chiginebomi · 1 year
Greetings and introdiction
Hi Tumblr! (*´∇`)ノ
I'm a self idetified Vtuber, I have social anxiety, but I'm really trying to put myself out there and conquer my deamons! ۹(ÒہÓ)۶
I like to play the piano, sing, paint, do ASMR and play games.
Back in the day I used to really love tumblr, but when everyone *ehm ehm* markiplier *ehm ehm* migrated to twitter, I went along and returned only occassionally because tumblr truly is the best place to visit when trying to look for a fandom.
I'm really hoping to find some friends, so if you ever think, that you'd like to get to know me, please write me, I'd love to talk about whatever!
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