Witchy tip:
Washi tape!
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Are you in a dorm or other place where you can’t burn candles, but the healing spell asks for a blue candle? Use washi tape to turn your electric candle into a blue one! Do you want to burn a rose candle on your Aphrodite altar but you’re not allowed an open flame? Well, it doesn’t smell like roses but it’s pretty and has pink flowers!
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Do you want the tealight in forest-themed travel altar to match the rest of the aesthetic? Washi tape!
Washi tape is removable, so you can keep changing the colour to whatever you need. And you can write on it, so instead of carving candles, you can draw your sigils or runes on the tape!
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Happy Crafting!
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I would really appreciate some help with interpretation on this deity identification reading! I didn't use a specific spread, but pulled one card from every deck I own - usually this works really well for me, but this time I can't quite put my finger on who this deity is. I have some vague ideas, but I would love to hear your interpretations.
Thank you in advance!
Here are the cards I drew (plus some notes from the imagery and the guidebooks):
Demon of the Day - Camio:
"Be mindful of arguments and disputes. It can feel good to win but not at the cost of a relationship."
Birds, blackbird, trush
Gaelic, Irish or Welsh origin
Dispute, eloquent verbal debate, persuasive argument
Understanding the language of animals and the noise of the water
Angels Among Us - Jesus:
Forgiveness, compassion, love, peace, kindness
Spiritual teacher, spiritual activist, healer
Christian origin
Higher wisdom
Without judgement
Goddesses Among Us - Atargatis:
Mermaids, mer-magic
Transformation, change
Deep diving
Assyrian or Mediterranean origin
Heartbreak, challenge, powerful emotions
Ocean, water, depth
Shadow work
Legendary Ladies - Estsanatlehi:
Native American origin
Sky and earth
Linestrider Tarot - Five of Swords:
Inflexibility black-and-white thinking
Defeat, failure
Interpersonal difficulties
Hollow victory
Selfishness, hurtful behavior
Trust issues
Numbers: 5, 59, 14
Associated birthdays: January 20 to January 30
Associated plants: mistletoe, capsicum, calamus root
Pastel Mini Magic Tarot - Ace of Pentacles:
New beginnings
New financial or career opportunity
Cat Tarot - Ten of Cups:
Divine love
Blissful relationships
Star Spinner Tarot - The Hermit:
Seeking the truth
Being alone
Inner guidance
Mondays Tarot - Death:
Under the Roses Lenormand - The Snake:
Deception, lies, tricks
Seduction, temptation
“The other women”
Arcana Lenormand - Lily:
Bees and butterflies
Thera-pets - “You don't have to be perfect to be lovable”:
Red panda
Mushroom Spirit - Rosy Bonnet:
Mycena rosea
Looking closely
Not making assumptions
Don't be fooled by appearances
Looks can be deceiving
The Citadel - The Walker:
The Unknown
New experiences
Transition, transformation
Finding answers
Moving on
Voice of the Souls - Learning:
Palm reading hand
Learning new things, new abilities and skills
Number 13
SOTW Imbolc - Consecrate tools:
"I will claim what is mine, what I see beyond the hidden. Gifted spirit, by tongue my words spill with purpose."
Displaying spirit
Claiming ownership
Conscious decisions
Taking what is meant to be yours
Embracing what is before you
No doubts
Fully invested
Permanent fixture
SOTW Beltane - Maiden:
"Demand what is yours and take back what was taken. Reclaim until you've gathered all of you."
Bees and butterflies
Divine manifestation on earth
Powerful, sacred beings
Direct channels to the gods
Embracing your freedom
Inner warrior
Divine feminine
Primal force of creativity
SOTW Litha - Sunbathing:
"The dance of stillness is calling for you to live in its embrace."
Spiritual strength
Spiritual nourishment
SOTW Mabon - Crow:
"Pay close attention to the winds; there's a message making its way."
