cryptidaura · 5 years
Never mind the fact this was a public park, the formerly-comatose man was already sprinting towards the fountain, stripping off all clothes that weren’t boxers, then jumped into the water and stayed submerged for more than a few minutes.
Suddenly, out of the water emerged a person baptized in ant bites, the red bumps having disappeared in the moments between. He awkwardly stepped out of the fountain, shook himself bone dry (somehow) and went to pick up and put on his discarded clothes.
This took a few moments spent in silence, without any attempt to address his company. After everything was in its right place and he had combed his bangs back a few times to have them slap back on his forehead again, he looked around to see if anyone else was around.
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“…What day is it?” he asked again.
Miele curls a fist over her mouth, successfully stifling her laughter. Her expression remains cool, but her inner dialogue is howling. He wasted no time, did he! She didn’t mind the silence as he collected himself--when it seemed he wouldn’t speak with her at all, she began absentmindedly drawing lines into the earth with a stick. She truly doubts anyone who strips that quickly really cares about privacy, but she’ll offer it for the time being. “Day?” the response is innocent, lightly feigning ignorance. Miele glances at the sun, to an invisible watch, then to the opposite horizon. 
“I can’t say I know. Are you still disoriented, or did you hit your head? Perhaps you should sleep some more.”
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cryptidaura · 5 years
She’s content with the silence until he speaks again. He’s forward, nosy, but it’s something she finds herself not minding--no weird looks, no disdain, no trying to push her out of his ‘territory’. So, for now, she’ll tolerate him as he seems to be tolerating her.
Miele tucks a strand of disheveled hair back into place, pondering on what an appropriate answer could be. Her kind weren’t native to this world, though she did get the feeling that she wasn’t alone. And yet, that same gut feeling told her something wasn’t quite right about that either. What a sad world this was, to be without Pokemon. She debates her answer for several seconds in silence, hoping it won’t come off as indecisiveness. A ‘what’ and not a ‘who’, huh? So even in this world she wouldn’t be able to blend in. 
“I’m a bridge,” she mutters finally, thoughtful, “Between the death and life, man and Pokemon, civilization and wilderness.” she cracks a can of corn open with her teeth and rears her head back so its contents could slide comfortably down her throat. Beating her chest with a curled fist as it settled in her stomach, she turns back to him. “And just what are you?” they both know, but she wonders how often he’s heard the question.
Continued from here! 
Ah. Casual species-ism: always a great icebreaker. 
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“Suppose I should thank you for being so understanding,” Travis said dryly… not quite realizing the irony in that bit of snark. I mean, the woman in front of him had made a point: Travis had assumed she wasn’t desperate enough to turn a literal garbage heap into a meal. Or maybe she just preferred her food to have a seasoning of rot. 
Might honestly make more sense than why he was out here, gross as it was.
But I digress. Without another word, the rummaging began anew. Two total strangers, rooting through filth under the cover of night. Silent… until a sudden curiosity gripped onto Travis too tightly to be ignored, and forced him to ask:
“So, what’re you?” 
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cryptidaura · 5 years
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Apologies for the sparse activity! I’m currently in a transition period of moving and it won’t really end until the start of May or so. I’ll get out what replies I can in the meantime but I’m most likely putting in a hiatus at the beginning of April just to cover my ass. My muse has been fluctuating too, most likely because I’ve been super stressed with the move.
Thank you very much for your patience.  (。╯︵╰。;;)
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cryptidaura · 5 years
miele can dance ok it’s in her boogie genes 
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cryptidaura · 5 years
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miele unfinished concept art by fauxame 
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cryptidaura · 5 years
A peculiarity regarding his strange body: he doesn’t need to sleep. Well, not sleep very often. It wasn’t uncommon for the immortal to go two weeks without sleep. in fact, the longest time he spent awake had been two months. 
When he was reaching his limits of consciousness, he was prone to knocking out right on the spot and not waking until a full day had passed. Usually, he planned this out so that he would sleep in his home, but sometimes he would be caught off guard.
Like right now, looking like a modern iteration of Rip Van Winkle, sleeping peacefully beneath the shade of a tree in the park, having passed out trying to help a cat down from it. It was at this moment, when the sun was near dusk, that he began to stir awake.
Gradual, but very sudden as well, his eyes first scrunched at becoming aware of the light, then his eyebrows raised and his lips smacked a few times from a dry mouth. Then his eyes opened and he sat up.
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“What day is it?” he asked out loud, adding to the absurdity to the random observer. Even more strangely, he immediately sprung to his feet and started scratching himself.
He had fallen asleep on an anthill, and while the scrambling ants initially went on a frenzy, the biting went unnoticed by an unconscious blue boy, and the colony eventually calmed down; except now, when he once again stirred the nest and was awake to feel it.
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“Not again, not again, not again, not again.”
