cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
your daily i’m sad I have no motivation to Exist but I still love choi youngjae so much post
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
i’m really really sad i won’t be able to go home in three weeks it makes me feel so weak and uninspired even though I should be doing the opposite
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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wtffff??????youngjae coming all up in here with his levi ackerman lookin self
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
okay but those 7 for 7 teaser pictures though and YOUNGJAE ,,, is it going to be HIS era again? you betcha ur big bum it is . i mean Honestly, it’s All of their era because they have most of the artistic freedom in this comeback like the songs!!! the teaser video uhhh PROD BY BAM IS THE BEST THING TO COME UP ON THAT SCREEN👏🏼👏🏼 & I’m rly not READY about the overwhelming efforts they have put into this but can we go back to youngjae and how he is giving everyone tunnel vision and worshipping his princely freaking looks i mean c’mon they kept the black hair which is THE choice to make and his outfits and his FACE, that mysterious looking smoldering face u KNOW the picture I’m talking about goddamit will I continue breathing when his solo teaser pics come out,
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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🍑✨ this was the only grey hoodie i had i tried my best
thank you so much to @darlingjbum @iheartyugyeom and @imjaebeomtrash for tagging me in the bias selfie tag !!
i’m tagging: @angst7 @protectmarkjin @jacksonwangblog @cyjproject @redgyeomie @ilysmbam @jinyoungslover @shelovesjinyoung 
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
You are breathing deeply and just as your thoughts turn to finish, I interrupt you to say that you are lovely.
:((( i wub you my kruppy
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
me: *deep breath* i’m a school: a piece of shit? work: disappointing piece of garbage? mind: depressing excuse of a human being? also me: [quiet voice] victim of love..... but... that works too..
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
I did not know you were going to write me like that.
LIKE WHAT,,,,,,……
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
14, 30, 46 !
14. easiest character to write?- youngjae! i love youngjae, he’s also my fave to write and I just . Love Him . I’ve written a lot of fics with him as a main character so I feel like I have more experience writing him than the others right now, so I guess he is the easiest for me in that sense!
30. hardest part of writing?- answered in a previous ask!!
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
“You like Chipotle a lot, huh?” Kelly interrupts, waving her hand to him. He catches on as you notice him wave back with a shy grin. “Yes, it’s my favorite!” he responds, and you feel a slight twinge of jealousy in your stomach. Your hand twitches, dropping the tongs in one of the salad containers, and Kelly approaches you quickly.
“You alright?” She whispers. “I’m good,” you mumble, shaking the irrational emotion out of your skin. Kelly is just a better conversationalist than you, it’s just a fact.
“Does she make your salad taste really good, then?” Kelly prompts, an amused tone laced in her voice. You’re not about to make a scene again, but your hands curl tightly around the metal tongs.
Looking up, you see his face brighten softly, teeth showing in a silly smile. “Yes, I love how she makes it,” he agrees, shying away from your gaze with a pink blush warming his face. You weren’t expecting for Kelly to turn the conversation around-- or maybe that was her goal all along, either way, previous feelings of apprehension soon faded away and you remind yourself you owe her a boba drink after your shift.
“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that,” you tell him, and finish up his meal. You almost wanted to move slower than normal, but you know not to indulge in your infatuated tendencies while at work.
(this probably gave the whole plot of the fic but whatever dskjvsbbdhfbsdh)
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
4, and 6! 🤗💞💞
4. answered in a previous ask!!
6. how did writing change you?- oh geez let’s not get emotional here kjdsbdsk uhh writing in general made me more, I guess, passionate? & confident? in what I have to say and how I express things I guess idk like I’m rly the shyest person irl it’s ANNOYING but writing n creating scenarios and dialogues in my head and incorporating that into a story in a way helps me build up some Skills n Self Esteem (that I’m still working on) maybe?? dsjkfkdsn and specifically writing for got7 made me more open and I always feel like I’m saying this but it’s rly true that I found a community on here that is just so loving, caring & supportive not only for our boys but also for each other & it’s such an amazing and warm and comforting feeling to have knowing we can all relate one way or another and for me to open up through sharing smth I like doing, it was a big deal and it still is so I’m rly just grateful kdfjhdfbs heee
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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because you love me, and i love you 💗
tagged forever and a day ago by @paradisejaebum 💕thank you lovely
tagging: @wanderingingot7wonderland @jyum @flygyeom @cyjproject @ilysmbam @cuddletuan @marksseunie @ibegin @pinkjy @taetaetuan @got7-markjinson @redgyeomie @jacksonswenis @jacksonwangblog @wang-thighs @lomlmark @imjaebumaf @markgot7 + anyone else who wants to do this!!
