cc-crane · 9 months
Part 2 of the new customization (kind of made because they changed which parts of the outfits you can change color and I was struggling on one because I couldn’t figure out how to replicate my Snow White)
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cc-crane · 9 months
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Been messing around with the new design functions of DUTP - not fan of having to go search for some of the newer features but meh we got darker colors now so that’s nice.
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cc-crane · 1 year
Part Two of the customizable outfits:
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cc-crane · 1 year
My Designs so far for the customizable outfits part one (Sad I joined to late to the flapper dress)(also any tips on how to customize the first one? It dosnt seem like I can find any color that doesn’t clash with the black feathers?):
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cc-crane · 1 year
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Why????? Just…just why????? Why not a cute Easter Dress???? Why do we need the malls easter bunny outfit????
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cc-crane · 1 year
So the way I picture the whole thing working is that it’s like a desk that’s connected to the magic lantern and if you place a piece of literature on it you get transported into that piece of literature by the fairy Isabel. And the outfits (maybe not all) are outfits that MC crafted/drew based off of those works and that fairy Isabel then used for MC to wear inside the world (which would explain who some of not all outfits don’t seem to match the setting). Maybe Fairy Isabel leaves MC souvenirs of her adventure through those event photos we earn when we hit a milestone in the book.
And works like Swan and Lake and Romo and Juliet where the roles are reversed are fan fiction (or even those fan fiction that got published as parodies of the original) that MC was curious to see if it worked with the magic.
I love Time Princess, it's like my favorite thing to play on mobile right now, but I really wish they'd utilize the whole 'you're a traveler that's not from the story world' aspect more.
One of the things I loved about Queen Marie was the fact you got reminders that your traveler is from the "real" world. The whole plot of that story, is for you character to AVOID Queen Marie's real life fate, because you know what it is.
I liked our traveler telling us 'oh, well historically we didn't buy the necklace', or our character having outburst because Marie is feeling SO STRONGLY about something she's able to influence what we do as her.
I would love to see stuff like this happen more often. What if our traveler purposefully goes into a book they've read before, because they just want to experience it? Or they're reading a well known story, like Snow White, does knowing that the apple is poisoned change what you do? Does not eating it mean you never meet the prince? What happens if you never go near a spinning wheel as Sleeping Beauty (Though I think it was just a splinter in the original story?).
I just feel there is so much missed potential here! I would absolutely love to see them use this more in their stories. It really ads something to stories that a lot of people are familiar with, because you're not just reading another straight version of a story, you're reading a version of the story, where you already know the story, and that leads to a lot of fun things you can play around with.
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cc-crane · 1 year
Iv always head-cannon that she uses the magic of the story book realm to re-live her favorites books with the hope of reaching her OTP or even sometimes using the story book magic to study up on her history by popping her history text book or any book that explores that era on there to help study the era (and sometimes she likes to change “history” ) to get idea for her own writing.
I love Time Princess, it's like my favorite thing to play on mobile right now, but I really wish they'd utilize the whole 'you're a traveler that's not from the story world' aspect more.
One of the things I loved about Queen Marie was the fact you got reminders that your traveler is from the "real" world. The whole plot of that story, is for you character to AVOID Queen Marie's real life fate, because you know what it is.
I liked our traveler telling us 'oh, well historically we didn't buy the necklace', or our character having outburst because Marie is feeling SO STRONGLY about something she's able to influence what we do as her.
I would love to see stuff like this happen more often. What if our traveler purposefully goes into a book they've read before, because they just want to experience it? Or they're reading a well known story, like Snow White, does knowing that the apple is poisoned change what you do? Does not eating it mean you never meet the prince? What happens if you never go near a spinning wheel as Sleeping Beauty (Though I think it was just a splinter in the original story?).
I just feel there is so much missed potential here! I would absolutely love to see them use this more in their stories. It really ads something to stories that a lot of people are familiar with, because you're not just reading another straight version of a story, you're reading a version of the story, where you already know the story, and that leads to a lot of fun things you can play around with.
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cc-crane · 1 year
I love Time Princess, it's like my favorite thing to play on mobile right now, but I really wish they'd utilize the whole 'you're a traveler that's not from the story world' aspect more.
