catoseveran · 2 years
WHO: closed for @andronicusimbrex​ WHERE: imbrex’s forge WHEN: 11 aprilis
NOT MUCH TIME PASSES BEFORE news of a certain blacksmith’s visit makes its way around the castle staff— and further information is uncovered once Cato finally promises not to scare their now beloved blacksmith away. He does not dwell on the reality, and low probability of him even being capable of such, and instead assures them that he’ll try his best not to. And in all honesty, Cato wasn’t quite sure what to do about it in the first place. 
They still weren’t exactly sure, even as they departed in the direction of Imbrex’s Forge, and even still with their body now propped up against the forge’s door. Planning felt all the more daunting with the uptake in unpredictability following the Maximus siege. “You’ve made quite the stir amongst the castle staff, Andronicus. Though, not for the reasons you’d expect, I can only assume.” His pleasant demeanor and agreeable features were details Cato politely insisted were irrelevant to his present inquiry, but ones that remained centered in the stories of most of who’d he asked.  
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“So, either you considered the risks of me potentially finding out and did so anyway,” Cato outlines, eyes still leveled at Andronicus searchingly. ”Or you decided me knowing didn’t pose any sort of risk in the first place.” Neither possibility was ideal. “Careful. You wouldn’t want the treatment of your allies to begin reeking of Maximus tendencies.” What sort of information had Andronicus sought that would lead him to circumventing Cato altogether? The very possibilities deflate their lips into a firm line, and they look to the blacksmith expectantly— the budding suspicion enough to dull his once lustrous eyes.
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catoseveran · 2 years
There were some things that Olivian had never been able to let go of in his time as a Smuggler. In fact if he met anybody he had known from his previous life they may say he had attached himself even more to the material trappings of life than he had when he was younger. That was probably true. He’d had so much to worry about back then he hadn’t been able to appreciate things like nice well fitted clothing, or parties. Or mixing those two things together with something as novel as a mask to top it all off with.  This was all to say that Olivian was very much looking forward to the last day of these festivities and the Masquerade Ball that was coming with it.
Very much.
It was likely no surprise that during the fifth day of the coronation anniversary while everybody was out doing their last minute shopping, and getting ready for such a grand fanciful event so was Olivian. In his own way. He had done his own shopping ages ago. Options for an Outfit and Mask to hide his face had been picked out nearly on the first day. All he needed to know was what was the décor the Maximus Clan were going with for the evening, so he knew how to match it. Olivian couldn’t let himself assume the colors, and theming. Though he expected it to be … Well, let’s just say he did not see the group as the most tasteful, or fashionable. So, he needed to find out for himself. He didn’t want to clash with the curtains, did he?
Olivian found himself wandering the royal grounds to check things out for himself. Getting a peak at the Great Hall, as he wandered among the staff and servants working later into the night. At some point he even found himself in the kitchens seeing if there were any fancy foods laying out, but mostly things were only being prepared, so he left empty handed. 
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He decided if he had been in charge, he could do better. Nothing revolutionary.
Having satisfied both his curiosity and the necessity to know what colors he could get away with wearing the next night, Olivian strolled from the Castle onto the grounds to leave, taking a breath of the cool night breeze as he went.  Walking as confidently as one would if they owned the place. If only, some might say. (Him, he was ‘some’). But that was the key to be where ever you wanted to be without pesky rule abiding types questioning you, and what you were doing. That was “Being Where you Shouldn’t Be 101”. Pretend like you were supposed to be there and most would leave you be. Most. 
It did not always work when you had a name and a reputation like he did, but most people left him alone.
TOMORROW, MORE THAN ANY OTHER DAY, would test how capable Cato’s worlds were at coexisting. To be a castle servant, a mage, a spy all at once— it was an existence only comparable to inviting death daily into an amorous embrace. On any usual day, Cato is able to largely ignore the stakes that each presented, and the dangers in their overlapping— but today, it is proven to be inescapable. He is unable to find a singular moments of peace away from contemplating the potential outcomes of the masquerade, and has taken to circling the castle grounds in attempt to clear his mind. 
Perhaps it was the close proximity the prevents them from doing such, for how could they  possibly avoid thinking about the events that followed, when being directly on the premises that they were to occur?  Restlessness begins to give way to frustration, and Cato finds themself absentmindedly forming fireballs between a half closed fist. If only their present duties hadn’t prevented them from seeking lodgings outside of the castle, they consider to themselves thoughtfully. Yes, a simple change of scenery would surely prove adequate in solving their present predicament—
—a distant shuffle is enough to pry Cato from their thoughts, and they quickly pull their fist together, snuffing out any evidence of the flame that occupied their hand only moments ago. Just foolish, is all they can think, scolding themself for how recklessly they’d been in using their abilities. It did not matter that it was only Olivian, they discover once finally lifting their eyes, for their nails remained lodged defensively into the palm of the offending hand. 
