clonewar · 5 hours
it's the last week of school and for us teachers that's always hell! not to mention I'm trying to find a new school to work at (job apps bc my school sucks :' ) )
because of these factors I won't be very active on this blog or in the star wars oc discord until this upcoming Friday or saturday
I am however gonna be active on my cowboy oc since it's smaller and easier to keep up with replies ( @patchworkcowboy )
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clonewar · 5 hours
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If not for the context of it all, Rex would be tempted to laugh at Zeb's hasty, haphazard wrapping job. They had been outnumbered and overpowered, making a hasty retreat back to the ship. Now out of immediate danger, they can tend to the wound more carefully.
"Luckily for you I've had a bad scrape or two so I know how it goes," he assures Zeb, pulling the first aid kit off the wall. "I'm no medic but my stitching will get the job done. Just try your best to sit still."
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@clonewar sent: “ your bandages— you’re bleeding through them. ” from rex
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Zeb’s ears twitched at that. He looked down at his arm—crimson staining the bandages he had hastily wrapped around his bicep. ❝ Karabast… ❞
               He had known that his wound was deep, but maybe it was a bit worse than he thought. He was fighting through the pain well enough, but this was going to need more than simple bandaging. ❝ Wouldn’t happen to have any skills in stitching up injuries, would you? ❞
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clonewar · 5 hours
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Happy pride month guys have this doodle I drew last week :D
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clonewar · 5 hours
[ wounded ] + reverse / for halo!
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He works with well-practiced precision and care, wrapping the bandage tightly, but not painfully so, around her arm. The gash isn't life-threatening by any means but it is deep. He had to both clean it and stitch it shut. "You'll have to take it easy with this arm for the next few days -- which I know is easier said than done. But just try, alright?"
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clonewar · 5 hours
Hi yall! I've got some more oc ideas swirling around in my brain. They're not fully fleshed out yet... I got talking with tini (rexihka) about how I want to do matching clone ocs with someone and yeah!! brainrot real. Here are the general concepts so far:
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Static (also called Freckles by his friends)
He came really close to being decommissioned for a couple of reasons. Firstly, he sucks at close and mid range combat. Doesn't matter if it's hand to hand, with knives, or with regular blasters he sucks. The only thing he's good at fighting wise is sniping. He is also slightly shorter than most clones and has very distinctive freckles all over his face & body.
While he may suck at combat, he is a tech whiz. Especially when it comes to decrypting codes and comm frequencies. One of the major reasons he DIDN'T get decommissioned is because the very first mission he was on he hacked a Separatist broadcasting tower, ordering the droids to bomb themselves. His hacking was so top-notch the droids thought it was a real order and actually did it LMAO
As a cadet, a bunch of bullies called him "Runt" and bullied him. One of the bullies even broke his nose : ' (
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He's a lot like Static in the sense he almost bot decommissioned... In his late 20s he was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile). While he was relieved to finally understand a cause for his chronic pain the Kaminoans were not. Thankfully he proved to be one of the best clone pilots ever and was spared. (The Kaminoas were also strong armed by his Jedi to spare him <3)
He's called Viper for a few different reasons. Firstly, he actually has two battle scars across his mouth and chin that make him look like he has fangs. Second of all he was bit by a poisonous snake while on a mission and managed to survive the ordeal even though odds weren't in his favor
He tends to keep his curly hair slicked back in an attempt to avoid getting helmet work (this strategy only works half the time)
pic crew/art credit
armor tbd bc I have yet to decide what colors I want lol
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clonewar · 5 hours
i will not fight you. / for hunter!
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Her words get no response. The normally chatty and amiable Hunter is gone. Replaced with it is a weapon... Weapons do not hesitate and they do not weep, yet... Yet part of him is still there, trying to claw his way free. His arm wavers, aim slightly off as he tenses his arm -- even if he doesn't have the strength to say it, he just gave her an opening to knock the weapon out of his hand.
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clonewar · 5 hours
i'll not leave you here. i've got to save you. / for Cody or ahsoka ….
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Tears pinprick at the corners of his eyes as Rex stand before him. He feels like he's seeing a ghost although... He supposes he's more of the ghost between the two of them. Gone is his beloved golden sunburst armor and in its place is boring and emotionless gray armor. The chip in his head screams at him the longer he freezes. Good soldiers don't freeze -- gold soldiers follow orders. Right now he's not following orders. He's trying to save his foolish, stubborn brother. His time is running out... His muscles burn in his efforts to keep his blasters lowered and his head throbs like he's being repeatedly pelted with rocks on his temple. "Please," he manages to beg through gritted teeth, "go before the chip makes me kill you."
