cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Closest of Calls
With the ship almost all explored, and Lieutenant Sharu pinned down, the crew plan a cunning attack on all fronts! 
Round 1:
Lieutenant Sharu takes a shot with her rifle against Kaz. 10 on the dice hits despite cover. 9 points of piercing damage to Kaz.
Kaz races in to the Lieutenant and uses an entropic strike. 15 EAC misses. Oh boy. That’s uh...that’s real bad.
The other soldiers take shots at Kaz. Port soldier misses with 10 on the dice. The 2 attacks from the starboard soldier are 1 miss on an 11, 1 hit on a 19 for 4 damage.
Talarra opens a door and begins summoning something.
Bumfuzzle moves in, tries an engineering check which fails on a 21, 17 KAC misses. Not good.
Nikithi opens the door for Wynn. Idiis moves up to one of the soldiers.
Wynn moves up to an Azlanti cadent and stabs him with a trident. He misses.
Round 2: 
Lieutenant Sharu drops her rifle and pulls out a curved blade. She takes 1 slice on Kaz. 6 on the dice is a hit! +12 to hit for 18 points of damage. He mitigates with Vanguard abilities to reduce the damage to 16
Kaz double attacks with flanking. 1 miss with a 5 on the dice. 2nd hits with a 26 for 5 points of damage. 
The other soldiers take shots. Wynn gets an AOO, 11 vs KAC misses, the soldier hits Wynn for 5 damage then guarded steps behind Bumfuzzle while pulling out a knife. The other soldier guarded steps back and takes a shot. 16 on the dice hits for 2 damage, reduced to 1 by Idiis’s DR.
Talarra brings out Tiny Demon! right next to Sharu, locking down her movement and setting up future flanking. 2 attacks. 1 miss, 1 unnatural 20. 8 damage. Talarra takes a laser shot and misses with a 7. Total Sharu damage 13
Bumfuzzle tries some glowstick themed trickery. 29 on the engineering check succeeds. 17 vs flatfooted KAC hits! 8 points of damage from Bumfuzzle. Total Sharu damage 21
Nikithi has Idiis full attack: 1 on Sharu, 1 on one of the soldiers. NATURAL 20 from Idiis! Hell yeah. Even with penalties from an evil GM, still a crit. Burn critical, 10 fire damage. Tyler chooses a Crit card. Bonus effect: Sharu is off target and takes a -2 to all attacks till the end of Tylers next turn. Total Sharu Damage: 31. 2nd attack vs soldier is a miss on a nat 8. Nikithi tries Harrying fire on Sharu. 18 is successful harrying fire.
Wynn strides up to Sharu and stabs her with flanking. Flanking, Harrying Fire gives +4 16 KAC is a miss.
Round 3:
Lieutenant Sharu takes a full attack vs the Demon and Bumfuzzle. The demon dodges the attack (4 on the dice, plus off target) but she does hit Bumfuzzle for 14 damage.
Kaz readies and uses a Serum of healing patch to recover 6 HP
The soldiers: One moves and stabs Wynn. 12 on the dice hits for 5 damage. The other soldier takes 2 shots at Idiis. 2 hits vs Idiis. 15 points of damage total reduced to 13 damage by DR
Talarra: Tiny Demon takes 2 attacks vs Sharu. 13 misses. 2nd attack is worse. No joy from the demon. Talarra takes a shot at one of the soldiers. Miss.
Bumfuzzle unleashes a dubstep grenade. 36 Engineering check (Natural 20 for Bumfuzzle) succeeds. 5 on the dice for the attack is a miss.
Idiis moves up and attacks but misses with a 10 on the dice. Tyler uses his reroll to try again. 16 on the dice hits for 5 damage. Nikithi uses harrying fire.
Wynn uses Get Em on Sharu and attacks with Flanking using his trident. 21 to hit hits KAC for 7 damage. Total Sharu damage 38
Round 4:
Lieutenant Sharu takes 2 attacks on the demon and Kaz. Obliterates the demon. 19 on the dice hits Kaz for 19. Talarra uses Lessen Injury. Reduces damage by 7 to 12 damage, preventing Kaz from going down. Remember everyone, protect your support characters so they can protect you.
Kaz takes 2 attacks on Sharu. 20 total hits for 5 damage. 8 on the dice misses. Total Sharu damage 43.
One cadet attacks Wynn twice. Nat 1 for Patrick. 2nd attack also misses. 2nd cadet takes 2 shots. Idiis gets an AOO off. 19 on the dice for 5 damage. Her attacks both hit. 12 damage, reduced to 10 is enough to disable Idiis. 
 Talarra is up. She’s out of spells, but she’s still packing a blaster. She runs into the room and takes a shot on Sharu. 16 to EAC misses cause of cover.
Bumfuzzle attempts to summon a totally not trademarked element of a major nintendo franchise. 24 engineering just succeeds. Bumfuzzle misses with a natural 3.
Nikithi uses a cover seed to give Talarra some cover.
Wynn again uses Get Em and takes 1 attack. Miss with a natural 9.
Round 5: Lieutenant Sharu. 10 on the dice hits Bumfuzzle for 21 damage, which Talarra minimises with Lessen Injury by 9, but Bumfuzzle still goes down. 18 on the dice hits Kaz. Kaz takes 15 damage and goes down. 
Kaz uses his last RP to stabilize.
One soldier moves around Wynn and tries stabbing Nikithi. 15 on the dice hits for 3 damage. The other takes a shot on Talarra and hits for 5 damage.
Talarra takes 2 shots on the boss. 1 misses. The second hits on a NATURAL 20! Perfect time for a crit. Her crit allows someone to lose a condition to stabilise Bumfuzzle. 4 damage. Total Sharu damage 47.
Bumfuzzle spends an RP to get back in the fight, then tries a trick attack. 35 on the engineering check is great. Survival Knife attack is a natural 20! 3 damage is enough to drop her. Total Sharu damage 50! Sharu is down but theres still 2 soldiers left in the fight.
Feeling inspired by Talarra and Bumfuzzles critical attacks, Nikithi takes a shot on a soldier. 13 EAC hits for 2 damage!
Wynn uses Get em on the other Soldier and stabs the soldier for 14 KAC which sadly misses.
Round 6: 
One soldier moves away and takes a shot, provoking from Wynn. 14 vs KAC hits, while hitting on 14 Wynn for 8 damage. The other soldier takes 2 shots of Talarra, 1 miss, 1 hit. 4 damage. 