One of the things I loved about Queen Marie was the fact you got reminders that your traveler is from the "real" world. The whole plot of that story, is for you character to AVOID Queen Marie's real life fate, because you know what it is.
I liked our traveler telling us 'oh, well historically we didn't buy the necklace', or our character having outburst because Marie is feeling SO STRONGLY about something she's able to influence what we do as her.
I would love to see stuff like this happen more often. What if our traveler purposefully goes into a book they've read before, because they just want to experience it? Or they're reading a well known story, like Snow White, does knowing that the apple is poisoned change what you do? Does not eating it mean you never meet the prince? What happens if you never go near a spinning wheel as Sleeping Beauty (Though I think it was just a splinter in the original story?).
I just feel there is so much missed potential here! I would absolutely love to see them use this more in their stories. It really ads something to stories that a lot of people are familiar with, because you're not just reading another straight version of a story, you're reading a version of the story, where you already know the story, and that leads to a lot of fun things you can play around with.
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cc-crane · 2 years
DUTP Photo Dump:
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cc-crane · 2 years
We got a new customize it yourself dress and I’m just done 😆
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I did the best I could with what I had
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cc-crane · 2 years
DUTP Original Outfit Vs My Take
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cc-crane · 2 years
I can’t help but be curious what happens after our main character leaves a story books
Like…we enter the story book to find we have possessed a character (what happens to that characters conscious?) and then we go though several stages trying to get to the perfect ending - does the book end and does every character we met and their own “conscious” ends when the book ends? - does the true character “wakes up” and “goes what the duck is going on??? Who are you people???”
What about historical books? Does the main character leaves the books - browse the internet and Whoops! France has a monarchy or she finds that Marie Antoinette is the biggest what happened to her mystery like Amelia Earhart?
Or did DUTP dump the whole MC possesses a body and now MC is basically watching these story unfolds and the whole make a decision for the character is us basically whispering in the character ears to do/think this way?
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cc-crane · 2 years
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cc-crane · 2 years
So the new story Golden Age? How does this work? Since Marie Antoinette (even though we barely get any acknowledgment that MC is possessing someone’s else body) it’s been establish that MC somehow ends up possessing a body and living that persons life while trying to navigate to a happily ever after scenario.
And yet? In Golden Age we don’t get that first chapter disorientation? If anything this is the “real world” and MC gets sent back in time via what we know as the Story Book Anomaly that has been present in every story book.
So what is it? Are we possessing a new body and get sent back in time (inception I guess?). Is this the “real world” and our MC day job when she isn’t traveling the story book realm?
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cc-crane · 2 years
DUTP Photo Dump:
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cc-crane · 2 years
Scientist 1: There is very little land left due to the polar ice melting and flooding everything that’s terra firma! What ever shall we do???
Scientist 2: Oh Oh i I know let’s build boat cities! We have the nuclear power to make that possible! People in the past use to pay big bucks to live on ships called Cruises as temporary lodging! Why not take that idea and expand upon it!
Scientist 1: What a ridiculous notion! Who in their right mind would want to live on a boat year around???? Preposterous! Any more ideas????
Scientist 3: Well…we could always do as the lost Civilization of old did? You know that underwater city of Atlantis? Make our cities completely waterproof and just live under the sea as they did.
Scientist 1: … … … Brilliant! Underwater Cities! Scientist 2! Take notes from Scientist 3 because this is how we make progress! We will pave a new way for mankind with underwater cities!
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cc-crane · 2 years
So Hela’a Compass just dropped - and I’m 50/50 on the outfits, like
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1) what the hack happened on that expedition that resulted in that Surge of Emotions outfit happening?
2) while the outfit Sedge Dreams in kind of cute I ain’t digging the TP logo stamped on every corner of it - really drags you out of the game play in my opinion…then again I never really like it when TP stamps there logo on outfits in the first place 😆
Then we have the lucky Jerry outfits :
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And again the amount of detail they put in these dresses blows my mind away -
I will admit the outfit names don’t really scream said outfit. Like Whales Fantasy? She feels more like law enforcement vogue then sea faring? And witch’s dream? Feels more like a cyborg then a witch?
But I do want that cyborg wale/fish from the Tidal Fantasy outfit.
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