarion and couldn't, this man is a retired Navy chief petty officer first class, he's killed real people. He couldn't do the evil route in the video game
So "Ariel" gets to drink wine in camp.
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