cockonoi · 2 days
Reiner Braun x Reader
Summary: When Reiner returns from his ten year long mission, he is assigned to protect the the woman he could never have.
Warnings: (sort of a) royalty!au, AOT inaccuracies [I changed ages (they’re 16 when Reiner leaves), timeline, universe rules (Reiner isn’t about to die)], smut, violence
Word Count: 4.3K
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“Y/N, I'm Marleyan now. Just tell your father about us and maybe he’ll let us be together,” the new Armored Titan begged her. Ever since Reiner was a child, he had been trained in the warrior unit alongside the crown princess of Marley. Her father, the king, had insisted she be trained alongside the warriors she would one day lead.
She shook her head regretfully, tears sliding down her cheeks. She hadn’t stopped crying since Reiner had received the Armored Titan, having hoped that someone else would be chosen so he could just become her personal guard. “Reiner, you know that isn’t how it works,” she cried.
“Then tell me how this works. Tell me how we can be together,” he insisted.
She sighed, sparing a few glances around the dimly lit corridor. She had dismissed the night guard but Porco would no doubt be coming around soon. “We couldn’t have been. You know that. You were supposed to become my guard and then we could-”
“We could what? Sneak around behind your future husband’s back? Only see each other in dark corridors like this?” Reiner spat.
“Well, it’s not like we do anything different now!”
“Do you think I want to hide in the shadows for the rest of my life? Y/N, I don’t want to just be your secret lover. I want to be your husband,” he pleaded, reaching up and resting his hand on her jaw. “Please, please, just talk to your father. And then we can be together after my mission,” his hand slid down her neck, pulling her closer so he could rest his forehead on hers.
She closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her face as she melted into her lover’s warmth. She knew it would never work. Her father would never let her marry an Eldian, honorary Marleyan or not. He merely saw them as weapons, otherwise he’d just slaughter all of them. Besides, there were already talks of who she would marry, her father wouldn’t wait for Reiner to get back from his mission regardless of blood. But she appeased him anyway, knowing he’d be gone tomorrow and that it was entirely possible he’d never come back. “Okay, I’ll wait,” she assured, bringing her lips to his.
“Thank you,” Reiner practically cried as he kissed her. He knew that she had wanted him to not receive a titan and just be her guard, but he wanted more than that. He wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up slightly just to carry her into the room to spend one last night together.
As Reiner was marched back into Marley for the first time in ten years, he immediately began searching for the royal family. They were perched up on a balcony, surveying the Eldians who had just come back from fighting their war. As he caught sight of his lover, his family found him, pulling him into relieved embraces before he really had the chance to look at her.
He reveled in the comfort of his mother for a moment before his eyes searched the balcony. He found the future queen standing next to her father with a hardened gaze, eyes flickering through the crowd. When she finally found the man she was looking for, it was like Reiner could see the past ten years melt from her face. Her expression softened and suddenly Reiner was sixteen again before he had left for Paradise Island.
Their silent reconnection was interrupted when Y/N moved, being pulled further into the man beside her. Reiner hadn’t even noticed the man, despite the glittering metals indicating that he was the commander of the Marleyan forces. Reiner’s heart sunk as he noticed the man’s grasp around her waist, the golden wedding band seemingly glinting in the sun brighter than anything else, mocking Reiner. The only thing worse was the diamond glittering on Y/N’s finger.
As his family pulled him away, towards their home, all Reiner could do was stare up at her at a loss. Betrayal, confusion, and anger all coursed through him as he realized she didn’t wait. That she had married another, maybe had his children. And to make it worse, her husband looked to be at least twenty years older than her. The harsh lines on his face did not assure Reiner that she was happy or in this marriage willingly. Which brought him just the slightest bit of comfort but made him worry for her even more.
“Zeke?” Reiner asked as he opened the door to his family home, the rest of his family within plain view of the door eating dinner. Although they seemed to have forgotten their meal as they watched the two heroes interact.
“We’re being summoned to the capitol,” Zeke explained. “The king wants an audience.”
Reiner hoped he didn’t reveal the pang of hurt in his chest as he nodded, grabbing his coat from beside the door before bidding his family goodnight. “Any clue what this is about?” he asked the War Chief.
“I imagine your former paramour has something to do with this,” Zeke answered casually. Reiner’s eyes widened as he stared at the Beast Titan. Turning to see his comrade’s reaction, a small smirk slipped onto Zeke’s face as he noticed his Vice War Chief’s expression. “Please, you practically stitched yourself to her side since you could fathom what a relationship was.” Reiner burned in embarrassment as he realized that that was true.
Nothing was said further as they made the fairly short walk to the castle. They were let in without issue and led to an office. There stood the king along with his entire family. He greeted the pair warmly, despite the fact that he was the one suppressing them. “Good to see you made it back from that island of devils safely,” the king greeted.
Zeke nodded, speaking for the both of them. “We were happy to procure that intelligence. As well as serve on the front lines both in Paradise and against the Mid-East Alliance.”
“Yes, you’ve both served your nation well. Marley is taking a well deserved break from war before we move in on the Isle of Paradise next year. In the meantime, you and the other titans will act as guards to my family in between your continued training. Braun,” Reiner’s head snapped up hearing his name, “you will act as the crown princess’s personal guard. You go everywhere with her.” The Armored Titan’s attention slid over to her. She made no indication that she cared or even heard her father, just continued to chat quietly with her mother. “I and General Klein agree she needs the most protection.”
That elicited a reaction from her as her head lifted, only sparing Reiner a glance before finding her father. “General Klein,” Reiner greeted, “I don’t believe we met before I left,” he said through gritted teeth, trying not to let his jealousy show.
“Ah yes!” the king interrupted, slapping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “You and Y/N were only married less than a year ago,” he recalled. A strange sense of comfort washed over Reiner. So she did wait, she waited as long as she could. But that was quickly thwarted by the knowledge that had he just come back a year earlier he wouldn’t have lost out on his chance with her.
“Ah,” Reiner acknowledged, trying to bite back his pain. “Congratulations,” he bid, staring at Y/N. Pain shone in her eyes as she watched the man she loved be forced to respect her husband.
“Thank you,” she uttered, her voice shaking softly. Her family all sent her glances, afraid she’d burst into tears right there. It was a well kept family secret that the future queen could not stand her husband.
“Father, why now?” Y/N protested. She had managed to find a reason to reject each of her suitors for the past nine years but this was the first one her father had pushed back on. “He is twice my age and it is said he beat his last wife.”
The king let out a frustrated sigh. “Y/N, you are twenty-five. You should have been married seven years ago. Klein is a great man. He will provide for you.”
“I will be queen! I will be the one providing.”
“He is the commander of our forces. It is only good practice that he be your husband.”
“Father, I am begging you please don’t do this to me.”
He merely shook his head. “I’m sorry Y/N but there is nothing I can do. Klein wants you as his wife and so you shall be.”
“Braun,” General Klein stepped in between his wife and her guard, reaching to shake the man’s hand. “I’ve heard great things. I’m sure you’ll be a great guard to my wife.”
“Of course, sir,” he agreed, shaking the man’s hand.
Creeping out of bed, Y/N made sure not to wake her husband. She sent one last glance at him before she opened the door, making sure he wasn’t stirring. Once she was satisfied he wouldn’t wake, she carefully pried open the doors that led to the main foyer of her living quarters. Crossing the room, she opened the door that led to the hall, finding Reiner standing across the hall, directly in front of the door. He didn’t look at all surprised as the door crept open. Whether that be a product of his training or expectations she wasn’t sure, but upon seeing her face appearing in the cracked door, he left his post, stepping towards the door. He opened it wide enough to fit his body through, neither of them uttering a word as the princess led him to the room opposite where her husband lay, her husband’s study.
Neither of them said anything for a moment as Reiner shut the door behind him. She had retreated to the other side of the room, putting some distance between them. They just stared at each other until Y/N finally spoke. “I’m sorry…” she said in a hallow voice. “I tried to wait. I really did.”
Reiner nodded. “I know you did,” he assured. “I’m sorry I was gone so long.”
The princess nodded, accepting his unnecessary apology. A beat of awkward silence passed between them. “I haven’t seen Annie.”
“Taken prisoner,” he explained simply in a soft tone.
“Bertolt?” Reiner just shook his head solemnly, remembering watching his friend be practically killed inside his titan. “Marcel?” she tried again, already knowing the answer. Reiner just once again shook his head. “Oh god…” she said in a slightly choked voice, moving to lean against her desk in shock. Sure, she had heard of casualties in the wars and knew of the ships that never returned from Paradise Island but she hadn’t felt those losses. A privilege of her position. But now that she lost friends she realized what all those soldiers and families must have felt. “So you and Zeke are the only ones who made it back?” He nodded again. “Will you ever have to go back?” she asked worriedly.
“Yes, unless you want all that work to have been for nothing,” he tried to joke but given the serious nature of their conversation, it came out harshly. “Sorry,” he apologized, seeing her hurt expression.
“No,” she shook her head, dismissing his apology. “I’m glad you made it home.”
“Me too,” he said with the tiniest smile. “At least I can be your personal guard for the time being. Like you wanted.”
She only nodded, still looking somber. Despite the fact that that was the most she could reasonably ask for, she wished she had listened to Reiner all those years ago and asked her father if she could marry him. She felt dirty even just standing here with him, despite the distance between them. “You were right,” she admitted. “I should have asked. If he said no we should have run.”
Relief flooded Reiner as she indicated her remaining feelings for him. He could only muster a nod of agreement before looking up at her. “Do you love him?” he asked.
“No,” she said, the most confident statement from her he had heard since he got back. “I don’t love him. I cried up until I walked down that aisle and cried even more after,” she admitted. “I rejected dozens of men waiting for you.”
That was all the confirmation he needed. Crossing the room quickly in a few long strides, he caged her between his body and the heavy desk. He reached for her face, holding her jaw in a firm grasp as he pulled her up to meet his lips. He felt his body warm in happiness as if he had finally come home for real, as she reciprocated. Her hand wrapped around his back, fisting his uniform jacket as the other one cupped the back of his neck. He stepped impossibly further into her, using his muscled legs and hips to pin her to the desk. She let out a soft moan, feeling him harden in his pants against her stomach.
Her hands slipped to his chest, feeling the hard muscles underneath before pushing his jacket off his shoulders. Or trying to anyway. His frame was so broad she struggled to get the jacket past his shoulders. But he took the hint, pulling off the coat for her. His hands next found her nightie, which left very little to the imagination already, and tore it from her body. She gasped as she was suddenly exposed to the cool air and surprised by the display of strength. “Comes with the titan,” he explained with a smirk against her lips. He continued kissing her until he pulled away, eliciting a whine from her as he flipped her around, bending her over his desk. He made quick work of her panties before letting his left hand rove her body, feeling her smooth skin and soft curves. “God I missed you,” he whispered gruffly into the crook of her neck as his right hand worked to undo his belt.
Once he was free, he wasted no time sheathing himself in her, eliciting deep moans from both of them. Reiner’s hand immediately clamped over her mouth, silencing her as his other arm came to wrap around her waist, pulling her body flush to him. “God, you’re already soaked,” he grunted, noticing the fact that he didn’t need to prepare her like when they had first fallen in love. His hand slipped down her face, holding the base of her jaw in a gentle yet firm grip.
“‘S been a long time,” she whimpered out. As her moans became louder, he returned his grip to her mouth.
“Yeah, me too,” Reiner agreed. He felt like a teenager all over again, he was so close to finishing. It had been ten years since he had been with anyone. “Bet your husband doesn’t fuck you like I do?” he taunted, pounding impossibly harder into her. She just shook her head no, her moans becoming more frantic despite the muffle. “Does he make you wet like I do?” she once again shook her head no as Reiner picked up the pace. “Does he touch you here?” he asked, his hand slipping down to rub her clit.
That little stimulation was all she needed as she came with a shudder. “Fuck! Reiner!” she moaned into his hand as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm until she felt him release inside of her. Her eyes rolled impossibly far into the back of her head at the feeling.
As he stopped moving inside of her, Reiner’s hands dropped to brace his weight on the desk, still caging the princess between them. His body leaned heavily on hers as she reached an arm back, fingers snaking through his short hair as he rested his head in the crook of her neck. “I love you, Reiner,” she breathed.
“I love you too,” he returned, pressing soft kisses into her neck.
Reiner held open the door for the princess, forgetting his military bearing as he continued to chuckle over the conversation they had on their walk. General Klein sent them a sideways glance as they entered. Reiner couldn’t help but feel the General’s scrutinizing gaze. At the very least the General was aware of his feelings for Y/N but he doubted the officer had sussed out their affair. He merely gave the man a short nod before stepping back out of the room.
The princess immediately sobered as she was left alone with her husband. “How was your dress fitting?” he asked.
She just shrugged, going over to her own office. “Fine,” she answered as she absentmindedly shut the door behind her. It only fell closed halfway so the General took advantage of the unconscious window she created.
As he stepped into her office, she looked surprised he had followed her. Nevertheless, she sat down and began on the stack of papers that required her review and signature. “You remember the state dinner tonight, right?” he asked.
She tried not to show her neglect, just continuing to read as she spoke. “Yes, I remembered. That’s why I was at a dress fitting.”
“No, that was a fitting for your cousin’s wedding,” Klein corrected. Y/N’s head snapped up, surprised he knew her schedule so well. As if reading her mind, he answered. “I’ve been getting updates on your location and schedule.”
“Why?” she prodded. The one redeeming factor of her husband was his indifference to her. As long as he got to sit on a throne one day he didn’t care. All of a sudden she was recalling one of her initial protests against him: the rumors that he had beat his last wife.
“I think we misjudged Braun. He’s too attentive to you. To the point that he is no longer effective at his job. He’s distracted.”
Y/N went rigid, hardening her face. It was a tactic they taught her to not show what she was thinking and she was desperately trying not to show how afraid she was. “Braun is fine,” she dismissed, going back to her work.
“Braun is in love with you!”
She just rolled her eyes, giving him an exasperated look. “No he isn’t. Any feelings you may have of him aside, both you and my father picked him because he’s the Armored Titan. He can protect me better than anyone else can. That’s why you got me 24/7 protection.”
“He wants to fuck you!”
“And so what if he does?! He’s Eldian.” It physically hurt her to say that word with so much disgust.
That seemed to satisfy any of her husband’s fears that she might be interested in her guard. But he was still angry so he marched closer, leaning over the desk threateningly. “Fine, but if he tries anything you will tell me. Remember, I am still your husband.”
It took all her self control to not glare at him. “Of course,” she agreed in the most monotonous tone she could muster. He still looked annoyed but stood up nonetheless.
“Good. Get ready.”
Y/N sat at the head table, bored out of her mind while her father gave his speech. Everyone in her family, including her husband, was listening to her father attentively. She was tempted to make a snarky joke about him being a brown noser but there was no one close enough to make the joke to. She was keenly aware of Reiner who stood directly behind her but it was not as if she could turn around to whisper a joke to him.
The rest of the night passed largely without incident. By the time it was the crown princess’ turn to give her speech, it was dark and a chill began to wrap through the crowd. As she stood up, she noticed all the officials and officers who had given their coats to their dates. Hell, even her little brother had given his jacket to his betrothed.
But she just smiled through gritted teeth and bore the chilly wind. The crowd applauded for her politely but she began quickly, not giving them much time to applaud. “Thank you,” she began, dismissing them. “Thank you to everyone for being here. I swear the speeches are almost done.” That elicited a round of laughter. “I can’t say anything that hasn’t been said by my father or his many generals and advisors. Including my husband.” There were several claps and cheers but she quickly cut them off. “So I’d like to extend a personal thanks to those who went to Paradise Island. As many of you know, I grew up and trained alongside the warrior candidates. And while I could obviously never serve my country the way my classmates did, I learned a lot from them. This is the first time my friend has been home in ten years. He served his country well and now he is serving me directly. So to the Armored Titan, thank you,” she said, turning to look at Reiner. He only gave her a slight nod and a bow. The crowd only gave a weak clap in response. “And to Zeke Yeager, Marcell Galliard, and Pieck Finger, who went to the Island to rescue their comrades. Thank-”
“Murderers!” someone screamed. “They’re all murderers! For Eldia!” the crazed man now standing in front of the audience screamed before throwing something.
Her eyes widened as she realized it was some sort of explosive. But she was frozen in shock, unable to move as Reiner suddenly appeared in front of her. She then felt this immense heat as the man in front of her transformed, growing larger than should be possible as his skin hardened. She heard herself as she heard a hard explosion, causing the titan holding her to shake with the force of the explosive. Then it was quiet for a moment before the screams started. But Y/N wasn’t even listening. She just looked up shakily, finding herself being held in one of the titan’s massive hands, again it’s even larger chest. She peered up, finding Reiner’s face looking down at her. She had never seen Reiner shift—or any titan for that matter—but she had seen photos. But all the photos she’d seen had been of humanoid monsters, they never had their human’s facial features or hair cut.
Reiner just about stopped breathing when he saw that man stand up and start approaching the stage. And he only just found his breath now that she was staring up at him like he was her whole world. Her wide eyes and heavy breathing made him want to comfort her but he was terrified to break her.
She turned to peer at the ground over his fingers. Also looking down, he saw the dais and the table had been crushed underneath his feet but no one seemed to be harmed. The Eldian Restorationist was currently pinned to the ground being arrested while everyone else stared up in awe at the titan.
Y/N turned her wide gaze back up to him. “Th-thank you.”
Inside the titan, Reiner melted. He desperately wished he had the ability to speak in his titan form. So he made she she was safe in his giant palm before lowering her to the ground slowly and gently. Once she had two feet safely planted on the ground, he pulled himself from his titan, appearing from the nape of its neck.
When Reiner emerged from the back of the Armored Titan’s neck, Y/N audibly gasped seeing what looked like wounds on his face. As he climbed down the steaming titan’s body, she resisted the urge to grasp his face and fret over his wounds.
Fortunately for their secret, the king was running over to his daughter. “Y/N! Are you okay?” he asked, grasping her shoulders. She didn’t even react, just stared at him in mild shock until Reiner pulled his attention from her. “Braun,” he addressed the titan, “thank you.”
“Just doing my job, sir.” Before he or the princess could say anything, General Klein was running over. He immediately began fretting over his wife—his ticket to a throne—bombarding her with questions and statements of worry as he practically dragged her away from everyone else. The rest of the family followed, leaving Reiner to just stare after them.
Y/N sighed a breath of relief as she closed her bedroom door. Her husband had not fallen asleep for a long time for once. But as she tried to catch her breath in the foyer of her chambers, she was surprised to see Reiner already standing there. He didn’t say a word, nor did his expression give anything away as he just walked into her husband’s study. She followed them into the room they usually used to talk, concerned.
“Reiner,” she breathed out, finally getting to see him. She went right up to him, grasping his face gently, her thumbs tracing underneath his eyes. She traced where the lines used to be, looking for any indication of the wounds. “Are you okay? Your face was… I was so worried,” she rambled.
“I’m okay,” he assured, grabbing her wrists gently but keeping her hands on his face. “That was normal,” he assured her. He then let go of her wrists, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest. He held her tightly, reveling in her closeness and trying to reassure himself that she was ok. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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cockonoi · 10 days
The Lady and Her Knight (Knight!Toji Fushiguro x Princess!Reader)
Words: 13k // mdni!! 18+ // part 1 of 2
Tw: plot with eventual smut, sexism, reader is disguised as a man in first half (badly), violence, oppressive power structures, everyone wants reader kinda deal, age gap, "kid", virgin reader, forced marriage and grooming (not the main pair), asking to be killed, choking, making out, op reader, soft!toji, Canon typical violence, bad world building
Teaser: “My lady, let me serve you. I will beg if you make me. My body, my sword– my heart… it is yours."
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Toji took the job because it is easy money. He and his men simply act as repellent. It will be an easy ride.
The inquiry stated that it was personal security. It did not mention who he would protect exactly, just some noble and in hindsight… that should have made him suspicious but Toji just saw the pretty sum printed on the inquiry. This job is exceptionally well paid. Probably allows him to just enjoy life without working for a few months. He couldn't pass it up.
“I am Counselor Geto. I am with the young prince.” The guy in front of him looks more like a monk than a Counsellor. The hair is way too long and the attire way too showy. Noble families are odd and Toji hates making contracts with them but he needs the money. He might stay in the capitol after this. The best brothels are found there.
“This is the prince's personal knight, Sir Satoru. You should be working together closely.”
Toji has to hold in the laugh. That kid probably made it to knighthood yesterday. His armour is all shiny and new and that sword probably feels light. No experience and being a personal knight already? Yeah, Toji knows that family connections were at hand here. A luxury he doesn't have.
He had to work hard.
Had to go through hell.
“Sir,” Satoru bows. “It is an honour to serve with you. Let us protect the prince.”
Toji's eyebrows quirk. The monk and the kid are extremely tense– if not terrified and that makes Toji uneasy. Why? Why do they think this will be anything but smooth sailing? What are they hiding? “Where is that prince of yours then? We have to lay out some ground rules,” Toji announces.
“You see, sir, as do we,” the monk guy says in a diplomatic tone that Toji despises. He is a man of the sword after all… words never get you anywhere in his line of work. “You are forbidden from looking at the prince directly and he will not address you directly so do not speak to him directly.”
Knights know etiquette. Toji doesn't particularly care for it but even he understands these rules are extreme if not strange compared to the standard. He is a knight and not a peasant but alas… Toji is getting paid so he will just get it done. “Alright.”
Satoru knocks on the wooden palanquin and Toji feels the breath draw from his lungs in a mix of shock and confusion. He doesn't know if it's the anticipation.
The figure that steps out is so feeble and nimble it surprises him. Toji has seen many effeminate men and boys before, it's not uncommon, but this takes it to a new level. The prince is beautiful like a woman would be. It is so strange, like something is clearly off. It's captivating. Toji's eyes lower. It is power like he has never felt before… subtle and maybe even kind.
Toji's initial awe is tainted pretty quickly. The prince doesn't look up, has no straight posture and once standing in the open seems to make himself small. It is strange for a noble. Especially someone like him.
Not addressing the prince directly? Hm. “I am looking forward to serve,” Toji bows, settling for something polite but short. “Alright. First thing, we won't be travelling with the palanquin–”
“No– that is–”
“It draws too much attention and slows us down. Most importantly it makes us a target. Does the prince know how to ride?” Toji is firm but stays mannered.
“Yes,” Satoru says. “Those are reasonable measures, Sir Toji,” he nods and looks at Geto.
“Good. We will only rest if I say so. Our formation will mimic a pocket with you three inside. I'm a practical guy, you will understand when we are underway. I understand the prince is the highest ranked here but I have the command when we are on the road.” Toji knows that saying this comes close to blasphemy. The monk's face completely falls, tenses and then grimaces.
“I forbid–”
Toji catches it. The small brush of the prince's hand against the monk's gown. It is so insignificant, so easy to miss but shuts Geto up instantly.
The monk nods.
“Very well. Pack lightly. We will leave in an hour.” Toji bows and walks off, hand on the hilt of his sword.
What a nuisance.
And there is more…
The ground is muddy. It has been raining on and off for days with no end in sight. It worries him. Toji checks the horses and in the corner of his vision sees how Satoru wraps the prince in a big cloak. It is so pointless. It's not like anyone would recognize the prince and he is already dressed super plainly. But at the end of the day, Toji doesn't care why they are acting so strange. Just get the job done and get paid. It's basically babysitting some brats.
He can't wait to kick back and drown himself in wine and women.
Toji and his men are working like clockwork. He has trained most of these guys himself and they serve under him through respect and loyalty. Outcasts and troublemakers just like him.
Toji has no family interests to protect… that makes him so valuable as a knight. He can be hired without making it political. He can be trusted… well… mostly.
He just gets the job done.
The first few hours of the journey go by smoothly. There are no accidents but then it just has to happen… Toji knew the muddy ground would create an obstacle.
On a narrow pathway the ground suddenly gives way. You grab the reins and stir your horse forward faster in the last seconds before the small avalanche would have swept you away. Your heart beats up your throat as you look back at Geto and Gojo, a cliff now separating them from you. No. No. You can't do this without them. You can't.
“Is everyone alright?” Sir Toji yells.
You give a small nod, keeping your head down.
The others nod as well.
“You will have to go back and walk around. We will meet at the foot of the mountain.”
“No–” Geto protests.
“I'll find a way–” Satoru starts to stir his horse.
“You hired me for protection. I will protect the prince,” Toji calls. This is so ridiculous.
Toji sees in the corner of his eye how you raise your hand and wave. Geto and Gojo look absolutely distraught.
“My liege, be careful,” Geto calls.
And with that Toji and you ride on alone.
You have never been alone with a stranger. Ever. Let alone a man. Your world is so small and now that you are outside the castle walls it is all too much. The thought of soon being married to him is like a guillotine dangling on a unravelling thread.
Satoru tried to cheer you up. He told you all the towns you will pass, all the pretty lakes and rivers you will see on your way to the capitol. But you are just handled from one cage to a worse one.
It frightens you beyond words. You know how valuable you are and your father was never shy to paint in vivid detail what some men would do. You have been prepared your whole life for this journey…
“Are you sure you are okay, my liege?” Toji asks after a while. He is still Toji the troublemaker… who would he be if he did not test the boundaries.
Your eyes stay down. He knows not to address you directly so why does he? You simply nod. Making your voice sound manly is hard so you just don't talk.
Toji hoped he'd get the prince to at least say something. The whole two hours are spent in silence. Maybe Toji isn't worth the prince's voice to strain or something. What an arrogant bastard.
When you reunite with the rest you jump off that horse and run to Geto and Satoru. Satoru grabs you by the shoulders and looks you over for any harm. Your whole body relaxes.
Toji rolls his eyes. He's not that bad of a company.
“Sir Toji,” Geto calls. “The Prince thanks you for your concern and quick thinking.”
Toji frowns. He is so utterly confused now. He can't help but look at the boy directly, noticing only then that the highness is bowing. Toji holds his breath and bows lower. As he must.
“Of course.”
Toji stays in his lowered position as the prince and his two extras walk back to the horses. What if the prince is mute? Could that be it? An illness or something. Nah. Toji doesn't care. He's just getting paid.
It's just… interesting. Toji is infatuated with this whole thing. Why the secrecy?
The night comes quiet and quickly. It is cold and clear, which makes it easier to spot potential threats. Toji takes the first watch. Of course. Everyone is fast asleep– well except for the prince. Toji watches how he sneaks off, hurrying to the forest nearby. He should wake up the monk but it seems easier to just grab you himself. You probably just have to piss. Even royals must.
Toji grabs his sword and stomps after you. How will he address you when he is not addressing you directly? He is thinking hard about that but when he turns behind a big and old trunk he freezes in awe of sublime beauty.
You are no prince at all. He sees that now. Clear as day. Now that you think you are alone and you relax– There is no denying it. The soft moonlight cascades down on you and a huge white stag is laying before you enjoying your pets, it's a scene straight from some goddess’ shrine. You are a woman… no, you are the woman. He knows it in his bones. You are the one the oracles have prophesied will unify the land… to tear it down and to build it anew– you are the former queen's daughter… the last true heir to the throne. The only one who could take down King Sukuna and end his terrible reign.
Toji's knees buckle. He should be cowering before you, breathing the same air seems like an offence. You are a goddess to some, a myth to others. A saint to most.
Toji thought he didn't believe in such crap… But the spark that runs through his veins is exhilarating and undeniable.
“It gets so hard to pretend,” you say to the stag. It is huge, monstrous even with antlers that could kill but in your presence it is tame and loving. “But I feel safe with Sir Toji around. I wish I could properly thank him… he… seems good.”
Toji feels his heart pinch. Like the stag being tame in your presence, the coldness in him thaws just like that. His breath becomes short.
Toji moves behind the trunk just in time. His heart is pounding so loudly he can't hear anything else. It is you. Some would give up their entire riches to acquire you. Some would murder hundreds, start wars and impossible battles. How could Toji protect you? He is no one… an outcast… a failure. It is too big… you are too important. He is not worthy to even look at you.
His heart doesn't stop beating.
He cannot stop looking at you. You are her. You are really her. The rightful ruler. The legend. The most powerful woman in the realm. It is so unbelievable… a myth turning reality right in front of him.
And no one knows.
There are so many things he could use you for if he wanted to. You could be his ticket back into the Zenin clan for starters.
Would. He wouldn't ever want to return to that shithole. Only to slaughter them all, that is all he desires. If he sold you he could retire… but he wouldn't dare get on the king's bad side. Toji sighs. He has to pull himself together. Last night changed nothing. He will get the job done and get paid and forget about you. It is not his business.
Why are you travelling to the capitol like this? Why are you pretending to be so weak? Shouldn't you come leading an army?
The way the moonlight danced on your skin was magical– heavens.
“Listen up!” Toji pushes his horse forward. “The forest we are about to enter will be our greatest obstacle. Stay alert. I want the prince and Geto in the middle. Satoru, you take the flank.”
“Yes, sir.”
The forest is thick with branches weaving together so tightly that barely any sunlight manages to peek through, eerie sounds reverberate around and the horses become uneasy quickly. Toji's hand rests on the hilt of his sword, ready for anything.
“There would have been no other route?” Geto asks.
Toji rolls his eyes and decides to not answer. He had the freshly baked knight down as annoying but the monk is the real kicker.
“I think we should turn back,” Geto says. “This is a disaster waiting to happen. Sir Toji?”
“We are not.”
“I must insist. I am responsible for the prince’s safety–”
“And the prince is safe,” Toji shoots, looking at Geto. “I am making sure of it. Don't you worry.”
As if that boy could do anything if you were attacked. Toji can and will protect you. He was hired to do it, right?!
Toji turns his attention back but notices it too late now. Stupid monk. Why did he turn to look at him?! Why did he even entertain the conversation? Toji draws his sword but an arrow pierces through his shoulder right under his armour. Toji clenches his teeth and pushes between you and Gojo to grab the reins of your horse but when bandits jump from the trees it still spooks. You reach for him, he sees it, but with an arrow stuck in his shoulder he cannot catch you in time.
You fall and the next thing you know is how you're held down and stolen away. You're too terrified to move or open your eyes. This can't be happening. Where is Satoru?! Is he okay? You hope Sir Toji is okay. You know Geto was distracting him… it wasn't his fault. Geto will be so mad.
But what do you do now? Look at you again… thinking about everyone else before yourself. You need to–
You try not to squeal as you are picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder then carried into a cabin. The man drops you in a corner and he and his companions laugh as you hide in your cloak.
“We are inside. Take that off, your highness!” You try to cling to it, try to fight but your cloak hits the moulding wooden planks nonetheless. You think they see it right away. Your hair is tied up and hidden underneath a royal headpiece– one that prince's would wear. But still. You just cannot act the part. Any disguise would not suffice.
They all start to laugh, mumbling insults. One kicks his sheathed sword into your crotch. It isn't harsh, more so to humiliate. Are they making an effort to not hurt you?
“He didn't say we cannot lute what's on him, right?” Someone says. “That headpiece looks expensive!”
Wait…?! Your hands fly up, trying to hold it in place as three of them come at you. You have never been so terrified in your life… not even when he came to visit. You try to push them away but they are huge like Sir Toji– downright giants.
Your eyes bulge and your veins freeze when you hear fabric rip. You stop dead. “You probably wear jewellery…” The bandit trails off. “What is… this?”
They pull off the headpiece and your braids spill down your back as he rips open the tunik more revealing the binding that minimizes your curves.
“By the heavens,” the three of them say. “Ya no lad!”
“What?!” The others say, wanting to get a look and now you have about 10 men gouging at you.
“Don't touch me!” You shout and almost manage to wiggle free but then the leader grabs your wrists and holds a dagger to your chin. You gulp looking at him.
He travels the tagger to the wrapping. “S-stop!” You whisper.
“You can't expect us to not be curious now. What are you hiding? Let us at least see.” He cuts into the fabric and you squeal as he threatens to expose you. You were so worried about being found out that you forgot to fear the aftermath and now it's staring you in the eye.
The cloth unravels and you use your free hand to grab at the ripped tunik, keeping yourself covered. “Get off me!” You yell again.
They laugh… until they don't.
You all feel his presence even before the door tears down.
It is chilling. Winter personified, dark and cold, brutal and unforgiving. Those who didn't prepare will face death, it is just natural law. The ice will claim them, it is inevitable; for he is stronger. He is the strongest.
“She said to get off her,” Toji's voice rumbles, his eyes are narrow and apathetic. You can hear the blood dripping from the wound on his shoulder. It is so loud… so dooming. Drop. Drop. “Don't yer know how to treat a lady? Fools.” Drop. Drop. “I'm gonna teach yer some manners!”
The leader lets go of you and your legs buckle underneath you in Sir Toji's wrathful energy. It is not even directed at you… but you cannot take it. You crawl back until your back hits the wall.
The most foolish one attacks first. You watch how Sir Toji slaughters them… using his sword like an extension of himself. Blood gets splattered around and hits your face. It taints the air coppery. You know better than anyone that men are violent… your whole life centres around how violent men are… but you couldn't fathom the extent of it until now. You don't remember how your mother and her court were murdered. Was it anything like this? Worse? You have heard all the stories. Of how your mother was slaughtered, of how your father managed to survive and most importantly… Of your soon to be husband– the most violent man to have ever walked the land. He has showed you glimpse of it the two times you have met. Yet, seeing it is so different. Violence is the only sure thing with men, isn't it?
“Who hired you!?” Toji demands to know, standing on the skull of the leader. Your eyebrows twitch. He figured it out already?
“I don't know what you're talking about!” He pleads… lies.
“Who knows?! Who knows about this journey!?”
“I don't–”
“He admitted there was someone behind it to me,” you say. Your voice barely makes it over to them. Toji blinks and meets your eyes then he just kills the guy, snapping his neck.
You flinch, squeezing your eyes shut and when he takes big strides toward you, you cower in fear. He only picks you up and carries you outside to sit by the stream near the hut. Your heart is beating like crazy. He cups your face.
“Are you hurt, your grace?” He asks… his voice is soft now… his blood-stained hands too.
And you can't comprehend it.
You are starstruck by the depth of his luscious green eyes. No gem could compare. None you've ever seen. They are older and have seen so much more than you could fathom. They are deeper than any eyes you've looked into. And more tired too.
“N-no,” you whisper but tears shoot into your eyes. “I was just scared.” Your head drops lower. His palm comes up to caress the back of your head. You hold your breath at his sudden gentleness. Like sunrays making it through a stormy sky, like pillowy soft snow that glitters and gleams beautifully. Winter can be gentle too… Can it? But can men really be?
“You're okay, kid. I've got you.”
He wets a handkerchief and puts a finger under your chin, lifting your gaze. He gingerly cleans the blood off your face. Is he not surprised at all… does he have no questions? He just accepts the fact you are no prince? That it was all a farce?
“Sir… Toji?”
“Men don't wander off at night to play with some magical animals,” he says accusatively. The annoyance in his voice is almost funny. “Be more careful.”
Your bottom lip trembles and you're about to start crying.
“Tsk,” he rolls his eyes. “Men also don't cry so easily either. Pull yourself together.”
“Yes,” you squeeze your fists. “Thank you,” you breathe out.
“You pay me–”
“No–” you reach up and touch his wrist, stopping his aggressive rubbing against your cheek. “I know. I mean… I mean–”
He frowns at you like you are speaking two different languages right now. He could have acted in so many ways finding out… but he just keeps protecting you.
He sighs and tumbles back, landing on his butt. His armour clatters. “Shit.”
“Sir Toji!”
“Will you help me out of my armour?” He mumbles.
“Yes–” You move quickly and untie the black fur coat around his shoulders, Only then seeing just how badly his shoulder is injured. His entire left sleeve is colored red. You reach around and unhook the chest plate lifting it over his head. He takes off his linen shirt himself. You hold your breath with him half naked in front of you, bulging muscles and sweaty skin, it does something foreign to you but you can't think about that. You don't want to. He is losing a lot of blood.
You run inside the hut again.
“Hey– uh–” Toji can't move. “Get back here!” He won't let you out of his sight ever again. How dare you just– shit, he can't move.
“I just grabbed– it's very sturdy cloth,” you explain yourself, holding the wrap that concealed your curves that is now cut up in smaller pieces. “I think it can make for a good band-aid.”
Toji rolls his eyes and snatches it from you. “I'm fine.” He cleans the wound with some water and tries to wrap it up but it's an awkward position.
“Let me help, Sir Toji,” you say softly. He eventually lets you, just scoffing and nodding at you.
“Are you really…?” He chews on the words. He felt so starstruck, he needs no confirmation.
“I… suppose.” You know what he means.
“I have nothing to prove it–”
“I believe it,” he sighs. “But why are you travelling to the capitol now… Without an army no less.”
Your hand comes to rest on the top of his shoulders. It's a gentle touch… one that Toji doesn't know… He shivers. You take a shaky breath and something in that makes it all clear to him. His heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
He always wondered… if you survived… how? It’s because Sukuna let you live.
“I am to be married off,” you say.
Toji keeps his raging thoughts to himself. He picks up his shirt and rips the sleeves then lets you help him put on his armour again. No he won't ask. He can connect the dots but he won't ask.
He doesn't care.
You are standing in front of him and he peers down at you. Your shirt is ripped, half your cleavage is exposed. Not that he minds but he is aware he could be hanged for just seeing someone like you like this. “What do we do about that? For a hooker it's appropriate but–”
“Don't say such things to me!” You snap, bright red.
You're still lady and knight. He cannot possibly talk to you that way!
He grins and gives you his cloak as yours is drenched in blood. “Shall we then, your grace?”
“Wait– are we not meeting up with the others again?” You can't possibly be alone with him.
“We will. In Louiston. I can protect you better if I'm alone with you anyway.”
“T-that is not– Geto surely–”
He walks close to you, quickly. You have no time to brace yourself. He leans closer, grinning still. “Yer don't like my company, princess?”
A shiver runs down your spine. His manners seem to be gone all of a sudden. Is it the blood loss? You wondered why they call him Sir Toji The Troublemaker when he has acted so well behaved the entire time. Now you know. “Let's just go then!” You cross your arms and turn away. He must know how much your heart is beating.
Toji mounts his horse. You want to pick a horse for yourself but he clicks his tongue. Like a trained dog you look at him instantly. “We only take mine,” he holds his hand out.
You look up at him dumbfounded. “What?”
“The closer you are to me… the better.”
You want to squeal. He can't say such a thing! You keep a straight face and take his hand and he pulls you up so you sit in front of him. He holds the reins, hands resting by your thighs.
It's way too close.
He's way too close.
He is way too comfortable touching you.
“Does your shoulder hurt badly?” You ask.
“Nah… I'm tough. Don't ya worry.”
“I don't!” You shoot. “But if it gets infected and you can't do your job… Don't expect to get paid. Is all.”
He laughs. Cheeky.
You ride through the thick forest until the sun starts to set. He decides on a place to make camp for the night and tells you to wait then disappears into the thick. You are actually terrified by how quickly it gets dark. You don’t know how much time passes but you are sure it is too long. First he says he needs to stay close to you and then he just leaves… what a liar… why would he do that? Why is he leaving you alone?
A branch snaps and you gasp, “Toji!?”
“Missed me already?” He hums.
“Why would you leave me alone! I thought you said we have to stay close!” You can’t even see him properly. It is so dark and his dark armour and hair blends right into the night.
He chuckles, “next time I take you along when I have to take a piss. As you wish, your highness.”
Your face turns every shade of red and you cross your arms, huffing out air. How dare he speak to you like this? You lay down, feeling exhausted and defeated. Why is he so irritating? You jump when his huge frame suddenly comes closer. Your hand reaches out as if to be ready to push him off– he lays down beside you.
“If I wanted to come at you there would have been enough opportunities, kid,” he chuckles. “Take it easy.”
You feel so embarrassed. You look at his form lying next to you and wonder… what if he would? Would you want it? You should not think such nonsense.
“Stop calling me kid,” you mumble. “I'm off age… less I would not get married off.”
“To him,” Toji says and you are not oblivious to the malice in his tone.
Silence takes the reins for a long time. He is the first outsider… the first human you speak to that is not affiliated with your father or Sukuna. You wonder if…
“Sir Toji…? Does it make sense to you? If I am said to be the rightful ruler of the realm… why am I married to some king? Should I not be… king?” You wonder, staring up at the specs of stars that make it through the canopy. “You are smarter than I am… maybe you–”
He snorts. “I am smart? That's news to me.” Toji sighs. He knows how politics work. Growing up as a Zenin taught him much. “They don't want you to have power,” he says genuinely. “Their ways are working for them, they get richer and accumulate more power. Your claim on the land may be the most true and the people hope for your return but you are your mother’s daughter… and Sukuna will just use you to put out the last embers of hope. The people are waiting for you… that prophecy was spread like wildfire. In a twisted way, they give the people what they want– and by marrying you to--him– the status quo stays the same. The people get their fated, true ruler… at a cost. The power stays undisturbed. And he… well… he gets to make an example out of dominating you… gets to solidify his false claim… when you have his child… his claim becomes true once and for all. No one can challenge him if you can't. And no one wants to risk endorsing you. Using you… that is another spiel. Those bandits… you are the most important pawn in the game of power.”
“Sir Toji,” you whisper, sleepy. “You could be an advisor.”
“I would rather get torn apart by griffins, kid.”
“Thank you for being honest. It is the first time… someone is honest to me about it.”
You sound so sad… so disillusioned. What have they done to you over all these years?
He scoffs.
Toji wakes up before you. You are turned toward each other now, huddled together closely for body heat.
You look so peaceful… So divine. He feels unbearable rage seething underneath his skin when he thinks about the way your power is taken from you. You are a blessing and you get married to a monster. You have the clearest claim to the throne and yet–. He reaches out and softly strokes back your hair, revealing frosty cheeks and pursed lips. He could just steal you away. Why would he think that? This is just a job.
And besides, he is just a monster himself.
You have finally made it out of the forest by the third day. You didn't realize just how restricting the trees around you were until you finally could breathe again in the open fields that stretch on before you now. A huge lake lies before you as well and you can make out tiny houses on the other side of the shore. Is that the capitol?
“The others are not here,” Toji mumbles. He sighs, annoyed. “We will wait a day then assume they have already moved on to Louiston… I told them to wait here but…”
“Hm… I thought that was the capitol,” you are disappointed.
He looks at you funny then moves the horse further to the shore where you will make camp.
“Do I not need a new disguise?” You look at him.
“You realize no one knows who you are. No one will recognize you, don't ya worry.” Toji fumbles with the saddle, wanting to give his horse some relief after being so reliable. He unhooks the buckle then stops dead at what you say.
“You recognized me.”
Pff. No that was different. “Well– the moon was shining down at yer– and yer was petting a white stag! Just stay away from magical beasts and we're all good.” He swings the saddle off but drops it, not able to hold the weight.
“Sir Toji?!” You hurry to him. “Your injury–”
“Doesn't concern yer.”
You swallow hard and step back. Maybe he is right. He doesn't need you to care for him. You nod and excuse yourself to use the bathroom which in your predicament is just a convenient sized bush.
Why is he so defensive? Can't he just let you help? You like to help. Particularly him. You'd like to help him… be of help to him– shut up. You tug on your hair. Why are you thinking about stuff like this? He is just doing a job.
You come back to camp and freeze. He is entirely naked in the water, washing himself. No shame or trying to be subtle. He could have moved to a different spot. Or kept his undergarments on.
Why is he like this?!
He is built like the statues in the gardens at home, made from marble… perfect. Toji turns and covers his manly anatomy with both hands.
“You should probably clean up too, princess,” he says.
Preposterous! “Are you shy?” You shoot and start to undress because you need to prove to him that you are in fact not shy. You know he will tease you… you won’t even give him the chance.
“Wouldn't wanna scare yer,” he chuckles. He relaxes, hands moving into his wet hair and you hate yourself for looking so obviously.
You have seen Suguru and Satoru naked once– to your and their dismay. They were getting close in the library and you happened to walk in. Sir Toji seems to be a whole different species though even when he is… relaxed. His body hair is dark, trailing from his abdomen toward his genitals, curling a little. It looks quite nice, you think. You look away when he laughs, feeling all sorts of shame again.
“Do you always creep on your knights, my lady? Tsk Tsk.” He muses.
You pull your tunik over your head, fully exposed now and find his wandering eyes roaming your figure. “You were saying, Sir Toji? And you are not my knight.”
He turns his entire head to a different direction. “I will get hanged…,” he mumbles to himself.
You step up to the water and hold your toe in, shrieking. “It is way too cold!” You cross your arms over your chest for warmth and cover. “I cannot possibly get– ahh!” He grabs you and throws you in. You emerge again and gasp as the shock of both the cold and the action itself surges through you. Toji laughs. You are sitting in the water, staring up at him in utter shock. Did he really? You cannot help but smile.
“Treason!” You call.
“Execute me yourself, kiddo,” he mocks.
You splash up water at him and he laughs.
You get up but don’t stand for long as he sweeps your leg. “Yer need to soak some more,” Toji grins. “You are filthy.”
You want to tackle him, coming at him but he stands like said marble statues too. You have no chance. He chuckles, “adorable.”
You let go, reassessing how you will make him fall. The grin on his lip is so infuriating.
Hues of orange and gold dance across the water with the setting sun, wrapping you in warm pastels and occasional purples. The green of his eyes makes you feel so alive… like you never have.
Suguru would have a heart attack seeing you like this.
“What’s it gonna be?” He tilts his head, inviting you to try but instead you lose the playful posture and straighten up, face going pale.
“Sir Toji… there is a… woman?” You frown, squinting to see better. He spins around; arm extending to shield you.
“Get back to the shore,” he orders. Your little play has made you stray quite far. “Go!” Toji barks when you don’t move and the woman seems to get closer.
You move then, hurrying back to shore and when you are back on land the woman is gone. Toji immediately packs up.
“We are moving away from the water.”
“We don’t even know if she means harm?”
He sneers and throws your clothes at you. You narrow your eyes. And he is right back to being a porcupine.
You don't talk from there on out and soon you doze off for a brief moment awaking again alone at your new campsite. You frown but soon make out Toji's frame by the shore. The moon is bright tonight, allowing you to see just enough.
“Sir Toji?” Your voice is soft, timid. “Are you not resting at all?”
You sit beside him, looking out at the silvery water. “Thank you.”
It comes with so much tenderness he almost misses it. “What?”
“That was the first time I… had fun. Earlier.”
That is incredibly sad. Toji tries to find your eyes in the moon gloom. There is nothing he could say. He doesn't want to care… you are just a job. “You seemed disappointed that we haven't reached the capitol… do you want to marry him? Do you look forward to it?” He asks… though he does not want to know.
“What? No?” You frown. “It's just… I've never been to the capitol… and… it feels like the only connection I have left to my mother. It is her throne. I spent the first few years of my life in that castle… I wonder if it will feel familiar.”
“Right,” he nods.
“I know marrying him is like a death sentence… I am not all that naive.”
“Don't say that.” He sighs.
“You know it is–”
You and Toji perk up when you hear hooves bang against the sandy ground. Your face lights up thinking it is Geto and Gojo but then Toji grabs you, putting his hand over your mouth. He drags you into the water near the overgrown reed.
“Take a deep breath,” he hisses and pulls you underwater. You struggle against him but he has you in a tight grip and when you see the outlines of strangers, you understand he is just hiding you.
But you are running out of air. You dig your nails into his wrist but he won't let go. He cannot. The men will kill you or worse. You are about to drown. You can feel it.
Your eyes flutter when you feel a strange current.
You are staring right at the woman.
You don't startle. She isn't threatening. There is gentleness and caring in her glowing eyes. She is made entirely out of translucent water, her features are all glassy and elusive.
You raise your hand to Toji's chest, feeling how his grip gets tighter. He then drops the hand from your mouth and it grabs your hip. He'll be damned if that demon rips you right from under his grip.
The woman cups your face and leans in for a kiss. She fills your lungs up with air again then looks at Toji. Her caring eyes turn cold and wrathful. She won't help him. She will let him die just like that.
You turn and cup Toji's face. Your eyes meet and he looks so dumbfounded. You press your lips to his as she has done to you and share the air with him.
And a moment later you finally feel the galloping reverberate in the water. You swim to the surface and gasp for air, coughing and heaving.
Toji cups your face but you turn away, pushing his hands off…Facing toward your savior. She is water. It cascades and forms her beautiful features and long hair. You are in awe.
“You are the lady of this lake, aren't you?” You ask.
She nods.
“Thank you for saving us.” You bow your head.
She comes closer again and cups your cheek, stroking your hair back. You stay as still as possible feeling Toji's eyes burn at you.
“Y-you are her?” Her words come out distorted with a thick accent.
You nod. You think you know what she means.
She smiles. “The one to bring peace to us magic folk. I have waited so long… we have… my queen.”
You take a shaky breath. “I… I–”
She leans in again and kisses you. Your eyes go huge. This must be a cultural thing. It has to be.
Her eyes now flicker to Toji. “Your mate… He is injured. It will kill him soon.” Her voice sounds indifferent. “You must heal him if you wish to keep him.”
Heal him? Her words lay like a stone in your stomach. You must heal him? What does she mean? You gulp and nod. “Thank y-you, my lady.”
And with that she disappears.
You and Toji swim back to the shore and neither of you can speak. You walk back to your camp. Luckily the men did not find it. Toji chose a good spot.
“Didn't I say– did I not tell you to stay away from magical creatures,” Toji sneers. He can't quite fathom what he just witnessed. The ladies of waters usually drown people for no reason at all. They are vicious and evil.
“Show me your shoulder.”
“Piss off, your grace.”
“Show me now! I order you!” You demand and stomp your feet, standing in front of him.
Toji chuckles. You are both drenched and the cold starts to nip at his body… so it surely does at yours too.
He lifts his tunik and kicks his pants off. “What are you–?”
“You will catch a cold. Take em off.”
“Oh– no, don't distract from it…I– show me your shoulder!”
Toji sits down. You stand before him, the moon behind you almost like a halo.
“Why didn't you say something?” You whisper.
“What does it concern you? I'm just supposed to do my job.”
You hate him. You hate that he doesn't see you as anything but a job… something he was hired to care for. He is like anyone else. You are never just yourself. The princess. The sacrifice. The queen. The job.
He doesn't care about you… but you care about him. You cannot help it. You care. you care about so much all the time. You place your hand on his shoulder and think about what the lady of the lake has said. Heal him. You pour energy into his wound until you are too exhausted to continue.
You drop to your knees, heaving. Whatever you just did… it drained you beyond words. “There… all better.” Your teeth clatter together as the cold finally reaches you.
Toji touches his shoulder. His eyes go wide. He rotates his arm. It is better than new. “How did you…? That is im–” You collapse and he just so catches you, cradling you in his arms.
You look peaceful like this. He brushes your wet hair away.
It is a tender touch. His heart feels tender too– it nearly hurts. He cares. The second he found you with those bandits… he cared. But you are just a job.
“What am I gonna do with you?”
He can feel how tense you are. He wishes he would have any soothing words to offer but nothing about him is nurturing, caring or soft.
Not like you are.
Toji reaches his gloved hand up and squeezes your elbow. It is the best he can do. You are safe… he is with you.
That is all he can give to you.
“They should be at an Inn,” he says. “Just for clarification, the monk is not going to instantly kill me now that I know, right?”
“You are more afraid of Geto than Gojo?” You frown.
“They are both little boys to me… but the monk creeps me out.”
“I won't let anyone punish you, Sir Toji. Only I have the right to do so,” you say, taking a deep breath.
“I kinda wanna find out what that would be like,” he whispers close to your ear making your skin tingle. “But technically you don't. I am just a hire… I am not your knight… you said it yourself.”
“Sir Toji!” You warn and he chuckles.
He is right though and something about that bothers you. Toji feels more like your knight than Satoru ever has and yet… he's not. Never will be.
He stops at the first Inn in town and you walk close behind him. Everyone seems to look at the two of you. It makes you so uneasy.
Toji talks to the lady behind the counter. You didn't pay too close attention until you realized he was flirting with her. Of course he would. He does that with every woman, doesn't he? You aren't special at all. You hate him. He is so inappropriate.
Your face flattens as you realize what you are doing. By the gods. Do you… care for him like that? More than you should? Is that why your heart burns seeing him smile at this girl? This cannot happen.
“Thanks, beautiful,” Toji winks and stirs you toward the stairs. “They are upstairs. Room 7.”
“Okay,” you whisper, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. You cannot look at him. Why would you feel so angry?
“Don't get nervous now.” Toji walks ahead and you follow close.
You are nervous. Will it change how he acts toward you when Geto and Gojo are around? Will he stop being so kind and nonchalant? You want him to stay like this… You are rather a job to him than the princess.
You reach out for his hand and Toji stops at the top of the stairs. He doesn't say anything. He just gives your hand a squeeze then let's go. He has to let go… you know it.
You follow him down the hallway. Room 7 is the last one. You stop. Gojo always takes rooms close to the stairs… he said if you need to run, it is a quicker way out. He told you.
The door flies open and Toji is thrown against the wall. You hear the slither of a blade and then chattering armour as Toji blocks the blow with his arm.
“(Y/N), run! I'll find you!”
Your feet are quicker than your mind. You turn and hurl for the stairs only to be met by a sharp grin. The blonde man's broad frame blocks your way and he is quick to grab your arm.
“Unhand me!” You try to claw at him.
“You are much more beautiful than I– Ouch!”
You manage to free yourself from his grip and run toward Toji. You wrap your arms around his waist and press yourself into his side. He is the safest place you have ever known.
“It is blasphemous that a scoundrel like you protects the saint. Please tell me you are only a hire and not her knight.”
“What do you want!” Toji sneers. He straightens and pushes you behind his body. You keep holding onto his arm, looking at the man in front of you.
“I apologize for this mess, my lady,” he bows.
“We just need to make sure you do not fall into anyone else's hands.” His gaze lifts to meet Toji's eyes. “And I can never give up an opportunity to put my nephew into his place.”
“Ha… still the bitter old man, aren't yer,” Toji's voice is deeper– angrier. That tone scares you. He has never used it with you… you hope he never will.
“I think we got off on the wrong foot there, princess. I did not mean to scare you, can we forget that?” The blonde guy taps his head and grins.
“Will you come with us… or does this have to get… messier?” The older man says. His eyes are so full of hatred and he never looks away from Toji. “What will it be?”
“I will ki–”
You squeeze Toji's hand and step forward. Head high with your eyes focused like you have been taught. “I will come peacefully… but only if Sir Toji comes as well. He is my knight… any act of violence against him is an attack on me.” You lie. They don't know Toji is a hire, obviously. You just have to pretend. Toji's eyes flicker to you. His heart skips a beat.
The old man chews on his tongue. “Very well then, your grace. I cannot argue with that if he is under your command so be it… though you will find out soon enough that he is nothing but a drunken lowlife monkey, no?”
Toji sneers and his body stirs but you hold him back. “I wish for you to not disrespect my knight… it is simple… can you do that, no?”
He laughs. “Of course… of course. It's all in good fun.” He smirks so disgustingly and walks ahead.
You look at Toji but he doesn't look at you. He cannot see anything beyond his anger and rage right now. You keep holding his hand… you can't let him get lost in it.
You walk ahead and he is right behind you. When you pass the blonde one he says, “well, well, cous… guess you just won a ticket back home to the Zenin clan. How lucky.”