Something's coming
Pay attention
Important signs and clues
Trust your intuition
SOTW Samhain - Elders:
"Birthed from seed within the belly of the moon, they are the wise felt touches over our hearts and felt deep within the marrow of our spirit."
Keepers of knowledge
Sage advice
Slowing down
SOTW Yule - Father Christmas:
"How did thy get here? Lost perhaps? No worries at all! Gather yourself and clear the frost for the good still lives in you dear."
Naughty or nice?
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the innate desperation in having nowhere else to turn, so you turn to a god. you do not know if they're listening, you have no way to prove they are listening, but you cry to them anyway because you trust them. you trust them so much and you trust that they're there.
it's beautiful, just as much as it is tragic. in those moments, i can feel my heart breaking and yet being tenderly placed back together in divine hands. they have every power within them to shatter you again,
but they don't.
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Just your casual reminder that you are welcome to worship figures of Greek mythology, especially heroes. Some heroes in Greek mythology even had cults of their own, such as Achilles, Heracles, and Perseus. Hero worship is historically proven!
So if there is a mythological figure that really spoke to you, look into them some more, and reach out. It could be a really wonderful time. c:
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Your Deity Relationships Are Valid
If you have a professional relationship with your gods, that's valid.
If you have a familial relationship with your gods, that's valid.
If you have a friendly relationship with your gods, that's valid.
If you have a romantic relationship with your gods, that's valid.
If you have a casual relationship with your gods, that's valid.
Whatever your relationship with your gods is, know that it is valid.
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so since Hermes is the greek god of herds and cattle and stuff, does that also mean hes the god of cowboys?
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30 Days of Deity Devotion
(Originally created by Arrin Deuognatos, who is no longer on Tumblr.)
A basic introduction of the deity
How did you become first aware of this deity?
Symbols and icons of this deity
A favorite myth or myths of this deity
Members of the family – genealogical connections
Other related deities and entities associated with this deity
Names and epithets
Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc.)
Common mistakes about this deity
Offerings – historical and UPG
Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
Places associated with this deity and their worship
What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?
Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons?
How does this deity stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (historical and/or UPG)
What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire? What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?
Art that reminds you of this deity
Music that makes you think of this deity
A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with
Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for this deity
A time when this deity has helped you
A time when this deity has refused to help
How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?
Worst misconception about this deity that you have encountered
Something you wish you knew about this deity but don’t currently
Any interesting or unusual UPG to share?
Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?
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I feel like when people get into deity work, deity worship or anything deity related we all kinda think that we NEED to communicate with them, we NEED to do tarot cards with them, we NEED to reach out and actively work with them. But I feel like that's not it. Yes, you can communicate with them if you and them want to. Yes, you can do tarot cards with them. Yes, you can actively work with them, but you don't HAVE to. I think you can also just light their candle, give them an offering and just spend 20 minutes or however long you want listening to music with them and just chatting to them about whatever is on your mind and they won't mind it. Because you are putting in the effort and your time to be with them even if it's not doing any of the things you see a lot of pagans and witches do on tiktok.
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And we're live! Our crowdfunder for the show is officially launched on indiegogo
I'm so excited to be able to share this show with yall and your support helps me pay the phenomenal cast I have because gods yall they're amazing. Tiers go from $5 to $200 and include things such as doodles, early access to episodes, stickers and postcards, and me reading myths of your choice! The bulk of the funds go to my cast, with a bit budgeted for the platform fee and the physical perks. I don't take a cut of this money at all! My cast for this show is absolutely astounding and I can't wait for yall to hear what they've been working on
This story is a misuse of my degree. It's a love letter to the gods. It's a dozen love stories in a trenchcoat. It means the absolute world to me and I hope yall will join me in making this show possible
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Hello!! I am extremely new to demonolatry as I have very recently discovered it and I would like to know if you have any resources for beginners to read/watch that are helpful. Don’t worry about it if you don’t or if you simply don’t feel like it, I don’t mind!! Ty and have a nice day!!!!
