cutieasmo · 2 years
Leviathan's minecraft skin is available in here!
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cutieasmo · 2 years
My Heart Is Beating For You
Your Point of View
It was December, we are celebrating the christmas. Everyone were enjoying the celebration, but there's one problem. Asmo is kinda different today, because he was quiet and doesn't speak. He was just sitting around.
I want to talked with him but I was thinking that probably he needs some space to think but I was still worried about him.
Nevertheless, I sat down beside him and touched his shoulder. He looked at me like he was shocked. I saw his tears were about to drip in his cheek.
I started to asked him “What's wrong?” and he was just like “Nothing, I'm fine.” but he looked like he wasn't. So instead of asking him more question, I gave him a hug. Just a gentle hug.
He also hugged me back, I looked at him again and he was trying to catch a breathe. I asked him again, “Are you really okay?” and he didn't answered me.
I stand up and took some water, he almost fainted to the ground. Gladly, I saved him.
His brothers doesn't know about this, I only took care of him because he wanted to. He said “Please, don't ever tell this to my brothers.” touching my cheeks.
I kissed his forehead that time, and give him another kiss to his lips.
He touched his heartbeat, and he took my hand so I could touched his chest too. It was beating faster.
He's now hardly breathing so I tried to call his brothers but he said “No, it's fine, I'm gonna die anyway.”
I was panicking and don't know what to do. Instead of standing in his room, I still call his brothers for help.
Asmodeus is suffering that time, and I was just crying while his brothers are trying to help him. Lucifer decided to moved Asmo to the hospital somewhere here in Devildom.
And I knew it, Asmodeus was having a heart failure.
It was almost a week when a doctor asked his brothers. I don't know what it is but I hope Asmodeus is doing fine.
Third Person's POV
While (Y/N) is waiting outside, Lucifer and his brothers were talking with the doctor. (Y/N) doesn't know that Asmodeus need a heart transplant, everyone was worried while (Y/N) is being confused about her boyfriend.
It was the end of December, 31st the last moment of the year. (Y/N) left a letter for everyone, and for Asmodeus. She was gone that time, nobody knows what she's doing. Lucifer were confused about (Y/N) because (Y/N) didn't even tell the reason of her leaving. She just left and boom! gone.
Even Diavolo were also confused why she left so immediately without any reasons.
She went gone for days.
While (Y/N) is gone, Asmodeus woke up from his bed.
“Huh? L-lucifer?”
“You finally woke up, how are you feeling today?” Lucifer asks.
“I'm fine and feeling well, where am I, anyway?”
“You have a heart failure that's why you're in the hospital, but someone donated their heart to you.” said Satan.
“D-donate their heart? what do you mean? oh gosh, I'm still alive.” Asmodeus said as he touches his skin and face.
“The doctor said you can go home with us tomorrow, so you can rest.” said Lucifer.
“Thank you my brothers for being here with me, nevertheless, where's (Y/N)?”
They went silent, Asmo is confused about them being silent so he ask them again. “My dear brothers, I'm asking. Where's (Y/N)?”
“She went gone, Asmo.” said Beel.
“What do you mean?”
“She left us without telling her reason why she is leaving.” said Mammon.
“She sent us her letter about her leaving and she didn't say anything, just saying goodbyes.” said Belphie.
“She left the Devildom, I'm so sad when she left because I can't play with her.” said Levi.
“Oh shit, but I hope she will comeback.”
“She will, Asmo.”
“Finally! I'm back, my dear House of Lamentation!”
“I'm going to bring you now in your room Asmodeus.”
“Sure, that should be no problem.”
Dear my lovely Asmo,
Hello, sweetheart! it's me (Y/N). I want you to read this because it's very important but before that I just want to say merry christmas and happy new year. Sadly, we couldn't celebrate too much because you were in the hospital. I was confused when your brothers were talking with the doctor. I tried to asked your doctor and it said you need a heart transplant. I touched my hearbeat and it was beating normally. I was thinking if I could help you? How can I do that? Well, before doing something stupid again. I touched my chest to feel my heartbeat before I give it to you. What does it mean of giving my heart to you? well, I talked with your doctor and I said “I'll volunteer myself for Asmodeus's heart transplant.” And yes, I'm willing to give my heart to you. I know you were suffering, Asmo and I don't want that. I choose you than myself, I think about you and I only cared about you, than caring about myself. Yes, I was selfish but not for you nor to anybody else. You were very important to me, Asmo. I love you with all my heart. Before I do that, I also wrote a letter for your brothers. They were also part of me, and part of my journey. You guys were the reason why I'm moving forward and the reason why I'm here. Remember Asmodeus, that I didn't do this just because I want you to be okay but I want you to live happily. I know it will hurt you if I left you just like that but always remember, I'm still part of you because you will have my heart inside of you. You are caring, charming, lovely person I've ever met. Before leaving this world, I would like to say that I love you. Please enjoy your life with your brothers, even without me by your side. I'll always be there for you. I'm gladly I help you. Again, I love you, Asmodeus.
