chisakikaiwaifu · 2 years
Hi, guys! Sorry for not updated for almost 3 months. These few months are a bit hectic for me and I'm so busy. I'm really sorry. But worry not, I'll be updating the next few days with my new fan art. You can request which character I should draw next. And also guys, if you wanna chat with me, I post my Snapchat qr code down here. You can rant anything to me, just no nudes and anything sexual. If you guys need someone to be there for you, just message me. I'll be lending my ears to you so that you won't have to carry any burden by yourself. Stay healthy and take care of yourself guys.
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Chibi Revengers desu~~🥺
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Whenever you're there with👇
"Ne ne, y/n chin... Do you think I'm cute? Do you have any dorayaki on you? Taiyaki? Ne ne, don't ignore meeeeee, y/n chinnnnnnnnnnn"
"What do you want, y/n? Don't spoil him more. We don't need to babysit this annoying brat."
Mikey offended, pouted at him and whined to y/n. "Y/n chinnnn... Kenchin called me a brattttt..."
"Oh, y/n. Do you this f/cake? I just bake it earlier. Oh, here. Mana and Luna want to give you this drawing. They also said to visit them later."
"Oi, y/n! Let's go burn some cars! I just found the perfect ones! After this, we need to get some peyoung yakisoba cause I'm hella hungry!" Him dragging you to some alley to burn someone's car😅
"Y/n san, can we go to the cat cafe? We can also visit the animal shelter after this. Or do you want to play with Peke J? Why don't we take our baby out to, y/n san?" Awwww... I'm literally feeling flowery when I wrote this.
"Um... Ano... Y/n san... Would you like to hang out with me and Hina chan? We planned to go on a date but Naoto kun want to tag along so... Want to hang out with us?" Y/n deadpan at his sheepish smile.
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Hello, pips! Still kicking and alive here! It's been so long since I've last draw on the paper. Here is Manjirou kun to lighten up your day😘😘
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It's been so long since you last saw Manjirou. It's already been 10 years after he suddenly leave you hanging without any communication or notes. You both didn't even got to say goodbye to each other. You've been missing him like crazy and it eats you from the inside.
You live your ordinary life, doing your same routine everyday. You're already numbed to this kind of routine and you just face your day with an emotionless and deadpan face.
You walk to your bakery as usual, early in the morning. Exactly on 7.00 AM. You open up your bakery, baking your pastries, watering your plants, checking your stocks. An everyday routine. When your workers already arrived at the bakery, you'll leave them as you need to settle your paperwork in the office.
But that day, you felt something might happen. It's your gut feeling and you trust your sixth sense. As your worker, Hana and Yori have arrived, you leave the keys with them, trusting them to take care of the bakery while you're out. You decided that you wanna go shopping for your kitchenware at the nearest IKEA mall.
As you surveyed, silently enjoyed your kitchenware shopping, you somehow bumped into a wall. It's not exactly a wall, but you get me, right? 😆
"I'm sorry for bumping into you. If you excuse me." You said without glancing at the person that you bumped into and left. Suddenly, the person stopped you by hugging you from behind, creeping you out to the point you shudder at the intimate gesture.
"Please let me go. I'm not a thing that you can just hug out of nowhere. Please let me go before I kick you down there." You warned the person. But, that person just hugged you tighter and chuckled at you.
"You still haven't change even if we didn't saw each other for a long time, my wifey." That person said.
You teared up. Even if you don't know how he look like after so long, you still recognize his soft voice and his verbal tick.
"Manjirou?" You turned around and look up at him. It's really him. My dorayaki lover, my partner, my hubby. He spread his arms out, inviting you into his warm hug.
"I miss you, baka. Where did you go? Don't leave me ever again, baka Manjirou." You sobbed into his wide chest. He patted your had and promised you that he won't ever let you go again. As you're his and he's yours.
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Mikey~~~kun... Where areeeee youuuuu?
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Still hanging... This sem is quite hard. Got theatre and research for this sem. Hope I still can maintain my cgpa😔😔
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Only You [Chapter 05]
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It was almost a year after you safely delivered your precious babies, Chisaki Hayato and Hayami. Eri was the most happiest girl the day of the twin’s birth. 
Your husband let her be by your side and tend to her new brothers. She was really proud to wear her title as the twin’s big sister.
This also mean that Chisaki’s experiments on Eri had been decrease ever since your plead her case to your husband. He somewhat felt pity to the abused girl and promised you that he will tried to treat her better than before.
Eri also had some hard time to open up to your husband as she still afraid of him. But, you being there really help them to patch up their relationship.
“Father...? Can I sleep with Yato and Yami, please?” Eri asked your husband as you gave her a proud look.
