copychatnoir · 3 years
what are adrien's flaws? /gen
His flaws are things that are born of his traumatic circumstances, which he had no part in creating, but still affected him enough.
He’s very much prone to projecting his bad experiences with his father (and to a lesser extent, Chloe) onto his friends, who he has a better relationship. The one he does this most with is Marinette. There are people who are good at reading between the lines, Adrien is too good at it to the point of seeing things that aren’t there.
He is someone who wasn’t exposed to social cues, and while anyone who spent enough time growing up around kids would be able to tell that she is flustered and shy around him because she has a crush on him, but he is too used to taking people at their word (and more - Father can’t spend time with him, he must be grieving, grieving mom is more important than being with me, therefore I’m not important - which is exactly what Gabriel is intending to do) that he wrongly, and is very QUICK to assume that Marinette just didn’t like being around him.
With Ladybug, he projects something different, his desperate need for validation.
He views his relationship with her as some sort of transaction. As long as he is useful, Ladybug will keep him around. As long as he makes things funner and happier for her, she will tolerate his presence. Otherwise she has no use for him. This is all a direct consequence of being treated like a product for other people’s pleasure. Adrien is so used to playing a role, playing a part, he genuinely doesn’t think that who he is as a person is enough for the one he loves to want to be around him. Ironically, you have Ladybug, who loves him the way he is and doesn’t want anyone else to take his place. He is painfully unaware of it and needs to be given encouragement that yes, he is wanted, he is needed.
(I just want someone to tell him that he is wanted and needed for who he is, not what he can give them)
The third flaw Adrien has, but is slowly growing out of, is his inability to know when to let go. He kept on holding out hope (in the most harmless way possible) that one day, Ladybug will love him the way he loves her, even if it was something that wasn’t going to happen. But he has most definitely grown out of it, since as early as Season 3, and though he is in love with her, you don’t exactly see him pursuing her, do you? He kept on hoping that Chloe will change, since people were giving her opportunities to, but that hasn’t happened either and as of Queen Banana, he knows that. He was trying his best to keep his relationship with Kagami going, even with his feelings for Ladybug and his double life. He was still scraping for ways to be in her life, even if it was as a friend, but when Kagami declined the offer, he accepted it and didn’t push further.
The one time the show was very very on the nose about this being a flawed mindset of Adrien’s, but something he CAN keep in check was Desperada. He didnt give up for months to try and save Ladybug, but he was also humble enough to realise he wasn’t the right person for the job then.
The fourth, is not exactly something harmful to others, but is self destructive, is his tendency to pretend that everything is fine and shut down, because he believes that his own feelings aren’t worthy enough to be discussed, compared to the bigger problems at hand. One of Adrien’s biggest strengths is his resilience, his ability to keep on going no matter what, but I worry if one day this is exactly what is going to lead to his breakdown too.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
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sometimes i remember there are people who don’t like ladrien and i find i cannot relate to anyone less
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Been thinking about Chat Blanc with a Sand Boy 2.0 and he arrives when Marinette is asleep. Been also thinking of a fun new akuma that takes two people, and forces person B’s mind into a construction of person A’s worst fear. So like… Imagine Adrien falling asleep and waking up as Chat Blanc with incomplete memories in Marinette’s room or something.
Now my question is why aren't you writing a story about it??????
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copychatnoir · 3 years
honestly, Marinette yelling "this is a disaster" after any minor inconvenience is a mood
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copychatnoir · 3 years
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Welcome spring! Sewing a wreath of flowers
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Marinette laid on her bed, staring up through the skylight. She couldn’t see anything. Wind howled through the night. Somewhere high above, storm clouds raced each other. But inside her room were stars, being stuck to her ceiling one at a time by Chat Noir who sat beside her. The mattress shifted as he reached for another handful of the plastic stars.
“Are you sure you don’t want to know my identity?” He snuck another glance at the Adrien poster she’d tacked next to her bed. She wasn’t sure if he knew she’d seen each time he’d done it tonight.
“I’m sure,” she said, patting the spot next to her. “What constellation did you make for me?”
Chat Noir settled next to her, leaving a hair’s breadth of space between their bodies. “Isn’t it obvious? It’s a ladybug! See?”
Marinette shook her head.