Talarra takes a shot at Wynn’s target. 14 EAC hits for 2 damage.
Bumfuzzle uses inflammatory liquid to make a trick attack. 21 on engineering succeeds. Laser pistol shot is a 9 vs flat footed EAC, no joy.
Nikithi takes 2 shots. Miss. Miss.
Wynn uses Get Em and attacks with the Trident. 14 hits for 5 damage, dropping the Soldier.
Round 7:
The single remaining soldier has to reload.
Talarra uses Infinite Worlds to create difficult terrain around the Azlanti and moves back.
Bumfuzzle preps a healing serum for Kaz.
Nikithi moves around and takes a shot on Idiis’s murderer. 19 on the dice hits for 3 damage, dropping the last soldier with a headshot, closing out the combat. Kill for Nikithi.
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Catwalk Crew Fighting
As the Crew cleave their way through the Royal Venture, they encounter a few more Azlanti in need of some hurting.
Round 1:
Wynn is up first. He attacks one of the guards with the Trident. Total of 14 hits vs KAC for 6 damage.
Bumfuzzle performs a drill based trick attack. He succeeds with a natural 20 on his engineering check. Then its goblin stabbing time. 17 hits for 7 damage.
Talarra takes 2 shots on Bumfuzzle’s target. 12 hits EAC for 1 damage. 5 misses.
Nikithi has Idiis move into the room and fire her gulchgun at Wynn’s target. Natural 5 is a miss. Nikithi moves 10 feet forward, behind Idiis.
Kaz runs up to an Azlanti and strikes entropically. 13 EAC hits for 5 damage.
The Azlanti pull out Taclashes and attempt to attack. 16 to hit, 9 nonlethal damage to Wynn. 17 on the dice hits Kaz for 9, generating an entropic point. 12 on the dice hits Bumfuzzle for 7 damage.
Round 2:
Wynn takes a stab against his previous target, uses Get Em on his target first. He hits with max damage of 8.
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack. He succeeds with a 29. He attacks with the survival knife for 18, hits KAC. 4 damage.
Talarra takes 2 shots on Bumfuzzle’s target. 15 hits EAC. 2 damage. 19 on the dice hits for 2 more damage.
Nikithi’s turn sees Idiis fire the Gulchgun at Wynn’s target to take advantage of Get Em. 21 to hit deals 5 damage. Nikithi attempts harrying fire on Wynn’s target. He fails.
Kaz performs a double attack with his entropic strikes. 13 EAC hits for 4 damage. 2nd attack also hits for 4 damage.
The Azlanti make a full attack on Wynn: 19 on the dice hits. 17 vs KAC also hits. 17 non lethal damage over 2 attacks. Kaz gets hit by one for 7 damage. Bumfuzzle gets hit by 1 attack for 6 damage.
Round 3
Wynn uses Get Em and attacks with the trident for a single attack. 9 doesn’t hit.
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack with a mid 70s Joker gadget. He succeeds with a 25. He misses the knifing though.
Talarra takes 2 shots on Bumfuzzles target. 14 EAC hits for 1 damage. 2nd attack hits for 1 damage.
Nikithi tries Harrying fire and succeeds. Idiis tries to shoot Wynn’s target with Get Em. Idiis takes 2 shots. First shot is 11 vs EAC misses. 2nd attack misses on an 11.
Kaz takes 2 attacks. 1st attack is a 16, hits, for 6 damage. 2nd attack is higher and deals another 6 damage. The Azlanti cadet falls. Kill for Kaz.
The 2 remaining Azlanti are up. Wynn’s target full attacks Kaz and Wynn. Misses Kaz. Misses Wynn with a natural 1. Bumfuzzles target full attacks Bumfuzzle. 18 on the dice hits for 9 damage. 2nd attack misses Bumfuzzle with a 15 KAC.
Round 4
Wynn keeps Get Em up and uses his trident with a hard stab. 13 misses. 
Bumfuzzle  fails an engineering check to trick attack. He tries a stab and misses
Talarra takes 2 shots on Bumfuzzle’s target. 1st attack is a 14 EAC, killing him. Kill for Talarra. She moves up to Bumfuzzle.
Nikithi realises the Gulchgun is out of ammo. Idiis makes a sad face. Nikithi tries to shoot. Hits. Max damage. Nikithi gets a kill and 4 damage on the board, ending the combat.
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Domo Arigato
Sometimes you’ve just gotta open the door to the death robot.
Round 1: 
The robot moves towards the door and takes a shot at Kaz. It hits dealing minimum damage of 5.
Bumfuzzle runs around.
Kaz moves up and uses an entropic strike. He misses against EAC.
Talarra is up. She begins summoning.
Nikithi has Idiis move through the robot, provoking, and into flanking. The robot’s slam attack misses with a nat 3. Nikithi identifies the robot but fails to discern much knowledge. Idiis takes a claw slash, hits with max damage of 6.
Wynn moves into flanking with Idiis. He misses a stab with an 11
Round 2:
Bumfuzzle does a trick attack with sticky goo, which succeeds with a 27. And a horrifying noise. Bumfuzzle slashes with his survival knife. Natural 20 for 8 damage. 
The robot tries 2 slam attacks, one on Bumfuzzle and one on Kaz. Hits Bumfuzzle for 12 damage (D6+6? Nasty) and misses Kaz.
Kaz guarded steps and misses with an Entropic Strike.
Talarra’s summon pops in: A Tiny Demon. The demon pops into flanking with Idiis and full attacks. 15 KAC misses. 20 hits for 8 damage. Talarra fires her pistol through cover. Natural 2, not good.
Nikithi has Idiis take a full attack. 1st attack hits on a 19 total for 6 damage. 2nd attack misses.
Wynn uses the trident to full attack. He rolls a natural 1. Incredible. He has to remake an attack against Tiny Demon. Thankfully Tiny Demon doesn’t have grenades. The attack vs Tiny Demon is a miss. Wynn’s second attack is a miss on a natural 3. Not Myles’ day.
Round 3: Bumfuzzle uses fluid. He succeeds at the engineering with a 35. Then Bumfuzzle knifes the robot. 21 to hit is a success for 4 slashing damage. 
The robot on its last legs is gonna take a full attack vs Tiny Demon and Bumfuzzle. Natural 20 vs Tiny Demon. 16 damage is enough to get rid of the demon. 11 on the dice hits Bumfuzzle with a 17 for 7 damage.
Kaz is up and takes a full attack: 21 to hit for 4 damage, and destroys the robot. Kill for Kaz.
