coalfeathered · 8 years
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coalfeathered · 8 years
@rxghteousman  ♥’d for a (short) starter  
                                ❛  I don’t see why I should heal you. ❜
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                                ❛  I TOLD you not to do it. I kept telling you, Dean— but NO. You did it anyway. I am an ANGEL OF THE LORD...! Would it kill you to heed my guidance for ONCE in your life?  ❜
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coalfeathered · 8 years
                While not an unwelcome question by any means— in all honesty, Castiel was thrilled to find that Sam still pinned him as an entity veiled in angelic mystery (he was worried his NOVELTY was wearing off...)— it was unexpected, and hesitation engulfed his joy before it ever had time to dance upon a face of knitted brows and flitting eyes. He knew the feeling of grace better than he knew Heaven or the rush of flight. Of course he did— it had been part of him since the dawn of his creation. But how could he EVER tell of it to a human...? It would be easier to do so in Enochian. There was no Earth adjective in any dictionary to truly do it justice; henceforth Castiel was sure that no matter how poetically he phrased things, he’d be making a mess of it... and yet, with Sam looking at him so KEENLY (what had Dean called them? Canine eyes...?), he knew that even with his choppy vocabulary he had to try. 
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                               ❛  …HOLY.  ❜
                —Not too bad, but he could already sense a new question forming.                 What does “holy” feel like?
                               ❛  —Fulfilling.  ❜  The angel tried again; shooting Sam a HOPEFUL glance directing his eyes back down, nose crinkled in thought.  ❛  Like a full stomach, only— er... not so heavy. Not at all. Grace is light; in every sense of the word.  ❜   
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            “ —– can i ask you kind of an odd question? ” there’s a pause, albeit a short one before he continues. “ what does grace feel like? ”
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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coalfeathered · 8 years
                Castiel was no idiot. He had pieced Dean back together, bit by bit. He knew very well of the TORTURE that’d been inflicted upon the man in Hell. Due fear— his soul radiated it. But there was no one left for the angel to ask... and so, expecting a fight, he had been sure to go into this confrontation hard-edged and unforgiving. 
Needless to say, he too was feeling a little GUILTY right about now.
                               ❛  ...I have faith in you, Dean. I wouldn’t ask this of you if I didn’t think you were strong enough.  ❜
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                              ❛  I ask of you, now, to have faith in me. I will NOT let anything bad happen to you. I swear it.  ❜ 
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          ❝ —– ❞ THE SILENCE FILLED THE AIR. he had felt the pang of guilt hit him hard in the chest, a harsh swallow followed in his dry mouth. he knew the ANGEL WAS RIGHT, but fear was clouding his judgement. ❝ – i will help.  ❞
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coalfeathered · 8 years
                Castiel thought, as he watched Dean hover his own lunch above the pan in preparation, that maybe it was his duty to warn the man about the hot oil— but the urge was only a fleeting one and one to stay zipped behind his lips. In his age and heavenly wisdom, it was simply the reflexive thing to adopt the role of TUTOR; to try to pass on the things he'd found out (however fresh). But this cooking experience had been enlightening in more ways than one. His air of DIVINITY had been officially lost with his angelic status; the sadder realization of the two... but he did his best not to dwell on it— because with his new cluelessness as he fought to navigate the most routine human rituals, came the opportunity for him to be learn something. The roles had been reversed; Dean was the one educating him; and Castiel didn’t entirely mind being the underling. Of course, it still stripped away his dignity a little when he needed the nitty-gritties using the toilet explained to him... but he’d warmed it a lot more than most of his kind would’ve— of that, he was sure. 
                Pride was as INHERENT as wings were to an angel (they too were God’s children. Why wouldn’t they be proud of the handiwork conjured up by the deity they idolized?). While to the Winchesters, Castiel must seem pretentious... he was, in fact, one of Heaven’s least cavalier. For a long time, he HID his modesty— looking with envy upon the siblings that didn’t flinch and held themselves with confidence. He was much too full of heart for his own liking. But now, the heart that beat so strongly within him was proving to be of help. With a surge of hope, it hit Castiel that if anyone could make the best of humanity, it was him. He just needed to take it in baby steps. The cheese sandwiches that appetizingly grilled away in the pan were no huge milestone (and one that he’d definitely taken his time in reaching), but it was ENOUGH. He was enough. The echo of a smile in his peripheral was proof of that. 
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                                ❛  I like this.  ❜
                The confession that came from him was shy; so quiet it almost didn’t make it over the sizzle of the stove... and as it ricocheted back to his own ears, he found himself hoping against HOPE that Dean hadn’t heard him. Without a porthole into his thoughts, it was a cryptic set of letters. Even the (ex)angel himself wasn’t one hundred percent sure what that “this” was. The mortality? The fact that the mortality had gifted him this friendly moment with Dean? Just Dean in general, whether mortality was part of the equation or not?