“There’s the antennae.” He pointed. “And some legs.” His finger outlined a few randomly placed stars. “And the rest are her spots.”
“Oh. If I squint really hard-” She squeezed her eyes completely closed- “then I can see what you mean.” She grinned as she waited for him to notice. It didn’t take long.
“You aren’t even looking!”
Marinette laughed through the pillow he slapped onto her face.
When she did look at him, he was crossing his arms. “At least this ladybug isn’t afraid of me,” he said.
“Afraid? Of you? I’m not-”
“Yeah, she’s not threatened by how much she likes me because she knows who I am.” He reached up, patting the star directly above him.
Marinette was not going to take the bait. Raindrops splattered on her skylight.
“So how did this ladybug find you out?” she asked. “Did you transform in the wrong alley, too?”
“No, she secretly wanted to know,” he said. “I was at home, lying in bed, and she came in through the window and snuggled right up to me.”
Marinette shifted away until the hair’s breadth became a hand’s breadth.
“And I knew she wanted to know. She just gave me that look. She wrinkled her nose and puckered her lips out in a little pout.”
Marinette checked her expression, smoothing it out, and then glared. He knew her so well. He hadn’t even needed to look at her to know what face she was making. But he wasn’t done with his story.
“So I turned to her.” Chat Noir twisted onto his side, propping himself up on an elbow, green eyes glowing. “And I started to whisper. I said, “My name is…” He trailed off, eyebrows raised, hoping for permission.
He flopped backward. “So anyway. That’s why she’s not scared of how much she likes me.”
Marinette sighed. There were so many things that could go wrong. So many reasons for the secrets, and she hated them all. “Not today, kitten.”
He turned his face away, this time not even trying to hide that he was looking at her poster, or probably the lipstick mark she’d left there a few weeks ago.
“Not today,” he repeated. “But someday?”
“Someday,” she agreed. “I promise.”
Author’s note: It’s day three of the @post-reveal-revelry challenge! (And I started writing this after midnight. I need to not do that again. XD Sorry if there are typos!)
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copychatnoir · 3 years
“You’re pretty”
“You’re pretty, Marinette.”
He says it casually, just like that. He says it as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. He says it as a fact, some unquestionable fact, and Marinette truly forgets how to breath this time.
Because his words hold such warmth and love and tenderness she’s not quite sure how to respond.
You’re pretty, Marinette. It sounds true to her ears just because of the way he says it. She isn’t even sure she ever wondered if Adrien found her pretty before.
But he does.
Read it on AO3
For @rosekasa following this post ♥
(Hope the English is alright, I wasn’t beta-read!)
* * * * *
“Could you pass a hair clamp on to me, please?”
Marinette tries to ignore the feeling of his arm against her as his hand appears in front of her. She swallows, once, praying he wouldn’t hear the sound.
“Sure,” she half-speaks as she reaches forward for the clamp and drops it in his open palm, careful not to brush his skin with hers.
He doesn’t seem to notice her nervousness as he thanks her enthusiastically, and she can see him clamping a handful of her hair in the mirror in front of her just as she can sense his hands running through them. It’s just hair, Marinette thinks, she shouldn’t feel more than something pulling at her scalp yet his touch travels through her entirely.
She sees Adrien bending to grasp the curling iron, before he takes a strand of her hair between his fingers.
“Tell me if it’s too hot or if I’m burning you,” his breath says on her neck.
Oh, it is too hot and Marinette feels her cheeks burning, and she can only hope the mirror won’t betray her. However, she can’t exactly tell him that.
“Okay,” she barely whispers.
She watches how Adrien skillfully rolls her hair around the iron, and waits a few seconds before releasing it all in a beautiful and perfect curl. Marinette resists the urge to pull on it and feel it bounce, not wanting to destroy his work or worse—brushing her finger with his.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
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(source: me on twitter (follow me, guys!))
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Juleka, holding up Rose: Look at this precious ray of sunshine, goddamn it! It's like I'm holding a literal angel! How is Marinette cuter than this!?
fdngjdnfjg all I can imagine now is Juleka “casually” holding up Rose and Luka “casually” holding up Marinette and they just go back and forth.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
I really need to convince myself to write more of this, so I’m going to use external encouragement to get it going. It’s a snippit from what is currently the first chapter of my AU, The Miraculous Tales of Bug Chanceux and Kuro Neko.
