catbkop-blog · 7 years
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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The Bogeyman went to the ring
very crude translation of this finnish childrens song, sorry about that.
In the song, the bogeyman/spook/gobling/Groke starts to make a ring of children, calling first someone, and then they call someone to the ring and they call someone to the ring until all kids are at it. Was (is?) very popular in kindergarden, the caretaker usually being the bogeyman and starting the play by asking some random kid first. With this play you got to know if you were popular in the same way as being the last kid when you are dividing kids to groups in a team sport.
A finn can see that this bogeyman is the Groke from the Moomins, and this brings us to the latin words:
Lux: light
Febris: warmth
Caritas: kindness/love
Gemma Rubra: red jewel (I couldn’t find a translation to “ruby” for some reason?)
In the Moomins, the Groke is always seeking the first three things, and on occasion, the fourth.
I thought it’d be funny to initiate it’s summoning by offering these things to her. (oh yeah The Groke is a girl so)
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
do you even rickroll
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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Ups and downs are important in life, proven by mathematics
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
the inherent queerness of shitposts
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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Introducing Fight of the Month Club. Left outside a boxing gym.
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
What I want: someone to love me, to be loved, to matter to someone
What I got: depression
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
I hate when people turn ~gullibility~ into a joke because….listen, my grip on reality is not that great. I am constantly questioning my perceptions. If you tell me something, I’ll probably assume it’s true because you must know better than me
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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American Shorthair Knight
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Abyssinian Bard
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Norwegian Forest Cat Shaman
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Persian Scholar
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Bombay Assassin
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Sphynx Fighter
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Scottish Fold Warrior
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Bengal Archer
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Turkish Angora Healer
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Maine Coon Berserker
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Siamese Magician
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Russian Blue Thief
Kyoung Hwan Kim - Army of Wool
more by Kyoung Hwan Kim
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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Robbie’s dancing gives me life
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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The Nearest Supernova Of Our Lifetime Turns 30, And Still Shines
“The supernova light brightened and then dimmed, but the surrounding gas, blown off from the supergiant, remains illuminated by radiation. As shockwaves from the explosion move outwards, they collide with interstellar material, producing brightening rings of material.”
In February of 1987, the first light from a supernova some 168,000 light years away was observed on Earth. It became the closest supernova to be observed since the invention of the telescope. As a result, it’s taught us more about massive star death, ejecta and supernova remnant evolution than any other object in the Universe. Illuminated outer rings showcase ejection events that occurred prior to the final death of the star; continued brightening teach us the rate of expansion of the supernova remnant; the lack of a neutron star at the core teaches us about the power of dust to obscure even radio light from this object. Perhaps most interestingly, neutrinos were observed from this supernova, arriving nearly three hours before the light did, confirming that they move through a star unimpeded, unlike light.
Come get the full story in some amazing pictures, videos and under 200 words of text on today’s Mostly Mute Monday!
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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In the middle of 1950s Tove was very, very lonely. Her letters of that time are melancholy, as she desperately yearned for true love. By this time she was very interested in dating women (as to her, Atos Wirtanen was in a way the last man she wanted to love). But circles were small in a small town, where homosexual acts were both a disease and illegal.
It was 1955, when Tove met Tuulikki Pietilä. They knew each other vaguely by looks. They had attended Ateneum’s art school at the same time but Tuulikki was few years younger and usually students spent time with their own language group (Tove spoke Swedish, Tuulikki Finnish).
The love story which lasted until their deaths, almost half a century began at Pikkujoulu party (”Little Christmas” in Finnish, a party traditionally held in anticipation on Christmas, usually among coworkers or friends) arranged by Finnish art society. Tove asked Tuulikki to dance, but she declined - probably out of propriety. But later Tuulikki sent Tove a card picturing a striped cat and asked her to visit her atelier.
Next summer Tuulikki visited Tove at an island. Love was born. Tove wrote; “I have finally come home to that one person whom I want to be with”. The picture of a striped cat was always and still is on the wall of Tove’s atelier. The couple spent their summers together on an island and winters working in their ateliers, which were right next door from each other.
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It can be said that Tuulikki saved Moominvalley. By the time they began their relationship, Tove was absolutely tired of Moomins. Tuulikki’s support restored Tove’s belief in Moomins and they became an important hobby to them both.
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Moomin book Moominland Midwinter (1957) is a book about loving and falling in love with Tuulikki. And it really shows. In the book, Moomintroll (who is an avatar of Tove Jansson) wakes up in the middle of unfamiliar and eerie winter, facing loneliness and death for the first time. In the middle of all cold and silence Moomintroll finds Too-Ticky, who’s calmly watching a snow lantern. Too-Ticky is robust and strong with blonde hair and a knife at her hip; everything Tuulikki was.
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Too-Ticky becomes Moomintroll’s calm and supportive mentor. She never gives ready answers and instead gently guides Moomintroll as he grows and learns. It is Too-Ticky who says the phrase which Tove repeated often in her interviews and which was seemingly one of her most important philophies: “Everything is insecure and that makes me calm”.