Chisaki look up to his wife and saw her smiled at him before he looked at Eri back.
“Sure. I’ll have Crono to prepare the room for you three.” He said while awkwardly pat her white head.
Eri beamed at him before she spun around to hug you.
“Mommy! Father let me sleep with my brothers! I’m going to help you take care of them tonight cause I’m their big sister, Mommy!” She giggled while you just looked at your husband with loving eyes.
“That’s good, baby! Now, let’s go to your brothers. Take Crono with you while Mommy make something delicious for dinner tonight.” You ushered her into her brothers’ room with Crono on tow.
You gave her and your husband last smile before you retreat to the kitchen. As you making milk pudding as dessert tonight, you felt someone hug your from behind and dug his face into your neck, inhaling deeply of your sweet scent.
“Dear, did you finish all your work for today?” You asked him as your hand still whisked the pudding. You felt him nodded, not letting you go. 
You just let him as you finished cooking your dinner and going to serve on the dining table.
“Dear, help me set up the table, please?” He nodded again let you go before he helped you set the table. After that, he called for Eri and fetched the children from the twin’s room.
After a peaceful dinner, you all retired for the day. Chisaki had help you with the twin while you help Eri to settle for tonight.
“Baby, if your brothers making fuss, don’t hesitate to knock on my door, okay? Goodnight, babies” You reminded her as Chisaki pushed you out of the room softly.
“Goodnight, Mommy. Goodnight, Father. I love you.” Eri said as she laid down on the bed beside the twin’s cradle.
“We love you three too, baby. Sweet dream.” You gave the children a kiss on their forehead before you and Chisaki walked out to your shared room.
“Finally, I got my alone time with my wife. You’ve been busy with the kids and neglect me, darling. You need to make up to me.” Chisaki said as he pushed you down on your bed after locked the door.
“Aww~~ My husband is jealous of his own kids~~ Ara ara... What do you want to do tonight, dear? I’m sorry if you felt like I’m neglecting you~~” You teased him before you pulled him closer to you and gave him a deep kiss.
After both of you pulled away, he immediately pound on you and make love all night. Thank god that the kids didn’t making any fuss that night. Chisaki was really satisfied that he was on a good mood all day.
To be continued...
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Only You [Chapter 04]
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It was early in the morning. You woke up with nausea. You ran into the shared bathroom and throw up all inside your empty stomach. Your husband heard you from your shared bedroom.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked as he patted your back to ease you. You just nodded, feeling the bile inside your mouth.
"Do you need anything, baby?"
He helped you up and led you to the sink to wash your mouth. You shook your head after you finished, face burying into his shoulder blade.
"Can I stay in bed today, dear? I don't think I can move around without feeling nausea." You told him. He just agreed with you while patting your head lovingly.
"Of course you can, darling. You need a lot of rest because you're carrying our twin. You need to reserve a lot of energy. Maybe, when you're feeling a bit better, you may visit Eri." He promised you.
You smiled, thinking about your beautiful baby girl who reside in the base.
"Yeah, I would like that. Thanks, babe. I love you so much." You pecked his lucious lips before you leaned back into bed. He supported your fragile neck before French kiss you, leaving you breathless against his broad chest.
He smiled into your hair as you tried to catch your breath.
"You always leaving me breathless, dear. Always know when to cheer me up." You snuggled closer to him. His heartbeat slowly lulled you back into sweet Dreamland.
That evening, you woke up without Kai by your side. You do your morning routine before you eat some porridge that your husband made before he went out.
After you finished eat, you skipped to Eri's room because you need to visit your beloved daughter. You knocked the door softly, giving her a signal before you slipped into the dark room.
"Baby, Mommy's here now. Sorry that Mommy didn't come earlier today. Mommy's feeling unwell this morning. But don't worry, Mommy's okay now." You said as you walked to her bed and sat slowly, didn't want to make her startled.
"Mommy? You're finally here! Eri miss you so much, Mommy!" She snuggled into your stomach. You smoothing her silky white hair lovingly as you hummed a simple lullaby.
"Do you want to do some cross words? Maybe some puzzle? Mommy is sorry because Mommy is really tired since this morning." You told her. She shook her head.
"Mmmnnn... It's okay. Mommy just sing lullaby to Eri is fine. Eri don't mind at all." She said. You gripped your heart through your navy dress, feeling your heart melt with her kindness.
"Oh, my baby girl. You're the best daughter I ever had. I bet you'll be a great big sister when your sibling is born. You're so thoughtful, darling. Mommy is really lucky to have you here with Mommy." You pampered her with kisses as she giggled, feeling tickled from your service.