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Zomb-A and Zomb-B!
mNothing like some slathering toughened undead to spice up your spaceship... and nothing like some appalling dice luck to spice up your combats
With 2 shambling zombies incoming, it’s time for initiative.
Initiative begins with a call to reset myles’ cache, and a demand for cyanide pills with a natural 1 for initiative!
Round 1
Up first is Kaz. A guarded step up, a mysticism check reveals these creatures as zombies wearing Azlanti uniforms and that they have no special attacks. He attacks with an entropic strike for 24. 6 damage which is reduced by the Zombie’s DR. Then it was pointed out there was miss chance. High marks a hit.
Bumfuzzle uses a flare as a trick attack and succeeds. An attack with a laser pistol misses on a natural 2
Nikithi spends his move action to take full drone control, moves Idiis into position where she hides in a cabinet and fires a gulchgun. A natural 4 misses. Nikithi throws a slime sphere in front of a zombie to create some difficult terrain.
Zomb-A moves up to Nikithi, provoking from Bumfuzzle. No AOO is taken.
Zomb-B attacks Kaz. 13 on dice hits, dealing 11 damage bludgeoning. Kaz gains 1 entropy point.
Talarra casts Dancing lights to give Kaz some visibility and pulls out a pistol.
Wynn moves down to hallways and attacks Zomb-A. 11 is a miss vs KAC.
Round 2
Kaz takes a full attack, both hit on 17s, but both are doing next to nothing because DR. Kaz needs to start using acid punches.
Bumfuzzle does a flare on Zomb-A and fails his engineering check. Bumfuzzle attempts to stab the Zombie, 11 on KAC misses.
Nikithi withdraws. Idiis misses.
Zomb-A moves up to Wynn and Talarra. Wynn misses an AOO.
Zomb-B attacks Kaz, 14 on the dice hits for 12 damage. Kaz is out of SP
Talarra takes a full withdraw towards Kaz.
Wynn hits on an 18 for 5 points of damage. The zombie seems unfazed.
Round 3:
Kaz attacks with acid. He hits on a single hit. He doesn’t announce damage. *sigh*
Bumfuzzle attacks Zomb-B. Trick attack fails. Attack fails as well.
Nikithi has Idiis move past Kaz and shoot with the Gulchgun and misses on a natural 1. Cursed episode. Nikithi succeeds in Harrying fire.
Zomb-A fails at attacking Wynn
Zomb-B moves up to Idiis
Talarra uses Detect Magic and moves away.
Wynn tries to hit and succeeds. Hits for 6 fire damage.
Round 4:
Kaz performs an entropic strike for 4 acid damage then moves back
Bumfuzzle fails another engineering check, then misses.
Nikithi has Idiis move and then shoot. 17 hits for minimum damage. Nikithi provides harrying fire.
Zomb-B moves to Nikithi, Wynn rolls a natural 1 on an AOO. He takes damage from his own attack and moves down the strength poison track.
Talarra moves and shoots with her laser pistol. 3 on the dice is a miss.
Wynn opens a door.and looks around the new room. He finds a bedroom. And a fancy trident which he yoinks. He also finds a robot which activates. YAAAY!
Round 5
Kaz takes an entropic strike and hits for 5 damage, then guarded steps to the right.
Bumfuzzle tries a trick attack. Succeeds an engineering check. Attacks with laser pistol. Hits on 17 vs flatfooted EAC for 7 fire damage. Zomb-B is destroyed, kill for Bumfuzzle.
The Robot joins the battle and attacks Wynn. Wynn gets an AOO and hits, dealing 6 damage. The Robot attacks with an integrated gun. Hits on a natural 14, dealing 5 damage.
Nikithi takes a guarded step back. Idiis moves up and slashes the remaining zombie. Natural 2, no joy.
The zombie attacks Idiis. Rolls a natural 1!
Talarra moves around a table and shoots. 12 vs EAC hits for 4 damage.
Wynn withdraws and tries to shut the door on the robot. Then he stabs a zombie with a natural 20! 2 points of damage.
Round 6
Kaz moves into flanking with Idiis and attacks, hitting for 5
Bumfuzzle takes a shot. He hits on a 19 despite full cover. 4 points of fire damage.
Nikithi has Idiis attack ineffectually. DR, people.
The zombie attacks Kaz and hits for 8 damage. 
Talarra shoots the zombie and hits for 3 damage.
Wynn attacks with the Trident. 19 total hits. 4 damage overcoming DR.
Round 7
Kaz takes a single attack. 14 to hit. 4 damage is exactly enough to drop the zombie, finishing the combat. 1 kill for Kaz.
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Can someone check Myles’ dice?
Exploring the Royal Venture, the Crew encounter a pair of brutal electric predators! Electrovores can be tricky predators, as the crew found out. Heres how it went down below.
Round 1:
Up first, the Electrovores go. They use their electrical discharges, forcing reflex saves from everyone, and 2 from Wynn. Wynn fails twice. 7 points of damage for 1 and 6 points of damage for the other. Talarra and Bumfuzzle take no damage. Wynn is staggered. Kaz, Nikithi and Idiis takes 3 damage and is not staggered. The electrovores fly up out of melee.
Bumfuzzle performs a chaff related trick attack. He succeeds (34 on engineering) and fires with a laser pistol. 18 on the dice hits EAC. Damage is 6 fire damage.
Talarra follows up by firing her laser pistol at another enemy. She full attacks, hits on a 17 EAC for 3 damage.
Wynn is staggered. He uses Get Em on Bumfuzzles target (EV 1)
Kaz moves forward and regrets his lack of range weapon. 
Nikithi tries to identify the creatures with a 27 and succeeds in knowing that these are indeed electrovores. He also knows that they are a nesting pair. Yay. We learn their EAC and KAC is 14, they have an electrical discharge ability and also have a siphon ability: they regen resolve points on crits as well as being immune to electricity. Idiis aims her gulchgun and misses on a 13. Failed by 1. Boo
Round 2: 
The Electrovores fly down to discharge again. Bumfuzzle and Kaz fail. Each take 4 damage and are both staggered. Wynn and Talarra both pass and Wynn takes 2 points of damage, Talarra takes none cause of lightning resistance.
Bumfuzzle makes a ranged attack with his laser pistol with the benefit of Get Em and misses on a 10.
Talarra takes a slice with her knife and hits! For 2 damage.
Wynn uses get Em and swings his Junk Censure. Kabonk rebounds into his face. Wynn loses his melee weapon (which is also broken cause of the weapon) and takes 6 damage. 