                               ❛  —Cooking.  ❜  He recovered; not wanting the Winchester’s mind go through the same dizzying revolutions that his was.  ❛  I’m quite fond of the process.  ❜
                It wasn’t a LIE. Following a recipe (however unofficial) to reach an end product was rather reminiscent of the orders he’d once received from Heaven HQ. Toiling away in the kitchen quelled a bit of the homesickness.
                              ❛  Do you think I can help prepare dinner tonight? I know that I am slow and... UNTIDY...  ❜  A pointed nod to the nuggets of bread peppering the counter.  ❛  —But I’m a fast learner, and I’ll do my best to be as productive as I can.  ❜ 
        Considering the angel had been nothing if not at first HESITANT to admit his desire to engage in Dean’s lunch-making efforts, it came as a surprise that, upon the hunter’s turning to check, at the quick over-the-shoulder glance that was offered to make sure that something with the butter knife hadn’t gone horribly wrong, Cas had simply offered to try again, let alone admit his hunger.  Humanity — and all the undoubtable pains, the routine tasks that had become habit for any mortal no doubt coming each as their own consideration, their own OBSTACLE for someone unused to the intricacies of daily routine — was proving nothing if not an increasingly difficult mountain to climb, and yet there lay a resilience, a perserverance as though spurred by some unknown energy, behind the azure gaze that greeted Dean’s own.
        Remembering, knowing how simple tasks had at first caused the angel to both marvel in, and become a cause for, CONCERN over even the routine of going to the bathroom, what a plainly necessary task it was, was enough to keep the hunter wondering in his own right at the fact that the angel had even admitted his hunger, let alone accepted the offer of helping with preparations in the first place.  Sure, it would’ve had to happen eventually – even if they hadn’t been at Bobby’s, where the eldest hunter was more likely than either brother to notice any problems with Cas’ well-being, pursuing it with something of an awkward parentage – the EMBRACING of both feeding himself and the tasks associated with it, but Dean wasn’t so sure it was going to happen as soon, as rapidly as it had progressed today in multiple days, let alone barely an afternoon.
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                “  Jus’ gimme a minute here, an’ these puppies’ll be up in no time.  ”
        Welcome smile whispers, tracing the barest edge of Dean’s lips as Castiel lets his creation fall into the pan (one that, in a moment of foresight, Dean had made sure was large enough to fit both of their lunches at once as well as any accidentally-expanding melted cheese from their edges) despite himself, for even though it is by no means LARGE, the gesture is not without a meaning behind it: despite his nature having forever been otherwise, there’s an effort on the angel’s part to take goddamn care of himself for once.
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coalfeathered · 8 years
Send “Upsy-Daisy” for my Muse’s reaction to being picked up by yours!
Or send “Put me down!” for the reverse!
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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                 || I really wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that has followed me so far, and instead of just naming those that I truly adore and love to follow I thought i’d give you all a little written something about what I love about you, even if we haven’t spoken, because there is so much talent that I see on my dash and it really does make me smile that I am able to interact with so many of you guys! || @salaciiious - You’re one of my recent follows and the moment I saw that there was a Moira in town I simply couldn’t resist having a look and seeing what your portrayal was like, and honestly i’m impressed by how well you add to her and how wonderful your writing is, i’m so glad we have a thread and i’m really looking forward to continuing to write with you. @hellsmark - Most of my interactions with you have been on my other blog ixpala, but I couldn’t not add you on here, you have such a wonderful way of writing when you wrote that kiss for Baby and Dean you simply had me melting on the spot, i’m truly looking forward to seeing more from you on my dash and keep up the amazing work! @confcdere - Though we haven’t spoken of had a thread with one another your writing is simply exquisite, I really admire what you put into your character and I couldn’t not leap at the chance to follow such a well written Niklaus, you give him so much depth and the way you write is to die for!! @ofsavingpeople - AU blogs are always interesting to see, and to find a Dean blog that is an AU so different to canon is just amazing, I love the way you write and i’m really excited for our thread with one another to bring together the two verses, keep being fabulous! @keelerr - Another blog I haven’t spoken or threaded with, and yet I blog I admire so very much, I always remembered you from being in the starfighter fandom myself quite some time ago and you still amaze me to this day with your portrayal, I love seeing you writing and love seeing your muses reactions to things. You truly are a gem and a huge part of your fandom! @telestiial - My sweet dear, you thread with me on both my blogs and I just can’t describe how excited I am whenever I see a reply from you, not only if your writing beautiful, but the mun is too and you have such an amazing heart. I will forever follow you and forever love you! @causecursed - To see such a