copybook · 3 years
[ starter for @chopperpirate ]
It's the blond's self allotted grocery shopping day, which means that he's currently carrying two fairly large paper bags. Not plastic, because he believes in preserving the environment to the best of his ability.
However, since he's carrying these bags that somewhat obscure his vision, he doesn't manage to see the small animal(?) crossing in front of him.
Unfortunately, he collides with the stranger and his groceries go flying. He's more concerned about the stranger, though, evidenced by the panic on his face.
"My apologies! Are you alright?"
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copybook · 3 years
[ starter for @baddestdangerboy ]
Kunikida has had a rough month. His partner has somehow been chosen to return home, leaving him in solitude. Which, while peaceful, still tugs at his mental wellbeing. Dazai had been here for a long time, only to disappear soon after the blond's arrival. Was there any rhyme or reason to this?
The bespectacled blond decides to take a few hours and unwind outside; specifically, at the nearest park. A fiction novel in hand, he makes his way over to a bench overlooking the pond and, once seated, lets out a sigh.
It takes him a moment to notice the familiar face sitting next to him.
"And here I thought I was going to have a relaxing afternoon. Tch."
He slams the novel closed.
"Are you going to accuse me of having an interest in illicit dealings again?"
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copybook · 3 years
May/June Starter Call
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Like this for a starter! Capping at 3.
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copybook · 3 years
OOC: Return
(( I’m back, finally! Most of the BSD cast is gone, so I’ll see how much I can get Kunikida back into the swing of things.
For sake of simplicity, I’m going to drop all old threads and start anew. Sorry for any inconvenience!
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copybook · 3 years
(( going to call a hiatus for a full month. i plan on coming back and replying to things then but if you no longer have interest in threads don’t feel pressured to continue them!
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copybook · 3 years
“Yes, I am.” The blond answered immediately, though his gaze was directed ahead. He was scoping a potential route to take the torch through, one with he least amount of obstacles.
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“I’m fine with cooperating, but ... I’m not so sure this task is going to be as easy as it looks. There are most likely several obstacles on our path ahead.”
He pushed up his glasses with a quick shift of a finger, and then reached for a lit torch.
“I’m unable to generate anything that’ll help us. We’ll have to do this the traditional way.”
@copybook​ liked for an event starter! (Beware the Winds)
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“You are from the detective agency, correct?” He recognized the other from a report he read. Hopefully the fact that they were from rival organizations would not be a barrier for the task at hand.
“It seems we shall have to cooperate for this task, which will require us to put our affiliations and such aside.” He had no ill will or desire to get into any confrontations with members of other ability organizations, especially since his ability had been severely weakened upon arrival.
He could only hope the other would feel, or be the same.
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copybook · 3 years
[ for @infiernogarde​  - event ]
Kunikida had been invited to this strange game show where the premise was to break as many targets as possible. without his notebook, however, he really didn’t have a good way to accomplish that. He also didn’t really know why he, of all people, was chosen to even try.
It wasn’t his turn to attempt anything quite yet, but he figured he’d have a chance too soon enough. His eyes were focused on the current contestant, and he occasionally jotted down what he saw in his new (and very lackluster) notebook.
After a few minutes, he slammed his notebook closed and sighed, then turned to the next contestant in line.
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“The staff said that we can work in pairs for this. I’ve been writing down what the contestants have accomplished so far, so I think if you paired up with me, we’d have a good advantage.”
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copybook · 3 years
[ for @moonelanine​ - event ]
As much as Kunikida really didn’t want to partake in this quest, there weren’t many others left to choose from. He needed to find a way to get his notebook back, his precious ideals, so he was begrudgingly ready to do anything.
Which was why he was currently standing at the train station, looking up at the tallest platform and shivering.
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Eventually, he glanced toward the first stranger who walked by and commented a few quiet words. 
“Excuse me, but ... do you think a fall from that platform up there would result in ... death? Or just a few broken bones?”
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copybook · 3 years
“For me?” She felt her face heat up a bit, but she was far too excited to care. Standing on her toes, she took the pastry into her hands and held it in her palms. The elderly lady at the cafe she had helped out - Addam’s and Rex’s voices ringing in her ears when she saw the owner drop some groceries - had treated her to something that looked way too delicious. It was flaky and there was some kind of cheese and some kind of raspberry.
Golden eyes filled with joy. She turned around after thanking the owner, and then-
Bumped right into some jerk who was walking into the store. The delicious treat almost felt out of her hands, but she caught it at the last moment. “Hey!”
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“Why don’t you look where you’re going next time! The owner was nice enough to give this to me!”
As soon as Kunikida felt the impact of walking into another, he let out a pained gasp and immediately flailed his hands around in a panic. He was usually very astute about watching in front of him; for some reason, he was too distracted in thought to pay attention just then. 
“My apologies!” He exclaimed that far too loudly, garnering a few stares from those walking by. But once he noticed that the stranger’s pastry was safe, he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and sighed.
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“I’m glad your pastry was safe, at least, but are you okay? I should have been paying more attention.”
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copybook · 3 years
(( I will work on Event stuff/starters tomorrow! Sorry for the massive delay.
