cithre · 14 hours
Remember the time where nana shimura openly asks if deku's okay with killing shigaraki and deku literally straight up say he won't because he wants to save that crying boy and all the quirk vestiges were so proud of him for making such a decision ?! Now what just happened to that conversation 😭
I guess it's possible that Deku is not ok. Sadly, we didn't really see his face in the immediate aftermath of the battle - we are now one week later. But he's clearly seeing not being able to save Tenko's life as a failure. I've been thinking about this scene and I'm not sure that Deku is saying that because Tomure chose to stay the leader of the LoV is why he had to die. It could be more complex than that.
Deku thinking about why even with all the hatred gone, Tenko chose to stick by his friends could lead to a good thing, could lead to a contemplation of what Shigaraki meant by the "villains needing a hero".
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In this chapter, in the end it's Toshinori who uses old-school shonen logic about why Deku didn't actually fail, but Deku is thinking about Shigaraki's "that will depend on what you guys will do from now on" and "do your best".
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And even if All Might is all like "well you saved his heart", Deku is "yes but"
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...we don't know what he's truly thinking because Bakugou interrupts and they talk about other things, like Deku's quirklessness and the rivalry and greatest heroes, and what not. The "Yes but" maybe will be explained later, because in the end this narrative about understanding villains doesn't really belong to All Might and Bakugou, so as jarring as the emotional transitions are, maybe it's on purpose. Maybe the "Yes but" will be explored in a different group, with people who understand better how Deku feels - these guys.
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Like, the emotions in this chapter felt to me a lot like Ch 353, when everyone celebrates Shouto's win; sure it's not fully unearned, but there is the jarring contrast to how people feel so cheerful about "Blueflame" being defeated, while Shouto himself sits on the battlefield in tears. And how that celebration feels hollow too.
So yeah, I don't know if this will bring Tomura back, but if this leads to Deku seriously thinking about his last will and how the villains need a hero too and he'll follow that with actions, then it could be still salvaged somehow.
The framing will remain jarring, but I also noticed that Hori has been "hiding" the inner voices of the Savior Squad. Shoto didn't speak a line since Ch 390, Ochako only had a weak "gambatte" in the helicopter, and even Deku's inner narration is taken over by others. His Rising, his final punches are almost all from other POVs. People saw him punch the big bad to dust and think he's the greatest, but does Deku feel like that inside?
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cithre · 3 days
what does it matter if his heart was saved if he doesn't get to live to enjoy it ?
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cithre · 4 days
very, very weird that tomura staying loyal to the league is framed as a bad or negative thing in this last moment. when Twice died out of loyalty to his friends, so much care was taken to set his death apart as a tragedy, a failing of hero society. but now with Tomura it's used as justification to kill him. 'well he was still the leader of the league of villains to the end so i guess he was just meant to be bad!' is a crazy turn for the story to take. being the leader of the league of villains isn't just about destruction to tomura. yes that was his goal, it was all of their goals, but what they're talking about here is his connections to the other members. he loved the league, he cared about them and wanted to see them get what they wanted in life. he listened to them, he fought for them, and they were a family. the league wasn't just held together by wanting to destroy, they created a really amazing bond with each other and it's hurtful to see the story disregard that to justify what happened to shigaraki. his loyalty to the league at the end had nothing to do with destruction, it was about the people he loved and cared for when they had no one else and i think it's awful that was painted as him still wanting destruction
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cithre · 4 days
Okay so simultaneously I'm cheering for Bakudeku for the nth time, but also wondering why the villains the narrative and themes sympathized with and promised to protect are nowhere to be seen, some supposedly dead.
Still holding out hope, because this isn't the last chapter, and I know doomposting before the series even finishes is kinda annoying, so please take this as me simply talking about my feelings about the recent chapters and not something that I'm casting over the ENTIRETY of the ending before it's over.
Are we really supposed to take Toga and Shigaraki's deaths at face value? Like, have I just missed something? Uraraka and Midoriya recognizing these people as victims of a society that abandoned them, when they should have had help and support, should I just forget that...?
Because it really seems to me that this IS one of the last chapters of MHA, and that the last time we've seen those characters might've actually been their last moments.