The Zenins? Geto has taught you about the important lords of this land. The Gojos, though Satoru is the only surviving member, the Kamos, who are in hiding and the Zenins… who betrayed your mother and joined forces with… him. Satoru would have been hanged, eradicating the Gojos for good if it was not for your father's efforts. He was just a child back then. But your father did not do it out of good will. You were aware of how he treated Satoru always– as disposable. He was groomed as your protector from that moment on, doomed to keep the high king's future bride safe until delivery day and then be at his mercy. The Gojos used to serve as protectors under your mother… now Gojo is complicit in your doom. It is cruel.
The only ones that made it out of the war were the Zenins.
You look at Toji. He is one of them? He is one of these evil monsters? It cannot be. Why would Geto hire him?! Him of all people?! A Zenin.
You get on your horse and two guards cage you in. Even if he tried he couldn't get out of this. He is done for. He failed you. He truly is a fucking failure.
Toji's grip on you becomes more painful by the second. You put your hand on his and push it off, clawing his fingers away one by one.
“Snap out of it,” you sneer at him. You need him now… whether he is a Zenin or not. “What do you want?” You say loud enough for the old Zenin to hear. “I was on my way to… him… there is no reason to act as escorts.”
The old man laughs.
“Actually… we might just save you from having to marry that monster. If you agree to our terms, that is,” Naoya muses.
You feel your throat close up. No… No way. “W-what are–”
“All in due time, your grace.”
You chew on your tongue the whole ride. It takes you the entire day to get to the Zenin estate. You are exhausted but trying not to show it. It is a small but luxurious castle with a garden that reminds you of home.
“Where are Geto and Sir Gojo then?” You ask as you all walk in.
“Who?” The old Zenin frowns.
You look at Toji but he simply shakes his head ever so slightly. You drop it but it is strange, isn't it? You assumed they had captured Geto and Gojo and that is how they knew you were coming.
“Show the lady to her room. We will take supper in about an hour.” The old Zenin says and a servant girl leads you and Toji to a luxurious room.
You cannot help but fall onto the bed and let out a sigh, releasing all the tension in your body for a second. “You are awfully quiet… Zenin.”
“I am not a Zenin– not anymore,” he says below a breath.
“Were you there when they betrayed my mother?” You sit up and suddenly look at him like a noble looks at a knight. Before… you looked at him with kindness. Toji has endured torture, monsters and so many horrors, but right now he feels pain like he has never before.
“I was.”
“You should find your own room… I am going to freshen up now,” you walk into the adjacent bathroom, not looking at him again. You don't know if you ever want to know to what extent he helped kill your mother. “I want to get this over with so I can return to my knight, Satoru, quickly.”
Toji feels a throbbing in his chest. He has been serving you with everything he's got. He would never admit it, not under torture, but he is devoted to you. He will stay by your side even when you're married to that monster. You want him by your side. He knows it. He sees it. You smile and you trust him and you make him feel something. He cannot let the Zenins ruin this… Not this! He is your knight. He should be. The second he slaughters the bandits and you sat by the stream– he was all in. He needs to serve you.
Toji's boots are heavy against the marble. He storms into the bath, kneeling before you with his head by your feet. He can barely hear his own voice through the thumping of his heart. “My lady, if I could change the blood in my veins I would have done it by now. I would kill myself if it meant eradicating the Zenin bloodline. I want to see this castle burn even more than you do. Please… I am devoted to you. The Zenins mean nothing to me.”
You blink. Your heart aches. “I am just a job to you… why does it matter?” He has said it himself. You want him– but his loyalty is only to money. He said so. Again and again.
“My lady, let me serve you. I will beg if you make me. My body, my sword– my heart… it is yours. You give me a purpose, my lady. I have never been given that in my life. I am a failure– I am nothing… but you showed me what it means to fight for something bigger– When you called me your knight earlier– it is all I want to be. I see it in every spec of you… you are worth raising my sword for.”
You kneel and hug him. He is frozen for a moment but then wraps his arms around you holding you tightly.
“I need you,” you whisper. “My knight.”
You bring the glass of wine to your lips, letting the tangy liquid slowly fill your mouth. You lean back, placing the cup down again but keeping your hand on it, finger tapping in annoyance. “Can we stop pretending like we are just having a nice dinner together, Zenin?”
“Are you not enjoying it?” Naoya asks with a shabby grin.
You want Toji to rip his head off for you. Right now.
There is so much that makes no sense. Where are Geto and Gojo? How did the Zenins find you and for what? They are the closest to the king.
“What were you talking about earlier?” You ask. “That you will– prevent me from marrying him?”
“I am sure you know the Zenins train the grand army.”
“If you agree to our terms we can stage a military coup against him.”
Toji laughs. “That will never work. Even the grand army is not enough to take him down.”
“But if our fair saint here rallies the common people and magic folk to riot… It will.”
Toji chews on his words. He cannot deny that now it is a reasonable plan. You hold the key. You are force.
“And what are your terms?”
“You will marry my son.”
Naoya grins.
“And all power will be handled by the Zenins. You can do charity work… Keep the people happy but we run the land.”
You scoff, your knuckles turn white.
“We are not helping you get back the power that is rightfully yours, my lady. We want to seize it for ourselves. Now is the time. You must understand.”
“Will you let me sleep on it?” You say through teeth. “I will consider your offer.”
Toji looks at you.
“Like you have a choice,” Naoya laughs.
Toji follows behind you as you exit the great dining hall. The second you step into your room, he makes you back into the wall, towering over you with menacing eyes. You have never seen him like this… not even when he slaughtered the bandits. He looks entirety tortured, like something snapped inside of him. His confession earlier was shocking enough. You are happy… somehow but Toji seems to not do good here.
“You will… consider?” He breathes out as cold as a winter day. The coldness consumes you and yet there is a bubbling fire in the pit of your stomach thrashing whenever he is this close. “You… will … consider?” His hand tightens around your arm. There is nothing in his eyes right now… they are as void as can be.
“Sir Toji,” your voice comes out faint. “Compose yourself.” You want to pull away but he doesn't let you. You bring your free hand up to his chest plate and push. “Toji! Stop.”
“Tell me you just said it. Tell me you didn't mean it! Tell me–”
You slap him. His head is turned away now, eyes wide and unfocused. He lets go and steps away. “I am sorry–” You scramble.
He turns to the door. One step and another and then another. His hand reaches for the brass handle and your heart clenches in your chest.
“Please– don't leave me– here,” you whisper. Your hands are shaking, your eyes wide and fearful.
“I just need a moment,” Toji sighs.
Everything is too much right now… for the both of you.
He closes the door and punches the stonewall next to it. His heart is racing up into his throat and tingles in his hands. What is he doing? The thought of you and Naoya made him see red. He has no right over you– he is nothing. In every way.
But be is your knight now and what kind of knight would he be if he let you doom yourself.
Toji touches his healed shoulder. Your energy still lingers in his tissue and it makes him sick. You make him sick.
What is he doing? You were just a job. You were nothing to him but money. And now? He is sick for you. He sighs deeply. He needs air. If he walks back in now heaven can't help him.
You aren't anyone's but his to protect.
Toji has been doomed since forever but he cares enough to not doom you too. He couldn't forgive himself.
He only has the courage to face you again hours later, hoping you would be fast asleep already.
You are not.
“Your grace… aren't yer exhausted?” He sits on the edge of the bed. “Shall I call for a servant to make you tea?”
“It's nothing like that,” you whisper.
The thickness between the two of you weighs heavy. It is choking him, suffocating you.
“So… What will we do– what will you do?” Toji sighs. The sooner he gets used to the fact you will marry Naoya he– Toji gasps silently. Your fingers are cold and too soft against his scarred knuckles and calloused fingers.
“My whole life, the people around me, told me how lucky I am. How thankful I should be… To him… allowing me to live on.”
Toji holds his breath. The voice you speak with now seeps into his very bones.
“I remember it… I was so small but I never quite forgot. His glowing eyes… the claws around my neck,” your hand brushes against your throat like you still need to free yourself from his clutch– a frozen echo in time. “His laugh– he told me to better grow up pretty,” you curl up more. “And since that moment… I've been domesticated for him. He put me and my father's court in some hidden castle, a cage, made sure my existence was almost but not quite a myth… made me a saint just so he could desecrate me for everyone to know, sniffing out the last bit of hope amongst the people. It is exactly like you said. I have figured it out a while ago, seeing past my father– Geto's lies but you were the first to say these things aloud. Marrying me, forcing me to have his children… it's the final stage of his revenge against my mother… the final doom to this land.” You sit up, still holding his hand. “At the beginning of this journey, I knew what I had to do. I was raised only for this and there was no other option… but now… I like to believe that I have a choice. Sir Toji… would you kill me if I'd ask you to? I… I don't want to keep being a pawn. I don't want to be domesticated like this for some man’s gain any longer. This is my choice. I don't want to marry King Sukuna. I don't want to let everyone down. If I just cease to exist, become that legend forever… maybe the hope of me being out there will inspire something… someone. But my life as his pet… will not.”
Toji looks at you for a long moment. His features are set in stone, his breathing nearly nonexistent. He has taken so many lives. This should not be hard.
Your logic makes sense to him… but what does he know? He doesn’t want to… but that is selfish. He is your knight and you asked something of him.
He can do this for you.
Toji moves and wraps his hands around your throat. He pins you down. Your eyes stay locked together. The moonlight graces the side of his face sharply, making him look monstrous.
You know he's not. You know this is kindness. Yet your hands still claw at his wrists once the oxygen in your lungs depletes to a critical point. You are searching for his eyes but you see nothing in them. You are scared. Not of him but… dying… of what will happen once you're gone. Will the power vacuum burst? Will the families with secondary claims rise up? Will the people? You could be a martyr. You can be a saint forever. Or will it only bring more sorrow? Will Sukuna kill your father? What about Satoru and Geto? Will all the magical beings and people continue to suffer? And… What will happen to Toji?
Oh, Sir Toji.
And then it just stops. You gasp and cough sucking air back into your body, not even realizing that Toji's weight is resting on you. Once you do you freeze. His forehead lays on your shoulder, his arms cage your upper body in.
“Sorry, princess… can't do it,” he rasps and wants to sit up again but you cup his face instead.
Your noses are nearly touching, your thumbs softly caresses his cold cheeks and your heart still beats so loudly you can't hear a single thing.
Your lips brush against his briefly. You search for his eyes, looking at him, waiting, hoping he will do something. You don't know what that is… you know it's wrong… but you still want it. Toji sighs. You cannot tell if it's annoyance or defeat. You cannot tell what he thinks at all. But his eyes soften and his lips touch yours again. It is so different, leaving you breathless all over again. Pleasantly now. Your hands tug on his raven hair, needing him closer. It is a need that originates deep within your core, it is like nothing you have ever felt before.
His lips move hungrily against yours. Devotion lingers in every touch. You can't help the sound of pure longing that escapes you when his tongue brushes against yours. You think about so many things but none at the same time. You just need him.
Toji wants to pull away but you don't let him. You don't ever want to stop. It's just you and him in the world. It feels so good. When you pull him back the kiss becomes deeper, the fire in the bit of your stomach thrashing brighter.
But then he pulls away for good, drawing his sword and pointing it at the door. Toji wipes his mouth, you are both breathing heavily.
“Someone is coming. Go hide in that corner,” he points.
“Y-yes,” you get up and scoot for cover. You are wearing the white nightgown the Zenins provided and your feet are naked on the cold ground. The coldness now grounds you, washes out the hotness that made it hard to think. Your lips tingle still.
The door slowly opens and a figure steps in. Toji waits until the door closes then holds his sword against the person's neck.
You run from your corner. “Satoru?” Your face lights up.
He lowers the hood of his cloak, holding a crossbow aimed at Toji. “What are you doing in Lady (Y/N)’s room?” Satoru says lowly, the looks they give each other could kill but then Satoru looks at you. “Let's go.” There was not even the flicker of a smile, of relief on his face. “Why is he still with you?” He asks you.
“What is your plan here, punk? Are you that insolent to think you stand a chance,” Toji lowers his sword but Satoru still poings the crossbow at his chest. “They won't allow her to escape.”
“That's none of your concern. You can't possibly hope to still get paid?! You Zenins are all the same.” Satoru grabs your wrist. “Now, (Y/N).”
You protest, fighting against his pull and since Satoru did not expect it he loses the grasp, looking at you confused. You step back until you are by Toji's side. “I'm not going anywhere without Sir Toji,” you say. “I appointed him to be my knight in your absence.”
“Are you serious?! He is a Zenin! For all we know this was the plan all along!”
You stay firm.
Satoru curses under his breath. “Fine. We need to move now.”
“Or what?” Toji sheaths his sword and picks you up into his arms. You wrap your arms around his shoulders to hold on as the three of you hurry down the dark hallways of the castle.
“So what's the plan, boy?” Toji says more demanding now. “Is the monk taking care of the guards outside?”
Satoru looks at Toji like he wants to murder him. “Not him.”
You make it into the courtyard, passing slaughtered Zenin guards and walking right out of the gate. Satoru leads you to two horses in the woods. It is clear that this has been planned and executed by a group of people.
“I suppose this weren't my men,” Toji says.
“Your men are dead. Sorry… there is only two horses… guess you–”
Toji swings himself on the horse then helps you up. There is a routine to it by now that Satoru isn't oblivious to. He chews on his tongue and leads the way.
“So who are you working with then?” You ask but Satoru doesn't answer. You soon make it to a clearing where a group of knights and Geto is waiting. The knights bare no crest… but it is dark maybe you just can't see. Who would help you?
Similarly to Gojo, there is no joy on Geto's face when he sees you. You cannot help the smile tugging on your lips though. You jump off the horse.
“(Y/N), cover yourself,” he takes off his cloak and wraps it around your shoulders. Right. You almost forgot that was important. “Why is he here?”
“(Y/N) made him her knight.” Satoru's voice is full of accusation.
“What?!” Geto hisses. “Send him away. Now.”
You feel like everything is wrong. Like the world shifted and all of it is just wrong. Or maybe you were just ignorant to it before. Was Geto ever on your side? Was Satoru?
“I will not,” you say.
Toji walks up being you, his hand on the handle of his sword. “Who are you working with?” He asks again. “I assume it's someone I pissed off before.”
“You insolent–” Geto begins but the sound of approaching horses stops him.
You watch the men approach and it isn't hard to tell who the leader here is. The other soldiers bow to him like he is a king and Satoru and Geto do the same.
The blonde man looks at you, obviously ignoring Toji on purpose. “Your majesty.” He nods.
You bow unsure what the etiquette is here. You don't know who he is. “Thank you for the rescue, sire.” You say. He just seizes you up a moment longer. You get the impression he is a man of few words. “What… is all this?” You don't believe this man helped from the kindness of his heart.
“It doesn't need to conern you now,” Geto says. “It is all taken care of.”
What is taken care of?
“I wasn't aware Zenin Toji would join us.”
“Neither were we, Lord Nanami. I beg your apologies.” Geto quickly says.
Lord Nanami. You don't recognize that name. It is plausible he is one of the knights that seized power for themselves in the wake of Sukuna killing your mother. The outer regions are hard to keep control of and King Sukuna doesn't mind as long as taxes are paid.
“Not a Zenin anymore… don't you know that, Kento, old pal?” Toji grins.
“I will kill you–”
“My lord!” You speak up with volume. “I feel saver with Sir Toji by my side. I cannot know what history you have… but I–”
“There is nothing you have to fear. And you have a knight already–” Geto says through teeth like you are a misbehaving child.
“Do I? I don't know who this is. I don't know what your plan is. As far as I am concerned it is just another lord kidnapping me… with your help.”
“We should go,” Satoru says.
“Bet ya. They probably already released the beasts,” Toji tries to seem unbothered but you can tell he is tensed by how alert he is to every sound around you.
Geto reaches to grab your arm but you are quicker. “Go where?” You demand.
“Keep your charge in line, Geto,” Lord Nanami warns.
Your heart drops and anger surges up. Who does he think he is?! “The charge is right here. You can address the charge directly.” “Sire, please excuse Lady (Y/N). She has been through so much these last couple of days. She isn't herself.” He smiles and bows, basically cowering before Nanami.
Before you can open your mouth again Toji's hand squeezes your shoulder. “We have to move, my lady,” he says but his eyes speak more. He is there. Whatever this is… Sir Toji is there.
You take a deep breath and nod. You reach down and rip a slit into the nightgown. Geto looks at you like you are crazy but how else will you comfortably sit on a horse. You don't even know how long the ride will be.
You want to turn to Toji but Nanami offers his hand. You are not blind to the tension, you know you cannot refuse so you take it.
You settle behind him, turning your head to look at Toji. He winks in reassurance.
You are fine.
Your party gallops for a short while when a bone rattling screech echoes through the woods. You thought it was just a myth. Your heart starts to pound.
Geto has told you that the 4 big families all have their specialty. The Gojos were great Paladins being the protectors under your mother rule, the Kamos were skilled blood magicians and healers, your family is of magic folk descent and the Zenins… they tame monsters.
“Fall back,” Nanami commands his soldiers but only a moment later the screams of men dying in agony can be heard.
You hear a river gushing somewhere close. “Sir Nanami, what about the river?”
“It is too broad and the current is too strong–”
“Go to the river!”
“Do not be foolish, woman!” He barks.
In the corner of your eye you see Toji stirring the horse closer, he reaches his hand out. You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds you by his side, moving toward the river.
“Lady (Y/N)!” Geto yells.
“Zenin, I will–”
Toji lets you down and you run into the water, holding your hand out. “Lady of this river?! Please–” Your hand is lifted as she cradles it in her translucent ones.
“My queen,” she speaks with care.
“We are chases by a monster, dear lady. Will you allow us to pass through your river so we can get to safety,” you request.
She tilts her head. “But why are you running, my queen?” Her words have the same weight as those of the lady of the lake. Heal him. Why are you running? It is the same question… a question you are too afraid to answer.
She disappears and the water parts, creating a narrow path for you.
“(Y/N),” Toji calls and you are quick to respond, settling behind him as he gallops the horse through the river bed. The others follow right behind.
Once everyone is safely across the water seems to rise and the current becomes stronger. “She will keep it away,” you realize. “Thank you!” You call out, knowing she hears you.
Nanami, Geto or Satoru don't dare to say something but it's written all over their faces. You don't understand why they are angry with you… you saved their lives.
“Atta girl,” Toji utters and your head falls against his armour.
Why are you running? What are you running from?
You are so tired.
The ride is long and spent entirely in silence. The looks Geto throws from time to time make you believe that this is fate worse than being kidnapped by the Zenins.
Eventually you arrive at a hidden castle in a thick forest. It is beautiful. The canopy is thick, the leaves deeply green. There is a little stream going around the castle. But as you approach the gate you feel like you'll be doomed once it closes.
You want time to stop so you can think. So you can make sense out of all of this. But instead the hair on the back of your neck prick up.
“Kento!” Toji shouts and Lord Nanami grabs you from behind Toji, galloping toward the gate.
The screech makes the blood in your veins freeze over. No. No. It can't be. It followed you all this way?
“Close the gate!” Nanami orders.
“No– you have to help him!” You shout but no one is moving. Toji gets thrown against a trunk and is slow to get it. Too slow. “Toji– no!”
You free yourself from Nanami’s hold and run toward the closing gate. It shuts right as you slip past it.
“My liege!” Geto shrieks.
“Lady (Y/N)?!” Satoru runs. “Open–”
You run towards Toji, getting in front of him right before the beast lunges forward.
“(Y/N)--” Toji chokes.
“Stop!” Your command echoes with something greater than the volume of your voice. A tingle spreads all around you.
The monster wants to go around you to get to Toji. “I said stop,” you repeat and now it's sounds turn more docile and it settles.
You reach your hand out and probe your desires into its primitive brain. It seems to understand, roaring and running off.
You take a tumble backwards and collapse. Toji drags his body toward you and cradles you in his arms.
“How… How many times have I saved your life already?” You fairly rasp.
Toji breathes deeply, “too many.” His thumb rubs over your cheek, combining back some sticky hair. Way too many times.
He carries you toward the castle, limping and hissing with every step. Sir Satoru takes you from his arms and as much as Toji wants to protest… he just can't.
“What is with her?!” Geto demands. He looks terrified.
“I've seen it before– she will just sleep it off.”
“Good,” Nanami speaks up. “Bring Lady (Y/N) to her room… and Zenin to the filthiest cell we have.”
Soldiers grab a hold of Toji and stir him toward the castle. He resists. “Nanami, I'll kill you if you harm her! You're a dead man if–” Toji growls before he gets knocked out by a blow.
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cockonoi · 26 days
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Where the Blue Roses Grow
Pairing: Husband!Gojō x Wife!Reader
Synopsis: Snippets from the life of Gojō Satoru and yours. Where the two of you journey on a path that was predetermined for you, with hearts bruised and unforeseen emotions blossoming.
Warning: angst, unrequited love, suggested misogyny, jujutsu society stigma, arranged marriage, age gap, innuendos, deflowering, hints of dub/con, explicit sex, unprotected sex, implied breeding, breastfeeding, lactation kink, mild spoilers
Disclaimer: This is a miniseries, chapter length will be shorter than regular fics. The Jujutsu Kaisen characters belong to their respective owners, reader is female. Skin tone and body type mentions were limited for better reading experience. If any characteristics of y/n bothers you, or if any of the warnings does not agree with you, I advise you not to proceed to read the story.
Chapter Count: 9
Status: Completed
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i. Breath of Spring
ii. Thirst for Sunshine
iii. Swarm of Bees
iv. Garden of Uncertainties
v. Cup of Warm Tea
vi. Dance of Mutual Seduction
vii. Giggles and Wiggles
viii. A Bouquet of Honeysuckle
ix. Honey, I'm Home
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Omake 1 •
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cockonoi · 27 days
To Be a Princess
Chapter 4
fem!reader x kokonoi/bonten
TW: Disordered eating, Mass murder, Depersonalization, Poor proofreading
A/N: This is pretty heavy because I've been in a rough place recently. Read with discretion.
The last two months have effectively blurred into each other. It’s been all the same. You wake up, Hajime dresses you, and you go nowhere. He leaves and if you’re lucky, Haruchiyo is forced to watch you. If you’re unlucky, you’re cuffed to the bed and stuck in your room all day. 
“Eat this and we can go.” Hajime slides you a decently sized pork cutlet sandwich and you get to work on it without a second thought. 
It hurts your stomach to eat so much after such a long time of eating so little. Your throat is even rejecting it a little. It takes more energy to chew and swallow than you’d anticipated. You definitely should be taking it slower, but you need to get out of this place. You’ve been going stir-crazy. 
At least it’s a really good sandwich. Even if it pains you to eat and give him what he wants, you can appreciate a good piece of meat.
When you’re done, you slide the plate to him, and he kisses your forehead.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
It’s good that Hajime is letting you tag along today because you’ve started to eat the stuffing in your pillow. Not a lot. Maybe a fistful. A decent fistful every day for about a week. He hasn’t noticed, or if he has, he’s kept his mouth shut. But you try your best to hide it. You re-fluff the pillow you keep pulling down out of and flip it, so the torn side isn’t showing. If you eat any more feathers, you might get sick though, and that’s not ideal. You should be sick, right? If you are, you haven’t noticed.
“So, do you like Haruchiyo?” Hajime asks, not taking his eyes off of the road.
“He’s alright. Weird. But he smells good. I think his teeth are fake.”
“I don’t know.” It’s a lot to explain. You realized it once when the Haitanis were over. Rindou has charmingly, somewhat crooked teeth and Ran’s teeth are perfect. Sanzu’s teeth are good at passing for real when you don’t look too hard or have anything to compare them to. 
“Not all of them are fake.” Hajime says matter-of-factly.
“How do you know?” You rest your head against the window.
“I took him to go get the implants.”
“What? What happened?”
“Ran knocked three of them out. All in the front of his mouth.”
“That doesn’t make sense. What do you mean?”
“He does a lot of drugs. His teeth were on their way out, anyway.” Hajime smiles at the thought. “I didn’t want to see him missing so many teeth, though, so I took him to start getting them fixed the next day.”
“Yeah, but why did Ran hit him?”
Hajime shrugs. “There could be several reasons. I think he needed it either way.” He thinks for a second. “I just remember that Haruchiyo came to me with his teeth in his hand and he told me Ran did it. There was so much blood, he kept choking on it when he cried.”
Hajime seems amused by recalling it. He tries to suppress smiles and keep seriousness in his tone, but here and there it sounds like he’s telling you a pleasant dream he had. 
“Why don’t you like him?” You prod. It’s not your business, but in the past months you’ve developed quite the attachment to Haru and while you can see tons of reasons for someone not to like him, Hajime seems deeper than the surface level.
He goes quiet in thought and then starts. 
“He’s a jackass. I know I’m far from being a good person myself, but he takes it to a whole different level. His personality is grating. He doesn’t listen. And while he’s second in charge, it’s only for show. His bullshit falls on me all the time and I’m stuck with work I don’t want.” He clenches his jaw, and his hands tighten around the steering wheel. He seethes, “If being second in command was as simple as sucking Mikey’s dick, anyone could do it.”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’d be easier to not hate him if he was incompetent. Okay? But he’s not. He’s very smart, and that’s what gets on my nerves. It’s like he does dumb shit on purpose, and I always have to fix it.”
“Must suck.”
“It does, but it’s fine. I’m going to outlive him.”
A black-haired man slides up to your open window and starts talking before you can process who he is or what he’s saying. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Oh, uh, they’re in his glove box. The cigarettes. I just need one.” He’s a very polite man. Very handsome too. Even with the scar marking a solid quarter of his face. 
You’ve met him before, right? At the club? Had to be.
“Here.” You hand him the cigarette.
He starts to walk away but stops in his tracks. “You don’t want to get out?”
He’s opening your door and offering you his hand before you can think about it. You take it. How could you not?
“It’s weird that he left you in the car when it’s so hot.” He guides you to where a group of people are standing and talking.
For the first time in the fifteen minutes that you’ve been here, you realize that you’re in the middle of an empty shipping yard.
You look around at all the faces and then turn around to take in the entire scene. A bunch of well-dressed men in an empty shipping yard? What the fuck is going on?
“Calm down.” A friendly voice cuts through all the noise.
Rin. Why?
He checks his phone. “Kakucho, Mikey needs you. Keep your phone on you.” He says to the man that guided you here.
Kakucho walks away.
Something’s not right. Where’s Koko? Why are you here?
“Rin, I want to go home.”
He looks at you as if he’s considering helping you. Your eyes dart around, and you see Takeomi laughing with a man who has severe eyebrows and a goatee. You’ve seen him before. Other men are laughing too, but you’re not acquainted. You should leave.
“Let’s go over here,” Rindou says as he leads you to the side of his SUV where no one can see you.
“What is going on?” You ask plainly. “Why are we here?”
He scratches his head. “We have to kill a couple of people.”
“What do you mean, no?”
The sun feels hotter. Your palms feel sweatier even through your sheer black gloves. You want to run, but you can’t in these heels, so you walk. Or so you start to walk. Rindou grabs your arm and pushes you right back against the door.
“I can’t. I can’t. Please.” Your nose tingles at the onset of tears. 
“You will be fine.”
“No. I won’t. Rin. Please.”
“Stop fucking crying.” He forces out, irritated. “Do you want something to make you calm down a little? I might be able to find a pill.”
You shake your head.
“Then calm down.”
You try. Your hands smooth over the cotton fabric of your minidress. Once. Twice. Three times. Again, and again and again. But the tears don’t stop. Your head falls to your chest. 
“Fuck.” He grunts. There is a split second where he’s all but throwing you into the backseat. You can feel your dress ride up and you know you flash him and when you’re situated, he looks at his watch as says, “You have about fifteen minutes to cry and then you have to be out there.” Before slamming the door.
You beat at the headrest in front of you and sob. He stands with his back to the door as if nothing is happening. This is why Hajime didn’t put any makeup on you. He saw this coming.
You scream into your hands and the fabric of those sheer polyester gloves burns when it rubs against your eyes. 
You’d give everything not to be you.
The rest of the tears are silent. You lay your head back and just let them fall with the occasional hiccup here and there. There’s no more relief in screaming after it starts to hurt and it never got you anywhere, anyway.
It’s more people than you’d expected. You count all the way up to twenty-five. Twenty-two grown men in their underwear, heads bowed in shame and their knees pressed to the shipping yard dirt and gravel. One woman and her two kids are in the same position but wearing the clothes they’d go about their daily lives in. Elementary school uniforms and nursing scrubs.
The two kids cry. They’ve done nothing wrong, and they can’t understand what’s going on. 
At least one hundred people are standing around watching this, and you are the only one who seems to feel anything. Rindou has his arm resting over your shoulders and when you look at his face, it’s blank. Ran’s too. 
Kakucho brings in a last man. He’s been beaten. Some of his nails are missing. He limps when he walks. Rindou and his brother titter. Of course they find this is funny. How long has it been since they’ve been full people?
The man bows to the detained before turning his back to them and getting on his knees. There’s a moment of breathlessness before the kids run to be at his side, hugging his half-naked body. They’re screaming and crying and begging their dad to tell them what’s happening. He stays silent. Everyone does.
Twenty-six people in total will die.
Mikey, Haruchiyo and Hajime appear. You can hear every one of their footsteps.
“Apologize to the team you let down.” Hajime isn’t yelling, yet his voice is strikingly clear.
The man yells. “I’m sorry for steering you all wrong and now you have to die because of my mistakes.” He’s shaking. Despite his confident voice, every inch of him is wrought with fear. There’s no denying it.
“Now apologize to them individually,” Hajime commands. The warm wind lifts his hair, and he almost looks like God. Mikey stands silently beside him and Sanzu stalks back and forth between the rows of men with a gun in his hand. You can tell he’s eager to do this. He’s more dressed up than you’ve ever seen him. Everyone is.
“Nakamura Touma!” There’s a loud wail at the sound of the name. “I’m sorry!”
Haruchiyo is quick. There’s the sound of a gun being fired, the woman’s scream, and grown men crying.
It’s real. You see the brain matter splatter on to the people nearest to Touma. You watch everyone flinch at the sound. The kids cower into their father. The woman folds in on herself to sob.
You stand in shock.
“Maekawa Yuichi! I’m sorry!”
It’s nothing for Haruchiyo to kill again. It’s just as fast as the last time. He executes the man with a smile. There are no second thoughts or regrets. He just lines his gun up and pulls the trigger.
This time, you’re not frozen in fear. You turn away at the sound of another namel. You’re faced with Ran’s chest and there’s a scuffle between you and both brothers. They force you to turn around.
It’s just in time for Haruchiyo to locate the man and put him to death. 
“Don’t you ever turn your back. It’s bad manners.” Rindou jeers into your ear. 
Your head falls as you start to cry again. Rindou’s hand comes to your hair to force your head back up. You’re met with an unreadable glance from Hajime. 
The bodies fall name after name. Some men pee on themself before being done away with. It’s too cruel for you. You’ve never wanted to live in a world like this.
The numbers whittle down until the man is left with his wife and kids. 
“Say sorry to your family.” Hajime sounds actually angry. The man doesn’t speak. It seems like the impact comes before the actual kick to the head Hajime delivers. The kids scurry away as Koko yells.
“Tell your wife you’re sorry!” He leans into the man’s ear. “Are you deaf?”
“Emiko!” He projects over the shrill screams of his children. “I’m sorry. Our financial troubles are my fault and I should have told you what was going on. I did this behind your back and it’s my fault—“
The sound of Sanzu’s gun going off is its own sick timer. He’s killed the wife before her husband can fully apologize.
Hajime is stoic. Unbothered. The kids’ screaming explodes into something worse. Something indescribable. They’re the type of screeches that claw at your insides and assure you’ll never be well again. 
“Dead or orphaned?” Sanzu shouts to the man. It’s a question that’s impossible to answer.
The screams have died. Non-executive members clear out. The Haitanis stay right next to you. Your feet are cemented into the earth. They gather around you as if you’re leading them.
Mikey speaks.
“Mochi, find someone to clean this up by tonight.” His voice is low, the wind is louder. He speaks calmly and precisely. “Rindou. Ran. Find the oldest son and ex wife. Kill them.”
They don’t object. They just nod. 
“I’m going home.” Is the last thing he says before turning away. Haruchiyo trails after him.
They all disperse like nothing happened
Ran pets your head before heading to his car. Rindou bumps you with his elbow before leaving, too. 
It’s like nothing happened.
Blood, piss, the salt of your tears, cologne. You can smell it in the air as you’re dragged back into the car. 
Your stomach churns and your mouth feels like it’s full of slime. There’s spit filling your mouth and in place of crying, you vomit. 
It’s stomach acid and that sandwich. You cough and then more stomach acid comes up. Hajime rubs your back as you lean over. All stomach acid comes up the next time. 
You hyperventilate, trying to catch your breath. Spit drips off of your lips. You start to shake and you’re finally able to make a noise for the first time in minutes. 
You let out a caterwaul. It rips itself through your vocal cords and punches out all the air in your body. 
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Hajime helps you into the passenger seat as you howl. It’s agony.
When he takes his seat you try to speak, but all you can do is let out tortured noises. 
Your hands reach out to grab him and you bawl into his chest. When his hands come up in an effort to comfort you, something snaps.
You’re swinging without thought, and you don’t stop. You hit everything, but you know you mean to hit him. You punch and slap him over and over. Even the steering wheel is a victim of your fury.
For a moment, Hajime is letting you have this. Then there’s a switch where he’s on top of you with his hands around your neck and your heeled feet flailing to kick him.
It’s cramped, and every sound feels as loud as Haruchiyo’s gun.
“Stop.” He speaks gently as he strangles you.
You manage a sound resembling “why?” but you don’t know what you’re asking it for.
His hair drapes like a beautiful curtain around you. You’re running out of air and your fingers are gripping at his wrists. Your dress is up your back. You can’t calm down.
“I said stop.”
You quit flailing. He lets you go. You hack and sit up as he returns to the driver’s seat.
You sob the entire way home.
“There’s vomit on your dress.” He speaks softly as he unzips you and drops the new dress to the floor.
He slides your gloves off and takes a chance to feel at each of your hands. Next, your bra. He gropes your breasts with fervor. He hasn’t been this rough before a bath, ever.
You can only let it happen. You can see yourself from above as it happens. Your hair is messed up and you’re slouched over like a broken animatronic. You don’t move.
From above, you see him drop to his knees and kiss your stomach. You hear his voice like it’s being played on a shitty speaker.
“I couldn’t think of another way of showing you how well I protect you.”
You see yourself nod.
“You’ve been difficult lately, and I wanted to- I don’t know.” His hands grip at your hips. He puts his forehead against your stomach. “There’s people like that man that would’ve killed you.” He says, muffled.
He looks back up at you with teary eyes. “I’m just trying to keep you safe and I want to take care of you, but—” He searches for the words. “I don’t know how to show you that you’re better here with me.”
Your body nods.
“Please forgive me. I’m sorry.”
He hugs your waist with his face to your stomach.
You stand frozen as you return to your body. 
31 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 27 days
Absolutely speechless y/n better than me I would’ve been throwing hands at the girls
Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 5: Act on Dark Impulses
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chapter summary: you knew better than to trust mikey and izana. yet you fall for their plan hook, line and sinker and live through the worst night of your life.
word count: 22.8k
Chapter warning: Dark CONTENT, 18+, NONCON, SMUT, threesome (mfm), implied character x character sex, violence, heavy angst, mention of sex work, illegal prostitution, choking (not reader), bullying, gaslighting, guilt tripping, peer pressure, use of alcohol and drugs, drugging, r*pe fantasy, implied orgies, implied cheating, torture, dry humping, reader gets slapped in the face, light bondage, deepthroating/throatfucking, fingering (vaginal & anal) f. receiveing, spanking, virginity loss, double penetration, anal sex, unprotected sex, sadism, slut shaming, degradation, dehumanisation, rough sex, overstimulation, mind break, mild breeding kink, facial, emotional incest
masterlist||chapter 4||chapter 6
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KAKUCHO knew what kind of man his friend was.
Spending practically all his life at the orphanage, and then moving to the Sano household when Izana got adopted, Kakucho knew Izana like the back of his hand. His friend was kind to him when they first met, a little bit tactless but regardless he was a good person. He never left Kakucho behind, always taking him wherever he went no matter the pushback and specifically protecting him in the dangerous gang culture. Izana gave him a life and a future when Kakucho thought his life was over.
When all Kakucho’s relatives abandoned and forgot him in that wretched orphanage, Izana was a guiding light, stretching out his hand to rescue him and protecting his friends as best as he could. There was no doubt that Izana loved his friends, putting them out there and rescuing them whenever something went wrong.
Izana was the kindest person he’s met. Izana was his best friend and he will forever be loyal to him. But Izana was not a good man.
Kakucho knows his best friend grew up in an environment without agency, having to hide whenever his mother’s clients would come to their house. Izana had once told him that one of the returning clients had told a little Emma who had stumbled out to get food. ‘I’ll come for you when you’re older’ and it caused him to fly into a fit of rage, attacking the man who ultimately beat him up. The singular action got him sent to an orphanage while Emma was dropped off at the Sano household before their mother disappeared from their lives, never to be seen again. In the orphanage, it was the kids, the older boys who picked on Izana and pushed him, subjecting him to more abuse as he always got ganged up by all of them, especially when Shinichiro came to visit them.
Eventually Kakucho watched in real time as Izana’s ideology began to formulate. With Shinichiro’s position as the leader of a growing gang and the constant bullying and Isolation, it became apparent that the only way not to be thrown around, the only way not to be discarded or left behind was control.
And for Izana, control is best enforced by violence. He learnt that the hard way when Izana finally fought back against his bullies and won, leaving them nearly in a state of stasis. Each piling bodies upon bodies as they moved up the ranks. Izana had lost before and had been at the bottom, but never again; if he had to be brutal to never be a victim again, then so be it.
The world was under Izana’s feet; there was no man on earth and no god in heaven that could stand against him.
Not even you.
You’ve done nothing wrong, really, at least not of your own volition, but your mere presence has put a strain on everything Izana knows and understands. For the first time in his life, Shinichiro isn’t automatically on Izana’s side and was threatening his brother over an outsider.
Over you of all people.
Izana does not take that kind of insult lying down. There’s a certain order of things, everything is perfectly stacked up in Izana’s head, family first, business second and friends last. No matter how bad things got, he could count on Shinichiro and Emma to support him, even when he was wrong. It was the same order Mikey followed, it was the norm.
But you put an end to that. There’s no dynamic anymore. Kakucho watched it crumble the moment Mikey called Izana a bastard child and stormed out of the meeting all because Izana hadn’t told him that you slept with Shinichiro.
His eyes are blown wide and bloodshot, fists tightened in his grip as he stands there, unmoving, in shock of his brother’s heartless words. His body trembled with pure rage, terrifying the hell out of everyone left in the room.
Kakucho has never seen Izana break down this badly over one person before. Not even in the toughest of situations has ever had the white haired male this stressed. He’s so used to seeing his King so composed, manipulative and wise that he forgot that Izana is a human being with fears.
And he is watching his fear come to fruition right before his very eyes.
“I knew it was a bad idea to tell him. If only someone could shut the fuck up.”
Kakucho followed Kisaki’s irritated gaze to the pinkette who was sitting beside him, filing her nails without a care in the world, the culprit behind everything going to shit as if her own business in selling drugs and her secret prostitution ring wasn't also at stake.
Kawaragi Senju.
“He was going to find out anyways and it’s not like she’s dating anyone.” she defended herself, blowing on the shavings from her fingers. “And how is he acting so shocked anyways? What did you guys think would happen after calling her a whore? You practically manifested it into existence.”
Kakucho looked helplessly at his friend who stood there, unmoving. He was sure everything else was white noise to his ears, Mikey’s words playing over and over again in his head. 
Kisaki narrowed his eyes at Senju’s words, scoffing. “Again with your pseudoscience bullshit-”
“It’s called SPIRITUALITY and it WORKS” she snapped back at him, pointing directly at him with her file. “You clearly need it, maybe all your attempts to break up Hanagaki and Hinata will finally work.”
The blonde haired man burned red with fury, turning his head swiftly to face the pink haired girl. “Oh really? So if it works then why don’t you manifest as Mikey’s girlfriend instead of his booty call.”
“Ugh as if I want to DATE him.” Senju grimaced at the thought. “He’s a good fuck and that’s it. I’m not dealing with his emotional baggage. But since we want to talk about my sex life, let’s talk about how yours is nonexistent.”
“Screw you Kawaragi.”
“I bet you’d like that, virgin.”
Kisaki opened his mouth to retort but nothing came out, color dusting his cheeks. Eventually he takes a deep breath and turns around to face Izana, who was still standing there, frozen in time and attempting to talk sense into him.
“Look, Izana, I know things are looking complicated in your family right now, but you have a lot of things to focus on now. Our business-”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about your business” Izana says in a flat tone, his voice shaking with so much pain and hurt. It was obvious that not even Kisaki could tiptoe around Izana’s family to get through to him. And granted, Izana loved his siblings more than any money in the world, something Kisaki couldn’t understand. “There IS no business if Mikey isn’t on my goddamn side.”
“He kinda has a point.” Senju affirmed, back to filing her nails again, trying to remain unbothered and rational. “There’s an order of things that should be maintained and if we ignore (name)’s influence, we’re going to be digging our own grave.”
“And you have an idea?” A frustrated Kisaki roared, upset at how messy everything had become. For fucks sake this was supposed to be an in and out meeting, not a soap opera and clearly not with his investors fucking up. “Did the universe air drop it to you or something, Brahman’s princess?”
Irritated at Kisaki’s constant taunts, Senju put down her nail file and pushed her body off the chair. The next thing everyone knew, she had slammed her fist square to his jaw, knocking him off the sofa and onto the floor. Kakucho quickly got up and put himself between the two of them, preventing Senju from beating up Kisaki even further. Izana only watches, his face devoid of any emotions, observing what will happen next.
“Senju please calm down-” he started, just as Kisaki dragged himself off the floor, picking up his glasses and massaging his jaw.
“Kisaki, shut up, she’ll fucking kill you-”
Senju shoved Kakucho aside and made quick work of jumping on the younger man, her fists throwing punch after punch, each one destroying his glasses, his nose, his lips, his jaw. Kisaki does nothing to stop her, only attempting to shove her off and failing.
“Senju, st-”
Kakucho paused in his tracks as Izana held up his hand, silently telling him to leave her alone, probably as punishment for talking about ignoring his family. They watch her brutally destroy Kisaki, until her fists were tired, and he was a bloody mess on the floor. She finally relaxed, hands at her sides, like a weight had been rolled off her and Kisaki laid there, half conscious as moans of pain escaped his lips.
Surprisingly, the tension in the room had disapatated, leaving only a tepid awkwardness lying in the air.  “You done Senju?” Izana asked and she nodded in response. There’s a beat of silence hanging in the air, as the white haired man looked from her, to Kisaki on the floor, and then to Kakucho, before uttering a calm. “Get out” to all of them
Senju opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it the moment she saw the blood lust in Izana’s eyes and dragged herself quickly towards the stairs. Kisaki pulled his own body off the floor, not wanting to be around Izana and longer, leaning onto Kakucho for support as they walked out of the meeting room.
All three cringed at the sound of Izana's fist breaking the drywall, before a loud “That bitch is dead” rips out of his throat to the rest of the frat house.
  NO ONE ever tells you about the guilt of keeping secrets from your one and only true friend.
The guilt eats you alive daily, soaking into your very core as you look at Emma from the corner of your eyes, jotting down anything the lecturer says eagerly. Her blond hair is in a neat ponytail, exposing the beautiful slope of her neck from behind you, her back curved from leaning down to take notes. You barely could focus on the lesson as you contemplated confessing what happened between you and her brother that night in his bedroom. 
Emma had happily taken you to her home to relax and it took you barely a week to spread your legs for her brother. You haven’t been able to look at yourself in the mirror the moment you returned back to school, mulling over the consequences of your actions. You never considered how she would feel when your back touched the bed, still clouded by the twisted fairytale as Shinichiro explored your body in his grasp.
You already know she was disgusted by Takeomi sleeping with Senju’s friend, how much more her brother?
Guilty conscience made you return the money Shinichiro had generously given you, stating you didn’t need that amount of money to remain silent on what you saw. Although Shinichiro made you keep some of it, he was very angry that you assumed he gave it to you because he wants to keep you quiet and not because he likes you.
You hadn’t contacted him since then, the shame of your actions weighing down on you. You wanted to badly apologize for assuming his intentions toward you too but the thought of furthering a relationship with him behind Emma’s back haunted you.
You don’t want to cause a rift in any of her relationships again. It’s best Shinichiro stays mad at you.
Another person you haven’t considered in a while is Manjiro.
You haven’t gotten any message from him since you returned. If he knew anything about what happened, he hadn’t shown it. He doesn’t speak to you as much, just merely looks at you as he talks to Emma, but that’s it.
It bothers you a lot. You have half the mind to ask him if he knows, but the consequences of that singular action might be too much for you to bear.
You thought that Izana would have run with this knowledge by now, telling Manjiro and Emma that you were a double timing skank that only wants the highest bidder. But even he seems to have been quiet, which is quite shocking to you.
Izana doesn’t do anything for no reason. Maybe he’s waiting for the right time to strike.
“... and that is the end of today’s lesson. You can all leave now.”
You’re snapped out of your self-inflicted guilt trip at the sound of professor Hanabi concluding his lesson. Panic overtook you as you looked down into your notes only to see that it was half written when you were paying attention from the beginning to mid-way in the lesson, and the rest of your paper was empty, from when you stopped.
Of all the lessons to miss, this was the worst one yet.
“You spaced out again babes?”
Your hand flies to slam your book shut at the sound of Emma’s voice from beside you, Hinata following not too behind, embarrassed at the two of them catching you red handed. She only chuckled in response at your hasty actions, shaking her head in a false disapproval before putting her hand on your shoulder. “There’s no need to do that, come on. We just wanna help.” 
You slid your hands over your face at being caught red-handed; As usual, Emma is being so kind to you even as you continue to lie and keep secrets from her. She’s tried everything to get you to open up as to why you keep spacing out, but you deflect and change the subject.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” you sighed out, deflating visibly with your hands still covering your face. “Some days are good, and some days are just…”
‘full of reminders that I’m sleeping with your brothers behind your back.’
Another comforting hand rests on your shoulder, this time belonging to Hina, her eyes calm. “You’ve got to stop getting all up in your head, (Name).” Her voice is gentle, trying to ease you off whatever tension looming over your head. “Come on, let’s get you Boba in the school’s cafeteria. We can talk about what is bothering you there.”
You nodded weakly and packed your books into your worn out school bag, before hurriedly following them behind along with the last of your classmates.
The walk to the cafeteria is a short distance, as your departmental building was very close to it and soon, the three of you had gotten your boba drinks, now in search of a place to sit. “Senju and Yuzuha are around here,” Emma said, scanning around to try and find them in a throng of people.
“They kept a space for the three of us- oh there they are.
A pink haired girl, Senju, eagerly waved at you three from her table, with Yuzuha glued to her phone, not looking up from it and Emma waved back, before grabbing your arm and gently pulling you with her towards the table, Hinata following not too far behind.
Senju Akashi was the leader of the sorority group Brahman and also, Emma’s childhood friend. From Emma’s point of view, Senju was closer to Mikey than her, always opting to play with the boys, Keisuke and Sanzu, rather than Emma. Eventually, she grew into the tomboyish phase in her teenage years and hasn’t left it since then, only now she’s more willing to let Emma fix acrylic nails for her and she puts on makeup, probably to cement her status as a sorority leader.
Yuzuha was someone you knew as a child. You both attended confirmation classes together, along with Hakkai and then shared dance classes together until your father eventually pulled you out. She was just a few years older than you in school, not to mention very popular with the student body as she was a mixture of beauty, brains and brawn and a little nice to you.
Now, she’s the financial advisor in the Brahman’s sorority and head of the cheer squad. You think with how analytical her mind was, it suits her.
As you sat down on the chair, facing Yuzuha and Senju, with Emma and Hinata by your side, you realized how small and insignificant you were compared to them. Emma was the wealthy IT girl and her brothers practically have a tight leash on the school, Hinata ran the school’s newspaper and was on the dean's list regularly, Senju was the leader of the most popular sorority and Yuzuha was the financial advisor and also always on the dean's list, as well as the leader of the university’s cheer team.
And you? You were an unknown person who was just comfortable blending in with the crowd and working part time jobs.
Feeling even worse, you shrank in your seat, swirling your straw as they have a full on conversation about another upcoming party, their chatter excitedly echoing through the table. You try to tune them out, occasionally looking at Emma as she talks animatedly about whatever the topic was. Your heart twinged with jealousy at how her eyes lit up as she spoke, breaking into fits of giggles every now and then. When was the last time you made her laugh? Or happy? All you do these days is sit and mope, being a downer and getting her worried-
“Were you invited, (name)?”
You’re roused out of your thoughts by Senju’s cheery tone, all eyes on you now. Suddenly conscious at your slouched sitting position, you quickly sit up, the question tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop yourself.
“Um, invited to what?”
The entire table raised a quizzical brow at your question and you felt stupid for even asking in the first place instead of just pretending to know what they were talking about. Emma shoots you an annoyed ‘seriously, again?’ look, in lieu of your absent mindedness and you bit the inner parts of your cheek, looking at your lap.
You have a feeling Emma is getting exhausted of your constant spacing out. You can’t blame her.
Deciding to take pity on you, Senju reiterated what she was talking about, leaning closer to you as she whispered. “Tenjiku’s Bacchanalia. It’s where all the popular kids, the creme la creme, come to party every year to network and just chill. It’s really exclusive and the four of us went last time.” she giggled, as if it was an inside joke you were supposed to be in on. “Izana usually handles the invitations personally, so you had to have been invited, right?”
The question itself was like a slap to your face and an ego boost to your insecurities. If you didn’t feel embarrassed and out of place before, you sure did now.
An important party where the rich kids hang out and the person who hosts it hates your guts.
“I wasn’t…invited. I didn’t even know about it”
Your reply makes Senju’s face crumple slightly, her green eyes darting from you to Emma, who also looked uncomfortable. “Oh” she uttered.
Just as Emma opened her mouth to speak, her phone started buzzing, interrupting her. She picked up the device and cursed underneath her breath as soon as she saw who was on the line, hurriedly standing up. “I’ve got to take this, I’ll be right back.” She mumbled, reaching for your hand squeezing it. Your gaze lingered on her as she walked away, before looking back at the group again.
You catch a glimpse of Yuzuha’s eyes sharpening before looking back at your boba the moment Emma was out of range, causing a chill to run down your spine, as if the atmosphere just shifted.
‘It’s probably all in my head.’
The table is silent, briefly and you’re almost relieved that nobody's prying further information from you until Senju switches her attention to you, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she prods you further. 
“So you really weren’t invited? For real?” She hummed, her perfectly glossed lips shimmering underneath the fluorescent light above her, pink lashes fluttering. You shook your head in response, afraid you would stutter at how pretty she was. She placed a hand on her chin curiously as she added. “I thought since you were Em’s friend, you would be invited.”
“The Bacchanalia is only for people who have something important about them, either in talents like Mitsuya with his designer, business like Tetta or connections, like Hajime. What does (name) have that is important really?”
You nearly had a whiplash with how fast you turned your head to look at Yuzuha, who didn’t look bothered at your reaction.
 “Maybe I wasn’t invited because Izana hates me.” You replied in an attempt to stay coolheaded. This was probably a misunderstanding and she didn’t really mean it in the way you’re taking it, after all, Yuzuha always had a sarcastic sense of humor back when you were younger and it might still be the same now. “We don’t have a good relationship and it’s fine.”
Your heart palpitates as Yuzuha shares a knowing look with the rest of the girls for a hot, tense minute before bursting out in laughter, their yelps echoing throughout the entire canteen for the next three minutes, making grow hot from embarrassment, as if you had said something stupid.
As the laughter died down, Yuzuha rolled her eyes at you and let out a disgusted scoff as she folded her arms across her chest, peach lip gloss coated lips quirked up into a sinister sneer. “You know what, maybe you are good at something, acting…” Her voice is full of venom, like she has been holding back whatever sentiment she was saying right now for a long time. “ ...like a victim.”
You quickly realized that this was serious and your heart dropped in your stomach.
“What are you talking about?”
“Fooling Takashi that you are some kind of good girl only to let Mikey treat you like the common whore he says you are.”
You felt blood rushing to your head as her words settled in your mind. You could feel all their eyes on you, as if they were gauging your reaction. There was no form of confusion in their eyes, as if they knew exactly what Yuzuha was talking about.
But that’s not feasible. You never told a soul what happened. Not even Yuzuha. They couldn’t possibly know what you had done at all-
You looked at Hinata, hoping to God she would shut it down but instead she only sits back even further, legs crossed over each other. “You know he has a soft heart for innocent looking girls” She chimed in. “It’s not his fault this one is not a good girl.”
Your heart sank at the bottom of your chest. They knew. All this while you have been keeping so many secrets, letting them plague you and eat you alive, driving you crazy every night. Just for people to know about it.
Everyone except Emma.
“Oh please, spare me” Yuzuha snarked back, leaning in further until she was close enough for only you three to hear. “Ever since Emma became friends with her and brought her into our dynamic, she is the cause of every fight for the past nine months we’ve known her.”
Your mouth grows dry at the comment. Nine months? The incident at the party was only three months ago, and you’ve only known Emma’s entire friend group properly since the middle of summer semester.
Was it Emma spending so much time with you that caused the rift? Your mere presence has been the subject of anger and rage and you didn’t even know. Was that why nobody wanted to talk to you or go against either Mikey or Izana?
Yuzuha doesn’t stop there, turning her gaze back to you, the fire burning in her eyes so bright, it hurts. “Maybe Emma has you fooled, putting on rose tinted glasses for you; because you could never do shit for yourself- but none of us…” Yuzuha gestures with her hand at Senju and Hina, to drive her point, “Like you.”
You look at the other two girls and nearly reel in shock at how their demeanor shifted from one of worry, to one of nonchalance and placidity. Senju picks at her nails, looking at you with a devious smirk. “What the hell do you expect? You do realize that Mikey and Izana are having problems because of you. That’s not exactly likable, is it?”
Hinata, picks up her pumpkin spice latte, mumbling at Yuzuha. “You better hurry up Yuzu, Emma’s coming back soon.” before sipping the drink and leaning back on her chair, rolling her eyes at your shocked expression. “I don’t want to deal with her being mad at me for making her precious (name) cry. It was embarrassing enough to be yelled at because I didn’t want to help her write a stupid test.”
A lump forms in your throat at the two comments made. Oh God. This wasn’t a dream, and Hinata was in on it, someone you were beginning to like and trust, hated you.
The nicest person in the group hated you.
How bad were you that the nicest girl in the entire school hates you?
“See?” Yuzuha continued, whispering furiously as she inched closer and closer to your face. “We’re all sick of you driving a wedge between Emma and the rest of us. If you had just stayed in your own lane and never spoken to Emma, then we wouldn’t be doing fucking damage control on our interpersonal relationships each week.”
