crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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peeks in...
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
BOLD WHATEVER APPLIES & tag people. add stuff & even change the format to your liking! naturally, repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. paranoia. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. suspicion. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
Tagged By: i did it on @sanguiv0re & wanted to do it here ヽ(ヅ)ノ Tagging: whoever wants to do this! just say i tagged u i guess!
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
jumping over to tsuyu for a little!
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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     it’s ya boy TINY with a brand-spankin’-new ORIGINAL CHARACTER for the anime//manga BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA. bork-boy here is color blind, sensitive about his neck area (no scarves, hands, no nothing), and could smell a cheeseburger from half a mile away. LIKE//REBLOG if u want doggo on YOUR TEAM
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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BURNING, BLISTERING - she felt it. Almost on an instinct, she pulled him even CLOSER - close enough to SMASH her forehead against his. She had learned in her internship with Gunhead that once someone grabs you by the arm, you have to go for a headbutt if possible. If they don’t let go then, then you have to FORCE them to let go. She wasn’t eager to get her hands on him if she has to, considering he can still use his quirk.  She was told it was impolite to go for between the legs, but anything’s valid in a street fight. There’s no rules when fighting a villain, either. She didn’t want to have to resort to that, however.
A few blows to the face should get him to let her go - and considering the staples, if she goes for striking those, she may irritate him enough to just waste his stamina. Winding her fist back, she brought it forward - aiming right for his chin.
Whether she hit or miss, she would violently wiggle herself AWAY from him before she could burn any further because of his quirk.
「☒」THINK FAST. The jolt from her initial strike burrowed into the recesses of a rattled mind, awaiting her panicked second blow. Of course, taking her by the arm was certainly meant to be an attack serving as a diversion. SHAKING HIM as she did, he would continue attempting to use her own Quirk against her ( but DAMN, did she pack one hell of a punch ). The force behind her shots loosened his grip, murky afterglow circulating creased skin. Making use of the momentum she’d built for him, he hurls himself forward, the block of cement weighing him just enough to keep him from hurdling further than he’d like. From this distance, if her abilities weren’t leaving his own restricted, he could have blown her away.
          ❝ Sorry. Ain’t much for unveiling tragic tales. ❞ He spits, grinding his jaw at the crumpled soreness from her punch ( like whiplash mixed with a migraine ) ; sutures in his face feeling stiff, as if they’re being tugged MERCILESSLY. Yet he keeps his hand raised, the other gripping onto the rope leashing him to the earth. His plan? Well, it’s obvious he’ll release himself to get SCORCHING hands on her again — bargaining in this case, however, couldn’t kill him.
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❝ That outfit isn’t made to withstand heat, let alone flames like mine. You’re better off tapping those soft paws together now, before you don’t make it out with just the one burn. They taught you when to run, didn’t they? ❞
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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Had to draw this esp with Dabi making his first anime appearance THE BROTHER THEORY OKAY I BELIEVE IT 100%  My other BNHA art | My Print Store
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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buries self in drafts
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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          YOU’RE THE ABEL & THE CAIN           N O  C O I N C I D E N C E           YOU CRAVE AN 
🔥 @@reitoyake & @crenumbra, by apollo & zero. 🔥
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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hi my name is zero and i like thinking about that teeny bit of respect dabi must hold for all might considering how closely he intends to follow in stain’s footsteps. 
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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by the by, broskis!!! apollo & i have this little server we wouldn’t mind reviving, so feel free to jump on in to chat at us if ya want!
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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       dirty fingers itch ever fervently against the wall of his throat, red eyes sliding from the wall in front of him to the stitched up canvas of his compatriot. who did this guy think he was? a stubborn little shit, refusing to be collared by someone who could turn him into DUST… hackles rise as revulsion stirs, chapped lips pulling into a grimace behind father’s hand. shigaraki won’t allow himself to be talked down in such a manner… he was the leader, god damn it! ALL FOR ONE CHOSE HIM! that had to mean something. and yet here the corpse was, refusing to acknowledge him as nothing but a damn kid. 
       “    why do you care, you fucking brat? am i breathing too LOUDLY for you? what else can i do to make you comfortable?    ”
「☒」AS IF to twist the blade of provocation, his head cocks sideways; his seemingly eternal curl of lip giving a subtle twitch. Contrary to the subtle arrogance in a voice like gravel, Dabi didn’t think THAT HIGHLY of himself. Instead, his self-expectations were raised in scale, giving a poor outlook on mistakes — or rather — a poor outlook on certain behavior, even outside of his own. As a leader, he expected some fucking refinement, but this guy tended to act like a manchild from the very start. If they’re lucky, he’ll grow out of this. But for now...
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❝ NAH, I guess I don’t care that much. I just thought you might, ❞ He says, hunched over the counter in his seat, ❝ Feel free to piss and moan to your throat’s content, Shigaraki. Dig any deeper into it and that heaving will shut itself up. ❞
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
munday? munday.
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
REPOST! DON’T REBLOG.  bold any that applies to your muse and italicize any that kind of applies to your muse. feel free to add to the list.
tagged by: @zerogravi tagging: whoever wants to snag this & do the thing!
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COLOURS.    red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. bubblegum pink. sky blue. pale jade.
ELEMENTS.    fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
BODY.    claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. neck. shoulders. legs. freckles. unseen bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. fingernails. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. athletic. hair. fur. sleek.
WEAPONS.   scythe. fists. legs. sword. dagger. spear. lance. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. teeth. stealth. strategy.
MATERIALS.    gold. silver. copper. platinum. titanium. rose gold. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. ribbon.
NATURE.   grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. lavender. petals. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. fungi. ocean. river. frozen lake. meadow. valley. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. snow. mist. pond.
ANIMALS.    big cats. wolves. foxes. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. penguins. deer. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. monkeys.
FOODS/DRINKS.    sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. vodka. beer. coffee. sake. tea. spices. herbs. apples. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. lollies. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. surf ‘n’ turf. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. eggs. milk.
HOBBIES.   music. art. water colours. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. strings. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. bells. exploring. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. sleeping. climbing. running. jogging. parkour. studying.
STYLE.    lingerie. armour. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. ankle boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. beanie hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. mittens. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. straw hat. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons. hoodie. sweater. converses. tennis shoes. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. shorts. cargo. cropped pants. crop top. cuffed pants.
MISC.   balloons. bubbles. city scape. light. dark. candles. growth. decay. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. journal. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. comrades. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. spring. summer. autumn. winter. farmland. countryside. suburban. village.
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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by the by, broskis!!! apollo & i have this little server we wouldn’t mind reviving, so feel free to jump on in to chat at us if ya want!
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
ofhyouton replied to your post
// fun fact i did that in the uni dining hall one time while eating w/ a friend just to see if I could and seeing as I actually got almost the entirety of the banana down, apparently there was a girl at a table at out of my peripheral vision that saw and she just mouthed "oh my god". but my friend saw her and when they informed me afterward i died on the spot
ur my hero.......
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
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if a potassium flame burns purple in color, he’d better start deep throating a lot of bananas,
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crenumbra-blog · 7 years
c0py replied to your post
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my life outside of work is empty and i need to fill the void by overwhelming myself with too many muses to handle.
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