clatprep-us · 3 years
Stressfree clat preparation tips
CLAT is one level higher due to the uncertainty around it due to its new pattern, for which no aspirant has any idea. So, given the uncertainty and difficulty level of this national level examination, the apprehension about it increases in your mind even more. Therefore, CLAT aspirants need to know at least the basics about preparing for CLAT online coaching, so that the fear of the exam can be overcome and they can turn into qualified candidates to succeed.
More reading- Reading is an all-time solution for better preparation. Great reading speed will be the factor that will make you stand out from the rest and improve the rest. Since the new pattern is expected to have more comprehension and paragraph questions, therefore, good reading and understanding speed will get you those extra marks and save you that extra time as well.
Practice- Time to say that "practice makes a man right". Practice especially helps in the quantitative aptitude section. With more practice, you will come to know many ways/solutions to solve a problem. It also instills confidence in you and hence you do not panic during the exam.
No Last-Minute Preparation- Last minute preparation of the exam will not earn you extra marks, but it will definitely increase your fear and stress of the exam more. This fear will not let you focus on what you are studying and will also hinder your concentration. So it is better to avoid preparation and work instead in these last moments and study harder than the first day of preparation.
Use memory aids: Use short-term techniques to modify the curriculum such as flashcards.  This technique will help reduce your time of going through the entire course and thus will help in the preparation time.
Take care of your health: In the last few days, it is important to maintain a healthy mind. So make sure you get proper sleep, include healthy food in your diet, and do meditation or any kind of exercise to keep yourself healthy.  A healthy body and a healthy mind can align with your hours of preparation.
Can not join hands with preparation and fear of exams. Fear and stress will not let you focus on the current preparation and will also disrupt your prep in the future. Covering all online classes clat 2020 and topics really well, taking good care of your health and sleep along with preparation will help you through the unexpected online CLAT preparation quite effectively.  
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clatprep-us · 3 years
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