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“Olivian,” Cato muses once restoring their usual demeanor, the prior feeling of shock now snuffed out alongside the flame. “Did you plan on leaving with grounds without even as much as saying hello to me?” His hand clutches his chest, as if holding the now empty crater that his heart once dwelled in. “How you wound me.” He looks with melodramatic offense at the person responsible for his heart’s destruction.
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catoseveran · 2 years
WHO:  closed for @aeliavesta WHERE: nine daughters’ docks WHEN: 13 aprilis 
For Cato, anything involving days of rest usually wound up being a misnomer— for the time allocated for relaxation usually gave way to budding anticipation instead. Today was no different, and besides— there’d been no resting in the presence of Aelia Vesta. There was always something more to do; some task that always required attending to, and perhaps that’s why he’d taken so quickly to the cause of Obstinatam. It kept him busy. And when Cato was busy, there’d been less opportunities to spend brooding. Many minds wandered when left in idleness, but Cato’s possessed the habit of constricting. In those rare moments, they found  their worldview no longer reached beyond the grounds of Stormhalt— and that terrified them most of all.
What felt like ages since Cato last took up the sword for leisure purposes became even more evident when paired against the likes of Aelia. It felt like a dance, one not immediately familiar, but recognizable in ways they could not explain— as if he’d been left with the remnants of memory from a past life. The throes of exhaustion had long begun to set in, but their desire to win served to counteract this feeling rather efficiently. What was it about Vesta that managed to awaken these long dormant desires? He considers between the clashing of steel. They could not recall the last time they’d genuinely desired to compete in something. Why did every moment spent in the newcomer’s presence feel like the reliving of a memory you no longer possessed access too? 
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“You seem to be awfully familiar with my moves, Vesta,” Cato manages through gritted teeth, never peeling their eyes away from their opponent. “Either you’re some omniscient being, we’ve met before, or I’m far more predictable than I like to believe myself to be.” They knew which option they’d been leaning toward, even if it couldn’t yet be paired with logic or evidence. “No need to answer that,” they add suddenly, though Cato knew she would regardless. 
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catoseveran · 2 years
WHO:  closed for @jinxdecimus​ WHERE: nine daughters dock  WHEN: 10 aprilis
They remember the exact moment the docks first become unrecognizable. It was shortly after the Maximus siege when every inch of the ports were littered with Tyrusian vessels. Cato understood that the docks would never take on the form he’d grown accustomed to in his childhood— just as they would never quite take on their same shape prior to the conquest. The ramifications of the siege proved prominent enough to unravel him and his surrounding world.  Reeducation becomes the only option, for there’d be no recovering the parts of Cato’s world forfeited in the crossfire, voluntary or not. 
At some point during his pursuits of new meanings, Jinx and Cyprian find their ways into Cato’s orbit. They color in shades of their own, and often ones reminiscent of ones he’d once known. They were not fleeting presences, as could be said for most of his lovers, and eternal wasn’t the right designation either, for their existences escaped the realm of permanence altogether. With them, there was only ever living in the now.  
In the now, vivid fabrics of all colors surrounded them, painting their surroundings with the fineries of neighboring kingdoms. Several days remained until Obstinatam commenced with their plans, and Cato would not let the weight of such knowledge forbid him from having a joyous time. Not in presence of Jinx, at the very least. His attentions depart from the scenery, as he turns to his companion searchingly. 
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“I’m following your lead today. Wherever your desires carry you, know that I’ll follow suit.” A coy smile illuminated his features as he extended a hand in offering. This, he understands, is how he’d like to remember to docks from that moment onward. 
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catoseveran · 2 years
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𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧. / 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. / 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭. / 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. / 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭. 
penned by lia
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catoseveran · 2 years
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With the drums of rebellion echoing across the kingdom, CATO SEVERAN  is currently sworn to OBSTINATAM. THEY currently bear the face of MANNY JACINTO and are 31 YEARS OLD.
CATO is a servant in the Celeian Castle. Being born and raised within the castle walls has allowed them to develop an intimate knowledge of the inner-workings of the castle as well as a close relationship with the other staff members. They have also recently discovered that they’re a Fire Mage, but they have yet to learn how to control their powers. 
