I'm so obsessed with the fact that wedge antilles and captain antilles share the surname Antilles and yet are not related. This is the only time I remember in star wars that two unrelated characters share a surname, so that means it's likely a common surname
Antilles is the Smith of star wars❤
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hi hello just read that post you wrote about wolffe and ahsoka and why wolffe stunned her so easily and now im thinking about how wolffe would feel when he finds out ahsoka is actually innocent and how she left the jedi order. i wonder if he worries about his sister out there alone. even if he knows how capable she is. (im sad now we were robbed asdafsafsadf)
Oh you’ve got me going now. (Original Post they’re referring to)
The trail is over. Ahsoka is innocent.
Plo Koon comes back from the Council meeting dejected. Head hung low. Breathing slow and shallow.
He’s tired.
But Wolffe doesn’t feel anything as Plo explains everything to them. As he talks through the Council meeting, Wolffe can’t even will his heart to stir. When he tells them Ahsoka has left the order, Comet seems shocked, but Wolffe finds himself like stone.
And he doesn’t feel anything when he sees the 501st pushing back tears in the mess hall the next morning. And he doesn’t feel anything when Plo accidentally calls for Ahsoka on the battlefield.
But his eye burns again.
It’s phantom pain, he knows. It’s been too long for the scar to even hurt anymore. But it burns.
And in the middle of battle and the dead of the night sometimes the flames feel so hot, and it’s almost as if-
As if he’s staring down those blood red sabers again.
Because Ahsoka didn’t attack the temple.
But she left the order. She abandoned Plo Koon, who wanders alone in quiet grief.
And she didn’t destroy all those Jedi.
But she worked with Ventresses.
And as much as he tries to forget, as much as he tries to let go.
He can’t stop thinking about that. And he trusted her, and Plo Koon trusted her. And the whole pack trusted her-
And they played games on the battlefield, and Comet let her drive their ship, and Boost painted a little wolf on her boots-
And Wolffe trusted her.
And now he wakes in the night seeing red flames and his eye burns- and he pretends not to notice the way Plo Koon lingers around the temple, wandering.
But now it’s years later.
He’s grey, and his joints ache, and through wastelands he wanders with the only pack he has left. And Rex asks him to watch over their comms.
And Ahsoka calls.
And she calls.
And she calls.
So Wolffe deletes the records, and he hides the messages. And he pretends she doesn’t exist.
Because he trusted her, and Plo Koon trusted her.
And now Plo is gone. And the Wolfpack is gone. And Wolffe thinks part of him might be gone too.
But his eye still burns.
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hello everyone can you please reply with your favorite star wars reaction pics if you have any?? i feel like i always use the same two :/
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Would you be interested in a Mando Nautolan? Good luck this month!
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yesss i've been wanting to draw some nautolans for a hot minute...
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32. I can hear my own heart beat. Is that normal?
With Fives n Echo after Rishi pls? Your writing is really nice to read 👍💙
Ohhh yay, a chance to elaborate on my Domino Squad headcanon and some Echo and Fives fluff. Enjoy.
Being a twin was hard. 
On Kamino, it was a death sentence, for one of you anyway.  
They'd both known it. 
Their squad had been through a lot, judged from the start for being six, not five. Because Fives and Echo had been in the same tube. 
A squad was five, not six. One of them was always going to have been decommissioned, and knowing he’d been decanted second, Echo had been sure it was him. 
Fives had always done his best to dissuade his twin of those thoughts, and they’d worked so hard together to keep on the same level. If the weaker one was going to be decommissioned, the solution was surely for nether of them to be weaker. 
Fives couldn’t help but think back to the days when those had been their problems. Surviving training, forget the war. No droids, no giant eels, no needing to destroy the whole base to save Kamino. 
If it wasn’t for all the brothers there, Fives would question if it was worth saving. 
Echo didn’t, he’d spent his whole life with his nose in the reg books, so not to fall behind, and, well, he’d been left in the tube a little longer.  
