cracksinthedark · 22 days
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"He scrutinizes her. Gleaning from her reaction another important piece of the puzzle." 508 Bagman - Written by Gordon Smith
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cracksinthedark · 22 days
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"I know I misrepresented myself as a member of your legal team. I apologize... for that." 508 Bagman / 613 Saul Gone
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cracksinthedark · 23 days
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when the commentaries are just as good as the show
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cracksinthedark · 23 days
The return of BCS color theory!
I've previously argued that Jimmy's color is all of them, and I stand by that. But out of all of them, yellow is the most prominent.
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The two most obvious yellows associated with Jimmy are his iconic Esteem and the mug Kim gifted him, both of which have a touch of criminal red.
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The Wexler/McGill logo is a mix of Jimmy's yellow and Kim's blue (notice how the office is mostly yellow, because this is Jimmy's dream, not hers.)
So why yellow? Well, it's loud, it's bright, it catches the eye. Jimmy loves to be noticed. But most importantly - it's not red or blue. It's the other primary color! Because in the beginning, Jimmy's not quite criminal red, and not quite lawful blue. He's in his own category.
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In 1x01, there's yellow lighting in Jimmy's office (his attempt to play it straight), but there's also yellow when he reveals his Slippin' Jimmy past (notice the blues there, too, as his natural yellow crowds out his lawful aspirations).
What does it mean? I think it means that Jimmy's colorful approach to the law is not inherently criminal. If it was, he'd be red. The implication is that Jimmy could have made it as a legitimate lawyer while still being himself.
And to prove it, here are some shots from 1x05, when he visits Mrs. Strauss for the first time. Everything in her house is yellow - the walls, her furniture, even her teapot (although she herself is dressed in lawful blue.)
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Jimmy the Elder Law Lawyer was perfectly in tune both with his natural colorful nature (his slippin' ways were what uncovered the financial abuse of the Sandpiper residents) and the law. He couldn't cut it in the stifling halls of HHM or Davis & Main. But he could have struck his own path and been happy. In a kinder universe, maybe he did. Alas. :(
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cracksinthedark · 25 days
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Happy anniversary to my favorite morally flexible lawyers. ❤️
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cracksinthedark · 25 days
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JMM screenshot redraw in honor of Kim and Jimmy's 20th wedding anniversary today. ❤️ AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55720525
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cracksinthedark · 25 days
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They've been married for 20 years ♥
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cracksinthedark · 25 days
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let’s do it again.
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cracksinthedark · 2 months
kim wexler you will always be famous.
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cracksinthedark · 2 months
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Kim + Jimmy +🥪
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cracksinthedark · 2 months
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She’s definitely high right now, she thinks, which is definitely the reason why she throws herself onto Jimmy’s lap, legs clamped around his waist, and starts to kiss him deep and slow and intimate, all heavy breathes and smacking lips and the feeling of his tongue trying to touch the back of her throat. Jimmy’s thrown off at first, but he always gets with the program quickly, and his arms engulf her, one hand finding a home in her tangled ponytail and the other wrapping tight around her waist, his hand reaching around her back and almost to her belly button. It’s all tight and warm and so, so good. Why was she angry at him? Why were they yelling at each other last night? They should have hotboxed the car and then kissed like this instead.
from chapter 7 of you must have been looking for me… kim and jimmy making out and not making up, brought to life by the amazing beautiful talented @saul-gone-man 💘
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cracksinthedark · 4 months
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There are wolves and sheep in this world, kid. Wolves and sheep. Figure out which one you’re gonna be.
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cracksinthedark · 5 months
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My contribution to a BCS Secret Santa on twitter!
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cracksinthedark · 5 months
Gift art for admiralty-xfd featuring a scene from her incredible mcwexler fic Voir Dire. The illustration is for Chapter 34, which takes place during the episode "Something Beautiful" and features a missing scene of Jimmy and Kim the morning before Jimmy goes to meet with Mike at Loyola’s. Everyone should go read it right now. :)
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Read Voir Dire on AO3. (Artwork is also on AO3 here.)
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cracksinthedark · 6 months
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Better Call Saul 5.10 "Something Unforgivable" (deleted scene)
written by Peter Gould & Ariel Levine
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cracksinthedark · 7 months
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god this show is perfect. he did come out on top. he had them down to seven years, he likely would have served even less, but the victory was meaningless. no victory or money or power ever meant anything real to him. the scams, the manipulation, were his way of taking back power. of coming out on top of the people who made him feel small, but he never really wanted to win. he didn’t want to be better than everyone else, he wanted to be their equal. he wanted their respect, and he was incapable of winning that. the only person to ever respect him, to see him as their equal, was kim, and he lost that, and so the scams got worse and worse, more and more extreme. the further down he sank the more desperate he was to win, but it never fixed anything, because it’s never been what he really wanted. he finally came out on top here, for the first time ever, really, because he stopped comparing himself to everyone else. 
kim didn’t care that he was always down. maybe she cared in the sense that it made her sad, because she wanted better for him, or it frustrated because she knew he was capable of more, but her faith in him was unwavering. that’s why she cleaned up his messes and picked him up when he fell down and protected him from the consequences of his choices. she never stopped protecting him. i think she wished other people could see him the way she did, but it never actually mattered to her what they thought. she saw him, and that’s what mattered, and in the end jimmy realized that too. he could win a million more times and it would never make up for what he lost when he lost her. he gave up on the whole idea of loss and victory. he admitted he was wrong, because he felt it was wrong. it went against what mattered to him. he won, but he hurt people. he won, but he lost everyone he loved. now he’s lost, but he got what he actually wanted. the only thing that walter really cared about was power, and so he ended up alone. all jimmy really wanted was to not be alone anymore, so he gave the power up.
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cracksinthedark · 8 months
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what if they were Small
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