Trigger warnings: Death, mentions of child abandonment
YOU ARE BORN A CHILD WITHOUT A LEGACY—  Fate and circumstance are to blame for your absence of history and lineage. Your mother had been the daughter of a lesser lord within Celeia, and your father a mage from the Blackspine Mountains. It is a tumultuous, whirlwind romance only destined to fail, though, not even the young lovers could’ve foresaw the calamity that would erupt as a result of their union. The very potential of your existence threatened the marriage arranged by your grandfather to a powerful lord— one that promised upward mobility, and would remove the family from the excess of debt accumulated over the years due to careless spending. An ultimatum is given by the lord— be rid of the child, and the marriage would proceed, something your mother was unwilling to do, and she attempts her escape with her lover the next night. They were away three days before your grandfather discovers them, and only three more days before your father is tried for abetting a fugitive, and sentenced to death. You never meet him, or your mother— for the moment that you enter the world, you’re stripped from her arms.
You wind up on the doorstep of a castle servant, who is kind enough to take pity on the abandoned baby, and you are raised as her own. You become the golden boy of the castle— always willing to assist other workers in their duties, which allows you to get away with a significant amount of mischief that you wouldn’t otherwise have. You never dwelled on the tragic circumstances of your past— for your found family within the castle ensured you were always happy, healthy, and loved. 
It is when the MAXIMUS siege occurs that you are formally introduced to hardship. Your serene existence is gone before you know it— leaving little time for you to mourn the loss of your friends and loved ones. It does not help that you are tasked with dealing with your newly awakened magical abilities in a kingdom where known magic use results in immediate death. For the first time in your adult life, you are tasked with an actual purpose— a genuine cause beyond your usual mischief and dalliances, for your position as a staff member allows you to accumulate a significant amount of information for those outside. You’ve been tasked with being a messenger for the rebel group OBSTINATAM, a role that puts you in a dangerous position, but one you would not back down from. It was time that the monarchy stopped viewing the common people as mere pawns to do as they please— and if rising against them made certain your death— then so be it.
ARIADNE LAENAS. Twin flame. From the moment of your first encounter, Ariadne felt eerily familiar. They are deeply reminiscent of something you’ve yet to understand. You cannot pinpoint from where or how, but you’re sure you know them from somewhere— despite the impossibility of it. After all, you’ve never ventured beyond the outskirts of the city, and this is their first time ever being here. You may be united by your abilities, but the two of you couldn’t be more different. You’re an open book, and Ariadne is not someone so easily read. It’s difficult for you, knowing that you’ve finally found someone like you, but someone who consistently lays beyond your reach. They’re hiding something— something you’re sure you’d be willing to help them with— if only they’d ask. In the meantime, you’re satisfied with the few encounters that you have been able to have. Their increased presence alone shows that perhaps you’ve been able to get through to them. 
JINX DECIMUS & CYPRIAN CLARA. Lovers. You are acutely aware of the feeling Cyprian invoked within you the first time you heard him sing. It was a feeling that could only be captured properly in Jinx’s own words, something you would discover at a later date. It had been at one of the after hours shows that another staff member in the palace dragged you along to, one you hadn’t been very eager to attend considering the amount of work you’d completed only hours ago. From the moment the first note leaves his lips you are immediately enamored. His silk toned voice and honeyed words are enough to bring you to the next show— and the next show after that. You stay behind one day, lingering backstage with the intention of expressing your appreciation of his gift, only to wind up at his residence that night, spelling out your gratitude into his being. Each encounter you have is more invigorating than the last— and the pair of you have managed to maintain an uncomplicated, no strings attached relationship for some time. You are backstage one day when you catch Jinx’s eye— and a charged look is enough for you to get wrapped up in each other’s mutual desire. You don’t know for certain the nature of your relationship with the pair of them— but you adore and appreciate their presence all the same. You have no intention of altering what presently doesn’t need fixing. 
TITUS MURENA. Boss. Despite the immense charm that earned you your present position, you possess no formal skill set in order to do so. Titus has been tasked with supervising and training, something he’s managed to do with the same faraway magnetism that he delivers to the rest of the world. It’s something you’ve always found perplexing, with his knack for revealing everything and little to nothing in the same moment— though perhaps that is the root of the very reasoning for him instructing you in the first place. Still, you still hope to gain some clarity from your ongoing partnership— concerning both the tasks he’s allocated to you, as well as his intentions behind doing so. You know he’s not someone who would readily reveal information. Hopefully there will be some clarity garnered as you progress with your training.
STATUS: Taken by Admin Lia
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catoseveran · 2 years
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MANNY JACINTO as Logan Santos I WANT YOU BACK (2022)
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catoseveran · 2 years
“I would rather die of fire than of void.”
— Emil Cioran
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catoseveran · 2 years
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Boris Slutsky, from The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry; “Samizdat”
Text ID: but I bear this accursed blood / within me like the plague.
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