cricketdolls · 5 months
Easy dress form for your dolls measurements!
Written instructions below the cut!
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Items needed:
-plastic wrap
-paper towels (or another firm stuffing material)
-masking tape
-needle and pins
-some sort of fabric with a little stretch to it.
-an unused doll stand or other way to mount it.
Part 1: (the scary part)
-wrap your doll’s body in Saran Wrap like it’s a horrible plastic dress.
Make sure to go over the shoulders and below where the dolls hips are.
You want the full torso length covered
-next, carefully wrap the Saran with masking tape. Match the curves of the dolls form as closely as possible. Really layer it on.
-now comes the scary part: take your scissors and carefully cut the Saran and masking tape off the doll in the back as if it was a dress zipper. The less cuts here the less margin of error there is.
-pull the doll’s form off the doll carefully and place the doll back home, it’s done some frightening stuff it needs a break.
-Carefully tape the form back together where you cut it.
-add tape to fill in the neck and arm holes.
Part 2: smooth sailing from here on!
-take your paper towels and fill the form! I often roll them up so it’s nice and stiff and holds the shape well.
Make sure the stuffing doesn’t create any weird bulges! ( if you layered the tape just enough it won’t!)
-at this stage you have two choices:
You can either add a post in and stuff around it or jab one in before closing up the cover you will make!
-seal up the bottom after stuffing with your tape! (Gosh I love tape!)
Part 3: cover that business up!
-thread your needle and get ready to
-fold your fabric inside out over the form you made, pulling it to fit its shape, pin it and sew it all except the bottom. Neatness doesn’t matter!
-trim the excess and fold it right side out, pull it back over your form
-( if you haven’t, don’t forget to jab in a post at this point!)
-sew the bottom of the fabric tight over the bottom of the form and the connection to the post.
-slap that new finished craft on its stand and enjoy!
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