The day was already long and hot. It wasn't even noon yet. Luka sat in the shadow of the Liberty’s deck, gently strumming his guitar. The cords were smooth and lazy, just like a sunbathing cat in the summer. Every few beats, he stopped and jotted down a few more notes on a music sheet. Then, he repeated the same rhythm with a few new notes added on. The cycle repeated. Luka was in his own rhythm where only the sound of his music could reach.
This was one of the few moments he had to himself and he was happily strumming a melody that was the essence of his superhero partner, Kuro Neko.
Once he reached what felt like the end to the song, he paused. He set his guitar to the side and read the entire song over, listening to the cords ring out in his head.
This was a good first draft.
A quiet, but still squeaky voice spoke up from Luka’s hoodie, “Wow, Luka! That sounded wonderful! It really sounds like you were thinking about summer.”
Luka smiled and picked up his guitar, taking a moment to strum a couple nondescript notes before speaking up. “Thanks, Tikki. It’s about lazy cats on hot summer days.”
“Oh! It’s about Kuro Neko! That’s so sweet! I bet she’ll love it.”
“I don't think it's done yet. There’s something I missed...” Luka frowned, reading over the sheet music again.
“I know you’ll figure it out! You always do!” the small, ladybug kwami chirped.
Luka nodded absently while reading over the draft again. 
He folded up the sheet music and tucked it into one of his creation folders. He would come back to this later. Hopefully sooner than later.
At that moment a notification pinged on his phone. Inessa shared a picture that was just taken by the Ladyblogger. Kuro Neko was lying on a rooftop, taking a cat nap. The caption read “Kuro Neko might secretly be a real cat. (=^w^=) I wonder if she’s lactose intolerant too? lol”
Tikki giggled, looking at the photo from Luka’s shoulder. “Just like you said: lazy cat on a summer’s day. You two are really in sync.”
Luka didn’t comment, staring intently at the photo. He knew she wasn’t able to get out much. It was hard enough for her to get out for akuma attacks. Looking at photos made it so much harder for him to figure out what people were actually feeling.
“Luka?” Tikki asked.
He blinked, coming back to himself. “I want to check on her.”
Tikki nodded, slipping back into the hood of the hoodie.
Looking to his side, his sister and her girlfriend sat under the mast of the ship, sharing an iPod and sipping their iced lemonades.
“Juleka, Rose? I’m heading to the store. Need anything?” he asked, while shouldering his guitar and putting away the folder.
The two shared a look. Rose was about to answer when his mom poked her head out of the captain's quarters (her bedroom). "You're going to the store? Can you pick up some more pretzels and licorice?"
Luka felt a small pang of frustration that Juleka was the first to read. She pointedly asked their mom, "Out already?"
"I know, I know. If you could just grab another bag, Luka." With that, their mom went back to whatever she'd been doing.
Luka held in the sigh of either exasperation or frustration. Maybe it was going to be both. 
This was why he picked up extra shifts.
Rose spoke up, "We're good, Luka! The fridge has all the lemonade and water we could need." Her voice was a bit more forced with chipper than she actually was. He knew it was for his sake. Rose was pretty much his sister by now and she could get extremely protective of him.
He smiled and nodded at them both. "Thanks. Make sure you stay in the shade. You both burn easily." His smile was a little forced too.
Luka’s first stop was the market. First was the pretzels, then some licorice, a small pack of raspberry cookies for Tikki (he got a gentle headbutt of thanks for that), [something for Rose], and [something for Juleka].
Last, he went to get shakes for both Kuro Neko and himself. Looking over the options, he remembered the caption that was attached to Kuro Neko’s picture. Was Neko lactose intolerant? She did have a subtle, weird reaction whenever he gave her a milkshake. He grabbed a strawberry-chocolate milkshake for himself, then a lactose-free strawberry-kiwi shake for Neko.
Luka walked by a coffee shop as he was headed to a secluded alleyway.
“This is impossible!” a frustrated customer exclaimed. “It’s too hot to do any of my work out here!” The well-dressed man slammed his laptop shut, steaming with anger.
“Just go inside already.” The woman across from him said, bored and exasperated with his nonsense. She sipped from her iced coffee. “You’ve been complaining for the last 15 minutes straight.”