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copybook · 3 years
Tachihara stood his ground for a long moment, looking Kunikida up and down. He really doubted he could intimidate this guy, especially since he’d kicked Tachihara’s ass once. Not that Tachihara had been operating at full power- he’d let his ass get kicked to keep his cover. It’d be a different story if he could really let loose.  Not that that mattered right now. “Fine, but you’re payin’,” he responded at last, letting out a resigned sigh. Honestly, having an ally from his world here would likely be a boon in the long run, but he had an image to keep. Theoretically. He still wasn’t sure if he should fake a personality to be me ‘mafia’ or if he could just be himself now that he was really and truly affiliated with them. For now, he decided to keep it. Just to be safe.  He held his hand out in front of him, gesturing for Kunikida to lead the way. 
He was ready to pay, since that meant there was less of a chance the mafioso would back out of this. A discussion, a truce of sorts, was crucial here. Last thing the blond needed was to risk impromptu fights from occurring while in this city. 
As soon as the redhead gestured, the blond headed off to the cafe, not even uttering out a single word. He felt no need to, really, as he had no intention to befriend the other man. This was just to make amends for the time being and remain professional.
He couldn’t see himself wanting to be friends with a member of the Port Mafia, really.
Once in the cafe, the idealist ordered a matcha tea and a small sandwich, and then gestured for Tachihara to choose something.
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copybook · 3 years
“You sure as hell don’t know what’s going on now, wise guy! That’s the very reason people call on me, I get plenty of newbies, so I’m not surprised you’re one too!”
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He’s about to get them both kicked out and banned from this place at this rate. Badou’s too stubborn to admit it.
For example, that he didn’t actually know what his client looks like. That he just assumed it was the nicely dressed glasses wearing guy. 
“I sure didn’t mistake you for someone with a stick up his butt.”
“Newbies?” He blinks, completely lost as to what in the hell is even happening here. From what he’s gathered, this man deals in some sort of information dealing. Most likely illicit, given the way he’d approached him.
Kunikida isn’t exactly keen on being involved in illicit activities, evidenced by his still stern expression as he speaks.
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“As if I’ve never heard that before. I just take my job and my life seriously! I don’t have a stick up ... anywhere, and I’d really appreciate if you stopped insinuating that I do! More importantly,” he glances around for a moment, “you’re dealing in illicit information gathering and I won’t take part in it. I refuse!”
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copybook · 3 years
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Kunikida had been in the bookstore for about ten minutes or so, eyeing the selection of ‘fishing how-to’ guides in the sporting section. He wasn’t exactly thrilled that his search for the perfect guide was taking as long as it was, given that his schedule for the day was relatively packed. But he didn’t want to leave the store empty handed, either.
He was in a bind, of sorts, all self-inflicted. 
After finally settling on a book that seemed relatively decent (albeit redundant overall, as he gathered he knew most of what was in there from flipping through a few pages,) he began to head to the checkout.
Which was past the religious section.
He nearly did a double take at who he spotted standing there. Inwardly, he wondered whether he should approach or not. Deeming it better to do so rather than be approached, he softly spoke as he passed. 
“Now the Guild is here. Wonderful...”
As he moved along the street housing the nearby shopping district, Nathaniel’s eyes travelled to a nearby book store. It had been some time since he had been in one, and due to Margaret destroying the only copy of the bible he brought with him, the minister was in need of a new one.
Deciding that having a new one was a necessity in this place, Nathaniel entered the store, not stopping until he found the religious section. 
“Now what versions do they have?” He murmured, scanning the small selection of bibles while ignoring pretty much everything around him.
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copybook · 3 years
From behind the counter, Eto had been scanning every potential customer that both walked into her store as well as those that walked by. A book was in front of her, but, that did not impede her curious gaze at all. The shopping habits of others could reveal a lot about them, and she was always nosy eager to learn. 
So, when the man enters, Eto gives him the standard greeting and only pretends to continue her own reading. In reality, she was observing him carefully, pleased to see his selection. Today had been slow, so she was happy to make a sale. Silently, she moved from her seat behind the check out counter and approached.
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“Are you interested in poetry? I’m happy to say that we’ve got a nice selection of it, if you’re interested in more than just romance.” She gestured to more books on a nearby shelf, curious to see what this man’s other preferred genres of literature might be.
The question makes him pause for a moment, as it isn’t something he’s expected to be asked, but he can’t really complain; considering that he is in a bookstore, it makes sense that conversation about books would occur. 
With a smile, he nods, eyes glancing back toward the cover of the book in his hands.
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“I am quite fond of poetry, but I’m open to reading novels, too. As well as self-improvement books when I feel the need. This bookstore -- are you the owner? It seems very nice.”
If anything, she seems knowledgeable about the types of books this place has, even if she isn’t the owner. 
“I’m very grateful a place like this exists here, honestly. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies.”
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copybook · 3 years
(( I plan on finally getting around to RP this week! Sorry for the delay!! 
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copybook · 3 years
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
What made you decide to write this muse?
If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
What do you love about your muse?
What do you hate about your muse?
What about your muse amuses you?
What about your muse makes you sad?
How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
Why do you think you connect to your muse?
What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
[come up with your own question for the mun, regarding the muse]
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copybook · 3 years
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Like this post for a starter based off of the event! Kunikida’s NOTEBOOK has been taken and he’s desperate to get it back.
No cap but I may be slow at times!
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