with love, (Y/N) ♡
“*sobs* (Y-Y/N), why?...”
Asmodeus cried for more like an hour, his brother Lucifer came and check up on him if he was okay. He tried to comfort him, Lucifer tried to made him calm but for Asmo he couldn't because he just lost you. With all of that suffering, he was mourning the loss of yours. Lucifer was shocked about you giving your heart to Asmo.
And for the demon brothers, they were all suffering and mourning for your loss.
5 years ago...
I picked up her photo, and kissed it. I missed her touch, I missed her kiss on my lips. Her smiles, and I missed everything about her. I missed her so much.
I'm taking care of myself right now because it was from (Y/N), it was her heart giving it to me because I didn't want to disappoint (Y/N). I need to take care of her heart inside of me.
Everytime I missed her, I'm touching my chest just to hear the heartbeat. I can't imagine her heart is inside of me. And it was beating for me.
It was already 5 years ago, when (Y/N) left and donate her heart instead.
I blamed myself for having a heart failure, and she needs to sacrificed herself just for me and I hate myself for that.
Everything changed when I lost her. I lost the beauty in my face, and I'm now insecure for myself.
I was very angry at me for not taking care of myself before. I hate myself because my darling had to donated her heart to her young lover.
What an idiot, Asmodeus.
What an idiot.
“I missed you already, (Y/N) when will you comeback?”
if you want to read some fanfictions, here!
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cutieasmo · 2 years
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2K notes · View notes
cutieasmo · 2 years
here's the fixed version of Seven Belphegor's oneshot.
I just fixed the other lines, and yeah.
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cutieasmo · 2 years
"Belphie, please come out!"
"Belphegor, wake up, the breakfast are up!"
It feels so heavy these days, lack of sleeps and I also lost my appetite. Such as Beel, my twin brother. He lost his appetite and it's really feels so strange.
"Ah? eh?"
"Belphie, are you good?"
"Nah, yeah I guess..."
"I'm worried, you know"
"I know, Beel, I'm sorry..."
He give me a frown expression, he knows how much I'm dreadful and depressed because he is my twin, he can easily read myself and so I am. We're twin after all, we can understand each other.
I miss sleeping everyday, but I guess that will never be the same as me again.
Why I had to lost them?
I just want to know, why?
I need an explanation at all.
the House of Lamentation is nothing but a depressed house, full of sadness. We've reached these stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
But I don't know where am I? I can't still accept the fact I had to lost them.
Y/N is the most important human for me. Besides Y/N is the human descedant of Lilith. I've already lost my younger sister, and another?
Why though? Why's this happening?
Ever since Y/N passed away. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about them.
I can't control myself but letting my anger out. I went to the attic, to let out my anger through my heart.
You know what is the feeling of suffering about the death of someone?
They're not only the human I need but they're my lover because whenever Y/N is here I feel so safe.
That would never be happen again.
Y/N never tells me nor to anyone that they were having a sickness. I don't know what is this but Y/N said they've been suffering from a cancer. I felt my heart breaking when I heard that.
They cried infront of me, and while Y/N telling me about their sickness. I'm just speechless.
"Belphie, there's something I forgot to tell you..."
"Hm? what is it?"
"I don't know if I can tell you about this but will you be mad at me if I tell you?"
"Of course not, why would I?"
"It's a serious thing, honestly, I'm having a sickness that will never be cure."
"W-what?... what do you mean?"
"Give me your hand, Belphie."
"You can feel my heartbeat, right?"
"W-well... yeah"
"It'll stop soon"
"Y/N, I don't know if you're joking or what."
"I'm not joking, Belphie, I'm serious."
"Y/N, if you're pranking me stop."
"Belphie... It's neither a joke nor anything. I'm gonna die soon."