You sit there, speechless as Yuzuha tears into you, blaming you. For things you know, for things you didn’t even know. “I fucking warned Takashi that you were nothing but trouble but he chose to believe you and stand against Mikey. And what did you do in return? Fuck Mikey and gave him your cute little underwear as a souvenir.”
Your eyes widened in shock, mouth agape as you stuttered, trying to defend yourself. “I didn’t… that’s not what happened.” you stuttered out, your heart leaping in your chest. You never gave Manjiro Sano anything, not to talk of underwear and unless he stole it from you…
‘My flowered panties.’ Your eyes widened in horror. ‘Ever since that day I couldn’t find it, how-’
Oh God.
Bile filled your throat as you put two and two together.
She laughed at your shocked expression, her lips curled up into a mocking smile. “Aw, are you going to cry? Like how you cried to Emma about your grades and she let you stay in her house. Only for you repay her by you fucking her oldest brother too.” Her smile drops as she lowers her voice coldly. How does she even know all this? “It’s obvious what you’re doing, isn't it? Sinking your dirty little poverty ridden claws into the highest bidder.”
You could feel the entire canteen drilling holes into your head, all eyes fixated on you. You can hear the little murmurs and snickers following it, words like “gold digger” and “opportunist flying over your head, aimed at you. Your face burns with embarrassment, wishing that the ground would swallow you whole.
Yuzuha leans further, smirking at how your body shook with anger until she lowered herself closer to your ear, lips merely brushing the shell. “You’ve made dangerous enemies (name).” her tone is warning. “Mikey and Izana don’t like being second place in anyone’s life and we all are on their side. I’d watch my back if I were you.”
Your blood turns to ice at her words, heart dropping down to your stomach as you realize that everyone knows. The entire friend group has an idea of what exactly both the Sano brothers have been doing to you and no one has bothered to say anything because they truly hate you.
You feel nauseous. You want to get up from the chair and hurl your guts out in the bathroom but a manicured hand forces you to stay put, her orange eyes glaring at you. “Don’t even think about it.” Hina hisses at you. “You want to worry Emma further and make us look bad? Sit down.”
You don’t say anything, opting to comply instead in order to placate them. What good would storming off do anyways, other than make them look bad and get Emma very angry at them, proving their point that you were a problem?
Instead, you pick up your boba with shaking hands and sip it fast, washing down the bile gathering up in your throat as familiar footsteps approach your table, the switch flipping in the atmosphere, as if nothing had happened in the first place.
The chair scrapes the floor and Emma sits down again, tossing her phone on the table. “Guess who didn’t write a letter informing the school about the annual party this year?” her voice dripping with sarcasm, rubbing her temple with one hand to soothe her headache “And guess who has to do it for him?”
Senju chuckled at her plight, hand resting on her chin playfully, a stark contrast to her mocking stare just a few moments ago. “I told you that he’d forget about it. Izana is too busy fucking my girls to remember that he’s the one hosting the party.”
Emma grimaced at Senju’s comment, before checking the time and sighing. “Might as well write the damn letter after the next lecture. Come on (name), Hina let’s go.” She said, packing her stuff. You follow suit, trying to ignore Yuzuha’s gaze fixated on you as you arrange your bag and get up from the chair, eager to be free from the uncomfortable situation you found yourself in.
“Bye guys. We’ll meet up at the Boutique after school? We still need cute bikini sets for the pool at the party.”
You swallow your jealousy as Emma smiles at her back, eyes gleaming with interest. “Of course! At 6pm sharp I’ll be at the Sorority house with Hina.” She waved at them. “Bye!”
You don’t say anything about feeling excluded from the conversation as the three of you walk away. Emma and Hinata’s excited chatter about the Bacchanalia became nothing but background noise to you, Yuzuha’s words ringing in your ears with each step you took.
“Hey, (name), are you alright?”
You don’t look at Emma as she questions you, just shrugging your shoulders while you keep walking down the path to class. She walked closer to you, gently putting her arm around your shoulder as she tried to make you feel better. “Hey, don’t be sad. That kind of party isn’t your scene anyways.” She comforted. “We do a lot of stuff that you’re not ready for.”
Your response dampens her mood a bit, but at this point you’re too far in your head to care. It sounds patronizing at this point how she’s talking to you, like a petulant child who doesn’t understand when they are not wanted.
You understand loud and clear. She doesn’t need to pretend or pity you.
“Come on! You know what, how about this? You can come shopping with us -”
“Excuse me.”
You push her arm off you gently and walk faster towards the departmental building, much to her shock. You don’t answer her constantly yelling your name as hot tears streamed down your face, storming into the building with gritted teeth, bile rising up in your throat once again as you rush to the bathroom on the ground floor.
You make it just in time as you hunch over and throw up your boba into the toilet.
  “YOU know, you really hurt Izana by reminding him you weren’t his real brother.”
Mikey doesn’t move from his spot, eyes glued to the ceiling as the bed dips, Senju falling beside him, pink hair splayed on the bed. He keeps his lips sealed shut, not wanting to give her an ounce of his attention and rolls over to his side, now staring hard at the wall. Dark eyes dart around the wall until they fall on the picture hanging at a corner, him smiling with Shinichiro on the day he earned his belt. His big brother had ruffled his messy blonde hair, both of them laughing in the picture.
Those were fond times of simpler days; back when he was a kid and all he had to worry about was what game he, Keisuke and Sanzu were going to play. Or fighting with Shinichiro because a pretty girl hugged him and he didn’t want to wash her off by showering.
Now when he looks at that picture, all he feels is bitter rage.
He never thought he’d direct his anger towards family before. It was always outsiders that bore the brunt of his hatred; Haruchiyo had witnessed Mikey’s wrath for a crime he never committed, permanently scarring him for life. Kazutora when he accidentally stabbed Baji during a fight had made Mikey lose it and beat the living hell out of him. Even Takemitchi had become a victim too, just for blocking the way when he was fighting a guy named South.
But for the first time in his life, he wants to hurt his own flesh and blood. He wants to fight him and curse him out and make him pay. He wants to grab Shinichiro by his shoulders and scream at him, asking him why.
Why did it have to be you?
And you. You promised him that you were his, only to turn around and betray him, with his own older brother. He wants to scream at you, to dig his nails into your pathetic flesh and draw blood, large hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing it until you weren’t breathing.
He’s thought about directly confronting you about what you did, but his thoughts get out of hand any time he sees you, urges swirling around his head. His hands tremble with rage, itching to hit you and make you feel the pain he’s going through right now. His heart hammers faster, blood rushing into his ears as he watches you walk by, not a damn care in the world about the grievous sin you committed against him.
How dare you act like you’ve done nothing wrong while he was clawing at his skin, wanting to be eaten alive just to never imagine Shin and you in the same room, sleeping together? 
He loved you. How could you do this to him?
And then there was Izana who watched it happen. Maybe he was too harsh by calling his elder brother a bastard child for not doing anything, but Mikey couldn’t help but be angry that he hadn’t tried harder. 
“I think you should apologize to him. He seemed really hurt by your words after you left.”
Senju’s voice is like nails scratching on a board to his ears, as sweet as sugar, yet as salty as the sea. Since childhood, she always had that mischievous hint in her tone, irritating him to no end at how she would always butt into their business whenever the boys were playing.
She inserted herself in their spaces much to Haruchiyo’s dismay until she made it fit into her own expectations. It wasn’t like Mikey couldn’t kick her out, but he knew that probably doing that would cause a bigger rift between Haruchiyo and Takeomi and she would drift into other predatory, male groups that could get her into big trouble.
She was doing it again now. Even if she had a point, Mikey didn’t want to admit he was wrong or hear her out. He just wanted to be angry in peace.
The sheets rustle as she shifts closer to him, her colder body pressed against his warm body, probably since she had come back from shopping for Tenjiku’s Bacchanalia and the temperature had dropped significantly since last month. A soft sigh escapes his lips as her hand finds its way to his hair, fingers gently massaging his scalp in a satisfying way. He finds himself visibly relaxing, the tension slowly leaving his body as she rubs circles into his head, her acrylics giving a nice feel to her gentle actions.
Somewhere, in a perfect world, you’re the one gently playing with his hair, touching him, your lips close to his ears and breathing down his neck. No matter how angry he was at you, he craved your touch, your soft fingers and breathy moans. He missed your cheap strawberry perfume as opposed to Senju’s expensive vivienne westwood.
He wants you. So bad it hurts.
“That’s much better now isn’t it?” She whispered in his ears and he only nodded in response, not wanting to sound like a fool if he opened his mouth to speak. Ever the weakling for being pampered by anyone, he leans into her touch and lets his guard down. “Or you’d prefer her to do this for you?”
He flushes red at her constant teasing, wanting nothing more to bury his head inside sand with how hot he was feeling right now, being caught red handed. “You keep mentioning her, almost as if you want to get on my nerves” He finally gets out after a few minutes of staving off thoughts about you being so touchy with him, voice strangled with need. “I’m already pissed at everyone else, what do you want from me?”
She chuckled into his ears again, making his neck hairs stand at attention. “Just curious, a few months ago, you wanted nothing to do with her.” She hummed in his ears. “Now every waking chance, you’re practically thinking about her, to the point you yelled at Izana for nothing. Don’t you think it’s strange?”
“What are you implying?”
Senju paused her movements, putting her chin on his head as if she’s deep in thought. “Well personally…” Senju started in a sing-song voice. “... I think she’s really pretty and that’s obvious, but she’s not that stunning to begin with. You’ve been with much prettier girls and she doesn’t necessarily have the looks to turn heads.”
“Not everyone can be you, Senju.”
“I know I’m the prettiest girl you’ll ever be with, Mikey.” She snickered, completely ignoring Mikey’s sarcastic comment as she continued her analysis. “But, come to think of it, she kinda reminds me of a certain someone.”
Mikey frowned at her words, not liking the inflection of her tone, as if she was about to imply he was doing something wrong. She took his silence as a hint to continue taunting him.
“Soft, caring, gentle, miserable.”
She lowers her lips to the side of his head, lips gently brushing the shell of his ear as she utters one word that tipped him over the edge.
The next moment was a blur, Mikey spinning Senju around until she was face up and he was on top of her, large hands wrapped around her neck tight. His eyes were darkened completely, nothing behind them but pure, unbridled rage, practically pinning her down with all his weight. His breathing is heavy, hot against her skin as he lowers his head to hers, their foreheads practically touching each other as he pierces through her soul with his hate filled glare. With each moment that passes, the pink haired girl loses air, her circulation slowly cutting off. 
A normal person would be rightfully afraid and fight the hell for their lives, biting and scratching him to let go. Senju used to fight him off like that too, when he would lose his temper because she refused to listen to him about fighting with people. It used to be an effective scare tactic to show her just how easily she could be overpowered.
But now, Senju knows him. Knows the darkness that consistently plagues him and drives him to the wall. Mikey is no enigma or mystery to her anymore as he is to his foolish admirers.
Instead, she smiles at him, her own eyes shining badly with mischief and something entirely different, naughty. “H-heh. Y-ou’re ju-st as sick as Iza-na” she croaked out snarkily, her minty breath invading his nostrils. “M-mother fuck-”
“Say that word and I’ll snap your fucking neck.”
She clamped her mouth shut at his promise, opting to smile sultry at him instead, despite her dwindling air supply. Maybe it was the masochist in her, but the constant choking had made her a little less scared and a little more interested in the twisted desire of Mikey lashing out on her, doing this repeatedly. Haruchiyo barely paid attention to her presence and always blamed himself for anything Senju did and Takeomi always blamed Haruchiyo, completely skipping her entirely, even when Haruchiyo had nothing to do with it and she did something bad just for anyone to tell her she was wrong.
Mikey though. He fulfills her fantasy of being scolded, hurt, not treated as some fragile princess, but a tool to feel his hurt and hatred. And she loves it. Perhaps it’s why he’s always the victim of her constant and persistent attitude, watching him tick was always so fun. At least she knew the one place to win him since he was physically stronger than her.
Dark impulses. 
Emma’s lucky to have brother’s that care and interfere. Maybe that’s why the blonde girl isn’t as twisted as she is.
The air between the two shifts into something hotter, more charged than before. She coughs violently as Mikey removes his hands off her neck entirely and sits up, his hands flying to his belt. As usual, she watches him from her lashes with interest as he fumbles around with it, ever so impatient to understand or think about what he was about to do with her.
“We haven’t done this in a while” she chuckles as he tosses his belt across the room, before taking off his shirt. “I’ve kinda missed this.”
He didn't say anything as he shrugged off his shirt, his breathing harsh as he lowered his face towards hers, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss. She returned it with equal feverency, her fingers digging into his hair.
‘Yeah. Use me,’ She smiled into the kiss, closing her eyes to relish in the taste of the sweet pastry he had eaten prior. He pulled away from her lips and began to kiss her neck with fervor, each kiss articulated with quiet “(name)” spilling from his lips.
Of course. Sick fool.
  YOU’VE never felt this lonely before.
You already had no faith in the school authorities, after submitting anonymous reports only for you to find them in the large garbage dumpster behind the administrative building. And the police? They didn’t ask you any question when you were called upon, apart from identifying if the person they had in custody was your ‘attacker’.
But even the friend group knew exactly what type of men they were friends with. People you thought that were in the dark and had nothing to do with it. People you had argued with Emma all those months ago that their hands were tied and had no idea what was going on.
They knew. And they didn’t even think for once to stop them. All they were concerned about was Emma finding out. Not if you were okay. Not if you were hurt or wounded. Not if the brothers had sexually assaulted you.
Just “what would Emma think?” That was how much your life was worth to them.
A tear dropped onto the open book you were reading and you quickly reached up to wipe it away. Ever since that day, you refused to borrow any work from either Emma or Hinata, opting to do the work yourself. You no longer felt safe around Emma or her group of friends who suddenly seem to show up after that day at the cafeteria everywhere you go. Senju would curl her lips at you behind Emma’s back, blue eyes full of mockery, as if she was laughing at you. Yuzuha spoke over you in conversations, whenever Emma brought up a topic, you couldn’t even get two words in as each time before she would rip your ideas into shreds until you’re silenced.
And Hina is the worst yet. Ever since that day, she’s been more bold to show her disdain for you. Pointing out loose threads from your clothes loud enough for everyone to hear or that she had seen “those shoes at a one dollar store”.
A lot of things like you failing your English test after she marked your answers made more sense now.
She hated you.
They all did. Everyone of them. They were just pretending to like you because Emma was watching them.
You couldn’t bear being their verbal punching bag anymore. It was far too much for you to handle on your own, but you know telling Emma would involve your own ruination with all the lies you’ve told over the past few months now if they chose to let out your dirty secret. She would never talk to you again if she found out what kind of things you’ve done with her big brothers.
Instead, you chose to distance yourself for the next few weeks. You found out that studying was a more effective excuse than lying about having diarrhea to escape those god awful dreaded outings. Besides, with Hinata giving you the wrong lesson plan, you needed to start all over and correct yourself on so many things. You already passed your make up test, so your next step was to continue to ace the end of the month tests before the first semester exams come in.
You were already improving within such a short time. You just needed to study more.
It also reminded you why you left your home in the first place. Why you rebelled against your father. Everything so far had just been a distraction; Mikey, Izana, Toman, Tenjiku… it didn’t matter. You were here to learn and graduate and that’s it. So many girls have gone through worse ordeals than you have and they swallow it, pretend nothing happened to them and move on. Why can’t you do the same?
‘It wasn’t that bad.’ You tell yourself often. ‘It’s not like they forced me to do anything. I could have said no at any time. Besides, I have so much more to do than crying over spilled milk.’
Your running away from home would not be in vain. You were going to do better things with your life and prove everyone else wrong.
The part of the library you chose was a quiet, secluded space where no one would bother you. These moments were reminiscent of the time before Emma Sano became your friend, when you barely spoke to anyone. Your life was so peaceful and less dramatic, each day blending with each other. Back then, she was just someone you admired from afar- as you had a crush on Mikey, you asked around if he had any relatives around.
You barely saw Izana apart from the one time he came to speak with your roommate about something concerning their course, sound engineering. You remember her strange look of adoration in her eyes and how much her mood improved that very day.
He hadn’t even spared a glance at you at that point in time as he took his notes and walked away. Back then, you thought it wasn’t nice of him to ignore you. You wished maybe he would turn his head and see you, desperate for any form of acknowledgement.
Now, you realized that the background was a better place than ever being noticed.
‘Done with this topic.’ You muttered, moving on with the course you’ve been studying for hours and flipped through the workbook guide. ‘Let’s move to the study test to see how much I’ve learned.’
You started off with the first few questions, very easy to answer and continued to progress diligently as they got more difficult. The ones that made you pause in your tracks you skipped them for later.
It’s a steady progress and for a moment, you’re doing something other than being a burden for once. Something else outside of Emma or her brothers. It’s a good change of pace outside of your tumultuous life, something you wish was more of a permanent occurrence.
You don’t notice the sun lowering and the night lights in the library slowly filtering into the room. Or the place growing empty with each passing hour.
By the time you look up from your book mid marking, the once bright sunset had become cloudy, darkness blanketing around the school, unusual for an evening sky.  “Huh, that’s not a good sign, '' you muttered to yourself. The weather forecast had indicated a sunny day this morning as opposed to the dull, rainy days prior and you decided not to bring an umbrella to school today.
Maybe it was just late. A bitt
You checked your phone and realized it was late by a WHOLE LOT.
“9:00 pm? Already?” You whisper yelled, jerking up from your chair. How hard had you been studying that you had forgotten the time in the first place? Or to set alarms to snap you out of it? “This has never happened to me before, I always had Emma to snap me out of…” You trailed off, realizing where your sentence was trailing off too.
Yeah. Emma always helped you keep track of time whenever you hyper focused on something for too long.
‘They’re right. I’m too dependent on her.’
You gathered your books hastily and stuffed them carelessly in your backpack, eager to leave. The library was not necessarily the safest place to be in the night, as it was closer to the boy’s campus than the girls. Crimes always went abump in the night time; cult meetups, violent beatings, drug trafficking, raping unsuspecting people. It was the area Tenjiku controlled the most in school as many members and aspiring members occupied most of the block.
Their over eagerness to get a silver of Izana’s attention in any way was why this area was unsafe.
Meaning you needed to get out of here. Fast. The marking can wait another time.
You bolted out of the library as fast as you could, nearly the last person to leave save for a few guys who were still studying, only to be met with a huge gust of cold wind breezing past you and nearly lifting your dress up. Your body shuddered at the flash of bright light illuminating the sky, followed by a loud crack of thunder.
Great. So not only are you in the most dangerous spots on campus at night, but it is also threatening to rain as well, trapping you in the worst place yet.
How delightful.
“There’s a bus stop somewhere here but it closes at 9pm sharp.” You groaned, fighting your way through the heavy wind as you looked for shelter, so that you could think of a more permanent solution. God, there really seems to be no way out of this huh? How can anyone have this amount of terrible luck and still be sane?
You contemplated calling Emma to come pick you up briefly, before discarding the idea entirely. She said she would be too busy picking out the decorations and setting the right theme for the party and you knew from prior occasions, she would still be too busy to pick you up.
She needed more time with her friends instead of worrying about you. Making her cut her time with them would only fuel their hatred for you and you didn’t want that.
You decided to brave it and walk, hoping you’ll make it through before the storm meets you. You ignored the thunder claps overhead and the light drizzle hitting your skin, hoping you might see a car or a bus service at least outside before someone else you didn’t want to notice met you on the road. Your mind keeps nagging you to call someone as the drops get heavier but you push that thought at the back of your mind.
Last time you listened to your gut, you witnessed a man getting murdered. You’re not going to do that to yourself again. Besides, you can handle rain. You handled it when you were a kid, being locked out by your dad or mom as punishment.
You can handle it now.
Eventually the rain starts pouring in torrents, lightning painting the skies white before a loud crack echoed around, nearly terrifying you. It gets too bad that you couldn’t even see the road with how hard the storm came down on you. With wet clothes and your ruined hair, you quickly ran off to the nearest shelter to protect yourself, chills running down your spine.
Here you stand, wet, cold, shivering and damp hair you were sure would stink by tomorrow if you don’t at least blow dry the scalp area. The only thing saving you from total embarrassment was that your bag back is waterproof, otherwise you would have been completely screwed-
You shrieked loudly as a car drove by fast, splashing the puddle of water in front of you all over you, practically drenching you in dirty water, and staining your clothes. By the time you realized what had just happened, the car had been long gone, before you could complain or even ask for help.
Your one chance of surviving the rain and getting home, gone.
All you were trying to do was be considerate and independent so that no one would hate on you and it backfired. Tears rolled down your cheeks as your arms wrapped around your body, trying to seek warmth. You were cold, your legs aching from walking around all day with nothing in your stomach because you had chosen to neglect yourself.
You feel like you’re seventeen again, homeless in the rain with no hope to get shelter, your body tired from all the running, cold from how drenched you were and hungry from the lack of food after being starved for two days.
You wanted to laugh. You would if your teeth weren’t knocking against each other as you climbed on the bench, pulling your knees to your chest, trying to warm yourself up.
If only you had swallowed your pride and called Emma. You would have been in a warm bed with her arms surrounding you. In fact, if you had just ignored the mean comments and followed them to plan the party despite not being invited, you wouldn’t have been in this mess.
You’ve never felt so alone in your life and it’s all your fault. 
Bright headlights draw near and it’s only then you realize that the car coming towards you was the one that splashed all that water on you. You stand up from the bench as the good samaritan slowly pulls over to the shelter you had taken.
“I knew it was you. What the hell are you doing out here by this time?”
Your mouth goes dry as you slowly recognize the familiar voice, belonging to the one person you never expected, the white hair confirming your suspicions.
The universe had a funny way of letting you know it doesn’t care about you in the slightest. Of all people, why did it have to be him who saw you at your lowest? Knowing him, he was just going to laugh at you and then drive away again, splashing water over you. He always had a knack of humiliating you -
“Get in.”
Did you hear him right? Izana asking you to get into his car?
Your mind raced with all the possibilities that could happen if you stepped into that car with him. He could very well finish what he started months ago and dump your body in a nearby river. Or drive you half way and tell you to walk home for the rest of the road. You considered taking your chances with the cold rainy weather, if it was safer to be harrassed by some random street thug or be in the same car with him?
He blasted his horn multiple times, regaining your attention. “I wasn’t asking. I said get in before you catch a serious cold.”
Your mind told you to hesitate, resist his command and wait for someone else. You know what kind of things he is capable of doing, and you know staying out here, chattering in the rain and waiting for help that won’t come underneath a storm that gets worse with each passing minute isn’t a smart idea either.
You took your chance rushing over to the passenger’s door and taking a seat. A warm jacket is handed over to you, which you take gratefully, wrapping over your shoulders.
“The storm isn’t gonna stop anytime soon and I can barely see it as it is. You’re gonna have to stay with me tonight.”
You nodded. Not like you had a choice. You would take any help you can get, even from the devil himself.
   IZANA doesn’t do nice things. For free at least.
It’s what he tells himself as he leads you into Tenjiku’s fraternity house, one hand with an umbrella and the other one holding on to your cold hands, shivering out of your mind.
He's doing this to observe you. And right now you're awfully naïve
Some heads turn from the game they were playing at the sound of the door closing, all greeting Izana with a quiet “Welcome boss!” Or “how was your day?”, which as per usual Izana ignored the frat members that he didn’t know. Realizing that he wasn’t paying attention to them, they trailed their gazes on to you, the shivering girl Izana was practically dragging across the room, multitudes of whispers erupting throughout
“That’s Emma’s friend, isn’t it? What is she doing here?”
“Why is she wet? Was she standing in the rain?”
“Doesn’t matter, she’s so pretty. I’ve never really noticed her before but damn.”
“Yeah, and she walks so cutely, the way she’s holding our boss’ hand like a lost puppy. I can tell she’ll be real fun to play with.”
“Her legs are really sexy, and that ass, whew-”
“Her nips are showing from the dress. Fuck, she doesn’t wear a bra.”
Izana can tell by the way your grip on his hand tightens, you feel uncomfortable with how they’re talking about you. It reminded him of that night at the party, where you looked so embarrassed when he called you a slut, making you the center of attention unwillingly. Or the time he embarrassed you in front of Shinichiro, the way you’ll cast your gaze down at your feet and stutter on your words, looking all flustered.
Back then it felt good to humiliate you. Watching you break down in front of his friends was so fun, cause you looked so pretty when embarrassed, tears watering your lash line.
So why does he feel so weird now? What’s this tightening feeling in his chest, gnawing at his heart and brain, filling his veins with hot rage? It’s unlike anything he’s dealt with, and it’s been a common feeling ever since the time at the Sano residence, so much that he hit his own brother.
And why does it only come whenever you are involved?
He squeezed your hand tighter in response, tugging you closer to his side and encircled his arm around your waist instead, earning a small gasp of surprise from you. It’s a silent warning; an effective one at that because his frat members quickly shut up and went back to what they were doing. It doesn’t satiate his annoyance still. It’s strange. He’s never satisfied anytime you’re the reason for his anger until someone is hurt.
It’s like with you, his hunger and thirst for violence is bottomless until he consumes someone alive completely.
“(Name)? What’s going on? Is she hurt?”
Kakucho is standing at the last few stairs when he sees the both of you. Ever the good man he was, the dark haired male stares at your shivering form with worry in his eyes, his heart dropping further into his stomach at how you clutched onto Izana tightly, his good eye tracing his arm to his grip on your waist.
Kakucho’s red eye flickered up to meet Izana briefly, as if telling him something along the lines of ‘what are you doing?’
It’s all part of his plan. When he figures it out. Eventually.
“She’s fine. Just help me get cold medicine” Izana assured verbally, his arm encased around your waist as you both climbed the stairs, stopping when he was within earshot of his second in command to give an order. “The guys pissed me off today, teach them a lesson, particularly the fucker in yellow shirt with dyed hair and the one that thinks piercings makes him a gangster.”
The dark haired man nodded and robotically walked down to the main hall, no questions asked. He smirked when you fist his shirt tighter at the sound of bones crunching underneath a heavy fist.
The rest of the journey up the stairs was quiet. Occasionally, his higher ups would see the both of you as you ascended the floors and give him a questioning look. He knew his friends enough to understand what they were communicating through their eyes, all the same question.
‘What are you doing?’
He wants to laugh. Even he himself can’t understand his own actions. This is so uncharacteristic of him, being so considerate to the person he has publicly had fantasies of violating until you can't walk again.
They know it isn’t safe to let you be alone with him either. But they don’t do anything or step in to help you. They just watch him take you up the stairs to do god knows what.
He won’t hurt you, at least, not for now. There’s too much at stake here and he is far smarter than that.
The both of you eventually reach his bedroom and he opens the door, letting you in first before shutting the door behind himself. He pulled away from you briefly, going ahead to his clean towel rack to pick one for you. Deciding to pick the soft blue one for you, he walked back to you and held it out. “Give me your school bag and change into that. I’ll run a hot bath for you.”
You hesitate for a moment, eyes flickering from his face to his hands as if unsure of his sudden act of kindness, like you could do anything now that you’re alone with him, in his own room. “A-are you going to watch me change?” You spoke for the first time since you got here, your face painted with concern.
There’s something annoying about your shyness; it’s a side of you that Izana heavily detests. The way you’re hiding behind the wall in distrust just to ask him about preserving your modesty. Especially after he saved you from the terrible storm. So what if he wanted to see you naked? You would owe it to him.
You were an ungrateful little twat.
The look on his face goes dark, making you tremble as he starts to move closer to you, until you could feel his hot breath on your skin. The urge to threaten you was high. The urge to act on that threat right now was even higher. Maybe he would justify your fears of being alone with him right now, damn the consequences and everyone else.
Instead, he reigned in his thoughts and took a deep breath. If he wanted his perfect hierarchy to be back to normal, he had to control himself and his anger around you, especially now that he was busy with planning the Bacchanalia to regain his elder brother’s respect. If there’s any incident involving you getting hurt now, he was sure Shinichiro would shut it down instantly as punishment.
He has to wait for the right time.
“I’m not.” He answered you, before pushing the towel and the nightgown into your chest rather aggressively. “In fact, I’m out of here. You can go wild with the bath. I have shit to do.”
He doesn’t wait for you to respond, shutting the door behind himself and leaving you all alone in his massive room.
A sigh escaped his lips as he made his way towards the balcony on the third floor outside to cool down. His hands fumbled his pockets, taking out his bunts, needing an extra kick for the night and selecting one, placing it between his teeth. His other hand took out a lighter, flicking it twice before a dull flame lights up, standing proud amidst the stormy weather. Izana presses the light to the tip of his cig until it catches, inhaling until there’s a familiar burning sensation in his lungs.
Blowing the smoke out through his pursed lips, he could feel all his pent up stress and annoyance from the entire day roll off his shoulders, washing away along with the storm ongoing.
For the first time today, he finally had one peaceful moment to himself. Shion had messed up buying the drinks for the party by sending it to the wrong address, Rindou wasn’t done mixing his stupid tapes after begging him for months to let him play, Senju was too busy screwing Mikey to finish up sending her clients invites for the secret business meeting and the school is breathing down on his neck about not slipping up like last time when some overambitious students tried to expose what goes on in the exclusive party.
And then, there’s the rocky relationship with Shin. They’ve started talking again, with Shinichiro reaching out first but Izana feels like he has to walk on eggshells around him now. His elder brother had said you were not interested in furthering a relationship with him, but refuses to apologize to Izana for falsely accusing him of telling Mikey.
Mikey blaming him for not stopping you is another thing altogether and then yelling about how they are not blood brothers when Izana tried to explain.
He’s sick of it.
Everytime you were involved, someone had to blame him for something, right from the first time it happened when he made you cry because you didn’t know how to roll a damn joint. It wasn’t his fault and he didn’t mean anything by it back then, but when Emma started to get mad at him consistently, he decided to just return the favor and hurt you.
It’s easy for everyone to think of him as a cold, heartless, bitter man. They praise him when it works to their benefit, being analytical and taking action without any sentiment attached and then they berate him when he eventually lashes out because people expect him not to complain or take up too much space. It’s always him that is the cause of the problems and the fights, never Mikey the golden child.
The fuel to Mikey’s fire.
Meanwhile his siblings can yell about him not being their biological brother at the drop of a hat and love someone else far quicker than they accepted him. And he’s expected to just be okay with it.
He burns through his blunts in rapid succession, each one taking the edge of him bit by bit until all his anger was nonexistent and he was ready to retire for the night. They’re not as effective as when he first started at sixteen, but then again maybe it’s a sign for him to take it easy and wean himself for a while.
At least, he’s slowed down on the amount of girls and guys he brings by, but he knows it’s because they’re just not doing it for him anymore.
He makes his way sluggishly back into the house, the hallways dark and empty, save for a few night lights illuminating the area. ‘Must have been out there for a while.’ He thought to himself, dragging his feet to his bedroom door and pushing it open, gently closing it.
Tugging off his jacket, he neatly folded it into his laundry basket and walked up to the night stand next to his bed, checking the digital clock for the time.
‘1:50am. Fuck’ he cursed.
Waking up tomorrow would be a pain in the ass with how high he was right now, especially with all the problems he has to fix, but it’s a problem he’ll deal with tomorrow.
“Should I just skip my night shower?” He mused, settling down on his bed and kicking off his boots and unclasping his chains. Luckily for him, he smoked outside, so the stench didn’t cling onto him as much as it should, but he still felt filthy for even considering that option in the first place.
“Ah fuck, maybe it’ll help me sober up a bit-”
His words caught up in his throat as his eyes caught sight of you on the other end of his bed, asleep.
The faint glow of his night lamp illuminating your figure, the blanket draped over your body. You must have been very tired, noting by the fact you hadn’t worn or requested a silk bonnet to bed, leaving your hair out.
(luckily for you, his pillow cases were silk but you’ll figure it out).
Your lips are parted slightly, eyes closed in the most peaceful look he’s ever seen you in. Carefully, he pushed down his weighted blankets to see the nightwear in all its glory, lips parted in awe at how well it fits you compared to his sister, outlining every curve and pudge.
Izana knows you’re beautiful. He knew it from the first day he met you when he started messing around with your roommate, but beauty was never a defining factor for him to be attracted to you. He liked it when people were under his thumb after fighting for dominance and the only time he ever felt attracted to you was the night of the attack, fighting for your life and then begging him to spare you. He doesn’t dig the innocence thing because it’ll mean he has to be careful.
But tonight. His head and his pants has him thinking very differently.
A tanned hand touched your face, caressing your cheek softly. Your skin is soft, doughy and gentle underneath his ringed fingers. You shivered slightly from how light your nightwear is, considering the air conditioned room is terribly cold, combined with the raging storm outside.
It’s hard to imagine that a girl with such an innocent face has caused him so much trouble.
Purple eyes glance over your body, clad in the silk nightie and his tongue wets his lips eagerly, pants tightening at the way the swell of your breasts are exposed through the flimsy material. The shape of your ass is outlined perfectly, enticing him even more.
He could get his revenge now. Force you face up and bully his cock into you, robbing you of your precious virginity. He’ll take pictures and post it on the internet, make you the laughing stock of the entire school and then get you expelled.
Quick and sweet.
But it doesn’t sit right with him. Thinking of someone else that wasn’t Mikey looking at you in a lewd manner made the vessels underneath his skin boil for some reason, but he doesn’t dwell on the thought further. Besides, it feels too cheap of a victory taking advantage of you without you fighting back. He likes the chase and adores the violence.
He wants to see the pure terror in your eyes as you realized you were trapped with him.
But now, he was going to do the opposite. He was going to be your comfort and ease you into him. He would dangle a carrot stick and lure you in. 
Then, he’ll use you to appease Mikey. And all will be well in the world again.
  YOU don’t understand your own self or feelings anymore.
You’ve never understood any of their feelings either, all the brothers, especially Izana. You always saw him as the violent one, prideful, like your own elder brother who had done nothing but hurt you. He was the more rotten brother who put his own needs over everyone else's. It was easier to put him in a box then and label him dangerous, to accept that Izana hated you and wanted to cause you pain and harm.
Now, it’s conflicting to say the least.
You had woken up in his arms, your body pressed against his bare chest and assumed the worst had happened. By his track record, who were you to say that he wouldn’t have done something to your unconscious body while you were out cold? Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the cough medication Kakucho had given you, how could you be so trusting of people that have done everything to hurt you?
With a shaky hand, you had checked for soreness between your thighs or a sticky like substance, expecting the worst outcome. This time, if he did anything to you, you were going to tell everybody. You would scream and you would tell Emma with no care if everyone will be angry at you again-
‘N-nothing? I feel… fine.’
The nightgown you wore was still intact, your legs weren’t sore or injured and there was nothing wet beneath your thighs. Izana had respected you enough not to touch you while you slept, him of all people. The guy who hurt you physically didn’t try to violate you in your sleep.
Guilt and relief nipped you in your heart at the time. Truly, Izana wanted to help you from the time he picked you from the bus stop, to when he hid you from his member’s prying eyes, even punishing them for looking at you. No wonder he got angry when you insinuated that he’d want to watch you change when he was trying to get you out of your wet clothes and run a bath for you.
You felt bad for assuming he wanted to hurt you. It was obvious he was trying to do right by you, and your reaction was to jump into conclusions, assuming the worst of the guy.
No wonder people hated you. At the core of his heart, Izana loves his family and you were driving one big wedge between them. On top of that, instead of listening to Yuzuha when she tried to tell you what you were doing wrong, you got angry about it, distancing yourself only to be a burden again.
They were right. You were the problem.
Eventually you both woke up fully and started your day. He had left the room for you to dress up, leaving some of Emma’s other clothes she kept behind on her visits for you. It was his room and he could have easily stayed behind to start his own day or pawned you off to his other members to deal with you now that you were okay. He could have kicked you out at the crack of dawn, with how ungrateful you were last night and left you to wait for the bus until God knows when.
Instead, he insisted you ate breakfast while he dressed up and took it upon himself to take you home.
The drive was silent, deftones playing from the speakers being the only source of sound saving you from the most awkward silence. Your gaze darted from your lap to his face, from his slightly furrowed brows that formed a crease in his forehead, to his empty purple eyes fixated on the road and to his clenched jaw. His grip on the steering wheel was tight, any harder and it would break in half-
“You’re staring too much. It’s distracting.”
Heat flooded your body; you must have been so obvious that he caught you without taking his eyes off the road. “Sorry.” You replied meekly, looking down to your lap.
You don’t expect him to swerve into an alleyway, your body jerking harshly as he slammed the brakes and parked in a secluded spot, the seatbelt preventing you from slamming your face head first in the dashboard, keeping you anchored in your seat.
“What the -"
“This morning,” he cut you short, unbothered by his sudden recklessness or your fear as your life flashed before your very eyes. “You were checking whether I raped you, right?”
Oh no. He must have been aware of when you felt your body up and down for any signs of sexual abuse. “I-i” you started to explain yourself, but he put his hand up to stop you from talking. “Don’t explain yourself. I don’t want to hear it.” He snapped angrily. “It’s a yes or no question, answer.”
You bit your lip in distress, wishing that the earth would just swallow you whole. How you managed to get Izana pissed off at you this early in the morning, in his car, in the middle of nowhere is beyond your own understanding.
You gulped as he switched off the CD player, engulfing you both in silence. It only got worse as he turned his attention back to you, his eyes burning with anger.
“I should have left you to rot out there. You’d be safer catching pneumonia than me ever helping you out again.”
“I’m sorry-”
“You’re very ungrateful.” he spat out. “I know I’m a bad person but the least you could have done was thank me. I had every right to leave you under the rain, do you know the amount of damage you’ve caused because you couldn’t stop to think to yourself ‘what if I hurt others?’ My siblings have called me a bastard child on two separate occasions because of you!”
Your heart felt like tearing into pieces at his words, the hurt behind his voice seeping through. Was that why he was always so angry at you? That his siblings remind him of his status as an adopted relative when it involves issues concerning you.
That was cruel of them, even someone like Izana shouldn’t be told that.
“I-i had no idea, I didn’t know-”
“How would you know?” He cuts you off again, his voice bitter. “It’s always about you. Always about protecting you and being nice to you. Stopping you from sleeping with people. I’m always expected to refine my actions around you. I’ve cut my time with Emma and I let Mikey get away with insulting me because they both love you. It’s so easy for them to love you, but hard to love me. Do you think it’s fair?”
‘What have I done?’
You’re in tears now, clearly distressed at his words, at his hurt, the way he bit his lip, tears threatening to fall from his purple eyes. Now you understand Yuzuha’s actions fully. You understand Izana’s frustration fully too, being put at the bottom in terms of love and affection. He was just a broken man who wanted the best for everyone, only to be given the short end of the stick.
And being adopted must be harder. Always feeling like he has to prove himself. He has to be better, act more mature, do better or he’ll lose their love and be abandoned, alone. You know where he is coming from, you understand his anger.
“I’m sorry” you whimpered, humbled by his pain. You wanted to take it away and give him peace. Yes he hurt you in the past, but you know now that it came from a place of pain and not malice. “I’m so sorry Izana. I was out of line. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Anything I can-”
“Forget it. Just clean your face and forget it.”
He started the engine again and continued the journey to your dorm. The rest of the journey is solemn, lots of unspoken words hanging in the air between the two of you. You want to reach out to him, to tell him you’re sorry for hurting him and making him do horrible things just to get his family’s attention again. You want to hug him and tell him you understand how hard it was to constantly be searching for approval, only to have it be hung over your head. It wasn’t either of your faults.You could just apologize, forgive each other after so much pain and move on.
But he doesn’t give you the opportunity to speak anymore. You can’t blame him.
Eventually the car stopped at your dorm and you unbuckle your seatbelt, ready to leave. “Thanks” you muttered, genuinely grateful. You know it takes a lot to be kind to someone that has been your source of pain for a long time, especially for someone as vengeful as Izana. “And for what is worth, I apologize deeply. I never meant to hurt you.” You added, taking your school bag from the back seat.
He doesn’t respond or even looks at you. The second you leave his car, he drives off, leaving you standing there with a broken heart and guilty conscience, before walking to your dorm room.
You tried to clear your head from the thoughts plaguing you. You skipped classes for today, opting to rest after draining yourself throughout yesterday and just clear your head. You needed space, at least to understand yourself and everything that has happened.
A few hours later, there’s a knock on your door. You quickly make your way to open it, thinking it was your estranged roommate whom you haven’t seen for weeks. You don’t expect a large bouquet of orange flowers being shoved in your face, the striking petals tickling your nostrils.
“You must be (name) right?” The florist questions, her lips quivering into a smile that seems too bright to be real. “These are for you. They’re orange lilies”
You took them off from her hands, still confused at the action. Who could send you flowers so randomly? You plucked the note between the flowers, opening it carefully, revealing a note, with some directions at the back.
“See you at the Bacchanalia?” You read out, confusion laced in your tone. “Make sure to go to these locations to prepare for that day. I’ll be waiting 9pm sharp, signed anon?”
“Oh, the sender said he’d like to be anonymous too, just that he’s a guest attending this year’s bacchanalia and he wants to see you there.” the florist added cheerily. “Seems romantic, hmm? Someone must really like you to have convinced Mr. Kurokawa to send you a V.I.P invite.”
“I don’t understand-” you started sputtering. “I’m not an el-”
“Oh, I still have invites to give. See ya.”
She slammed the door in your face, leaving you to decipher who the heck this person was. It would clearly not be Izana or Mikey, right? Since you’re sure Mikey is mad at you and Izana is sick of your presence. Emma doesn’t want you there either, so there is that.
Who could it be?
You dropped the bouquet in a large jug you long abandoned before, filling it with water from the tap before putting it on your window sill. “Maybe if I check the internet on what the flower means, it might be a clue. These look really gorgeous.”
You muttered, picking up your phone, googling the meaning of the orange lily.
“Huh? Courage.” That’s nice” 
You were about to scroll up for more answers when another person knocked on your door. You closed the tab and opened up to see your R.A, Makoto who had come to question you on why you hadn’t returned to the hostel last night.
The conversation lasted too long and you soon forgot about the thing you were doing.
 “Probably wasn’t important anyways.”
   MIKEY’S favorite fairytale was cinderella.
His mother always told the story of a peasant girl who all she wanted was a night away from her step family to dance at the ball but had nothing to wear. And then a fairy godmother appeared before her and gave her a dress and shoes and a ride to the ball, transforming her into the most beautiful maiden at the party.
It’s why he thinks Izana did this intentionally.
He has to admit, his brother had a sense of style that could not be easily matched. The blue dress was angelic, complimenting your figure, especially your ample breasts. The white sashes and ruffles was exquisite, complemented with a set of pearl necklace that brought out your eyes. Even your perm was so well done, a little band adorning your head. Your make up was light, but enhanced your softness, making your pretty eyes pop. The longer Mikey stares, the faster his heart beats and the more his body aches for you. God, he misses you so damn much, he missed your scent, that smile you’re wearing now as you’re greeting Haitani Ran.
And most of all, he missed your body.
If only you hadn’t slept with his elder brother, you would be so perfect. A pretty face with evil in your heart.
Mikey is so entranced by your beauty, his mouth hanging open as you alighted the stairs, he doesn’t notice Izana walking up behind him, leaning down a little to whisper into the younger man’s ear.
“You like your present? I told you she would come.”
Mikey choked on his drink, nearly spilling the wine glass in his hand all over his trousers, barely missing as it sloshed all over the floor. He swiveled his head towards his smirking elder brother.
The blonde opens his mouth to speak but finds himself at loss for words.
He owed Izana a huge apology. It really was out of his hands when it came to you. All along, you were the temptress, selling yourself to whomever can take care of you at that point in time.
“So she took the bait huh?” Mikey whispered back, his eyes darting from his brother to you, lingering on your figure as you gracefully walked towards their direction. “You were right about her. It really wasn’t Shin’s fault after all.”
“It’s such a shame.” Izana shrugged. “I knew from day one she’d fuck anyone that can get her ahead. But she makes you happy. It’s her you want, isn’t it?”
Mikey felt his throat clog up at Izana’s question. Ever since that day, he has never heard one word from you. You never gave him an excuse as to why you were ignoring him and you never even bothered to tell him what you had done with his brother. As if what the both of you had between each other never even mattered in the first place.
As if he didn’t matter.
“I know you respected her sanctity, Mikey.” He whispered in his brother’s ear, his words cutting deep in his heart. “You never broke her virginity because you knew how much it meant to her. You fought me over her because I put my hands on her. Hell, you fought Shinichiro over her. Do you know what that means?”
As much as he wanted to reject his brother’s words, there’s a part of his heart that agreed with him.
“You’re in love with her and she treats you like shit. She thinks she can do whatever she wants.” Izana stated, now trailing his eyes to you, not too far off chatting with the older Haitani. Mikey could feel his temper tip over when he sees you smile at Ran and the long haired male touch your fucking arm.
“So which is it, Mikey? Are you going to keep punishing yourself, suffering with dark impulses of what you want? Or are we both going to address the problem?”
Izana pulled away from him, a hand patting his younger brother’s shoulder. “Midnight, she’ll be in my room. Not like anyone would believe her if she said she was assaulted at a sex party."
The last comment awakened something in Mikey. All the vile and violent thoughts that he had kept under wraps, that he had pushed at the back of his mind scratched at their jail cells, screaming to be let out.
Tonight, it would be acceptable to make you see his dark side. And you have no one but yourself to blame.
  YOU’VE never seen Tenjiku look so majestic before.
The design is beautiful, each tier having their unique theme. The VIP tier looked like a dream come through, low level lighting from the expensive fairy lights, to the gilded streamers hanging over the ceiling, the fancy butlers serving drinks to the creme a la creme of the school, people you would never approach directly with how many guards usually surrounded them.
It was just so beautiful. A far cry from the way it looked just a few days ago.
You’re in awe that you don’t realize everyone is staring at you, either in shock or moreso, admiration. The music doesn’t do well to hide the murmurs flying by you as you waltzed through the VIP theater, looking for the person who invited you.
“Is that (name) (last name)? Here?”
“The good Christian girl who follows Emma Sano like a lost dog? Yeah. But lately she hasn’t even been with Emma. Word on the street says they’re fighting.”
“She cleans up nicely, fuck, she’s pretty.”
“I wonder who invited her? Does she know what goes on in these kinds of parties?”
“I heard from someone that Izana is trying to please Emma really hard and that’s why she’s here-”
You’re deaf to the comments, too focused on looking for the person who sent you the letter but to no avail. “They said I should meet them here by nine pm but they’re nowhere to be found. They should have recognized me by now”
After searching for a few more minutes, you decided to just find anyone with a familiar face and stay with them instead until you found your real date. Lucky, you catch sight of the older Haitani brother, mumbling about the drinks and making your way to him in quick strides.
“(Name)?” Ran said, his purple eyes scanning your outfit from your hair, down to your shoes before giving a smirk of approval. “What a pleasure to see you here. You look gorgeous as always. Blue is really your color.”
You smile in return at his compliment, Ran was always very nice to you, ever since the incident, although you rarely saw him, when you did, he made sure to ask how you were doing and sometimes got you something to eat with him.
“Thank you.” You replied. “You look amazing too. I love the outfits. Plus your hair looks great in a man bun.”
“You think so?” He asked, touching your arm subconsciously. “Rindou said my hair is shit and I should cut it.”
You imagined it briefly, Ran with short hair and laughed it off. He wouldn’t look bad with it. “I think you’d rock any hairstyle you have on”
“You’re a saint. Truly.” he shook his head before asking you a nagging question. “Anyways, how come you got invited? Emma never mentioned anything about using her status to invite you.”
‘Wait, what?’
What did he mean by using her status to invite you? “I thought invites are only done by Izana strictly.” you questioned, clearly confused. That was what Emma and her friends told you at least and you believed them, not pressing the matter further.
“Well, yeah.” Ran shrugged his shoulders, unknowingly hammering the nail in the coffin for Emma. “but Emma and Mikey can invite at least one person of their choice and since Draken was already invited, I thought Emma would bring you here.”
Emma had presented it as if she had no choice in inviting anyone, vehemently reminding you that her hands were tied and her telling you “you wouldn’t enjoy the party anyways” repeatedly. You would have been fine if she just told you that she didn’t want you to come in the first place, but why go through all that just to lie.
“Speak of the devil-”
The universe must hate you with how accurate the timing was seeing her. She looked breath-taking, her white dress adorned with stones, coupled with her jeweled gloves and her shiny neck choker necklace. Her makeup is smeared and she’s stumbling a bit, a dumb smile etched on her face, with Draken’s arm on her waist steadying her, lipstick stains over his neck and cheeks.
She doesn’t notice you staring at her until Draken points in your direction. Her smile is wiped from her face instantly and she whispers something to him, before pulling away. You watch as she practically storms towards you, her hand immediately clasping around your wrist and dragging you away from Ran without a word.
You don’t fight against her vice-like grip as she drags you into one of Tenjiku’s free bathrooms and locks the door instantly. You stumble when she lets you go, yellow eyes blazing with pure anger.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
A part of you wants to cave in. Dig a hole and bury your head in the sand just to please her. If you bat your lashes and be meek, maybe she’ll forgive you for whatever transgression you must have committed against her, even if you don’t know your sin.
But a bigger part of you feels cheated. Why would she lie to you for something as little as this?
You open your mouth to say what is on your mind only for her to raise a hand up, interrupting you completely as she takes out her phone. “Y'know what? I don’t care. I’m calling a cab to take you back to your dorm room.”
Your fists balled at your side as she started calling an uber to take you home. Great, here she was treating you like a dumb child again, as if you couldn’t make independent decisions yourself.
You’re not letting her do this to you. Not without an explanation first.
“You lied to me.” You spat out, every fiber of your being shaking as you called her out. “You lied to me about everything!”
“And so what?” Emma shot back at you mid type, putting the phone by her side to face you now, her pretty face scrunched up in irritation. “Of course I had to lie to you, you looked so upset because you weren’t invited-”
“And you could have fixed that by inviting me to the actual party instead of making me watch you guys giggle and laugh about buying new clothes for the party!” You said exasperated, trying to explain your side of the issue. “I felt left out Emma to the point I distanced myself because I felt like I was being a downer. What you did to me was not fair-”
“Do you even know what a Bacchanalia is in the first place? Do you know what we do here that you’re so eager and desperate to come?” she screeched, shutting you up effectively. “We drink, we smoke, we do drugs, we have fucking orgies! I just came from one right now! This is not a place for someone like you. Girls like you here, from fucking poor homes get taken advantage of and that’s what whoever invited you want to do with you!”
“Any other party, I’d baby you and keep an eye on you. But just this once, I want to just have fun with my boyfriend instead of acting like your mother”
“Oh great, another development you didn’t tell me about.” you snapped, almost at the verge of tears. So she finally got Draken to ask her out and she never told you, after months of crying about her ups and downs of her relationship, months of you comforting her. “And you don’t need to baby me, I can handle myself just FINE-”
“Fucking my two brothers behind their backs doesn’t make you some kind of sex goddess that can handle an orgy-”
The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. You stared at her in shock, your mouth hanging agape. A look of horror crossed her face too, realizing she had gone too far mentioning your past escapades that she wasn’t supposed to know about.
“You knew.” It was a statement, not a question, the weight of those words being the hammer to the last nail of a coffin, in it lying your friendship with Emma.
“I’m not the only one who keeps secrets it seems.”
You don’t say anything as Emma puts her phone away, her gaze hardening at you. The guilt and shame of what you had done slapped back into your face hard. You couldn’t say you didn’t deserve it, if anything, everything that just happened, from her unbothered nature when you began to distance yourself, down to lying to you about the party and not telling you anything about her dating Draken, made sense.
Full circle, it falls back to you. This was your fault.
“If anything happens to you, I told you so.”
With that, she walked past you, bumping her shoulder against yours and leaving you alone in the stall.
You stay there for another hour, your back against the wall, head raised up to control the tears threatening to fall down your face. You had just lost your friend, the one person that truly cared for you simply because you were never honest with her. You’ve never felt so foolish, what did you think would happen? That life would move on and everyone would be cool with what you had done? That someone else wouldn’t have found out?
“Oh, (name)? You’re crying?”
You jumped up at Senju standing beside you, her red glitter dress illuminated by the white light. She smells strange, like the weed Emma smoked sometimes when she was stressed. As usual, Senju looked very beautiful, unapproachable and powerful with her striking red lips and sharp cut eyeliner. You feel like a little kid standing next to a proper adult, lost, with zero to no experience about life.
“How long have you been standing here?”
“Well, I was fucking someone in the stall” Senju admitted crassly, a dangerous glint in her eyes as she stared you up and down. “But I kinda heard everything. Sorry.”
At least she was honest with you. “I-it’s fine.” You sniffled. “Y-you must think I’m a whore too right?”
Senju scoffed, rolling her eyes. “It’s just two guys. You’re much more guilty of having bad taste in men, you can do so much better than Mikey’s insane self.”
“Damn straight.”
Your mouth fell open as Hinata emerged from the toilet, the strap of her silver dress out of place. You looked at the red kiss marks on Hinata’s neck and then at Senju’s red lipstick, putting two and two together.
“Did you two? But you’re dating -”
“He knows.” Hinata said dismissively, readjusting her strap. “After all, there’s no holds barred for the Bacchanalia. He’s probably having fun with Mikey in the other bathroom.”
“At least it’s not Emma… like last time. It was a mess. Draken almost killed him.”
Your lips fell open at Senju’s comment, absolutely floored. The two girls bursted laughed at your expression, tears nearly falling from their eyes. “Oh don’t look like that.” Hinata teased. “Our friend group is very… interesting to say the least.”
You gulped at what she was implying. Interesting is one word to describe it.
The two girls giggled at your naive expression again, then turned back to you. “You know, instead of moping here, we can just have fun and get to know each other right.” Senju suggested, batting her lashes at you. “Might as well make the most of it, right? You’re already here anyways.”
Yeah. You were already here with the expensive dress and make up that your donor had given you. Going back would just be a waste of money and you don’t want to stand up to the person who got you these things if they do eventually seek you out.
And you’d have fun, right? Maybe kiss a person or two just to feel mature.
What could possibly go wrong?
You let them drag you out of the bathroom and back to the VIP spot. The music had become more upbeat while you were gone and people had started dancing with each other. You were about to join in when Hinata suddenly grabbed at your hand, dragging you backwards.
“You don’t go to the dance floor sober, silly.” She laughed, hailing a server holding a bottle of wine and five glasses. Senju quickly picked the bottle and a glass, uncorking the drink with her teeth with a loud pop. Hinata selected a free glass, before gesturing at you. “Come on, pick a glass.”
“But I’ve never drank before-”
“Oh don’t be such a downer (name).” Senju goaded, pouring a drink in her own glass and handing it over to you, pushing it between your fingers. “It’s just a lil alcohol.”
You looked at the liquid in your hand suspiciously, and then back at the two girls who had already downed their drinks in seconds, pouring themselves another glass. With a sigh, you lift the cup to your plush lips, downing the drink as quickly as possible, ignoring the bitter taste and burning sensation until you swallow it.
“There we go!”
“Good girl”
You downed two more glasses until you began to feel a strange buzz, your head felt so heavy. The two others giggled, helping you drop your wine glass and dragging you towards the dance floor, your body being sandwiched between the two of them.
“I love this song!”
You don’t remember anything else after that.