Kaz takes a guarded step and looks for something to climb on.
Nikithi sends Idiis to flank with Wynn and melees. He hits on a 14, cause Get Em, 6 points of damage.
Round 3:
One electrovore tries to discharge, Talarra fails, Idiis fails and Wynn succeeds on a Nat 20. Talarra takes 1 point of damage, Idiis takes 6 and is not staggered cause drone, Wynn takes 3 damage. The other Electrovore melee attacks Kaz. Hits on a 23
Bumfuzzle pulls out an electricity net from somewhere. Successful trick attack. Laser shot hits with a 17. 5 points of damage.
Talarra shoots once and misses.
Wynn Get Em’s and then makes a claw attack. Another Nat 1. He manages to shank himself in the face harder then he could have hit an enemy. He takes 4 points of damage.
Kaz attacks and hits. Entropic strike hits.
Idiis takes a guarded step to regain flanking and attacks. 15 hits. Max damage! 8 damage. Nikithi finds out he has no serums.
Round 4: One electrovore shops Wynn Kaz and Idiis. Idiis passes, Kaz passes, Wynn fails. Wynn takes 5 and is unconcious. Kaz uses mitigate to take no damage. Idiis takes 2 lightning damage. The other electrovore hits Idiis for 6 damage.
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack. He succeeds at the 80s movie reference engineering check and takes a shot. He misses on a 10.
Talarra guarded steps and healing Serums Wynn for 2 HP
Wynn is concious and prone on 2 HP. He gets up. He attacks with claws and misses on a 9. 
Kaz Guarded steps into flanking then punches. 14 hits barely for 5 acid and bludgeoning.
Idiis full attacks. First 1 hits, and kills one target. Second attack is a natural 1! WHAT THE PRONK?! Thankfully Idiis is immune to poison so doesn’t take an effect for the crit fail
Round 5:
The remaining Electrovore tries to run away and gets AOOs from Kaz who hits, Idiis who hits and kills.
2 Idiis kills! 2 healing serum used. 
Loot gained: Electrovore hides. 
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Theres never a good time when your GM says “Tongue Like Appendage”
As the Crew investigate the Royal Venture, they find themselves confronted by a slimy worm! And not just any slimy worm, but one created by a certain Patrick Brennan! Where have I heard that name before?
Surprise Round:
The creature shoots out a Synactic Shockweb covering a 15ft cone, entangling Kaz, Bumfuzzle and Wynn! Its dazing web is dodged by Bumfuzzle but not Kaz or Wynn! 4 points of Acid damage to Kaz and Wynn, no damage to Bumfuzzle cause of evasion. Kaz and Wynn are dazed 1 round! 
Turn 1:
Kaz is dazed. Does nothing. Cause Daze.
Talarra turns to her roots...and summons a demon. that’ll popup next round.
Nikithi has Idiis savage the creature. A 6 misses. Too much slime! Nikithi fails to identify the creature with Life Science
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack with his previously established leaf supply, but messes up at rolling so bad, I don’t even have stats to put up!
Wynn does nothing. Cause Daze!
The Synapse Worm guarded steps back and shoots out another Synactic Shockweb over Idiis and Bumfuzzle. Bumfuzzle fails, Idiis fails. 8 points of acid damage to each, and both are dazed.
Round 2
Kaz moves up to its face, provokes an AOO, which misses on a natural 2, then Kaz strikes with an entropic strike, missing on a 12 EAC
Talarra: The demon, ShortStuff appears, flanking with Kaz. (Flanking Buddiez) then makes a full attack, sadly natural 1 for the demon. Sprained Splugathoxx leads to the demon being overburdened! 2nd attack is a hit on 18, for 8 damage!
Nikithi: Tries to lay down some harrying fire with his laser pistol. It’s a miss.
Bumfuzzle is dazed!
Wynn is back in the fight, pops up and smacks the worm! It’s a miss so bad they didn’t even announce it. But presumably not a 1
The Synapse Worm makes a double attack on the tiny demon! An 18 and a 4 both hit! It also gets to grapple. Damage is 8 and 10. 18 total, wiping out the tiny demon.
Round 3
Kaz: Makes a full attack with entropic strike hits with a 16, dealing 4 damage, and misses with a 6.
Talarra: Fires her laser pistol after repositioning to avoid cover. 13 EAC is a heat! 2 damage!
Nikithi: Moves into flanking with Wynn, then Idiis takes an attack. Natural 2 is not a hit. 
Bumfuzzle: Uses a smoke bomb for a trick attack, 24 is a success. The laser pistol shot is a 9 which misses.
Wynn: Uses Get ‘Em and hits the creature with a Junk Censure, hits and does 6 points of damage
The Synapse Worm makes a full attack to Wynn, first attack misses on a natural 4, 2nd attack hits on natural 10, dealing 8 piercing damage!
Round 4:
Kaz: 2 Entropic Strikes! First attack hits on a 15, 4 bludgeoning damage. 2nd attack is a 17, hits for 5 damage, taking out the creature and lodging a kill for Kaz!
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
As the assault on the Garrison continues, a lone technomancer holds the line against the Crew! An office space, with that most heinous of furniture: A desk!
The Master-At-Arms does a full round magic missile on Bumfuzzle for 13 damage
Round 1
Gibert rolls another natural 20 for his initiative. Because of course he does. He hops up onto the desk and trick attacks. He fails to jump, and has cover from the desk. Trick attack success. A 24 vs flatfooted EAC hits for 6 points of damage
Kaz runs in and tries to jump on the desk. 19 is enough to get up on the desk. He tries a dirty trick but does not hit KAC+8
The Master-At-Arms takes a swipe against Kaz’s EAC as he casts Jolting Surge! 15 points of lightning damage, followed by a guarded step backwards.
Wynn moves into the room and then tries to jump on the desk. He fails to jump on the desk and instead uses Get ‘Em!
Talarra moves into the room and uses detect magic, detecting some magic coming from a datajack.
Nikithi takes full control of Idiis who double moves into the room to block off the Master-At-Arms. As a move action, Nikithi takes wall cover.
Round 2
Bumfuzzle tries to climb the desk and fails. He trick attacks with a successful trick and attacks with his laser. 15 vs flatfooted EAC hits for 5 damage!
Kaz moves to the south of the boss and does an entropic strike, hitting 14 on EAC thanks to Get Em! 5 damage!
