colliecan · 6 hours
6 Jun 24
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colliecan · 15 hours
Sylvia Rivera in 2001 on the corporatization of the pride movement.
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colliecan · 15 hours
Revolution is not a random event which suddenly comes up out of nowhere, divorced from any historical processes. Revolution is not a random event which suddenly happens once "enough" people individually decide it's time to revolt. Revolution is a rupture which happens as a result of the tightening of decades of contradictions. You never go from a "normal, healthy" society to one which is entangled in open, armed revolutionary struggle. Rather, revolution comes to societies which are already in ruin. You simply do not see situations where you have a perfectly functioning hospital and then suddenly, because of the big bad revolution which appeared out of nowhere, the hospital can no longer function. Such an idea is blatantly reactionary, conservative nonsense that upholds the status quo and all of the great evils that come with it under liberalism.
Revolution comes to societies that are sick. When the Bolshevik Revolution happened in Russia, it was after decades of political conflict, smaller revolutions, economic issues, and WW1. When the revolution happened in China, it was after decades of civil war and after a century of European exploitation. When revolution happened in Cuba, it was after decades of US-backed dictatorship. The ongoing Palestinian resistance is a revolution itself, a result of 80 years of Israeli colonialism and violence. When revolution inevitably comes to the first world, it will be after the imperial project of the West has fallen apart, after the proletariat no longer enjoy imperial benefits. Society will appear to first worlders to be deeply sick, to be intolerably ruined, and then revolution will happen under the leadership of advanced revolutionary elements. By the time this happens, hospitals will already be struggling with supply chain issues and a lack of staff and other such issues.
Revolution is chemotherapy for society. It is a treatment for those who are seriously ill, who will die if their cancer is not treated. Yes, the chemotherapy will kill healthy cells, and it will lead to a number of negative health effects, but we recognize it as necessary treatment because it is critically important that we kill the cancer. Capitalism is a cancer, and now it is quite literally killing the world around us. There is no real choice when it comes to the question of revolution; we have no option but to rise up against the bourgeoisie, establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, and liquidate the bourgeoisie class. If you still oppose revolution, you are a conservative and a coward that fears a few years of necessary suffering that prevent countless lifetimes more of suffering. You support imperialism, you support the bourgeoisie, and you support the exploitation of the vast majority of humanity for eternity. People are constantly dying under capitalism, as a direct result of capitalism. If your goal is to save as many lives as possible, you must support revolution.
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colliecan · 16 hours
people are so mean about horror movie victims like. sorry but if i had gone to a cabin in the woods with my friends as a teenager you couldn't have stopped us from reading aloud from the evil tome. how were they supposed to know the ancient curse was real they're like 17
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colliecan · 16 hours
Hey guys! My friend is holding this fundraiser to help her extended family evacuate Sudan. We've already helped evacuate some of her cousins and uncles! Help reunite their family by donating to this fundraiser:
It's so close to completion!
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colliecan · 3 days
I'm Ahmed Alanqer, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.
- Yamen
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- Eileen
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- Zeina
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- My ❤️ Family
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Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah.
- My Home Before The Nightmarish War
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The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.
- The House After..
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- Tent-life
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Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.
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colliecan · 3 days
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It's ok.....it's blue
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colliecan · 4 days
yes its true you dont need to read any book to hate capitalism. but why is your end goal even just hating it
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colliecan · 4 days
sucks that i have to spend all my money on "food" and "rent" instead of "greymarket progesterone"
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colliecan · 4 days
Help UK Trans Girl's Urgent Relocation!
Making this post on behalf of both myself and my girlfriend. As some of you may know, my girlfriend @plaidos is from the UK, where things are becoming increasingly dangerous for trans people every day. In the interest of her well being and safety, as well as other factors, we have decided it is best for her to move out of the country. Ideally, we would like to do this as soon as possible. I am currently looking for more work to help support us through the immigration process over to the US, but as of right now we could really use help in building our emergency funds. These funds will not only be going towards Visa Fees, Adjustment of Status & will serve as a safety net fund for things like travel, housing, and other cost of living expenses. Insanely huge thank you not only to every one who donates, but everyone who boosts this as well 🙏 Every little bit helps!
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colliecan · 4 days
hi i’m heather fka hound-mother fka puppy-mommy and they can’t kill me no matter how bad they want to. please reblog.
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colliecan · 4 days
2 Jun 24
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colliecan · 4 days
My family is suffering in Gaza. Death is everywhere. We only ask for safety. Help my family
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colliecan · 4 days
hey @humans what the fuck is the big idea deleting @charlottan ???????? on fucking pride month not 5 months after erasing avery @predstrogen from the site? What the fuck is your problem?
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colliecan · 4 days
just thoughts aloud but could the fact of ptsd getting it's major bourgeoise academia development in close association with american vietnam war veterans be some kind of a strategy to repurpose any inkling of imperial guilt and thus the potential awakening of anti colonial sympathies (and other unfriendly to usa existence idealogies) in ordinary concripted american towards individualist sphere.
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colliecan · 5 days
Happy Pride! Woke up to find that tumblr termed another TS woman without telling her (me) why!
For the past few months, Tumblr has been the source for the majority of my income through people sharing my leatherwork, and uhh pretty stressful to have that taken away.
I have so much I'd like to say on the ways TS women in particular are treated disposably, but I'll keep this short and say it would mean a lot both like emotionally and like materially if u shared this post so I could regain my friends and audience
My leather can be found at Pansy-Leatherwork.com. My entire shop is run on sliding scale, and I do my best to price things accessibly for the people I'm actually in community with
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colliecan · 5 days
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build (the wall) back better
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