"I know, Y/N, you're a human but you're not gonna die and leave me alone. You're the only one I need beside me."
"I couldn't say no to you, but I'm not immortal like you, Belphie... if only I could love you without dying. I'm dying soon but I'm dying without any regrets. The life has brought me here in Devildom to meet you. Sadly, the cancer I'm having has no cure, so I'm not gonna live forever. I suffered about this sickness for more like 5 years. My white blood won and my red blood died."
"What?... Y/N? Please, what does that mean?"
"I'm having a blood cancer, or it also known in human realm as leukemia. There's no cure for it, Belphie."
"C-can I give you a new blood?"
"Belphie, no... even if you donate your blood to me. There's no other chance that'll cure my cancer."
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm going to do... but I can't lost you, you know that!"
Belphie cried as you gave him a hug, you tears started to drip in your cheeks. You know it's too hard for him to accept it but there's no any choice.
"So Belphie, after the seven days my heart will stop beating but even if I die and my heart isn't beating anymore. Just always remember, that you're always in my heart whether it's beating or not."
"I love you, Belphie, please spend the last week with me."
"I love you too, Y/N, and I'll always will."
Seven days has passed, when you died from your last days. Belphie was in the attic crying in his chest out.
"Shut up, I don't need any of you!"
"Belphie, please... listen to me."
"I don't need your fucking opinion, Lucifer."
"We're not here to argue with you!"
"No! *laughs* ever since Y/N is here I'm safe and feels so happy but like I said I'm gonna hate you all if I ever lost them!"
"I'm sorry, Beel but no!"
His brothers has no choice but to let out his anger. Lucifer was stressed out over his job and has no energy to do his paperworks when you passed away. Mammon is always staying in his room drinking demonus and crying over you. Leviathan is just laying in his bathtub, because you aren't there anymore to play with him. Satan felt guilty when you passed away, he hugged those books you gave him when it's his birthday. Asmodeus felt insecure and has no energy to do his daily skin care routine, since you're the only one who's helping him with it. Beelzebub has lost his appetite, just being dumbfounded nowhere after you passed away. And lastly, Belphegor, your one and only lover. For him, it's hard. His grief is making him want to die. Ever since you passed away, he couldn't sleep like he always used to do.
He has the most sorrowful feeling, feeling dreadful, has no motivation to live. He just want you beside him, hugging you while he's sleeping but it looks like it'll never happen anymore.
"Belphie, we're having a meeting"
"Not again..."
Whenever someone is calling his name, he always thought that it was you.
But it's just his hallucination.
He missed you so much.
One time he visited human realm with his brothers.
Whenever he sees your favourite place, he felt the pain in his heart, then he realized you weren't nowhere to be seen because you have died for like 7 years.
"Belphie, are you going somewhere?" Lucifer asks.
"Hm, yeah... I just wanted to visit someone."
Lucifer realized what he meant, so he let him go. Even though Belphie's hating Lucifer, he still cared about his younger brother. He knows what Belphie's feeling after you died.
"Hey, how are you? I hope you're fine. You know I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about you...
It's been seven years since I've lost you, seven years when I endured without you by my side, almost seven years I experienced the pain I feel everyday. That time you left me, a lot has changed especially you are the only person I need when I'm sad. Everytime I look at your pictures, my tears can't be stopped and end up rolling down my cheeks.
I hope that when I sleep you'd be here next to me, and my arms are around your waist but maybe that'd just be a dream because I have no hope of being with you again. If you only knew how much I mourned your loss. I hope I could at least give you one last kiss before you leave me to the afterlife.
I miss you everyday that you're not in my arms, I'm so blue that I will never see your lips smiling again.
I'll always love you, Y/N, even after your death.
I have seven last words before I leave.
I love you always, see you, love."
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cutieasmo · 2 years
Mammon x Fem! Reader (Part 2)
“Three words means I Am Back, but it can be I Love You”
Second Person's Point of View
"U-uh, how did Diavolo know where am I?" Mammon asks you.
"He told me, you visited someone here in the human world."
"Y-yeah, ya right."
You looked at him confused, you wonder why. You don't have any idea who's that person but for yourself you don't have to know who is it.
The both of you comeback to the Devildom. At first glance, the place is familiar to you but you have never been to it.
"This place is familiar."
"I don't know but this place is just reminding me something but I don't remember. I've never been here, but the place is really familiar or maybe I'm just dreaming?"
"What'd ya mean familiar?"