The Master-At-Arms rolls a natural 20 with his attack and its a jolting surge! Thats 8d6 and a critical hit card! The bonus attack allows him to arc the damage into another target within 30 ft. BUT NOT SO FAST! Talarra uses Lessen Injury to reduce 28 damage to 8 damage! That was an RP well used right there.
Wynn moves up the desk and tries to smack this dude on the head! Hits with a 23 for 8 damage! 
Talarra does a laser pistol full attack! 7 misses. 16 misses cause of cover.
Nikithi orders Idiis into flanking with Kaz. Claw attack misses with a 15KAC
Round 3
Bumfuzzle finally climbs the desk and performs a trick attack. The trick fails. The attack hits on a 19 KAC for 2 damage!
Kaz unleashes a full attack with a 22 to hit for 4 damage and a natural 1... oh dear. Kaz is confused for 1 round. He also takes 2 points of acid damage and moves 2 steps down the Wisdom poison track till healed.
The Master-At-Arms drops a pistol and takes an attack on Bumfuzzle! 13 on the dice hits with the dueling sword for 10 points of damage!
Wynn uses Get ‘Em and takes a swing. 21 to hit dealing 6 damage, taking out the Master-At-Arms and ending the fight! thats 1 kill for Wynn. 
On the next round, Kaz’s confusion is manifest by punching himself in the face. he hurt himself in his confusion for 1 damage.
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Communication is Key to Victory
As the crew continue their attack on the garrison, with stealth well and truly pronked to fleem, its time for an assault on the communications hub.
With 2 Azlanti manning the control room, it’s game on!
Round 1
Wynn rolled a nat 20 on initiative! But is out of the room. So he runs in and hits the southern guard. He provokes a taclash hit which hits on KAC with a 9 on the dice (bonus at least 4) for max damage: 9 points. Wynn retaliates with a hit from his junk censure. Thats a natural 1. Myles rerolls because nat 1s are real bad with that weapon. He instead hits with a 20 total for 8 damage.
Talarra walks into the room and uses her innate tiefling powers to lower the light down to darkness! All humans can’t see!
Bumfuzzle does a trick attack against the northern guard, moving and flashing (lol) the guard. Trick attack successful and attack roll successful for 8 damage!
Kaz runs up to the northern guard and tries to punch in the dark to pull a dirty trick. He hits KAC+8 and concealment doesn’t stop him. The dirty trick makes him flatfooted and blinded for 2 rounds. 
The southern guard tries to whip Wynn and hits KAC but misses cause he can’t see. The northern guard tries to whip both kaz and bumfuzzle. Hits vs Kaz and Bumfuzzle based on AC, but darkness prevents the attack on bumfuzzle. Kaz takes 7 points of damage and gains an entropy point.
The defense system activates, with robotic arms firing strobe lasers at Wynn and Bumfuzzle. (Flashblind projectors) to give the bonuses of harrying fire.
Nikithi (natural 1 on initiative) moves forward, and orders Idiis into the fray. Idiis takes a shot at the northern guard with his gulchgun, 13 vs flatfooted EAC for 2 fire damage.
Round 2:
Wynn guarded steps forward and wails on the southern guard. He rolls a 20 total and deals 5 points of damage.
Talarra takes a shot at the southern guard and hits on a 15 each for 3 damage
Bumfuzzle tries to confuse the northern guard with a trick attack. He succeeds with a 21 total. He misses on a 12 vs flatfooted kac
Kaz tries a full attack on the northern guard. 20 vs EAC and hits despite darkness for 6 damage. 2nd attack hits on a nat 18 despite darkness and drops him with 5 points of damage! 1 kill for Kaz!
The southern guard takes a step back to leave the darkness and tries to hit Wynn. A natural 19 would hit but he can’t handle the darkness!
Nikithi moves into the room and fires his laser pistol to provide harrying fire! Sadly, he was ineffective. Idiis takes guard.
Round 3
Wynn moves forward and attacks but a natural toot won’t doot
Talarra takes a shot and hits on a 15 for 4 damage, exactly dropping him! Talarra kill!
0 notes
cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Infiltration by Bear!
The crew take the fight to the Azlanti’s home, striking at the heart of their garrison! 
With initiative coming in (and a nat 20 from Drew and a Nat 1 from Myles), heres how things shaped up:
Round 1
Kaz runs up to an Azlanti and hits with a 19 vs EAC for 4 damage with an ENTROPIC STRIKE!
Bumfuzzle runs in and attacks a second target with a...peculiar trick attack, which is successful. Then he misses with the survival knife.
Nikithi orders Idiis to get into flanking with Kaz, avoiding Attacks of Opportunity due to flatfooted, then takes a claw slash. Rolls a 23 (SUPERHIT) and deals 4 points of damage.
One Azlanti guarded steps away and tries to shoot Idiis point blank, which provokes from Idiis. Idiis’s attack hits and deals 5 points of damage, dropping the Azlanti before she gets a shot. Kill for Idiis
The other Azlanti takes a guarded step back and triggers the alarm.
Talarra steps inside the room and fires her laser pistol. 14 to hit, dealing 4 fire damage.
Wynn runs to the edge of the room, pulling out a pistol and taking a shot at the guard. 13 to hit EAC is a hit for 4 damage.
Round 2:
Kaz strategizes, then moves up to the remaining Azlanti and attacks, missing in the process.
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack. Succeeds. Bumfuzzle then attacks with flanking for a knife attack for a natural 20 and 9 points of damage! Kill for Bumfuzzle and an end to this combat.
HP Loss: Zero
Resources expended: 2 laser pistol shots.
Conditions changed: Alarm activated.
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Stay of Execution!
With Jellick on the chopping block, theres no time for rest, as its another fight.
Round 1:
Talarra is up first and starts summoning the Tiny Tiny Demon. Theres Demonic Consequences to pay.
Nikithi tries to grab some attention by ordering Idiis to run into the crowd and look threatening, and has Idiis take a gulchgun shot and misses with a 6 on the dice.
Kaz double moves right next to one of the Azlanti.
Wynn attacks one with the Junk Censor, hitting and dealing 3 damage.
Bumfuzzle performs a trick attack on another Azlanti, gets a Natural 20 for his engineering check (success) and hits on an 11 flatfooted EAC for 4 points of fire damage.
The Azlanti attack! One attacks Kaz with a taclash and hits with an 18 on the dice, dealing 7 slashing damage to Kaz. The other tries a double attack with a semi auto pistol, missing against Kaz and Wynn both.