  “WHERE am I?”
Your head hurts. 
The last thing you remember was being sandwiched between Senju and Hinata, grinding and bumping with them until you blacked out. There was an audience, watching your every move, but the faces are far too blurry for you to recall very well.
“Must have overdid it for my first time.” You muttered to yourself, blinking hard at how tired you were feeling currently. Was it supposed to make you feel so dizzy and weak? Or make your arms feel like lead?
It didn’t matter. You should probably check the time and get back to the party. You still hadn’t found the mysterious person who sent you that bouquet so that you could thank them for everything.
You attempted to raise your arm to search for your phone, but it didn’t budge. You tried raising your other arm but it doesn’t move either, as if it was restrained by something.
“My arms. I can’t move my arms!”
Panic fills your gut the moment you become aware of the leather cuff holding your arms behind your back. Whatever drowsiness you felt before from waking up was gone, leaving you at high alert as the reality of your situation dawned onto you.
You were in a dark room. Alone and restrained. That is not a good sign.
You frantically try to undo the clasp, clip - whatever the hell was holding your arms behind your back, all to no avail - only succeeding in chafing your hand painfully, so you did the next thing you could think of that might help you.
You screamed at the top of your voice, wiggling  around on the plush bed as you continued any attempt to help you escape. You hoped that maybe your voice would be loud enough to attract the attention of anyone that might be in the hallway.
No answer.
‘Stay calm.’ You whispered to yourself, trying your best to breathe deeply. You need to think critically instead of panicking on your next plan of action if no one comes for you. Maybe you could roll off the bed and crawl until you get to the door, slamming your entire weight on it until it gave-
You’re forced out of your thoughts as you hear footsteps approach the room. Relief washed over you as you heard the locks of the door turn; someone must have heard you scream and is coming to your rescue-
You're brought out of your thoughts as the door opens, revealing Izana. You sat up, quick thank you’s spilling from your lips at your supposed savior as the white haired man approached you with an unreadable expression on his face, climbing on top of you until his knees were at either sides of your waist.
Perhaps if you were more sensitive, you would have realized what was coming next was far from rescue
“Thank you so much I-”
A pained cry leaves your throat as Izana’s flat palm hand makes harsh contact with your face, the loud twack echoing throughout the room. The blow knocks you flat on your back, your cheek stinging raw. His hand grabbed at your chin, nails digging into your skin hard as he forced your mouth open, squeezing your cheeks to keep them parted.
Your eyes widened as he gathered saliva in his mouth and spat into your own. Repulsed, you immediately spat it back in his face without a second thought. The look of disgust on his face was priceless, and for a brief moment, you thought that he would take the hint and let you go.
Instead, you’re met with another violent slap across your other cheek.
The room spins for a full minute, your vision doubles and your ears ring loudly. A whimper leaves your lips, the stinging pain leaving both your cheeks raw.
“You’re lucky I took off my rings for you. I’m not that nice to other girls when I hit them.”
You tremble as he lowers his hands on your cheek, his touch a gentle caress this time around, soothing the pain he inflicted on you. “W-what are you doing? Is this some kind of joke?” You cried out, confused. Was this some kind of sick prank that they’re playing on you? You wouldn’t be surprised if it was, with how twisted their sense of humor is. “It’s not funny Izana. You’re hurting me please-”
“A joke?” He cuts you off with a mocking tone, his grin becoming wider. A foreboding sense of dread settled at the bottom of your chest as he chuckled darkly, still stroking your face. “God, you’re so painfully naïve and stupid, it hurts me.” A shiver ran down your spine at his words. “By the way, didn’t anyone tell you not to take drinks from strangers?”
“B-but I-i didn’t. They were from Senju-” Truly, you didn’t. All your drinks were fed to you by Senju and Hinata, and you trusted them to at least protect your drink-
He bursted into a fit of laughter again, finding the entire situation hilarious. “You trusted Senju? The girl that runs a prostitution ring?” He laughed again, dragging his hands down to your legs. You trashed against his vice like grip, kicking your legs as he spread them wide, revealing the blue lace panties underneath to his greedy eyes. “Fuck, I knew I was right to pick this one out. Blue’s really your color.”
Your eyes widened in realization, the pieces falling together. The flowers, the salon, the waxing appointment, everything was just to lead you right back to his bed. He groomed you, cleaned you up just to serve you on a platter for his own consumption.
He never cared about your apology because he had already made up his mind.
Izana was going to rape you.
You can’t let that happen. You cannot let him do this to you.
You stifle a moan as he circles his clothed crotch against yours, heart pounding against your chest feeling his large bulge tease your pussy through the layers of clothing. A groan escapes his lips with each movement, head falling forwards as he pressed himself harder, until he could feel your clit through the lace and started grinding on you.
Your body jolts at the constant stimulation and you had to bite your lip to keep quiet, not wanting to give him any reason to think you want this; Nothing much has happened and yet your body keeps betraying you, your panties growing wetter with how good he was rubbing your sensitive nub.
“You can bite your lips to hide your moans, I won’t stop you.” He mocked between pants, circling his hips faster to buttress the point he was making. Embarrassment floods your entire body, the cool fluids soaking through your panties and forming a patch on his jeans as he rubbed you faster. “But your body wants this. You’re so wet from me barely touching you, you must really want to be fu-.”
You quickly sat up as the door flew open again, halting Izana in his movements. Relief floods your chest the moment you see Mikey at the doorway, staring at the two of you. As much as he’s hurt you, you know he wouldn’t force you to sleep with him and he can talk Izana into letting you go if you begged him for help.
You’ve never been so glad to see him ever. After this, you’ll apologize for ignoring him. Hell, you’ll even be his girlfriend, just anything to stop Izana.
“Manjiro-” you started to plead your case. “Izana is trying to ra-”
“You’ve started without me?”
For the second time today, you watched your hope ripped to shreds before your very eyes. Dread filled your gut as Manjiro slammed the door shut, twisting the lock completely and placing the key on one of the large sofas in the room. Izana turned his attention to his brother, brows furrowed in annoyance. “You’re late.” He snapped. “I told you midnight and this is past 1.”
“I had to make sure Emma was okay.” he said, making his way to the large king size bed in the middle of the room “She had a bad trip and some guy tried to feel her up while she was high. I had to stay with her while Ken-chin beat the fucker up.”
“Alright, fair enough.”
Your heart dropped Mikey turned his gaze to you with a frown on his lips. “You’re still clothed?” He clicked his tongue. “Izana, you wasted your money. A cheap whore like you doesn’t deserve to wear anything this pretty.”
Anger rose to your throat at his insult, and just at the entire situation in general. Was he doing this because he found out about you sleeping with Shinichiro? Is that it? “I’m not a whpre! Don’t ever call me a whore again! You get to sleep with multiple girls and harrass me-”
A shriek left your lips as Izana’s palm comes in contact with your face again, silencing you completely. Hot tears dotted your lash line, but you held it in, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of crying, despite the searing pain spreading throughout your face.
“Who the hell do you think you are to talk to my little brother like that?” Izana growled at you. “Mikey, you have spoiled her too much. Not even Senju talks to either of us that way.”
“I thought I was being nice.” You watch him climb on the bed properly, sitting with his legs spread out wide. “Turn her over, I’ll put her filthy mouth to good use.”
You’re swiftly spun around on your knees, face nestled near Mikey’s crotch. You feel Izana’s presence behind you, his hard on pressed on your asscheek. Before your very eyes, Mikey fumbled with his belt buckle and zipper, before tugging down his boxers, letting his fat cock slap your cheek hard.
You refused, clamping your mouth shut as you turned your head away from it. You’re going to make this as difficult as possible until they grow tired of you and let you go. You’ve never done this before and you don’t plan on giving him any pleasure out of your free will.
“So that’s how you want to behave? Alright.”
You bit back a scream as Mikey’s hand grabbed your permed hair tight, yanking you until you were directly in front of his cock. Izana pinched your nose tight making you open your mouth to breathe. The hand on your hair forced you down onto his cock, burying it until your nose hit his pelvis and the tip was far down your throat, completely forcing through your gag reflex.
“Fuck,” Mikey cursed underneath his breath, your gagging making his dick throb inside your hot mouth rapidly, nearly cumming instantly at how good you felt. “Her mouth, it’s fucking warm shit-”
Spittle drips down your mouth, smearing the lipstick all over your face as you gagged against him. Your brain nearly turned to mush with how hard his hand gripped onto your poor hair. You struggled to breathe, choking on the foreign appendage hurting your poor throat.
‘Don’t cry. Don’t cry-’
Izana doesn’t help matters either, the moment he released your nose, his hands gripped your ass again, grinding his bulge into you. He must have dragged down his own trousers, and left himself only in his boxers, his own cock curving towards your clit as he grinds on it.
Once Mikey regained control of himself, he experimentally thrusts into your mouth, making you gag on his cock helplessly and earning low whimper from him. Keeping your head in place, Mikey thrusts his hips steadily, bullying his member into your wet, tight thoat, silent ‘f-fuck’ and ‘so good’ spilling out of his lips, his head thrown back on the headboard in ecstacy. 
You’re so preoccupied with trying not to throw up while he increases his pace and struggling to breathe against his hairy pelvis, you momentarily forget that Izana is behind you until you feel his two hands grab the hem of your panties.
“You feel good Mikey?” Izana asked, smirking at the way the blond was bucking into your mouth like a wild animal in heat. Mikey let out a shaky ‘yes’, before thrusting into your mouth faster, making you retch, your hands clenching hard behind your back. Satisfied at the answer, Izana peeled off the underwear slowly, his eyes darkening at how wet you were, webbed like slick coating your bare pussy. 
“Holy fuck, you ARE a slut. Look at how wet you are.” he exclaimed, using two large fingers to gather the slick. Shame creeps up on you at how badly your own body is betraying you so much, reacting to everything they’re doing. As if it’s a good thing. You just want to crawl in a hole and disappear, never to be seen again-
Two fingers force their way past your ring of muscles, stretching you out instantly. Your eyes widened, a strangled cry leaving your mouth at the sudden intrusion. The vibration sends electricity from his cock, up to his spine and brain, causing him to nearly black out for a moment with how fucking good it felt.
That feeling. Fuck, at this point he wants to cum from that feeling.
“ ‘Zana -oh fuck yeah- don’t stop what you just did to her. Do it again.”
“Say please.”
Izana halted his movement instantly, leaving his fingers inside. Your body trembled, nearly frustrated at how he wasn’t moving or doing anything, just keeping them stagnant, making your body ache for more. Mikey wasn’t faring any better, tears of frustration dotting his lower lash line as he rocked his hips into your snug mouth, staring at his smug older brother, 100 percent serious.
“Please, ‘Zana, please, please-”
He continued his movements instantaneously, his fingers moving fast and hard. Your loud moans reverberated around Mikey’s cock, sending waves of hot pleasure throughout his body. Izana curled his fingers into you hard, making quick work of playing with your inner walls, the squelching noises, bouncing off Mikey’s loud whimpers throughout the room.
“Taking my fingers like the slut you are.” Izana spat, coupling it with a harsh slap to your ass. Your hole twitched instantly, tightening around his digits much to your horror and to his delight. “I’m beginning to think you like being treated like this.” He lands another harsh blow to your ass, conforming his theory as your body reacted positively, sucking his finger in deeper and looking back at his younger brother. “Mikey, she likes this. She likes being treated like whore. Her cunt sucks my finger in anytime I slap her ass”
You quickly lock eyes with the man in front of you, attempting to try and deny it, muffling a ‘no. It’s not true’, but he only smirks back at you, his eyes never leaving yours as he concurs with his brother.
“Knew i-it…” He moaned. “I can feel her moaning everytime. It’s obvious she loves i- ah uhn- she loves cock. That’s why she messed around with Shin-”
‘N-no’ you want to scream in defense of yourself. ‘That-that’s not what happened-’
Your mind numbs as Izana finally hits your g-spot after teasing it for so long, a loud moan reverberating all over Mikey’s member in your mouth. You lose control of your body all too quickly as Izana curls into it fast, his fingers working in tandem with Mikey’s trusts.
You’re a mess. Against your wish, you’re a drooling mess on Mikey’s cock, your mascara running down your face along with the tears of being face fucked, your throat on fire. Your body keeps betraying you as Izana brings you towards an approaching orgasm, as if he wants you to cum along with Mikey.
“Close, make her cum with me ‘Zana,” he begged, his hips stuttering, close to orgasm. “Please I want to cum with her-”
“Shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you. Focus on yourself.”
You feel sick, controlling the urge to throw up all over Mikey’s cock at the entire arrangement. The two of them are sick in the head. This isn’t a normal behavior between two brothers-
Your thoughts are cut off, Izana pressing deep against your g spot quickly, abusing it and tethering you closer to the edge, the familiar feeling of a rather tighter coil winding up in your stomach. Uncontrollable moans echo around Mikey’s cock, adding to his impending orgasm, his body tensing up as he fucked into your mouth faster than before.
Hot, bitter semen shoots into your mouth and down your throat, much to your dismay, a low groan escaping his lips. Your body trembled, spraying clear like substance, coating Izana’s hand and clothes and your thighs.
“What the fuck?” Izana cursed. “You squirter too? You’re just full of surprises today aren’t ya?”
Mikey pulled his cock out of your mouth, catching his breath as he let go of your hair. Boneless, you fall to the bed, pain exploding in your scalp and jaw. Your throat is raw, even the action of whimpering is a tedious task.
“Let me see.”
You’re lifted off Mikey’s lap and Izana shifts from your back simultaneously, exchanging their positions. You come face to face with Izana now, his slicked back hair messed up and out of place. He smirked at you just as Mikey positioned his mouth right over your pussy, dark eyes drinking up the sight of your wetness.
The tanned male looks down at you, reveling in the terror in your eyes as he takes out his long cock, fully erect and taps it against your lips. “Say Ahh.” He mocked and you begrudgingly compiled, not wanting to deal with another blow to your face. You slowly engulfed him into your mouth, taking him inch by inch until you reached a comfortable length.
“Is something wrong with you?”
You looked up at him, confused at his statement. What did you do now-
Your eyes widened as he grabbed the back of your head and forced his cock down your throat once again, a groan escaping his lips at the feeling of your tight throat around him.  “Much better, that’s what I want.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks again, his pace slower than his brother’s as he fucked into your mouth, punching the back of your throat. His positioning of your head forced you to look at him in the face, watching as his brows pinched tight, purple eyes gazing at you mockingly. You feel dirty, helpless as he uses your mouth to get off. “Your mouth feels so good.” He swears under his breath, his cock pulsating in your mouth. “Bet you’re having fun huh? Finally getting the treatment you fucking deserve.”
You want to cry. Maybe if you apologize to them, they’ll stop. Was it the Emma thing? Was it Shinichiro? What did you do to them this time?
Your thoughts are silenced, jolting as a hand pinches your nub. Forced moans escaped your lips as Mikey drags his tongue over your wet folds. The vibrations of your mouth goes straight to Izana’s shaft and he jerks his hips hard into your mouth
“Fuck. Mikey- I think she likes that- ugh fuck-”
Mikey delves in deeper inside your hole with his tongue, thumb rubbing lazy 8’s over your poor clit. The feeling of your wet pussy clenching and trembling all over his tongue, your thighs quivering at the intensity drives him crazy. Izana bites his lip at how responsive you were, your warm mouth vibrating with garbles and moans, sending electricity throughout his body. He loves this view, your mouth stretched out wide, drooling and slobbering all over his dick, eyes teary from the stretch, nearly glossed over with how good your body feels.
He can see the humiliation in your eyes. Good. It turned him on the more.
Mikey loves your taste, one hand playing with your clit and his mouth latched over your hole, slurping and licking your plush walls. “Sweet” he murmured, feeling his cock go half mast at how delicious he thinks you are. He finds your trembling thighs cute, loving how good he makes you feel as you gush over his tongue. Your clit is hot to his touch but his hand is hotter, desperately rubbing you faster, just eager to have you cum for him so that he can taste more of you.
Your eyes watered with how intense you were feeling, the pleasure and pain nearly overwhelming you all at once. ‘Can’t. Stay, stay awake’ you repeated like a mantra. If you pass out, you won’t be able to at least talk yourself out of any further assault, you need to be awake to beg them to stop.
That is, if they would listen to you.
Your body writhes as an orgasm washes over you, choking out muffled moans on Izana’s cock. Mikey pulled away, his chin practically drenched in your fluids and eyes crossed over. You hear the zipper of your dress roll down and your dress falls down to your waist, revealing your bare back to the blonde behind you to attack with hot, messy kisses. Each kiss is coupled with his teeth breaking skin in your back, making you arch in pain, before surrounding his lips and tongue on the hurt area, sucking on it. Marking you.
Your attention is brought back to Izana as he yanks your head off his dick with one hand, msking you cough and sputter, your throat burning in pain from how rough he had been fucking you and grabbing his shaft in the other, jerking it in three pumps, growling as spurts of cum decorate your face and neck.
“That’s for spitting on my face.”
He releases your head and you fall face flat on the bed, still coughing and sputtering as he pulls himself off you and leaves the bed briefly. His footsteps echo throughout the room until he reaches his drawer, taking something out of it before walking back up to Mikey and you. The blond man pulled away from you - making you drop flat on your stomach, weak from having to stay in the kneeling position and, climbing off the bed, whispering something to each other that you couldn’t hear.
You use the opportunity to catch your breath, gathering your thoughts. You attempt to open your mouth when you feel the bed creak behind you again, a hand encircling around your waist and forcing you in a face down, ass up position.
A chill runs down your spine when a fluid substance is poured between your buttcrack.
“Wait, wait-"
A pained gasp emanated from your lips as two fingers forcefully pushed past your muscular rings and deep into your ass, spreading you apart. Your hands form fists behind you, nails digging into your palms as you drew blood.
“Told you she can take it.”
 Izana leaned over you until his breath hit your ears, his fingers pumping deep in your ass with well timed thrust. His tongue darts over the shell of your ear, dragging the hot muscle down your ear to the crevice, making you whimper with forced pleasure. Mikey feels his cock stir from watching the filthy sight, slowly but surely shedding his clothes off to join the both of you in bed, ready to fuck you after so many months of playing around.
There’s just something about watching Izana touch you that gets him going. He’s used to sharing everything with him, despite how different they were; birthdays, attention, at some point rooms. But being able to share someone, a person with Izana, despite how oddly possessive the both of them were was like a dream come true.
Maybe he understands now why he loves you so much. Izana is selfish, but is willing to let both of them have you. You made it possible for them to reach an agreement, without fighting over who gets to have you first.
And maybe Izana doesn’t notice it yet, but it’s more than just hatred pushing him to do this. It's a desire. And Mikey is fine with that. Izana comes first before you and he’ll gladly tear you apart to please his brother.
Completely naked, Mikey joins you on the bed, moving his body in front of you. Izana helps him raise your figure up, holding you up for Mikey to admire. Dark eyes scan your body, from your teary face with makeup running along your face, to your neck, swollen with hickeys from both him and Izana, down to your exposed breasts, nipples perked up. You’re struggling to form the words ‘s-stop’, your eyes crossed as the pain from the anal fingering has translated into pleasure.
His hands grabbed your boobs, massaging the soft tissue roughly, making you tremble underneath his touch, adding to the pleasure of his brother’s tongue playing with your ear. Mikey lowered his head to one of your tits, engulfing one into his mouth and the other with his hand, his tongue circling around your nipple, a satisfied moan escaping his lips. Izana added another finger, making you scream and trash around their grip, working you open for him.
“Too much, stop, stop it!” You cried, struggling against your restraint. Your body was too sensitive, everything either hurt too much or felt too good, clouding your sense of judgment bit by bit. “Stop touching me-”
Izana slid his hand out of your ass and starts undressing himself, watching Mikey suck and lick your breasts with hooded eyes, his other hand slowly jerking off his fat cock, the tip tethering at your entrance soaked with slick from your previous orgasm and their ministrations on your body. You wriggle in his grasp as he drags you by your waist onto his thighs, nestling his dick between your wet folds.
Letting go of your nipples with a loud pop, Mikey glanced at Izana who was also now naked as he asked “Can I put it in? You’re the one that invited her. Don’t you want her first?”
“NO!” You screamed in horror, attempting to fight for your life, feeling sick to your stomach at what was to come, repulsed by how his dick seemed to pulse between your folds with anticipation. “Both of you stop, please, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, just stop, STOP-”
“I brought her for you, Mikey, go ahead.”
“No, no NO STOP STOP-”
Your entire lower body seizes with pain, Mikey bullying his cock in one go, past your tight muscles and deep into your wet hole, a burning sensation shooting throughout your vagina at the painful stretch. His eyes widened at how tight your pussy was as he watched his cock disappear, a loud whimper of your name erupting from his lips. It felt just as perfect as he imagined- tight and snug around his fat cock; hot, very hot and soft, the walls slowly accommodating him.
He stays there, unmoving as he buries his head into your neck, whimpering at how good it feels around his pulsating member, fearing that he would cum instantly if he doesn’t calm down. Your head lolled onto his shoulder, sobs escaping your swollen lips, begging him to stop, pull out, anything but this and all it does is make him throb with glee.
You’re breaking. Good. Now you’ll know how he felt when he found out what you did with Shin.
“How does it feel, Mikey? You feel good?”
He nodded in response, before giving an experimental thrust upwards, a mindblowing feeling of your soft walls finally hugging his cock washing over him, a quiet “uhn” escaping through parted lips into his ears. No woman has ever made him feel this good; not the sex worker he first slept with, not Senju, not the faceless women.
No one else can compare to you, ever.
He starts fucking into you slowly, his hips rolling expertly into your cunt, light, pap pap pap noises echoing throughout Izana’s large room. He pulled his face from your neck to look at your face, watching you lose your mind on his fat shaft, lips parted in an O shape, your tits bouncing as he grinds into you.
“You look like a fucking pornstar.” Mikey breathes out, eyes blown wide with lust, as his grip on your hip tightens. He’s careful to tease your g spot- waiting for the right moment, causing you to whine, large tears rolling down your cheeks “S’cute.”
Izana watches the both of you fall apart, Mikey increases his pace and you struggle to keep your last shred of sanity, hot tears falling down your cheeks as the pain subsides into a pleasurable feeling. He slowly teases his cock, coating it with lube as Mikey bounced you on his dick until it was wet enough, ready to approach you.
You feel a presence behind you, Izana’s hardened appendage pressing against your fissure much to your horror. “If she looks like one then we should fuck her like one, hmm?”
You open your mouth to  scream but Mikey beats you to it, kissing your mouth sloppily as he angled his hips upwards, hitting your pleasure spot repeatedly until you can. Muffled cries leave your lips begging for them to stop through screams as Izana slid into your ass, inch by inch, cursing underneath his breath until he was deep inside you.
“Shit, her ass feels so fucking good- she takes cock so well”
It was too much. Everything was too much for you. You don’t know where pain ends and pleasure starts, your mind completely broken into pieces as they both stuffed you full with their cocks, stretching you out until they’re fully acclimated with your holes. Your body and mind goes slack when Izana thrusts into you, hard, pressing an unknown spot that has you clamping down on Mikey’s cock, your walls throbbing around it and Mikey returns the favor by hitting your g-spot, causing your hot ass to tighten around Izana’s cock, both men groaning and panting in your ears.
“That’s it… take it.” Izana growled into your ears, the squelching of your wet ass and pussy being taken by the two of them, the scent of sex and lube permeating the air. His hand slaps at you plump cheek hard, making both holes clenching hard, his other hand forcing you to look at his face as he pleasures himself with your hole. “Take our cocks you pathetic whore.”
Sobs rack your entire body as they rocked their hips into you at a fast pace, pain and pleasure from both of them melding together, hitting your pleasure spots from both holes and setting your body on fire. Your body betrays you again, despite your lips pleading for mercy, your vision blinding white, practically trembling with an intense, unexpected orgasm. They fall over the edge soon after, ropes of cum shooting deep into your holes.
You think it’s the end. That it’s over. But Mikey is still hard and Izana’s cock is twitching to life again, sliding out of your ass and watching his cum spill from the gaping hole.
“I wanna feel her ass.”
“Turn her over, I need shoot my load inside her, let’s see who can get her pregnant first”
You’re flipped over, facing Izana and Mikey wastes no time in burying his fat dick inside your sore asshole, his lips kissing the nape of your neck as if it would make the stretch burn less. Izana captures your parted lips in a bruising kiss, also burying his pulsating cock inside your plush sensitive walls, groaning into the kiss before pulling away once he was buried to the hilt.
You blank out at the first thrust, your last coherent thought haunting your mind.
‘I should never have been born’
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monica notes: please remember to reblog, comment, send asks about what you think and most importantly take care of yourselves. Thank you for being patient with me. Special thanks to Zaya, for the orange lily scene and everyone on discord for helping me through each scene. Much love.
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cockonoi · 28 days
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Corruped by the grim reaper
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Dom!Older!Hanma x Sub!Innocent!Younger!reader
a/n: so uhm.....I finally did it.....friends I am not sure if I like it...BUT I TRIED
synopsis: Hanma is in a relationship with Y/N, who is an innocent Model Student. He is older and takes advantage of her inexperience
Trigger warnings: afab-reader , mentions of unprotected sex, fingering, Oral M/F, older person taking advantage of younger person, mating press, petnames: Doll, Doll Face, Baby Doll, Princess, Baby
word count: 3601
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You knew Hanma was bad news. You are aware. A part of you wishes for you to rub off on him and become a functioning member of society; the other part loves how deranged he is. He was almost double your age. With your tender 18 years, he really shouldn't be with you. Sometimes you question why? Even though you know the answer: You are untouched. You are untainted. An innocent angel, for him to corrupt. You are the picture-perfect girl. Rich parents, youngest daughter, top of her class, honor students, a full scholarship already waiting for you, head of the whole student body. You are the shining image of a model person, and that's what he wants to break. He wants to ruin you. 
He was a patient man. He didn't need to rush it. Not only that, but he knew you would fall for him and become his little play thing. "Open your window, doll." he texted you at 2 a.m. He knew you were up all night studying. You stood up and opened your window, just to see him waiting in front of it. "Shu, why are you here?" you told him you would be busy for the day, so you pouted a little as you were looking at him. He climbed into the room through the window and stretched. "Is a man not allowed to come see his girlfriend~?" that made you blush. He knew what he would have to say to wrap you around his finger. "I-I told you, though, I'm studying!" you responded. He is just so distracting.
You didn't even know how you two ended up dating. You met him at a club. It was your first night going out since you just turned 18. Your best friend has pestered you about going for weeks until you finally budged. While being there, she ditched you to dance with a guy. You were trying to just sit by the bar and wait for a while, hoping she might come back. A little later, a man approached you. First, he just asked you if you would want a drink, which you declined politely. After that, the man became more and more agitated, until he tried to grab you by the arm and drag you away. That's when Hanma showed up. He grabbed him by the back of his neck while asking "I see, someone wants to play a game~♡" The man looked at him in shock. It was almost as if he knew who Hanma was. Hanma had this charming yet somehow threatening smile. It felt as if he was enjoying the encounter, as if he liked picking a fight. The man apologized profusely before leaving the scene. You bowed down and said "Thank you for your help, Sir" Something in his eyes sparked. "You are quite the polite one, doll~♡" you blushed, and his smirk grew. He was defenrly older, you could tell. "Would you mind if I sit next to you, doll~?" You shook your head and gestured for him to sit. After he sat, he smirked at you and began a conversation. "So, you seem like quite the young lady~. Are you even old enough to be here~?" Again, you blushed. You looked at your hands that are on the counter of the bar and nodded "uhm, I'm 18." he giggled, and God, his giggling was so hot. It was this....dark and raspy sound... "so you are a full blown adult now, huh~? You have to be careful, little lamb or a wolf will come and try to eat you up~♡" It didn't sound like a warning....more like a threat...or a promise. "T-thank you for your concern Sir." you stuttered. Again he chuckled "Dont call me that. It makes me feel old! My name is Hanma. Shuji Hanma....and yours, doll~?" he tilted his head and gave you a taunting half smile. "U-uhm.... Y-Y/N L/N" He makes a long hmmm sound as a response "I like doll more....you wouldn't mind me calling you that, right doll~?" It was less of a question and more of a statement, as if he had already made up his mind about that. "Do you have a boyfriend, dollface~?" you shook your head "No. No, I do not." he chuckled again, this time darker. A shiver running down your spine. "Well, isn't that my lucky day~?"
After that night, you and Hanma started to see each other regularly. A couple of months later, you two became a couple. At first, the large age difference really bothered you, but at this point, you don't care anymore. You keep it a secret from your parents, but that's only to not worry them. They want you to focus on your academics.
So far, nothing physical has happened between you two. He stole some kisses from you and touched your hip here and there, but it seemed like he was trying to be respectful. He is 27 after all. He wouldn't want to take advantage of you.........right?
He dropped himself on your bed and yawned.  "I won't stop you from studying, doll~. I just came to see my girl~. Go on; I will be completely quiet~." You gave him a skeptical look, but he just gave you a juvenile smirk. You walked back to your desk and began to work on your studies. The whole time, you felt his eyes lingering on you. It made focusing so unbearably hard. You felt your blood rush into your core as you desperately tried to distract yourself with the global economic impact of the French Revolution.
While stuck in your not-so-pure thoughts, you felt his hands on your shoulders and stiffened up. He chuckled, "You seem tense~. Care for a massage, doll~?" you blushed and slowly nodded. He began to massage your shoulders. His strong hands were just the right amount of firm. In the corner of your eye, you see his tattoos on his hands: "Sin" and "punishment". Your brain wandered again....asking yourself what it felt like around your neck. You shook your head to throw out that thought, but then you heard his voice, right behind your ear, "´something bothering you, doll~?" A shiver ran down your spine as a small gasp escaped your mouth. "N-no. . I....I'm okay." He was so close that you could smell his scent. It's a mixture of cologne and his natural smell. It's deep, earthy and manly....your breathing becomes more and more deep. You try to center yourself. Your body is working against you. Hanma turned the chair around and looked into your eyes. He was towering over your tiny body. "I think it's time for a break, doll~. How about we give you a proper massage~?♡" he gave you a mischievous grin, and you blushed some more "W-what do you mean?" he chuckled. "I mean, you should undress and lay on the bed, so I can help you relax, doll face~" your face turned darker "U-u-undress?!" you almost shouted before realizing what time it is and keeping it down. "Don't worry, doll face~. I will really only massage you~. You know how I always say, I will only go further if you ask me, yourself~" That was true. Hanma always told you that. You have to explicitly ask for his affection. Kisses included. You gave it some thought before you nodded. "B-but you have to turn around until I lay on my bed!" he chuckled again. He finds it incredibly attractive how shy you were.
He turns to the wall as you slowly take off your PJ shorts and your shirt. You revealed a simple white bra with a little lace and a few ribbons. It encapsulated so well, what kind of a timid, innocent angel you are. He would obviously sneak some glances at you, unknown to you, of course. You turned around, seeing he was still facing away, before slowly unhooking your bra. Then you walked over to your bed and layed down on your stomach. "D-done." you whispered, and you heard a chuckle as a response. He walked over and climbed on top of you, kneeling only a little lower than your ass. He would only grace your back with the tip of his fingers first, causing your body to respond with goosebumps. "Do you want to start, doll~?" You blushed and then nodded. He chuckled as a respons "use your words, beautiful~" You cleared your throat before answering "y-yes...we can begin..." First, he resumed to firmly massage your neck and shoulders. You gave out some moans, it looked like you were actually pretty tensed up. Then his hands slowly lowered over your back. "Your skin is so smooth, doll~. Makes me want to just eat you up~.♡" You blushed but kept your face buried in your pillow. As he went over your back, he also massaged the sides of it, almost accidentally touching the sides of your breasts as well. A small whimper was escaping your mouth. He doesn't comment on it, and somehow it made you hope that he didn't notice. His hands go lower, just above your ass. He  rubs and massages your lower back for a while before going lower. You began to tremble and he noticed that. "Don't worry, doll~. This is all part of the massage~. I just want to make you feel good~.♡" You tried to stay calm as he began to fondle and massage your ass. He is rough with it. You couldn't help but moan. You tried your hardest to muffle it. You heard his chuckle. He moves his hands even lower, begging to knead your thighs. His hands were dangerously close to your clothed folds. His hands grabbed and fondled your thighs, up and down. Your panties soaked through more and more.
"Turn around now, doll~. It's time to massage your front~." you turned around, an arm over your face to cover how red you were. "You are so cute, doll~. I love when you get all shy on me~." he began with your collarbone. You saw his hand tattoos on your body now. He took his sweet time to touch your chest, not actually massaging your boobs. Your nippels were perky and hard, and at that point, your mental fortitude was almost completely gone. He leaned forwards and whispered into your ear "Do you want me to massage you everywhere~?♡" and all you could do was nod. "Words doll~. Use your words~." you shivered "y-yea~ please~" he chuckled dark before his hands cupped your breasts. He began with gentle fondling. "So soft, so perfect~ just the way I like'm, doll face~.♡ " his fingers circled your nippels. Making them hard and visible. "They look so tasty, baby-doll~. Can I have a taste~?♡"  you squirmed under his words and nodded as you could only answer with a breathy "y-yes...." his head leaning down as he began to lick and kiss your collarbone and then slowly moving further down. Before he sucked on your pointy nipples, he circled his tongue around them a few times. He started with the left one. He took his sweet time before finally wrapping his lips around it and sucking on it with the hunger of a starving man. Meanwhile, his right hand would work on your other breast. Your breathing picked up as you threw your head back and moan out "Shuji~!" he looked up and let go of your nippel for a moment "keep your voice down, doll~ we wouldn´t want your parents to interupped our little fun time; would we~?" Shuji pressed his face between your tits "fuck....I love your tits so much, doll~. I could die sucking on them and be happy~." he went and began to suck on the right nippel. Your hand found your mouth and covered it to muffle your moans. One of his hands slowly moved down your body and you felt it on your abdomen. He looked up again, his eyes dangerous, like a predetor; ready to devour his prey. "Do you want me to make you feel good, princess~?♡" you blushed. He had you wrapped around his finger. You nodded and just said one word. "Yes."
His hands slid down your body before finding the waistband of your panties. He pulled them down your legs and held them in his hand. He gave your panties a nice and deep wiff "hmm~ I can smell how fucking wet you are for me, princess~.♡" which made you whine. He spread your legs and looked down on your pussy. "Prettiest fucking pussy, I've ever seen~.♡'' He used his index and middle finger to rub over your lips and you moaned and bucked your hips into him. He used his other hand to hold your hips locked onto the mattress. "Stay put, doll~. Let me do my magic~.♡" his fingers coated themselves with your pussy juices while he drew circles around your clit "so fucking wet for me, baby doll~. Looking so fucking tasty~.♡" he said, moving his head closer to your pussy to get a better look. Then he slowly pushes his index finger into your folds. You threw your head back one more time as you moaned out his name into your hand. Tears build in the corners of your eyes. He looked up and smirked "so sensitive, doll? I barely started~.♡" he slowly began to pump his index finger in and out of your tight pussy. "Fuck, baby~, you are so fucking tight~.♡ we will need a lot of prep before i can fit in there~.♡" you barely could make out what he meant as your head was high in the clouds. His middle finger found its way inside of you as well. You put yourself up on your elbows to watch his fingers sink into you. He licked his lips before rubbing more cycles around your clit with his thumb. You bit your lip to not make too much noise. He picked up his pace, which caused your breathing to be faster as well. Your eyes widened as you felt something in your body to happen. "Ahh~ S-Sh-Shu! So-something...is happening!" he grins as he places his hand on your bladder and presses down while he curves his fingers inside of you upwards. You eyes widened as you slapped both of your hands on your lips to control the moans and shouts that come out of your mouth as your body began to uncontrollably twitch. "Im-im gonna pee, Shu! Stop im gonna pee!" but he didn't stop "Let it out, baby. Just let it happen, baby doll~.♡" and with one final pump of his fingers, your body began to spasm and you came all over his hand. You squirted for the first time. "Good job, doll~. I knew you were a squirter~.♡" you panted. Tears running down your face, and your cheeks flushed red. He loved how you already looked so fucked out, eventhough if he hasn't actually fucked you yet.
He leaned down, using his hands to open your pussylips for him. "Itadakimasu~.♡" You were still too out of it to realize what he was doing until you felt his tongue licking up all the juices you just produced. Your eyes widened as you bucked your hips into his face, one of your hands in his hair, the other still on your mouth. He eats you out like a hunger-stricken man as his nose keeps rubbing against your clit. You could only babble incomprehensible nonsense. His tongue reached deep, and your knees were weak. One of his hands moved back to your clit while the other remained, pressing down on your bladder. Your body felt the next orgasm already approaching as you bit down on your tongue as both hands grab his head, pressing him further into you. "Shuu!" You moaned out his name as you came into his mouth. He licked it all clean. Then he looked up to you. Your hair was messy, your face was red, and more and more tears running down your cheeks. "Was that good, doll~?♡" No answer; you were unable to make a singular sentence.
You barely noticed him getting up. He took off his shirt, then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. When his pants hit the floor, you saw see his massive bulge. He was hard, and he was large. Your eyes widened, and you gulped. He smirked at your reaction. He then slowly pulled down his boxers. His cock was springing free. It's so pretty. It's long and girthy. Furthermore, it was veiny and had a cute pink tip. The tip is covered in precum, which he spreaded over his cock with a few pumps. "Come here, doll~. I want you to make me feel good too~.♡" almost like hypnotized, you climbed off your bed and kneeled in front of him. His left hand found its way in your hair. "No teeth, baby-doll~. Now open up for me~." You did as told and opened your lips. He guided your lips around his cock. You could only take half of him before you started gagging. "This won't do, doll~. We will have to try harder~. I know you can take it all~.♡'' His grip on your hair tightens as he pushes your head further. Your tears became more and more. "Shhhh, relax and breathe through your nose, doll~. You can do it~.♡" you tried to do as he said and it made it a little easier. Once your nose hit his abdomen, you just tried to steady your breathing. You felt how hard it was to breathe until he pulled back and you coughed. "Good girl~. Sucking my cock, already, like a pro ~.♡" he pushed you back onto his cock and began to thrust his cock into your mouth, fucking your pretty lips. "Fuck. So fucking good~." he fucked your mouth for a few minutes until he pulled out and pulled you up.
He kissed your lips before pushing you into bed. He spread your legs and you watched him spit in his hand before spreading it over his cock with some pumps. Then he placed the tip on your folds and rubbed up and down your lips. You couldn't help but moan. This time his hand found its way on your mouth "shhhh, baby-doll~. You have done so well so far~. Now let Daddy make you feel good~." Your eyes twitched when he called himself that. Once his cock was coated with your juices, he pushed in. A sharp pain hit your body as you began to wince and cry. He slowly kept pushing in as he leaned over you. "I know baby~. It will only hurt for a moment~. But you are daddy's big girl~, right? You can do it~...fuck....hmmmfff... you are so tight, princess~.♡" Once he bottomed out, he waited for a moment. He just looked at your face. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe carefully. He removed his hand and replaced it with his lips, kissing you passionately. He slid his tongue past your lips and began to dance with yours. His hand was going back to your clit, drawing circles around it. He begins to slowly move his hips. You moan into the kiss but he didn't let go. Instead, he picked up the pace. He can see that the pain seems to have left you. Instead, it's pure ecstasy. His cock was large and slightly curved upwards, so it hit all the right spots. Your hands clawed into your bedsheets as he fucked into your tight pussy. He pulled the kiss back as he repositioned your legs on his shoulders. He pressed down and had you in the mating press now. Your eyes widened as he hit even deeper now. Your brain was completely empty as he bullied his way through your pussy and against your cervix. "Do you like that, baby doll~?♡ having me fucking your little virgin pussy while your parents sleep in the room next to us~? You love the thought of them hearing, right~? Fuck, you are squeezing down on me, baby doll~. I can feel you clenching on me~. What a naughty girl~. I'm going to ruin this pussy~. I will mold it just for me~.♡" He gave your ass a firm slap, which made you whimper. You felt the climax approaching. "You're going to cum soon, doll~? You're going to make a mess on Daddy's cock~? Do it, baby doll~. Do it~!♡" and with that, you creamed all over his cock. He kept fucking into you for a while before he chanted one thing, "Fuck!" until he shot his thick ropes of cum into your pussy. You felt him filling you up. Your brain is completely muddled up. You only knew one thing.....you could never live without this feeling anymore. 
He pulled out and laid next to you on the bed. He leaned out of bed, grabbed his pants and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lit it and began to smoke before pulling you to his chest on your hips. "What a good Job, doll~. You fuck like a pro~. I can't wait to ruin you some more~. You're all mine~. Nobody else will have you, you hear me?~" you nodded. "No, baby~. Use your words and tell me that you're mine~." You were still panting as you tried to collect a sentence "only yours, Shu…" He chuckled. "Who do you belong to, doll~?" He stared into your eyes, and you stared back, "You, daddy!" His eyes sparked with joy. That's all he needed to hear....you are now his toy.
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@umalovesyoux @sleeplessreader12 @animeangel21 @kariatenoh @bakuhoethotski @sanzuspwncess @sanzusbaby @hanmastattoos
©itsruki reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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cockonoi · 1 month
Idk why but the chicken nugget part killed me 😂😭
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I did it. I did a whole chapter. This is a learning experience. I will get better at it as I go. I really hope people read it.
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cockonoi · 1 month
To Be a Princess
Chpt 3
TW: Disordered eating, Violence, Not proofread (just tell me and I’ll correct any mistakes)
A/N: This isn’t crazy because I’m going through a lot and just want happiness for a moment lmao. Short and sweet.
Hajime munches on his own salad and watches as you finally finish separating out all of your lettuce and eat only the cucumbers and other small things. He smiles.
“The villa we bought… it’s almost done.” Hajime breaks the silence. You have no idea what he’s talking about. “Haruchiyo is going to be watching you here while Mikey and I go see the progress today.”
“Who the fuck is Haruchiyo? And why can’t I come?”
“You’ve met him before. And I just don’t want to bring you. You’ve been… difficult lately.”
So, you’re being punished? “Whatever.”
“You know, I don’t really like Haruchiyo. He’s a bit- If he wasn’t bringing Mikey I would’ve had someone else do it.”
You do recognize Haruchiyo. A scarred face with a bright pink mullet and blonde roots starting to show. The man who drugged you on your night out. Your one perfect chance to run that he didn't let you take.
“Why do they always have me doing stupid shit. I am not a babysitter.” He huffs as he falls into the plush cushion of the couch right next to you.
“Because you look like that.” You respond flatly to words that weren’t aimed at you. You’re sure you’re right, though. Look at him. Without the scars he still would look crazy.
His head turns to meet your gaze. There’s a moment of quiet consideration before his lips crack into a crooked grin. He raises his hand slowly to meet your mouth. Suddenly the nail of his thumb presses into the gash on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and make you jerk to the far side of the couch.
“At least I don’t look like you, right?” He quips and smiles to reveal unusually straight and bright teeth. “Guess that’s why you couldn’t go either.” He shrugs.
Your brows furrow.
“What did he do that for?” Haruchiyo prods. He turns his body to face you and curls up on the couch. His head rests on the cushion and he waits for you to tell the story with a closed smile and a glimmer in his big, blue eyes.
It’s a visceral thing to recall. Your face aches at the memory.
“A couple of days ago, we got into an argument.” You can’t recall what about. “I took the elevator down and he followed me, so I ran and tried to knock on the neighbors doors, but nobody answered.”
Hajime was pissed. You can still feel his hands almost pulling out your hair as he dragged you back home. The burn of the carpeted hallways against your knees and your throat raw from screaming. It never quite leaves you.
Haruchiyo snickers and shakes his head.
“When he caught me, he slammed me into the wall, so I think that’s how my lip was busted. But my eye,” You point at the black eye and cut that sits right under it. “He punched me once and his ring sliced me pretty deeply.” You can still see the anger on Hajimes face so clearly in your mind.
Haruchiyo is keeled over in tears from his laughter. It’s not that funny. At least not to you.
“Are you fucking dumb? No one lives in this place.”
It’s obvious now. No cops were called. Neighbors certainly would’ve heard your screams. But no one came to help. No one will come to help. It’s been a slow realization.
“We thought about starting to rent it out later this year but I couldn’t tell you shit about what’s going on with that. I doubt it’ll happen now, with him beating you up in the hallways and stuff.”
“She can’t come to my place? Why do I have to stay here?”
You can hear bits of what Hajime is saying over the phone.
I’ll be back in the morning…I don’t trust you….
“Whatever.” Haruchiyo rolls his eyes and hangs up before Hajime finishes talking and immediately calls someone else.
“I’m stuck at Koko’s place with this girl. Come over?” He smirks at something you can’t hear. “Yeah, okay.”
Ran is an objectively beautiful man. Even the absence of a soul behind his eyes adds to his allure. It’s a shame. Ran could model, but instead he’s this.
“Hajime is going to kill both of you.” You giggle as you watch Ran pour one of Hajime's favorite expensive wines into Haruchiyos mouth. It slightly overflows and starts to trail down his chin before Ran catches it with his index finger and licks it off the digit.
“He’ll kill Haru, not me. I was never here.” He speaks playfully as he turns to you. Haruchiyo sits behind him on the too big kitchen table rubbing his leg against Rans. “Open up. Your turn.”
You don’t really like Hajimes wine but you do as you’re told. Your head is tilted back and your mouth hangs open in wait, but before the splash of the dark red wine hits your tongue, you feel the warmth of Ran’s hand on your neck holding you steady.
It feels good to do something that you know will piss that man off even if it’s just swallowing down his favorite nasty drink.
After Ran takes his own swig he says something about how good the wine is, but you don’t hear it. What you do hear is his next statement:
“I would never let that happen to my face.” Both he and Haruchiyo laugh when your only response is a middle finger.
So, Ran knows he’s good looking.
Haruchiyo leans into his friends chest and Ran embraces him with the bottle still in his hands.
“Yeah, but it makes sense for Koko. Remember that uhh… The guy?” Haruchiyo looks up at Ran who’s still lost in grimacing at the marks on your face.
Ran shakes his head. “What guy?”
Haru pulls out of Rans arms to really look at him. “The blonde one? With the- uhmm. The ugly hair.”
Rans brows knit closer as he tries to remember. He nods as if he’s following, but you can tell he’s still confused.
“Koko stalked him for a while. What was his name?”
“The faggot with the burn mark across his face?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, Koko- NO. Girl!” Haruchiyo turns to you with wide eyes and a smug grin. “Before you, there was this like… guy. And I don’t know if they were dating or not but they definitely broke up and- uhm…” He looks to Ran and snaps his fingers trying to remember what happened.
“Yeah.” Ran sounds much calmer. “A couple years ago, it ended between them and Koko went and beat the guy about it.” He shrugs and takes a sip of the wine. “They weren’t together, but Koko was obsessed with him so when the guy didn’t want anything to do with him he lost it.”
“I remember after that he got worse. So I think it makes sense why he’s weird now.”
Ran thinks for a moment and then nods. “They used to be best friends before they got separated, then I don’t know. I see the guy sometimes and I think he remembers me.”
It would’ve been nice to know this before getting this far in.
“You think they fucked?” Haru muses.
“I hope. For Kokos sake.” Ran scoffs.
“What would you do if I tried to leave?” You can’t tell if you’re being serious when you ask and Haru doesn’t seem bothered enough to answer aloud.
He only pulls up his shirt just enough to flash the gun tucked in his waistband. Without looking, Ran says “Be good.” And you can’t tell if he’s talking to you or Haru with the way his eyes never leave the tv screen.
“Shooting me doesn’t really seem like the solution.”
The man shrugs and rests his head on Ran’s shoulder.
“You’re too malnourished to get very far anyway.” He teases.
He’s right. You drop it.
You have no idea what movie you’re watching. It’s late and you’re a little tipsy. This is the best life has been in a while. Why run?
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cockonoi · 1 month
To Be a Princess
Chapter 2
fem!reader x kokonoi/bonten
TW: Disordered eating, sex trafficking, drugging, violence, cannibalism, gore, heavy drinking, terrible vibes, vomit, misogyny
Your silk pajamas are soaked in sticky, wet, congealed red. You’re in Hajime’s office again, but this time the man’s lifeless body is on the floor in front of you.
A strange feeling makes its way up your spine. You have everything to do with this. Now you have to repent.
“I’m sorry.” You say over the corpse. Your eyes fill with tears, but there’s no use crying. This is the bed that you made. You must lie in it.
Bloodied shaking hands lift his head to your mouth. He’s so much lighter than a dead man should be.
“You’re pitiful. Pathetic.” Your mother’s voice rings out from behind you, but when you turn, she’s nowhere to be found. “Do it. Clean your mess.”
Who are you to disrespect your mother? When have you ever had the nerve?
The flesh of the human cheek is easier to bite through than you’d imagined. Soft. Supple. Wet. Cold. This is the only way to make up for your crime. You must consume all of him.
You chew and chew and chew. It won’t go down. You try to swallow again and again. Your mother’s screams of horror ring out from behind you, and suddenly you’re able to swallow. You gag and heave, but you’re okay.
You go back in. Same cheek, but this time, your tongue slips between meat, teeth, and gums. Blood washes over your tongue before you rip through another piece of his flesh. Only this time, he screams.
His eyes are wide open, and his horrified screams mix with that of your mothers. You back away on the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet.
“I’m sorry!”
He still yells. Your mother tells you that you are not.
“I said I’m sorry!”
The agonized screams continue.
You repeat it over and over. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! I don’t understand what’s happening. I’m sorry!” You yell back. You’re breathless. This feels like running a marathon.
Your body jerks awake, and you’re greeted by the sight of Hajime’s concerned face looming over you. He rests a soft hand on your cheek and your body stiffens.
“There’s no need to cry.” His thumbs glide under your tear-filled eyes. His words are muttered. “It’s just a bad dream.”
You nod. He plants a kiss on your cheek and pats your head. “Go back to sleep.”
It’s hard to do as he says. 
You turn your body away from him, trying to settle in under the covers, but it’s too hot. You throw the blanket off of yourself and curl into the fetal position. You can feel the metal on your ankle getting colder the longer it’s exposed to the frigid bedroom air. Now it’s too cold. You sit up.
Hajime taps away at the keyboard of his laptop. He stops for a moment, then starts again. You yank at the chain of handcuffs on your ankle. It clangs against the bed frame it’s binding you to. The typing stops.
“Don’t start this again.”
“I have to pee.”
Your words are met with a sigh and Hajime closes the laptop. You watch silently as he picks up the key off of his dresser, opens the curtains, and walks to your side of the bed. His black silk pajamas glimmer in the sunlight as he kneels in front of you.
You present your chained leg to him. His hands glide across the smooth skin of your leg. His fingertips are frigid, but you have nothing to say about it. Why would you? He doesn’t care about your discomfort despite how much he feigns concern. He kidnapped you. His lips graze the skin of your shin before he plants a gentle kiss.
“I love you.” He smiles up at you.
A bitterness fills you as you say it back. The last time you refused to speak, he didn’t let you go. That was yesterday and since having to sit in soiled bed sheets for a whole day while he was out, you’ve learned better.
Hajime doesn’t give you alone time anymore. Your morning piss is an affair for both of you. So is the bath.
It used to be fun when you bathed together, but in the three days since he’s taken away your autonomy, it’s morphed into a new hurdle to jump every morning and night. Today’s appeal is more of the same.
He sticks his hand under the faucet to check the water’s temperature and turns the knob to make it hotter. 
“What was that nightmare about?” He asks as you watch him through the bathroom mirror.
There’s a beat of silence before you remember what he’s talking about.
He chuckles. “What do you mean?”
“This bathing together thing. I had a nightmare about it.”
The water stops. You turn to see a tub full of bubbles.
“Why lie? Just say you don’t want to tell me.”
“I just want to bathe it alone.”
“No.” He comes toward you and unbuttons your pajama top. “Maybe one day, but not today.”
“Hajime..” He slides your shirt off of your shoulders and you watch as it hits the ground. “Why?”
“Why what?” He works down your pants and underwear.
“Why won’t you just leave me alone?”
“Why would I? I told you; I love you.”
Hand in hand, he guides you to the tub. Your feet cut through a thick layer of bubbles before hitting nice warm water.
This isn't love, and since you've been taken hostage, you're not sure it ever was, but this is the first time he's behaved in this manner. 
He cleans you thoroughly but gently. Expert fingers scrub at your scalp, then wash your face, and everywhere else. When his hands touch your private areas, you are quick to startle only for him to smile and say nothing. Really, he hasn’t done anything more invasive than washing you in the days you’ve been here. You’d like to say you know he wouldn’t do something worse, but you can never know for sure anymore.
“Face mask?” He asks at the end, wrapping you in a towel. You shake your head. “Are you hungry?” You shake your head. “I think you should eat something today.”
“I don’t want to.” You shiver in your towel.
“You should. We have somewhere to be tonight.”
“It’s a club, so I thought you should come. You can meet my friends and have a good time.”
You lay silent on the bed, chained up and waiting for Hajime to get back. He’s been gone since the afternoon and now the sun is going down. Hopefully, he’s dead. Hopefully, his line of work has caught up to him and someone killed him. And if he’s dead, someone can find you trapped here and free you, or maybe they won’t. Maybe you don’t deserve it. After all, you didn’t tell anyone what he did. You’re complicit. Why should you be saved?
“I’m sorry.” This is the first thing he says when he walks through the bedroom door. “It’s eight-thirty-six. I should’ve had you ready an hour ago.”
Hajime stops in his tracks as he looks at the bedside table. All the food he left remains untouched. The strawberries he’s cut, the sandwiches he’s made, the protein bar, the plain white rice… all untouched.
“Why are you not eating?”
It’s your hunger strike. You’ll thin out until you die if he doesn’t let you go. “Because I don’t want to be here.”
A look of frustration passes over his features for a brief, easily missed second. He smiles and leans down to you. “If you don’t eat, you’re not going. This could be your last chance ever to get out of here. Do you want to miss it?”
You return his gaze with your own hardened stare. He lets you hold the silence for a moment, with an unflinching, deceptively kind smile. “One bite of everything and I will dress you and we can go.”
He’s right. This could be your last chance to escape. This time, when you do, you’ll go to the police and turn yourself in. Will he come get you from them? Probably not.
He watches with a grin as you begrudgingly take one bite of everything. When you’re done, he dresses you.
You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but you do feel beautiful. The black mink fur coat flows down to your ankles and creates warmth in what is an otherwise skimpy outfit. The black sequined skirt and leopard print bustier offer little comfort but an undeniable amount of glamour. Your diamond studs match your diamond choker and the messy updo Hajime tried his best to make perfect doesn’t suffocate them. 
Stepping outside like this isn’t like you. Especially because the heels he’s given you aren’t broken in. You’ve never worn these and they hurt. Surely, you’re ditching them when you make a break for it.
As you follow him into the club, the smell of sweat and mixed perfume replaces the crisp outside air on your face. As Hajime guides you through the crowd, a hand on the small of your back, dancing bodies part like the Red Sea. People smile and greet him with curious looks. Certainly, they wonder who you are. He explains nothing, just greets people back politely. How often does he come here?
Right past the private sections, there’s a door and behind that door is a well-decorated room. In that room, there are unfamiliar faces and Takeomi. Your abductor takes his time introducing them to you.