Hey there! Terribly sorry for answering this so late. Xx So I've only been into Daemonolatry for about a year now, though I have learnt a lot thus far and I'd be more than happy to share some really important pointers to aid you in walking this path. ^.^
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So first and foremost before I get into the main blogpost, I really cannot stress this enough...
Please educate yourself on closed practices and steer clear of cultural appropriation in your personal practises. There are a group of people in the Daemonolatry community who appropriate the heck out of Jewish daemons, especially Lilith. Judaism is a closed practise and therefore it's only respectful to not incorporate Judaism into your personal practises. Appropriating Judaism is actually a form of anti-Semitism, so please be mindful and respectful of these things! 🖤
I'm ashamed to admit this but I actually used to think it was completely fine to appropriate Jewish daemons last year, thanks to subreddits like r/DemonlatryPractices who would constantly try to push propaganda about Lilith being a "Mesopotamian Pagan Goddess" and other excuses for appropriating her. That same subreddit decided to attack me when I merely mentioned (on a completely different subreddit, mind you) that I disagreed with them appropriating Lilith, and in turn I got witch-hunted so that's great lmao. 🤡
Please avoid that subreddit at all costs, it's an absolute cesspit of cultural appropriation and passive anti-Semitism, and honestly they exhibit cult-like behaviour if you do so much as simply disagree with the appropriation of Jewish daemons. It's pretty disturbing... But yeah anyways sorry for rambling lol.
I'd also recommend avoiding people and organisations such as S. Connolly, V.K. Jehannum, Satan & Suns/Sons, BlackWitchCoven, The BecomeALivingGod Forum, The Satanic Temple, Joy Of Satan Ministries, The Order Of Nine Angles, scarletarosa (a user that literally exists here on Tumblr... yikes), etc. They engage in Jewish appropriation, and some of them even have ties to Nazism, racism, and other forms of bigotry too.
Some other Jewish daemons/spirits that you should avoid appropriating alongside Lilith are; Naamah, Agrat Bat Mahalath, Eisheth Zenunim, Samael, Abyzou, and the Grigori / Watcher Angels.
There are many other closed practices too, but if you'd like to do further research I can leave that up to you. ^.^
Okay sorry about that huge ramble lmao, just thought I would get that out of the way before getting into the main post because I think it's an important point to make and I don't want you to fall down a cultural appropriation apologist pipeline like I did at the beginning of my practise lol. Xx
Anyways, let's talk about The Infernal Divine!
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So we'll start with some really basic stuff. What exactly are daemons?
It's not commonly known outside of Daemonolatry that daemons themselves actually predate Christianity. The term 'demon' (alternatively spelled 'daemon') comes from the word 'daimon' which originates way back in Greek mythology. Daimons were a type of tutelary deity as well as guiding spirit whose divine nature was that of both mortals and deities. They were also sometimes regarded as bringers of knowledge, wisdom, and destiny. In this sense, they could be considered deities in their own right.
Contrary to popular belief, daemons are not evil and never were to begin with. It was only until the coming of Christianity that daemons as well as other gods were vilified and ostracised due to the cultish, radical, monotheistic mindset a lot of Christian extremists held back in the day. Lucifer himself was a "demonized" Roman god also known as Phosphorus, associated with light and the planet Venus. From that description alone, I don't really get evil vibes lol.
In my opinion, our world cannot simply be split up into just black or white, and daemons are no exception. Daemons aren't evil, but they aren't completely love and light either; They're neutral. Much like humans as well as the universe itself, the Infernal Divine are various shades of grey, and all daemons are unique and differ in personality.
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So with all this in mind, what are some good resources that don't endorse and/or engage in appropriation of closed practices?
The YouTube channels ESOTERICA and ReligionForBreakfast have great information on the history of various religions and practises!
