cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
That post about 30 year old coming of age stories?
I’ve been thinking about it all morning. What would the plot points be for that? What makes a 30 year old coming of age story?
Old folks sound off in the comments
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
Welcome aboard, Redditors! ✨
I'm one of you, though I've been on Tumblr a while already.
Some advice: Don't bring over the stuff that made you hate Reddit. It can take some thought to avoid replicating behaviors.
Take some time to get to know Tumblr culture. It's fine. The two sites are different, the people are different and so are the behaviors.
Don't take yourself seriously. Enbrace the delirious "we're in the pits of hell" feeling. There's no sense of time here. It's weird. It's oddly liberating.
Tumblr Migration 2: Reddit Boogaloo
We all know about the Twitter immigrants, but there seems to be radio silence on what's happening now with Reddit users from certain subreddits doing a similar thing.
What's happening?
Reddit is restricting their API later this month and killing off third-party apps. An AMA (Ask Me Anything) with the CEO Steve Hoffman was held and it was clear that he would continue with the changes.
In protest, thousands of subreddits across the site are planning to go dark for 48 hours on June 12th. Some are planning to continue indefinitely until the changes are reversed.
Okay, so how does this affect Tumblr?
Some subreddits (mainly queer and left-leaning meme ones, don't worry too much about Reddit Atheists™ overrunning us) are encouraging their users to jump ship to our beloved - and beloathed - hellsite. There will be another influx of new users and many will be unfamiliar with how the site works.
What do us Tumblr users do?
Show them how to use the site; introduce them to the site's culture, tell them to reblog shit and curate their dashboard. Sorta like how we welcomed Twitter users back when they flocked here. Kungpowpenising optional.
I'm new from Reddit, what do I do here?
Other folks can help you with stuff like curating your dashboard or creating sideblogs (or you can look shit up) but please, PLEASE just give yourself an icon and reblog some stuff so people don't mistake you for a bot
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
Ok, I know I often have issues just getting up and starting a task that will only take me 5 minutes in the end. But WHY is that? What happens in my brain?
This topic is very intricate and hard to explain in simple terms - I gave it my best shot, so please excuse the masses of text! Split into 2 images for easier reading
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
April ✨aesthetic✨
Grabbing your prettiest scarf and a light jacket and hopping on your bike to pick up veggies for dinner in your front basket
Striking up a conversation with the new baker who's been keeping an eye on your bike and buying a baguette for good measure
Then riding home in the chilly sunset, surrounded by the fresh bread aroma
& pretending the lovely weather will last forever
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
Michelle Yeoh's win tonight is so important, it can't be overstated. She's the second woman of color to EVER win the award in its 94 year history, (the first being Halle Berry 21 years ago,) and she did it at age 60. She's the first asian actress to secure a win in a category that has awarded white actresses in yellowface with their eyes taped up, and she did so in a film that was a monument to the talent of its asian actors. Yes, the Academy is always leagues behind the rest of culture, but this is a big deal and should be celebrated as such. I really hope that this time, it becomes a movement instead of a moment.
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
bitches hate me for my earnest whimsy and my pathological degree of avoidant behavior
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
Adult friendships be like “I miss you bro, let's hang out in November"
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
Hey if you're not physically disabled and just ND, please don't say "cr*ppling," or any variations thereon, since it's ableist toward physically disabled people. "Disabling," and "incapacitating," are two better words to use instead.
(It took me a while to figure it out; anon was bothered by this post.)
Okay, sure, I’ll try to do that. That said, I want to encourage people engaged in anti-ableism efforts that take the form of asking people not to use certain words to put their energies elsewhere. Firstly, I think they make the disability advocacy community inaccessible to a lot of people, since having to relearn which words are “allowed” is overwhelming and particularly difficult for people who have limited access to words in the first place.
