cfpeterparker · 6 years
Clark raised an eyebrow as the young man approached him. “Rad? Oh, yes. Sorry, I’m out of touch with some of the lingo these days.” He laughed softly before eyeing the drink the male’s hand. “Okay, now I know I’m getting up there in age,” He feigned, “But you definitely don’t look old enough for that.” He said, unable to help himself.
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Peter chuckles a little, but flashes a smile to the older man. “I’m twenty-three, I promise that. I wouldn’t lie, but I know I have a baby face.” He says gesturing to his face with his free hand. “I'm not the biggest fan of drinking really.” It wasn’t a lie, he didn’t see the point when he can’t get drunk really. Not easily anyway.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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“Yeah, I can tell. Which, to be honest, seems a little like a red flag for a guy his age, but I figure that I can’t judge until I’m a billionaire who gave up his favorite hobby,” she said, tapping one of the suits that was on display next to her. “I can’t say that I love it, but I don’t think I’d like being rich. Maybe I just want to be able to pay my bills without worrying, but not like…be filthy rich. It seems like too much.”
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“Its not hurting anyone, right? It’s nice to bring everyone together.” Peter shrugs his shoulders, taking another sip of the drink. “I don’t know anything about having money though.” His gaze turns to one of the suits. “You know he’s building me a new suit? One like his I guess, that I can wear all the time with my regular clothes. I don’t even want to know how much that costs.”
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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Zach was planning on indulging tonight, his reputation as a bit of a wild child coming back since he’d spent so long helping June and Harvey. Turning he adjusted his top hat and squinted at the guy then, “Oh I remember you… Peter right?” he asked, taking a large gulp of his champagne, “Yea, it’s awesome. I’m fighting the urge to magic those iron man suits into doing the cha-cha slide.” he smirked, “Think our host would mind?”  
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“You got it, I’m Peter. I’m mainly here because I’m close to Mr. Stark.” Peter says with a smile, but it was nice to see everyone in one place. He just hopes nothing goes wrong while they’re all here. “I don’t know how much he’d like that, I wouldn’t, but I will admit that would be amusing.”
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
With all the excitement going on inside Hope decided it was time for fresh air. After all she knew no one at the party, so it wasn’t likely anyone would miss her. She begun to wonder why she even came to this event at all? She should have stayed home like her father. Hearing a voice she immediately lost her train of thought. “Oh the party? Yeah it’s nice.” She answered. “Okay that’s a total lie, but hey at least the view of the city is nice.”
“You aren’t a fan of parties? I don’t know what to do at them most of the time. I never quite figured it out, but the city is beautiful isn’t it?” Peter looks out at the view, and his heart misses New York again. He wonders if he should go to visit, surely his aunt would like that. “I’m Peter.” He introduces himself with a smile, holding out his free hand.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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“Yo, this place is crazy,” she said, walking up to Peter already talking to him, even though she didn’t know if he was talking to someone else or in the middle of something.  “Have you like, actually looked at this patio? Like, I’m pretty sure just that pool cost as much as my rent for, like, a whole year. Insane.”
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“It is. Stark likes to do stuff like this.” Peter says as he looks around at the patio. He was used to it, but he was still adjusting to this penthouse in particular. “I don’t think I could ever afford any of this if I'm honest. I love being poor.” He makes himself laugh at that though as his gaze turns back to Gwen.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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Peter wasn’t new to being at Tony’s place, he was like a father to him after all, but he stepped away from the crowd for a moment. There was a beer in his hand, but that was for appearances mostly -- his metabolism won’t let it do anything. He had stepped outside, looking out at the city until he heard someone walking toward him. “Oh hey, rad party, right?” 
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
Tony sighed as he sat down across from Peter. This was the first time they’d seen one another in a while and Tony was sure he had grown even more. He was grateful though that Peter wanted to see him, and that he was being at least a little sneaky about it. SHIELD, if they were watching him, didn’t need to know he was meeting with former Avengers again.
“Don’t get me wrong, the suit is still great, but you need something like mine that you can wear over your clothing. That way if you get into something you shouldn’t, you’re not being paraded around in a suit. Something with FRIDAY built in if you need help. I would be there in a second.”
Tony worried about him—he knew the crackdowns on heroes was getting bad and he didn’t want to see Peter taken to jail. The vigilante sentences were harsh and it would ruin Peter’s life.
“I don’t want you caught and charged with vigilantism. I wouldn’t be able to get you out. Prison breaks aren’t exactly my specialty.”
“You can do that? You can make a version of this I can have on me all the time, but not really on me? Woah, that would be so cool!” Peter suddenly feeling so excited about this concept. He had been so into the one he already have he never considered an upgrade. 
“Would I be able to keep Karen in it though somehow? I’ve become attached to her since I got this one.” Peter laughs nervously, but he doesn’t see why that would be a difficult request to pull off. “If you think it’s a good idea, I’ll take a new suit.” He nods, always trusting Tony of course. 
“I don’t want to be caught either, which leads me to tell you that I joined a team of young heroes. We’re being careful, but I you should know.”