~ Book Recommendations ~
Livre des Esperitz
Dictionnaire Infernal
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
Pandemonium: A Discordant Concordance Of Diverse Spirit Catalogues
I personally am working towards being a daemonolatry resource myself, but I haven't been able to post much lately due to my mental health issues. I also took an active break last year, as it was pointed out by a friend of mine that my belief of thinking it was fine to appropriate closed practises was obviously problematic, and so I took time off from posting in order to educate myself and delete any problematic blog posts I had made endorsing that in the past.
But nonetheless, I hope that what I was able to provide in this post was helpful! I wish you well on your spiritual path. 🖤
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❀ ~ Many Blessings ~ ❀
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Mini shrine so Yin can be with me wherever I go ♡
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Reminder that godspousing is an active part of Greco-Roman myths!
You can be uncomfortable with it, but you cannot claim it as ahistorical, wrong, or disrespectful. It is not your place to judge another’s practice; it is also not your place to speak for the Gods and decide on what They like and dislike.
The sexual is not dirty, and it’s especially important to remember with how many of the polytheists belong to the queer community - and how important it is for us to keep our right to express ourselves romantically and sexually. There’s nothing wrong with becoming a godspouse for this or any other reason.
Godspousing is not dirty, disrespectful, or gross. Gods have been taking in lovers since forever; people have devoted their hearts and bodies into Divine courtship since forever. It’s valid, it’s lovely, it’s intimate. And it is none of your business.
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I almost went to sleep, but then Hermes said this:
"Avoiding your gods because you feel unworthy is the beginning of a downward spiral. We improve what we touch, and make worthy those whom we love."
So, if you got there in your head, too, just an FYI.
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Your deities care. You do not go left unseen or unheard. It will be ok. May your deities hold your hand through your most difficult moments and remind you always of your strength and resilience. 🧡
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I love talking about Ares, but I wanted to add some things a person can do to worship him other than working out or picking up a hobby that requires physical activity. Those things are epic! I don't hate at all, but some of those things aren't feasible for some. Here are a few things he's taught me; they'll help some of you.
Admit your fears to him or yourself. They could range from 'fear of talking to cashiers' to' I'm afraid in life when things go too well.' He has mastery over fear and panic; they are his 'children.' Writing and offering these to him can be an activity for you both. Do things that you're scared of, within reason. Order food yourself, talk to new people, try a new amusement park ride, etc. (You can also ask his help in facing these fears)
Face whatever you've been avoiding inwardly. He's revealed some grueling truths to me, but it's been for the best. People sometimes underestimate how tough emotional healing can be; it's hard work. He is fantastic at delivering truth and offering strength and aid when we do such things. He isn't judgmental; I know he has a fearsome reputation, and Im not detracting from it. He's not just the stormer of cities; he also wields the shield and will shelter you under it. Im learning to ask for help, I'm learning how to do a myriad of things, and he's been patient and present in his own way; it's beautiful.
Read his myths from various cultures. I saw someone here discussing research on deities from other cultures' perspectives, but here, you can try to go back further than the Hellenic era of Greece! Ares has ties as a protector of land or one who gives abundance! (not just the feasted on by women, which is dope as shit) He's technically older than most think! (The earliest attested form of the name is the Mycenaean Greek 𐀀𐀩, a-re, written in the Linear B syllabic script.) This is a fun way to connect with any deity, especially Ares. I was filled with passion and excitement when I read through his history!
You can learn about your anger. This may seem obvious, but thinking about your relationship with your anger can lead you down some helpful pathways. You may be quick to anger, but you may not get angry enough. Your anger may hide pain or grief; you may hurt yourself or the ones you love with your temper. Or, you may be suffering under someone else's anger; freeing yourself from it may improve your life. Try to unlearn unhealthy views instilled in you about anger, understand how it can actually help you, and understand it's not the only emotion you can draw upon. Ares is hardly who popular media portrays him as; he's not this angry dumb brute. Ares is incredibly wise and creative in drawing these feelings from you; never be afraid to ask him. (Im still learning how to ask him, lol.)
