chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Enter the URLs mentioned here.  Once inside, you will solve the marked exercises, at the end you will take the screenshots corresponding to your results and send them to the following email:
Remember that this activity is part of lesson five: "Adverbs of Mannner".
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Watch this video to understand more about adverbs of manner.
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Fifth Lesson ...
Adverbs of manner.
The adverbs of mode indicate how an action develops. They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object complement.
He swims well.
He ran quickly.
She spoke softly.
James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
He plays the flute beautifully. (Después del complemento de objeto)
He ate the chocolate cake greedily. (Después del complemento de objeto)
The mode adverb should not be placed between the verb and the direct object, but before the verb or at the end of the proposition.
He ate greedily the chocolate cake. [erróneo]
He ate the chocolate cake greedily. [correcto]
He greedily ate the chocolate cake. [correcto]
He gave us generously the money. [erróneo]
He gave us the money generously. [correcto]
He generously gave us the money. [correcto]
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Enter the URLs mentioned here. Once inside, you will solve the marked exercises, at the end you will take the screenshots corresponding to your results and send them to the following email:
Remember that this activity is part of lesson four "Verb Can."
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Fourth Lesson ...
Verb Can
The verb "can" has two possible meanings or equivalences in Spanish. One is with the verb «poder» and the other is the verb «saber». To know which meaning is correct, it is necessary to be attentive to the context of the sentence, as it clarifies the meaning of the sentence. On some occasions, the verb "can" can also be used to express "ser posible".
Simple present of the verb can.
This is the present conjugation of the verb "can", and is used to construct affirmative sentences and also yes or no questions and their answers. It is used with all subjects and, unlike other verbs, its writing remains the same for all English pronouns, including the third person singular and plural forms.
I can
You can
He can
She can
It can
We can
You can
They can
Negative form of the verb "can" in the present simple.
The negative form of the verb "can" is "can’t," which is the contraction of the word "can not." This word can also be written as two separate words, however, although the meaning is the same, the form without separation is the most common. Similarly, in the informal language both written and spoken, the form “can’t” is generally used, while “can not” is associated with formal language.
I can’t
You can’t
He can’t
She can’t
It can’t
We can’t
You can’t
They can’t
Interrogative form of the verb "can" in the present simple
There are two types of possible answers to these questions in English: the affirmative form and the negative form. The affirmative answers are formed with the word "yes" followed by a comma, then the subject of the sentence, and then the verb "can." The negative form is very similar, it is formed with the word "no", followed by a comma, then the subject, and finally the verb "can" in its negative form.
Can I…?
Can you…?
Can he…?
Can she…?
Can it…?
Can we…?
Can you…?
Can they…?
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Enter the URLs mentioned here. Once inside, you will solve the marked exercises, at the end you will take the screenshots corresponding to your results and send them to the following email:
Remember that this activity is part of lesson three: "Present Simple."
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Third Lesson...
Present Simple.
Affirmative form
In affirmative sentences, the same form of the verb is maintained with all pronouns, with the exception of he, she and it. To the third person's singular verb (he / she / it) a -s or -es is added depending on its termination:
If the verb used ends in -SS, -SH, -CH, -O, or -X, the third person's ending is -ES.
If the verb used ends in a consonant plus -Y, the termination of the third person is formed by replacing -Y with a -IES
If the verb used ends in a vowel plus -Y, we just add an -S at the end
I work in a hospital
You stay with my mom in the yard
He kisses his girlfriend
She watches the TV in the restaurant
We speak all day
He keeps his thooth
Negative form.
In the negative sentences we add the auxiliary verb do followed by the particle not between the subject and the main verb, although for he, she and it the form does will be used followed by the particle not.
Note that the third person of the singular of the negative form does not add any -s at the end of the verb since it has been added with the form does in the auxiliary.
I don't work in a hospital
You don't stay with my mom in the yard
He doesn't kisses his girlfriend
She doesn't watches the TV in the restaurant
We don't speak all day
Interrogative form.
In interrogative sentences the auxiliary verb do or does is placed at the beginning of the sentence followed by the subject, the main verb and in some cases a complement is added. Like the verbs to be and have got, the interrogative sentences in present simple also have their own short answers.
Do I work in a hospital? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do you stay with my mom in the yard? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do he kisses his girlfriend? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she watches the TV in the restaurant? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Do we speak all day? Yes, we do. No, we don't
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
Second Lesson...
Verb to be
The verb to be is one of the most important in the English language. Its meaning is equivalent to the verbs be and be of Spanish, so depending on the context of the sentence it will be interpreted with one meaning or another.
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chemauwu-blog · 4 years
First Lesson...
Personal pronouns in English take various forms depending on number, person, case and natural gender. Modern English has very little inflection of nouns or adjectives, to the point that some authors describe it as an analytical language, but the personal pronoun system of modern English has preserved part of the inflection complexity of Old English and Middle English.
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