Round 2: 
Talarra’s demon is summoned in between the  two Azlanti and attacks twice, hitting on a 16 for 4 damage and rolls a natural 20 to hit the second for 12 damage and renders the next attack on him a critical if the attack hits.
Nikithi is happy to let Wynn have some fun, so Idiis double moves to get into flanking. He also moves up to Jellick
Kaz takes a guarded step and uses a flanking attack for a natural 1! But Kaz decides to use his reroll! He hits on a 13 EAC for 6 damage
Wynn guarded steps into flanking and crits due to Talarra’s critical hit effect. He deals 11 damage and kills the Azlanti. 1 kill
Bumfuzzle goes and attempts to stabilise Jellick
The Azlanti attacks Wynn with a knife. He hits on 16 and deals 9 points of damage.
Round 3
Talarra takes a shot with her laser pistol and hits, dealing 2 damage!
Nikithi moves, Idiis takes a gulchgun shot and hits with a 19 for 7 damage killing the Azlanti. Idiis kill!
Kaz pulls out a healing serum and injects Jellick with a mk1 healing serum, healing him for 8hp! Now thats a serum!
Kills: 1 for Wynn, 1 for Idiis. Resources expended: 1 spell slot, 1 mk1 healing serum.
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Hobgarking up the wrong tree!
As the crew prepares to unleash a hairy horde of horrible hobgars on the Azlanti. theres a little bit of blowback, and a few particularly ornery ones stick around to mix it up!
Round 1:
Bumfuzzle pulls out weird baloney in one of the more...weird gadgeteer tricks, and succeeds. He attacks with a knife and hits on a 16 KAC for 3 damage.
Nikithi holds his action, but urges the others to have some discretion.
The Hobgars run in and start biting. 1 shoots its electricity ray and hits with a nat 15, dealing 1 point of Electricity damage. The second tries to bite Kaz and misses with a Natural 4, a third tries to bit Bumfuzzle and misses. A fourth attacks Talarra and hits with a nat 15, dealing 5 points of kinetic damage.
Talarra uses Dancing Lights to create laser pointers in a futile attempt to distract the hobgars and guarded steps back.
Wynn moves and attacks number 2 hobgar, hitting on a 12 for 6 points of damage, wiping it out. 1 kill
Kaz guarded steps and attacks the Number 4 Hobgar with an Entropic strike, but misses.
Nikithi orders Idiis into flanking, triggering an unsuccesful AOO from the hogbar, then hits the Hobgar for 4 points of slashing damage with a claw thanks to flanking.
Round 2: 
Bumfuzzle trick attacks with a Pineapple uPhone! It’s successful and attacks with a 14 against flatfooted KAC for 5 points of damage, killing the Hobgar. 1 kill
The Hogbars go. Hogbar 3 runs, provoking an AOO that Idiis hits dealing 4 damage. Hogbar 4 makes a double attack vs Bumfuzzle, 1 hits for 4 electricity damage. 
Talarra pulls out a pistol and shoots, hitting on EAC for 1 damage on the final Hobgar.
Wynn takes his Censor and misses the Hobgar.
Kaz double moves to the hobgar.
The Hobgar takes an AOO and misses.
Nikithi chills. Pets Idiis.
Round 3
Bumfuzzle tries to bullrush the Hobgar. He rolls a 15, which is not enough for KAC+8
The Hobgar tries to run. Wynn makes an AOO, hitting with a 13, killing it. Great job Xenodruid.
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Drones Attack!
With nary a moment to lick their wounds, the crew find themselves under attack from a group of Azlanti Drones!
Surprise Round:
The Drones swoop down. Drone 1 takes a shot at Talarra with its lightning gun. It hits, but deals no damage due to Talarra’s Electricity Resistance.
Drone 2 fires at Wynn, hitting EAC with a natural 7 dealing 5 points of non lethal electricity damage.
Round 1:
Bumfuzzle squirts some sticky juice to cover the drones as a trick attack and fails. He attacks with a laser pistol and hits on a 20 total for 4 fire damage.
Kaz runs over and grabs a gun, then drops prone in a pile of corpses.
Nikithi moves out, Idiis moves behind him. Idiis takes a Gulchgun shot from the cover of her slug-daddy. Hits on a total of 16 vs EAC for 8 fire damage.
The Drones throw a grenade at Nikithi, Idiis and Kaz. Kaz saves (24) Idiis fails, but Tyler rolls a 20. Everyone saves, and avoid being covered in sticky goo. I blame Bumfuzzle. One shoots at Idiis and nothing happens cause Idiis is the 1 hit point wonder immune to non-lethal damage.
Talarra runs in and fires, missing with a 10 vs EAC
Wynn decides to throw his Junk Censor straight up at a Drone. Unfortunately he missed.
Round 2: 
Bumfuzzle misunderstands the concept of Laser Cooling, but somehow does a trick attack. It succeeds and he hits with a 21 vs EAC, dealing 7 points of damage to it, finishing it off.
Kaz takes a shot with the rifle, despite not knowing how rifles work. With a 13 on the dice, he just misses. He drops the rifle and grabs another one
Nikithi has Idiis run over and shoot, hitting with a 15 vs EAC, for 8 damage! Good Idiis
The Drone tries to ram Idiis! Thankfully it misses.
Talarra moves over then fires at Idiis, hitting on a 15 for 4 damage! The drone is still up.
Wynn moves into flanking with Idiis, hitting on a 16 for 6 points of damage, finishing the drone off and ending the fight!
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Graveside Ambush!
Taking the fight to the azlanti, the Crew plot a dastardly ambush! 
Stealth didn’t survive in the presence of a bear...
Round 1: Bumfuzzle readies an action to start shooting if they do.
Talarra tries some Dancing Lights deception.
The Azlanti pull out their guns and start shooting. An 18 on the dice starts them off well, dealing 2 points of damage to Wynn, one of them hits Kaz for 7 points of damage, and the 3rd misses. Kaz gains 1 entropy point.
Bumfuzzle acts: Trick Attack (bola of dental floss) followed by a knife attack. Natural 2 clinks right off.
Nikithi: Idiis double moves to behind the soldiers. Nikithi keeps hiding.
Kaz: Moves up to an Azlanti, hits with a 22 for 6 points of Acid Damage.
Wynn: Attacks nearest enemy with his Junk Censure for a 20 (unnatural) dealing 8 damage
Talarra: Begins to summon something.