Mikey, you’ve seen his face on the news. This is Hajime’s boss. This is the guy that wakes him up at the ass crack of dawn to do paperwork. This frail, white-haired freak is who’s in charge. He hardly acknowledges you outside of a glance before bringing a beer bottle to his lips.
Haruchiyo has pink hair and pink eyelashes. More importantly, he’s got huge diamond-shaped scars on his lips and a tattoo on his arm that matches the one on Hajime’s scalp. He smiles, not in a polite way, but one that triggers your fight or flight.
Takeomi, you’ve met before. He nods to you. You wonder if he has a gun you can use right now. Do they all have guns? What are your chances of survival?
Rindou and Ran are brothers, with matching purple and lavender hair and with the same hanafuda tattoo sitting front and center on their necks. The same tattoo that Sanzu and Hajime have. Ultimately, you feel stupid as you realize that it’s their symbol for their little gang and it’s been sitting in plain sight your entire relationship. A wave of internal embarrassment rolls over you. Idiot.
Kanji is clean-cut with slicked-back, greying hair. He pays you no mind as he lights a cigarette and leans back into his corner seat. 
Finally, Kakucho has thick black hair that doesn’t quite cover the scar that wraps around his head and through his left eye. Can he see? Not that he deserves to. Not doing work like this.
After he’s done introducing you, someone, the pink-haired one, speaks up. “You’re not gay?” Lips parted and brows pinching together in confusion. There are snickers around the room, and the longer-haired brother hides his laugh by leaning on his brother’s shoulder. “Not in a rude way. I’m just asking because I thought you were bring- “
“Haruchiyo.” Takeomi pipes up sternly. It’s a bit ironic, you think.
Hajime doesn’t give a response. Instead, he says, “You know what I’m here to do, so please get out.” 
Everyone moves quickly to get out. You even hear someone huff out a “finally.” But before you can make sense of what’s going on, Hajime asserts that one of them has to watch you, and then he tells you to have fun.
A hand grabs yours and you’re being dragged to the bar before you can gain your bearings. The pink-haired one. Haruchiyo. He wants you to drink with him?
“What’s your name again?” He smiles.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right. I’m just gonna call you ‘Girl’, m’kay?”
You look around with half a mind to argue, but with the blaring music and flashing lights, who wants to? You shrug.
“Take shots with me.” His smile is so earnest.
“I can’t.” 
“Somewhere to be?” He gestures with his chin toward the exit behind you. A beat of silence falls between you as his smile threatens to pull apart his scars and then his face.
“Can I tell you something?” He doesn’t wait for you to respond before he’s leaning in close enough for you to hear his lowered voice over all the commotion. “You’re not getting out of here. There’s nowhere you can run where we won’t find you, and none of us are just going to let you go that easily.”
He pulls back to see the horror on your face. That smile brightens.
Half of you wants to ask why. This has nothing to do with them. The other half wants to see if he’s telling the truth. Still, you remain, frozen on your barstool, making a face with your expensive fur coat on.
“Drink with me. You’ll have more fun.”
You do as he says.
The shots come in one after another. Not once do you see him pay? You only watch hazily as he leans over the counter, beams at the bartender, and asks for another round for the both of you.
“You might think that we hate women…” He laughs to himself as he hands you another shot. “But I hired her.” He points at the bartender. “And in many ways, I’m like a woman, too.” But he never elaborates. Just rubs your shoulder as you throw your drink back.
You don’t know how many shots you take, but it’s enough to have you barefoot on the dancefloor with him. For a while, it’s like you’re there alone. The world looks so beautiful inside the club and the sweat is starting to smell sweet. You’re just moving and embracing the faux freedom you have right now.
You back your glistening body into Haruchiyo’s front. His arms wrap around your waist and you roll your head onto his shoulder. You sway. 
“This is so much better than being stuck in that room,” you hum.
“He locks you in the bedroom?” He asks. You can feel his voice come from his chest as he chuckles. You nod with a dumb smile.
“Haruchiyo…” You are dizzy as the lights change. He hums. “I feel sick.”
He laughs. Fully laughs. And you do too.
“I’m gonna throw up.”
Before you know it, he’s gently guiding you through the crowd and you’re barely there for it. It all feels like floating until your bare feet are met with cold concrete and harsh rocks. 
You must be outside of the back of the building. You meet the brothers there, smoking. The taller one pipes up first. 
“Haru, you got anything?”
“Haru.” You repeat under your breath and giggle at yourself. He’s got a pretty name.
“Not on me. Wanna come to my car?”
You think they’re having a secret staring contest when Haru offers to go to his car. The tall man is almost smiling, and Haru is.
“Ran…” he says sweetly.
The taller one, Ran, takes one last drag from his cigarette before dropping it and smothering it with the toe of his boot. “Rindou, please watch her. He drugged her.” He smiles without breaking eyes with Sanzu. You look between them, only to see they’ve both got shit-eating grins plastered across their face.
“You drugged me?” You look at Haruchiyo. He pays you no mind. When?
He lets you go and as you fall, Rin catches you. He lets you rest your weight against his body.
“Where are her shoes?” Rindou pipes up.
“I’ll find them later.”
Then you’re stuck with Rindou. Whoever he is.
It’s a little humiliating leaning against a man you don’t know because you can hardly stand on your own two feet. Rindou doesn’t seem to mind, though. He stands back to the wall as he smokes his cigarette.
When you try to push yourself off of him, his free hand comes to your back to push you back down. He breaks the silence with a stern voice telling you to stay. 
You’re overheating, and you’ve got to go. 
The next time, he doesn’t push you back down. He lets you stand on shaky legs and watches as you shrug your coat off and onto the ground.
“Where are you going?” He asks. His cigarette is gone. 
“Fu-ucking leaving.” You hiccup. Your stomach growls.
“To where?” There’s amusement in his voice.
“Shut up.”
Even through blurred vision, you can see him frown. He’s messing with you.
You hobble your way back through the door you came out of. The lights on the inside are so… bright. Brighter than before. Sickening. They’re doing this on purpose. 
You’re pushed around as you try to make your way through the crowd. Your stomach is rolling around inside you. 
“Move.” You say to random people. They don’t hear you. They don’t care.
It’s so fucking hot inside this place. You just want out.
When you make it outside, you pause for a moment to feel the cool air. Spit fills your mouth and dribbles down your chin. Your arm comes up to wipe it away.
You don’t know which way to walk. A phone would be nice, but it’s okay. You can make it work. You can find someone with a phone later. The streets are devoid of people right now, save for a few cars driving by.
You choose a direction and walk. Stumble.
“You’re not gonna make it far on whatever he gave you.” His voice is loud and clear. It’s almost like he caused you to fall.
Your knees scrape the concrete, enough to hurt without drawing blood. You stay there, hunched over on the ground as you hear him approaching.
Rindou crouches in front of you. He smells wonderful even after a cigarette. Warm vanilla and a field of flowers. He carries your abandoned coat with him.
“You’re so cute. Like the girls I had crushes on when I was a boy. But they weren’t real.” He lifts your chin in his hand while saying it. “You are. You’re beautiful and determined and so real. It’s really hot. Especially ‘cause what you’re doing is useless.”
“Leave me alone.” Your lips quiver.
“I can’t.” That frown from earlier…it’s just his face. “I’m not going to be the one getting blamed for leaving you passed out on the sidewalk and vulnerable to all types of things.” He strokes your cheek and kisses your sweat-covered forehead.
“Are you gonna-” Tears skitter down your cheeks. “Please don’t tell him. I don’t- I can’t-” His eyes light up and there’s almost a smile showing. “I can’t be locked in that room anymore. Please. Please. Please don’t tell him.”
“I won’t tell, I promise.”
Rindou waits outside the door as you vomit in the bathroom. No one is in here with you and it’s the cleanest club bathroom you’ve ever seen. Or maybe you’re just that out of it.
The sound of what is mostly bile and alcohol hitting the toilet water is sickening. It even splashes on the seat, narrowly avoiding your face. The smell is vile.
When you’re done, your stomach growls as you make your way to the sink. You’re so hungry it hurts, but if you eat, he’ll have won. 
Your stud earrings have become entangled in loose strands of your hair. You take them out and admire how they glimmer under the dim bathroom light in your hand.
Are diamonds edible? You wonder. If you eat them, you’re getting back at him in a way, right? Dissolving his money in stomach acid.
You break the pointed back off of one. It’ll be harder to swallow with it on. Then you do the same with the other. They’re no longer accessories, just useless five-millimeter studs.
Hajime would say you look a mess without them. He says that even women as beautiful as you need accessories. Surely, all this jewelry he puts on you is just his form of branding.
You pop the diamonds into your mouth. Your first thought is to chew; mash them up and make them digestible. It hurts your teeth to try to bite through. It startles you how painful the attempt to crack them was. It startles you enough that you accidentally swallow them whole. 
You make a face to yourself in the mirror. Eyes blown, mascara smeared, lipstick smudged. Your heart is racing. It kind of felt… good? What the fuck?
You rinse your mouth with vodka. A bottle Rindou took from behind the bar. Not that you want to drink anything else they give you. 
You’re back behind the club and Rindou doesn’t seem set on getting you even more drunk or high. You’re feeling invincible after swallowing those earrings.
What else could you do to get back at Hajime?
“Do you want to have sex right now?” You pass the bottle back to Rindou.
“No.” He says without thought or hesitation. “Not really. I’m not like that.”
“Like what?”
“A home wrecker.”
“Shut up.” Hajime is not your boyfriend. You guys are not together. 
“Sorry.” He takes a big swig. “I’m also not into whatever revenge plot you’re trying to hatch.” He smiles politely. He really looks like his brother. Sad eyed and well dressed.
“It’s not revenge. You said I’m cute.” You move closer to him and your hand creeps to his forearm. 
He turns his head up and sighs. “He’s made a pleasant life for you. Why can’t you just accept it?”
“Fuck off.” 
When he looks back at you, his lips part, he thinks and closes them. Then they come open again.
“I’ll tell you something, okay?” Rindou huffs. “A while ago, there was this girl… maybe a little younger than you. A hooker who worked out of one of our brothels. She looked okay.”
He pauses in thought. Your hand slides off of his forearm.
“She ran away once, with a lot of money. When Mochi brought her back, she was so full of vengeance.” He chuckles. “Koko was pissed. Kicked that girl’s teeth in. Locked her in a closet, and only fed her rice and chicken once a day. It was bad. He told Sanzu to pull her nails out. Tortured her for like two months.”
His brows furrow, and he gets quiet for a second. “Yeah, he would tell us to do terrible things to her. I don’t even know if she’s still alive. I haven’t been back since.” He scratches his head. “But, what I’m saying is, Koko’s a cruel guy and you’re lucky he likes you.”
It’s shameful to think you didn’t know. To think some women have suffered at the hands of the man who makes you comfortable. For the longest time, you were oblivious. You’re an idiot.
“You’re lying.” You say, because he must be. This couldn’t have happened under your nose.
“Look at the situation you’re in. Is it impossible?” His brows rise in question.
You’re doomed, aren’t you? “I’m just going to kill myself. You should kill yourself, too.” You take the bottle from him. It feels like fire going down your throat.
His gaze has changed when you finally look at him again. There's a sense of mischief you only catch on to when he kisses you. This time, on your mouth.
You’re not sure you want this, but you lean into it for the sake of rebellion. It’s so strange kissing someone who isn’t Hajime. Matter of fact, it's strange locking lips with someone you've just met. Rindou's lips are so soft and warm. His tongue glides languidly against yours. His hands travel from your cheek to your chin to tilt your head up, so he can savor you deeper. You both taste of alcohol.
When he pulls away, he waivers a little at the sound of a soft accidental moan leaving your lips. He grins. Suddenly, you want him back.
“Now you’ve rebelled, and you’re still stuck here. I don’t think you have the balls to kill yourself, though.” He reaches into his pocket for a cigarette. “But if you want to, you can.”
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cockonoi · 2 months
To Be a Princess
Chapter 1
fem!reader x kokonoi
TW: Violence, Kidnapping, Abuse, Death, Blood, Strained Mother/Daughter relationships (other trigger warnings to be added)
Synopsis: What is a good relationship without its ups and downs? You and Hajime have never had a serious down until now. You can run away, but it's never that easy.
“My mother texted me,” Exasperation coats your vocal cords. A smirk paints your face when you see Koko roll his eyes, still looking down at his paperwork. You should be in bed, but the multiple sharp dings of your mother's messages forced you awake. Now, you can’t go back to sleep.
His eyes settle on you, a fond smile brightening his features. “Well, good morning to you, too.” His attention is on you as you make your way further into his office and sit on his desk to peek over at the papers he’s going through. You could count every crystal in the chandelier above you through its reflection in his eyes as he gazes up at you.
“Good morning.” You giggle when you lean down to kiss him. His chin rests in your palm as you guide him towards you. The moment your lips meet, you feel all the tenseness leave his body.
“What did she say?” He rests his head in his hand.
“Something about reconnecting and wanting to see me. I don’t know, I didn’t really read it.”
His brows furrow, and he leans back in his chair. You take him in. He smells of Bibliothèque by Byredo he bought a while ago, a recent favorite of his. The fruitiness and woodiness add an air of maturity to his already put-together demeanor. It makes sense for someone so beautiful. He shakes his head. “But if you want to, I won’t stop you.”
You smooth over your silk nightgown and shrug. You consider his face for a moment. His red eyeliner isn’t on. His skin and eyes look dull. His hair is pulled back into a half bun, half ponytail fusion. He yawns.
“How long have you been up?” You remember going to bed with him last night. When you woke at three to get water and crawled back into bed, he was there and pulled you back into his chest to cuddle. You know he’s slept, but for how long?
“I don’t know...” He taps his phone to check the time. “Maybe since five or six? My boss called and asked me if I could rush some stuff.”
His workaholic tendencies make your head hurt sometimes. You’ve told him before that you think he’ll die at that desk. “And when he called, you just got up and started working?” He rolls his eyes. “Koko, did you even eat?”
“You’re going to have a heart attack in this office.”
“But I’ll leave you so much.” He smiles playfully, but none of this is funny.
“It’s not funny! Let’s go out for breakfast.” You hop off of his desk and head towards the door. You look back and see that his head is in his papers again. “Now!” With that, he’s moving.
“Mom?” You try to sound composed over the phone as tears stream down your cheeks. You’re unsuccessful, and she starts to scramble and beg you to tell her what’s happened. You can’t. Your throat hurts and you still can’t process what’s going on. “I’m- I’m at a ho-hotel right now,” You sniffle and cough and wipe away snot. “I’m going to take a trai-n and be there tomorrow.”
You grow nauseous as your mom pleads with you to tell her what’s wrong. You hang up and collapse into a ball on the floor. Sobbing doesn’t help, but it’s the only thing you can do right now. It’s the first time since you left that you’ve had time to break down.
You fall asleep like that.
The next morning, you wake up in pain. Your eyes burn, your mouth is dry, and your bones ache. This is the lowest your life has been since meeting Hajime and possibly the worst it could be. Rock bottom. And as much as you miss the feel of your bed and his kisses on your cheeks telling you it will be alright; you know better than to return.
“It’s not his fault.” That’s what you’d thought when you came into his office last night to see the guest, you’d let in slumped over in a chair with a bullet through his head.
There had been no commotion until the sound of the gunshot. You had run to check on Hajime only to find out he was the assailant. You hadn’t even known he had a gun. Why would he have a gun? And why would he kill a random client of his? They came over all the time and nothing like this had happened before. It couldn’t have been him. Why would he do this?
You hadn’t even reacted when you saw it. You only felt your heart drop and your body tremble. Brain matter, blood, and little bone fragments covered the room. The man’s eyes were glossed over with no life inside of them. Your heart was on track to beat out of your chest and maybe you were going to pass out, but you had said little to Hajime in the moment. You stood in shock for a second before he opened his mouth to say something you didn’t quite hear, too busy processing the scene.
“Do you need help to clean?” Were all the words your mouth could form. Neither of you had expected that to be the first thing to find its way off of your tongue. Mouth agape, he nodded slowly and confused.
You left to go rummaging through the cabinets with unstable hands. You’d grabbed as much as you could hold. Never had you been prepared to clean up so much blood. There was no thought as shaky hands grabbed at glass cleaner and air freshener. When you’d come back, Hajime was staring at the body in disbelief.
“Is this the first time?” You’d asked.
He’d come clean about everything. Words spilled like water from a broken dam. He was an executive in a high-profile gang. Bonten. You’d heard of it, but only on the news. They’d been less of a gang and more of a terrorist organization. Selling drugs, dealing weapons, killing people and so much more. Hajime didn’t seem like the type, but he said it wasn’t his first time killing. He clarified that it’s not a hobby of his like it is for other people he knew. Tears filled his eyes as he told you, but they didn’t fall in that moment. He was pulling himself together as best he could. He’d never intended for you to find out. Hajime just wanted to keep you safe and take care of you. He promised.
You listened silently while scrubbing the walls as he said something about not wanting you to leave. How he couldn’t stand to lose someone else to a life like this. He’s sorry, but this is all he’s known since he was a kid. He doesn’t know how to get by in any other way. You have to believe him. He loves you. He can’t stand the idea of you leaving him.
His propositioning became a blur when he began to break down. You stopped hearing him when the tears started to fall and the look in his eyes changed from sorrow and guilt to something unhinged. His hands came up to pull at the roots of his hair and you’re sure he was screaming apologies and begging you not to leave. His mouth moved like he was begging you to say something, but all you could was scrub the wall and look at him. You don’t remember the time cleaning after that.
For the first time, you feared him and felt alone all over again. He’d become another stranger. Your heart was sitting in your lap and you were watching it beat as you figured out what to do.
While he showered, you packed a bag for when you’d make a run for it in the dark hours of the morning. You took some jewelry to pawn, comfortable clothes to make the trip in, and some of the fancy hygiene products he bought you. Then you hid the bag in one of the spare rooms, before climbing into bed to wait for him. With the state he was in, surely, he’d hurt you if he knew you were going to leave.
His kisses felt like sandpaper against your cheeks. Every time his lips touched your skin was a silent question of whether you still loved him. You did, but you couldn’t stay. Not like this. When he fell asleep, you took some cash and ran as far as you could. It wasn’t very far at all. An okay hotel near the train station about an hour away.
Twice now you’ve thought about calling the police and having him locked away forever. Once last night and now as you step out of the shower and see an accomplice in the hotel mirror. You can’t bring yourself to do it. Your head aches at the thought of him behind bars, in a small room, taking communal showers. You don’t want that for him. What you want is the normalcy back. You want him holding you. You want him telling you that you had a nightmare. You want this nasty breakup over with.
Your eyes become faucets of emotion again as you mourn. You cry and heave naked over the sink. For the first time in a long time, you’re alone in this life. Hajime cannot come to comfort you when you cry. You are at your lowest.
It comes up faster than you expect. Your stomach. Milky vomit splatters into the sink. You run the water over it as your body tremors. The sound calms you.
Your hand dips into the stream and comes up to your mouth. You gargle and spit twice. Then you splash water over your face. You’re fine.
There’s no time for this. You need to leave.
Pulling on your clothes has you thinking about other things or at least trying to distract yourself.
“What’s worse, living with a murderer or my mom?” You halfheartedly laugh to yourself. It’s too much to think about right now.
You haven’t worn a sweatsuit in quite some time. Koko hated what he called “lazy clothes” and insisted you are too beautiful to wear them. Of course, you still had some, but you could never do more than look at them. Not until now. You’re sure your mother would be just as disapproving for similar reasons.
You laugh again at the thought of neither of them liking this outfit. A soft yellow sweat suit and white sneakers. It’d break both of their hearts.
A soft knock at your door interrupts your thoughts, and you stiffen.
“Room service.” Says a gruff, masculine voice on the other side.
Just room service. You unclench.
“No, thank you!” You shout as you grab your bag and ready yourself to leave.
“It’s important.” The voice sings back. “You left something at the front desk. I need to return it to you.”
You crack the door open just enough for your foot to fit through. The man is tall and angular. Dress shirt. Tie. Black slacks. Loafers. Expensive Prada Loafers. He reeks of cigarette smell. Acrid and off-putting. Nothing in his hands but the rings that adorn his scarred fingers. Your eyes travel up to his face.
Slicked back black hair. Prominent streaks of grey in thick stripes. Massive scar across his eye. He doesn’t work here. Your heart jumps to a start.
You scramble to close the door, but he’s strong enough to just push his way in and have you falling on your ass in the process. The door swings shut, the lock clicks, and a gun is pointed at you. His finger comes to his lips to hush you before you can think of screaming.
“It’s early. I’m tired. And I don’t want to be here.” He reaches his free hand out to help you up off the floor. You stare frozen in fear, labored breathing, unable to think until you notice his gesture and offer a hand so he can pull you up. “Can you just come with me so I can drop you off to Koko and go about my day?”
Your saliva becomes glue holding your mouth shut. You can do nothing but stare into his eyes.
“Hello?” He waves his gun in your face and you flinch away.
You offer a slow, cautious shake of your head. Your feet carry you a couple of steps back. He follows.
“You have to.” He asserts, shoving the gun’s muzzle under your chin.
For some reason, you're embarrassed by your trembling. You try to stop it, but can’t. Your eyes are blown wide and your hands shake as you grab the man’s wrist to pull the gun from under your chin.
“I can’t.” You barely manage. Tears fill your eyes as you back away again. The man doesn’t move with you. He looks more confused and irritated than anything. He’s nothing but furrowed brows and hard eyes.
“Listen…” He groans as he watches you wipe away tears as they fall. “I don’t know what the hell this is about, nor do I care, but my boss told me to get you and bring you to Koko,” He steps closer and shoves the gun into his waistband. “I’m not a fan of brutalizing attractive young women, but I will if I have to. Then I’ll carry you out of here and take you to him.”
You understand you’re leaving with him either way.
He’s enough of a gentleman to have grabbed all of your stuff for you and thrown it into his backseat, but not enough of a gentleman to not kidnap you. Enough of a gentleman to open the door to his SUV for you, but not enough of a gentleman to not point a gun at you.
When his car starts, the feeling of dread sinks in. This is happening. This is not a dream. Your ex is a man powerful enough to have you kidnapped. 
You try to suck it up and stop your tears, but you keep sniffling. Hajime is a sick bastard to send a man with a gun after you. How could he?
“What’s your name?” The man's voice interrupts your thoughts. You say nothing. “Fair.” He brushes you off. “I understand it. I’m human too.” 
Hard to believe.
“My name is Takeomi.” He looks away from the road to shoot a halfhearted grin. “I’ll have to learn your name later, right?”
“Please let me go.” You demand through sniffles. You try to toughen your act as the tears dry up. Still, you feel pathetic.
He ignores you.
“I thought he was gay.” He doesn’t turn to look at you this time. “You know, I thought I’d be picking up a man.”
“…but you’re incredibly beautiful so, I understand if he suddenly changed his mind.”
He doesn’t say much after that, and just drives. You stare out of the window and hold back tears.
By the time you arrive, you’ve calmed down. You linger in the car as Takeomi grabs your things and calls Hajime, but the moment he opens the door it’s a march of death. 
Takeomi waits with you at the elevator. He can’t stand this, you can tell. Even without moving, his stance is impatient. You can hear the hum of the elevator moving. The closer it sounds the more your heart races.
No. No.
You take a step back as the elevator doors open. You look at Takeomi who looks back at you and shrugs.
You’re half ready to run when a hand guides you into the elevator. You keep your head down. Hajime mutters out a thank you and you see them exchanging your luggage. They don’t say goodbye.
The penthouse is the same. Same sweet smell. Same shiny wooden floors. Same warmth. But it’s not your home anymore. It’s your new gilded cage. 
Hajime drops your bag and suddenly you’re surrounded by a familiar warmth and scent. He’s everything you can sense. His floral conditioner. His musky cologne. His well-trimmed nails against your scalp.
He pulls away. There’s a darkness in his eyes when you finally look at him. His hair is a mess. He hasn’t brushed it like he usually would. His makeup isn’t done. He is still in his pajamas. It’s been less than a day and already he’s in disarray.
“Why did you abandon me when all I do is take care of you?” He stresses. “I do everything to keep you safe and beautiful and you run after one mistake?”
“Mistake?” Your voice shakes. “Killing someone is a mistake?”
“I was doing my job.”
“Fuck you.” An immediate slap to your cheek blurs your vision. 
First, it’s shock, then it’s anger, then it’s tears. Koko doesn’t seem remorseful though. With furrowed brows, he says, “I love you and you abandoned me. I took care of you when that bitch of a mother threw you out and you crawled into Tokyo from the shithole you came from. But fuck me?”
Crazy. He’s actually crazy.
You slap him back and the look on his face changes from seething anger to hurt. Before he can react, you dart from the doorway all the way to the bedroom unsure of if he’s chasing you. Immediately you lock it. Finally, you can breathe, but the air is full of him.
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cockonoi · 2 months
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To the end - Masterpost
The end of the world as you knew it began with the virus spreading in your dorm. Six months later, you are once again on the run. By your side is Sukuna, the bad boy of your camp, the most unlikely companion you expected. But maybe this is exactly as it should be because sometimes hope comes in the form of a smug smirk and a tattooed pair of sword-yielding arms.
Sukuna x Reader (female) | Zombie Apocalypse AU | 18+ | Warnings in chapter descriptions | Minors don't interact
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Story: Chapter 1 ++ Chapter 2 ++ Chapter 3 ++ Chapter 4 ++ Chapter 5 ++ Chapter 6 ++ Chapter 7
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Inspiration: Fanart: Sukuna Playlist: Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 1: ++ Bodies by Drowning Pool ++ Haunted House by DBMK
Chapter 2: ++ Twisted by Missio ++ The End by JPOLND ++ beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice by Life After Youth
Chapter 3: ++ Happy Birthday by The Birthday Massacre ++ Kill4Me by Marilyn Manson
Chapter 4: ++ Party at the end of the world by My Chemical Romance
Chapter 5: ++ Running up that hill by Placebo ++ The ghost of you by My Chemical Romance ++ The jetset life is gonna kill you by My Chemical Romance
Chapter 6: ++ American Blood by Dead Poet Society ++ Soda by Nothing but Thieves ++ Like Fear like Love by The Birthday Massacre ++ Real Love Song by Nothing but Thieves
Chapter 7: ++ Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex ++ Painkiller by Nothing but Thieves ++ Driven like the snow by Sisters of Mercy ++ To the end by My Chemical Romance
689 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 3 months
Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 4: The Calm
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Pairing: Izana Kurokawa x fem reader x Manjiro sano
series summary: your grevious sin was emma standing up for you and now, you were going to pay the heavy price of destroying their perfect family dynamic
chapter summary: emma decided you needed a break from all the stress of life and takes you to her home for a vacation and for a moment, you forget that reality is often disappointing .
word count: 12.5k
cw: DARK CONTENT, nsfw, male masturbation, obsssession, stalking, blackmail, academic fatigue, poverty, misogyny, objectification, one mention of unwanted pregnancy, implied drugging, age gap relationship, fluff to heavy angst, minor character death, murder, mental break down, panic attack, gang related violence,  gun violence, metions of drug related business (c*caine), dubious consent, slight manipulation, thigh grinding, mutual masturbation, fingering (fem. receiving), jerking off, nipple sucking, praise kink, squirting, proper aftercare.
masterlist||chapter 3||chapter 5
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MIKEY never really understood what being in love entailed.
He knew what familiar love was, the way Shinichiro treated him and his siblings with so much gentility and grace, even falling into the darkest depths of pure sin just to make sure that his siblings were fed at least. Emma waking him up in the morning and dragging him around just so that they could attend fairs together, always supporting him. Hell, even Izana could be kind, taking care of him anytime he got sick and covering up for some of his stupid pranks.
He knew what friendship was too; Takemitchi’s unwavering belief in Mikey that he could be the best. Draken’s honesty and care. Keisuke’s pure love for him despite his obvious faults. Sanzu’s unwavering loyalty.
But what he’s feeling right now… what he was experiencing right now is alien.
An all consuming passion that has his mouth dry and hands sweaty. Constant thoughts occupy his brain, no matter the situation. His heart beating faster and faster until he was sure it would burst out of his chest.
And at the center of it all was you.
It was like a war was going on in his head. He was disgusted by you- frustrated at how kind you are. You’re kind to everybody and it’s not even about who deserves it or who doesn’t anymore, it’s the fact that your grace was extended for everyone. Hinata whom you barely knew and who was obviously jealous of your friendship with Emma -because she told him about it. Mitsuya who despite his infatuation with you - still ignored you at first and refused to tell you the messed up shit his so called friend did. Draken with his ever rising jealousy when it came to you, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
They were all hypocrites. Every single one of them and yet you still hang out with them.
It boiled his blood. Here he was being outright honest with you, not hiding how he felt inside. Mikey didn’t want to lie and pretend that he didn’t hold some resentment for you so he showed his true colors, to let you see the true him. He was being vulnerable with you, peeling off the fake persona to show you how he really feels about you, something he never does.
He showed you the truth. Things he’d never show anyone because he thought you would understand him. That you would get the message.
And what do you do in return?
You throw his vulnerability right back in his face by fucking avoiding him.
He groaned against his pillow, pressing his face down to avoid anyone hearing him moan your name, knees pressed on his king sized bed, hunched over with his night trousers pulled down to reveal his cock- slightly darker than his skin, an angry red tip with hot pre leaking from it, curved a little to the left. His hands worked in tandem to the rotten images of you, face down, ass up while he fucked you hard from behind- jerking his hips into the stupid fleshlight that Izana had gifted him for his last birthday, wishing it was your tight pussy he was rutting his aching cock into.
“Ngh mhghh (name) fuck, need your pussy so bad. S-shit”
Mikey nearly felt ashamed of himself. Reducing him to this whining pathetic mess that was unable to cum without thinking about you. Look at the way you treated him now; avoiding him whenever he tried to walk up to you after your classes and following the back door. Only giving him one line answers any time he tried to talk to you when you were with Emma. Visibly deflating around him and stepping away when he was close to you.
He did nothing wrong to you! All the times you both hooked up was what you wanted. You always jumped into his arms albeit with a little prompting from him. Why were you behaving like this? Didn’t girls like being eaten out? Why were you so hard to understand?
Beads of sweat rolled down his face to his neck, staining his nightshirt caught between his teeth. His abdomen flexed slightly as his mind started floating towards lustful images of him punishing you for ignoring him. Your tight cunt wrapped around his cock, hands tied behind your back while he fucked into you, making you watch as you moaned like a pornstar. His wrist worked up his cock faster, picking up the pace as the fleshlight sucked his cock deep, bringing him closer to the edge.
“Ah, ah (name)” he muffled, his brain growing fuzzy with arousal as he thrusted messily into the fleshlight, unable to think straight as he reached the edge, his balls tightening at his impending release. “Ah, (name), (name)-” he whimpered over and over again, tears spilling from his eyes as he fucked into his fleshlight fast and hard, wishing it was your pussy.
“(Name), (n-name)- fuck”
His hips stuttered as he gave one last hard thrust and came hard, rutting his hips to ride out his orgasm as ropes of cum splattered into the fleshlight. With a groan he pulled out, revealing a trail of cum oozing from the sex toys, dripping down the lips along with his slick, sensitive cock slowly growing limp.
His breathing was heavy, trying to regain his full senses again as he collapsed on his bed, tired. It was clear that this unnatural affinity towards you would drive him down a long winded road that would bring upon impending doom.
That is, if he hadn’t started already.
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   “YOU’RE not performing as well as you ought to, Is there a problem?”
You could think of a myriad of answers to professor Hanabi’s question, but all of them would sound unbelievable to anyone with a good head on their shoulders.
You didn’t know where to even start as you stood in front of the older man. Maybe it was the crushing feeling of guilt that followed you around, flashing the images of your sinful act before your very eyes each time you closed them to sleep. Or the invasive dreams when you do manage to sleep off, the Sano brothers taking advantage of you in different, shameful ways until you’re screaming awake, tears rolling down your eyes.
It’s apparent your condition was far worse than before. Concealers could hide your eye bags, but they couldn’t hide the slump in your shoulders or the flash of fear whenever you lock eyes with any of the Sano brothers, especially Mikey.
And Mikey is not helping matters either. It was almost like he was everywhere you went, following you like your shadow and trying to speak to you. You’ve tried making it clear that you did not want anything to do with him by your actions, but it seemed that each time you pushed him away, he would come back in ten folds. He had somehow gotten your number and no matter how many times you blocked him, he would always, always find a way to get your line.
When he realized calling wouldn’t work, he resorted to texting you everyday. Asking you things like “How was school?” “Who was that boy you were laughing with?” Or even threatening to release your nudes if you block him again, before showing pictures of you in the shower that you were sure you did not take yourself.
It meant he snuck into your room again. Or long before that. You don’t know. It didn’t matter.
You don’t understand his behavior. He’s already talking to Emma and everything is fine now, why is he bothering you? At least Izana barely acknowledges your presence and has left you alone, so why can’t Mikey do the same?
You had used the last of your saved up money to change the locks soon after that message, leaving you nearly penniless. You were starving, surviving on barely a meal and lack of sleep while looking for a new job. You had sold off some of your old jewelry that people liked because they were ‘vintage’ and still it wasn’t enough to help you with anything.
With all these happening to you, it was a no brainer as to why school was the last thing on your mind right now.
Your gaze casted down to the big F written on your script. You had thought at least your make up test would be good enough for a C with how stressed you were, but apparently, you were wrong about that one too.
It didn’t make any sense, you had Hinata and Emma mark your question paper when you came out and they said you did well. So how did this happen?
And of all courses it had to be the most difficult of them all with an equally difficult lecturer, who happened to be the Dean of the English studies and Language department; professor Daniel Hanabi.
“I-i don’t understand professor-” you started, about to say the words ‘I did everything right’ but quickly stopped yourself. Professor Hanabi was a strict man who prided himself in being correct every time. Assuming that you did everything right would mean that he was wrong and would only get him angry with you, reducing your chances at any form of negotiation. Instead, you changed the tune of the conversation. “- I thought I was prepared-”
“You cannot keep assuming you are prepared for anything, Ms. (Last name).” He hissed, silencing you immediately. You bowed your head in embarrassment as the blonde haired man started tearing at you. “How do you assume you are well prepared for a course, my course specifically? It is either you are or you’re not and looking at this excuse of a test score, even with all the time I graciously gave you after your sick day, you still failed. And you know why you failed? It’s because you’re a moron! A bimbo with nothing in that head of yours-”
You stayed silent as the man continued barking at you, tuning out his hurtful words with every curse and insult thrown in your face. You bit back any form of tears so that he wouldn’t find another reason to shout at you.
“- everyday I spend my time trying to impart knowledge onto you people and in turn you all disappoint me. What do you have to say for yourself?”
You took a deep breath, holding back tears of humiliation as you clasped your hands together. You knew the best thing to do was to tolerate his insults so that he could give you another chance. “I apologize, Professor Hanabi.” You began with a humble voice. “It was my fault. You gave me a lot of time to study and I failed to deliver. But please sir, you have to let me try again! I can do better. Please!”
The room fell silent again after your plea, the only noticeable noise being the whirling of the AC in the dean's office. A lump began to form in your throat at the tense atmosphere, wondering what next he was going to say.
“Fine.” He said, making you sigh in relief, one good thing finally happening in your life for the first time in months now. “I’ll let you retake the test next week.”
“Thank you sir!” You said appreciatively. “I’ll do my very best-”
He waved at you dismissively, not in the mood for any sort of thearatics, now facing the rest of his papers. “Just leave my office before I change my mind.”
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   EMMA hummed to the rhythm of the music blasting from her earpods as she folded her clothes for the week.
It had been so long since she last went home to see her big brother and just generally slept in her own bed again. No matter how comfy school was, nothing could compare to people waiting on her hand and foot, not lifting a single finger to do anything. If anyone heard her thoughts now, they would make comments on how she’s so spoiled -which they wouldn’t be wrong, it’s just that she didn’t care.
The door to her room opened and slammed shut, snapping Emma out of her thoughts as you ran towards her tearfully. Abandoning the clothes she was folding, the blond girl quickly rushed to you, enveloping you in a tight hug while you broke down in her arms, sobs shaking your entire body.
“(Name)? What’s wrong?” She tried to ask you, but all that led to was you sobbing louder into her bosom, scaring her. What could have happened to you? Was it her brothers again? Did they hurt you?
Any attempt to get you to speak was futile, your body racked with sobs as you held onto her, years wetting her top. Each cry was like a stab to her heart, twisting the blade into her chest as she could only hold you while you wailed. Holding onto you, the girl guided you to her bed, sitting you down so that she could comfort you, rubbing circles into the small of your back. “It’s okay.” She whispered, putting her chin on your head, trying to get you to relax. “Let it out, I’m here. I’m here for you.”
Eventually, your sobs turned into quiet whimpering, your voice hoarse and cracked. Emma doesn’t stop cradling you, rocking you back and forth until you stopped crying, only sniffling back snot and tears. Once she was sure you were okay, she pulled away from you to get some wet wipes. Putting a hand underneath your chin, she started wiping your face clean, removing the snot from your nose and dried tears altogether.
“Is there something wrong with me?”
Emma frowned at your question, her heart shattering at how sad you looked. All the light and wonder that once shown through your eyes had disappeared, leaving you with a gaping abyss. You looked so tired, your eye bags weighing heavily underneath your lids. You had lost a significant amount of weight by just how frail your body felt underneath her touch.
You were fading before her very eyes. She thought maybe it was the stress of the tests, but it was clear something else was wrong.
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Emma replied, before dropping the wipes aside. “Who hurt you? Tell me. Was it Mikey? Izana?”
For a second, there is a flash of fear in your eyes. It was so brief, but it quickly disappeared from wherever it came, worrying Emma. “Not your brothers.” You quickly interjected. Emma wanted to press you further, but one look from you told her it was probably best she didn’t ask about whatever was going on. “It’s the Dean.”
“The dean?” She tilted her head in confusion. Professor Hanabi could be very caustic, and noting by how soft you were, sometimes you weren’t the best in dealing with hurtful words thrown at you.  “What did he do? Did he insult you?”
You paused, looking at your hands as you twisted them in your laps, contemplating on how you would put what happened in words. “I… he showed me my scores from the make-up test and they were bad.”
“Oh, (name)!” her voice was sympathetic, pulling you into another hug again, comforting you gently. “I know how hard you studied for that test. It’s not your fault.”
“It-it’s just…” you broke into a sob again “I’ve been so stressed lately and looking for a job and and-”
“It’s okay… it’s okay…” she whispered, shushing you, before pulling away again to look at you. “You need some time off school to recuperate, you look so worn out and tired.”
“But how?” You cried, wiping a tear away from your face. “I don’t even have the money to even eat, let alone escape from school. I can’t go home either!”
Emma frowned, realizing how callous she sounded. She had forgotten you had no one to go to and she was the only one you had left. She could go home and unwind while you didn’t have such a privilege at all.
“Come with me.”
You stopped mid-sob at her abrupt suggestion, your brows furrowed in confusion. “Huh?”
“Come home with me,” it was an amazing idea. She was sure you wouldn’t mind seeing where she lived and there was a whole lot of space for anyone to stay there. Besides, she could think about her romantic life later and she’s sure that as long as you don’t see anything remotely problematic, her elder brother wouldn’t mind. “My loser brother is the only one at home and he wouldn’t bother us. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind extra company.”
“But Emma-”
“No buts!” It was already settled in her head, grabbing your hand in hers and dragging you with her towards her room door. “The car comes in two hours, so you need to dress up and pack your bags.”
As usual. No use arguing with Emma when her mind was made up.
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  YOUR mouth hung open at the sheer magnificence of the Sano residence.
You’ve never seen such opulence before. Sure, the older man who offered to take your hand in marriage had a nice three story house, fully furnished. Back then you had assumed that it was the biggest house you had ever seen, seeing as it was far bigger than the small terrace building you found yourself in with your family.
This? It took your breath away.
From the car that drove both you and Emma, you could see the numerous, neatly arranged and cut hedges, flowers of different varieties blooming between bushes. You caught sight of a water fountain in the middle of the compound, quietly gushing down, before trailing your sight to the magnificent house that stood proudly.
Emma noticed your baffled expression, quietly chuckling to herself as she watched you gaze at everything in child-like wonder. One thing she loved about you was how you seemed to appreciate things she had gotten used to, bringing life to something she was bored with. She spent most of her teenage years in this house, to the point that she complained that the dorm room Shinichiro got for her was far too small when she first entered university.
It wasn’t until your fresh perspective came along, that she realized how foolish she sounded back then.
The car came to a stop right in front of the house and an armed guard was quick to open the doors for both of you. Emma slid out of the car gracefully, before holding out her hand to you- grasping your warm palm in hers tight and helping you leave the car awestruck. You glanced around, gasping at how beautiful the house and architecture was; everything perfectly sculpted and put together.
“Emma, your house is gorgeous.” you breathed out, your eyes shining oddly. “I’ve only seen this in magazines, but even they cannot compare to how beautiful it is.”
Emma chuckled, squeezing your hand gently, her soft yellow eyes cascading on your awestruck face. “We should head inside, my brother hates being kept waiting.” She whispered to you, before turning to the rest of the guards, her voice switching into a more demanding tone.  “Her boxes are the light blue ones, take them to the guest room in the main wing.”
Your eyes widened as you saw them take your box, as if snapping you out of your trance. You’ve never had anyone taking your stuff for you now- not when you can do it yourself. “Wait, let me help-” you started, moving towards the boot of the vehicle to help out only for Emma to drag you back to her side.
“Don’t be silly. You’re a guest here.” She said in a warning tone. “My guest and I’ll be damned if I let you lift a single finger.” 
“(Name), I brought you here to relax.” She stated, dragging you towards the door as she spoke. Sometimes, Emma wished you let yourself be a tad more selfish like her and just enjoyed things that were given to you on a platter of gold instead of trying to repay any one that even tries to help you, back. “I know you’re not used to having people do things for you, but they’re paid for that. Let them do their job.”
You opened your mouth to speak again, but closed it when you saw the look of finality Emma had on her face. You knew that there was no point in arguing with her any more when she made up her mind and dropped the issue immediately.
The huge door opened for the both of them, revealing a beautiful interior, the cooler environment in contrast to the sunny exterior greeting them. You glanced around in awe at the furnished house, a beautiful chandelier glistening above your head whilst guarded men and servants walk around doing their daily tasks. As you walked through the wide space with Emma holding your hand, anyone walking by would bow their head and greet Emma with a short. “Welcome lady Emma.” Or “How was your journey lady Emma.” before being dismissed by the wave of her hand.
You realized no one looked her in the eye, but many of them had their eyes on you, as if sizing you up. You caught a servant even sneering at you before pretending to go back to dusting the knick knacks on the table.
The weight of hostility began to crush you and suddenly the awe of the beautiful house wore off, leaving you with a rather dreadful feeling you always had when you were in school. Like, you were out of place, standing next to someone you clearly don’t deserve to walk with.
You find yourself subconsciously walking closer to Emma and clinging onto her arm tight, which if she minded, she didn’t say anything to dissuade you. She was always your source of comfort, especially in a place where you weren’t familiar with and her presence was enough to remind you that at least one person wanted you here.
The stairways were straight, made of the finest wood, each step creaking under the weight of Emma’s loafer sandals until you reached the second floor. You realized that there were more guards than the ground floor securing this place and it made you a tad bit confused as to why. Emma never really went into full details on how her eldest brother handled his business, only giving you a vague description about twice before never bringing it up again in a conversation. You understood that, knowing fully well that it was best for you to be left in the dark in that sort of thing.
You knew how bad Toman and Tenjiku rumors were rampant in school, you didn’t want to imagine what a full fledged Yakuza with no school rules and the entire police force underneath their thumb could accomplish.
You both reached a large wooden door guarded by two stone faced guards, guns tucked by their sides in an obvious position. Emma boldly walked up to them with you in tow and they lowered their heads in respect for her. “Lady Emma.”
“Open the door, I want to see my big brother.”
“He is in a meeting with his executives but we can let you in-” One of them said, before his eyes trailed to you, hardening  his gaze. “You know the rules. No outsiders.”
Emma glared back at him, tightening her grip on you to prevent you from trying to leave. “I don’t care. Open the door.” She commanded.
“Lady Emma-”
“Don’t make me repeat myself if you still want your tongue attached to the rest of your mouth.”
You know you should be terrified of her right now as she made such a threat in a demanding voice, yet your heart beat faster. Even when she was serious, you couldn’t help but be drawn to that aura of hers.
The guard didn’t say another word as he slid the door open, letting the two of you in. You followed behind Emma, wondering how it would be like to meet the infamous Shinichiro Sano. She had told you that despite her brother’s status, he was still a soft man and had no luck with any woman because of how tactless he could be sometimes.
‘Emma never showed me a picture. I wonder if he would look like Manjiro, maybe an older version with blond hair as well and just as short. Or maybe he wasn’t just as attractive as his younger siblings in the slightest-’
Your words cut off as you caught sight of the most attractive man you had ever seen in your life.
Dark hair fell across his face, paired with the darkest irises you’ve ever seen before, reminding you of a shiny ebony wood. His eyes were heavy lidded, dark circles under them, contrasting with his warm toned skin. His nose was straight, falling into a slope to his lips; coloured dark pink, probably from smoking for long, yet pillowy, soft looking.
You suddenly felt self conscious, slightly grateful you listened to Emma’s advice to wear something nicer.
“Big brother Shin!”
Your eyes nearly fell out of your sockets as you watched her run over to the man standing in the middle, practically jumping onto him. He was quick to balance her before she fell, holding her tight as she hugged him with a loud squeal. You noticed how his frown relaxed, his dark eyes softening as he spun her around like a child before setting her down.
“You look gorgeous Em.” He said, his deep voice resounding in your ears, drawing you in further until you’re hypnotized. You watched with glossed over eyes as he twirls her around with one hand before pulling her into a warm hug again, making her giggle. The other men in the room watched the interaction with smiling faces, very obvious that they were used to seeing them like this.
“Look at how big you’ve grown Em.” Another one mentioned, his multicolored hair tied up in a half up, half down style while the sides were shaved in strategic places, lazy eyes fixated on the girl. “You’re a whole lady now, I’m sure guys would be rolling and tripping over you, Princess. No wonder when Izana came back yesterday, he was complaining about you not needing him anymore”
You tensed a bit. Great. Just when you thought you had peace of mind.
“No, no, remember she’s got a thing for that blonde haired guy…” a large man spoke, his tan skin contrasting with his white hair. “... Dra.. Dra… whatever his name is. She ain’t looking at another guy.”
You watched as Emma blushed, before burying her face into the silk shirt her brother wore to hide her embarrassment. “Stop… you guys…” she muffled.
“I think she shouldn’t put her eggs in one basket.” A man with a scar over his eye chirped in, his tone rather sarcastic in contrast to the happy aura. “After all, he’s a guy and guys get bored of being with one girl. Especially if you open your legs too much for him.”
Your mood shifted at the last person’s unjustified comment and from the annoyed look Emma shot at him, it was clear he was always used to saying things like this all the time. It was the type of thing your eldest brother used to say whenever he saw you talking to a boy, before going behind your back to lie about you whoring yourself out to discourage anyone from talking to you.
“She’s not like that.”
Your hand quickly shot up to your mouth the moment those words left them but it was too late. All eyes slowly fell on you, finally recognizing your presence after minutes of you standing there. You quickly lowered your head to avoid looking any of them in the eye, muttering a quiet ‘sorry’.
As if it would do anything.
The scarred man was the first to talk, his eyes scanning your body up and down with sudden interest, sending a wave of nausea up your throat. Why was he looking at you like that? “Ah, and who is this cutie, Emma?” He said sleazy. “A friend of yours?”
‘Am I some kind of predator magnet?’ You started to ask yourself. Emma suddenly pulled away from her brother and walked up to you, dragging you forwards until you were face to face with the rest of them.
“Yes, Uncle Takeomi.” She spat out rudely, eyeing him up and down in rapid movements. “She’s my friend and I’d appreciate it if you stay far away from her.”
“Easy Princess, he was just complimenting your friend.” the multicolored haired man tried to argue, but with the amused look on his face, you were sure he didn’t even believe his own words.
Takeomi must have a track record.
Emma rolled her eyes, confirming your suspicions that the scarred faced man - Takeomi- was some kind of degenerate who possibly went for younger girls. “Remember the last friend of Senju he complimented?” by knocking her up and making her get rid of it?” She spat. “I wonder Uncle, was she really into it or did you tamper with her dr-”
“Why don’t you introduce us to your friend, Emma?” the larger man cut her off, shooting her a warning glare that clearly said ‘an outside is here. Behave.’
Huffing in defeat, Emma turned her attention towards you again, bringing you a bit forward to face the group of men. “This is my friend, (Name) (Last name).” She introduced, her tone inflecting higher than usual. “(Name), this is Wakasa Imaushi” she pointed at the multi-colored haired man, who winked at you, making you feel a little bit shy.
“That’s Keizo Arashi, but I call him Uncle Benkei.” She pointed at the broad man, who only greets you with a kind smile, before narrowing her eyes at Takeomi.
“That’s Takeomi Akashi. And yes, he’s related to Senju and Haru.” she muttered the last part just for you to hear. “unfortunately”
Your eyes nearly fell out in shock. He looked so different from his younger siblings, not in a bad way, he was handsome but in a far rugged way as compared to Haru’s pretty boy aura. He also looked like a perver-
“And this is the man of the house, my big brother Shinichiro.”
Your eyes left the ground, slowly locking eyes with the dark haired man as your heart rammed against your ribcage. Up close he was more handsome, making your mouth grow dry as you stared at him, unable to form a proper sentence. 
He took your hand from your side and rose it to his lips, pressing his lips at the back, heating you up. “Nice to meet you, (Name). Emma’s talked so much about you.”
The way he called your name had your heart thudding in your chest, hard. “Really?” You squeaked out, almost embarrassed at how silly you sounded. “Was it all good?”
“I’d like to think teaching her to be prudent with her money and reducing her party animal tendency is a good thing-”
“Shut up!” She interjected in a playful tone, before pulling you away. “Anyways, we’re staying for a couple of days Shin. I’m going to show her around the place.”
You don’t have time to say a proper goodbye as Emma dragged you away from her brother and his friends.
Or notice how dilated Shinichiro’s eyes went as he watched you walk away with Emma.
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 “(NAME), IS IT? Come sit with us.”
The evening breeze was cool against your exposed skin as you walked along the poolside barefooted. You could see Wakasa who had called you, a drink in hand, sitting alongside Benkei, who hunched over, his feet dipped into the pool with Takeomi, Izana and Shinichiro, smoking and discussing something in hushed tones.
On hearing your name, Shinichiro swerved his attention in your direction before putting out his cigarette in the ash bowl. You noticed how he pinched Izana’s hand mid-smoke, as if telling him to stop. You half expected the white haired man to complain, but he complied instead, pressing the butt of his cigarette to the ashtray and made space for you to sit between him and Shin.
“You didn’t have to stop,” you said, bunching up your skirt before dipping your feet into the cool water. “I don’t mind. I won’t bother you about it.”
Takeomi shrugged his shoulders in response, putting another stick between his lips as he got the clear from you and raising a light to his lips. “See Shin, told you she’s an angel compared to Emma-”
Shinichiro quickly snatched the lighter from his friend’s hand and put it in his pocket, earning an angry grunt from the scarred man. “She only said that so you won’t bother her about smoking.” he snapped.
“So what? Shin, she’s a university student, she probably smokes and drinks during parties.”
“That doesn’t mean-”
“Actually.” You cut them off before they could start arguing about it. It was best to give them clear answers to avoid misconceptions and awkward assumptions like last time. “I’ve never smoked or drank. Or go to parties.”
The rest of the men apart from Izana look at you with an incredulous look, as if they couldn’t believe their ears. Takeomi was the first to break the silence with a throaty laughter from his lungs, the cigarette falling from his lips. “Oh that’s rich. What next? You’re a virgin too?” He mocked.
He stopped laughing when your eyes fell to your lap, embarrassed at him mocking you for something you want to keep for someone special, blinking rapidly as the realization dawned on him. “Oh… OHHH, you really are a virgin.” he stated, making you grow uncomfortable. “What are you? A prude? What next, a purity ring that says you’re saving yourself for marriage?”
“Quit it Takeomi.” Benkei snapped at him, the environment tensed as you hung your head in embarrassment. “What is wrong with you?”
“I’m just saying it’s weird for her to still be saving herself for some guy when she dresses like she is ran throu-”
He gasped as Shinichiro suddenly shoved him into the water, before popping out of the water with a loud splash. A smile made its way to your face as you watched him sputter and cough out water, glaring directly at Shinichiro while his other friends laughed at his struggling. “I JUST PERMED MY HAIR.” He screamed at Shinichiro, who shrugged his shoulders in return. “I thought you needed to cool off. You were getting pretty heated.”
You withheld your laughter as Takeomi grumbled in the pool, swimming out to the edge and pulling himself out while muttering a low, “fuck you Shin” before storming off into the house. The said man turned to look at you apologetically, “Sorry. He’s an ass sometimes. You don’t need to do all that, by the way.”
For a moment it’s just the two of you in the pool side, his handsome dark eyes staring at you, drawing you into its endless void. Your heart rate picked up at the proximity, nearly leaving you extremely breathless “I-it’s okay.” You managed to stutter out, earning a wide toothed grin from him.
“Atta girl-”
He didn't finish his statement as Izana reached out his hand and suddenly shoved his elder brother into the pool, making the rest of them laugh at him as well. Shin bursts out of the pool, his clothes wet and sticking to his body, clearly confused as to why Izana pushed him. “What was that for now?”
“For pinching me.” He stated bluntly, causing the other guys to bark with laughter, nearly doubling over. “And you looked like you needed it.”
Shinichiro wanted to complain, but it died in his throat the second he saw you smile at him, admiring how good he looked even with his hair and clothes wet, sticking to his body. Instead, he shot you a smirk back as he flapped his arms to keep himself afloat.
This was going to be an interesting week.
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  IZANA wondered why his brother kept spacing out ever since he began talking.
It was an odd behavior from his brother. It wasn’t noticeable at first, with Shinichiro nodding along to his explanation on how he traced the man who was siphoning their cocaine routes to other smaller gangs and occasionally saying “mmh” and “what happened next”. Eventually, his older brother stopped bothering to even pretend he was listening, zoning out thirty minutes into the conversation.
It would have been funny to Izana. Really. His brother looked so lost and occasionally would turn red in the face before letting out a sigh. In fact, in a lighter situation, Izana would have taken pictures and sent them to Mikey to cheer him up, of course. His younger brother has been upset that you were ignoring him- which was ridiculous to Izana because you WERE smart to do so, considering he decided to be an idiot and break into your room while you were there.
To be honest, Izana hadn’t even told Mikey you were here, knowing that he’d drop everything and come, ruining your alone time with Emma. Izana wasn’t that heartless, at least you deserve a little break from Mikey’s obsession and he got to see you in rather revealing clothes that he was sure was Emma’s idea. Mikey would just ruin the free show by telling you to cover up.
Plus, where’s the fun in telling Mikey the truth now, when he could just find out later?