"Un! Eri will be the best sissy that my sibling will ever had!" She vowed. You just smiled softly at her antic. You patted your baby bump lovingly as Eri snugged closer to you.
You lulled her until she fall asleep on you as you also rest your mind. Your husband came later that night to Eri's room to pick you up. You slowly woke up, feeling being carried by someone. You saw your beloved and snugged into his chest, slowly falling asleep on him.
He really love it when you need him to be by your side when you fall asleep. He like it when you depends on him constantly.
He put you on your shared bed and changed you into your sexy and comfortable lingerie before he took a bath himself and ready to go to bed.
He pulled you closer into him as he's the bigger spoon. You hummed in joy when you found your personal heater by your side. That night was just as the other night. Serene and peaceful. Only you, your child and him.
To be continued...
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Only You [Chapter 03]
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It's already been a month since you have met each other and since you stayed with him. You knew that he was a Yakuza. A dangerous one. But, not even once he ever be cruel to you.
Only gentle, warm, loving and passionate.
You really love this side of Chisaki Kai.
"(Your Name) darling. I see that you're daydreaming again. Can you tell me what's on your thought?" He asked you as you suddenly stopped eating and looking through the food.
"Ah, it's nothing Kai. I just thinking about how lucky am I to have you. I feel truly bless." You replied, shyly.
He chuckled as he leaned closer to you and took your chin in his gloves fingers.
"I'm the one who truly bless to have you by my side. I never thought that I ever met someone like you to fill the void in my heart. So, thank you sweetheart because you're here, next to me." He husky voice whispered into your ears making you blushing mess.
"Kai... I really love you."
"I love you too, baby. So much."
He took your small hand into his as he played with the band that warp securely around your ring finger that he gave you two weeks ago.
You're now his wife. His significant other. His half. When you two held your marriage ceremony, it was small. Only his Expendables attend. No one else. You also met Eri.
Even though you felt sorry for the girl, you can't really do anything to make your husband mad. It's truly terrifying to witnessed his anger.
You just can be there for her and acted as her mother figure. That's all you can do.
He knew that you loves kids. But, he want to spend alone time with you for now. He can give you children whenever he felt it was a good time. He wants to make you happy as you make his day brighter than before.
"Kai dear, can I visit Eri today? I miss her." You asked. He gave you a nod. He didn't have any appointment for Eri today so, why not. If you're happy, than he's happy.
You jumped out from your seat since you're already finished with your breakfast and kissed him on his lips.
"Thank you, babe. I'll pay you later tonight, okay my dear husband?" You winked and walked to Eri's room. You knocked softly against the door as you didn't want to make her startled.
"Eri darling. Mommy's here. Mommy come in, okay baby?" You asked before turned the knob slowly. Eri jumped on you when she saw her mommy come to visit her.
"Mommy! Eri miss Mommy!" She hugged your middle tightly. You ruffled her white hair lovingly and hugged her back.
"Mommy miss her baby too. How are doing today, dear?"
"Eri's fine, Mommy. Can you read me a story like before, Mommy?" She tilted her head like a cute puppy. You, being such a sucker for cute thing, pinched her chubby cheeks and pampered her with a lot of kisses.
"Aww... Of course, baby. Mommy will read you stories and play with you, darling." You told her.
That's how your day when until you have to leave with your husband at the end of the day.
To be continued...
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Only You [Chapter 02]
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Chisaki Kai laid you on top of his bed in the Shie Hassaikai Headquarters. He sat next to you as he caressed you (hair length) (hair color) locks. His right hand man, Chronostasis or Chrono, stood at his door, awaiting for Chisaki for another experiment of Quirk Destroying Bullets.
"Boss, I have Eri in the lab with Mimic. Do you want to head to there now?" Chrono asked. His expression was hard to read because of his plague mask.
Chisaki looked over to him and nodded.
"You stay here. Wait for her to wake. Then, inform me if she's awake. I'll be going now." He told Chrono. He kissed your forehead softly before he went to the lab. Chrono waited outside of his boss's room for you.
You didn't gained your conscious for another few hours. When you woke up from your force slumber, you looked around.
"... Hello? Is anyone here?" You called. Chrono, on the other side of the room heard your velvet voice, come in.
"Miss (Your Name), my boss asked me to inform him whenever you're awake. So stay here so I can call for him, miss." He said before left for Chisaki.
Chisaki, who heard about you, asked Chrono to take Eri back to her room as he walked back to his room, to you. As he walked in, he saw your confuse face and lost in thought.
"Hello, my darling. How are you feeling? Any headache or sore?" Chisaki fussed at you. You turned to him and slightly shocked.