Azlanti: 1 provokes from Idiis, and takes minimum damage from a bite (3) Idiis gets shot for 9 damage, instantly dropping her to 1 hp! Then another hits Kaz for a 19 on the dice, dealing 2. Finally, the third hits with an 11 on the dice on Wynn for 4 damage.
Bumfuzzle: Does a mesmerizing trick attack. Succeeds at the trick attack. Swipes at the feet but rolls a natural 3. No joy.
Nikithi: Idiis disappears into the fog. Nikithi takes a shot with his pistol and hits with a 15 EAC! For 1 point of damage! Tyler is officially off the board!
Kaz: Runs into flanking, and does an Entropic strike, hitting 16 EAC for 6 damage, dropping 1 Azlanti!
Wynn: Moves up and hits an Azlanti with his Junk Censure for a Natural 20! Critical Hit time! Drawing a critical hit card, with the Kinetic option, dealing the Knocked Cross Eyed and Extreme bludgeoning effects, wrecking the Azlanti’s face and dealing 12 points of damage, dropping his target.
Talarra summons Tiny Tiny Demon, and it tries and fails to bite the Azlanti’s leg. Talarra also gets to fire her laser pistol at the last enemy, hitting on a 14 EAC for 1 damage.
The Azlanti runs away, provoking from the Demon, who hits on a 15, dealing 8 damage. The Azlanti continues running.
Bumfuzzle runs after them.
Wynn and Kaz run after them.
The Azlanti keeps running, provoking from all 3. Natural 2 from Bumfuzzle won’t do it. Kaz tries to dirty trick and fails with a 14. Wynn attacks with a 13 KAC, hitting because of the AC penalty from the Run action! Wynn hits for 6 points of damage, taking them out and ending the combat!
Kills: Wynn 2, Kaz 1
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Elemental, My Dear Bumfuzzle
As the Crew investigate the moisture collector to find out how it had been sabotaged by the Azlanti, heres what went down when they were attacked by a Water Elemental.
Surprise Round: The creature, made of water gets the drop on the group with a deluge of water against Nikithi (KAC 14) Despite rolling a 4 was enough to hit because of flat footed for 7 points of bludgeoning damage.
Round 1:
Bumfuzzle attacks with a trick attack (flash photography for the win) fails the trick attack. Misses with an 11 on the slash.
Water Elemental attacks twice with its watery slam, one on Bumfuzzle and one on Wynn. Misses with a natural 2. Hits with a natural 14 for 8 damage.
Talarra identifies the Water Elemental with a mysticism check. She learns its resistances and special attacks, moves back with a guarded step and pulls out a laser pistol.
Kaz guarded steps in and punches it with an entropic strike, while trying to do diplomacy. The diplomacy fails but the strike lands, dealing 4 acid damage.
Nikithi hides behind Iidis, and Iidis uses its Gulchgun to fire at the Water Elemental. Rolls a natural 6, fails to hit.
Wynn brings up the rear of initiative, and tries to bonk it, rolls 11 and misses.
Round 2: 
Bumfuzzle uses his laser to parboil the tank water then slices the creature as part of a trick attack. Succeeds at trick attack, then rolls a 19 vs Flatfooted KAC, dealing 6 slashing damage. Creature total damage 10.
Water Elemental targets Bumfuzzle with a full attack. First attack misses with natural 7 vs 16KAC, and misses again with Natural 8 vs 16 KAC.
Talarra backs up and begins summoning tiny tiny demon. (Used 1 1st level spell slot)
Kaz attempts a radiant nova star strike dirty trick, and fails to hit KAC+4.
Nikithi pulls out a towel to dry off, pulls out a laser pistol and shoots the elemental. Misses with a natural 4. Iidis fires the gulchgun and rolls a natural 8 for another miss.
Wynn closes out the round with Get ‘Em and a bonk, 17 to hit KAC is successful for 3 damage. Total creature damage 13
Round 3:
Bumfuzzle attempts to make a sauce out of the elemental for a trick attack. Succeeds with a 31 on the trick attack. Hits on a 11 vs flat footed KAC, but only for 2 damage. Total Creature Damage 15
Water Elemental: Double attack. 1 Natural 20 vs Wynn. 2nd Attack: Natural 20 vs Bumfuzzle. 15 points of damage to Wynn, knocking him out. 19 points of damage to Bumfuzzle, 1 point shy of instant death.
Talarra’s summoned Tiny Tiny demon appears and it tries to bite the water elemental. Hits KAC on a 16 for 8 damage, killing the creature as it drags the Water Elemental to watery hell, ending the combat.
Total Damage to creature: 23
Resources Expended: 1 Spell slot, 3 serums of healing, 1 resolve from Bumfuzzle. 1 resolve from Nikithi, 1 Resolve from Wynn
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Jungle Pursuit
With some guy being pursued by Azlanti, its time for another initiative roll!
Round 1: 
An Azlanti shoots Kaz with a natural 20! Sadly no critical hit deck for mooks, but 9 points of piercing damage is nasty regardless. Of course, thats activated Kaz’s trap card, cause he gets 2 entropy points, raising his AC
The second Azlanti shoots at the guy stuck in the Jell-O dimension. He is rendered unconscious.
Bumfuzzle trick attacks with a 29, but its a natural 1! Time for a critical fail deck. Bumfuzzle’s gun overheats, dealing 1 damage to its user and causing Bumfuzzle to drop it.
Talarra: Pulls a frag grenade out.
Nikithi: Has Idiis move over to try and be helpful to Wynn. Then hides behind a rock.
Kaz: Says something to Bumfuzzle then hides behind a rock.
Wynn: Hides behind a rock.
Round 2: 
Azlanti 1: Moves forward 10feet and shoots Bumfuzzle. 18 on the dice hits for 5 points of piercing damage.
Azlant 2: Moves forward 10 feet and shoots Wynn. Just barely misses.
Bumfuzzle: Succeeds at his engineering check to trick attack, hits with a 19 on the dice and max damage. (8)
Talarra: Steps forward and throws the grenade to hit the southern enemy. Natural 2 makes for a missed grenade, but the random placement worked out just fine. The Azlanti failed his save and took 4 damage.
Kaz: Moves into flanking with Bumfuzzle and hits on a 22 with 5 points of Acid damage. She’s dead!
Wynn: Runs down to the final enemy and tries to hit the enemy, a 17 total is a hit for 5 points of damage!
Round 3:
Azlanti: Drops the rifle, draws a knife and stabs Wynn for 2 piercing damage.
Bumfuzzle: Another nat 20 for trick attack, hits and deals 2 damage.
