Do You Have A Fit Club At Work?
Do You Have A Fit Club At Work? #fitclub #healthyoffice #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Coworkers are a great resource to help us reach our personal fitness goals. Getting together as a group during lunch breaks or after work makes exercising a social event. Office fit clubs bring colleagues closer together and contribute to great company culture. You’ll begin to relate to each other outside of your usual work routine and motivate each other to live a healthier lifestyle. A fit club…
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The Impact of Sustainable Products
What's The Impact of Sustainable Products? #sustainability #EcoFriendly #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Have you ever wondered how the products you choose impact the environment? Getting familiar with the many details can be overwhelming for anyone. Private organizations have formed to educate consumers and help improve environmental standards. Companies who produce consumer goods need to consider the entire environmental impact of their products; from the farming of raw materials, product…
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Compostable Products At The Office
What's Compostable At Your Office? #sustainability #goinggreen #CorporateCoffeeSystems
There are many ways to reduce waste and lower your carbon footprint at the office. Many of the items you and your co-workers consider trash may be compostable. Composting is the natural process of converting organic rich waste such as vegetable scraps, coffee, dried leaves, grass, and shredded paper into a rich soil. 40 percent of the food that is produced in the U.S never gets eaten. Most of…
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The Facts About Organic, Fair Trade, and The Rainforest Alliance
The Facts About Organic, Fair Trade, and The Rainforest Alliance. #officecoffee #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Why Buy Organic? Organic products have become a major part of the American food and beverage industry. Many organic coffee products on the market today greatly appeal to health conscious individuals who avoid products that use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Organic coffee is free from harmful chemicals, and is generally healthier for you. When farmers eliminate the use of the chemicals…
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Great Work Culture
How Do You Create Great Work Culture? #CorporateCoffeeSystems
The path to great company culture starts with its people, and can be naturally achieved through many different factors. Organizations outline their company’s purpose with specific values, and guidelines. These values instill a purpose and clearly state how a company plans to interact with the public, and ultimately with one another. You won’t achieve a coherent company culture without people who…
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Real Water Cooler Talk: Not Just Gossip
Real Water Cooler Talk: Not Just Gossip #drinkingwater #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Are you drinking enough water? Staying hydrated is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. Since our bodies are composed of about 60% water, not drinking enough can leave you feeling more than just thirsty. Poor hydration can interfere with your body’s temperature control, leave you feeling unmotivated, and make tasks feel physically or mentally difficult. Get familiar with all…
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Not All Break Rooms Are Created Equal
How do you make your break room stand out from the rest? #breakroomsupplies #CorporateCoffeeSystesm
A break room should be a welcoming space to unwind, get refreshed, and bond with co-workers. The modern break room is more than just a place to eat your lunch. Investing in a well designed space that includes the basic essentials and more is sure to improve office productivity and the overall well being of your team. Include The Essentials Wouldn’t it be strange to find a break room without a…
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Cold Brew: The New Fuel
So what’s the difference between cold brew and coffee? #coldbrew #officecoffee #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Cold brew coffee is quickly becoming a popular cold beverage around the office. Many artisan coffee companies craft this specialty brew and successfully reveal the delicious, deep, complex flavor profiles of the roasted coffee. So what’s the difference between cold brew and coffee? The difference is the use of heat. Cold brew is steeped in cold water for a period of 18—24 hours. Heat only…
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6 Tips For Staying Healthy At Work
6 Tips For Staying Healthy At Work. #healthtips #companyculture #CorporateCoffeeSystems www.corpcofe.com
In a day full of projects and deadlines, how do we find the bandwidth to maintain our health in the workplace. American full time employees report spending an average of 47 hours per week at work, roughly 40% of the time you spend awake. Being mindful of unhealthy work routines can make a big difference over time. Sitting Puts A Toll On Your Body For most, your workweek certainly includes…
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Six Ways To Impress Your Office Guests
Six Ways To Impress Your Office Guests. #OfficeRefreshmentSolutions #CorporateCoffeeSystems
If your office has regular guests it’s important to create and environment where they feel comfortable and welcomed during their visit. Planning ahead will impress your guests, and make the visit relaxing and memorable. Here are six ways to host guests at your office and impress them. 1. Welcome Your Guests Upon Arrival If your office has a receptionist, make sure they are aware of the meeting,…
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How To Upcycle Coffee Grounds
Learn how you can up-cycle your coffee grounds. #recycling #sustainability #CorporateCoffeeSystems
Coffee is corporate America’s beloved hot beverage, and the backbone of office culture. It’s enjoyed in so many ways, and has many great uses post-brew. Before you ditch your coffee grounds, consider up-cycling them, they can be re-used in so many ways. Take a moment and learn how you can upcycle your coffee grounds and put them to good use. Air Freshener Need to get rid of stale odors around the…
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Enjoy delicious cold brew right from the tap...
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We're serious about going green! Let us help you build a sustainable workplace.
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We're excited about our latest offerings from New York's best artisan coffee roasters!
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Visit our new website!
You'll discover great workplace refreshment solutions that keep your team organized. www.corpcofe.com
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What are you snacking on?
We have many healthy snack ideas for your office! http://order.corpcofe.com/catalog_subcategories_level2.asp?id=180
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Have you tried our cold brew coffee?
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