wonderful Meg and to know I thread with you just truly makes me feel honoured, you write so wonderfully and your ideas are spectacular, I can’t get over my excitement for our thread with one another and honestly every reply from you makes my mind swim with possibilities. You give your muse so much and it clearly shows in everything you write, keep it up! @scvedyourcss - You are such an amazing person both in and out of RPing, you’ve messaged me in times when i’ve needed to hear a kind voice and you always have so much positivity to send, it’s no wonder I can’t help shipping our muses with such an amazing person behind the wheel. Please never change because you are amazing and this fandom needs such wonderful people like you <3 @fiistfull - I tell you as often as I can how much I adore both you and Noel, your character is well thought out, you put a lot into him and I can’t help but always adore him and your amazing talent with writing. Honestly i’m so in awe of your skills, each reply is just a marvel to read and I get so excited every time to see what progression is going to happen between Sam and Noel, you have a heart of gold and I love you to bits! @ofheavensfire - When it comes to writing I just can’t help but sit here with my mouth wide– you truly are fantastic, coming up with the perfect ways to write your responses, giving your partner’s everything they need while fleshing out your muse into something much better than canon. I love the way you write your muse, how you can differentiate him from other Michael’s out there, and I will forever admire you. @hisfallenson - Though you’re on hiatus I can’t help but adore your muse, I was so happy when you followed me back on this blog, and even happier when we started threading together because I absolutely love Lucifer, and the way you write him is wonderful. I can’t wait for your return and I miss you lots! @sonovahunter - It’s no wonder that you’re on this list, when it comes to writing Dean you certainly know your stuff, you know your muse and it shows in everything that you write and I definitely hope you keep it up because I can’t imagine my dash without you!! @coalfeathered - Your writing is always so detailed, and so much of the time it’s just like Cas is write there with you as you write, hearing his voice in every reply I get from you and that in itself is something absolutely wonderful. I feel so lucky to have the chance to write with you and I can’t wait to continue writing with you in the future!! @dealmade - You were the first blog to follow me, and I believe it was love at first sight. You took Crowley and have given him so much, never stepping away from his character and the way he acts and uses others for his own gain, and yet behind this smol demon is such a wonderful mun that I couldn’t imagine not speaking to now. We both know i’m horrible to my muse, and our conversations about it never cease to amuse me, I love you to hell and back and don’t ever change!! || You have all made this experience so far magical and I am so lucky to have such amazing followers on this blog that give me amazing feedback and also are there for me when i’m down, to any of you ever struggling remember to stay strong and know that you can make it through anything, I believe in and admire you all! || L O T S  O F  L O V E  M O K I 
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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                                ❛  I understand that it is upsetting for you— but so, for me, is SLAUGHTERING my own brethren; something that, for you, I have done several times this day. Forgive me for expecting your HELP.  ❜ 
@coalfeathered starter call. 
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        ❝ – C’MON CAS YOU SHOULD know better than anyone !! hell fire scares the HELL OUTTA ME. ❞ 
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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Castiel practice lines
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coalfeathered · 8 years
        Though he’d gotten somewhat lost in his own preparation       routine had a soothing effect that Dean had always known, yet never truly SPOKEN of, in this case a quality of simply producing, a short-lived but calming cycle of time-practiced motions, of the familiar preparation of a food he’d made countless times as a child, hungrily bouncing little brother awaiting, eagerly watching, monitoring the progress of Dean’s open hands, portruding elbows as he’d prepare another lunch ( sometimes dinner ) for two      tawny head raised, what was meant to be a quick glance ( a check-in more than anything else ) at the angel’s progress all too rapidly turning into more of a mildly concerned purse of his lips, a slight KNITTING of dark brows together.
        It was true, the sight that greeted curious eyes wasn’t altogether terrible, but the pulverized slice of bread resting in the angel’s open palm was key enough, belying of a capability not yet reached, of skills he’d never had reason to hone.  As much as he’d believed the task to be a simple one, something relatively effortless and unprone to incident, Cas had a POINT       what use would an angel of the Lord have ever had for knowing how to handle a knife delicately, let alone a butter knife?  Dean’s own contribution to the preparation ( easing the stovetop to a sizzling heat, primed for whenever they were ready, then slicing up enough cheese for both the hunter and his recently recruited angel-turned-sous-chef ) was for the most part finished until Castiel’s was, and simply waiting for the angel to figure it out wasn’t going to do either of their growling stomachs any favors.
