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literally how i feel
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and let the history books name joe biden, rishi sunak, justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, ursula von der leyen and every other world leader who did not step in to prevent the genocide of palestine as cold-blooded murderers. may they face a shred of the immeasurable pain and suffering they allowed to be committed against 2.2. million innocent lives.
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i think i talk too much, and i know about it, i do. i know i interrupt people mid conversation, i know i cant control my volume, i know that sometimes i talk too fast and nobody knows what i’m saying, and i know i get off topic and i rant and i ramble and i scream. and i know that. and i want to stop, i want to shut up, i don’t want to be self centred or ignorant or overbearing, i don’t want people to roll their eyes or stop listening half way through. i’m sorry when i interrupt but just know that i can barely keep up with my thoughts. they zoom around in my brain like a school of fish and once i catch one i must announce it before it slips out of my grip. im sorry i talk too much, sometimes i wish i wouldn’t talk at all just so you wouldn’t look at me like that.
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you can hear it in the silence
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this man
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i just want to get a shit ton of tattoos and piercings and make out with a bunch of bitches.
huh- is that what the rebellious teenage stage is?
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guess i just gotta complete that last one now
How to be Billy Hargrove in 3 easy steps 💖
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Tagging: @billysblueeyes @blurbwitch @cherixrosa @cieldepeanut @demobats @dragonflylady77 @grey-sides @harringrovest let me know if you wanna get tagged!
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Midst the comfort of bodiless night, the contorted demons of my fractured mind whisper to me:
‘Are you really alive or merely just existing?’
And I buried my broken fingernails into my palms and whispered back to it:
‘I do not know what it is to be alive, nor will I know the difference to existing,
For living is just existing regardless of pain.’
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we do not fear the ghosts that haunt us, but the demons they may bring forth
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when i’ve been throwing up all day and this is exactly what u needed
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Bed Rest
description: your sick and your cute little golden retriever of a boyfriend helps you out:)
just a small blurb!
you lean back against the headboard and almost moan at the feeling of Eddie’s cool rings against your burning forehead. “Honey i think you have a fever.” He said putting the back of his hand against each part of your face.
“No shit.”
“Watch the language.”
you groaned and kick the covers, which were only making you hotter, off your legs. “Eds i don’t feel good.” you cry, tears brimming your eyes as you whine at the yucky feeling you were experiencing.
“I know sweetheart, im sorry.” He said pulling you into his chest. you immediately push away from him and whine “Hot.” He quickly got up and moved the box fan closer to you, grabbed you an ice pack, a cold cola can (not to drink of course), and a cold water bottle.
He put a cold and damp towel on your forehead and told you to lie down. You did as you were told. “I’m going to call the doctors, okay pretty girl?”
“M‘no. don’t leave me.” You begged making grabby hands. “I’ll be right back.” He chuckled lightly, getting up to get a phone. You whine once more, slightly annoyed at his lack of sympathy. He walked back in later and sat next to you on the bed.
“The doc said it’s just a stomach virus going around. I can give you some medicine but you just have to wait it out.”
“Mmm, i want it gone now.”
He chuckled, “So impatient pretty thing.”
“Lay down.” You slightly demanded. He cocked an eyebrow and your rough tone. “Please?” You said sticking your bottom lip out in a pout and batting your eyes lashes.
“Keep those looks to yourself little girl, im coming.”
He changed into some shorts and takes off his shirt off but before he could lie down you got up and sprinted to the bathroom. He quickly followed and held your hair up as you puked in the toilet.
He rubbed your back, this was going to be a long weekend.