Returning his attention back to Shinichiro, Izana wondered what could have had his brother in a chokehold. Whatever it was, it better be far more important than ten million dollars worth of drugs going missing.
“Am I boring you big brother?” Izana asked in a very harsh tone. It seemed to have snapped Shinichiro out of his dreams as he sat up straight, face red in embarrassment. Good. He should be embarrassed for wasting his goddamn breath after spending weeks tracking the mastermind behind the operation
“No, no, not at all-”
Izana shook his head, raising a hand to silence Shinichiro. “You have that stupid look on your face. The one where you blush and drool like an idiot. And that can only mean one thing.” Izana leaned forward, lowering his voice so that only both of them could hear what he had to say. “Who’s the woman?”
His face burned hot at Izana’s invasive question, before he turned his face away. “T-t-that’s an inappropriate question-” he started to stammer. “T-there’s no woman-”
“Come onnnn, don’t lie to me.” Izana laughed at his brother’s lame attempt to pretend. Even at thirty eight, Shinichiro still had a huge weakness for women, especially beautiful ones. It was why he was single too, because he didn’t want to endanger any other woman that would be seen with him. Even in brothels, despite his brother’s lack of tact, the women always complimented him for treating them gently and with respect.
Too bad neither of his younger ones took after him.
Izana wondered who the girl could be. Was it a new maid he hired? Or maybe a client's daughter he met while negotiating? Or a client herself? Shinichiro didn’t care how old they were anyways, so it could be-
“A-am I interrupting something?”
Izana resisted the urge to roll his eyes the second he heard your sickening sweet voice, before swiveling his head towards your direction. He had to admit, you looked extremely gorgeous today, wearing a blue flowery long sleeved top tied in the middle and exposing your midriff with a low waist skirt that was the same color and pattern, flowing down to your ankles. In your hand was a tray of orange juice in a large jar and two cups.
Your arms must be tired, carrying it all the way from the kitchen to the garden. Too bad.
“Yes actually” Izana hissed at you, mentally smiling at how you flinched at his voice. “What is it that you want?”
You bit your lip nervously, which he thought was kind of cute. You should do that more often. “I-i hand pressed some oranges for you two and I-i thought you would want them-”
“Did you remove the pulp?” He snarled at you, making you feel extremely uncomfortable. Watching you be put under the spot was so fun, you made all these cute, sweet reactions and if he wasn’t in front of his brother, he’d be hard. “I won’t drink it if that shit is in there.”
“Y-yes I did. Emma told me you didn’t like it so I scooped them out.”
‘Aww. Aren’t you such an angel?’
“Come to think of it,” Izana stated, moving to stroke his chin, as if in deep thought. Oh this was clearly going to get a rise out of you. “How are we sure you didn’t poison it?”
“E-excuse me?” The look on your face was priceless, as if he had just said something so evil that you would never do. Not like you would ever have the balls to even do something anyways.
He decided to add Shinichiro to the teasing, since his brother hadn’t stopped him from saying anything to you. “Hey, big bro, what do you think? She should taste the drink first right?”
Izana stopped in his tracks the moment he looked at his brother, his eyes nearly falling out of his sockets in disbelief. To his shock, Shinichiro had an awestruck look on his face, staring at you like a dumb teenager in love; his face red and his pupils dilated. He looked from Shinichiro, to you and then back to Shinichiro again, piecing the entire puzzle together in his head.
‘No fucking way.’
A sudden wave of anger rushed through the white haired man. Of all the people Shinichiro fell for, all the women in the world, all the whores he slept with and still, STILL he just had to pick you. It was already bad that Mikey had refused to eat or get out of bed because of you, but now Shin too?
Shinichiro Sano. The leader of the Black Dragons. Tripping over his feet for you?
It only increased when you turned your attention to Shinichiro, your own pupils dilating as you stared at him in awe. “I can taste it for you, Mr. Sano.” You said in a far sweeter voice than you ever gave him or Mikey and Shinichiro only nodded dumbly.
So not only was Shin in love with you, but you also had feelings for him as well?
Izana watched in boiling rage as you set the tray down, giving him and his brother an eye full of your cleavage, before pouring a little into a cup and taking a sip out of it, looking directly at Shin.
What now? You were into men old enough to give birth to you? This has to be some kind of stupid plot you were doing to be a madame of the house. To get all of them to fall in love with you. The sudden feeling brewing in his chest was so unfamiliar, annoyed at you giving fuck me eyes to his brother who would have remained a virgin if not for his status as the leader of the black dragons.
Granted, Izana hadn’t treated you nicely, but you barely knew what kind of things his brother is capable of. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into and yet you-
“Izana, are you okay?” You asked quietly, a worried look. He hadn’t realized his face was contorted in disgust until you started asking questions. “Did something happen-”
“Get out.” He spat at you. When you flinched, he screamed at you even louder to get you to leave. “I said GET OUT!”
“IZANA!” Shinichiro shouted at him. His brother rarely ever raised his voice, no matter what he did. “APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW-”
“It’s alright.” You cut both of them short. Izana could see how hurt you looked from him screaming at you. “I’ve got other things to do.”
“(Name), wait-”
Shinichiro calling out to you was futile as you hurried away without looking back, tears in your eyes. When you had disappeared, Shinichiro turned back to look at Izana, his eyes blazing with fury.
“Izana, what is wrong with you-”
Izana didn’t know what got into him as he stood up, aiming his fist directly into Shinichiro’s face and punching his elder brother. “You’re FUCKING CRAZY.” Izana yelled at him as he held his nose. “WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER?”
He didn’t realize Takeomi, Benkei and Wakasa had all rushed out to meet the two of them until Benkei got in the middle, blocking Izana’s path. Takeomi managed to yank an angry Izana away from the place, dragging the heavily breathing man back into the garage before Izana could think of hitting his elder brother again.
“Dude- calm down.” Takeomi chastised, clearly confused as to Izana’s anger. “What happened?”
“My brother is a moron.” Izana hissed. He could understand why he would do this to him in the first place. Why you of all people. “A fucking moron when it comes to women.”
A dark look crossed Takeomi’s face before he sighed, as if expecting this reaction. “It’s (name), isn’t it?” Great, it was that bad that everyone knew. “I can’t blame him though. Have you seen the kind of things she wears in this house?”
Izana huffed at Takeomi, but he couldn’t disagree with his statement as he also hated how you were comfortable hanging your ass or tits out for men to look at. “Don’t be mad at him.” Takeomi stated, now placing his hand on Izana’s shoulder. “You know your brother has a weak spot for pretty ladies. It’s her fault, she keeps shaking that tight ass of hers when she knows this house is full of men.”
Izana felt himself relax as he listened to Takeomi’s words. He was right. It was your fault that his brother fell for you. You had to know what you were doing, purposefully seducing everyone. “Yeah…” Izana muttered in response. “She’s the problem.”
Takeomi patted his shoulder in reassurance. “Just stay strong. I know you’re at that point in life when you’re possessive over a girl.” he said, pushing himself away from him. “But you can’t compete with your elder brother. You know that.”
Yeah. He knew. Somehow, Takeomi’s words hit him hard in the chest, which confused him a lot. Was that why he was mad at you? Because you were going for his brother and not him? It didn’t make any sense to him.
Izana hated you. That was it.
But why did the thought of you with anyone else make him so angry?
Takeomi walked away from him, pulling a cig from his back pocket into his mouth and taking out his lighter, igniting it. “Don’t stress your head about it. Shin will get bored of her soon enough and you’ll get her back.
That is if you’re okay with damaged goods of course.”
It took Izana a while to process Takeomi’s words, mulling over them long after he left.
‘Damaged goods?’
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  YOU sat at the garden the next day, enjoying the breeze blowing against your face.
Emma was surprisingly scarce the past few days, going out to shop or see old friends. You didn’t blame her for it, it was supposed to be her free time away from everyone. Even extroverted people like her needed a break from everything, to take a breather and recharge.
She was kind enough to invite you over. The place was beautiful enough to ogle at without having to go anywhere. You felt yourself relax, the pressure from school no longer weighing down on you. Apart from Izana’s angry outburst, everything else felt nice. The staff were far nicer to you than the first day and the subordinates were kind enough to steer out of your way.
Takeomi was quite touchy, feely with you, but luckily it ended after the first few days after Wakasa dragged his hand off your ass.
You decided to read the book you bought with you amidst the fresh breeze, ‘I Capture the Castle’. It was the first book you ever bought for yourself after leaving the house and it always brought you some form of comfort. The main character was a bit like you, dreaming and imagining beauty and extremely naïve. She had a kind of sweet charm to her and it reminded you when you were her age.
Not that you were older than her by that much, but at 20 you felt like you’ve aged five years older with everything that has happened to you.
“Can I sit here?”
That deep melodious voice- you quickly shot your head up to look at Shinichiro standing in front of you, shyly  away. Your heart raced as you nod in approval, shifting a bit for him to sit down. It was nice of him to ask for permission first and then stay silent, knowing that you were engrossed in your book, other people would just sit and try to start a conversation when you’re trying to read.
You two remained in a comfortable silence, you reading your book while he stared at you with gentle eyes. You snuck a few peaks at him and caught him staring at the cover of your book. Sometimes, he’d stare at you directly, trailing his gaze to your lips and then back to your face again, before looking at the book.
It was always like this. Subtle touches on your waist, on your arms. His gentle gaze staring at you. The way he’d press his body against yours when you ask him to help you with something. Always tiptoeing around you.
“Are you curious, Mr. Sano?” You teased, making him jump at your statement, getting visibly flustered. “About the book?”
“Well, I-i-'' he stammered, before clearing his throat to regain his composure. “-i’ve never seen this one before. I mean, Emma didn’t say it was part of your curriculum.”
“No, it isn’t” you giggled at his cluelessness. He looked so handsome when looking for excuses. “I’m reading this for fun. The main character is a lot like me, so I like it.”
His brows furrowed, revealing some frown lines on his forehead as he pondered on your words. “Really?” He asked, his curiosity piqued in the book now. “How so?”
You sighed dreamily, facing the book down as you excitedly talked about your favorite parts of the book. “She dreams a lot, romanticizing her otherwise bleary life in a big castle, despite it falling apart.” You started. “Her father is a recluse and she has a strange stepmom who paints nude. She has an elder sister, Rose -who reminds me a lot of Emma.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah.” You said, a smile forming on your lips at his sudden interest in your silly little book and he smiled back, shifting closer to you. “The book is written in her pov, like journal entries. She talks about her life and love. I’m actually at the part where she fell in love with an older guy-”
You stopped yourself realizing what you were about to imply. You and him look at each other, his dark eyes peering into your very soul. All you could hear was blood rushing into your ears at how close you were to him, your lips barely inches away from his.
“And how did that end for her?” He said breathless, the sweet smell of nicotine infiltrating your nostrils. “Did she end up with the older guy?”
You know there is a hidden question between the two of you. As if he’s asking you about each other, if you two also have a chance, if he had a chance with you. Your breath hitched in your throat as he moved closer to you, tilting his head sideways.
“Shinichiro, there you are.”
The two of you quickly pulled away as Wakasa stepped in, looking away from each other. The multi-colored haired man looked from you, to Shinichiro, then back to you before raising a brow.
“I interrupted the both of you?”
You felt hot underneath his scrutinizing gaze, nearly ashamed of how obvious the both of you were. Shinichiro quickly stood up and started telling Wakasa to stop teasing you. “She wasn’t doing anything wrong. We were talking about her book.”
“Sure.” Wakasa rolled his eyes at his very weak defense. “I’ll give him back later (Name), we have a lot to do.”
With that, Wakasa started heading off and Shinichiro grabbed your hand, leaving a gentle kiss on it. “Promise me you’ll tell me about your book later?” He asked you. You smiled shyly before nodding, letting your hand go gently and rushing after Wakasa.
You hid your laughter as the multi-colored haired man slapped Shinichiro across the head hard, before disappearing into the house.
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   YOU could barely sleep.
The bed was soft, far softer than the hard rock of a mattress that they gave you at school. The pillows were even softer, easing your neck into a blissful rest.
Yet, you kept twisting and turning around.
For some reason you never got Shinichiro out of your mind. Every time you close your eyes, you would picture him in your mind, trying to imagine his deep, resounding voice saying your name. You would replay scenes of him greeting you and asking you about your day, his hand touching your lower back and waist briefly as he helped you get things off the shelves.
Or the apology he gave you when Izana lost his temper. His hand holding yours as he tried to explain that he would tell his brothers to be better.
It was silly. For a man that you barely knew, he seemed to occupy every inch of your mind and heart, consuming all forms of rational thought.
You knew you had an overactive imagination, but this was getting very ridiculous. As much as he was Emma’s brother whom she spoke highly of and was cordial to you, Shinichiro Sano was a criminal mastermind. Who owned the biggest gang in Japan.
And the warmest of smiles-
You knew some dangerous things happened each night in this household. Sometimes, in the middle of tossing and turning, you would stand up and walk to the window, watching unmarked vehicles drive in and out of the compound. If you were lucky, you would see Shinichiro walk out with either Wakasa or Takeomi and unfamiliar people from different walks of life. You always ended up staring longingly at the dark haired man before retreating back to your bed, your head full of stupid ideas.
Was this how love sickness felt? The heavy burden on your chest, eating you alive and corrupting your thoughts. Sometimes drifting even to worse ideas, sinful ideas of him reaching down and playing with you -
You put a pillow over your head and let out a muffled scream. It was obvious that whatever it was, you were going to skip another night of sleep if you didn’t do something else to take your mind off him. Slipping out the bed, you swung your feet to touch the ground and decided to walk around the house to clear your head.
You quietly pushed your room door open, padding down the hallways gently. Aimlessly, you roamed around the quiet areas, before deciding to make due with your added time. ‘A midnight snack seems like a good idea.’ You mused to yourself. Shinichiro permitted you to use the kitchen with no restriction and with only two days left to your stay here, might as well make good use of it.
The stairs always felt longer in the night and you imagined yourself to be in a castle, walking down the spindly flight as an attendant- you’re not a princess in your imagination, never. Emma’s the princess. You are the lowly attendant who waltzed around the castle in the middle of the night, dreaming about a king. A king who showered her with a lot of attention.
A lowly attendant in love with a king.
You made your way to the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge, taking out a tub of mayonnaise and sliced bread. “I’ll just take three.” You muttered, dressing each slice with mayo. As much as it may disgust people, you always loved eating bread with mayonnaise and it was one thing you never really cared if anyone would condemn you for. Especially as it was all you could afford to buy sometimes.
Once you finished clearing the space you used, you picked up your plate and started heading for the stairs.
“Please, please, I’ll pay you back- I’ll return the money.”
Your ears picked up at the faint sound coming from the living room, as if someone was talking. Emma said that any time Izana was around, he always left the television on -either because he slept off or he went to his room and forgot to turn it off. You shrugged it off as nothing and decided to continue on your way to your room. The last thing you wanted was Izana to wake up and bother you for trying to help him turn it off like last time he exploded at you.
‘But’ a part of you against your rational thoughts nagged. ‘It wouldn’t be nice to do that. He might wake up with bad neck pain’
You tried to shrug that thought out of your head. There was no way you were ever going to help Izana. Not after everything he had put you through. You couldn’t even remember all the details of the night he attacked you, especially what happened after he tried to strangle you. And not with how hostile he was to you.
‘It’s just a T.V, just turn it off.’
You sighed, finally giving in. Spinning around on your heel, you quietly tiptoed to the living room to avoid him waking up. ‘I’m just doing a favor by turning the t.v off.’ You muttered to yourself, trying to justify breaking your promise to avoid him at all cost. ‘Nothing more, nothing less-’
Your mind went blank the moment you set your eyes on the scene before you. Izana was there alright, hands in his pockets as he stood beside Wakasa, whose fists were bloody. A man knelt on the floor, his hands clasped in front of him and face pressed down on the floor by Takeomi’s foot. Shinichiro stood there, his dark eyes empty as if almost bored by the man begging.
You should go. You should turn around and leave before anyone sees you and pretend you saw nothing, but your feet were glued to the ground as you watched the scene unfold.
“Leave him, Takeomi.” You heard Shinichiro say and the scarred man released the foot of his head. “Lift your head.” He commanded again and the man swiftly did so. Your stomach churned at the man’s bloodied face and lips, to the point even his shirt was stained with sweat and blood.
“Please! I didn’t mean to cross Izana- I didn’t know he was your brother. I-i’ll do better-”
You watched in horror as Shinichiro slowly pulled out a gun from his waistband and pointed its barrel at the man’s head, his facial expression unchanging. The man started begging even more frantically as he slowly wrapped his finger around the trigger, before pushing it back.
A loud bang echoed throughout the entire room, the bullet pierced through the man’s head and killed him instantly, his body dropping with a thud.
You didn’t realize when your hand went slack until the plate crashed onto the ground, scattering around into smithereens. Izana is the first to turn around and notice you standing there, eyes wide and chest heaving, followed by others who quickly replace their smirks with a look of concern.
“I-i-i…” What could you even say? You knew what kind of job they did, but you never thought you’d ever see it right before your eyes. Whatever fairytale imagination you had of Shinichiro was shattered with the reality of who he really was. And what did you even expect? That a gangster wouldn’t murder people? That he’d just be Emma’s older brother and nothing else?
It was as if your terrified look snapped Shinichiro out of his murderous haze, making him push the gun into Takeomi’s grasp and rush to you, cursing underneath his breath. “(Name)-”
“I didn’t see anything.” You started to lie. If you showed your solidarity and unwavering loyalty to him, he wouldn’t kill you. You didn’t realize how badly your body was trembling as he walked closer to you or how heavy your breaths are. “I didn’t see anything at all, I swear. I’ll keep it a secret-”
“Calm down, calm-”
“I don’t want to die…” tears fell out of your eyes as he walked towards you. “... I’ll keep it a secret…I’ll-”
He stood before you, blocking your view from the gorey scene. Large hands cradled your cheeks, his thumb wiping your tears away from your face. “Calm down. I won’t hurt you. I swear.” He whispered gently. “How much did you see?”
“E-everything-” you answered honestly, still tearing up. “-please don’t kill me.”
“That won’t happen. I swear on my life.” He tried to soothe you with his large palms on your face. “You’re not thinking straight and your feet are probably hurt. Let’s go to my room and we’ll forget all about this. Hm?”
If you were operating with a rational thought right now, you would have refused his offer and ran away from him. You would call him a murderer and hide in your guest room until it was time to go home. Nothing good ever came with being alone with any of the Sano brothers, you should have known that by now.
You nodded your head and let him scoop your body up from the ground into his arms. “Takeomi, Wakasa, get the cleaning crew.” He demanded, still blocking your view from the corpse lying in its pool of blood. “Izana, go to your room.”
“What about-” you heard Izana start to question, but stopped immediately, his lips twisting into a frown as he looked at the both of you. “I see.”
Shinichiro slowly takes you up the stairs, the faint bloody stench fading away the further you go. You’re not fully present as he opened his room door and walked you into his main chambers, sitting you down on the bed.
“(Name), I’m sorry.” He apologized, kneeling before you and taking your hand in his. The same he held that gun in. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I’m so sorry.”
You don’t say anything, still reeling in shock. You could see the dead body on the ground, bloodied and injured, a bullet hole in his head.
And the man responsible in front of you. Begging you for forgiveness. For making you see his ugly side.
He slid from your feet to your body, now standing at his full height as his face hovered above yours. “I’ll make you forget about it.” He said, his hand tilting your chin upwards and leaning closer to you. “I’ll make it disappear, I promise.”
He moves closer to you, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips and pulling away. He kissed you again and again until you relaxed in his arms putting yours around his back and reciprocated his kiss.
Your back hit the bed as the kiss grew hotter, his mouth opening to dart his tongue out into yours, playing with your own wet muscle softly. His leg found its way between your thighs, pressing onto your aching core, slightly moving up and down, stimulating you. His hands moved to the hem of his shirt, breaking your kiss to tug it over his head, tossing it aside to reveal his lean figure. Before you could fully admire him, he pressed his mouth to yours, kissing you deeply.
He was gentle, his hands on either side of your head as he kissed you again. Like he was taking his time with you, making you enjoy everything going on.
You felt yourself grow wetter and wetter with each movement of his thigh rubbing against your clit. As he moved down from your lips to your neck, he paid attention to keeping the pace of his thigh movement, making you breathe heavily. “Does it feel good, baby?” He asked between kisses, his hands taking the straps of your flimsy nightwear down, letting your breasts to pop out. “Want me to do more”
You know you should stop here. All your morals screamed at you about everything you were told about sex before marriage, with a murderer regardless and yet, for the first time, you wanted more from him. Noticing your dilemma, he added “I’m not gonna take your virginity. Not tonight. I just want to make you feel good. Is that okay?” 
Staring into his darkened eyes that gazed down on you with admiration, you flung every last bit of your morals in the dustbin.
Anything that would make you see Shinichiro as Shinichiro again.
Panties gone, your legs were wide open on each side of his waist, his body pressed onto yours tightly. Your head swarmed as his large fingers moved in and out of your pussy, loud squelching noises from how wet you were from his well timed thrusts and his lips sucking your nipples, tongue flicking and toying with them.
“Shin-” you moaned airly, breathless underneath his touch.
He scissored his fingers inside you, stretching you wide for him, each curl bringing you closer and closer to the edge. It was like he was handling an egg, trying his best not to hurt you and still making you feel good.
He pulled his lips away from your nipples, still working you open as he leaned over to face you, pressing kisses on your forehead. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered in your ears, kissing behind them. “You’re such a beautiful woman. So lucky to have you like this.”
Praises on his lips never faltered as he bucked his hand into you, deep and fast, curling and uncurling his fingers at that angle that had your eyes crossing. “Shin- shin more-” you moaned, egging him on. “Please give me more.”
Like you pushed his buttons, he angled his fingers at that spongy place, making you cry out, digging your nails in his shoulders. He kept on fingering you, watching every way your face contorted with pleasure as you cried out his name. His other hand worked with his own cock, moving rapidly also with how fast his large fingers disappear into your warm walls, sucking him in.
“Yesyesyes-” you cried out, jerking your hips to follow his thrusts. “That’s it baby. Fuck yourself on my fingers pretty.” He demanded, his own breaths heavy as your plush walls sucked them in. “I love it like that. My fingers are yours. I’m all yours.”
A pit forms in your stomach, with how fast and how deep he was moving, you felt so different. Like your body was going into overdrive as he fingered you harder. It started weighing heavily on your belly, feeling like you need to pee. “Wait wait, I might pee, I feel pressed-”
Shinichiro’s eyes widened, before darkening with lust at your sudden announcement, resuming his fast thrusts. “Shit, baby, you’re gonna cum soon kay?” He reassured you. “Just relax and let go, trust me-”
You don’t argue any further as your body writhes in his grasp, legs trembling as your hips raise. It felt so wrong, like you were one bad accident away from wetting his bed. Each thrust felt like an eternity, the imminent and intense coming of an orgasm approached. Your entire body felt hot, he felt hot, jerking and bucking his cock to the rhythm.
“Oh shin, shin it’s coming, it's coming, ahh, ahh Shinshinshinshin!”
Your hips lifted up as you sprayed your cum all over his abdomen, a loud moan escaping your lips, drenching him all over until there was nothing left. The sight instantly brought him to a climax, his hands moving wildly as he ejaculated ropes of cum onto your stomach, grunting as he spilled his essence onto you until he was finished, his head falling forwards to touch your foreheads together.
You’re barely there mentally when he scooped you up into his bathroom and ran the bath for the both of you, washing himself and you clean. “You did so well.” He whispered in your ears, admiring you. “Any man would be a fool not to like you.”
You only nodded, still blank from everything. It was like your mind trying to protect you from what you had seen, trying to make you forget that the same man wiping you clean and slipping on a brand new nightwear onto you was a killer.
He had the same look in his eyes that Mikey did anytime he assaulted you. Blank. Devoid of any emotion. Pure evil.
It ran in the family.
He laid you down on the now changed sheet - his staff worked fast- and laid beside you, drawing your body into his as you faced away from him “Sleep.” He muttered quietly, stifling a yawn. Eventually you closed your eyes, the images of the dead man long gone and replaced with a blissful Shin romancing you.
And on the other side, Shinichiro’s eyes were wide open, unable to sleep but watching you until he was sure you were relaxed.
There was no sleep for the wicked after all.
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 “CAN we talk? Please?”
You didn’t say anything as you folded your clothes back into your box, packing to leave. It wasn’t like you were ignoring Shinichiro intentionally after last night either, you just didn’t feel like trying to process anything and everything that had happened between the two of you after that.
The fantasy was dead and gone. Shinichiro was who he is at the end of the day, both good and bad. It hurt because you loved him a lot and you wished that he didn’t have to stain his hands for money. You wished his parents were alive, instead of dumping everything on him, making him take up the yoke of survival for both him and his siblings.
It’s not like you could blame him for anything. Emma told you what they do, it wasn’t like they lied to you or anything. You were the one who deceived yourself.
He joined you in folding your clothes, his squares far neater than yours. “I’m sorry you saw me do that.” He said calmly. You know he’s not sorry for killing, but he’s sorry that you saw him do it. “I’m sorry you saw that side of me. If it was in my power, you would never see that side of me.”
You kept quiet, trying to wrap your head around the raging storm inside your head. Even despite everything, you can’t picture him as a murderer. You can’t picture him as a heartless killer. You can’t picture him as a gangster.
Instead, all you see when you look at him is that same guy who blushed when you caught him staring. The guy who stuttered on his words, who kissed your hand every time he met you.
The clothes get folded completely with an added hand, and you zipped it shut. You finally faced him, about to open your mouth to say anything, but he only took your hand and kissed the back one last time.
Your mind flashed back to the book you read. In the end, the older man fell in love with her older sister and the girl was left alone. The fantasy was over and reality was far more disappointing. 
It didn’t stop you from bursting into tears and clutching onto his shirt as he hugged you tight.
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  IZANA couldn’t blame Shinichiro.
He always knew his brother had a weakness for women since childhood. Manjiro too had a soft spot as well, but it wasn’t as bad as their eldest. No matter what Shinichiro did, at the end of the day, Izana always looked up to his brother and he would always admire him.
Besides, the real problem was YOU.
“You paid her fees for the rest of the semesters in full and sent her a huge amount of money.” It wasn’t a question. Both Izana and Shinichiro knew that it was a statement. Izana felt like he was losing his entire family to your charms; first Emma, then Mikey and now, his big brother. 
It was as if the world had gone mad but anyone hearing that a man paid your school fees that would last you throughout college and sent you five fucking million dollars after spending just a week with you would think you were a witch.
And to Izana, he was sure you were one. You’ve bewitched everyone. It was ridiculous.
“I did it to keep her silent about what she saw.”
Izana rolled his eyes, laughing mirthlessly. “Shin. you would have killed her on the spot if you truly wanted her to be silent.” He said. And it was the truth, because he lowered his head into his hands at the fact. “You did it because you’re head over heels for her.”
Izana turned to the rest of Shin’s friends, glaring at them. “And you all watched him do it.” He pointed accusingly at their guilty faces.
“We tried to stop him at two million but he was distraught-”
“Wakasa, forget about it.” Shinichiro cut him off, before facing Izana. “I like her. You’re right about that. Emma did ask me to help her out and I would have, but then I fell for her the second I laid my eyes on her. It’s not her fault.”
Izana felt his chest heave with fury as he stared at his brother. “Yes it is.” He spat. “I know you. You would never have done this for any other girl but her!”
“I know.” Shinichiro concurred. “And it isn’t her fault. It’s mine. She never even asked for it-”
“Of course she didn’t. She just batted her teary eyes at you and spread her legs for you.” Izana hissed. “You think women would just ASK for money?”
Everyone flinched at how harsh Shinichiro’s voice sounded. Izana stared at his brother, eyes blazing as his elder brother spoke angrily. “Look. I know about you and Mikey’s hatred for (name). Emma told me all about the kind of horrors you two did.” He growled. “I’ve decided to ignore it because she said you both apologized.”
Izana kept silent as his brother gave him a stern warning. “I’ve seen the way you look at her, Izana and I’m betting Mikey is in whatever sick game you both think you can get away with. Don’t do anything that would bring the cops to my front door. Am I clear?”
It was a double sided threat. Izana knew underneath it, Shinichiro was telling him not to hurt you.
Unfortunately, Izana just did not care.
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special thanks to: @honeybleed @manjibunny @reiners-milkbiddies @izanaki707 @rukiaslvr @ilovetwodmen @bbykoo-7 @tenjikusstuff4 @cockonoi @koffeenoe2 @kodzukein @lostsomewhereinthegarden @cashout-princess @aliyxh-o @kay-bear200 @iluv-ace @vixensbrainrotts @missgab @urmomsksk @sweeytheart @charcoal-xl @uradveragewhore @wcayaw @blueberry-hedonist @haikyuusboringassmanager @diana-005 @perilous-pasta @kokoscutie @kannaaa015 @abadonkori @kokoch4n3l @aliss0n-love-blog @eattmeowt
monica's notes: whew, so this was supposed to be like 5k words and put up on friday, but then network went out. then i was feeling kinda down and decided to edit it a little and by the time i realized how far i had gone it was 2am sunday morning and 12k words 😭 hell i almost forgot i was writing dark content and thought i was writing a shoujo manga at some point until i got to the part where she wandered off into the kitchen 😭 thank you all for being paitent with me and for those who i asked for advice ❤ i love yall mwah. Chapter 5 is this friday.
Oh don't forget to comment and reblog and send asks. I'm always happy to answer
563 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 3 months
Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 3: The Lesser of Two Devils
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Pairing: Mikey Sano x Fem Reader x Izana Kurokawa
series summary: your grievous sin was emma standing up for you to her brothers. and now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
chapter summary: the two brothers realize that peace with emma is within their grasp, they just need your cooperation
chapter warning: dark content, 18+ nsfw, character x character smut - cunnilingnus, struggling with sexual attraction, angst, mention of assault, physical violence, slut shaming, misogyny, intrusive/dark impulsive thoughts of murder and rape, manipulation, gaslighting, objectification of reader, mental health struggles, masking, breaking and entering, smut -character x reader, reader is threatened with r*pe, dubious consent, coercion, making out, dry humping, cunnilingus (reader receiving), pussy job, terrible aftercare, religious themes and guilt, panty stealing.
wc: 12.3k
masterlist||chapter 2||chapter 4
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“NGH, K-ken -more please-”
There is nothing more divine to Emma than what Draken was doing to her right now.
It was supposed to be a normal morning after a wild night. She had told Ken last night, after round five, going to round six that she had a test tomorrow, one she absolutely could not miss and he had promised her no shenanigans.
Unfortunately, Ken is not one to keep those kind of promises. She’s not sure why he decided to be touchy today; maybe it was the two weeks of no contact until you pushed her into accepting Draken’s proposal for a date night.
Whatever it was, it got the man in such a rut that he couldn’t help himself but to eat her out.
Her legs spread out wide on either side of Ken, his head buried in between her thighs, lips latched onto her clit, his tongue licking circles. Yellow eyes cast down to Draken, her hand gripping his long blond hair, forcing him to stay put.
Emma knew there was no need for that. Ken is her good boy and she is his good girl. They would do anything to keep each other happy, even if it breaks either of them.
She can’t help but let out soft moans at the gentleness of his tongue, the way his large fingers rubbed the sides of her waist to keep her grounded, occasionally rolling his tongue to her hole, before trailing back up to her clit. The girl felt her back lift from the bed, arching in a perfect circle, her heels digging into the bed. Ken hums into her pussy, sending vibrations onto her clit and a wave of electricity down her spine.
“Ken, fuck more-” she gasped, feeling his long tongue swipe up her clit, his mouth engulfed around her pussy. “Oh yesyesyes- ah”
Emma felt like she was in cloud nine, so high with bliss underneath Draken’s touch. Whenever she was with him, all her problems disappeared for a moment and everything felt so, so good. She didn’t have to think about university or lecturers sucking up to her because of her eldest brother, she didn’t have to think about Mikey and Izana bothering her or their actions or anything.
She didn’t have to think about you.
You with your soft gaze, laughing gently at whatever joke she might have told you -it wasn’t that funny and yet Emma found herself smiling along with you. Your smile, so beautiful when genuine it reflects in your eyes. Your warm skin that she looks for any excuse to touch, to feel you. The way you looked at her shocked when she showed you the knowledge she retained from Taekwondo, underneath her sweaty body, your chest rising and falling.
‘No! shit. I’m not meant to do this now. Not again’ She panicked, trying to focus on Draken’s ministrations again.
But her thoughts kept drifting back to you. Emma’s strong hands securing your thighs, pushing you down to her face until you're on top, her tongue working on your clit and hole while Draken eats her out as well. 
It was too late, the mere thought sent a wave of electricity to her clit, combined with Draken’s touch.
Her two favorite people, sandwiched between them. You’re more innocent, unskilled and Emma is willing to let both her and Draken pamper you, his large hands cupping your breast as he fucks into her while you grind on her face. Or you on the bed, Emma watching Draken fuck you stupid while she touches herself to the thought. 
‘C-can’t help it.’ She relishes in his touch and her imaginations, now switching to just you and her, your bodies pressed together as she rubs her clit on yours, gently kissing you. ‘I want you (name), I want you I want you-’
Emma cried out as she orgasmed hard, white filling her vision. Draken’s tongue worked her through the feeling, letting her grind on his face as she rode it out until she couldn’t, falling flat on her back on the pillows.
She tried to catch her breath the moment it was over, mulling over the feeling of post euphoric bliss. Draken crawled from between her legs and laid on top of her, lowering his lips to hers in an open mouthed kiss. She hummed, relishing her taste on his tongue secretly wishing it was yours too.
The man pulled away, resting his forehead on hers, just staying in silence with her as he usually did after a session. A pang of post nut guilt hit her for thinking about you like that. It felt so wrong and disrespectful, especially knowing how well you trusted her and how she cherishes you so much. You’re her friend, she’s not supposed to imagine you in such vulnerable positions, not when you probably wouldn’t be comfortable with such thoughts and not when she is in bed with someone else.
Not when you might not have feelings beyond friendship.
She didn't realize her face was scrunched up in a frown until Draken traced a large palm to her face and pressed his finger between her brows, rubbing circles in the space. “Stop frowning, you’ll get wrinkles.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood. “At least that’s what you told me.”
She rolled her eyes in response, swatting his hand away as she shoved her guilt at the furthest corner of her mind. “It’s a stupid myth I told you so that you stop scaring my other friends that don’t know you. And there’s nothing wrong with wrinkles.”
He smiled mischievously, the kind that Emma was used to when he was about to push her buttons like always. “So what’s with all the beauty products?”
“Get off my case Ken.” she hissed at him, but there was no malicious intent behind her tone. “Besides you and Mikey steal my very expensive products any time either of you come here. Buy your own shit.”
“You steal the fries off my plate, too.”
“The fries are 5 dollars, Ken, you’ll live.”
Draken opened his mouth to retort when her phone rang throughout the room, interrupting whatever playful argument they were having. Emma smirked, silently claiming victory by default as she rolled off the bed -nude and walked over to her phone on the reading table, picking it up.
That didn’t sound right. You never called her this early in the morning, stating that you prefered silence until at least nine am. No matter how hard Emma tried indoctrinating you to work out with her by six am, you were never a morning person, oftentimes falling asleep on the treadmill. It was rare to see you call in the morning and those were usually emergencies.
Emma picked up her phone with trembling hands, and an unfamiliar wave of fear settled in her gut. The last time she got a call that made her so nervous, Keisuke Baji was badly injured to the point he nearly lost his life.
‘No.’ Emma whispered to herself convincingly, steeling her resolve. ‘Maybe it’s an emergency wardrobe malfunction or she needs my laptop.’ her finger hovered on the answer button, gut feeling getting worse as she slid the green phone icon upwards. ‘It’s just something minor. Something minor-’
“Are you Emma Sano?” An unfamiliar masculine voice instead of yours responded, making Emma’s heart sink even further into her belly, already assuming the worst. “Y-yes. Is there a problem?”
“Yes. (Name) (last name) was assaulted last night. She is currently in the intensive care unit receiving treatment at hospital.”
The moment those words hit Emma, she felt incredibly ill to her stomach. It was as if the earth stopped spinning, time freezing her in place as she realized what had happened to you. She could picture it; you all alone, left to die some place possibly crying for her while she was having fun with Draken. Bile filled her throat but Emma quickly swallowed it down, grimacing at the taste -throwing up wasn’t going to help you now, she needed to find you and see if you were okay.
“Hello? Ms. Sano?”
Emma steeled her resolve, taking in a deep breath before continuing, her voice threatening to break. “Yes. I’ll be right there soon. Thank you.”
Emma discarded the phone on the table as soon as the call ended, moving towards the wardrobe in quick strides without another word like a robot. Draken raised a brow in confusion at her sudden mood shift, pushing the sheets off his limbs and started walking up to her. “Em? What happened?” He asked “who called?”
“(Name) is in the hospital. Dress up, you’re taking me there.”
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  MIKEY hated morning classes.
The professor had been droning on about DNA profiling for the past two hours and the blond had already lost any form of interest he might have had the first thirty minutes of the class. At times like these, he’s thankful that he was only in university just to have a backup for whatever business he was going to venture in and felt pity for whoever this was their only choice.
Nothing of any significance has happened since that day in his car. You vehemently avoided him when he tried approaching Emma- which irritated him because he felt your actions are uncalled for. Izana hadn’t taken him seriously when he made the connection between you and Emma, so there was no need to pursue you any further, for now. He had asked Makoto to keep tabs on you for him, in case Izana eventually changes his mind, which Mikey knows he will do after Emma ignores him once again.
And just, for keeping tabs sake.
It wasn’t like he replayed the scene in his mind when he touched himself, thinking about how good you would feel around his cock instead of his fingers. Or that he scrolled through Emma’s instagram with his secret account and went through the photos you appeared in, admiring your smile, your pretty face and sometimes exposed thighs.
Maybe he had judged you too harshly based on his own assumptions. Hakkai had told them about your past in high school; how you were the topic of discussion in the boys locker room. They had all made a bet that Hakkai was roped into to show that he wasn’t weak- to get you to lose your virginity to either one of them in your class.
And eventually, one boy claimed he did it. Saying you even slept with the entire lacrosse team -which he was a part of- and showed them what they assumed to be your panties as proof.
Mikey conveniently left out the part that Hakkai had said was just a rumor that nearly ruined your life when telling everyone else the story.
“Alright, class dismissed! I have your tests graded and I will be sending them to you via email-”
“Thank goodness, it’s finally over” Mikey groaned, pushing himself out of his chair and rushing towards the door along with other students eager to leave. It wasn’t like he didn’t care about his studies - he was far more careful about his grades here than in high school; but it didn’t mean that he had as much patience to sit through an entire lecture without zoning out.
His stomach growled, bringing him back to reality. Since there wasn’t another class until 1pm, Mikey decided to take a well-deserved break and get food from outside the campus. He contemplated on asking Haruchiyo to do it for him, noting how his childhood friend was so obsessed with doing anything for a silver of his attention, but ultimately decided against it. Haruchiyo’s constant fawning usually was nice but it gets very suffocating pretty fast-
Mikey paused in his tracks, turning his head around to see Draken storming towards him, face red and teeth gritted so hard that any more force would chip the edges. Confused, the blonde haired male tried to think of what he could have done that would have caused his best friend to be so furious, he’s causing a scene instead of settling it behind doors as usual.
Sure, they’ve been at each other’s throats because Ken thought that Mikey should have apologized for being disrespectful towards you that night, but that was it.
Nothing came to mind. What the hell was going on?
“Ken-chin calm down-”
Before Mikey could even finish speaking, Draken’s fist made its way to his jaw, the force pushing him to the ground entirely. Mikey didn’t even get a chance to defend himself as more barrages of heavy blows rained down on his eye, his nose, his lips, his cheeks and any part of his body from an angry Ken. 
Each of his words was articulated by his heavy blows, until Mikey could barely feel his face. Any time Mikey attempted to say anything, he received a heavier blow on his mouth.
Essentially telling Mikey to shut up.
A number of hands yanked Draken away from Mikey soon after, trying to hold him back from hitting the blonde again. “FUCK OFF! DAMMIT I NEED TO KNOCK SENSE INTO THAT IDIOT!” Draken yelled, struggling against his friend's grip, wanting to lunge at him at any point in time. “DOES HE KNOW THE DAMAGE HE HAS CAUSED?”
The blond laid on the floor, in pain, shocked and clearly confused on what was happening right now. Ken had only beaten him this hard when Emma had almost gotten hurt because of him and Mikey swore to himself never to put his sister in that kind of situation ever again.
‘Emma … shit is Emma hurt?’
A sense of dread ran down Mikey’s spine. Did something happen to his sister? Is she hurt? in danger? In pain? A lump formed in his throat as his imaginations began to run wild, thinking up scenarios where Emma was hurt, lying in a hospital bed in a hospital.
Picking himself up from the floor until he could stand on his two feet, Mikey turned around to face his dark haired friend that was held back by Mitsuya and Baji. “Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on?” Mikey started, ignoring the pain spreading throughout his face as he looked at the other two males, also staring back at him, shocked. “Keisuke? Mitsuya?”
“We don’t know-” Mitsuya began, keeping his grip tight on Draken. “He went to Tenjiku’s frat house first, screaming for Izana but then left when they didn’t answer the door. Then he came to Toman’s looking for you. I tried to calm him down but he stormed off-”
‘(name)? Was she with Emma when Draken came to pick her up?’ Mikey mused to himself, in an attempt to piece the entire story together. ‘Don’t tell me she ran her mouth about that day in the car and gave Draken the wrong impression that I hurt her.’
“What the hell are you talking about?” Mikey roared back, his temper also getting the better of him. If this was the reason that Ken was mad at him, he was going to beat his friend twice as hard and then find you to teach you a lesson. Classes be damned. “I haven’t done anything to that skank that warranted this behavior.”
“OH YOU’RE STILL CALLING HER A SKANK?” Draken screamed back, nearly furious. If not for Mucho joining to hold him back, he would have jumped at Mikey again. “YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO CALL HER THAT AFTER PUTTING HER IN A HOSPITAL? HUH?”
“Hospital?” Now Mikey was sure that whatever Draken was mad about was clearly displaced aggression because he hadn’t done ANYTHING to you to the point you would go to a hospital. “What do you mean hospital?”
“God Mikey, stop fucking pretending.” Draken sneered at his friend. “Who did you tell to do it? Huh? Did you tell Kisaki to get someone for you like you alway do? Or you just decided to take care of it yourself this time?”
“Ken-chin I swear I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mikey was at a loss for words at this point, the pain long forgotten as he tried to prove his innocence. “I didn’t do anything to (name). I haven’t even spoken to her since last week.”
The sincerity in Mikey’s voice was enough to calm Draken down, his shoulders visibly deflating in his friend’s grip, chest heaving with each breath the tall male took. “You… you have no idea what happened?” The blonde haired male asked between labored breaths, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You didn’t know?”
“Ken-chin,” Mikey started, in between irritated at being attacked and curious as to why. “fuck if I know what happened to her. Why don’t you tell me?”
Understanding that Draken wasn’t going to attack Mikey anymore, both Keisuke and Takashi released him, letting Draken’s bloody knuckles fall at his sides. Draken didn’t look up from the ground, his fist tightly clenched at his sides. “I know you don’t care.” He rasped, his voice strained from all the yelling. “but that innocent girl was violently assaulted last night and now she’s in the ICU.”
Mikey’s outward expression remained neutral. It wasn’t surprising, considering that he never once cared about you and made that clear to everyone who tried to tell him to apologize to you.
“Emma has blamed herself for putting (name) in harm’s way.” Draken murmured, his fists tightening in response to Mikey’s nonchalant look. Of course he didn’t care but couldn’t he pretend to be concerned at least? “Even if neither you nor Izana are involved, it still doesn’t rule out the fact that you both made her to be a public enemy! Do you know how many people would hurt her just to get in your good books? To get into Toman or Tenjiku?” his voice began to rise again, scolding his friend. “You both robbed her of any support system she could ever have in this school because what? Emma became her friend?”
When Mikey didn’t respond, Draken kissed his teeth. “Of course you don’t care.” He spat out. “It doesn’t even bother you at all. And I’m sure that devil of an older brother would be cackling at the news…”
“Draken, calm down, please-” Takashi tried to reason with him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s not say things we will regret later and focus on the person hurt-”
“Forget it.” He hissed, gently pushing Takashi’s hand off his shoulder and started to leave. “I’m going to stay with Emma and check if (name) is stable.” He took a few steps before turning to look at Mikey with a cold expression. “I can’t believe you’re the same guy I call my best friend.”
Mikey watched Draken walk away, his expression neutral. Takashi was the first to follow after, talking about how he should at least treat his knuckles first. Keisuke and him made eye contact, disappointment evident in his dark haired friend’s eyes before he turned around to leave, not opting to tell Mikey anything at all.
They never saw his knuckles whitening from how hard his grip was.
Or the blood dripping down from Mikey’s clenched fists.
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  “WOAH, what happened to your face?”
It took everything in Mikey to hold back from decking Shion in the face.
The thoughts swarming in his head screamed murder, over and over again, calling to him. He knew that Shion had nothing to do with whatever happened to you - going by his own injured face and swollen eye, Shion is a victim of Izana as well.
He didn’t want to feel this. To hear his own thoughts curse at him, call him horrible names like ‘woman beater’ and ‘heartless’. He hated that even his own head turned against him once again, triggering something so evil and vile in his heart that made him want to see someone bleed out.
He had tried to fight it. The violent nature inside him. He tried to squash it with anything -meditating, drugs, giving into his depraved sexual urges. All that and still, one singular thing could ruin everything he had built.
And it was always Izana.
Shion was about to say something snarky in response, but quickly shut up the moment he noticed how dead Mikey’s expression looked and stepped aside for Mikey to enter into the fraternity house. Rindou raised a brow at Mikey’s presence, looking up from his video game to ask him what he was doing here. Only for him to swiftly turn his attention back to the game, as if he had seen a ghost.
“W-what the fuck” Rindou whispered to himself. “Holy shit he looks pissed.”
Mikey quietly made his way upstairs to Izana’s room, before forcing the door wide open with a loud bang. Izana -fully clothed- doesn’t even flinch at his presence, despite the naked blonde haired girl kneeling in front of him, mid-fingering herself, screaming in surprise, before covering her top half with her hands.
‘(name)’s roommate. Of course.’ Mikey put two and two together. ‘Always willing to sell her out for dick just like last time.’
“You” Mikey snapped at her. “Get out”
“Y-you can’t talk to me like that!” She shouted back at him before turning to Izana with doe eyes. “Baby, tell him to get out-”
She didn’t even get to finish as Izana threw her clothes at her face, before barking at her. “Are you hard of hearing? Get out before I throw you out myself.”
A sob escaped her lips as she quickly shrugged on her dress and ran out. Izana looked back at Mikey, a knowing smile gracing his lips at his younger brother’s obviously furious face.
“Judging by how you’re looking at me, you’ve seen the little present I left Emma.”
Mikey hadn’t realized when he jumped on top his brother and started exchanging blows with him. Izana doesn’t hold back either, wrestling Mikey off the bed to the ground, swinging twice as hard.
“Oh come on,” Izana yelled, articulating his words with brutal blows to Mikey’s jaw and face. “What are you angry about? She’s still alive isn’t she?”
All Mikey saw was red as he head butted his elder brother on his nose, destabilizing him before throwing Izana on the wall pinning him in place as he hit his abdomen repeatedly. “I told you not to do anything stupid.” His voice didn’t change inflection as he switched his direction to Izana’s cheek. “Why the fuck don’t you ever listen to me?”
The older male blocked the last fist aimed at his face and kneed his brother in his stomach, before kicking him to the floor. A psychotic grin made its way to Izana’s face, like the painful blows were nothing to him. “Oh come on, don’t tell me you feel-” he kicked Mikey in the face, making the blond tumble across the floor. “-bad for the little slut now? Are you in looooveee with her?”
Izana’s mockery only fuelled Mikey’s anger, making him push himself off the ground and kick his brother violently in his face. The white haired man fell straight to the ground, howling with laughter at Mikey’s outburst as the blonde jumped on top of him, ready to punch his face again.
“Oh. Oh, you’re in love with her-”
Mikey’s hand froze mid punch as Kisaki Tetta - the ever cunning advisor- stepped into the room. Hanma is not too far behind, glancing at the now destroyed room with a low whistle, mumbling about how the wreckage will take a lot of money to fix.
Kisaki looked at the two of them, nose turned up in disgust as he folded his arms around his chest. His glass encased eyes scanned around the room, tsking at the destruction. “Kokonoi’s going to fucking kill me.” He murmured before looking at the two males, a frown on his lips. “All this over one bitch?” he asked, a brow raised in disappointment and shock. “I’d be impressed if I wasn’t pissed.”
Izana was the first to react, scoffing at the younger male’s unwanted interruption. “What are you even doing here? This isn’t your problem-”
“It’s mine now.” Kisaki shot back hotly, irritated by everything that was going on. “Since Mikey’s dearest friend thinks I’m responsible for whatever happened to Emma’s stupid dog, I have to make it my problem. The both of you, get up. Now.”
The two of them begrudgingly untangled themselves from each other and got up, dusting their clothes. Kisaki eyed both of them, moving from Mikey to Izana and then Mikey again.
“Which one of you is responsible for putting her in the hospital?”
“I didn’t even hit her that hard-”
“Are you still arguing about how hard you hit her?”
“Sorry. I’ll take it easy on your ‘girlfriend’ next ti-”
“ENOUGH!” Kisaki interjected once again, extremely frustrated by their constant squabbles. “You both realize that I’m- WE’RE literally under police scrutiny right now because of this entire issue right? I- I mean we need to get Emma back on our side since that is what the both of you are obsessed with.”
It was Mikey’s turn to roll his good eye, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I highly doubt that’ll ever happen, seeing as someone fucked it up for all of us-”
“Manjiro Sano, you are twenty-four for god’s sake. Stop being so childish and think with your brain for once.” Izana spat back, getting fed up with Mikey being on his case about it. “Do you really think (name) would actually admit I did anything? She’s too busy kissing our little sister’s ass to even defend herself.”
Kisaki nodded, agreeing with Izana. “Izana has a point. (Name) wouldn’t want to drag anyone into this, seeing how non-confrontational she is from my observation”
He paused for a bit before continuing. “But we can’t bank on that. You know how women are -they can snap any minute and change their mind.  We need to pressure her into keeping quiet.”
Mikey took a long and deep breath, trying to make headway and listen to what Kisaki was saying, despite the whole ordeal sounding so wrong. His good dark eye flickered to Kisaki’s face as he asked. “Like how? Do we give her a large amount of money to shut up?”
“Don’t think that far Mikey. It’s just a mild assault, not something serious.” Kisaki shrugged his shoulders. “All you have to do is apologize-”
“Apologize?” They yelled in unison.
“Shut up and let me finish.” Kisaki barked, silencing any protest from them. When he was sure they weren’t going to interrupt him, he continued. “You don’t have to mean it. Just tell Emma how sorry you were for the party incident and how bad you feel that she got hurt. Pay the hospital bills or threaten (name). I don’t care what you do. Just make sure she stays quiet.”
As much as Izana and Mikey wanted to pass off Kisaki’s idea as a stupid plan, it actually sounded like a good idea. Pretending to care for you would touch Emma’s heart and give her the impression that they bore no ill feelings towards you.
They had to admit, as much as Kisaki was a bastard who was only doing this for his drug business, they couldn’t deny he was more insightful than anyone when it came to interpersonal relationships.
Too bad he couldn’t use that skill to get the woman he loved.
Now that they had an idea on what to do, one question still remained at the tip of Mikey’s tongue. “What about the police? If they ask who is responsible and she just dropped the case, they’re going to get suspicious.” he looked at his feet. “Plus my elder brother cannot find out that this happened. He’ll personally make sure we rot in jail for hitting a woman.”
“Yeah, he’s so adamant about protecting women.” Izana said dryly. Why does he need to care about other women who were probably asking for it? It wasn’t his business. “It annoys the hell out of me. I can understand protecting my sister but what does other women have to do with me?”
“They probably need protection from you. Freak.” Kisaki muttered underneath his breath before returning to his normal voice. “The both of you don’t have to worry about that. I already have a fall guy. Fucker can’t pay his debt in cash, so he’ll pay with his body”
Izana raised brow, impressed by Kisaki’s speed in doing damage control. No matter how much he made fun of Kisaki not being able to fight when push came to shove, he admired how quick he was with his thinking. At least he had that going for him. “You’re sure you weren’t some criminal mastermind in your former life?”
“I ask the same question everyday.” Hanma, who had been standing at the doorway completely silent this entire time, finally spoke. “Almost scares me sometimes.”
Kisaki only rolled his eyes in response, training his pointed gaze at Izana, issuing a final warning. The hoops he had to jump just to even evade being a suspect in the case, having to talk to police and deny knowing you so that they don’t crack down further on whatever shady business he partook in, was already stressful enough.
 “This is the first and last time I’ll do this for any of you. I won’t tolerate any slip ups again. Don’t make me regret it.”
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EMMA was careful in switching out the old flowers with the new ones in your hospital room.
It had been four days since she had rushed here, bare faced and teary eyed and met you in a sorry state. Back then your face was barely unrecognizable; your two eyes were swollen shut, handprints on the two sides of your cheeks, bruises littered everywhere. Your body was so cold- medium hypothermia the doctor had diagnosed, since you were left outside as the temperature dropped. You were in so much pain and you could barely react, that they had to knock you out to treat you properly.
Ken had left in a fury the moment he was sure you were going to be okay, and returned with busted knuckles, along with Mitsuya and Baji at his side. Emma couldn’t remember exactly what they were telling her as they sat besides her in your hospital room, much more preoccupied by keeping her eye on you.
It was all the same. “Sorry. We’re so sorry Emma.”
She was sorry too. But sorry could not change what had happened to you.
They would switch hours with her. In the morning, Mitsuya would arrive, food, new clothes and a sketchbook in hand and watch you while she goes to the hospital to shower and change. She’d come back to see him gently holding your hand and talking about his new ideas to you, only letting go when she made her presence known. He’d stay until twelve o’ clock, silently sketching for his portfolio before leaving for his next class and in came Keisuke.
Sometimes Baji would come with Chifuyu or Kazutora. Not the both of them, because he said one of them has to cover up for the others missing in class. They would arrive with takeout and Baji would talk about the latest gossip in school- how two professors were caught with each other. Both were married, to other people of course but it never stopped them. Sometimes he’d turn his attention to you as the nurse changed your IV and make corny jokes. He took your fingers moving a bit as a sign you liked them.
Draken came in the late afternoon. Always with flowers and Emma’s school work. Hina was usually with him, silently looking at her feet before taking a seat beside the blonde girl. “How are you?” “Have you had anything to eat?” and then the orange haired girl would go into what happened in class that day.
“We had a test today.” Hinata whispered, watching Emma put the dead flowers in the dustbin. “I wrote your part for you.”
“Did you write for (name) too?” She doesn’t even look at Hinata as she caressed the flowers. “Or did you forget about her like you claim that you always do?”
“I-” Hinata froze at how hostile Emma’s tone was. Before you came, Hinata was her closest friend. They spent so much time together in middle school and high school that people called them sisters. So when you suddenly appeared in the picture, Hinata felt side lined with how you and Emma, despite being different, clicked so fast.