Secondly, every time I’ve seen this implemented it…hasn’t made anyone less ableist? People who scrupulously remove “crazy” from their vocabulary in favor of “irrational” still treat the people they’re talking about like unpersons. Often the recommended replacement words are just as good at suggesting “less valuable person” as the words they replaced. I think there’s some value in asking “does our use of words surrounding disability to mean ‘bad thing’ come from a place of treating disabled people like tragedies?” and often it does, but that doesn’t mean that challenging that mindset is as easy as changing out the words. Thirdly, I think it emphasizes the wrong concerns. I saw a newspaper headline the other day saying “the president’s plan will be a crippling blow to the economy” and one about the “crippling burden of student debt”. I’d think that the fact the president’s plan includes making it harder to get SSI, or the fact disabled students are way less likely to graduate and likelier to end up in debt, is a much more urgent problem than the turn of phrase used in the headline. 
Lastly, it seems like the anti-words advocacy often pretends at a false consensus in disability activism. There are physically disabled people who are bothered by that newspaper headline and those who are not. There are mentally ill people who are bothered by use of crazy and some who couldn’t care less. But no one ever says “hey, that word bothers me personally because people have used it to be mean to me”, they say “it’s ableist towards physically disabled people,” as if all physically disabled people agree on this (or as if the ones who disagree are just obviously confused poor souls and don’t merit a mention). “There are physically disabled people who dislike the phrase ‘crippling anxiety’ and there are physically disabled people who don’t care and there are physically disabled people who have, themselves, described their anxiety as crippling” is much more accurate, but less compelling.
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
The Birth of a New Meme
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
things i have seen/experienced working in a toy store:
• a customer asking me if boys like coloring
• a customer telling her daughter she can’t give out ice cream stickers for party favors because there will be boys there
• an older couple laughing about how there’s a pink toy sword because a boy would never play with a pink toy sword (because i guess boys can’t like pink and girls don’t play with toy swords. also it wasn’t even pink it was red lol)
• a customer refusing to buy a snail robot kit for his nephew because it was “too cute for a boy”
• a customer sharply reminding me she was buying a gift for a boy when i suggested play food
• a customer telling her daughter she needed to pick a different birthday card for her friend because the one she chose had a pink envelope (her friend was a boy)
• a customer asking what a boy would like for valentine’s day instead of the stuffed dogs she was getting for the girls
• a customer getting upset when my coworker used blue ribbon on a gift bag because the present was for a girl
• a customer saying a toy guitar was “too girly” for her grandson, based only on the fact that the box had a picture of a girl playing with it (the guitar was red with yellow music notes)
but yeah, trans people have some real weird ideas about gender
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
“Books are too expensive” -> GET A LIBRARY CARD!!!
“E-books are too expensive” -> GET A LIBRARY CARD!!!
“Audiobooks are too expensive” -> GET A LIBRARY CARD!!!
“Video games are too expensive” -> GET A LIBRARY CARD!!!
“Subscriptions to magazines/newspapers are too expensive” -> GET A LIBRARY CARD!!!
For real, get a library card for your local public library and you will have almost unlimited access to all kinds of media for free. Libraries also often have many different kinds of classes you can take, often for free or very cheap. Oh, and don’t forget the computers and internet access you can also use for free.
In conclusion, yet a library card.
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
It's really funny to take Spanish with people from different Spanish-speaking countries, because the ones from South American countries are like "Yeah no one uses vosotros, we don't know what it's doing here" and the ones from Europe are like "If you don't give our beloved second-person plural its due respect, the Hounds will find you"
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
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cinnamonheartburn · 1 year
I don't remember seeing it mentioned on Tumblr, so I'm spreading the word.
There's a campaign running to send 1899-themed letters to Netflix Headquarters on Friday, January 13th. (Source: Reddit)
So I took my fountain pen out of retirement.
Now debating whether to address one to Netflix Germany as well, though I fear it might get there late. Canada Post is so slow it might as well send mail by 19th century steamship.
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