"Kai? Where am I? What happened to me?" You asked. He took your small hand into his as he caressed it softly.
"You're knock out by a mugger in your way home. I was fortunately there and beat up the mugger before I took you home with me." He lied. You furrowed, confused because you didn't remembered anything about the mugger.
"Really? They must hit me hard that I can't remember about it. Thanks, Kai. You saved my life. I owe it to you. What can I do to repay you back?" You asked. Little did you known, you really shouldn't have said that. Now, the mysophobic knew how to take advantage of your naiveness.
"Well, I didn't need much. Just you by my side forever is enough. I just want you to love me and be mine." He replied, his toned was really amused by your naivety. You thought of it for a while before you nodded your head.
"But, can I asked for one thing? If I do what you want, I just hope that you'll accept me for who I am. You'll accept me for being quirkless. Can you do that?" You asked. You felt a little nervous because you never ever being accepted into the society itself. You just want someone who would love you for everything you had. All of your flaws.
He warped you in his large frame tightly and nuzzled into you hair.
"Being quirkless is what make you the perfect woman for me. And only me. You're belong to me. You're mine. And I'm yours. Don't ever doubt me, okay sweetheart?" He said making your heart skipped a beat. You nodded and pulled to sleep by his heartbeat.
To be continued...
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Only You [Chapter 01]
Chisaki Kai X Reader
Sorry, English is not my first language.
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It was a rainy day when you first met him at the local library in Musutafu. You're hiding away from the breeze and found a really good place to read the rest of your novel in peace.
You sat at the biology section, leaning on to one of the book shelves, drowning into the world of fantasy.
Chisaki Kai was on a mission to find some new intelligent resources at the local library. He quickly ran inside the book heaven to avoid the germs, as he was a germophobic.
He walked calmly into the biology section and found you smiling sweetly as you're into your novel. He somehow irked, thinking that you're one of those infected society. As he walked closer, he narrowed his golden eyes into your form, feeling threatened.
You heard someone was coming in to your way and you looked up from your novel. You got lost in the amber eyes and then, you heard him talking. Oh my goodness. His deep and smooth voice greet your ears.
"What is your quirk, woman?" He asked you. You tilted your head like a cute puppy would do and you replied him.
"I don't have any quirk." You looked down to your novel in your lap, feeling like he was making fun of you for being quirkless.
His eyes soften, felt guilty for accusing you being one of those he hate. He took a moment to admire your quirkless self. How silky your hair was, how shiny your eyes were, how lovely your face was.
"What's your name, dear? Mine is Chisaki Kai." He asked you. You're shocked, jungshook even. Usually, people make fun of you for being quirkless and ignored you. Not even worth for them to look. But here he is, he sounded like he was bless with you being quirkless.
"I'm (Your Full Name). But you can call me (Your Name). Nice to meet you, Chisaki san." You smiled at him.
Chisaki felt like he need you to be by his side, to rule the Shie Hassaikai together. He then slowly took your delicate hand into his larger one, pulling you up to your feet.
"My dear darling (Your Name), you can call me Kai if you want." He said before he strikes you on your defenseless form. You lose your conscious and fell into his awaiting arms.
Chisaki picked you up and walked to the base with you.
To be continued...
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Everytime I opened my phone...
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... I feast my eyes with this piece of sweet dorayaki lover, Sano Manjiro Kun😍🌼
He took this video and send it to you, knowing that you have been missing home like crazy.
My Manjiro: how's this? Do u like it?
My baby Dorayaki: babe! That's nice of u! I really really miss u, baby... Wanna meet u😭😭
He then would video call you for hours, coaxing you to be patient and stay at home for your safety. He would tell you to eat healthy, do regular exercises and most important thing, to always video call him so that he can see you doing great, even without him by your side. Stay safe, he said.
I love you, baby. 🌼💋 ~Manjiro
Video credit: @ttk220 on TikTok 👍
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Ref: @ttk220 (on TikTok and Instagram)
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
😚🌼✨ got new supplies for my notebooks ✨✨
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
More of Fushiguro boys💚🌼✨
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Hi guys! New art (not so new, I just forgot to post here), Fushiguro Tōji 💚
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It's been a while since I last post my arts here. A little bit struggle finishing my assignments and projects and final exam. Hopefully, I ace it like last semester.
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
look at my little baby birb!! 😭❤
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Kawaii baby bird 😍😍
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Back to drawing traditionally. Gojō Satoru 💙
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chisakikaiwaifu · 3 years
Daddy issues here~~ Geto Suguru, Fushiguro Tōji and Gojō Satoru ✨🌼
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