The man huffed and grumbled loudly about how this whole thing was ridiculous, but still packed up his things. With that done, he stomped inside the shop.
Luka got out one of his cold bottles of water and set his bike’s kickstand out. He walked up to the woman who he assumed was the frustrated man’s friend. 
He held out the water bottle to her saying, “This might help.”
The woman took a moment to respond. She was surprised and confused, but took the bottle after a moment. “Huh,” she mumbled, then looked back to Luka with a smile on her face. “Well, aren’t you a sweetie.”
Luka smiled at the compliment and gave a short nod, before heading on his way.
Bug Chanceux vaulted up to the rooftops, groceries safely stored in his yo-yo and bike locked up in an alleyway. 
The air was quiet around him and he swung over to the rooftop that Kuro Neko had claimed as hers for the day. The wind must’ve gotten the message that today was a laid back day.
Seeing Neko on her rooftop, he landed lightly on the roof across from her. One of the tips of her faux ears twitched. He was already found out.
Bug took a running leap to Neko’s rooftop. Swift as lightning, she whipped out her baton to trip the spotted superhero.
He should have known she was up to something.
His foot caught and he rolled into a somersault to keep balance. He landed harder than he wanted to, but he did land on his feet. 
He gave the superheroine a flat stare. She didn’t even open her eyes to rumble out, “You’ve got to be better than that,” and punctuated it with a smirk.
Bug Chanceux rolled his eyes and sat himself next to her, careful not to get in the way of her sun rays. The yo-yo opened to the glow of the void holding his groceries and pulled out the milkshakes.
He let the cold air around and the shadow of Kuro Neko’s milkshake call her attention enough to open her eyes. Right as a drop of condensation landed right on her nose.
With a hiss, she nearly bats the milkshake away, but Bug saw that coming. He hoisted the drink away from her, snickering. She turned a not-actually-mad glare to her partner in crime-stopping. He smirked at her and quoted her back, “You’ve gotta be better than that.”
Neko scoffed in indignation. Before she could retaliate, Bug Chanceux offered the strawberry-kiwi shake to her.
That stopped her in her tracks. She blinked twice at the offered drink, then took it quietly. She took a sip of the drink to hide the small flush of her cheeks.
Quiet lingered for the first drinks of the shakes. Neko paused, then looked at Bug with her head tilted. She noticed that it tasted different from the previous ones he'd gotten her.
“My friend says that cats are lactose intolerant,” Bug leads off, answering her unspoken question.
“Really?” Neko asked quizzically.
“Is it true for cat heroes too?” Bug prompts.
Kuro Neko snorts before she could stop herself. “Yes, but it’s a coincidence. Not a cat thing. I’ve always been lactose intolerant.”
Bug nudged Neko’s shoulder, playfully scolding, “You should’ve told me sooner. I wouldn’t have gotten you things with milk in them.”
“You never asked,” she simply states. “And it’s rude to refuse offerings.” Another sip of the shake.
Their peace was interrupted by a loud crash. The two share a look.
Neko pouts, turning back to her smoothie and staring longingly at it.
Bug sighs, but goes ahead with putting his milkshake away into the yo-yo storage void.
Kuro Neko looks back at her partner, then back to her shake. Then, back at Bug, this time locking eyes with him.
Suddenly, Bug Chanceux realized what Neko was going to do. “Neko-!”
His objection was no use. The moment she saw him even start to dissuade her, she downed the entire rest of the shake.
She smirks smugly at him for just a moment. Bug knows what’s happening before it even starts.
The black cat hero hisses and holds her head with one hand, squeezing her eyes shut.
Bug sighed. He should’ve known she would have done something. She’d do it even if he tried to object. “Hold your tongue to the top of your mouth. I’ll meet you there.”
With that, he flicked the yo-yo out and swung toward the commotion.
Behind him, Kuro Neko forced herself up, in spite of the brain freeze, then vaulted after him.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Can you talk about Chloe and Adrien? I heard people said their friendship is just one sided is it true?
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I actually got two asks about this and I’m not sure if it’s the same person but here I go.
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The top one is a pretty interesting ask, because here's the thing: there is something off about Chloé and Adrien's relationship, but it's not that it's one-sided."One-sided" would mean only one cares or one cares more than the other, but that isn't the case. Adrien and Chloé are actually very equal in their relationship.
