coalmindcanary · 1 hour
i need a muse wgos willing to talk to people all my fav charas are so painfully shy
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coalmindcanary · 2 hours
18. Did they ever lie about strange things as a kid? Like rare conditions or something to make them stand out?
Oh constantly, I think when he was younger he'd lie all the time in an attempt to get the attention he felt like his brother was getting without actually fully grasping what he was doing. I think he'd also frequently attempt to get crutches of his own until he was older. He was rejected sickness a lot, always having to be the healthy sibling of the two, so i think he learned to not lie about this because even his serious ailments went ignored after a while.
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coalmindcanary · 2 hours
He would've loved toys as a kid if he was given space to play with them judgement free but I don't think that was ever feasible, and even if it was HE would still have weird hang ups abour it. Yhat being said if there was ever a chance for him to, I think he'd really like building toys, whatever the DND equivalent of legos or tinker toys are. Hed SO be a minecraft kid
2. Did they have a lot of toys? Were they the kind of kid that wanted a lot of toys?
Mithrun wasn't that involved with toys, though I think he would've liked to be in some alternate universe, but as it stands, he found his needs elsewhere. I think he probably regarded toys as pointless as a kid, something that only simpletons play with. Maybe his brother had more toys than him, and he ended up viewing that as a very childish trait. He thought Misirils obsession with her dolls was strange.
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coalmindcanary · 2 hours
2. Did they have a lot of toys? Were they the kind of kid that wanted a lot of toys?
Mithrun wasn't that involved with toys, though I think he would've liked to be in some alternate universe, but as it stands, he found his needs elsewhere. I think he probably regarded toys as pointless as a kid, something that only simpletons play with. Maybe his brother had more toys than him, and he ended up viewing that as a very childish trait. He thought Misirils obsession with her dolls was strange.
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coalmindcanary · 5 hours
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coalmindcanary · 6 hours
Childhood is one of the most important times of your life and forms who you are as an adult, and I feel like I always see memes that include one or two questions about it so… Here’s the whole sheebang!  For character development.
1. Favorite toy? Any specific reason or are they just attached?
2. Did they have a lot of toys? Were they the kind of kid that wanted a lot of toys?
3. Did they have any irrational fears? Ones not based in reality?
4. How old were they when they learned entities like santa/easter bunny/tooth fairy weren’t real.
5. Were they popular? A loner? Only a few friends?
6. Were they scared of strangers? Kids they didn’t know?
7. Daredevil or overly cautious? Were they somewhere inbetween?
8. Were they good at all with animals? What was their favorite animal?
9. Did they ever have a phase where they watched something over and over? Like an episode of a tv show or a movie?
10. Did they like their parents? Look up to them? Or did they think their parents were embarrassing or annoying?
11. Did they enjoy sleepovers? Or did they want to go home the moment it got late?
12. Were they homeschooled? Public schooled? Private?
13. Was there ever any tutors or special ed involved in their education? Should there have been?
14. What did the adults around them think they were going to be when they grew up? Did they end up being said thing?
15. Nuclear family? Divorced parents? How did they feel about it?
16. Were they an only sibling? If not, were they the youngest, middle, or oldest? How did that affect them?
17. How did they play as a kid? Did they like playing with their toys or did they prefer imaginary friends? Did they like to play pirates? House? Pokemon? Warrior cats?
18. Did they ever lie about strange things as a kid? Like rare conditions or something to make them stand out?
19. If your character is lgbt, was there any “signs” of it in their childhood?
20. What kind of toys did they gravitate towards? Stuffed animals, trucks, action figures, dolls?
21. Did they have a specific temperament? Were they a very angry kid or were they parental? Shy?
22. Did they like the outdoors? Or did they like video games or reading more?
23. Were they sensitive at all? Were temper tantrums or crying spells frequent?
24. Were they controlling with how they played with their friends?
25. Were they ever a bully to other kids? Was it frequent?
26. Did they ever learn to ride a bike?
27. Trendsetter at all? Or did they follow the beat of their own drum?
28. Did they have any health issues as a kid? Are they doing any better now?
29. Were they excited for adulthood? Or were they anxious for it? Did they like adults?
30. Were they adopted? Did it affect anything in their childhood?
31. If your character is neurodivergent, is there any ways it interfered with their life that was noticeable to them? Were they aware of it?
32. Were they picky eaters? Did they ever outgrow it?
33. Were they easily scared? Like from horror movies/scary toys/halloween?
34. Did they like roughhousing? Wrestling?
35. Did they like pranks? Or were they against the idea. Were they usually the prankee?
36. Was their sense of morality high? Did they see themselves as the “good” one of their peers? Or did they dislike goody two shoes?
37. Were they ever put in daycare? Did their parents work a lot?
38. Did they have controlling parents? With internet locks, or parents who paid too close attention to ratings on movies?
39. Did they have any behaviors that adults found “concerning”? Like possibly being mean to animals, or paste eating?
40. Lastly, do they look back on their childhood fondly? Are they bitter, or do they have mixed feelings?
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coalmindcanary · 9 hours
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coalmindcanary · 13 hours
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キングスフィールド King’s Field (PS1, 1994)
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coalmindcanary · 17 hours
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coalmindcanary · 21 hours
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
Fleki's fetching me a bath with one of her soaps. She said it fizzes when it hits the water, and encourages relaxation. Whatever that means.
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
My feet hurt so bad.
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
closure isnt real they made that shit up for tv and movie
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
I could leave a pile of dirt and twigs out on the table and Fleki would eventually roll it up and smoke it.
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
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Spin Cycle. Oil on canvas, 8 x 10"
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
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coalmindcanary · 1 day
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The hunger
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