And I know when Toga "died" everyone (or atleast most fans, because there were divides and people thinking her death was satisfying) was SURE she had survived. But this is the end. Or we're reaching the end very soon.
I just feel as though Shigaraki and the LOV being "defeated" in the typical sense of being dead is a bit hollow....
Like, Wooo silly BakuDeku moment, those are our guys look at them!!!!! Now why are the characters who represent marginalized groups all gone.
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cithre · 4 days
Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to find these
Hi ! I hope this isn’t annoying but I’ve been struggling to find the post you made about Tenko’s name containing the number ten in it and would love if you could direct me to it! Sorry to bother you, but I can’t see to find it through search or tags
I don't think these are the only posts in which I pointed that out, but I'm pretty sure they're the earliest ones.
Possible Parallels: The Final Battle
Quirk Singularity Doomsday: Deku's Gonna Be Possessed Redux
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cithre · 4 days
I don't know if I want to really spell out WHY I'm hopeful, or why I think the doom and gloom I see in LOV stan spaces makes me sadder - I mean for years I've said many people on that side of things are very quick to believe the worst of Horikoshi and in a moment like this, where I'm sure there's to be a very *quick* shall we say - turning of this arc - the usual peanut gallery has put on their funeral best and is already burying the story. I wish people had some more faith in this author and manga. You do yourselves no favors consistently expecting the worst out of a story you love.
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cithre · 6 days
im sos so excited for next chapter, i've been trying to make peace with whatever hori writes so i'll try and accept whatever path he picks for shig. it's sad that the most likely chance he has at living is being turned back into his child self somehow but i'd be happy with anything at this point
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cithre · 7 days
As we go into Ep 141 today, please take note of the wildly under-appreciated fact that Shoto trained a move specifically to be able to take Toya whaling on him with his Endeavor+ level fire and Shoto only ever threw snowballs at him.
Like I see people say he didn’t try to talk to Toya - but the way he used his quirk is loud and clear, I think.
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He never threw a single fire fist to try to punch little Touya out of Dabi. He came up with an application of his own quirk that serves no other purpose than to cool down Touya / Dabi - the brother and the villain. No picking and choosing.
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cithre · 7 days
The fact that Tomura can fully admit to being “a crying brat” inside all along, but never shedding a tear once throughout all this hurt and suffering actually makes me physically ill
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cithre · 7 days
Shiggy Simps Alliance discord server
Hey everyone! I'm making a discord server for shigaraki Simps and I'm looking for mods who are willing to help!
Server info under the cut:
Server info:
Server is SFW and discussion of NSFW and Comship/proship isn't allowed as there will be minors there and it can potentially trigger people as well as being problematic, so just keep it SFW and no proship/commshippers pls (or at least no talking about it in the server, pls respect boundaries 💗) this also includes in VCs
I am the owner and mainly operate during the hours of 3pm-12am GBMT so I would be rlly grateful if anyone who is online outside of those hours is willing to step up to help moderate, it would help a lot!
No vent channel, and no venting allowed in the public chats and VCs as it's not rlly something I like to have in my servers because it's hard to mod in terms of what needs to be spoilered and potential triggers for people.
Thinking of doing mha 'movie nights' where I'll put on a few episodes of mha and maybe one of the movies occasionally and we can sit and watch them together if enough people are interested :)
There will be a channel for promoting your writing, art and any other forms of media that you would like to share, as well as a channel for sharing others art that you like, all that we ask is that you credit the og artist when posting it
Of course, there will be channels specifically for simping for our boy, shiggy, as well as ones for sharing shiggy related media.
There will be a manga spoilers channel and and anime spoilers channel, all I ask is that you specify what chapter/episode you are referencing and that it is spoilered.
Please ask any questions in the comments :)
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cithre · 8 days
firstly, i just want to say thank you for your posts! they're always worded so perfectly and they're a gift to this fandom. shoto is such an amazing character and such a joy to read through your posts. this is a silly question because it's not only speculation but this info got released weeks ago, but i recently found out that shoto's masterpiece line was cut from the volume release and i wanted to know why you thought that was? it seemed like a nice line
Thanks a lot! I'm always happy to spread the Shouto-appreciation. I've spent an insane amount of time analysing the volume changes and what Hori was trying to convey with Shoto Todoroki: Rising, which I think is by far the least straightforward of the rising chapters.