Adrien doesn't just randomly appear at Marinette's school in 'Origins'. Adrien chose Chloé's school so that he could spend time with Chloé, we know this because Chloé was in on the plan. Similarly, Chloé goes out of her way to arrange quality time between herself and Adrien, like in 'Pixelator', where she rigs the class' work learning schedule to put her and Adrien together.
They also both care about each other's emotional wellbeing. Adrien is very concerned about Chloé in 'Maledictator' and Chloé also expresses concern for Adrien in her own way in 'Félix'. Both of these things were even done while the other was absent, simply because they thought about how much the other must be hurting. There's genuine care there.
However, Adrien and Chloé don't fit each other, at least with the way they are now. This makes sense when we consider why exactly they're friends to begin with. Adrien and Chloé are childhood friends, a highly romanticized type of relationship, which is a type of relationship you often grow out of because it's not based on sharing interests, but on constant proximity during a time you don’t have much control of your life, your early childhood. I used to be friends with the kid next door but we stopped hanging out after we went to school and got friends our own age. Our age difference was only a year, but we didn't have enough in common to keep hanging out when other options were available.
This process of outgrowing your childhood friend when other options are available is also visible between Adrien and Chloé. Adrien befriends Nino, who he has a much deeper rapport with than Chloé, and he's starting to see now that he can see Chloé in a greater variety of contexts that they just don't have that much in common, especially in terms of values. In fact, Chloé actively acts against Adrien's core values of treating everyone fairly and kindly. So Adrien has started growing more distant from Chloé.
Chloé, meanwhile, reacts with anxiety to this process. She doesn't have other options, other than Sabrina, and Chloé doesn't care about that relationship as much as she does about the one she has with Adrien. So Chloé clings to Adrien desperately, showering him in attention and affection whenever she sees him. This is also why I don't think Chloé is genuinely attracted to Adrien romantically. Childhood friends often end up viewing each other in a sibling-like light, and Chloé doesn't really seem to want Adrien the way Marinette, Kagami or even Lila do. I think Chloé’s romantic overtures towards Adrien are meant to chase others off, hence her schemes are about making sure other people don't get with Adrien, not about herself getting with him, like in 'Dark Cupid', where she’s discouraging all the girls in their school from pursuing Adrien by faking that they’re in a relationship.
So, to sum up: Adrien and Chloé genuinely care about each other, but they aren't really very similar and so they're growing apart. Adrien is more comfortable with this process than Chloé is, but that doesn't make the relationship inequal, it means one of them is more willing to accept the reality of their relationship than the other.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Fanfiction Prompt
The reason Mr. Pigeon gets akumatized so much isn’t always because he gets angry but because he knows he’s easy to defeat. Whenever someone is about to get akumatized he intercepts to make sure the heroes win. Once the heroes learn this, instead of discouraging him they thank him and set off to create a team of easy akumas to protect Paris by becoming human shields for butterflies. 
via Kingxuppu
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copychatnoir · 3 years
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Miraculous Shanghai Sneak Peek
(subtitles weren’t done by me, so I can’t vouch for their total accuracy)
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copychatnoir · 3 years
My ‘Gorizilla’ take
So, while my policy usually is that when it’s not about what is actually said in the canon but how we interpret it, mutually exclusive interpretations can co-exist as long as we respect each other. But, I just personally find the take that “Gabriel begging Adrien to transform in ‘Gorizilla’ means he’s not that bad of a guy” really bad. And I’ll explain why I do here.
Imagine a parenting scenario:
A parent has taken their child to the pool. The child fell off their floaty and the parent is standing at the edge of the pool. Instead of jumping in to save their child, the parent yells at the child: “Please, grab your floaty, don’t drown! Please!”
Do you think they love their child? Possibly, since they do not want that child dead. Do you think that parent is a good parent? Probably not, since they’re the one who brought the child to the pool to begin with and then don’t look after said child. Do you think they’re caring properly for their child? Most likely not, since they wouldn’t extend any effort to help their child themselves.
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Gabriel wanted Adrien to save himself from a danger Gabriel caused when he had the power to save Adrien all along. ‘Gorizilla’ is not a sign of how much Gabriel actually cares deep down. It’s a sign of how little he has the potential to care. In Gabriel’s eyes, Adrien’s problems are Adrien’s to solve even when Gabriel directly causes those problems and keeps them as existing problems with his behavior (like Adrien “being emotional”, aka getting upset, because Gabriel keeps doing things he knows will upset Adrien).
