cisphobicgems · 6 years
so you genuinely believe that you could have tits, say you identify as male, and be okay with them and not want to change them to fit the ideal male image
"ideal male image"
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
you need dysphoria to be trans, but it doesn’t mean u gotta hate yourself. You can love your feminine, masculine, androgynous sides n still wanna identify as the opposite gender you were assigned at birth. You don’t gotta hate yourself to be trans but you gotta feel that disconnection and discomfort sometimes but you decide if you’ll embrace it or not.
That's what I was saying. I do think you need gender dysphoria to be trans. Just not body dysphoria.
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
I still do not understand. What do gems have to do with a private engineering school in New Jersey?
stevens universe
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
The heckin' heck is a "gem?"
Stevens University
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
i understand your reasoning behind all cis people being transphobic by default because they benefit off the system, but what about those in the closet who are passing? like myself, i look female and nobody knows i'm not cis, but does that mean i still benefit from the system because everyone assume's i'm cis and therefor doesnt treat me any different, and does that mean I'm transphobic? this is why i don't QUITE agree so i wonder your thoughts on this
I think that not being able to live ur truth and having to lie abt ur identity is not a privilege
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
every ask you get on this blog is like "not all cis people are transphobic!!!! i'm cis and i'm not transphobic!!!!! [slur-filled transphobic rant]"
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
wait, so, why do you hate transmed/truscum? dont they believe kind of the same thing you do? that you need gender dysphoria to be trans
all gender dysphoria is is feeling like the gender you have is wrong, transmed and truscum are talking about body dysphoria specifically, and that you need to hate yourself to be trans. since when most people say you dont need dysphoria to be trans, they mean body dysphoria
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
just wanted to clarify some things bc i don’t think you are cis/hetero phobic but i have met some people in the past who have a really... hateful mindset about majority people and id just rather not run into anything that reminds me of that incident
Cisphobia and heterophobia arent real so this blog is obviously a jokeBut you sound like the kinda person who thinks reverse racism is real
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
out of curiosity do you guys just like.. see gender as a choice or what exactly? bc it kinda sounds like you'd be chill with someone who's perfectly comfy in their body, as long as they slapped on any kind of label that pushes them away from being cis. honestly, i don't even understand the point of taking a trans label if you're not dysphoric in one way or another. i mean, i don't care enough to complain about the people that do it, even if i don't get it really. - continued on another ask
Part 2 {- i just don’t quite understand how it can be like.. both ways. because like, if you take on the trans label for? no reason??? idk if it’s not reason, but it sounds like it. if it’s not no reason, it’d be hella if someone explained. but isn’t it akin to being cis in a lot of ways with a sparkly filter that differentiates you from it?? - dysphoric trans kid who doesnt understand being trans without dysphoria, you could call it ignorance if you wanted idrc i’m just curious tbfh. ty for reading. adding more for clarification bc im great at words - also i already took note of the, uh.. like, ‘dysphoria is just discomfort thing’ i mean yeah i guess it is if you wanna simplify it, ik the degree of it varies from person to person but i’m like talking abt the people who. don’t really feel uncomfortable. and just use trans labels anyway because apparently being cis is like, terrible or something. is it really all that different? sorry for three whole asks, i’m just very curious about this?}
I do think you need dysphoria to be trans. I think theres a difference between someone who is comfortable in their body and realizes that a different gender identity fits them better, and a cis person who just doesnt want to be called cis. But also, theres a lot of confusion on what exactly dysphoria is, theres many trans people who dont think they are dysphoric enough to be trans.
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
i was enjoying this page for 2 seconds until i scrolled farther.
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
Get off Tumblr and get a life please
ur the one messaging a dead blog but aight
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
where did all these truscum come from lol
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cisphobicgems · 6 years
Don't you need disphoria to be trans? I don't know lmao don't kill me
When people say dysphoria, what they're most likely talking about is body dysphoria. I do think you need gender dysphoria to be trans, but all gender dysphoria is is feeling uncomfortable with your gender. Which means u probably identify as a different one
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cisphobicgems · 7 years
Lol, I don't get why people are so up in your face. I'm cis and I find this blog is quite entertaining.
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cisphobicgems · 7 years
no matter what you think you're prejudice as hell and an embarrassment to the trans community. please stop, people like you are the reason no one takes trans people seriously.
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cisphobicgems · 7 years
reading through this blog rn and why does everyone mention that they have an asexual friend, gay friend, and a trans friend i mean obviously thats great & all but is it necessary to state that
its cause they think that it gives them permission to speak on lgbt matters
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cisphobicgems · 7 years
Listen up y'all, ALL cis people are transphobic, because they benefit from a system built for them that excludes trans people, and inherently feel entitled to services and resources first. Society ingrains in everyone that cis is the norm and correct, and otherwise is freakish or unnatural, and everyone has ideas in their heads whether they realise them to be transphobic or not about how the world runs. All cis are transphobic, it doesn't mean yall're bad people, you're just learning
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