"I-I don't know either, maybe let's just keep going."
Mammon's Point of View
I don't know if I'm dreaming, or it's just because of my schizophrenia attacking me again.
I can't just believe she looks like MC, the details of her and her name is just the same as MC. Now, I want to know who's her? Please, tell me this isn't a dream, right?!
"May I ask ya?" I ask.
"Sure, go ahead."
"Where did ya come from?"
"Oh, I'm actually living in the human world when someone contacts me and it's Diavolo. I was suprised that they chose me as the new exchange student of RAD and it's my first time coming here."
But how though?
"Ya actually reminds me of someone."
She gasps and looks at me. "Someone? m-maybe that's a joke huh?"
"N-no, I'm not joking."
"Are you even serious right now?"
"Of course, MC!"
"Sure, sure you are."
"How did Diavolo contacts ya?"
"I don't know either, I'm actually shocked that someone contacts me when I don't even remember giving my number to anyone."
"That's probably a coincidence."
"You're right."
"We are almost there!"
Royal Academy of Diavolo
"Where did you go, Mammon?" Lucifer ask.
"Tsk, you should've ask me first before going somewhere. You also skipped your class and the meeting."
"Wait, we have a meeting?!"
"Yes, we have."
"Oh shit, I forgot!"
"And that's why don't be so dumb sometimes, Mammon." Levi said.
"Oh yeah, whatever."
"Oohh, you look so beautiful~" Asmo said looking at MC.
"H-hey, ya can't touch her!"
"Why not, Mammon?"
"J-just don't-"
"You're so unfair, Mammon, she looks innocent though~"
"No, nobody can touch her!"
I grab her arms and walk away.
"I'm sorry for the trouble that Asmo caused. He is just being flirty around people."
"It's fine, who are they anyway?"
"They were my brothers, be careful with them. They might do something stupid with ya."
"They look so fine, though."
"Yes, they were but you don't know what they can do!"
"Well, thank you. You're so kind."
"AM I?!"
"W-why is there something wrong?"
"N-no, but ya telling me I'm kind is just..."
"Mammon, your heart is kind and I trust you."
This is what MC told me before where it's our first meeting each other.
"How do ya feel bein' 'round me?"
"Why are you asking me that?"
"Why not?"
"It's comfortable being with you, honestly, it's my first time meeting a demon like you."
"How did ya even know I'm a demon?"
"Why so many question, hm?"
"S-sorry... but I'm just makin' sure."
"You're kinda familiar, Mammon."
"Huh, me?"
"I don't know but it looks like I met you before or it's just in my head?"
I don't know what to say, but this is givin' me goosebumps.
"There's something trying to mess my head. I don't know, I'm really confused. I-I really don't remember anything."
I cup her cheek and look at her straightly into her eyes.
What if I kiss her? will she remember me?
"What are you doing?"
"C-can I?"
I was about to kiss her, when our lips suddenly touches each other. Her lips are so sweet, they tastes like strawberry. Will she be able to remember?
Those kisses are sweet and sloppy, I can't even move myself. Looks like she is controlling my body.
When she suddenly broke the kiss, she looks at me closely. "M-Mammon?"
I can see the tears through her eyes, she is smiling at me. What's going on?!
"U-uh? why? what happened?!"
She hugs me so tightly, I'm speechless. I don't know what to say, what to react because I'm afraid that this is only a dream.
"I-I finally remember everything!"
"Y-you remember?"
"I missed you so much, Mammon!"
I missed you too, MC.
"W-when we kissed... some flashbacks comes into my head but how?!"
"I-I don't know, but at least you finally remember everything but... my question is how are you alive?"
She is now speechless, it's kinda awkward right now. She suddenly look away from me. "W-what's wrong?"
She didn't speak up, but I can hear her sobbing.
"I never wanted to die..."
"I didn't want to leave you like that, it was... just fate that separated us. I've been gone for three years by your side, I'm sorry because I didn't fight for you then. I know how much it hurts for you when I passed away. I'm really really sorry, Mammon. Forgive me."
I give her forehead a kiss, then cups her cheeks. "Hey, listen! It wasn't your fault, it's an accident, okay? don't blame your self like that! I don't like ya blaming yourself because of your death. It wasn't never your fault."
"Still, I'm sorry..."
"You're not sorry, MC"
I hugged her, stroking her hair to make her feel better.
"Now, now we need to go back to the House of Lamentation."