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
“Well I don’t like I always drop them down. I just want to give him a heartbreak,you know” Felicia said joking and wink at Peter then giggle a bit. “Peter Parker giving me a date advice? Woah. I’m in shock”she joked and giggle. “And you? Been seeing anyone?”.
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“Yeah it would be a shame, but better than leading someone on I guess, right?” Peter says nervously, and looks at his friend. “I’m not seeing anyone, no. I haven’t since Gwen died.” He admits, pushing his fingers through his hair.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
Tony & Peter Parker @cfpeterparker
At least there was one person in this god forsaken city that actually wanted to see him, Tony thought as he pulled out some clothes for Peter to wear. The kid was good to him—too good, and he didn’t deserve it, but he’d take it without question.
He heard the balcony door open and close and FRIDAY greeting Peter as he walked in. The clothes weren’t much to choose from, but they’d do. An AC/DC band shirt that didn’t have a cut out for his arc reactor and a pair of lounge pants because the kid was too damn tall for any of Tony’s jeans.
The penthouse was modest, but the thing that stood out the most were the suits that stood like sentinels lining one wall. Tony always had a suit on him, built into the arc reactor in his chest or into the watch he wore, but these ones were suits he couldn’t bare to part with, and ones that may come in handy one day.
“You say you’re playing the hero thing close to your chest but you’re out there in your full suit.” He said with a sigh, tossing his clothing to Peter. “You need something more subtle. I’ll see what I can do.”
Peter always viewed Tony as a father figure to him, but he doesn’t actually call him dad. He looks up to him a lot that much is true. Which does make him happy to hear that the older man was in town. They would get to spend time together again, which makes him pretty excited. 
He easily swings up onto the balcony, wearing the bright red and blue suit. He was attached to it, having become really close to Karen after all this time. He can’t picture going out without this suit, always grateful that Tony made it for him. 
He walks into the penthouse,  taking a look around at how the new place was decorated. He senses the clothes thrown his way as he catches them with ease. Peter’s eyes looking over at Tony as he holds onto them. He pulls the mask off with his other hand, resting that on top of the clothes. 
“What’s wrong with this one? I mean I know it’s bright, but it’s what the people recognize you know? What do you mean by subtle exactly?” He wonders as he moves to take a seat before he goes to change.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
Tony: in case you meant literal swinging, I’ll leave the penthouse balcony door unlocked.
Tony: Comes with the territory, kid. So do the nightmares. Stay vigilant. The world is going to need heroes again someday.
Peter: I do mean literal swinging. I’m sort of on a roof right now? Do you have clothes there I can change into?
Peter: I know. I’m used to them showing up when I don’t want them to really. I always have an eye out. I think they always need heroes and don't know it.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
Tony: Yeah, for a bit. Rented a place on Main and Wellington downtown.
Tony: I’ve missed you too, kid.
Tony: You’ve been okay, right? Playing the whole hero thing close to the chest?
Peter: I’ll have to swing on by if you’re free!
Peter: I’ve been okay, yeah. I’m being careful with the whole hero thing.
Peter: I'm still expecting Kraven to pop up any day now looking for a fight though.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
Tony: Hey kid, heard you’re in Star City.
[5 minutes later]
Tony: This is Stark, by the way.
Peter: Mr. Stark! Hey!
Peter: I've missed hanging out with you! Are you staying here long?
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
“Yep. But being a spoiler free is a huge fault,you know it” Felicia joked and giggle. “Well like I said to her: a hook up doesn’t kill anyone,right?”she said and chuckle a bit. “Well what if I don’t like him? I mean,I trust MJ too,but what if he is a boring dude?”.
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“If you don’t like him you can always be honest? It’s just one date right, if you aren’t feeling it you don’t have to ever see them again.” Peter points out to Felicia with a smile, trying to be positive. Although he wasn’t the best one to go to with dating advice.
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
“Well if I didn’t knew you so well you would probably convince me” Felicia joked and giggle. “Petey you are like a spoiler lover,we all know it” she said still giggling. “MJ wanted to set me up in a date with a friend of hers. Do you think I should accept? She said he is a cute,I don’t even know him”.
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“Yeah, but alas, I accept who I am. Faults and everything.” Peter admits with a chuckle, not minding that much. “I think you should if you want. Do you want to? It could be fun right? I trust MJ and her judgment.”
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cfpeterparker · 6 years
“Yeah,” Logan said quietly, though his frown belied the positive response. “Gotta be careful about it. Kids don’t belong in every fight.” His tendency to be soft on the younger generation was a habit, although he agreed that they should be able to defend themselves if it came to that. While he could understand Scott’s point of view, to a degree, he couldn’t help but be concerned about where it would lead. “Thanks, kid.” He put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and squeezed. “Let me know if ya need anythin’. I’m not far.”
“Yeah, I think that it’s important that they know how to protect themselves, but they shouldn’t. I know what it’s like to be a kid and out there fighting people twice or three times my age.” Peter nods although he usually doesn’t have a sidekick, he always had friends that he works with, but he never experienced the whole sidekick thing except from the outside. “Of course I will, same to you, Logan.”
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