citrus-matcha · 3 years
caught up on wanikani reviews. did 2 rounds of new lessons between saturday and today.
we went to little tokyo today and of course i’m always drawn to the language learning section at kinokuniya >_< i already have so many books now though lol. there was a neat little book that was basically a puzzle book for learning kanji. maybe when i’m a bit more advanced.. more reason to keep going!
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citrus-matcha · 3 years
(technically its the 10th) tried to get in some more wanikani today! finally finished all my backed up reviews. so far all of lvl 3 is still active, none burned yet ;_; i’m getting there! i reviewed chapter 10 of Genki the other day. just need to get started on the exercises now. eep and i think my anki vocab flashcards are a bit behind too, i still haven’t even put chp 8 vocab in yet x_x hopefully this break next week gives me a good chance to get some studying in!
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