She's about to stand up but suddenly she fall in her knees. I immediately grab her using my arms.
"What the hell?! MC? wake up!"
What the hell is this again?!
Second Person's Point of View
Mammon brought you to the House of Lamentation. He was shocked when you fainted then. He didn't know what to do but immediately brought you to the house.
Mammon was worried that he might lose you again, but he trusted you so much.
It's been 50 minutes, you're still not waking up. He kisses the top of your head, holding your hand.
"Why's she not waking up? it's almost an hour?!" Mammon yells.
Lucifer looks at Mammon with his worried eyes. He's literally worrying to his second bro, who's always greedy and chaotic at the same time but this time he is serious.
"No! I can't lose her again, if she... augh! what the hell is this again?!"
Mammon really suffered because of your death 3 years ago. He couldn't even eat his breakfast, lunch and his dinner. He lost his appetite when he lost you. He got depressed when you passed away, he couldn't even sleep because he was thinking about you.
Now, that he found out you're alive. He's not ready to lose you again. He is too afraid that you might left him behind and he don't want that.
Mammon trusts you so much, even though he's an idiot and a scummy second born, he still does care about you.
He asks Diavolo about MC, because he wanted to know the truth what's happening behind MC being alive?
"Huh?! What'd ya reincarnate?"
"Listen carefully, Mammon. MC reincarnated as an angel, she was allowed to live again but as an angel. She first came from the Celestial Realm before being sent to the human world that's because of she was destined to be an angel if she ever died."
Mammon is now speechless, his tears fall from his eyes dripping in his cheeks. He's feeling happy right now but can't still express it.
You were able to live again with the love of your life. You're now finally an immortal like them.
"I-I don't know what I'm goin' to say 'bout this b-but... I'm so happy." Mammon said smiling.
"I'm happy for you, Mammon and I'm also happy for myself because we're able to be with her again."
Mammon could tell himself how much he's happy knowing you're going to be with him again. After suffering for 3 years, he's now able to tell you everything he wanted to tell. He really missed you so much.
You finally woke up after being in coma for 3 days. You're now also happy because you're going to spend your time with Mammon one more time.
You tickles him nonstop, while him trying to stop you.
"Stop, MC. It tickles- D'AAAHHH!"
"Okay, fine!"
"*breathes heavily* It really tickles me-"
"I just missed being with you."
"I was just the same, I missed you too."
"Can you say something in three words?"
"Do you want me to repeat it?"
"I said, can you say something in three words?"
"Of course, I can."
"Then, say it!"
"I love you."
You give him some kisses after he say the three words towards you.
"Prove me..."
"Hmm, nope! prove meee!"
"No more cuddles!!!"
"Oh hell! fine!"
And that new BEGINNING is now over.
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cutieasmo · 2 years
Mammon x Female Reader
*TW: bereavement hallucinations, grief hallucinations, or schizophrenia - having a hallucination and delusional.*
"Hey! MC, you should wake up! hurry!"
You woke up from your bed, as you saw Mammon standing beside you. "I apologize for waking up late."
"Ya should sleep early instead doing those shits! Hurry up!"
"For what?"
"Did ya forgot?!'
"Please low your voice, and I don't remember anything..."
"I told you we're going to hang out, and it's my treat. Did ya already forgot that?!"
"Okay, okay fine. Please wait me outside."
"Hm, okay!"
You stand up in your bed, fixing the mess you made last night. It was very tiring doing those tasks. You don't have any choice because Lucifer might be mad at you for not doing tasks. It was your responsible as an exchange student in RAD.
You wore the dress that Mammon gave you in Christmas last time. It really suits you, now you look so fabulous!
After organizing yourself, you went downstairs. Mammon were standing waiting for you.
"We're almost late! ya know?"
"I'm sorry..."
"That's fine, now let's go!"
He held your hands, walking around. He always treats you by buying things that you want. He doesn't care about wasting his money but he does care about you. He wants to make you happy as always. You finally realized that he is your boyfriend.
He really buy those things that will make you happy. This man really loves you.
"Mammon, you have abused too much buying the things I need. Aren't you concerned for yourself? for what you will need?"
"It doesn't matter, I at least give you everything you want and you need. I, the Great Mammon will make my princess happy."
You giggled as you he told you that. You can't imagine this demon is so much important for you. Sometimes you're worried that he might also need you. He already gave everything you want and your needs but what if he also need you? He just didn't tell you or he couldn't just expressed his feelings to you?