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
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hey lads it’s your fave emo eyeliner twins back again 🖤💛
i don’t know if you guys knew this but i’m always super behind when i get tagged in things and so….. @paradisejaebum @limjaebum @softforjackson @flygyeom @jacksonwangblog @jeh-beom @poeticyugyeom @jeonggukdna + @iloveujaebum all tagged me for the bias/selfie/selfiie tag(s) (IM SORRY I KEEP FORGETTING) i love you all thank you for thinking of me !!!
i’m gonna tag @redgyeomie @4jjh @4sign @gyeomsluna @peachjy @darlingjbum @saltygot7 @renstagram @cyjproject @ibegin @jinyoungslover @plantsofthehouse @shelovesjinyoung + @got7doubleb (if you want to of course!!!) 
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
Fave blogs for each got7 member? 🤔
hello!! here are my faves 🌷 - lovely mutuals/amazing content creators/ppl i reblog the most from!!
jackson: @mart-art @peachypinkjackson @nuggetsam @softforjackson @jacks-n-crumbs 💓
yugyeom: @redgyeomie @flygyeom @iheartyugyeom @cloudygyeom @starrygyeom 💓
bambam: @bambamini @honeybambam 💓
mark: @aragyeom @marksseunie 💓
youngjae: @cyjproject 💓 (i need to follow more youngjae blogs???)
jinyoung: @gotsoulmates @peachjy 💓
jaebum: @jbssi @darlingjbum 💓
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
💕😊☺ AND ALL OF THE POSITIVE AND WONDERFUL EMOJIS EMJAE! Honestly you are one of the greatest person and I'm so lucky to have found such an amazing person
i lob you ana you deserve the world🤧💕💖💕💖 I’m so glad we became friends as well!! 💛🌟
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
4, 8, 9, 11, 29, 42, 45, and 47
4. name three authors that were influential to your work and why?- to… my… work? my fanfics? ;-; hmm I guess, like, the got7 fic writers on here who I have read works from before I started doing my own o: blogs that I can remember at the top of my head are: parkjinyoungology (T__T), littlemissgot7, yvessaintlaur-tuan(??) I remember reading most of their fics before making my own got7 fics!! n they rly inspired me a lot!! ^o^/ their style of writing and the plots they made were just like!! wow!! nice!! me too! ;-;
8. what time are you most productive? - when it comes to writing? at night til like 4 am!! I find myself writing more during that time ^^ when I start in the morning/afternoon, I tend to get more distracted with other things so I usually end up writing at night heh
9. do you set yourself deadlines?- no ;-; writing fanfics are my escape to writing college papers that have deadlines dsfjkfdnd but it’s because I usually finish a fic in a day when I have nothing else to do tbh heehe but nowadays, I am having a hard time finishing them as fast as I could before and it is rly discouraging me T.T 
11. do you listen to music while writing?- answered in the previous ask!
29. favorite story of another author- !!!! HEEEE this is a big question sdjkshkdfj my favorite smut ship fics for sure are written by vibetechs >///
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?- i usually write whatever comes to mind but when I do plan, it’s usually just bullet point ideas and I incorporate some of them in a fic and sometimes I don’t follow through them strictly. altho, I wouldn’t deny writing up some ideas for the plot helps with the overall writing
45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet- GURL THERES SO MANY YOU OF ALL PEOPLE KELLY KNOW THIS DKJFSB I’ll pick a few o:
You work at Chipotle and you see the same Korean man every day. 
He finished filming for his “Never Ever” Solo V Live but he still hears you singing GOT7 songs in the other booth, so he joins along.
The members tease Youngjae about his loud ass laugh. Moody baby boy begins to quiet down and Jaebum notices. 
spoiler alert these are all prompts that were supposed to be entries for the cyj fic fest but I never finished sdkjfjdbfd I plan on still writing them….soon lol
47. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?- KELLY PLS stop exPOSING ME…. as u can see i have a TON,,,
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