That feeling bloomed into a tiny jealousy but Hina was too kind to wish evil upon you.
“Don’t be hard on Hina.” Draken jumped in her defense. “She tried writing for (name) but the time of the test ran out. (Name) can always retake the test since she’s ill.”
“She should have written for (name) first. One call from my brother would have taken care of my grades. (Name) doesn’t have that privilege.”
“No Draken, don’t Emma me!” She snapped, all the anger bubbling inside her finally spilling out. “Since this whole ordeal it has always been ‘oh Emma we’re so sorry’ ‘Emma have you eaten?’ ‘Emma, have a change of clothes.’ ‘Emma Emma Emma’ as if I’m the one who is lying in the hospital bed, unconscious! Not one of you has apologized to her!”
“Shut up Ken” she screamed in frustration, tears spilling from her eyes. “All of you sat and watched my brothers practically ruin her chance at having anyone care for her, that isn’t me! You watched her get humiliated at that fucking party and sided with THEM! None of you would have given a shit about her being here if I wasn’t looking after her!”
“I’m not done yet!” she yelled, silencing Hinata. “Her family is useless! None of them cared enough to even come when I told them what happened to her! And now even the people that come everyday only dote on me while she’s just an afterthought! Hell only Mitsuya had the decency to ask me if she had made any progress or woken up. What is wrong with all of you!”
The two of them remained quiet, looking directly at the floor as Emma breathed heavily, clearly exhausted from all the screaming she had done. Awkwardness settled in the air, the two ashamed of themselves. In the end, the bitter truth was what Emma had said and they felt terrible for it. Although it wasn’t intentional, they had ostracized you for the sake of pleasing Mikey and Izana. Even the attack was because of how badly the two brother’s had demonized you in front of other people.
Draken inhaled before stepping forward and placing his large arms around Emma’s smaller frame. She doesn’t struggle, instead collapsing in his arms, loud sobs escaping her lips. He doesn’t say anything, only rubbing circles on her back to ease her. “Easy. It’s alright.” He whispered, gently comforting her.
Before she could say anything, the door of the hospital opened up, revealing Ran with a huge bouquet of flowers, Rindou not following too behind with ridiculously large balloons all spelling get well soon and Kakucho holding a bunch of bags containing chocolates.
The respective trio all glanced at each other, blinking back and forth, increasing the odd tension in the air. After another thirty seconds of silence, Ran was the first to break the ice.
“Uh… did we arrive at the wrong time?”
Emma quickly pushed herself away from Ken, wiping her tears off quickly with the back of her hand and returning to her regular self. There was no way she’d let anyone else see her cry. “No-” she started shaking her head. “No, no, no, this is the right time. Come in.”
The three of them stepped in and Kakucho shut the door to the ward behind him. “Sorry, we didn’t come earlier.” Kakucho began, walking straight to where you laid peacefully, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. “How is she um… doing?”
“She’s getting better.” Emma replied, her voice a tad bit shaky from crying. “The doctors said the moment she wakes up, she’ll be able to leave.”
Draken watched as the three men rallied around her bed after dropping the gifts off in a proper place. Another moment of silence befalls the room, everyone watching you sleep peacefully - trying to bury their individual guilt of being complicit in what brought you here. Emma’s stubbornness, Draken and Hinata’s consistent silence and Ran, Rindou and especially Kakucho’s unwavering loyalty that have forced them to lie to Emma.
And you, in the center of it all. Face almost back to normal now, the swelling nearly gone, but still littered with bruising that surrounded your neck.
All they could do was stare powerlessly and feel sorry for you.
Eventually, Hinata and Draken had to leave as night time emerged. “I’ve got to meet up with Takemichi.” Hinata said as she packed her things away, her voice soft. “He’s not been feeling so good for the past few days now. He sends his regards though.”
“I hope he gets well soon.” Emma replied quietly, before giving Hina one last hug. “And I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”
“It’s okay.” She patted Emma’s back, before pulling away. “I’ll try and talk to the professor about her test in class.”
Ran and Rindou were the next to leave after another hour. “Should we get bigger balloons next time for the sleeping beauty, Emma?” Ran asked, a bit too flirtatious for her liking.
“That’s the last thing anyone would want” Rindou snapped, grabbing Ran by his arm and dragging him away. “Sorry about him.” He shouted as they walked away through the door, Ran muttering about how the pretty girls in there were already stuck dating losers. “I hope (name) wakes up soon.”
Kakucho stayed until it grew dark before leaving Emma. “I’ve tried talking to Izana to at least come.” He said, slipping on his jacket and tucking his bike keys in his pockets. “He hasn’t really said anything about what happened, he just stays cooped up in his room.”
Emma exhaled for the upteenth time today, resting her back on the chair. “I never expected any more from him.” She mumbled. “Thanks anyways.”
Kakucho nodded, patting the girl on the back. “I’ll come see you tomorrow. Make sure you don’t fall asleep on the seat.”
“I’ll try.”
The room fell silent again the second Kakucho shut the door. Now left all alone, Emma gently held your hand, watching over you until her eyes grew heavy. Even with the fading bruises littered all over your face and the disappearing eye bags, you looked so beautiful, at peace with the world. You were like those beautiful statues of mother Mary she saw when she went to church with you one time. A timeless beauty, marred by scars and failed by the very God that sought to protect her.
She longed for you to have the light in your eyes again like the first day she met you in class. You were so happy - naïve but happy back then. You would always light up when you experienced something for the first time. There was a brightness associated with you - far brighter than her and like a moth to a flame, she was drawn to you.
God, she missed your hugs. Whenever Emma had an awful day you would just hug her and stay like that until she felt better. She missed your voice, hearing you speak demurely or shyly. She missed you so much it nearly drove her crazy.
If only she could have been there to protect you. In a heartbeat she would change her mind to be with you or take your place.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please wake up.”
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  MIKEY gently opened the door to your hospital room, careful not to startle or wake anyone up.
A voice nagged him in his head, that he was a coward to come so late in the night but at this point, Mikey could care less of what he thinks of himself. The only important thing right now was to get on Emma’s good side and completely get rid of the notion that he was the bad guy.
Even though he had called in favors from the chief of hospital staff to let him do this.
Izana had insisted on following him behind, but got held back because he was shit at parallel parking. Mikey wondered how his brother even got his license in the first place, considering that Izana intentionally broke nearly all the traffic rules to get here.
His footsteps were soft, creeping towards your bed until he stopped beside Emma’s chair. She slept in an awkward position, neck hanging off the head of the chair, mouth wide open with drool to the side and her hand tightly clutching yours. He could see how worn out she looked, dried tears staining her face, heavy rings of dark circles, coupled with tangled blonde hair.
Wordlessly, Mikey pried her hand from your own and picked her up from the chair to the more comfortable sofa seat, putting her in a better sleeping position before covering his younger sister with a blanket.
He felt bad. She spent lonely nights by the looks of it, wishing you would wake up. He had never seen her look so tired or worn out before and he hated seeing her so stressed over something so … irrelevant.
He gradually walked back to her former seat, man spreading wide enough as he sat down. It was so weird to see you sleep like you were a human being, your chest rising and falling ever so softly. The moon casted its gentle glow on your face, gracefully tracing the column of your neck to the rest of your body. His mind went back to a fairytale his mother used to tell him, about a beautiful princess, pricking her finger on a needle and falling into a death like sleep.
The similarities were there. Tragedy befell you both. You were asleep with no indication of waking up and as much as he hated to admit it to himself- he knows you’re beautiful.
It was the first thing he noted when he set his eyes on you for the first time ever. There was just this brightness and gentility that came with your beauty that nauseated him. You were sweet. Far too sweet when he spoke to you for the first time and too kind to be true. He hated it. Why were you so kind when nobody really deserved it?
Even when he was painstakingly mean to you, you tried so hard to apologize. It made it harder for him, being jealous of your ability to warm hearts faster than him. He wanted nothing more but to make you cry and hurt like him until you’re no longer kind anymore. Anything that would block out that brightness from you.
His mom was nice and sweet like you. And dead. Very much dead. Going by your track record, you’ll marry the first man to bat an eye at you and live a miserable life getting cheated on until you die of a broken heart. You were just that naïve.
You were just that weak.
He watched you for some more minutes, the only noise being the ticking clock above your head. It was so easy to harm you right now. A pillow to your head and it would be the end for you. Maybe Emma would cry a little bit but then she’ll move on and run back to her beloved brothers, then everything would be back to normal.
Or, he could slide his hand underneath the flimsy blanket and just finger you again. Or force his cock into you and cover your mouth with his hand if you wake up. It wasn’t like you would be able to fight him off. As long as he cleaned you up and left no noticeable mark, no one would know what happened.
He put his hand underneath your blanket and rested on your thigh, thumb circling on the bare skin. His mind whispered to just “do it” and “take you”.
‘It’s so easy. So eas-’
It was so faint and yet he heard your groggy voice call out to him, stopping him in his tracks and he pulled away from your thigh. Your eyes cracked open, darting around as you sat up disoriented. “Where am I?”
It was obvious you had just woken up from the induced coma or whatever they had put you on. His mind suddenly blanched, now confused on what to do or tell you. What now? Was he supposed to comfort you and tell you you’re in a hospital? Or get you to lie down? ‘I hadn’t anticipated she'd wake up? What should I tell her?’
And as if the universe cursed Mikey, the door creaked open, revealing Izana mumbling about he hated driving a car.
The reaction was immediate. Your once confused visage morphed into a terrified expression the moment you locked eyes with Izana in the dimly lit room. You must have remembered what had happened before you passed out, every single detail rushing back to you in full force.
‘Shit, this wasn’t part of the plan.’
“You! You tried to kill me! Get away from me-mmhmmphmm-”
A hand slapped on top of your mouth, keeping you from speaking. You looked back up to Mikey with fearful eyes, who placed a finger to his lips, shushing you. “Shut up.” He hissed. “Or do you want us to finish the job?”
Your eyes grew wide with fear at his murderous gaze, the pit in your stomach only growing deeper as Izana made his way to your bedside, now standing in front of you. Your body trembled rigorously when the tan skinned man suddenly pulled out a gun, brandishing it in your face.
“Now listen to me.” Izana threatened, pressing the gun to your temple to buttress his point. “Not a word about anything from that night. Understood?” You nodded, scared out your mind. “You’re gonna act like we’re cool with each other. I don’t want any form of frowning or fear or anything that’ll raise suspicion. I don’t care how bad you are at acting, you’re gonna put on an oscar-worthy performance pretending we apologized to you and you’re okay. You don’t want to find out what happens when you cross me.”
You nodded your head as tears rolled down your cheeks, your fingers gripping the sheets below you tight to anchor yourself, praying he doesn’t change his mind and blow your brains out. Satisfied, Izana tucked in the gun underneath his holster and patted the top of your head patronizingly. “That’s a good, good girl.” He cooed, “you’re a good girl aren’t you? You’ll stay quiet, hm?”
You shivered as his warm hand caressed your face, his touch being so gentle for you as opposed to his violent nature. Mikey released your mouth, his dark eyes flicking from your face to your lips. “Use your words.” The blond snarled.
“Y-yes. N-no one will know.”
It was almost cute the way you stuttered. They should be feeling some sort of remorse for making you cry just as you woke up from a minor coma, possibly ruining a happy moment for you, but you looked so pretty whimpering and shaking for them.
“Good, good girl.” Your stomach churned at Izana’s satisfied smirk. “You’re smarter than I thought.”
You watched as the two of them stood upright and headed for the door, their mission accomplished. Tears gathered in your eyes once again, a loud snivel escaping your lips, slapping a hand to your mouth when it caught their attention.
Izana, already fed up with you, walked back to your bedside, teeth gritted in irritation as he lowered his lips to your ear. “I’ll give you something to cry about if you don’t shut up.” he growled. “Wipe your tears NOW.”
You complied quickly, cleaning your face repeatedly until your face was raw. “Now lie back down.” He demanded and you compiled, pushing your body back until you laid on the bed, facing the wall. You only heard footsteps as they walked away and you don’t dare shed any tears until you hear the door slam shut.
‘Oh God.’
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  YOU knew better than to disobey Izana and Mikey.
Your smiles were as bright as the sun, eyes shining with the radiance that could only be compared to a bright light. There was a pep in your step anytime you walked, pushing forth all the positive energy you could give to the world. Everyone complimented how well you took the incident that befell you and how fast you healed, commending you on not letting the past define you.
It’s toxic. People saying just how strong you are for smiling and existing rots your brain and fills your throat with bile. They can’t see the hurt underneath the layers of clothes you wear or the blinding smile and wave you give everyone.
You want someone to notice you’re in pain and hug you, swear they will protect you and keep you safe. But as long as Mikey and Izana live, nobody will ever risk their life for you.
They got what they wanted. Emma was talking to them again after you lied to her face that they had apologized to you in the middle of the night. Someone else was in jail, awaiting trial for assaulting you, while Izana roamed free, clinging onto Emma to make up for lost time. Mikey would occasionally glance at you from time to time as you watched them from afar, waiting for Emma to be done so that you could go back to your dorms.
She had refused you going anywhere alone since that incident, citing that someone might still attack you. “I just want you to be safe, '' she had said once, trying to explain herself to you.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her what really made you feel unsafe.
“(Name), what’s the subject of the sentence?”
You’re brought back to earth when Hina snapped her fingers in your face. She had decided to join Emma in helping you study for your makeup tests due in a week, but you don’t seem to be focusing on anything at all. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Izana and Manjiro, plagued by their constant playing god in your life.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you decided to pay more attention to the test you were studying for. Eventually, they’ll give up on harassing you and everything will go back to normal, being the joint kings of the school until they graduate. You’ll be a tiny blot in their memories as they find partners, get married and have kids, all the while running Japan’s crime scene.
There was no need to keep thinking about them. You were insignificant in the scheme of things.
Just keep your head down and study. Be a coward and tuck your tail between your legs.
“Sorry Hinata. The last sentence went over my head.” you said, pushing your book forward. You felt bad for wasting Hina’s time- even though she’s the best in your class, you were sure she would rather be doing something else than having to sit all night studying with you. “Subject verb agreement in a compound sentence isn’t my strong suit.”
The orange haired girl merely shrugged her shoulders in response. “Eh. It’s cool. Professor Hanabi was terrible at teaching it anyways and I didn’t understand what he was saying in class.”
“But you got a perfect score.” You interjected, if Hinata didn’t understand the topic what are the chances of you getting it either? “Only you and Emma don’t have to retake this test again.”
“Because we went on youtube immediately after class. Duh!” Emma clapped back. “Unlike some of us who think facebook is still a valid form of social media.”
“Hey!” You screamed back, embarrassed at Emma making fun of you. Why she loved bringing up the fact that facebook was the only social media you were allowed to use at home still remained a mystery. “You said you wouldn’t bring that up again!”
“That’s one promise I’ll never keep.” She teased, sticking out her tongue. You opened your mouth to retort when Hinata snapped back at the both of you. “Alright, that’s enough. Focus on the lesson, I only have an hour left until I meet up with Takemitchi.”
“Fine.” you and Emma groaned in unison. You would get her another time.
You decided to spend the rest of the hour listening to Hinata talk about compound sentences and occasionally, Emma chiming in with short quizzes. It was slow, but you were making some form of progress with their help until you were sure you got the hang of it. You moved on to other topics in the course, asking questions whenever you were confused.
By the time you had reached the quota of your studying, it was about ten pm. The two girls had to pack up and go their separate ways, leaving you to do your revision for the rest of the night, alone.
“You sure you don’t want me to stay?” Emma asked you as she stood outside your room door. “Your roommate hasn’t returned back to the room since you came back from the hospital.”
Shaking your head, you put a hand on Emma’s shoulder, reassuring her that you were going to be fine with staying all alone. “Em, it’s fine. I’m already in my room so no one will harm me.”
“You sure?”
The worry in her yellow eyes made your heart hurt. You hated seeing your friend who had spent the most part of last week watching over you while you were knocked out in the hospital look so troubled. It wasn’t her fault that her brothers were like that and you didn’t want her to punish herself for it.
“Sure, Em.” You smiled, before pulling her in for a tight hug, inhaling her flowery scent. “I’ll even lock the doors tight. Nothing will happen to me in my room.” You mumbled into her shoulder, lingering in her arms before pulling away and forcefully dragging herself until she disappeared into the hallways.
Now left to your own devices, you ensured the door was locked, before going ahead to shower. You let the cold water wash away the sweat and grime off your body, making you relax your tense muscles for the first time today. The stress of having to pretend you were okay was weighing down on you - a heavy burden that felt far too big and far too much for you to carry. You’ve been assaulted twice and the perpetrators still waltzed around like they’ve done nothing wrong to you. You saw them with prettier girls hanging off their arms, all smiles and laughter. Hell, they treat them far better than you, buying them gifts and taking them out.
You only asked for an apology from them, but they couldn’t even give you that.
The sound of your room door unlocking broke you out of your trance. ‘Wow, she decided to come home, finally.’ Your roommate, Kehlani hadn’t bothered to even check up on you in the hospital from what you heard, despite her being aware -and admitting to Emma that she knew. She even confused you further when she gave you a dirty look the day you returned and then disappeared the next without any trace.
It didn’t matter anyways. You and her were never on good terms in the first place so you didn’t bother with her behavior. Perhaps she would one day warm up to you if you kept being kind to her.
Thankful that you took your nightwear with you, you shrugged on your blue tank top and your tiny white shorts decorated with flowers, hung your towel on the rack and brushed your teeth clean, ready for the night. A yawn escaped your lips as you reached for the door, deciding to retire early tonight.
“I have nothing else to do anyways” you hummed, walking out of the bathroom. “I need to rest too…”
The words died on your lips the moment you locked eyes with Mikey’s.
He was just sitting on your bed calmly, looking straight at you with a blank expression on his face, still clothed in his usual baggy carton coloured trousers and button up shirt twice his size. Your heart leaped into your throat at how unbothered he was being caught in your room, his hands resting on his knees. You could feel his gaze, dark, empty -at first, drinking up the sight of you in such little clothes until a smile makes its way to his lips.
“Manjiro.” Your voice started shaking as multiple questions rang through your head. What was he doing in here? How did he get in here? Why did he come here? What was he going to do to you? "Manjiro please-”
“(Name), come here.”
You hate how collected his voice sounds, how he’s not freaking out, like it was his room that you broke into and not the other way around. You stay rooted in place, not wanting to obey him or anything he has to say. “Please…” was all you could manage to get out of your lips, your back pressed to the door as he stared you down. “Please don’t do this.”
“Unless you want me to rape you, then come here. I don’t have that time to play games with you.”
The bluntness of his words sent chills all over your body. Something told you it was better to go along with whatever he said, hopefully he wouldn’t want anything too much from you.
You would rather not want to find out if he would truly hurt you.
Your body pushed off the wall and made its way to him until you were standing in front of him. You swallowed down your fear as his hands reached up to the sides of your clothed ass, kneading them in his palms. “How soft.” He murmured, before pressing his nose to your crotch, sniffing you down until his head was between your legs. Your body grew hot with embarrassment as he smelt you like he was a fucking dog, humming in approval at your scent.
“Shh.” He silenced you, pulling his head from between your thighs. His palms that once kneaded your plump ass suddenly grabbed them and pushed you onto his lap. A tiny gasp emanated from your lips as you felt something very hard poke you through his layers of clothes, your face just inches from his until your noses touched.
You don’t smell alcohol or anything strange in his breath. He was doing this sober.
‘No, no, no-’ you panicked at the feeling of his hard on in his pants. You can’t let him touch you like this, the first time was already a mistake. You can’t make the same mistake again. You’ve spent so much time praying and doing penance, you can’t let it go to waste now.
“Manjiro please. This is wrong-” you started pleading with him, pressing your hand on his chest, putting some distance between the two of you. “I can’t do this. It’s wrong- ah”
His lips find purchase on your neck, before dragging it across your neckline to your jaw. His hands push you until you’re pressed into his chest, immobilizing you from trying to run away from him. You shivered with each wet kiss Mikey littered around your neck, his lips so gentle in kissing you up and down. His hands start to slowly rock your hips, grinding down on his hard on with a low groan as he moves to your mouth, lips pressing gently at the corners.
“Open your mouth.”
You gave in, slightly parting your lips for him to kiss you fully. The way he slotted his lips against yours felt so wrong, so sinful as he pushed his tongue inside your mouth to intertwine with your own wet muscle and yet, your body couldn’t help but react to it, wetness slowly seeping from your womanhood to your panties.
Each kiss was more sensual than the last, a hand moving from your hips to the back of your neck, keeping you in place as he made out with you, his hot muscle gliding over yours.
Was this how he made girls feel? As much as you hated what was happening, your body grew hot with each grind and kiss, his clothed cock teasing your soaked clit. You felt so airy and lightheaded, like nothing else was going on in the world but him. It wasn’t like the first time in his car, where everything was rushed and it hurt; this time he was gentle, methodological which was unexpected from the careless and cruel Manjiro Sano you were forced to deal with everyday.
He pulled away from you, a long string of spit connecting both your lips. The grinding stopped, and you nearly let out a whine because it was beginning to feel good.
The realization made you snap back to reality. What the hell were you thinking? This was disgusting.
“Manjiro, I can’t do this.” You started pleading with him. You don’t know what could have gotten into the blonde haired male, but you needed him to stop this and leave, before it escalated into something else. “Please, we have to sto- oof.”
Mikey was quick to shove you on the bed completely face up, before climbing on top of you, crushing you with his weight by lying down on you. You opened your mouth to protest only to be silenced by a kiss again, this time far rougher than the last one, both your teeth clanging on each other. Your head spun as his hands began to travel underneath your tank top, pushing the flimsy material up until your breast sprang free.
With his body pressed on yours, you felt his dick twitch at the same time.
He pulled away from your lips, his hair forming a curtain around both your faces and focused on your breasts. Your body grew hot as he groped the two mounds at the same time, his breathing heavy as he played with them. Your head falls to the side with him squeezing your tits before massaging it again, eliciting moans from you.
“You have such nice tits.” He murmured between breaths, groping and teasing you with each compliment. You’ve never been complimented by Mikey before, all you knew was how caustic he could be to you. “Nice tits. Nice ass. Nice pussy.” He groaned, pinching your nipple hard and making you whine loudly. “Even your moaning is so cute.”
You don’t know how to react. His behavior is so unlike him. So strange that you don't even understand why he was acting this way. You briefly looked up at him, noticing how hooded his gaze was. His face was red, the blush extending to his neck and hell, even his hands were red.
It made you feel shy. You turned your head and looked away from him, not wanting to be under his scrutinizing gaze. Everything felt so wrong, but you couldn’t deny that his gentle touches made your heart race fast and the pulse between your legs grow wet.
He finally lets go of your breast and kisses your neck again, earning soft moans from your lips. He trailed butterfly kisses down your neck, to your sternum, down to your stomach. A soft “Manjiro” escaped your lips as he kissed your pelvic line simultaneously, hooking his fingers on your shorts and panties to pull them down.
It was as if that snapped you out of your lustful haze. Nobody had ever seen you down there before, it was wrong to let a man that isn’t your husband see such intimate parts of you. You sat up and put your hand on his wrists, stopping him from moving further. “Manjiro wait- we can’t…” you protested. “... it’s against what I -”
“Interrupt me again. I dare you.”
You froze at how dark his voice sounded. It was as if another man had taken his place, with how he was so quick to change his mood. “Lie on your back or I’ll rip these to shreds.”
You obeyed, not wanting to incur his wrath, closing your eyes as he dragged your shorts and panties down to your ankles, leaving it there. Your let out shaky breaths as he spreads your thighs wide, showing your glistening wet pussy in all its glory. He adjusted himself until he was kneeling on your bed and yanked you forwards, earning a yelp from you until your legs were on each of his shoulders, shorts and panties hanging off from one leg.
The position felt so exposing, but any shame you felt disappeared when he began kissing your inner thighs. You breathed through your nose in an attempt to steady yourself. You’re not familiar with this sort of position - not even the romance books you snuck into your room from the library talked about what Mikey was about to do.
‘Just breathe.’ You whispered to yourself. ‘It will all be over so-’
Your eyes flew open as his tongue licked a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, your whine high enough for the entire dorm to hear. His fingernails pressed crescents into your thighs as he started to glide his tongue around your clit, circling around it in lazy, slow eights. Your body seized up, the bundle of nerves firing signals that even you couldn’t understand.
‘W-what- OH MY GOD-’
He didn’t let up, maintaining his pace as you trembled underneath his tongue, rolling around your clit before moving down, flattening his tongue until he stopped at your entrance, before moving up again. Your head fell back onto the bed as he opened his mouth even wider, his tongue slurping your juices emanating from your pussy, moving up and down.
His lips latched onto your clit, sucking deeply, his tongue running through the middle letting go with a loud pop before grinding his face on your cunt, his tongue slurping and sucking, sending vibrations from your clit, straight to your brain. Each stroke had your fingernails digging deep into your sheets hard, until you were sure you had torn holes in them. Your body shook and trembled with how fast he bobbed his head up and down, tongue brushing your sensitive nub with each stroke until your head swarmed with pleasure. His grip on your thigh was hard, forcing you to stay put instead of closing your legs around his head or running away.
Your head was foggy as a familiar build up started forming in your belly. At this point, you’re sure the entire dorm building knows who exactly was in your room with how loud you were moaning. Your body writhed in his grip as he increased the speed of his tongue fucking against your sensitive bud, focusing on that particular place with a circular motion and sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. Your back arched as you pushed your hips further into his face, trying to hump his face to match the pace he set.
“Manjiro-  please I can’t- Ah!”
You let out an ear piercing scream as he flickered his tongue on your nub, dragging you closer to ecstasy. Your hand flew to his hair, forcing his face further into your cunny and hips automatically and clumsily grinding against his lips and tongue- unknowing suffocating him. All you cared for at this point was to get to the edge and just let go, bucking your hips even faster.
“Manjiro, oh God! Ahh unh…”
The noises you let out were nearly unintelligent, just your mind repeating the urge for you to cum on his tongue. Mikey dug his fingers into your thighs, his moans vibrating around your nub, clearly enjoying eating you out as well- increased the sensation, pushing you closer and closer. He indulged you, moving his head sideways to increase the sensation until your vision starts to blanch out, toes curling on his shoulders.
Your hips stuttered as your orgasm washed over your entire body, grinding your clit on his tongue to ride it out. He’s lapping up your juices as they gush out, groaning at how you’re twitching and cumming on his tongue, crying out his name with every thrust until you’re sure you can’t cum anymore.
 You collapse on the bed hard, your body quivering with the aftershock of the intense pleasure you just experienced. You watch through tired eyes as Mikey discarded your limp legs to either sides of his waist, raising his head up to reveal his cum stained face, a lustful grin gracing his lips.
He reached up to you again and grabbed your chin, kissing you to taste your release, letting the tangy flavor invade your tongue. He pulled away, his hand still on your chin. “You taste good.” He hummed, making you feel so warm and fuzzy before kissing your face again. “You know what a pussy job is?” when you shook your head no, he groaned. “Alright, I can work with this.” He murmured before demanding that you, “pull your panties up.”
You knew better than to disobey or ask questions when he gives you that look, scooping up your panties until you covered your sensitive pussy. He started to unbuckle his belt, zipping his baggy trousers and shimming down his boxers, letting his cock spring free. You averted your eyes from staring at the slightly darkened appendage leaking with precum not wanting to sin any further than you already have.
He’s too preoccupied to care, dragging his hand around his member to spread the pre, lubricating his cock until it was slick. Mikey slipped your panties aside and uses his fingers to spread your still sensitive folds, sliding his cock with one hand into your panties until it’s well balanced between your folds, making you jolt in response.
“Fuck” he hissed, his hips bucking between your legs, slightly stimulating your already sensitive clit. “You’re so fucking wet, shit.” he groaned into your ear, dragging his cock back and forth.
Your poor swollen nub brushed against his cock as he jerked against you, earning loud whimpers from you. Each thrust is accompanied with Mikey’s soft moans, pleasure blooming in his body as your wet juices leaked on to his erect cock, making him press himself further into your folds to feel more and more of you.
His hands grab at your hips again, this time moving them as he rolled his, creating a steady rhythm for each other. Both your moans mixed with the squelching noise of his dick rubbing against your wet pussy echoed throughout the room. The scene was erotic, the two of you pressed against each other, Mikey’s flushed face glistening with sweat and his mouth wide open, heavily breathing above you, your eyes closed and mouth parted open, broken pleas falling from your lips as he stimulated your clit again.
“Uh- fuck-” the blond groaned, rocking his hips faster with each thrust, relishing in the feeling of just being able to play with your folds like this. “Ugnh (name), shit- I’m the only one allowed near your pretty folds, understood?” 
“No one. No other man.” He rasped out, trying to keep himself grounded as he commanded you, jerking his cock faster and faster, his hips stuttering. “Is allowed near this pussy. It’s mine and mine only-” You nodded mindlessly, not even understanding why he brought that up. “Say it. Say your pussy is mine”
“It’s yours” you breathed. “My pussy is all yours.”
“Yeah. That’s right. All mine.”
Your body shuddered the second he gave his final thrusts, rubbing his cock against your folds until he came with a low ‘fuck’, loads of cum staining your panties completely, the rest dripping on the bed in a final pump. He briefly collapsed on top of you, catching his breath until his heart returned to its normal rate.
The lustful fog had eventually cleared from your eyes and the sting of guilt and humiliation ate you alive. Here you were, lying down half-naked and face up, underneath Manjiro Sano, already breaking your promise to never return back to your sin. You felt so dirty, your body marked and swollen from the littered hickeys and bruises he left in his wake.
You’re not shocked when he pulled out from your soiled panties and tucked his dick back in. The best he does is go to his bathroom to wash his hands, before coming out with a wet towel and a panty change. He sat beside you, taking off your filthy panties and wiping you down before giving you the new ones, helping you to put them on, adjusting your clothes and finally, covering the blanket over you. You’re too ashamed to tell him to help you change your sheet or check if he put your soiled underwear in the right place. You don’t even ask him how he got in your room.
All you do is wallow in your own guilt, unaware that he left the room with your filthy panties in his pockets.
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Bonus scene:
 “SINCE when does Mikey get pissed when we make a joke?”
Takashi tried to drown out Nahoya’s irritating voice as he worked on his new clothing article for an assignment. His fingers worked in tandem with the sewing machine, hoping the noise would drown out the stupid agrument going on right now.
Tonight was supposed to turn out differently. They were all having fun and playing video ganes or asking each other to do stupid dares. This was supposed to be a chance to relax without having the whole school crammed in their frat house. Eventually it came to talking about girls they had slept with or would like to sleep with, and while he didn’t contribute, it was meant to be just something they wouldn’t take seriously.
That was until Hanma opened his fucking mouth and brought you up.
“You guys kept bringing up (name), how was that funny dude.” Keisuke snapped back at Nahoya. “Did you even hear the way you were talking about her?”
“It’s not like we were talking about his sister, Baji.” Pah tried to defend them. “He said any girl that wasn’t a member’s sister or Hina. How would we know he didn’t want to hear about her?”
“Maybe because he hates her?” Kazutora added amongst the ruckus. “Sure, her name is no longer banned from the house but you know he’s salty whenever she’s brought up. Or maybe he doesn’t like to hear people talk about how they want to hunt his sister’s friend down and fuck her like a whore?”
“He’s called her worse.” Hanma, the cause of the entire problem, shrugged, clearly unbothered by the situation. “I’m sure he’s only mad because he’s not the only one that wants to sleep with her. Is it our fault she’s always looks like she’s asking for dick with those eyes of hers?”
That was the final straw for Mitsuya. He slammed the breaks on the machine and quickly got up, now facing Hanma and the rest of them. “(Name) isn’t asking for anything, you’re just a pervert.” He hissed.
“Aww, the gentle man finally speaks.” Hanma teased. “You know she wouldn’t fuck you right? She’s a sucker for Mikey after all.”
Ignoring Hanma’s statement, Mitsuya decided to address the rest of toman’s executives. “Don’t you all have sisters or mothers?” Mitsuya started lecturing them. “How would you feel if someone started talking about them, the way you talk about (name)? She just went through a traumatic event, can’t you have some sympathy for her a litt-”
The room fell quiet the moment Mikey walked in, slamming the door shut. The atmosphere grew tense as their leader made his way to the center of the room, a neutral expression written on his face. They watched him slowly pull out something from his pocket and throw it on the table.
‘What the-’
It was clear what the piece of article was and who owned it.
Everyone in the room stared in shock, looking at the panties and the back to Mikey, who turned around to return to his room. Like he didn’t just do something so vile and disgusting.
He was sending a message, claiming you like you were a territory that he owned. “You can talk about her all you want.” His tone was dismissive, but the lingering threat remained evident. “But have it at the back of your mind she’s my bitch and I hate sharing.”
He disappeared into the room, leaving his friends completely speechless. No one said anything, trying processed what just happened until Hanma broke the ice.
“Mitsuya, you gonna tell him off?”
Takashi felt sick to his stomach.
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special thanks to: @honeybleed @manjibunny @reiners-milkbiddies @izanaki707 @rukiaslvr @ilovetwodmen @bbykoo-7 @tenjikusstuff4 @cockonoi @koffeenoe2 @kodzukein @lostsomewhereinthegarden @cashout-princess @aliyxh-o @kay-bear200 @iluv-ace @vixensbrainrotts @missgab @urmomsksk @sweeytheart @charcoal-xl @uradveragewhore @wcayaw @blueberry3muffin @haikyuusboringassmanager
monica's notes: thank you guys for reading this chapter! i hope you enjoy it and show your continual support by reblogging and commenting! it means a lot to me and motivates me to write faster. i'll be taking any questions you have and if you want to know what parts didn't make it into the final cut you can send me an ask.
646 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 3 months
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Prize for @cockonoi
44 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 4 months
MONSTERS: Mikey Sano x Fem Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 2: Shots Fired
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pairing: Mikey Sano x Fem Reader x Izana Kurokawa
series summary: Your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. And now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
chapter summary: izana kurokawa decides he has to teach you a bitter lesson that you wouldn't forget any time soon
chapter warning: 18+ dark content, misogyny, religious themes, smoking, mention of drugs, brief description of child abuse, childhood trauma and sex work, violence (against both character and reader), emotional incest, night terrors, allusions to sex, sexual harrassment, mention and brief description of rape, asphyxiation (non sexual), manipulation, slut shaming, near death experience, sexual assault, noncon, oral (m.recieving), face and throat fucking, attempted murder
Please read ending credits for important annoucement
wc: 7.5k
masterlist||chapter 1||chapter 3
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  IZANA mindlessly fiddled with his lighter as he leaned on the wall, waiting diligently for Emma.
Unlit cigarette between his lips, his purple eyes scanned the people leaving the English department one by one, hoping to find a mop of golden hair amongst the students. A small vivienne Westwood shopping bag hung between his fingers loosely, perched beside his faded out black jeans. There was no way that Emma would avoid him in public at least, not with the entire student population watching the both of them. He knew that his little sister hated being the subject of rumors, no matter how trivial it could be.
His plan has to work. It just has to.
Whatever bullshit Mikey was spewing about you being the key to getting Emma to speak to him, can go to hell. He and Emma had a strong bond that transcended anything casual. This was his little sister he watched for the first eight years of his life, a bond doesn’t just break like that. Not over a stranger.
Not over you. Over your dead body.
A few minutes passed and still no sign of Emma. Deciding that he didn’t want to stand around and gape like a moron, Izana lifted his lighter towards his cigarette, flicking the light twice and bringing the warm flame to his lips. Breathing in the familiar scent of nicotine, smoke filled his lungs as he tucked the lighter back in his pockets. His free hand took the cigarette from his lips and he exhaled, releasing plumes of smoke from his lips.
His smoking habit had gotten worse within the past week. Izana couldn’t help it, reaching for a light anytime he saw his gifts in the dustbin. Emma hasn’t been this angry at him for more than a day before, usually a new plushie was enough to wash his sins clean, no matter how grevious they were. Now, not even the most expensive shoes she’s been eyeing for months could satiate her anger.
All because of you.
Izana knows his little sister like the back of his hand. Like how she loved sleeping with plushies because it comforted her whenever their mother brought men into the house and they were loud. Or how he picked up a guitar to learn multiple barbie songs because their mother had destroyed Emma’s CD that he bought with his money to punish her. He knew she liked warm tea during her periods and gentle back rubs to ease her pain.
Izana knows he’s not the best person to be around. Emma may have been young when she left their mother’s home, but Izana had stayed there until his teens before going to the orphanage, enduring unimaginable horrors. Life hardened him, made him so jaded that the only thin thread connecting him to his humanity was Emma.
And little by little, his humanity was slipping away.
First it was Mikey’s stupid friend, Ken Ryugi, who waltzed his way into Emma’s life. Izana didn’t like him one bit- didn’t like how Emma would bite her lip, waiting for him to reply and cry herself to sleep when he didn’t. Her heart was soft, fragile and that brute tore it apart by telling her he wasn’t interested in a relationship yet. The only reason Ken wasn’t in an unmarked, shallow grave in the middle of nowhere was simply because Mikey was involved.
Now it was you. Taking the space in her life that belonged to him and him only. He was fine sharing with his younger brother, no matter how much that little shit pisses him off but now, you’re pushing both of them out of the equation. How could someone so insignificant be so important to his sister?
He took more puffs, letting the smoke out through his mouth. He skimmed throughout the campus once again, nervousness creeping onto his consciousness with every passing moment. Had he missed Emma?
‘Has she gone to her room already? Don’t tell me I missed her-’
His thoughts were cut short the second he caught sight of a familiar blonde hair bouncing in the wind. He stood up straight tossing the cigarette to the floor and crushing it underneath his black shoes, before rushing to catch up to his little sister.
Izana pushed through the throng of people, violently shoving anyone that got in his way until he finally fell in step with her, slowing down to match her pace. Without wasting time, his hand curled around the girl’s wrist, stopping her in her tracks instantly. A shocked gasp escaped her lips, her head twisting fast and her free hand even faster to hit him.
“Get off me - Izana?”
Her hand stopped mid air, inches away from the smirking male’s face. He noticed her tension leave her body, relief washing over her, only for irritation to take its place on her face, instantly displeased at his actions. “What the hell? I’ve told you to stop doing that.” she hissed at him.
A mischievous grin made its way to his face at Emma’s irritation. She always had a pout whenever she was angry at him and it made look even more adorable.
“Were you scared?” He teased her, pulling Emma closer to him until she was practically smushed at his side, his arm hugging her tight despite the irritated glare she gave him in response. “You know that as long as I’m alive, no one guy would ever have the balls to hurt you. Unless they want to die.”
“Stop joking about things like that.”
‘I’m not.’
Shaking his head, he decided to change the topic to what he came here for originally. “Here I got you something for your…” he sneered at the thought of Draken being near his little sister. “date with Draken.” He released her from his side hug before extending the perfume bag to her with a smug look on his face. “It’s Vivienne Westwood, your favorite.”
His hand hung in the air as Emma trailed her pointed glare from his hand, back to his cheerful visage. She crossed her arms in response slowly, her yellow eyes rapidly looking at the bag to his face before her lips curled into a sick sneer.
“Are you insane?”
“Don’t ‘what?’ me Izana! How many times have I told you that this is not a situation you can bribe me out of! Not this time!”
Emma’s voice was loud enough to garner wandering eyes of other by-standers, watching the event go down. They were wise enough to hide that they were staring, so as not to piss Izana off even further after she left.
Izana kept his composure, still holding out the bag towards Emma with a smile -albeit stiffer than before. ‘She’s just being emotional’ Izana whispered to himself, still trying to be rational. ‘Just take it easy with her’
“Easy Em, I said it was a joke” his words were smooth, buttery, flowing out of his lips like it was the truth. In his own opinion, you were the one in the wrong for wearing such a provocative outfit, showing your body off. He was just trying to tell you off so that you would be more decent next time when you’re around seniors. “I didn’t know your friend was that sensitive-”
“Are you listening to the bullshit coming from your stupid mouth?” Emma roared, her voice echoing throughout the entirety of the department, her face red with fury. Izana had never seen his own beloved sister ever look at him with such disgust in her eyes, her teeth gnashing against each other and hands at her side, clenching against each other. “Is that what you think a joke sounds like?”
“Calm the fuck dow-”
“No wonder you’re fucking single, you’re such a piece of shit to anyone that isn’t Shinichiro!” Emma screamed, interrupting Izana once again, her temper fiery enough to burn a hole on the ground she stood with how heated she was. “How does anyone even stand you for so long? You’re unbearable!”
“Excuse m-”
He doesn’t like where the conversation is going, with how furious Emma was right now. He tried to raise a comforting hand to Emma’s shoulder to ease her tension but she was quick to smack it away from her hard, stinging his fingers a little.
It hurt.
“You’re so unpleasant, how do you even have any friends? How do they tolerate you? To think (name) wanted me to forgive you! Thank god you aren’t my fucking brother, I can’t imagine being anything like you!”
The words left her mouth before she could stop herself.
It was as if the world froze over for Izana. He stood there, wide eyed, his heart beating loudly in his chest as all the voices around him faded into the background. His hand extended weakly at his side, mouth drying up as a lump formed in his throat. He can see the flash of regret in Emma’s eyes, the way her face changes when the weight of her words crushed the both of them.
Suddenly he was sixteen again, thirteen year old Mikey taking Emma’s place and uttering those soul-crushing words to him after another fight. It was just a silly xbox game that Shinichiro forced them to share, one of his many futile attempts to make them get along with each other. Izana remembered how he looked at all of them. Mikey. Emma. Shinichiro, hoping to god that it was spite that fueled Mikey’s words, not conviction.
“It’s not true right? Shin-nii? Em?”
The terrified look on Shinichiro’s face sealed Izana’s fate forever.
“I-I-i didn’t mean i-” she starts to stutter, tears gathering in her eyes. It’s obvious that she can recognize the heartbreak in his violent hues, blankly staring at her, disappointed. He wants to say something, but all that manages to come out is air. Of all the things she could say to him, why did it have to be this one?
“Izana please-”
He doesn’t let her finish, turning on his heel and walking as fast as possible. People were quick to clear out of his way, not wanting to be his target of aggression when he eventually snapped. He ignored Emma trying to reach him, shouting his name at the top of her lungs with strings of apologies as he walked back to where he bike sat.
“Izana, wait please-” she screamed from the crowd of people, tears streaming from her yellow eyes. He continued to ignore her as he hopped on his bike, sliding in the key and revving up the engine before she could reach him.
“Izana please I didn’t mean it! I’m so-”
Izana zoomed away, turning Emma’s cries into background noise.
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"THANK god you’re not my real brother.”
Izana narrowly avoided crashing his bike into the tree right next to the house, hitting the breaks just in time for the bike to stop.
‘It’s all that fucking bitch’s fault!’ He seethed ‘That useless excuse of a human being caused this.’
You. An unimportant little rat that scurries around his little sister. From the first day Izana set his eyes on you, an intense hatred filled his gut. You were just there, sitting awkwardly while Emma tried to involve you in their conversation and it irked him. He hated everything about you - the way you picked your finger when you were nervous. Your bright smile you gave to only Emma when you talked about the most mundane of things. The fact that Emma would cut short their outings just to see or meet up with you.
Just your mere presence in general. He couldn’t stand you. He couldn’t stand losing his beloved sister to you
Blinded with rage, Izana throws his helmet on the tree with a guttural scream, breaking it in half. Unsatisfied with his rage, he clenched his fist and stalked towards his fraternity house, ready to beat up the first person he set his eyes on.
The doors of the fraternity house were thrown open by Izana. Shion was the first person Izana just happened to set his eyes on, the blond carrying a box of tools in his arms as he headed towards Ran’s bedroom. The taller male turned his attention just as Izana was entering the house and smiled at him.
“Hey boss, did you see your lil si-”
Izana pounced on the poor man, sending the toolbox and a confused Shion to the ground, shattering the glass table underneath them. Ignoring the broken glass digging into his skin, Izana slammed his fists straight into Shion’s face, dealing him powerful blows, cursing you as he beat up Madarame.
“(name) you stupid slut. You ruined everything! I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you-”
“Stop it! You’re gonna kill him.”
Two sets of hands pulled Izana off Shion, dragging him away from the injured man. Ran is quick to help Shion up from the floor, holding the barely conscious male up. Eyes burning with irritation, Ran turned his attention to Izana who was held back by Kakucho and Mucho, heavily breathing after his rage induced breakdown.
“Izana what the hell man?” Ran cursed at him. “He was supposed to help me set up my humidifier. Look what you did!”
“Let’s take it easy, Ran, it seems like Izana had a bad day.” Kakucho reasoned, still holding Izana away from lunging at Shion once again. “You know he’s only like this when he’s stressed-”
Ran put his free hand up, silencing Kakucho completely. His violet eyes moved to Izana who was still huffing and puffing, still in Kakucho and Muto’s grip. “Look.” Ran sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We don’t want to deal with this anymore, Izana. You can’t keep taking out your anger on us. Especially for that (name) girl.”
Izana growled, his teeth clenched against each other at Ran’s words. Deep down, he knew Ran was right. Each time he saw his gift in the dustbin, it would send him into a panic induced rage and end in hitting one of his friends. Beating up everyone that wasn’t you was not the solution at all. No matter how violent he got, it still wouldn’t change the fact that his sister doesn’t want him anymore.
And it is all your fault.
Eventually, Izana relaxed, breathing through his nose gently. The two men released Izana once he calmed down before helping Ran with the barely conscious Shion to his room. The white haired male now left to his devices, crashed onto the chair, his hands on his knees. If he was going to get his sister back, he had to do it right. Maybe teach you a bitter lesson that you would never forget. Punish you for angering him and changing his little sister into something else.
Anything really, to satiate his anger.
His hand fished out his phone from his pocket, going straight to his contacts. Purple eyes rested on a familiar name, one that he hadn’t spoken to for the past eight months after a hookup. She tried to elevate herself from a hookup to his main girl, texting him non-stop and throwing herself at him.
Izana liked thrill and adventure. Women who were wild on the dance floor and even wilder in the sheets were his favorite, for the same reason he loved riling up Mikey. The dopamine rush.
Sex was a drug to him. Not necessarily a favorite, just something he got a high from that was different from cocaine or LSD. The experience was a thrill, bodies meshed together in bliss as they gave into carnality until they fell over the edge. It was why he couldn’t stay with the same girl all the time, eventually their holes get accustomed to his dick and they try forming attachments to him. It gets boring.
Like this one.
He dialed the number and not even up to a minute later someone picked it. “Izana! Hey babe!” She chirped. Izana bit back a groan to avoid voicing his displeasure. She was so fucking annoying. “It’s been so long. Do you want to see me tonigh-”
“You’re (name)’s roommate right?” He could hear her deflated sigh from the phone and decided to butter her up. “Don’t worry, she’s not my type. Just need her schedule for a friend.”
“You sure?”
Izana rolled his eyes before deepening his voice to lure her in. “Sure babe. You’re the one I wanna see tonight. I see the cute pictures you sent to me. The one with you wearing those cheetah print panties, your bare tits hanging out is my favorite.”
“Really?” She sounded so excited that he liked something she sent. Pathetic.
“Really.” he breathed out. “You should wear it when you come here tonight. That is, if you tell me about your roommate’s schedule.”
“Alright!” She began excitedly, the prospect of being Izana’s girl tonight looking very tantalizing, to the point she is willing to sell out her friend. “I’ll tell you everything I know baby!”
Izana shook his head. Too easy.
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  YOU haven’t been able to stay asleep for the past few days.
It’s easy to fall asleep after a hard and stressful day at school and your part-time job. Your limbs ache from all the walking and lugging a bookbag far heavier than what you could handle -since all your e-textbooks were on your (now destroyed) laptop and phones were not allowed during lectures. And working from 5pm until 9pm at a restaurant, serving food to rude, overbearing customers only to be paid in pieces was another added stress in itself. Not to mention, studying.
But then, in all your dreams, everything you’ve pushed to the back of your memory is at the forefront. Your dream starts typically, your normal school day, waking up, dressing in your cute little blue crop sweater and jean skirt with socks. You go to classes, and then you see Mikey’s car waiting for Emma.
Things take a different turn. He’s the one getting out of the car to meet you. It’s like a siren call, him holding out his hand for you to take despite someone screaming for you to stop. And you try to reject him, you try to run away like the voice said but you end up getting trapped.
But this time, he’s not using his hands. He’s fully sheathed inside you, robbing you of every thing you hold so dear and you kick, bite and claw at him until you wake up screaming, sweat soaked all over your sheets.
You consistently dream of being violently raped by Manjiro Sano.
The next few hours until sunrise were equally horrible. You’re quietly sobbing into your pillows, praying to God to forgive you for letting Mikey touch you in the first place, assuming your reason for having such dreams was God’s divine judgment for your grievous sin. You’ve lost count on how many Bible verses you stay up reading until your eyes are bleary and the sun comes up.
No matter how much you pray and how many times you recite psalms 127 before you sleep, you can never escape Mikey in the world of dreams. He’s a virus that has invaded your thoughts, corrupting every dream you had and twisted them into nightmares.
You don’t know how long you can hold on being this sleep deprived. It’s been impairing your school life, trying to find a way to stay awake during classes only for you to fall asleep and miss the rest of it. Even when you got notes from the person next to you, reading them was always difficult because your eyes hurt so much.
 Work was even more taxing and stressful, rush week adding more stress than you could ever imagine. You found yourself spacing out more than usual when you were supposed to be taking orders. You were unable to keep up with the fast paced environment, your body feeling like a ton of bricks with every moment you make. Your eyes were heavy lidded, tired from forcing them open throughout the day.
You were so, so tired-
“Hello! Are you sleeping on me young lady?” A voice snapped at you.
Your eyes shot open and immediately you stood back straight. You must have been dozing off while taking the older lady’s order -the very thing you’ve been trying to avoid all day long. “No, not at all Ms-” you started to explain. “-I was just … what was your order aga-”
You flinched when the woman angrily slammed her fist on the table, shutting you up instantly! “So you were sleeping on the job! What kind of establishment allows this?” She screamed, attracting the attention of customers around. “I need to speak to your manager. NOW!”
You instantly began to panic at the mention of your manager. If he heard you’ve been sleeping on the job, for sure he was going to fire you, especially when he was angry you rejected his advances on the first day. You cannot afford to lose this job right now, with all your school expenses and saving up money for next session’s tuition.
“No mam” you begged, keeping your voice even as you tried to reason with her. “Th-there’s no need for that! Please! Let me take your order and I’ll-” you racked your brain for an excuse, knowing fully well your establishment does not offer free meals. “- I’ll pay for your meal! On me-”
“So you’re trying to imply I’m poor?” She interrupted you again, her tempo even higher than before. “You disrespectful little wretch! How dare you? GET ME YOUR MANAGER RIGHT NOW!”
You started begging the older woman, trying to calm her down and de-escalate the situation, but each plea only fuelled her rage. By now, every customer, every employee and just anyone in that place watched you grovel and beg this woman to calm down, some people even videoing your altercation. Your body was trembling as she screeched in your ears, calling you all sorts of names while you relentlessly apologized to her.
“What is going on here?”
You winced at the sound of your manager’s voice emerging from the backrooms. You stood stiffly as he walked to your side, using his shoulder to nudge you out of the way. “Is there something wrong Ms.?” He asked the lady. “What happened?”
“This little wretch!” She practically screeched at you, her finger wagging straight at your hung face. “She was sleeping while I was ordering! And when I pointed it out to her calmly, she called me a hag!”
Your eyes snapped open. You can tolerate people yelling at you, but lying against you is out of the question. “I did not call you anything! That’s a lie-”
“You be quiet!” Your manager yelled at you, silencing you. He turned to face the woman again, apologizing profusely for your so called rude behavior. “I promise you mam, she will be dealt with accordingly. Your order is in the house, please take that as a token of our humble apology and forgive us.”
You stood there in shock as the woman smirked satisfactorily at her now free meal. “Well. You better get rid of her!” She snarked, eyes scanning you up and down, plopping back down on her seat. “Or you’ll lose me as a patron.”
“Of course mam.” He said sweetly before switching his countenance towards you into a more irritated one. “You, come with me.”
You lowered your head once again in disappointment as you started following your manager towards the back rooms, your head lowered in shame as the eyes followed your every move to your damnation waiting for you in the manager’s office.
Your skin crawled as you felt his gaze roam your body up and down, before regaining his composure again. “You know how many complaints I have received this week just from you, (name)? How many orders you’ve messed up?”
You shook your head no in response, not trusting yourself to say anything reasonable at this point. He eyes you up and down again before scoffing at you rudely. “I only let you stay here to see that tight virgin body of yours roam around. It’s not like you’re even good at this kind of job.” He spat out, rolling his eyes. “Unfortunately for you, this is the end of the road for you here. Change out of your uniform and leave.”
“But s-”
“I said you’re FIRED. GET OUT.”
You sighed weakly, obeying your now ex-manager’s order and leaving the office. You ignored the eyes of everyone watching you exchange the too tight black jeans and green top uniform back to your white bohemian skirt and light blue top with your white jacket. Calmly, you packed your school bag and everything you owned with you and slung it over your shoulder, replacing the uniform back to the locker, dropping the key on top.
No one said goodbye to you as you left through the back door.
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  THE walk back to your dorm was quiet.
By the time you managed to catch a bus after your walk of shame and get back to campus, almost everywhere was dark and deserted. Save for only the street lamps that were beginning to dim, everywhere else was darker than usual.
You had read that there was going to be a lunar eclipse tonight between the hours of 10pm - 12am. The time boldly written on the bus’ digital clock before you got down was 10:45pm, so you already assumed it was the cause of the unnatural darkness tonight.
A long time ago, things like this would have made you excited. You loved watching the stars when you were young, trying to check on the papers your father bought to see if there was any space news available. You remember borrowing your immediate elder brother’s binoculars as a makeshift telescope, trying to piece out the stars in the sky or see if you would catch a glimpse of the comet that was said to pass through that week.
Unfortunately, you were young and foolish. Wanting to impress your father, you told him all about your book of constellations that you drew up, detailing the first star that appeared every evening, down to your crazy childish theories about aliens and space.
“Can you show me the book?” your father had asked calmly. You should have known it was dangerous for your father to be this calm, but you were too blinded by excitement to think and you gave him the book, a bright smile on your face.
Your smile fell as his large hands ripped your book into shreds, before telling you “women don’t dream.”
Maybe that was the day you stopped loving your father. You were so young and impressionable, all you wanted was for him to be proud of you, like he was with his sons. Now, you can’t even look at the stars.
The memory leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and you try to shake it off as you continue on the path.
You wondered what grievous sin you’ve committed to be so down on your luck like this.
You passed by Emma’s dorm building, another sigh escaped your lips. She told you that Draken wanted to take her out for dinner tonight, which shocked you because friends with benefits - according to what Emma herself told you- don’t go on dates or do lovey dovey stuff with each other, to avoid complicated feelings from budding.
Then again, their relationship is based on the fact that they both have feelings for each other, but Draken was not interested in a relationship.
It was already complicated before it began.
