A phar/phan is a character/oc/imaginary friend that is automated in your mind from having a well developed personality.
2: a phar can talk to you and hold good conversations with you as if they where somone else (a phar/Phan is still you)
3:They are mostly unintentionally developed by writers, artists and many more but you can create one by just making a character/oc/imaginary with a really good developed personality
Ex: (clay is the phar) *me who has been working on this oc and there personality traits for days called clay and now working on his appearance*
clay: hey! Don't make me like that give me better hair. Me:Why?
Clay:Because.. the conversation continues it's like talking to somone else to *ME*
(There's studies on this I just coined this lol)
Studies: https://writersinnervoices.com/publications/
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