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if my relationship isn’t like nick and charlie’s than i don’t want it
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nick nelson + his journey to figuring out he is bisexual
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i love this
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[ CASTIEL + ICONIC ARTWORK ]            — part two, seraphcastiel’s artnatural
golconda, rené magritte ↳ abandon all hope, dir. phil sgriccia christina’s world, andrew wyeth ↳ the big empty, dir. john badham guernica, pablo picasso ↳ a little slice of kevin, dir. charlie carner nighthawks, edward hopper ↳ sacrifice, dir. phil sgriccia girl with a pearl earring, johannes vermeer ↳ the rapture, dir. charles beeson
         ⋙ for @sarahblakes,  happy birthday, zoë! ❤️  
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wilde about you - jess mariano
summary: jess wasn't made for small town life, and he certainly wasn't made for stars hollow. but maybe, he finds himself liking it a little bit more upon meeting you.
warnings: very brief food/drink mention
words: 1.6k
a/n: also known as the fic where becca tries to nail jess's characterisation; ending is a little bleh but nevertheless, hope you enjoy<33
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with every stride, jess scuffed the toes of his already worn shoes against the ground. his hands were shoved deep into his jean pockets, shielding them from the slight chill in the air. judging by the not-so-subtle reactions of those he passed, his face likely mirrored the less than pleasant feelings he harboured towards the small town of stars hollow he now was expected to call ‘home’.
jess mariano was a city kid, born and raised, and now he’d been thrown head first into an eclectic small town where everyone knew everyone, knew every little detail about their neighbours’ lives, and were way too protective over their garden gnomes. it was suffocating, and all he wanted was an escape, a chance to breathe before he was swept under the current of yet another overly annoying quirk.
at the time, storming out of his uncle’s diner had seemed like a good idea. but now, as he aimlessly wandered the streets with no sense of direction nor purpose, his cloud of rage has dissipated to a pathetic mist of annoyance that hung shamefully over his head. he refused to swallow his pride and head back to the diner, so instead turned down path after path, searching for something that would save this small town from being utterly hopeless.
and that was when he spotted it.
just across the street from kim’s antiques stood a little bookstore, bursting with charm. the faded olive letters painted above the door read ‘stars hollow books’ and, though he deemed the name a little uncreative, he had to admit that the store itself looked pretty appealing.
driven by a mixture of sheer curiosity and incitement, jess found himself crossing the street - the need to look before doing so, he quickly discovered, was a rare one in stars hollow - with slightly higher spirits than he had previously held.
the worst outcome of his trip was that the shop, much like the rest of the town, was horrifically boring, thus condemning him to a tragic - but not fatal - future, one void of any chance of fun.
the tinny ring of the bell hanging above the doorway made the boy jump slightly as he entered. his nerves shot up for a moment before he realised the source of the sound was nothing to fear, but rather quite the opposite. he cursed silently at himself, shaking his head at his own foolishness before proceeding further into the shop.
once he was inside, he deemed it practically deserted, though it was hard to tell thanks to the labyrinth of bookcases stacked top to toe with so many titles it made jess’s head spin. the soft afternoon sunlight dappled the floor, sending fractured golden rays through the leaves of miscellaneous plants that littered the large windowsill. jess couldn’t prevent the slight smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he heard the distant sound of an 80s rock song coming from somewhere in the store.
it was promising, that was for certain.
jess was so immersed in the slice of heaven he had stumbled upon, that your perplexed frame sitting behind the counter had gone completely unnoticed by him. it was quite endearing, the way his focus lay solely in the contents of the towering walls of books. his lack of awareness, however, granted you the perfect opportunity to observe the unfamiliar boy as he browsed the spines of the shelves.
stars hollow was seldom blessed with new faces, but on those rare occasions, it never failed to add a little more excitement to the town. especially so, when the newest resident was undeniably attractive, seemingly around your age, and clearly shared your interest in books.
you had worked at the bookstore for a few years, always happy to organise the many overflowing bookshelves, or dish out recommendations to rory gilmore whenever she came in searching for a new read. over time, it had become a little home to you.
it was the place where you felt most at peace, able to sit behind the counter with a cup of coffee as you read, sometimes indulging in easy conversation with a customer. it was your own small slice of the world to treasure, to call your own.
and now, it had brought you this enchanting stranger.
he seemed to possess good taste, as he lingered slightly around the ‘classics’ section with a purposeful air. gentle fingers ghosted over a few different books, before he plucked one from the shelf and scanned the cover. instantly, you recognised it to be ‘the picture of dorian gray’, a novel you’d read more times than you could count.