        As with most obstacles, the smile that comes to his lips is at first tentative, broadening quickly with a shake of his head, an EASYGOING quality picked up from the familiarity, the seeming normalcy of both the task and problem at hand.  However much he’d have figured that bread-buttering was a fairly routine reflex, it doesn’t mean that the problem couldn’t be fixed by a simple TUTORIAL. Swiping a piece of whole wheat ( clearly, Sam had been the last one to do the grocery shopping ) from the loaf he’d placed near the angel’s elbow, next a loaded butter knife, he demonstrates, blade spreading quickly and ( mostly ) evenly across the surface, then flipping butter-side down and stacking a chunk of cheese on top.
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                “        Nah.  Once y'get it on, butter’s gonna keep th'bread from stickin’ t'the pan an’ shit once she’s ready t'grill.  Jus’ try not t'press too hard, an’ th'butter should do th'rest.  ”
                Castiel had made his mistakes— from drinking so much alcohol he NULLIFIED his own liquor-purging grace, to (innocently, accidentally) butchering the precious commodity that was a piece of bread— but he was nothing if not resilient... and, with Dean kindling his resolve, he chose to TRY once more. He didn’t toss out the ruined slice; rather, quickly tore a little of it up in case their adopted bird fancied some dessert (peppered with grains, the bread didn’t look dissimilar to the granola cereal— so Castiel felt hopeful that it’d be enjoyed). Only then, once his first priority had been taken care of, did he fetch another rectangle of bread to butter— trying to replicate Dean’s body language and, for the most part, succeeding. The knife had still been utilized a bit roughly; the spread of butter a bit TOO RICH, but the bread held together long enough for him to top it with cheese (not quite as much as Dean had... he was still wary of the dandelion-yellow udder excretion) before plopping his handiwork into the pan. The oil— a dormant volcano— startled him as it erupted with a FIZZLE; spitting a few small droplets out at him... but his reflexes were enough that he flinched back in time. Unlike boiling water (he still found it tricky to get the temperature of the shower right; often scalding himself as he fiddled with the knobs), he was well-acquainted with the dangers of hot oil. Well— holy oil... but he could only theorize that olive oil wouldn’t be too much different.          
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                                ❛  How long will it take? I think I’ve found my appetite.  ❜
                And apparently startled was his theme that day, because he thoroughly startled himself with the question that rocketed it’s way out of him— namely, the PINING note his voice took. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. The gurgling in  his stomach (something he’d been ignoring all morning) had developed into a pain as the day went on. The feeling of hunger had made him jittery when he’d first fallen, and he’d been nothing short of a HYPOCHONDRIAC; sure that it was due to appendicitis or an allergic reaction. And so of course, he had sought out Sam and Dean— to which he’d received his answer. 
                You’re just hungry, Cas. Your body needs fuel. 
                From then on, every time he experienced a something new, he was greeted with the same nonchalance (you just slept wrong... it’s just a yawn... you just need to pee), add a pinch of annoyance— more and more, until the angel simply stopped asking. Whatever it was, it was never anything deadly. Which was why he didn’t tell Dean that his devoid stomach hurt, or that (irrelevant from his hunger) he hadn’t been feeling “right” even before he trekked out into the snow. No— he just sniffled into his sleeve once more, tiredly tilted his body against the counter, and knuckled through it. They had more important things to worry about, after all (ie: the end of the world, or the dove that’d begun COOING so loudly it threatened to alert Bobby) than ex-angel feeling under the weather.
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coalfeathered · 8 years
@inthelcre  ♥’d for a (short) starter   
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                               ❛  Sam— the internet is denying my access. It appears that I am NOT CONNECTED.  ❜ 
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coalfeathered · 8 years
@tobeblamed  ♥’d for a (short) starter    
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                                ❛  God was probably on the FLATBREAD...  ❜
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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Anonymous Sketch Request: Castiel in Suspenders (detail)
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coalfeathered · 8 years
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PLUCKED FEATHERS:  like for a (short) starter  ♥
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coalfeathered · 8 years
                Castiel had to end the fun there. As RIVETING as is was to theorize about killer birds, he couldn’t help but think of the poor man their case revolved around... and decided that such joking (—from an ANGEL, no less) was in bad taste.
                                ❛  A werewolf just seems too... ordinary.  ❜
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                                ❛  But I suppose I am simply used to, as you say, “bigger fish”.  ❜ 
     now  he  wanted  to  mess  with  the  angel.     ‘   cas     …      do  you  think  the  geese  did  this  ?   because  if  what  you’re  saying  is  true    ——    ‘
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coalfeathered · 8 years
                                ❛  But it’s...  ❜  
                Carbon. Glycerol. Lycopene. It was more than a little intriguing to hear that there (apparently) was a way for an angel to not only eat food without the urge to gag, but to ENJOY it. Castiel wanted in.  
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                                ❛  How—? Will you teach me?  ❜
║▌GABRIEL ✝ :・゚
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          ‘ ‘ molecules ? hell no — reducing myself is the first thing that I’ve learned ‘ ‘
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