csmingy · 3 days
I was also snooping around due to the hate on sweeticals and… sweeticals just promoted another 2 mods (one of them being close friends and gf of the other newest mods). the bias is crazy in this closed species, the mods own most of the sweeticals made in recent times because they ab and snipe designs (since no one else will buy them except their friends).
it takes 5 seconds to see the bias, what a great impression
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csmingy · 3 days
Reikyuun is a zionist and is active in multiple cs including ghosties, 03puyko and more. The proof is their TH profile which you can check personally.
A warning incase you want to buy their stuff. I would personally prefer not to support someone who supports a genocide
this page is pro palestine for anyone wondering 🇵🇸 this is something we will remain very unbiased about 🍈 & 🍋
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csmingy · 3 days
my main point was that if your species isn't ready, you shouldn't release them. the art of this launch (juicedogs) is so much better than whatever was going on with maskis, and yet I still find issues with it. Why? There's no traits or anatomy sheets. What the hell is the MYO launch for when I don't even know what I'm getting??
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csmingy · 3 days
big issue: if ur CS is 18+ ort whetever, mature lock ur thread!! don't suddenly pop in and say that it's 18+ when im done reading :sob: (Manmare is a recent example. no title, nothing in the first bits, i got excited and then I read the below bit :skull:)
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csmingy · 3 days
just liquidate ur CS assets earlier, anon. it's like the stock market. It will not continue to rise, and it will always go down. It has worse odds than gambling.
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csmingy · 3 days
If your species hasn’t approved any of the probably 100 MYO approvals in over a month, does not have a functioning masterlist, and has had its owner MIA for a majority of the life of the species then there is NO RIGHT for the staff to start selling official adopts. Get your shit together first so that you’re at least making it seem like you care. This is about Scrugglies, which I could argue has had the worst start of any species in a while. This is embarrassing, especially with the sheer number of people who invested in the start. Pitiful.
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csmingy · 3 days
To rent is due ask:
Instead of depending on CS to help your financial situation, try looking for other alternatives. Entering a CS with the idea that you will earn big by buying a lot of stuff ain’t a good idea.
CS don’t last forever, not every owner is invested, have the time, or have a implacable record. Think of it as crypto currency, you need to know when to cash out before there’s a collapse.
I do not know your financial struggles, but your ask is just loser behavior imo.
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csmingy · 6 days
Why is it that as soon as I'm in a financial hardship and have to sell off my CS, the CS become dead, has drama that ruins the species, or has been on hiatus for a year and people are losing interest? This has happened once before and now it's happening again for a second and third time. Can CS owners get their shit toegether long enough for me to sell my CS? Rent is due!
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csmingy · 6 days
ik im gonna be accused of defending the recent design shitting asks but idc i legit mean this for all the ones on here. i think design shitting sucks bc its not constructive and can be very toxic esp for beginner artists. we all start somewhere plus some ppl dont improve at the same speed as u yk
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csmingy · 6 days
the guy talking about how they dont care about species that have bad art has literally the worst take ever. like. holy moly. just because the art isnt up to your standards doesnt meant that the species is invalid
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csmingy · 6 days
General question for anyone to answer: how do you feel about closed species appointing people who are barely actively within the species to admin/artist positions? When I say barely active, I mean people who are active within the group for a few days out of each month, if at all.
personally i dislike it, especially if those people are a friend of the owner/other mods. if they’re inactive before they’re bound to stay inactive later. i think chows is a good example 🍋
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csmingy · 6 days
+ btw i never said anything about the species popularity? like at all? are you a mod whos projecting or something
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csmingy · 6 days
"you probably have the reading comprehension of a toddler." idk man i think thats you i pretty clearly elaborated on the points ur bringing up here. i know they hired mods, i said they needed to do it not almost a whole year after they went into hiatus. to answer your question, i still have one sona who's a cham due to their dumbfuck rule you can't void your chimereons anymore so if my character is gonna be posted in a database i want nothing to do with, might as well keep up with it, right
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csmingy · 6 days
continuing the succubud/parapixels stuff about cloudsleepyy too
whats next? is cloudsleepyy just gonna keep making species and making this 'sleepyy realms' stuff? like holy shit i understand making a brand but this is starting to become a bit of a problem. wheres the support dude
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csmingy · 6 days
The isopod tracing thing is ridiculous. People trace and flip the canvas all day every day. They only care if you’re popular enough and can make money off it suddenly it’s taboo.
I have a decent following (500+) and I literally have a copycat who traces every unique pose I make. They trace and use for commissions, art trades and personal art. Doesn’t matter. I’ve tried bringing it up in private and once in public but no one cares. Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
The 3-6 hours you spent learning proper anatomy and re-sketching a pose to get it just right will be wiped away by someone tracing your anatomy in less than 15 minutes every time
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csmingy · 10 days
man some people are either incredibly brave or stupid to give your species ideas whilst having actually horrible art. Like, a kid drew these.
You can pick out what I mean by going through species discussion. You'll see horrible anatomy (are those even considered anatomy?) extremely poorly executed, and very unappealing art.
Sorry to namedrop because the people behind it are probably young teens, but take a look at Maskis by honeybee
I dont know what is going on with the trait sheets and I dont know anyone who's willing enough to become a mod/artist (they're hiring) just to fix the species artwork because there's so much wrong with it.
So I block threads with art that isn't good at all just so the page isn't flooded with all that shit
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csmingy · 10 days
its unoriginal sure but its an open species, people have made obvious off brand open species for years. terras themselves are just a species made from a rejected cham myo anyways, its not like theyre the holy grail of originality
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