Talarra: Pulls out her laser pistol and shoots at the last Azlanti, misses.
Nikithi: Nikithi moves up, sees the results of Bumfuzzles bizarre work, commands Idiis to claw this soldier. With flanking, 18 is enough to hit for 3 damage, taking down the target and ending the combat.
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Don’t Go into the Long Grass
Confronted by arboreal creatures! Quick, Tiny Tiny Demon I choose you!
Surprise Round:
Nikithi identifies the creature, takes full control of his drone, moving Idiis up into the fray. 
One of the creatures tries to bite Idiis but a 10 wasn’t enough to beat KAC
Deciding that Nikithi is the tastiest target, another of the creatures made an electronic attack with its natural lightning. A 9 on dice hit 13 EAC, for 2 Electricity damage
A third moves down to the ground
Round 1: Nikithi has Idiis attack the monkey, but a natural 2 just won’t do.
A creature continues to fail attacking Nikithi, on a natural 3,
The second creature attacks and hits on a natural 18, dealing 1 point of electricity damage.
The third hits Wynn, dealing 3 points of piercing damage.
Wynn uses get em on the one that just hit him, then missed with his Junk Censor
Kaz moves up past the enemy, provoking (Vanguards yo) the AOO fails, so Kaz uses flanking to Entropic Strike. A 17 vs EAC will hit, dealing 6 points of damage, killing it instantly.
Bumfuzzle uses a trick attack, and since they’re not CR 15, is successful. He attacks with a laser pistol, with a 17 on the dice thats an easy hit, dealing 6 fire damage, killing it in a hit.
 Talarra shoots the final creature, dealing 4 fire damage, its still up.
Round 2: Nikithi has Idiis murder a final creature, dealing 6 damage.
And with that, we’re out of combat as the rest of the pack of animals runs away.
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cosmiccritstats · 5 years
Jungle Ambush
Beset upon by armoured foes in the jungle intent of trapping them in a deadly ambush amongst the cloaking fog, the Crew goes to work. 
Surprise Round:
Bumfuzzle: Stealthed behind some trees, revealing two armoured figures taking defensive positions.
Wynn: Moved right up to one of the Azlanti scouts, a 10 foot bear barreling up to them.
Talarra: Moved up close and remained in stealth.
Scout 1: Tries to shoot Wynn point blank, and gets hit by Wynn’s Junk Censor (18 to hit for 5 damage) for the effort. She manages to hit Wynn for 4 damage.
Scout 2: Tries to shoot Bumfuzzle through the cover of the bush, and succeeds for 8 damage.
Round 1:
Bumfuzzle: Trick Attack attempt, tossing caltrops, and taking advantage of the gunmans inability to make range attacks. Rolling a 32 against a dc of 20+CR on engineering renders the Azlanti flatfooted, rolled terribly on the attack and used his reroll immediately to land 14 on flatfooted KAC with a dogslicer for 6 points of damage.
At this point, a 3rd Azlanti stepped out of the shadows.
Wynn: Uses Get Em on Scout 1 as a move action. Attacking with a 22 on KAC and 8 damage brings the Azlanti to the judgement of Pharasma.
Talarra: Cast dancing lights around the second scout to disorientate and distract them. 
Kaz!: Double moves into the fight
Scout 2: Is forced to break off from attacking Talarra and takes shot at Kaz, but an 8 on the dice wasn’t enough to hit Kaz’s 16 KAC
Scout 3: Shoots Bumfuzzle. With a Natural 20. Ouch. 6 damage to Bumfuzzle.
Nikithi: Moves 25 feet forward. Sends Idiis into the fray with a double move.
Round 2:
Bumfuzzle: Held Turn till after Wynn.
Wynn: Runs up to Scout 3 and whacks him with his Junk Censor, missing with a 7 on the dice. 
Bumfuzzle: Takes a trick attack by throwing a glass ball full sand at the enemy (I hate sand) with a 25 Engineering check, followed by an 18 to hit and 8 points of damage.
Talarra: Moved forward, pulled out laser pistol
Kaz!: Steps forward to flank with Bumfuzzle. ENTROPIC STRIKE! Alas, 9 to hit won’t hit EAC.
Scout 2: Guarded step, followed by a randomly determined shot on Kaz. Natural Toot isn’t enough.
Scout 3: Guarded step followed by a shot on Wynn for 5 points of damage.
Nikithi: Directs Idiis to shoot the Azlanti who attacked Kaz (Scout 3) moving to avoid cover first before firing Idiis’s Gulchgun. A 6 on the dice won’t hit though, so we close out Round 2.
Round 3:
Wynn: Uses Get Em and tries to hit Scout 3. We don’t know the roll, but we know it was bad.
Bumfuzzle: Uses a trick attack with a 33 Engineering check, followed by an attack with the dogslicer, with another miss at 9 on flatfooted KAC
Talarra: Takes a shot with the Laser pistol, 15 on EAC is a hit and dealt 3 damage
Kaz: Steps up and ENTROPIC STRIKES with Flanking Buddy Bumfuzzle! Sadly, a natural toot’s not gonna doot.
Scout 2: Continues to target Kaz, and misses with a 4 on the dice.
Scout 3: Guarded steps back and hits Wynn with a 19 for 8 damage.
Nikithi: Orders Idiis to move up and attack with its claws for a 20 on KAC for 4 damage, bringing the second scout down. Good dog.
Round 4
Wynn: Moves up, and misses with a 4 on the dice.
Bumfuzzle: Trick Attacks for 23 (success) and then shoots with a junklaser for 10 vs flat footed EAC which is a miss.
Talarra: Casts Summon Tiny Tiny Demon! (Summon Creature) to bring forth a level 1 summoned Tiny Demon. This will take a round to take effect.
Kaz!: Double moves to get right up on this Azlanti
Scout 3: Guarded Step back, pulls a survival knife and makes a slice on Wynn. Natural 2. Not gonna hit. The combat continues.
Nikithi: Double Moves over to Idiis
Round 5: 
Wynn: Tries to hit. Fails. Natural 2. Guarded Step Back
Bumfuzzle: Trick Attack 32 for a successful trick attack. 18 to hit KAC. 7 points of damage.
Talarra: Tiny Tiny Demon pops up with a lust for blood, flies next to the Azlanti, flanking with Bumfuzzle and bites! 18 to hit KAC does the job and deals 7 piercing damage, tearing the Azlanti’s throat out, ending the combat. Then the demon goes back to hell, I guess.
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