I mean that would be good if you ever ask him anything. He must've a problem or something?
"Are you even okay?"
"What did ya even asked that?!"
"I-I'm just concerned that you must having a problem that you just didn't tell me."
"I'm fine, MC. It's nothing really."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, I am!"
"Just tell me if you need something. I'll be always here for you."
He smiled at you, holding your hands.
Mammon's Point of View
It was very exhausting day! I can't wait to tell MC how much I love her. Yesterday, we hang out somewhere and she really appreciated the things I gave her.
I don't care about money anymore, MC is much very important to me. I love her more than anything besides Goldie. Sure, I have my baby Goldie but MC has always been there for me since the first day we've met.
It's just so crazy that we're just being friends into this? Yes, we're already in relationship.
I remember the night I confessed to her. It was very romancing moment.
I'm so lucky I'm her first, and her first boyfriend and especially I'm her first kiss. the Great Mammon is really the best!
I went to MC's room, but she weren't there. So, I went downstairs to ask my brothers.
"Lucifer! Did ya see MC?"
He just looked at me. "Hey, are ya deaf?- I mean did ya hear me?"
"Mammon, you are probably tired." Leviathan said as he's playing.
"What do you mean? yeah, I'm tired but I had so much fun last night. So I'm asking where's MC?"
Everyone looks at me, like they were confused. Are they joking me?
"Mammon, are you having hallucination?" Satan speaks.
"What? hallucination?! hah! the Great Mammon isn't like that. I'm not crazy, dude!"
"You're creepy, Mammon." Asmo said.
"Maybe, you are just hungry?" Beel said.
"Lucifer, we probably forgot to bring him to the therapist." Belphie said.
"What do you mean therapist?" I ask.
"Uh, Mammon can we talk here a little bit?" Lucifer started to speak. I look at him, is he sad or something? They must pranking me.
"So what is this, Lucifer? did you take away MC from me?!"
"It's not like that, Mammon. Listen, three years ago when MC had an accident in the human world, right? did you forgot that she already passed away? Probably, you were having a hallucination about MC. The trauma you had before still keeps hunting you. I'm sorry, Mammon but that's the truth."
"What are you talking about?! MC is with me last night, she even hugged me! kissed me everything! You must be kidding, Lucifer!"
"I'm not kidding, Mammon! I know you're still hurt by MC passing away but it's three years ago! for us? it's also hurt for us. She's been with us for a long time but we have no choice but to let her rest in peace somewhere else. Pardon me, but please forgot her. You're just hurting yourself."
"No, t-that's must be a joke! we hang out last night, she is with me! Guys, everyone please tell me. You guys are joking!"
"I'm sorry, Lucifer."
I left them behind, crying.
I must be dreaming? Please, MC tell me you're here beside me?
5 Years Ago
"Are you sure, Mammon?" Solomon ask.
"Yes, I wanted to visit her."
"Okay, come with me."
We went to the human world to visit her. I really thanked Solomon a lot for granting my wish to see her.
I missed her so much.
"Here we are, Mammon, please take care of yourself."
"Thank you very much, Solomon. I don't know how will I pay you for this?"
"It's no problem, Mammon, go visit her."
Before I go to that place, I should buy MC's favorite flower. She really love those.
"Hey, are ya good in there? I have a good news. I got passed from my latest exam. Aren't you happy? for sure, you are. I keep dreaming about you, probably it's just because I missed having you beside me. You told me that you're always be with me and I know that. Oh, here! this is your favourite flower you've been asking me before. I mustn't forgot that."
I gave her grave a kiss, smiling. "You know how much I missed you? Please, be happy for me? I wish I can be with you in Paradise." I didn't even felt my tears were dripping in my cheeks.
When someone handing their handkerchief on me.
"Sir, are you crying?"
"You must be Mammon?"
"H-huh? how do you know?"
"I'm (your name), Diavolo said you were here."
She looks like MC, wait this is a dream, right?
"I'm the new exchange student in RAD. Diavolo ask me to find you and you're here! Nice to meet you!"
"Are ya alive?"
"Oh, what do you mean?"
Please, is this real?
"Uh, Mammon, you good?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"
Is this the END of the new BEGINNING?
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cutieasmo · 2 years
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UPDATE: she’s a loaf now
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cutieasmo · 2 years
Ready to make some mess!!! 😈
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