Coming across a stranger--something human-looking, no less--wasn’t exactly common. With rare exceptions, humans tended to prefer their creature comforts. Beds, interior heating, body pillows...Miele just couldn’t relate to how a creature so out-of-tune with nature could ever evolve from Pokemon. She crouches on all fours, watching in interest as ants indignantly stung his face. After a while they finally settled, grumbling but tolerant of the new structure that had ruined their home. 
He continues to sleep. She pokes him once just out of curiousity, but he refuses to stir. Several hours passed, and the evidence of previous ant self-defense begins to swell nice and red on his face. The red bumps eventually blossom with white, very sore caps. The ants have taken to spreading across his clothes and skin, exploring new territory for potential building materials and food. Unfortunately, this particular human seems pretty barren. Miele leaves and comes back with honey cubes, eating a few herself and sharing the wealth. Just a few might have melted onto his hair in the meantime.  
The human still sleeps. Miele begins to doze while waiting, and nearly misses the moment he finally wakes. But the ants certainly don’t. No, they’ve been waiting for this chance at revenge. Miele honestly can’t blame them--this guy was getting off pretty easy considering the gravity of what he’d done. It’s funny to watch, and she’ll just enjoy it a little while longer before finally indulging him. 
"You’re aggravating them, you know. They were perfect angels before you started dancing.” she gestures to a nearby fountain, cold and deep.  
“Maybe try that instead?”  
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cryptidaura · 5 years
continued from here: 
This person was something out of a fairytale, Miele muses as she draws the stranger near to herself. Her eyes glimmer, half-lidded in a quiet confidence. 
“Dancing is one of the oldest forms of communication. It’s inside every one of us, even if rarely indulged.” Miele’s hand curls gently onto the small of her back, the other securing her wrist. She maintains eye contact while initiating a leisurely lead.
“My name is Miele. With whom do I share such nice company with? ”  The song remains slow but unawkward, and she won’t flinch a second if her foot happens to be stepped on. She’s very happy she can share this with someone, even a stranger. It’s been too long. 
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cryptidaura · 5 years
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? 03: Do you regret anything? 04: Are you insecure? 05: What is your relationship status? 06: How do you want to die? 07: What did you last eat? 08: Played any sports? 09: Do you bite your nails? 10: When was your last physical fight? 11: Do you like someone? 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? 14: Do you miss someone? 15: Have any pets? 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? 18: Are you scared of spiders? 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? 23: Do you have piercings? How many? 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? 26: What are you craving right now? 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? 30: What’s irritating you right now? 31: Does somebody love you? 32: What is your favourite color? 33: Do you have trust issues? 34: Who/what was your last dream about? 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? 38: Is this year the best year of your life? 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? 51: Favourite food? 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 54: Is cheating ever okay? 55: Are you mean? 56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 69: Do you believe in soulmates? 70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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cryptidaura · 5 years
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miele aesthetic ( @cryptidaura )
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cryptidaura · 5 years
r o l e p l a y   c h a r a c t e r   s t a t s   s h e e t
repost, replacing the old information with your muse’s information.
pass it on to your mutuals for a better understanding of their muses.
▍ face claim: n/a ▍ name: Miele ▍ age: 131? 145? somewhere in between there, she forgets. if you cut her open you can probably find out. ▍ gender: female ▍ nationality: she hails from a very cold place with a weird B name.  ▍ residence: Apartment 362 (Golden) ▍ marital status: married 2 god but we’re in an open relationship.
l i k e s
▍ drink: Iced Bean Juice, Smoothies, Malts, Shakes, Iced Leaf Juice ▍ food: Berries, Fish, anything she can get her hands on honestly. tastebuds prefer flora over fauna but her stomach overrides them 99% of the time. ▍ day or night: Night ▍ snacks: Lum Berries. ▍ music: Self-indulgent pop music. ▍ quote: “If you’re referring to me, why does it matter what name you use?” ▍ historical character: N/A ▍ pet: N/A ▍ book: N/A (illiterate). She loves scary stories told at night, though.  ▍ colour: Gold. ▍ flower: snow flower ▍ sexuality: pansexual ▍ romantic orientation: poly/panromantic
l o o k s
▍ body type: sturdy with little definition. ▍ eye colour: light pink ▍ hair colour: white ▍ body reference:   here’s smth!