Your eyes darted up to her window, hoping her lights were on. Whenever she was alone, Emma hated sleeping in the dark. She said it reminded her of the times her mother would lock her and Izana in a dark room whenever she brought her customers in. Anytime she was in a darkened room, she told you she could still hear the sound of her mother moaning and a man grunting. Izana would try his best to distract her, playing games or even stealing an earphone and plugging it to his own so that she would listen to music instead of what was going on.
A frown graced your lips when you saw two bodies from the curtain, one tall figure you recognize as Draken and Emma’s smaller dainty figure perched on him, kissing. You quickly averted your eyes and walked faster, ignoring the unfamiliar pang in your chest. Maybe you’re jealous because you needed your friend’s comfort right now and she wasn’t available.
‘She has her own life to live. And I have mine’ you muttered to yourself as you trudged along the path, slowly dragging your feet. ‘I have to stop being so dependent on her.’
Eventually, your thoughts drift back to your reoccurring dream. Losing your job made you realize that if you didn’t do anything about it, your tiredness would eventually catch up to you and ruin everything else you’ve worked for. With an important test scheduled for tomorrow, you knew you could not afford to take another loss this week. You had to power through your sleep tonight, even if it traumatized you.
‘Maybe I should pretend that I like it. Pretend it’s okay and enjoy it so that I won’t have to wake up.’ You shook your head, cursing as you drew closer to your own dorm building. ‘How far I’ve fallen. Look at me trying to enjoy a disgraceful act-’
You paused in your tracks at the sound of a leaf crushing. You quickly turned around, trying to ascertain who could be lurking there behind the bushes. Your palms started sweating, your nerves firing at the thought of being watched by someone or something.
You decided to continue walking, assuming that maybe you were hearing things and there wasn’t anything at all. Night time always had a way of making you nervous, especially with all the horrible stories you heard about innocent women being attacked around these times. Besides, looking around for whatever may be lurking was a dumb idea.
You should just try to get out of here.
Still, the nervousness and unease you feel doesn’t leave you. Your heart rate became abnormal as you started walking faster, only for you to hear mismatched footsteps behind you.
You sprinted away as fast as possible, not even bothering to look back to see what was chasing you. At this point, all that was important was for you to get into your dorm room as soon as possible, the fear of the unknown running down your spine.
Your lungs burned from having to sprint at full speed after not exercising for years now, your leg muscles aching but you dare not stop running from what might be behind you. A glimpse of light peeking through the cracks of your dorm house beckoned you to run even faster, until you reached the door.
Your heart rate picked up as you attempted to twist the door handle open, only for you to realize that it was locked early today -of all the times that the school took security seriously it just had to be now. After a few more frazzled and failed attempts, you started pounding on the doors and screaming for anyone to let you in. “Please! Open the door, I’m being chased! Help!” You screamed frantically, shaking the large doors with how hard your fists hit them. “Open the door-”
Unfortunately, your luck ran out and nobody answered you or said anything. You kept on screaming as footsteps approached you, slowing down as you harshly pounded on the door for someone, anyone to help you. Your cries became even more frantic, shouting for help anywhere, anyhow, fear taking over your rational senses.
‘God please, please, please save me, please please please’
A loud blood curdling scream rips out of your throat as arms around your waist and chest before dragging your body into the nearby bushes, discarding your bag on the floor. Your limbs flail around, trying to hit your attacker in any way so that they can release you, and you can run back to Emma’s dorm.
All it did was enraged them.
The person threw you on the ground, the grass and dirt harshly brushing against your face and body, dirtying your white skirt and jacket. You attempted to get up, only for someone to jump on top of you, pushing their weight onto you so that you can’t.
‘No. No. No-’
You reached up to the person’s chest, trying to shove them off your body, but they didn’t budge pushing themselves further onto you. You decided to use your long nails to scratch them, drawing three long lines on their cheek, anything that could distract them so that you can fight back.
“You bitch.”
Your world froze over the moment you recognized that voice, heartbeat almost stopping completely. Your eyes fearfully locked with his bloodshot purple ones staring right back at you, silver hair reflecting in the street light just a few steps ahead of you.
What did you even do to him? After the Mikey incident, you avoided the brothers like a plague, not wanting to piss them off or a repeat of what had happened. You even told Emma she should start talking to them, so why was this happening to you?
Before you could scream, his fist came in contact with your face. The pain was unbearable, black spots clouding your vision as you tried to make sense of what was happening. He hit you again, this time on your jaw, forcing you to bite your tongue so hard it bled.
“This is what bitches like you deserve. This is what you get when you don’t stay in your fucking lane.” he spat out, slapping you across the face hard, your eyes rolled back and blacked out for a second, only for him to keep beating you up, emphasizing on each syllable with a violent slap. “Everything was fine until you came. You evil little bitch. You ruined everything!”
Tan hands found purchase around your neck, both pressing down until your air supply was cut off. Panic filled your gut the moment you looked at his face once again, eyes blown out wide, teeth gritted against each other so hard, it could crack. His face twisted grotesque with how hard he was looking at you, white dust scattered around his nostrils. You reached out to his hands, clawing and scratching at them until you drew blood, kicking your legs so that he’ll become unbalanced and loosen his grip.
It was as if he was immune to pain. Nothing you did worked.
“I’m going to kill you.” He hissed slowly, bending his face towards yours until his hot breath hit your skin. “I’m going to kill you and send your dead body to Emma. Nothing will EVER come between me and her. I’ll kill anyone that comes between us!”
‘God. God. God’
You watched as his lips curled up into a smile at the frightened look on your face when you realized how serious his threat was. Your nails dug harder into his skin, tears rolling down your face as you fought for your life. You didn’t want to die. Not like this. Alone, terrified, in the hands of a crazed man and his vice-like grip forcing you to stay in place.
Izana loved every second of it. Watching you tremble in fear as you fought back was nothing short of priceless. Sure he was holding back majorly because this was a lesson, but watching you beg for your life whilst fighting him has his blood rushing down to a particular place.
Eventually all your fight gave way to fear of death. You didn’t know when you started begging for your life, until your lightheaded brain began to register that the garbled, choked and broken pleas and apologies were coming from you.
“I’m s-orry, i’m so-orry- s-orry-”
You don’t know how long you’ve begged, waiting for death to take you while your body writhes in agony. Your eyes glance up to the moonless sky, memories of your younger self flashing before your very eyes, staring at the stars with wonder, dreaming of being amongst them. Your head feels light, your eyes unfocused and body turning cold-
Your eyes shot open the moment his hands left your neck. Instantly, you’re gulping for air, coughing and sputtering as he sits on top of you, his hands on either side of your head. Izana scrutinized you under his watchful gaze, eyes drinking in the sight of your mascara running down your bloodied face, glossed lips parted open for him, taking in air.
You’re so… weak and powerless underneath him, unable to do anything and yet you fought for your life, knowing you would lose to him.
That rawness of fear that acted up as your life flashed before your very eyes shifted something in him. You’re just a weak girl. A weak, vulnerable little girl who thinks she has a bark that he can do whatever he wants to her.
He almost cannot believe the boner growing in his pants right now. He’s never felt this way for you. Meek girls were always so boring to him and yet he wants to fuck you. He wants to claim you as his own personal toy only he can play with.
The familiar thrill, once again. He’s feeling it with you.
You’re still coughing and sputtering as you lay on the ground when Izana mindlessly gets off you. He’s conflicted within himself, wondering if he should leave you for another time or relieve himself there and then. There’s just something so sexy to him about your helpless body at his mercy, he could decide if he wanted to take you here and you would never be able to fight back.
His eyes flickered to your open mouth. That will do.
“Get on your knees.”
Not wanting to take another chance at life, you obeyed instantly ignoring your body aches as you kneel in front of him. Your mouth goes dry when you hear the clinking of his belt and his zipper go down. He moves closer to you until his crotch is right next to your face, shuffling his boxers until his cock springs out, slapping your cheek hard before resting his tip on your lips.
Not again. You can’t go through this again. You already have nightmares of Mikey raping you, you didn’t need Izana there too. 
“Please, I don’t want-”
“Open your mouth.”
You gulped, forcing your eyes closed as your lips parted, opening it for him just enough for his cock to enter. “Izana, please. I’ve never done this before. Please don’t make me do this. Pleas-” you tried to beg, but Izana did not care, rubbing his shaft with pre leaking from his tip.
“Unless you want me to kill you, keep it open.”
A hand reached behind your head ignoring your protests holding it in place as his cock forced its way into your oral orifice, hitting the back of your throat with a loud groan of pleasure escaping his lips. Your gag reflex acted instantly, making you want to pull away but his hand was too strong, forcing you to stay put and take his cock.
Izana wasted no time, his hips rolling his cock inside your wet mouth at a brutal pace. Strings of curses left his lips with each thrust, relishing in the euphoric pleasure of riding your face, fucking into your pretty little mouth. The hot tears rolling down your cheeks, spittle pouring from your lips and the vibrations of your gagging nearly drove him mad.
Why hadn’t he done this earlier?
“That’s it -fuck- you little slut.” Izana hissed, each thrust into your mouth making a loud, wet pornographic noise. “This is -ahn shitshitshit- what you’re good f-for.” He groaned, his hips thrusting faster into your mouth. “Ahn, ahn ugh- f-fuck, s-should h-have fuck-ked you a-at that party ahn-”
You felt dizzy as he continued assaulting your mouth for his pleasure. Dark spots began to gather around your vision as he increased his pace, choking hard on his fat dick with each roll. Your knees ache from digging into the ground hard, your fingers buried in the sand as he fucked your mouth with reckless abandon.
You don’t think you can stay awake anymore. Your head hurts from how hard his grip is. Your throat hurts, your knees hurt, your head feels like you’re floating with how you’re not breathing properly.
You don’t feel good. It hurts so much but you can’t fight back.
“That’s it- ahn ugh fuckfuck-” he quickened his pace to speed up the process of his orgasm. Makoto had only given him three hours, and he is sure they’re almost up. “Yeah, this mouth is for me! Only for me-ahn ahn- you’re my fucking tight slut. Mineminemin- ah-”
Izana thrusted deep into your mouth thrice before cumming hard, pushing his bitter cum down your throat with a low groan, his purple eyes rolling to the back of his head. At the same time, your body instantly gave out, going limp in his hold as his cock slid out of your mouth, falling on the grassy ground with a dull thud.
He adjusted himself again, tucking his now flaccid cock in his pants and wearing them properly. Izana gave you one last look, glancing at your unconscious body before laughing to himself, kicking your shivering form out of his way as he started his journey back to the Tenjiku house.
“Perhaps Mikey was right. You have some use.”
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Bonus scene:
LOVE hated mornings.
Groaning at the fact that she had woken up so early in the morning - 5am to be exact, when her first class was by 2pm, the gyaru tried going back to sleep.
After tossing and turning underneath her blanket, the girl huffed, pushing herself off the bed until her feet touched the ground. Running her hand through her blond hair, she sluggishly walked towards the door, careful not to wake her roommate up.
“Maybe I should get some air, I’m sure it’ll help me sleep back.”
The girl found herself trudging out of the dorms, pushing the door open for her to leave. Not even two steps out of the dorms, Love tripped on something, falling face first on the mahogany floors.
“Ouch!” she hissed, grimacing as she sat up, rubbing her nose. “I just got this nose job done. What gives-”
She stopped short on seeing a blue bag with books scattered everywhere. Her hand reached out to one of them with a name written on it.
“(name) (last name)?” She read it to herself, scoffing the moment she recognized who it was. “That girl always follows the Sano girl like a lost pup. Tch. What’s her stuff even doing out here?”
Deciding not to care about the bag, she dropped the book back and stood up. “Whatever, I’m going on my walk.” She shrugged, walking away from the building to the empty roads. The morning breeze danced on her skin, playing with tendrils of her bleached hair as she walked.
Despite the peaceful aura, Love couldn’t feel at peace with herself. A sense of nervousness crept upon her as she walked, as if there was something wrong. Come to think of it, maybe she shouldn’t have left your bag just like that. It was strange to see your stuff left on the porch.
Love didn’t know why her feet started taking her to the hedge just across her dorm building. She was always told that from her young age, she had a heightened sense of danger and as of now, she didn’t doubt that something was wrong.
“Alright. Let’s see what’s going on.” She breathed out, opening the hedge completely.
Her stomach dropped the second she caught sight of a white skirt dirtied in the sand. Quickly, the gyaru ran over to where your body laid and stopped, gasping at the extent of the damage done to your face and neck. She knelt over, picking your unconscious body onto her lap. Her fingers checked for a pulse, realizing how weak it was against your cold skin.
“Oh no, no.” Her voice trembled, throwing off her comfy jacket and wrapping it around you to warm you up. “This isn’t right-”
As her fingers started to dial the emergency number, she wondered what you could have done to deserve this. Yes you followed Emma around, but you were a good girl who hasn’t done anyone harm. Love had always seen you as too sweet, so whoever did this to you was evil.
“Please, stay with me, (name). Stay with me.”
The line finally went through and an operator spoke. “911, what’s your emergency?”
“A girl… a girl was attacked, please hurry, her pulse is weak.”
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Special thanks to: @honeybleed @manjibunny @reiners-milkbiddies @izanaki707 @rukiaslvr @ilovetwodmen @bbykoo-7 @tenjikusstuff4 @cockonoi @koffeenoe @kodzukein @lostsomewhereinthegarden @cashout-princess @aliyxh-o @kay-bear200 @iluv-ace @vixensbrainrotts @missgab @urmomsksk @sweeytheart @charcoal-xl @kokoch4n3l @aliss0n-love-blog @haikyuusboringassmanager @eattmeowt
monica's after note: honestly, after everything that has happened to me last week, I debated if I should put this chapter out or just give up on the project completely. the only reason i put it out is because i made a promise to myself to finish this series this year and i already have the skeletal work drafted out.
please it doesn't take anything for any of you to be respectful to me and yourselves. if you're angry that an author is delaying posting a chapter a few weeks always remember that we are real people, with real lives. the bigoted and racist comments i got last week should be the first and last i should ever see on my account. you saw that i made due with my threat and posted this as i said i would. if you wish to send anon asks, i apologize but they are off permanently. this is also due to the misbehaviour of a certain individual that caused this. do not also go to my mutual's inbox and start talking about me.
to everyone who supported me and sent me support throughout that difficult period of my time on here, thank you very much. you inspired me to keep going and really did not taint my image on this fic. i pray each one of you finds help in the day of your trouble. y'all are real ones.
on a lighter note, i'm pretty salty no one got my haruchiyo reference in the first chapter 'laugh haruchiyo' 'smile (name)' like cmon 😭😭😭 it was THAT obvious /j
edit: please comments and reblogs are highly appreciated. Forgot to add this.
566 notes · View notes
cockonoi · 4 months
ran haitani has a reputation to uphold. yet it all comes crumbling down when his newest target has no interest in playing his little game. he’s now determined to add your heart to his collection — he is down to do anything
pairings. ran haitani x f!reader
tags. drinking, blackmail, angst, explicit sexual content, smoking, loss of virginity, bullying, introverted reader, misogyny, mental breakdowns, reader hurts ran’s pride & ego, slow burn
status: completed
one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine, ten , eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
1K notes · View notes
cockonoi · 4 months
Manjiro being an evil little asshole
meanwhile me:
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But anyways thank you for the chapter CANT wait for new chapters 🫶
MONSTERS: Mikey Sano x Fem Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
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Pairing: Mikey Sano x Fem Reader × Izana Kurokawa
series summary: your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. And now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
chapter summary: being friends with Emma Sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
chapter warning: dark content, 18+, misogyny, alcohol mention, sex mention, r*pe mention, brief religious mentions, reader is called a whore/slut, slutshaming, sexual assault, noncon to dubcon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacryphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mentions of vomitting, victim blaming, destructive thoughts, mention of violence (towards reader)
wc: 9k +
masterlist||moodboard||chapter 2
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KNOWING how big both the TENJUKU and TOMAN fraternities were on campus, it was a bit awkward being friends with the youngest sister of two of the most popular guys in this school. 
Anywhere you two went, she would always be the center of attention. You didn't really mind being in her shadow because as long as you have her, you’ll be fine. People called you a lost puppy, riding on Emma’s cocktails just to get by in university.
They didn’t know how you both have self-care days where you would paint your nails, wear facial masks and watch “Mean Girls” or “Clueless” on her laptop because you weren’t allowed to watch it when you were young. Or how the both of you always have study dates with hot coffee and exchanging annotated notes so that you both remain at the top of your game. They don’t know about the secrets you both share and the trust you both have for each other.
You don’t have to explain anything to anyone.
Emma is a pretty satisfied girl. Her college tuition is paid for in full and her time here has always been smooth. As far as you knew, she grew up being loved by all three of her brothers and they doted on her to the point she thinks they spoiled her.
-You don’t think they spoiled her -okay maybe a little with the way she spends money, but everyone has a vice-
You could tell she knew what familial love is with how sweet and kind she was to you when you opened up about your family troubles.
The only issue is that her two brothers, Mikey and Izana, have been at each other's necks for some years now. Mostly Izana inciting violence at Mikey and Mikey retailiating; it’s the number one concern in the Sano household the way those two fight and argue.
From what Emma told you, Izana’s provocative nature was the gasoline to Mikey’s volatile mental state, akin to fire. Even the littlest of things that no one would bat an eye for could incite a bloody brawl between them. And as they grew older, more people were involved in their petty rivalry, since neither Emma nor Shinichiro agreed to take their side.
Despite the looming hostility, Mikey decided to throw in the towel and agree for a truce. At first, Emma couldn’t believe it. Until two weeks had passed and they hadn’t fought once.
"They haven't gotten along at a stretch like this, I tell ya!" Emma had said excitedly while selecting what she would wear that day. You let out a small smile as she tossed multiple clothes on her large bed. Being the youngest had its perks, like how her oldest brother, Shinichiro paid for her to have the biggest room in one of the dorms all to herself.
You heard that on the front, he had one of the biggest Motorcycle brands and behind all of that, his real business was handling the black dragons, one of the biggest gangs in Japan.
You wonder how Emma feels about her brothers' lifestyle, but judging from her huge wardrobe and expensive jewelry, you don't think it bothers her too much.
Not like you cared either. To you, she was just Emma. Nothing more or less.
The blonde haired girl swiftly turns to you with two options in her hand, a pink sequined dress and a white halter crop top and a pink mini skirt with ruffles at the bottom. "I need to look really good today, which one says 'I'm so happy my brothers are not at each other's necks for once?' " She asked animatedly.
You've never seen her this happy since you met her, unless Draken was involved and somehow it made you happier too. It must be nice to be so close to your family members all the time and be able to mend your relationship with them.
You've never had that. You don't think of your family much. You don't wish to either, ever since your father cursed you out for rejecting a marriage proposal from one of his friends to pursue higher education and your mother stayed quiet, complicit -not like you would blame her for it. The first time you ever went against your father’s old fashioned ideals after years of obedience was met with immediate punishment.
You don’t regret it, though. Because you wouldn’t have met Emma.
"The second one is a better choice." You said with a smile, gazing at her with adoration in your eyes. “The skirt ruffles makes your legs look good. Pair it with the white strap heels and you’re good.”
The blonde broke out into a wider grin, the clothes pooling at her sides as she rested a hand on her hips. “Look at you giving me fashion advice.” She teased lightheartedly. “I feel like a proud mother growing up!”
“I learned from the best.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence and you take that time to admire her. You’ve always thought Emma was gorgeous, from her bright smile, to the twinkling of her eyes when she’s mischievous, to her enthusiasm for life in general. It was a no-brainer that guys would gravitate towards Emma and try their luck into dating her. Eventually the threat of her brothers or the threat of her equally terrifying friends with benefits who just happened to be the vice president of Toman, Ken Ryugi, would be enough to back off.
“So have you picked your outfit for the party?”
You’re snapped out of the trance-like state to see Emma standing in front of you, her body so close, you could smell her vivienne westwood. “Me?” You asked her, your tone laced with confusion. “I don’t think I’m gonna go.”
“And why is that?”
You paused, trying to organize your thoughts on how to break this to her without ruining her mood tonight. “I don’t think…” you took a deep breath before saying. “Your brothers would want me there.”
There’s a shift in her look, so minor but you could pick out the way her smile faltered. You both knew that her brothers could be… weird around you. It was something Emma couldn’t understand for the life of her.
Izana was usually very displeased with your presence and makes it very well known he doesn't want you there with snide remarks and forgetting your own order. His friends, for the fear of him, wouldn't speak to you either. It took Emma angrily yelling at him for him to be civil towards you. But the second she turned her back, Izana would go back to his usual self, being rude and peppering it with little acts of violence like pushing your hand so that your drink spilled all over the floor and even pushed your laptop bag to the ground, destroying the device you saved money to buy for months.
Mikey was on the other end of the spectrum. He would ignore your very presence and talk to everyone else but you and the rest followed suit. You’ve tried to at least make small talk with him, anything but he would talk over you. You heard from other people that he’s the nice brother and he’s usually so easy going- you’ve seen it with your very eyes the way he interacts with Emma’s other friends, Hinata and Senju.
And it was a shame really. You may or may not have had a crush on him from the first time you saw him. 
Only some guy named Takemitchi would try and explain that they don't hate you. It was surprising, considering that you knew people like Hakkai - whom you attended the same confirmation class and high school with- and even he made no effort to at least speak with you whenever you came to the frat house or met on the road.
You stopped bothering to make either of the Sano brothers like you, so long as they let Emma keep hanging out with you. It was obvious that they hold some animosity for you when you’ve done nothing to them.
You like peace and you wouldn’t want to cause a scene in the party.
Before you could say anything, Emma pulled you up by your arm and dragged you off the bed towards her closet. “That’s a load of bullshit. There’s no way I’m leaving my best friend to rot in her room when there’s a Sano party going on.”
“Nope!” She cut you off stubbornly, before pulling out some clothes from her closet, trying to match them with your skin tone. Satisfied with the outfit she picked, she puts the clothes in your arms and practically shoves you into her bathroom.
“Don’t Emma me, (name). You’re going to take a shower and by the time you’re out, I should be back with a makeup kit that suits you.” You tried to speak again but she silenced you by pressing a finger on your lips. “We’re going to be the hottest girls at that party, whether they like it or not.”
“But these look very short-”
“Sorry, can’t hear you, bye!”
You sighed when Emma shut the bathroom door in your face, locking it so that you would do what she said.
There was no winning with Emma when she made her mind up. Might as well follow through with it.
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YOU had no idea how big this party would be.
You've come to the Toman frat house before with Emma to see Mikey and Draken once, and admired how large and spacious the three story building was. Now imagine that large of a space being cramped up with nearly the whole school's population.
Somewhat, you’re grateful that the blue outfit Emma lent you was as short as it was. The house was so hot, you could faint from how stuffy it was.
You hold on tightly onto Emma's hand, intertwined with each other as the both of you push through the big crowd, ignoring the sweaty, drunk patrons as you headed for the stairs. She, being used to parties like this, was able to navigate through the raging crowd with some form of ease.
After a few more squeezes, you both finally make it to the stairs.
As you both climbed up, you could see different people, all having fun in their own way. You're rarely invited to parties, so this was still more of a nouveau experience for you. A girl is asking for a light, a tiny blunt in between her teeth until another person lights it up for her. You see some guy shotgunning another girl, before melting into a hot kiss, tongue melding with each other. Someone else is drowning shot after shot and a couple is practically dry humping for everyone to see, a poor excuse to dance with the music.
The obscene sight surprisingly doesn’t disgust you, knowing your background, it just makes you curious. How would it feel to try one of those things? Smoking? Drinking? Making out with someone? Emma had told you about her own experiences; as long as you took it easy, it could be fun. Her first time with anything was with Draken and he was always gentle with her, plus her brothers were fine with it, even making sure whatever she took wasn’t laced with anything.
However, you were taught differently. That your body is a temple that you should keep clean for God and doing any of these things will sully you.
You didn’t believe that as much as you did when you were younger, but you didn’t want to test your luck either in case it ended up being true. Or look like a complete moron when you start coughing in front of everyone.
You tried as much as possible not to make it obvious that you're staring, but that failed when you caught the attention of a tall silhouette smoking. Sharp golden eyes stared you down and you instantly looked away, not wanting to get in trouble with some random guy.
You've heard rumors about Toman or Tenjuku guys absolutely beating anyone up for just staring at them wrong. You don't want to be victim number seventy-five this year.
Finally, you both reached your destination; a room on the second floor where Mikey had asked Emma to meet him. The ground floor was always the place where non-members stayed, trashed and partied. The first is accessible to all members of Toman (and now, Tenjuku) to hang out, have a private party and smoke. The second floor is only for executives and their girls or sisters.
You're a bit worried for yourself as Emma spoke to the person guarding the door. Mikey never said YOU could come along with Emma. You're no executive. You're no girlfriend of their executives and you are definitely not related to any of them. You had told Emma to leave you on the ground floor but she insisted that no one would be angry with your presence.
You've suspected that Emma has been trying to hook you up with someone in either of the fraternities. She was always insistent that you at least get to know them.
"(Name) come on."
Without waiting for your protest, Emma yanked you into the rather pristine room that housed the executives. Your eyes drank in the sight briefly, thanking God that it wasn't filthy or smelly as you had imagined it. The execs were all playing a game of poker, with an orange haired girl -Hinata Tachibana, his girlfriend, perched on Takemitchi's lap, laughing at his bad luck.
Emma's eyes quickly scanned around the room for a brief moment until she saw her two brothers sitting side by side, both engrossed in the game. Mikey’s blonde hair is tousled, like he’s been running his hand through it repeatedly. His baggy white shirt is unbuttoned half way and slips down his shoulder, revealing a black tank top and large jean trousers. Izana is different, white hair falling across his handsome face, leather jacket discarded on the back rest of the chair, leaving him in only a tight red shirt and tighter leather jeans, various chains and accessories hanging from his neck. Two earrings dangle from his ears- you can’t remember the name or significance.
‘They’re really good looking. Really-’
Without a warning, she lets go of your poor arm and jumps on top of Mikey and Izana, tackling them into a hug. Cards fly as she squeezes them hard, to which they discard their initial anger of losing their deck and hugging her back.
"Emma, next time give us a warning, will you?" Mikey pouted. You thought it looked cute, but immediately discarded that stupid thought. The guy hates your guts, don’t think he’s hot. "You ruined my game."
"As if you weren't losing dipshit." Izana teased, his face more relaxed than you’re used to seeing. "She did you a favor. You were down to 100 chips."
"You were down to 50. Who's the loser?"
"Still you."
You could see a smile tug at the corner of her lips lift up as she stands up. "Finally glad that two of you aren't strangling each other for once." She said triumphantly, hands on her hips. Her voice has a pep to it. "Last time both of you were in the same room, it didn't end well."
"Doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it." Izana scoffed. Suddenly, his purple eyes left his sister's face and trailed onto you who just stood a few feet away, awkwardly. You watched in real time as his smile fell, his features darkening the moment he locked gazes with you.
Dear God.
"What is SHE doing here?"
His harsh tone made everyone in the room shift their attention towards you. Your blood ran hot with embarrassment, feeling Izana’s purple eyes scan you up and down in disgust while everyone else just looks at you. Mikey’s gaze burned holes into you as well, silently asking you what the fuck you were doing here.
It was obvious. They never wanted you here. This entire thing was a mistake from the beginning.
"I-I'm glad I could walk with you all the way here, Emma" you stuttered, lying through your teeth. You didn't like the way both brothers were staring at you, like they could walk over to you and wring your neck at any moment. "I'll go join the party downstairs now, so I guess I'll see you soon-"
Pulling away from her brothers abruptly, the blonde girl rushed over to you and grabbed your arm, halting your attempt at running away as she dragged you back in place. You cursed underneath your breath at Emma’s desperate attempt to try to get you to stay.
“Hold on, now (name). I’ll talk to them” Emma whispered reassuringly, before turning to her brothers and increasing her voice in full volume. "She's here with me, is there a problem?”
There was a tense silence in the room as everyone stared at you. Mikey's tone was ice cold as he directed his angry gaze at you, dark eyes scanning down your body. You shuddered when his gaze settled on your legs just briefly before snapping back at Emma’s face.
"Emma. When I sent you that text, I specifically said you should come ALONE."
"Come on Mikey. This is ridiculous." Emma plead your case. You don't realize you're shaking until your friend squeezed your hand gently in an attempt to calm you down and you squeezed back, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. "Why would I leave her downstairs?"
"Because that’s where all the sluts like her stay."
Your eyes widened the second the words left his mouth. The shock was soon replaced by embarrassment as Izana looked at you with a snarl on his face, continuing his verbal assault on you. "Why are you looking shocked? Your ass is practically hanging out of that thing you call a skirt and that top?” His eyes fixate onto your cleavage, something dark crossing his face as he spits out “You're inviting unwanted attention with the way your tits are spilling out."
You suddenly felt naked in the simple white top and jean skirt you wore. Your free hand reached for the skirt to try and pull it down, anything to cover your shame.
Emma started to reprimand her brother when Mikey cut in. "He's right Emma. I don't like the way she dresses either and I've been biting my tongue for a long while. I don't want you to start looking cheap and used."
“Excuse me? Mikey, are you crazy?”
“Come on Emma, look at your friend. One wrong move and she’ll flash her panties. She’s dressed like a prostitute in the red light district-”
Each word seemed to stab you in the heart multiple times. You quickly averted your eyes to the ground as he continued to berate you about your looks, tearing down your confidence bit by bit with each word until you're reduced into nothing but nerves and silent tears. Everyone was staring at you now, scrutinizing gazes drinking in the sight of your exposed flesh.
Unwanted attention.
"... just saying, next time, she shouldn't dress like this if she wants to tag along with you."
Emma’s voice rang through the entire room, anger evident in her tone. The two brothers sat there in silence, stunned at the kind of tone Emma had just used on them right now, as if they’ve never heard or seen her this angry in their life before. You could feel her tremble violently, her grip on your hand tightening as fury radiated from her body.
You were sure she’s holding back things to say with how badly she is shaking. Like she doesn’t want to say anything that she might regret saying. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it immediately, as if biting her words back.
"We're leaving."
“Oh come ON-”
Emma threw an arm around you and guided you out of the room amidst her brothers yelling at her to come back. Your friend is gentle with you, hiding your teary face from prying eyes as she leads you through the stairs. The loud music was enough to mask your uncontrolled sobbing, but it didn’t stop people with prying eyes from turning their gazes towards you, wondering what the hell happened to you.
You had never felt this embarrassed in your life. As much as Emma tried to comfort you on your way to her room, their words kept on reverberating in your head. You knew how hard it was to get out of that mindset and now, every confidence you worked for, has crashed down like a pile of cards. Even the way they looked at you made you feel so sick to your stomach.
You've been drilled into as a young child that you're dressed the way you're addressed and because of that, you have always made sure you looked modest enough. You were used to your brothers calling innocent girls whores because of what they wore, that they were asking for it.
And now witnessing it first hand just made you feel so dirty. From the way they looked at you, to how they spoke about your body. It made you ill to the core.
The worst part was how everyone had stared at you. Focusing on the parts that made you look like a whore in Izana’s words like you were a sideshow attraction for them.
The two of you managed to walk back to Emma's room, since hers was closer. Her phone never stopped buzzing all through your journey, even when you got back to her room. You could see the pain in her eyes as she ignored each call, only worsening your guilt. You wished you had stayed back in the dorms instead of ruining her night; she was supposed to be having fun, not walking you back to your room prematurely because you couldn’t take criticism.
"You should pic-"
"No (name)." Emma was quick to assert as she helped you lay down on her queen sized bed, the soft surface. "You don't need to feel pity for them, you're the one they hurt, not the other way around."
You wanted to protest when she fell on the bed beside you, yanking her covers over you both and encasing you in a hug. "You don't have to worry about them. I just want you to feel better." She whispered in your ears, rubbing your back gently. "You looked good tonight."
You could only nod in response at Emma's affirmation, wanting to so badly believe her. You want to believe what Emma thinks about you but you just can’t when you feel like abject filth. Your lips began to wobble, tears rolling down your cheeks once again as their words rang in your ears.
Months of unpacking that trauma, flushed down the drain by a single action.
Emma didn't say anything in response to your fresh tears, she only hugged you tight and rubbed circles on your back to soothe you until you cried yourself to sleep.
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   “YOU'RE the one that is fucking wrong!”
You woke up with a start on hearing Emma’s harsh tone echo throughout the room.
You opened your eyes groggily, rolling the covers down a little bit to see what was going on. She was standing at the open door, changed into her pink nightgown, her hair cascading down her shoulder as she argued with someone in the hallways. You push the covers a little further to see who she was talking to, catching a glimpse of a blond haired male standing in the hallways, blocking the only source of light filtering into the room with his body.
“Don’t yell at me, I’m still your older brother.”
You perk up at his voice, instantly awake hearing his irritated tone. What was Mikey even doing in the female dorms by this time of the night? You glance at Emma’s sanrio clock on her nightstand that reads 00:00am. By now, no male student is supposed to be here, but knowing how influential Mikey is, he might have bribed the security to let him in.
His quiet sigh interrupted your thoughts and you turned your attention back to them, wondering what was going on. He started talking again, taking a tone much softer than before. “You’ve changed Emma. You blow me off to spend time with a stranger-”
“She is not a strang-”
“She is to me. You have enough friends Emma, what do you need this one for? What’s so fucking special about her?” His voice grows harsh again as he goes off a tangent about you. “You’re gonna get tired of her Emma. She’s a new thing but sooner or later you’ll get sick of her.”
Your heart broke at Mikey’s words. Is that what he thinks of you? This was supposed to be the easy going guy on campus that helped girls cross the street and everyone liked?
What did you ever do to him?
“Stop it!” Emma hissed underneath her breath, trying to keep her voice down but drive her point across simultaneously. “Stop talking about (name) like she’s a pet or a fucking toy Mikey. I care for her and I won’t stand you talking shit about her.”
“Em for fuck sake, just get dressed and get your ass back to the party.” Your jaw nearly dropped at how he’s quick to switch topics, ignoring what she just said. “Draken’s waiting downstairs and Izana’s gonna be pissed if you don’t come back.”
“You’re gonna ignore everything I just said right now, huh?”
“You and Izana can go fuck yourselves.”
“You can’t be seriou-”
Emma didn’t let him finish when she slammed the door in his face, turning the key as fast as possible. Her body sagged on the door, a quiet ‘god’ escaping her lips. Her silhouette stayed in that position for two full minutes before she walked to the bed again.
In silence, she laid beside you, wrapping an arm around your body and dragging the blankets over you both once again. You felt safe.
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   THE next few days after the party were eventful.
Emma had spent them with you, hanging out in the library to study and going to your work place after a hard day at school, just sitting and talking with you when there was no customer around. You ended up in your dorm room or hers afterwards, eating the snacks you both got from shops around the school.
It was nice. Emma was usually busy with other things, so having her with you all the time seems so perfect. You enjoy the quality time you spend with her, really.
But guilt wouldn’t let you do so.
She had isolated herself from her friend group affiliated with either of her brothers, ignoring their pleas to at least talk to either Mikey or Izana. Hinata or Senju would try to walk up to her on her way to class and Emma would outright ignore them. In a span of days, you’ve seen countless plushies, perfumes, expensive jewelry thrown into the dustbin, either from Mikey or Izana at the back of her dorm- their apology ripped letters ripped to shreds.
You had taken the time to piece one from Izana together and felt your heart bleed at his begging for them to “please work it out. We may not be siblings by blood but you’ll always be my little sister” and Mikey’s “Em I’m sorry for everything. Please let’s talk, I’ll listen to you.”
Your brothers had never done anything like that before. Usually, they would tell you to suck it up or even laugh at you for being too ‘sensitive’.
Then and there, you decided to talk to either of the Sano brothers in hopes you would mend their relationship. A naïve part of you thinks that this is the right thing for you to do; Emma has done so much for you, it’s time to return the favor.
You hadn’t told Emma what you planned on doing, knowing very well that it would make the poor girl far more furious than she was already. She would tell you that you have nothing to apologize for and get angry with you for suggesting to make peace with them, claiming you did nothing wrong.
The last thing you want is to escalate the issue. You just wanted Emma’s happiness.
You gripped the strap of your tote bag firmly, your eyes fixated on Mikey’s Chevrolet that was outside your department, possibly waiting for Emma to come out so that he would talk to her. Gathering all your courage, you walked towards the car and gently knock on the passenger’s seat tinted window to get his attention.
It wound down immediately, revealing the blonde haired man staring back at you with an annoyed expression.
“Are you trying to break my window?”
His rude tone made you instantly regret even trying to talk to him. Unfortunately for you, the decision was made and you stuck to it. ‘The letters, remember the letters’ You whispered to yourself. “I’m sorry Mikey I didn’t mean-”
You blink twice at his interruption, trying to make sense of what was going on. “Huh?”
“Only my friends call me Mikey and as far I’m concerned, you aren’t one of them.”
There it is. That same attitude of that night. It almost made you angry with the way he was talking to you. You had every right to just curse him out and walk away from him - he was the one consistently harassing you, not the other way around, so who does he think he is?
Instead, you took a deep breath, thinking about just being the bigger person and how you want to make peace with him, so that everything returned to normal. “Okay, I’m sorry about your window Manjiro.” You added politely. “Can we talk?”
He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously and you expected him to roll up his window and just drive away after that.
“Get in.”
You were shocked, but that quickly wore off when he opened the door for you to enter. You settled in quickly, snapping the seatbelt on after closing the door behind you.
There’s tense silence between the two of you as the car moved towards a more secluded part of the campus. You anxiously looked at your lap while he drove, wondering how you were going to start the conversation with him without instantly setting him off. Your gaze eventually drifted up to his face; from his half-lidded dark eyes to his straight nose, down to his soft pink lips. You could see the resemblance between him and Emma, from their facial structure to genuinely good skin -not to mention they were both attractive. Despite his height, you knew a large amount of girls that crushed on him religiously. You’re not sure if anyone succeeded with him though since you don’t really do campus gossip and try to stay in the background.
The car stops, bringing you back to reality. You realized that he had parked behind an abandoned class far behind the rest of the school. According to the university’s history, this was the first ever lecture hall that was built for the school, and eventually they decided not to renovate it as a remembrance from their little beginnings.
Or they didn’t want to spend any money on it.
Mikey switched the engine off, completely silencing the environment between the two of you. It is then that the realization hits you. You’re all alone with one of the most dangerous guys in this school, in a place where no one could hear you even if you scream. The thought makes you nervous, hoping to high heavens that Manjiro doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Well?” He asked, breaking the ice between the two of you. Mikey leaned back on the driver’s seat, turning to look at you. “You wanted to talk? Start talking.”
‘Okay. I can do this’ You whispered gently, exhaling through your lips. You can do this. “Mike- I-i mean Manjiro, I know it’s awkward, after everything that happened at the party and now it’s all a mess.” You cringed at the way you’re jumbling your words, this was not how it was meant to go. “We still haven’t resolved things yet-”
You’re taken aback by his shocked tone as if he didn’t remember what both he and Izana had said to you, but when he doesn’t elaborate further, you take matters into your own hands. “Yes. You both said some unsavory things to me that hurt me that day, and it made Emma mad.” You paced yourself, not wanting to start rambling again. “I also want to apologize for disrupting your party by taking those words to heart and if I have offended you in any way, please forgive me.”
There’s an unreadable expression on his face, as if he’s slowly processing all the words you had just said. You watched his reaction morph from surprise to blankness, nothing on his face, which scared you more than any other expression.
“Get out of my car.”
You quickly turned to the man, trying to understand what you had done wrong. This wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go in your head. You expected that Manjiro would be civil enough to at least apologize for his actions too or talk, not this.  “Wait, Manjiro, what did I say wrong-”
“You don’t even realize you’re the problem!” You nearly jump out of your skin when you see the way his once annoyed expression had changed into something far more ugly, eyes blown out, face red with hot fury as he spat at you.
“Em can never fucking shut up about how I need to apologize to you whenever I try to talk to her! It’s always about you, you, you! So what I called you a slut? Was I wrong? Look at what you wore at that party.” he snapped at you, before sneering at your clothes right now; a blue zip up cropped sweater showing off a little mid-riff and a layered skirt that stopped at your thigh, coupled with a pair of white knee high socks. “And look at what you’re wearing right now. Just look at how short that skirt is. Might as well show your ass off to the campus”
You instantly started to feel self-conscious at his disgusted look, trying to drag down your skirt to cover the space between your thighs and socks. The action only seemed to fuel his anger. “Oh? You didn’t know when you dressed up like a common whore this morning, huh?”
“I thought it was cute-” You felt so stupid, uttering those words, but before you could say anything else, Mikey cut you off. “Cute? Oh you’re cute alright, just as cute as those cocksluts on porn sites with cum all over their faces. That’s how cute you are.”
You want to cry at how insultive and insensitive his words are. You weren’t even showing off much skin and he is just calling you a slut through and through. 
“I’m not a slut-” your voice trembled, but just like arguing with your father, it’s no use. He let out a loud scoff, his gaze flickering from your face to your lap, settling between your legs. “Really? As far as I’ve heard, you’re used product. That pussy is probably loosened up from all the cock you’ve taken.”
“I’m not that kind of gir-”
“I’ll only believe it if you let me touch your pussy..”
“Excuse me?”
“Let me feel how tight you are. Then I’ll believe you.”
You don’t like where this is taking you to. You see Mikey pressing something on his key and the locks click, trapping you in the ventilated car with him. You try to pry the door open or undo the latch, only to discover that it was stuck and that there was no way to go out. Your heart starts hammering loudly in your chest, dread filling your veins when you realized how alone and utterly fucked you are.
“Manjiro open the door or I’ll- I’ll-” 
“Or you’ll what?” He spat back, dangling the keys before your very eyes before putting it somewhere you couldn’t see. “You wanna open the door so bad? Get the key from me then.”
You’re quick to react, lunging forward in an attempt to snatch the key for him. He easily resisted you grabbing at his body while laughing at your repeated screams to let you out. It was like the more you begged and pleaded for him to let you go, the more he liked whatever game he was playing.
Your screaming did nothing to deter him from practically jumping on you and pinning your arms against your chest with one firm hand, a leg separating your thighs. You twisted and turned, trying to fight your way out of his tight grip but to no avail. He was heavy and stronger than you had imagined, holding onto you like you weighed nothing at all.
His other hand reached underneath your skirt, skimming through your panties, making you squirm in your position at the feeling. Panic rises against your chest as he pushes the crotch part aside, revealing your pussy. “Wait! Wait, please-” you try to reason with him as he traces through a streak of your hairy vulva, curling a strand in one finger before moving to your clit.
“You don’t shave?” His tone is so casual, like he isn’t doing something very abhorrent and wrong right now. His question is left hanging in the air as his finger starts to slowly circle around your clit.
You’ve never been touched before. You’ve never touched yourself there either. You grew up in a household that taught you that anyone who isn’t your husband touching you is wrong. Your body is a temple to be kept for your husband.
So when Mikey’s slow and sensual movement against your clit begins, your body nearly seizes up with sensitivity. A loud gasp escapes your lips, followed by heavy breathing, your body shuddering with something unfamiliar and electric, sending signals that you didn’t know how to respond.
He strokes you faster, rubbing your sensitive nub in circles that has your eyes glazing over and your hips moving to feel more of his touches, wetting his car seat and your skirt with arousal. Mikey watched with interest the way you closed your eyes tight, your head lolled towards the side as your chest rises and falls, quiet ‘oh’ leaving your lips. He started to take it a step further, leaning over to your neck and trails kisses from your pulse point, to your jawline. He moved up to your ear and his long tongue darted towards the shell, licking it.
“Manjiro-” You gasped at the foreign wetness, with each flick of his tongue, sending pleasurable shivers down your body to your very core. Encouraged by your somewhat positive response, he continues licking your earlobe, his teeth occasionally grazing the shell as his fingers progressively leaves your clit, gathering your slick between his two fingers and tracing the outline of your hole.
“Shit” he groaned, feeling how soaked you were. “You’re so wet right now, I could just slide in that pussy of yours with ease.”
You wanted to protest when you felt two thick fingers inch into your unused hole. You wanted to push him off you and run out of the car until you were far away from him. Every part of your mind, your heart, everything in you wants Mikey OFF you as he forces your hole to accept his fingers.
And yet, you couldn’t even scream, you couldn’t claw at his face to scratch his eyes out for doing this to you. No. Instead, you’re arching your back and breathing his name into his ears over and over again, your hands clenched tightly in his grip as his fingers stretched your pussy out. All you do is tear up and let this sick pervert lick the salt rolling down your cheeks off, before going back to kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“You’re so pretty when you cry f’me. Come on, keep making those noises.” 
He curled up his fingers, experimentally looking for that spot as the burn graduated to a pleasurable stretch, repeated moans leaving your lips. He fingered you, progressively increasing his speed and pleasure overriding your senses as he circled his thumb over your poor nub, simultaneously with him curling up your g-spot.
Your body responded to his touches, lips kissing up and down your neck, licking your pulse point before sinking his teeth and mouth on it, making you gasp loudly.
Everything was too much. Your pussy tightened around his fingers, thighs trembling as he brought you closer to the edge. His lips left your neck and kissed up to your jaw, then the corner of your lips, pumping into you faster until you started to spasm.
“M-manjiro I-i feel, I feel- waitwaitwait- hngh-”
You arched your back uncomfortably with a strangled cry, soaking his fingers as your vision went blinding white. Your body trembled as he fucks and kisses you through your orgasm, shaking in his grasp until you fall limp on the chair, well spent.
You’re catching your breath as his fingers slid out of your pussy, a string of your cum connecting them. Manjiro looked at his soaked fingers with interest, before popping them in his mouth and humming to himself in approval. The sight feels so wrong to look at and you can’t find the strength to look away as he licked his fingers clean of your musky taste.
You don’t say anything when he let go of your wrists and adjusted your panties so that it covered your pussy. The blonde haired man climbed back to his seat, starting up the engine of his car again.
He doesn’t say anything when you start sobbing.
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   “I GOT the food for you.”
You didn’t respond to Manjiro, hanging your face as tears rolled down your face. It’s the position you had assumed since he climbed off your body, something he couldn’t get you out. He thought that maybe if he got you some food, maybe you’ll ease up and eat.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Kissing his teeth, he entered back into the driver's seat before closing the door behind him, tossing the food at the back seat. You could tell from the way he was muttering underneath his breath that he was growing more annoyed with you. “Honestly, I don’t know why the hell you’re crying. You’re still a virgin.”
You didn’t know what else to expect from him. That he would even offer you a shred of apology for what he did? The way his words are so callous, lacking any form of tact in the way he’s brushing off what he just did tore you apart.
Emma had painted this man as someone who would hang the moon and stars for her. Someone she knew she could call if anything was going to happen to her, who would fight through hell and back for her safety. She had told you of how he beat up anyone that touched her wrongly and how he would try to make her forget anything unpleasant. To Emma, Mikey was her knight in shining armor, her hero.
But when you turn to look at him through your teary gaze, watching him rev up his car engine with a nonchalant expression on his face, all you see is a monster.
You felt sick.
“I’m going to tell Emma.”
Your voice was quiet, hoarse from all the sobbing but the anger was evident. There was no way you were going to let him get away scott free. You knew that the police would be as good as useless because you’ll have no evidence by the time you manage to file a complaint. The school authorities won’t help you either as Shinichiro Sano was one of their biggest benefactors and everyone in the faculty loved Manjiro despite his tendency to be disrespectful.
But if you told Emma, you know she’ll believe you. Even if the entire world was against you and for him, you would still be able to get her to take your side and stand with you.
You’re sure name dropping his little sister would make him scared at the very least. Mikey loved her to death, she had this perfect image of her sweet older brother that he has to uphold at the very least.
“Call her then.”
Without skipping a beat, he dropped his own phone straight onto your lap before continuing to focus on the road. Eyes wide, you turned your head to Mikey to see any form of reaction, even him flinching slightly.
Your mouth hung open at how he just blankly stared at the road ahead of him, his grip on the steering wheel normal as he drove you back to campus. As if he’s innocent, like he didn’t force his fingers into your panties and violate your purity. His nonchalance irritates you; it’s as if he doesn’t care what you say or do to him.
“How-” you questioned him, wondering where the hell he dropped his humanity? Any other person would have reacted; begging you, threatening you or even giving a flimsy apology. “-you’re not even scared-”
“Why should I?” He shrugs his shoulders. “You never once said no.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“Then how does it work?” He cuts you short, taking a right turn to park outside of your faculty building. He puts the car in park before turning to face you. “You walk up to my car to ask me if we could talk. When I told you to get out, you didn‘t leave. You never told me to stop and you didn’t struggle. You know what you did instead?”
“Ah ah- Manjiro” he mocked you in a high pitched voice, making you cover your ears in humiliation, not wanting to hear anything from him. You wanted to throw up, ruin his car. You want the ground to swallow you whole, anything that would take him far away from you. “Ah, mmh Manjiro, mmh mhhh ah ah- you moan like a pornstar by the way. Almost like you enjoyed being treated like that.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but all you felt was bile rise up to your throat. A part of you nagged that he had a point; you never said anything that sounded like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ and how you positively responded to his touches. ‘You even orgasmed.’ A gnarly disgusting voice bubbles up in your head, in defense of Mikey. ‘It was obvious you enjoyed it. Every second of it.’
You tried to deny it. Try to block out that voice as you attempt to remember everything you were told about assault. You’re fighting a war in your head, against the intrusive voices as you picked up the phone to tell Emma. ‘She’ll believe me. She’ll believe me-’
“Face it. You enjoy being taken advantage of.”
Those words were the final nail to the coffin. The phone lies in your limp hand, finger just above Emma’s line to call her. Everything that led up to this point involved your choices. To stay in his car. Not fighting harder. Never screaming no or stop.
You let him sully your temple.
Mikey spared you one more look, dark eyes scanning every inch of your crumpled form. You don’t see the twitch of his lips or him struggling not to smile or laugh at your predicament that he caused. Instead, he slides the device out of your hand, placing it back in the middle of his car before grasping your hand in his.
“Alright, stop crying.” he soothed in mock sympathy, thumb tracing over the back of your palm. “I’ll take you shopping and buy you new clothes, hmm? And I’ll buy you anything else you want. Okay?”
You should have known better to believe him. After everything he has done to you, from consistently insulting you, to assaulting you and then making you feel guilty for giving him the opportunity to do so.
And yet, you’re nodding along with him, agreeing with him and letting his warmth engulf you. “Okay.” You said in a small voice, your free hand grasping the hem of your skirt tightly.
“Look at me.”
You felt another hand grasp your chin, forcing you to look at his face, dark eyes peering at your face. “I don’t like that look on your face.” You wince as his fingers tightened around your jaw, your heart hammering against your chest when he commanded you once again. “Smile.”
You don’t know what else to do. With Mikey, it’s like going to a war knowing fully well you would lose.
And so you do as you’re told. Your lips lifted at the corners forcefully and you gave your best smile. He returned it with a smile of his own, genuine to the point his eyes dilated.
“Good girl.”
Your mouth went dry at his statement when he withdrew from your body and unlocked the door for you. Deciding not to ponder on it, you reach for the handle to leave. You had a class in an hour’s time and you were supposed to meet up with Emma beforehand to return her laptop that you borrowed for your project.
You paused in your tracks, your hand hovering above the door handle. What else does he want from you? “Your makeup is ruined. Fix it before Emma sees you. You don’t want to give her the wrong idea that I hurt you.”
Bile rose in your throat once again at his words, but you hold yourself from doing anything that would set him off. You only nodded in response before opening the door and exiting the car. Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you hurried off to class, your throat burning with anger as you gripped both your tote bag and the food he had gotten for you, hard. Your body shook with each step feeling the intensity of his dark eyes burning into you.
“Smile. (Name).” you started whispering his words to yourself as you enter your department, pushing back your hatred and disgust for yourself to the furthest corner of your mind. “Just smile.”
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Ending scene:
Mikey never tore his gaze from you as you disappeared into the building. Dark eyes watched as your ass bounced in that jean skirt you had worn today, nearly reviving the boner he had prior. He had to admit, notwithstanding his absolute disgust for you, you were a sight for sore eyes - pretty, naive, inexperienced.
A people pleaser to add the cherry on top.
He’s never been with an inexperienced girl before. Not even when he lost his virginity in high school. It didn’t hurt that you also had the sexiest thighs he’s ever seen either.
You weren’t as stupid as he thought -far from it. Mikey knew your strategy; picking your battles carefully. You’re rightfully afraid of both him and Izana. You were even more afraid of losing face with Emma, the only friend you managed to make here, which is why you came to him because you felt guilty for making her mad at them.
How you thought that would solve anything, though, was beyond his understanding. All your actions pointed at was that you are a big suck up with little self-respect.
He and Izana were perhaps worried for nothing. If played right, they could have you underneath their thumb like they do with the rest of Emma’s other friends. All this was to keep an eye on their little sister in the long run. Personally, if you had stayed in your lane, you wouldn’t be a target.
Once you entered your department, Mikey picked up his phone, went straight to his contacts and searched “Takemichi’s pervert friend”. It rang for a few seconds until someone picked it up.
“What now?” A male voice grumbled. “Why do you call me at the worst times Mikey? I’m in the middle of something important.”
‘Yeah. Fucking some girl in a closet is so important. Idiot.’
“I need a favour from you. A big one. I’ll pay you for it.”
The line shuffled a little bit, before quieting down. Mikey could hear a girl muttering something about fucking her quick before class starts, but the blond could care less. “Alright, I’m listening.” He muttered through the phone. “I owe Takemitchi one for covering for me last semester. What can I do for you?”
“You’re the R.A of (name)’s dorm room, right? I need a copy of her room key.”
Another pause from the other end again. “Mikey, I know you want her far away from Emma, but aren’t you doing too much?” The man chastised. “Planning on getting her expelled? The organized beating last month wasn’t enough?”
Mikey groaned. Izana had sent some girls to your room to fuck you up as a warning, hoping you would get the message. Unfortunately, they weren’t as effective because you still showed up to lectures the next day with a swollen face and a limp and Emma just ended up fussing over you. “You know that was all Izana’s idea. Look, I just need it. I’m not getting her expelled or anything.”
“What exactly do you want them for then?”
“None of your fucking business” Mikey hissed rudely. “Are you gonna name your price or do I ask someone else Makoto?”
The silence was almost deafening before Makoto said “5k” defeated.
Mikey looked at the building again before looking at his watch. He had to attend his criminology lecture by 3pm since he had a presentation today and it was already 1:30pm. The frat member he gave his presentation to edit must be waiting for him at the coffee shop.
Izana would just have to wait until after the class to talk about what their next line of action would be towards their common enemy.
“Deal. Make two copies.”
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series taglist (special thanks to): @honeybleed @manjibunny @reiners-milkbiddies @izanaki707 @rukiaslvr @ilovetwodmen @bbykoo-7 @tenjikusstuff4 @cockonoi @koffeenoe2 @kodzukein @lostsomewhereinthegarden @cashout-princess @aliyxh-o @kay-bear200 @iluv-ace @vixensbrainrotts
monica's after notes: i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm actually feeling ill today so i might not respond quickly. for those who are seeing this for the first time, if you like it please reblog and comment and drop me a follow! note that i do not condone any action potrayed here.
next update is on friday and trust things get even more interesting and twisted.
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