So, even if Gabriel cares about Adrien, he doesn’t take care of him. A child shouldn’t have to be 100% self-reliant, especially when it comes to protecting themselves from the fallout of their parent’s actions towards their person. And Gabriel is actively sabotaging Adrien’s attempts at taking care of himself, like forbidding him from seeing his friends/support system and guilting Adrien for trying to get over his mother’s supposed death.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
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copychatnoir · 3 years
More Ladrien tropes no one asked for
Ladybug makes Adrien her yoyo screen background when they’re dating and Chat absolutely teases her about it.
Ladybug accidentally admitting in an interview that she is a fan of Adrien’s and he goes home to his dad like hi, yes, I need you to schedule 8 more photoshoots, I must please my lady.
Next time Ladybug has to save Adrien, he just keeps posing and smouldering.
Adrien going to Marinette for assistance baking a loaf of fresh bread because he wants to impress a girl he likes, and she is all disappointed but okay, and then later he gives it to Ladybug, and she is like oh. Oh.
Marinette has been super suspicious lately, sneaking off more than usual, coming up with lame excuses, staring off dreamily into the distance, and Nino reports that Adrien has been the same, so Alya confronts her finally like “I know your secret.” “What??” “You and Adrien are dating in secret.” “Oh, okay that’s, uhhh” “I’m so happy for you girl, and I totally get it. My lips are sealed.” “*internal screaming because shes not wrong but also not entirely right*”
Neither of them have any chill. Once they’re dating they just go 0-100. “What do you think the color scheme should be for our wedding?” “We should go to Greece for our 30th anniversary.” “How do you feel about the name Hugo for our third child?” “I’m for it.”
Both of them are also super shy beans at first like scared to hold each others hands even.
Adrien poses his island getaway plan to her, and she is like that’s really cute, but I’m a superhero, I need to be close to the city. “Just use the horse miraculous.” “…fair enough lets do it.”
Adrien being the cat boy he is loves when Ladybug plays with his hair. She comes over, and he just flops into her lap for pets.
Writing each other love poems and being so extra about it.
Roleplaying fairytale scenarios where Adrien is an enchanted prince who absolutely needs to be rescued with a kiss from his beautiful lady knight.
Adrien convinces his dad to invite Ladybug to be part of their security detail for an event they’re having, and Gabriel being the snake bitch he is, is like yes, we should absolutely invite Ladybug with her magical earrings to our event, what a great idea, my son, but jokes on Gabriel, Adrien spends the whole night by her side just in absolute awe of her.
Adrien playing popular love songs for her on piano, and one day she starts singing along just unconsciously, and Adrien is like I have been blessed by God himself wow.
Ladybug talking passionately about helping people and saving the city, and Adrien just looking at her with absolute heart eyes before blurting out, “I love you.” And Ladybug just absolutely breaks. None of her thoughts are coherent. She can die happy now.
Ladybug stealing him away from his window to take him to see the city when his dad is being a douche and keeping him home.
The sheer middle finger energy of post-Hawkmoth defeat Adrien just looking his dad in the eyes as Ladybug carries him away. They send their wedding announcement to him in prison.
Adrien not knowing when her birthday is and not wanting to pry by asking so he just one day makes her a gift for her birthday whenever it may be, and Ladybug is so touched wow.
Adrien is very generous with his kisses. Sometimes he just kisses her unconsciously on the hands, cheek, temples, hair, lips, shoulders. She’s just so beautiful and amazing, he can’t help it.
Likewise Ladybug is super cuddly. Sometimes after a long day, she just comes over and curls up in his arms.
Ladybug napping on Adrien’s chest because she is tired, and he just holds her and let’s her sleep because he knows how hard she works.
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copychatnoir · 3 years
Am I the only one who can't see her w the ö mask? Like I think her design is really neat n I Know its a spotted mask so I cant see anything but that
Hope u have a nice day <3
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aa thank u guys! <3 i procrastinated on studying for my econ test and instead made some icons of The Girl
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(someone said the :O mouth is less prominent with color so i will be updating my pfp now too LMAOO)
free to use as long as u credit of course :D
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