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cryptidaura · 5 years
↕ - a memory that may or may not have happened
It felt like a natural progression. Evolution brought changes she questioned, changes that didn’t feel were quite right when they finally came about. She was large and cumbersome, and her words felt as if they belonged to someone else. The change was cause for great distress.Her sisters never spoke on it, still called her by name as if they knew all the answers and that nothing had changed. They still dressed her in sacred garments, trusted her strength, allowed her to speak with the Mother. And the Mother...though she never replied, her presence of spirit was undeniable. It seeped into Miele’s very roots and only then did she feel complete as she had in her youth. When she questioned her sisters about her predicament, they reminded her that the Mother never lies. Her family's faith gave Miele the momentum she needed to do what was in her heart.She requested temporary leave to prepare. And again, as if they knew, her sisters did not deny it like they had in the past. Miele spent three months, silent and isolated, inside a cavern near the very top of their mountain. She’d never seen the sun’s body, but its light would periodically peek through mountain veil and reflect brilliantly all around her. Crystal stalactite refractions created a blinding array of colors that forced her eyes closed, too bright for mortals to bear. This too must’ve been the Mother’s blessing. And so Miele sat on frigid stone, suspended in time with her legs crossed, her breathing purposeful, her hands folded upon her chest. When she awoke, she was able to see through the light. The Mother’s fingerprints were all over her body, and she felt once more a long-lasting peace.
This was her second rebirth.    
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cryptidaura · 5 years
Memory Meme
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cryptidaura · 5 years
the haunting of hill house | book quote starters feel free to change pronouns as preferred. warnings for mentions death.
am i walking toward something i should be running away from?
fear is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. we yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway.
no one would ever find me there.
all i could think of when i got a look at the place from the outside was what fun it would be to stand out there and watch it burn down.
i have told lies and made a fool of myself.
why do people want to talk to each other? i mean, what are the things people always want to find out about other people?
don’t let me know too surely what he thinks of me. 
people are always so anxious to get things out into the open where they can put a name to them, even a meaningless name, so long as it has something of a scientific ring.
if any of you has trouble sleeping, i will read aloud to you.
i clear breakfast at ten o'clock. i set on lunch at one. dinner i set on at six. it’s ten o'clock.
how do you gentlemen like living in a haunted house?
it gives me an excuse to have a drink in the middle of the night.
nothing upsets me more than being hungry; i snarl and snap and burst into tears.
i am a kind of stray cat, aren’t i?
i do not understand words and will not accept them in trade for my feelings.
i think we are only afraid of ourselves.
she loves beautiful things and i would go with her to find them.
we could go anywhere we pleased, to the edge of the world if we liked, and come back when we wanted to.
i never expected to find you all so nervous.
no one can catch me now; they don’t even know which way i’m going.
it is really unbelievably difficult to get accurate information about a haunted house.
it’s quite a hazard, quite a hazard indeed, people knocking you down.
losing my temper will not help.
i wonder how long she is going to stay?
and how long will you be able to stay?
all i want is to be cherished, and here i am talking gibberish with a selfish man.
first she stole her sister’s lover, and then she tried to steal her sister’s dishes.
i swear i saw bats in the woodwork.
people like answering questions about themselves, what an odd pleasure it is.
people have to live and die somewhere, after all.
what will you give me to remember you by?
you are not going to catch me so cheaply.
i have a suitcase full of mystery stories.
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cryptidaura · 5 years
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“I know quite a few riveting fairytales. I’d be willing to share one or two if you returned the favor.  It’s almost like sharing our homes as well, isn’t it?”
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cryptidaura · 5 years
TAGGING:   @dreadwhispers  @suplex51
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? More or less, yes.  WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?   I’ve never played a guitar made of...air? It’s not really an element that suits me.   WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?   No one comes to mind. WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?    A joint popping is...not the best. I like listening to the sound of chopped vegetables sizzling on oil. Or do I just like the smell? Hmmm...   DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?   Of course. HOW ABOUT ALIENS?   It’d be strange for them not to exist.  DO YOU DRIVE?   No.  IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?  N/A WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ?   Does this include books that were read to me? DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE?  (she crinkles her nose in disgust) WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW?   A movie about an entire family being brought back to life using Wendigo madness.  WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD?   I’ve broken several bones over the years, had a few limbs amputated and regrown due to rot. Nothing particularly bad.  DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW?   This island is a wealth of opportunity to get to know a world I’ve never met. DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?   Mmm...that’s a bit too much work. Isn’t it easier to just cut them out of your life and treat them as if they don’t exist?  IN A RELATIONSHIP?   I have enough.
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cryptidaura · 5 years
Just a heads up that on here and Naruto ( @theonecalledfailure ) I’ll be somewhat scarce for the next week and a half or so because I finally got KH3 to play! I’ll also be going to a friend’s house on Monday for a few days (will likely have time to rp there). Thank you for your patience! Again, my move transition likely won’t be settled til early May so expect my activity to become better then. 
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cryptidaura · 5 years
She’s sweating profusely, borderline delusional. Miele makes a mental note that until she finds a solution, she will keep her travel limited to night time only. Winter wasn’t even over, but the sun here decided to paint with her heaviest, dampest colors. Just yesterday it was barely tolerable.
She couldn’t afford to remain at the whim of this sunlight.   
“Y-You...you there.” she staggers just once, righting herself as soon as the realization hits. Showing excessive weakness would do her no favors. 
“Somewhere cold. I need to go somewhere very cold. Please-” 
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