After Tuulikki’s first visit Tove wrote; “I love you both enchanted and very calm at the same time, and I don’t fear anything that might await us”. After finding Tuulikki, Tove described how much calmer and safer she felt. Whole living felt easier.
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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It.. it’s real..
im crying i cannot handle this
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
(Klassikko) Muumien parhaat
Pikku Myy: Minä en siedä lääppimistä, mutta minä haluan paljon lahjoja.
Noita: Kun minä oikein jysäytän, niin se ei todellakaan ole mikään kamelin pieru!
Pikky Myy: Muumipeikko, senkin lihava lössykkä! Herätys!
Nuuska Muikkunen: Senkin vanha homeinen tiskirätti, tottele minua. Katala härski marekin maksa!
Pikku Myy: Jos sinusta tulee pakaste, minä liimaan sinuun tarran "Parasta ennen kesäkuuta."
Pikku Myy: Älä puhu pötyä, emme edes liiku.
Muumipeikko: Liikummepas, vaikka hitaasti.
Pikku Myy: Olisittepa kaleeriorjia.
Muumipeikko: Myy kuule, hän ei muista edes minua. Miten hän sinut muistaisi?
Pikku Myy: Koska minua ei voi unohtaa.
Muumipeikko: Tarzan! ...rakastaa Janea.
Niiskuneiti: Oih!
Pikky Myy: Minä häivyn... Ennen kuin alan yökkiä.
Muumipappa: Katastroofien ei pitäisi kestää näin kauan. Haluan aamiaista!
Pikky Myy: Ehkä olette huomanneet, etten ole täydellinen tomppeli.
Muumipeikko: Puhuin totta.
Pikky Myy: Pidän henkilökohtaisena loukkauksena sitä, ettet keksinyt parempaa hätävalhetta ja vielä tyrkytät palturia totuutena.
Muumipappa: Aseet käteen perhe kallis!
Pikku Myy: Minä en jätä huomiseen mitään, minkä voin tehdä tänään.
Hemuli: Minä kyllä otaksun olevani hereillä. Mutta siitä en ole yhtään varma, onko se minusta mukavaa.
Muumipappa: Hmm, saari on tuo... täplä.
Pikku Myy: Haa, missä? Ettei vain ole kärpäsen kakka.
Pikku Myy: Sinä olet se haisurotta, joka sipsutteli meidän päällämme viime yönä.
Vilijonkka: Taide ei ole hupia. Taide on tuskaa! Suuri taide edellyttää aina suurta kärsimystä.
Muumipeikko: Monestako lapsesta sinä oikein haaveilet?
Niisuneiti: Oih, minähän oikein pakahdun äidin rakkaudesta. Kaksi tusinaa olisi sopiva määrä.
Muumipeikko: Häh? Siinä tapauksessa voit jättää minut pois laskuista.
Mymmeli: No joo! Miehet eivät ymmärrä elämän herkkiä puolia, sehän on tunnettu tosiasia.
Niiskuneiti: Halpaa viihdettä.
Muumipeikko: Minuun se tehoaa. Kaikki nuo uhkeat sankarittaret.
Niiskuneiti: Pah! Katinkontit, teeskenteleviä kanoja!
Haisuli: Onneksi minun ei tarvitse usein tehdä rehellistä työtä. Huh, karmeampaa kuin kuvittelin!
Jenni-täti: Kevytmielistä!
Pikku Myy: Jos minä löytäisin jostain tarpeeksi pienen poikaystävän, niin minäkin olisin kevytmielinen.
Jenni-täti: No Fredrik ja minäkin olimme kerran nuoria.
Pikku Myy: Rahalla ei voi ostaa nuoruutta.
Hemuli: Olla nuori, kokea jälleen kaikki mielenailahdukset, tyttöystävät ja myöhään venyneet illat? Ei kiitos. Olen onnellinen nykyiseen olotilaani.
Muumipeikko: Hemuli-paralla on ollut perin onneton nuoruus.
Surku: ...ja tunnen itsessäni suden.
Pikku Myy: No voithan sinä tuntea sen, mutta vakuutan, ettei kukaan näe sitä.
Ninni: *kikattaa*
Muumipappa: Älä naura pahainen kakara, sahahampainen hirviö.
Nipsu: Huomenta kaikki!
Pikku Myy: Sinä senkin rasvakala, kello on yli kaksitoista.
Muumimamma: ...eivätkä he löydä ikimaailmassa kanelia.
Muumipappa: Naiset! Olisinpa lähtenyt yksin. Ajatella nyt kanelia, kun tuntematon kutsuu!
Muumimamma: Pappa, minne menet?
Muumipappa: Ää, öö... Ai sinä! Minun täytyy mennä, minun täytyy mennä sanomaan sille hemmetin leijonalle, että astuu näyttämölle!
Lisätkää jos tulee mieleen jotain :)
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catbkop-blog · 7 years
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Something I wish more people would understand…
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