First, I think that it's important how he redrew Shouto - especially look at the way his hand is posed - open, more gentle, not having his quirk hover there ready to fire and the way his neck is tilted also conveys a kind of non-threatening presence.
He resembles much more someone reaching out than let's say pushing someone down.
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And I think this is also why those lines were cut.
I feel like Shouto's original intended message here is that he's seeing Touya - he sees that he wants acknowledgment and respect for his hard work and his quirk and Shouto is ready to give it to him. Shouto doesn't want this toxic competition to continue where they burn each other to the ground to prove who is "better or stronger". So Shouto wants to acknowledge Touya and say that his fire is really impressive. He knows how hurt Touya was about Shouto's "masterpiece" status and he wants to reassure Touya that he's not less valuable than him.
But "masterpiece creation" line carries a lot of negative connotations in the Todoroki family. Because in the end being a failed creation or a masterpiece doll are both deeply dehumanizing and make both Touya and Shouto just tools, objects of Endeavor, instead of the connection they started to build as brothers. So I think maybe Hori decided to emphasise that this dialogue between them is not about Endeavor now, but their own bond, their own understanding of the other person not viewed through the framework Endeavor created.
And the other reading of the "masterpiece creation" line (and this is how I read it when the chapter first dropped) is a big "fuck you, dad" from Shouto to Endeavor. It's him saying - look at Touya, look at the logical endpoint of your crazy experiment, look at the masterpiece you always wanted. But given that Endeavor here is already down, that may look like Shouto is kicking him while he's already hurting and prompting the apology which makes it feel weaker.
I wonder if Hori will pick up this idea of who is the masterpiece in the epilogue. We will see, but for now, the above is my best guess of why the line was cut.
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cithre · 8 days
does anyone have an open mha discord server that isn't rp? i'm trying to use discord more
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cithre · 9 days
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Sunny Southern California
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cithre · 10 days
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myeah animated tomorrow !!
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cithre · 10 days
is anyone using the new communities feature? i wish we got gcs back but it seems like it could be cool
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cithre · 11 days
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cithre · 13 days
Compilation of Rebirth Symbolism and Tomura Shigaraki
Season 6 Bokurano OP
(I included this first because it's from the anime and therefore not necessarily meaningful, but it's very very interesting)
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Moth/Butterfly Symbolism during the Endeavor Agency/PLF War Arc
This particular symbol is for his quirk operation, but it can still apply to his character going forward
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Mt. Fuji
For this one I'm going to link to this post by Tumblr user Commander-Revin. Super cool theory and would make the location of the battle more important. When Mt. Fuji was introduced it struck me as a little weird to introduce it, give it stakes, and then not even have Tomura get close to destroying it? Sure it works for tension, but it would make more sense if there was thematic meaning.
General Pregnancy Symbolism
I'll start with the weaker points
9 users of OFA (9 months of pregnancy) + Tomura as the 10th user and the 10th month of pregnancy, which is the actual length of an ideal pregnancy
This could very, very easily be a coincidence, as the only actual textual connection would be if the power developing as each user trains it being interpreted as a metaphor for the growth of the child and that's a strech.
It is interesting to me that the whole crux of Izuku's plan is to 'save the child inside of him' which as readers we have context for but as a phrase on it's own is a bit suspect.
On to the vestige realm,
The Vestige world's design as a sphere is also very interesting as it looks very similar to a Ovum which is the 'egg'. I almost didn't include this point because it was brought to my attention by another user that I do not remember the name of. If you posted about this comparison please comment/reply and I would be more than happy to either credit you or remove this point from the post. But for now, just know that this is not my idea.
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The OFA transfer
In my opinion the design of the vestiges here is very blunt
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The appearance of the OFA vestiges is very suspect and then there's the addition of only one getting in? Hori you are not slick 😭
I'm worried this post will come off as creepy with the pregnancy symbolism but I genuinely have no ill intent with this post, I'm just very interested in symbolism especially for this series
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