Somehow, that joke didn’t feel quite so funny without the rest of the squad beside them. 
The rest of their squad... Droidbait, Cutup, Hevy. 
They'd spent so long trying to survive Kamino, and now they were the only ones left. 
He drew his focus from where he’d been staring a hole into the wall to his vod’ika, his twin, who was slumped on the floor against the wall. His voice was shaky.
“...I can hear my own heartbeat. Is that normal?” 
“Normal... vod, you’re the one who reads all the manuals.” 
The joke was weak, but it drew Echo’s gaze to him, and a weak smile. 
“It’s just us Vod, we’re all that’s left.” 
“And you thought you were going to be the first, huh. In a Kamino first, the twins are the last ones left.” 
Echo let out a breathy chuckle, “That’s not funny Fives.” 
He slumped down next to his vod and threw an arm around him, doing his best to help him breathe steadily, to match Five’s own breathing. Echo had always been like this, if only a little. But it was fair, for all that he’d tried to change his vod’s mind, the trainers had been looking at Echo with scorn more than him, looking at his grades and his mannerisms and his scores and strengths. 
Hense memorising the reg manual. 
“I can’t believe they’re gone.” 
“We’ll hold their memories vod, like with Armlock. They’re marching on, but we’ll remember them.” 
Armlock had been the first of their batch to die, and the only reason he or Echo hadn’t. Barely weeks before the decommissioning would have been scheduled for one of them, a training run had ended in Armlock slipping and falling into the Kaminoan ocean. They'd dived in after him, rescued him, but he’d caught some sort of cold. Clones weren’t supposed to get sick, but he had, and weak too. And then he’d simply fallen behind, and the work that Echo and Fives and, well, the whole Domino Squad had put into keeping their grades level so none of them could be singled out, it just hadn’t worked for Armlock. They hadn’t managed to cover for him. 
They'd taken him away, Echo had been put into Armlock’s spot, and all five of them had passed the decommissionings with ease.  
That time. 
But it had caused some huge divides in the group, splits that had lasted right up until they’d taken their final test. 
It had been a miracle they’d managed to pull back the teamwork of before. 
Echo was shuddering in his arms at this point. 
He'd always blamed himself for what had happened to Armlock, hated that he’d been given Armlock’s spot like it was proof he’d been the one who should have been decommissioned. Survivor's guilt, the holonet called it. 
He more than understood, but his coping had always come in the form of admittedly bad jokes. 
It had always helped before to hold each other. 
There had been more arms once, more brothers. 
The clankers had taken Droidbait, the eel had taken Cutup, and Hevy, oh Hevy, he’d saved them both, one last action for their squad. 
He'd always been the most insistent that both twins would have made it through, and once they had, he’d been the one to joke they’d always have each other's backs because that’s what twins did and that if the Kamioans hadn’t been able to turn them against each other, like hells the rest of the galaxy could. He'd always tried to look after the twins, always been the one to say as twins they had to look after each other. 
Hevy had saved them both. 
Well, Hevy was right. 
Nothing was going to turn them against each other. They'd have each other’s backs until the end. 
Thanks for the ask, I love writing these.
Inbox still open. (-:
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the most unrealistic part of swr is that they had their two teenage characters never once accidentally falling asleep during an episode. when i was 16 i took four naps a day
little did we know that the 6 months between seasons 2 and 3 was just them napping and only waking up to blow stuff up
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i can’t believe that thrawn learning basic is adorable in canon and legends
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Ken Barr
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depa wins prettiest jedi award sorry i don’t make the rules
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Bad Batch? I think you mean Omega And Her Five Dads
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⭐ happy may the 4th! ⭐
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Couple of Torgruta ✨✨✨
Sunshine Bebe belongs to @brekkie-e
Me is mine XDDDDDD
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Kanan Jarrus using Jar’Kai | 1x15 & 2x18
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hope / empire / jedi
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Every episode featuring OBI-WAN KENOBI in STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS (2008—2020)
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tcw was like "your precious catgirls run a slave empire"
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