Learn how to take care of yourself. Shockingly, your deities want you to be well before considering dedicating time to them. (not shocking at all) Ares has forced me on my ass, I suspect, when I was being stubborn in regards to my own health. He's patient, but dedicating self-care and love to him is honorable and would please him. This could range from working out, eating better, getting out of bed, cleaning your room, showering, or just not doing a single task for a day to give yourself a break. This also ties into learning how to manage workloads; you should break before you crash and burn out!
Setting boundaries and sticking to them. I'll lump this in with sticking up for yourself for a moment. Setting boundaries can be challenging for anyone, but Ares will not only remind you that you're worthy of being treated well, he'll encourage you. It's hard work; sometimes you take steps forward and backward, but he'll help you SO MUCH. He made it so easy for me, Im still unsure how he did, but I speak my mind without anxiety so much more.
Stick up for yourself and others, and cut out people who treat you poorly. Analyze the relationships in your life; he'll naturally bring attention to those not serving to bring good into your life. Raise the standards on how you wish to be treated, and hold yourself and others accountable for behaviors.
People say 'research war,' and that's important, but you can also research Greek warfare on YouTube! Hoplite warfare is attributed to him and others; take some time to research formations, ranks, tools, and such. I also liked researching how Ares was viewed in various Polis (ex, Thrace, Sparta, Attica, etc.) You can research warfare tactics if you want to nerd out; I like to sit down and watch weaponry forging (this would work for Hephaistos, too). Spears, shields, and certain swords are symbolic to him.
Read his hymns. His hymns are some of my favorites and are beautiful to me. Contrary to popular belief, embodying strength is about having peace within yourself. Ares knows this; he is wise and understands the human struggle well. Learning his epithets is also an excellent way to go about who you wish to call upon at a particular time. I don't do this, but I still love knowing things about him.
Create jewelry for him and wear it/ draw his symbol on things. Something as simple as this works wonders, I promise. It can be super simple as long as it means something to you. Carrying a physical reminder of him on your person is a lovely way to honor him. Drawing his symbol on certain things to 'bless' also works.
Be there for those you love. Supporting others when you have the capability is essential; loving fiercely is a way to honor Ares, believe it or not. Offering sound advice, being a solid shoulder to cry on, or simply showing up for people you love is really important to Ares as he is a staunch supporter of LOVE in general and comradery. Understanding how to support without overreaching is vital, too, and he can help you with this.
Educate yourself and be a voice. Educate yourself on genocide and war and their realities. Research how to help in what ways you can; these things honor who he is as a God. Stand firm in what's right; don't let someone silence you. These things aren't always possible if you're in a precarious home situation, and that's valid as well!
Do things that make you feel passionate. Did you know ancient Greek Hoplites used a dance to train for war? The Pyrrhichios or Pyrrhike dance was the best-known war dance of the Greeks. It was probably of Dorian origin and practiced at first solely as a training for war. I say this to convey that dancing and moving can be dedicated to Ares, too! (he's also been depicted in a myth as removing his armor and dancing at a wedding; he knows how to be jovial, too!) Whether you practice martial arts or like to move around, do that for him. Pick up new things you enjoy, spark passion within yourself, and revel in it! (Be safe and smart, and don't engage in high-risk activities unless you have proper training and supervision!)
I can only think of this for now, but it's a great beginning! You can work out, pick up weapons training, pick up a contact sport, do martial arts, etc. I also know that there's more he helps with than many people assume; he's an incredible God, and I could gush about how warm his energy is all day. Ares's energy has gotten me through a lot! He deserves all the love and praise! Khaire Ares! Swift and violent, he who fights under the shield's guard!
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All my heart to mutuals who are partaking in the protests, may the Gods be ever just to you guys and protect all of you.
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