“i love that book.” you spoke, immediately prickling with regret at your newfound surge of confidence.
the boy looked up, meeting your gaze quickly. his eyes returned to the book he held in his hands as he flicked through the pages, humming lowly.
“well, it’s no hemingway, but it’s a nice read.”
“ah, you’ve read it before?” you enquired, a wave of relief washing over you as your attempt at starting a conversation proved to be fruitful.
“around three or four times.” he shrugged casually, the hint of a smirk appearing on his face. “guess they call it a classic for a reason.”
“i suppose.” you agreed, wracking your brain for something that would continue this conversation you had sparked. “if you’ve read it before, can i ask why you’re buying another copy?” your tone was light, hoping not to insult the boy before you had the chance to get to know him. “not that i’m judging, i have like, three different copies of the virgin suicides at home.”
“i wrote a little too much in the margins.” the boy mimed a scribbling motion with his free hand, smirk growing. “it sorta turned into writing all over the pages and, well, next thing i know, it’s illegible.”
“got a lot of thoughts about wilde?”
“you could say that.” he hummed, approaching the counter and placing the book lightly on top of it.
“and will this copy escape the same doom?” you joked, delighting when the boy let out an amused snort.
“can’t make any promises.”
as you worked to put the price into the register, you laughed at his remark, shaking your head in amusement. this time, it was his turn to admire you, and the way your eyes crinkled slightly when you laughed, or how easily you navigated the buttons on the cash register, like it was second nature.
“that’s six ninety-five.”
he fished the appropriate change out of his pocket and dropped it into your hand, careful not to let your hands brush. you couldn’t suppress the swelling disappointment at the back of your mind as you slid the book back across the counter.
“hey, i don’t think i’ve seen you around here before. you just move here?” you asked, praying he didn’t think you were trying to pry into his personal life.
“yeah. got here the other night. it’s an… interesting place, that’s for sure.” his nose scrunched slightly as he declared this and you couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past your lips at his poor attempt at masking his true feelings.
“you get used to it, promise. soon enough, you'll willingly attend the town meetings listening to taylor’s exciting news of a traffic light, and feel right at home.”
again, he scoffed lightly, a gesture which made heat rise to the back of your neck. you changed the subject once more, hoping talking would distract your mind from just how quickly you were falling for this stranger.
“you’re one of the first people i’ve seen around the classics section in a while. apart from rory, but she’s rory, and i realise that means nothing to you, but believe me, i think she’s single handedly keeping this place running.”
“well, most people are boring and stupid.” he spoke, raising an eyebrow.
“did you just quote oscar wilde to me?”
it was undeniable. you liked him. a lot.
“i’m y/n.”
“nice to meet you.”
“so y/n, i’m guessing you know where luke’s diner is.”
“that i do.” you nodded.
you frequently went to luke’s as everyone, especially lorelai gilmore, could attest to the fact that he made the best coffee in town.
“good. rumour has it, if you go there after your shift, there may be a free coffee and pastry of your choice waiting for you.” jess gave you a crooked grin, turning to leave.
biting back a large grin of your own, you called after him.
“cherry danish, i get off at six!”
“i’ll keep that in mind.”
the door shut behind him and you smiled foolishly, burying your warm face in your hands as you willed the clock to tick by faster. though three hours later, after closing up the store in record time, the rumours proved to be true.
you ignored the odd glances you got as you burst through the entrance, running a hand through your hair to tame it before approaching the counter and shooting a smile at luke. the man simply sighed slightly, pushing a hot cup of coffee and a fresh cherry danish across to you.
“i believe this is for you.”
the coffee and pastry themselves were enough to make you dizzy with excitement, but it was the number scrawled on the loose sheet of paper tucked under your coffee cup that surrendered you to your joy.
never had you loved oscar wilde more.
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like i say, not the biggest fan of the ending, but consider this my attempt at getting jess's character down whilst trying my hand at more dialogue - something i realised my fics kind of lack in?? feedback / reblogs are much appreciated angels<33
taglist; @alexclaremont-diazbutnot @mirclealignr
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