Project Evaluation
I have found this project quite difficult. Naturally I tend to work using my own personal experiences as a guide in terms of decision making and reasoning, so attempting to cover topics that I had never experienced myself and trying to convey these topics from another persons point of view, or simply as an observer was challenging and new to me. I am quite happy with the final result of the three section video I created covering the topics; Childhood Trauma, Global Warming and Loneliness in Pensioners. Overall, the concept revolved around society and those in power building a facade of functionality and control over enormous and increasingly worrying problems, such as Global warming. And in hand, how we as a society as build a facade to present to each other on social media and in general social interactions. Of course, privacy is important to all of us and I don’t believe that being open about all of our darkest problems will solve them, however in this project I am trying to convey that maintaining our outward appearances can sometimes allow deeper problems to manifest and cause underlying damage. The 2D pieces act as a visual representation of the perfect and idyllic reality we can use to present ourselves. I was worried that the videos intention, coupled with the 2D pieces may not be entirely clear, however asking gaining feedback from a few viewers, the general tone and message of the videos and pieces seemed to be understood. In this project, I feel that I lacked obvious development, however looking back I can see the connections between each stage of the process, with all work contributing to a collective final piece. I enjoyed working with video editing and creating textured 2D pieces and in the future would like to work with these mediums again on a larger scale. I would also like to create a virtual exhibition space holding all pieces from this project to visually demonstrate the connection of the pieces. I feel that under my personal circumstances I have worked to the best of my ability for this project.
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An embellished version of the inner self with heightened contrast.
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Here I heightened the contrast and vibrancy of this piece experimentally, however, I am not sure if I prefer this to the other. 
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Embellished Sky baby.
A childlike fantasy place full of rainbows, unicorns and fluffy clowds. 
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Embellished ‘Unicorn Heart’. This piece is supposed to represent a candy-floss mentality. I am quite happy with the appearance of the painting technique that I used and would like to recreate this again in the future on a bigger and further protruding scale. 
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‘Multigems’ Embellished. I originally planned to use more fabric and protruding objects to create a truly chaotic and exaggerated piece. I am a little underwhelmed by the completion of this piece. I believe it looks slightly too childlike and silly. However, in the future, I would like to recreate something similar using a canvas as a backboard instead of paper. 
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The third inner self/child, again contained by solid colour with the figure himself washed out. I plan to embellish the exterior surroundings to once again demonstrate embellishing insecurity. 
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The second ‘inner child’ entrapped by her outer exterior. Personally, I am not happy with the appearance of the outer colours surrounding the girl. (A little ironic.) I may change this in the future, however the concept is there nonetheless. 
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Experimental watercolour and acrylic pieces. This, along with the similar other two watercolour and acrylic pieces were created subconsciously. However, I believe that these pieces represent contained self inside an exterior bubble. Washed out figures surrounded by a vivid enclosure. 
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Drenched in gold.
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Sugarcoated reality - detached from reality.
This piece represents detaching from ourselves and living in our own outward appearance. 
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Another representation of sugarcoated reality. 
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Here is a collection of childlike drawings, I plan to embellish this piece with copious amounts of fabric, rhinestones, gems, glitter and sequins to demonstrate a visual representation of sugarcoating reality. I am not particularly happy with the outcome of the drawing/painting but hope the embellishments will demonstrate my intention more accurately.
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Artist Research: 
Top: George Raftopoulos. A style that I like and will keep in mind when creating my paintings. 
Bottom: Mixed artists Memory Jugs and Paul Amar. I love the assemblage and compact detail and texture used to decorate the jugs. I love Amar’s use of vivid colouring, glitter and gems. I would like my mixed media pieces to resemble this in some way.  
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Top: Vanessa Stockard and Derek Milkwood. I love the textured use of paint and contrasting pastel colouring. 
Bottom: Genieve Figgis. I love the blended, washy strokes used to create her figures and scenery, I believe this style creates a surreal and dreamy tone. 
These paintings all hold charactistics that I would hope to achieve with my mixed media paintings.
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This video was created for a competition with the brief of no post editing. I love the use of the chirpy commercial sounding voiceover with sinister music and disconcerting imagery.
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Artist Research:
This film is a huge influencer of my idea for this project. 
“HyperNormalisation is a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. In the film, Curtis argues that since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex "real world" and built a simple "fake world" that is run by corporations and kept stable by politicians.” 
 “The term "hypernormalisation" is taken from Alexei Yurchak's 2006 book Everything was Forever, Until it was No More: The Last Soviet Generation, about the paradoxes of life in the Soviet Union during the 20 years before it collapsed.[3][4] A professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley,[5] he argues that everyone knew the system was failing, but as no one could imagine any alternative to the status quo, politicians and citizens were resigned to maintaining a pretence of a functioning society.[6] Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the "fakeness" was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed "hypernormalisation".” - Wikipedia, sourced at :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperNormalisation 
This concept resonates with me and my beliefs for this project. I feel that many of the huge problems the world faces seize to be addressed with adequate interference by our leaders and those in power, worldwide. Despite the enormity of seriousness of some of these problems, such as global warming, a facade of functionality and resolution is presented to the public.
I feel that a facade of perfection and control is also presented by the public on social media and socially. I’m not disputing privacy here, but mentioning that I believe maintaing our outward appearances can sometimes cause significant harm. 
I love the style of editing used in this video, it holds a playful relationship with the viewer while displaying a mixture of unsettling and mundane imagery. I would like to create videos that provide a similar tone to Cutis’.
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