tumblr users aged 23+ should get a pension
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Okay so this has been brought to my attention but if you’ve been from round here since 2020 the impersonating and racist asks are back again and I don’t need to remind anyone that if it’s anonymous, it’s not from me. It never was and it never will be ✌🏻
I don’t have the time to be sending things at all and I don’t use anonymous as this is my main self ship blog. Hope you’re all okay 🫂
Most importantly, if you know someone who has gotten one, I have messages open for people I don’t follow, so they’re more than welcome to talk to me- I’m more than happy to reassure anyone. Take care and look out for each other 🩷✌🏻
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not submission. I really hate the "My OC, my rules" thing. Cause like, no? Just because they are your oc doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with them. If you want to make your oc suffer and not like them get help, you deserve to lose rights over them. Especially if you only do that stuff to purposely trigger people. Once you do that, your oc no longer belongs to you. they belong to the public who will take better care of them instead
Making a comment to get this to post.
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Hrm... what if I made a comeback (on a different blog tho)
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Aight imma head out
I don't think I have that much of a consistent following at this point but, as the self ship community has kind of become this:
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I'm gonna head out for a little while. I'll still be active on my main, @cryoglaze, but I'm not going to be on self ship tumblr for the indefinite future. If I do come back, I'll probably remake my blog, but we'll see what happens.
Take care of yourselves, and your F/O's love you!
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Me, at any character that I know, in fact, dies at the end:
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Me when I give out fun facts about my characters:
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F/O: My hands are cold...
S/I, holding F/O's hands: Better?
F/O: My lips are cold.
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you're sleepy, slowly being awoke to-???? your mind can't totally comprehend it. a gentle voice speaks as you snuggle more into the blanket, grumbling softly in protest.
"Darling... Come on, it's time to wake up." F/O speaks gently, brushing a bit of your hair behind your ear.
you make another soft sound of protest, before slowly rolling over and opening your eyes, blinking a few times, and yawning. your f/o is leaning over you, looking as beautiful and lovely as ever. you can't help smiling even a little.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Did you rest well?" They smile down at you, leaning in to kiss your forehead. "I made breakfast, you gonna come down and eat?"
You slowly but surely sit up, leaning on them a bit. "Mmm... breakfast sounds good right now.. Carry me?" You hold out your arms, tired and wanting affection.
F/O laughs softly, but gladly obliges, climbing out of bed before picking you up bridal style. "You are absolutely spoiled, you know that?" They say in a playful tone as they carry you to the dining room.
"Mm, I know, but that's cuz you love spoiling me, don't ya?" Your tone is playful and prideful, even if still a little sleepy. You're only a little disappointed when f/o sets you down gently.
"Maybe, but hey, how else am I supposed to tell you I love you?" They wrap their arms around your waist and lean in to kiss you gently.
You're happy to kiss back, content and warm in their arms. "Mm... just like that." You reply, laughing a little.
"I guess you're right.. But im still gonna spoil you anyways. Now-" They poke your nose gently. "Let's eat before it gets cold." They kiss your cheek, before pulling away.
the kitchen is warm and smells slightly sweet, and you're happy. you swear you could lose yourself in moments like these. forever, even. yeah,,, forever sounds nice...
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Imagine your f/o’s eyes softening when they look at you. 
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head not empty. too many fictional characters wreaking havoc in it.
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Imagine taking a much-needed nap with your F/O… feeling the steady rise and fall of their chest… enjoying the warm, safe sensation of your F/O’s arm draped over you… listening to their heartbeat gently lull you to sleep… having your heart filled with a sense of peace and comfort like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, and knowing there’s nowhere else in the world you’d rather be
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Villain: We have (Sibling!F/O)
S/I: Let me speak with them
Villain: Go ahead you’re on speaker
S/I: Dumbass
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imagine: u and ur f/o wearing these dorky ass matching shirts!
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Here’s a nice thing to think about, f/os in sweaters, mittens, hoodies, onesies, fuzzy socks, cardigans, cozy things. Bundled up on cold days, scarves pulled up over their nose. Gloved hands clasped over their mouth, breathing warmth into their bones. Soft long sleeves layered under t-shirts. Fun pajamas and onesies and blankets wrapped around them. Just, cozy and warm f/os .
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People really being cute as hell w/ their F/Os and having a great time
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