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clonewar · 6 hours
[ palm ] sender places a hand on receiver to stop them from doing something / for halo !
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It's not his job to act as the Senator's personal guard. Not only does she have dedicated guards, but she is adept enough to handle herself. Still, her patience proves far longer than his because he's been wanting to deck Rush Clovis for the past hour. In fact, he'd love to hoist the man by the collar and throw him out the door -- too bad that action would cause quite the scandal. His body must be more tense and telling than he thought because soon enough she's giving his arm a gentle tap. Steady now.
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clonewar · 7 hours
there is no conflict. / for whomever you’d like!
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Brown eyes narrow as his gaze bounces between her and Crosshair. Crosshair isn't exactly friendly, especially with people who aren't one of their brothers. He expected more yelling or snide remarks but if there is tension between them, the two of them have been good at hiding it. "Fight all you want on our off time but when we're on missions we all have to work as a team," he replies in a stern voice -- he doesn't believe her claim in the slightest.
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clonewar · 7 hours
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (14/?) Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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clonewar · 7 hours
what i told you was true... from a certain point of view. sabi for hunter
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With a frustrated huff that sounds suspiciously like a growl, Hunter runs a weary hand over his face before giving her a proper reply. "Different perspectives, omitting details... It's all just different methods of lying. Please just tell me what actually happened so I can figure out if I need to do damage control."
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clonewar · 7 hours
[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need (ezra @ kanan)
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Ezra is incredibly kind and thoughtful. His caring and overwhelmingly positive presence is one that makes his heart ache even more. Ezra doesn't deserve a life riddled with oppressive leadership and war. He deserves peace and happiness. If only times were simpler and less violent... "I feel like I should be asking you that," he replies, shifting to sit beside him. "You took a hard hit earlier. You sure you don't need any bacta for it?"
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clonewar · 7 hours
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Ok ok ok gonna give @cobaltbeam some major love for this commission request of my son and Tech. So much love and care went into this lovely piece and I had no doubt that Cobalt would just crush it 💯💯💯 Cobalt really sets the bar high to the toppest of tiers. Flawless execution and it the message around it means so much to us!
A little backstory under the cut:
My son is autistic and nonspeaking. My husband and I are fans of TBB and I was so ecstatic that there was quite a bit of neurodiversity represented in bad batch. My son has connected the most with a lot of Tech’s scenes (especially the flying lessons lol) and loves to watch that scene over and over again. Flash forward to a con where I met Dee Bradley Baker and requested that he sign a Tech figure box for my son and write some words of encouragement “you have an exceptional mind” based off when Tech calls his own mind exceptional I think in Season 1 or season 7 of TCW (I forget). Well he did it and then I asked Cobalt Beam to bring it to life.
Isn’t. That. Amazing????? 🥹😭
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clonewar · 7 hours
tell me. what's troubling you? / ten!
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He's so excited he's anxious, mouth dry and stomach souring. He didn't want to believe it at first... The droid he had been downloading data from was severely damaged from the battle and could have corrupted and incorrect data. But then he hacked another droid, and another, and another, and. -- "I downloaded all the data you asked me to from the droids and there was a heavily encrypted file. I managed to crack open the file. Echo is alive and thanks to the droids, I know where to find him."
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clonewar · 7 hours
[ hospital ] sender wakes up in a hospital bed and finds receiver sitting by their bedside (depa @ kanan)
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Caleb wakes with a start, gasping for air and one hand reaching for his lightsaber. Much to his surprise, his hand doesn't grab the cold metal of a lightsaber but rather the warm flesh of Master Depa's hand. Blinking under the bright medbay lights, he takes a few deep breaths before speaking. "Master? When did we get here?"
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clonewar · 7 hours
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I Will Not Apologize
Happy Pride, ya'll.
$3 download (includes version where you can color in your own Pride flag. Limited restrictions, mostly don't be a fascist or major company: https://ko-fi.com/s/ac6c284e8c
Prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/mxmorgan/
Shirts: https://mxmorgan.threadless.com/mens/t-shirt/regular
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clonewar · 7 hours
[ lonely ] sender finds receiver alone in a dark room / for hunter !
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"Senator? Are you in here?" it's not unusual for Hunter to walk into a room with little to no light. His enhanced senses make it easy for him to see even in the dimest of conditions. It is, however, unusual to find the normally calm, and composed Senator Padme Amidala sitting alone in the dark. Walking slowly over to her, as if afraid he's going to startle her, he shifts to kneel before her, he adds, "it's me, Hunter. Are you alright?"
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